Soe Lesson Plan Polution

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Spring Arbor University School of Education Lesson Plan Essential Elements

Title: Introduction to Ecology

Instructor : Nathan Ford Subject: Biology Grade Level: 9th and 10th Ti e Allotted: 70 Minutes

!aterials "e#uired: Role playing cards for scenario, power point, white scrap paper, writing utensils, aga!ines and "ournals, pro"ector, and access to #ou$u%e& $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ !ichigan %urriculu &ra e'or(: B'&() E*a ine the negati+e i pact of hu an acti+ities& )bjective*s+: 1& Recogni!e i portant ecosyste s in our world today& ,& -ist e*a ples of ecosyste s that are necessary to support life on earth& '& .ssu e the role of either %usiness an/wo an or an en+iron entalist and discuss ad+antages and disad+antages of industrial de+elop ent of a forest& 0choose a side1 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Ti e Essential Ele ent Allotted 2 in ,- Anticipatory Set: 3how +ideo clip of forest succession and ha+e students write down 4uestions they ha+e a%out succession on scrap white paper& No ore than one sentence long&

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http5//www&youtu%e&co /watch6+79889*:gM;f.

.- State Purpose and )bjective*s+ of Lesson: <$oday we are switching gears fro lesson one to lesson two& 9e are going to ta8e a closer loo8 at role playing today in order to prepare you for the upco ing assess ent& $here are any fascinating things that we will learn a%out today including how we personally i pact and shape our en+iron ent&= <.s a class we will discuss possi%le ad+antages and disad+antages of de+eloping a forest for %usinesses or industry of the s all town of ;astings Mi&= /- Plan for Instruction: !odel and Lecture Begin presentation with power point& ;and out guided notes to students that they can fill out as lecture continues& Infor ation presented on chapter ( of Michigan Biology 0Milller and -e+ine ,010 p& 92> 1021 E*plain how we i pact and change out en+iron ent through the use of energy consu ption, food consu ption, %uilding aterials, consu er goods, and e ploy ent& .s8 students to co e up with other ways hu ans influence our en+iron ent& ;a+e student record and share these ideas with the class& 9rap up lecture with ha+ing the student write out any 4uestions they ha+e on a piece of paper&

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;a+e the 8eep these papers to the side& ;a+e the students cru ple up the papers and set the on the des8& 9hen the instruction is gi+en allow students to toss the paper %alls at one another until it loo8s li8e a snow %all fight& o 3tudents ust re ain in the sa e spot and not run around the classroo & o 9hen a inute has passed of tossing the 4uestions around the roo as8 the students to stop %y turning off the lights& o 9hen the lights are turned %ac8 on ha+e the students select one of the 4uestions that is nearest to the & o @o around the roo and ha+e the students read the 4uestion that is on the paper aloud& o )hec8 to see if any of the students can answer the 4uestion if not the educator can answer the 4uestion& o )ontinue this until all of the 4uestions ha+e %een answered and students ha+e a fir understanding of how hu ans i pact the en+iron ent& Aresent the pro%le that the $own of ;astings is ha+ing regarding the new %usiness anBs proposal of de+eloping a patch of woods and +acant land for industrial applications& o $he town is di+ided on a decision and a eeting is held at the local high school& o $he %usiness an and an en+iron ental scientist are ha+ing a de%ate at the school for the %enefit of the co unity& o Ci+ide the class into two groups and hand out the role cards& 0cards that ha+e a defined role e*plained on the 1 o Ci+ide the classroo so that the two groups ha+e roo to wor8 together as well as independently& $he students are challenged with researching their assigned role and to co pile a list of reasons why the de+elop ent should progress or if the pro"ect should %e a%andoned& 3tudents are encouraged to use their %oo8 as well as any other resources that can %e ac4uired within the suggested a ount of ti e& .rgu ents ust %e supported with research and factsD Each tea ust find and present at least three argu ents/facts& .fter ,0 inutes of colla%orati+e group wor8 as8 for two +olunteers to represent each sides opinions that are supported with facts& 3tudents will %e encouraged to assu e the roles fully and to the %est of their a%ility& If ti e allows switch the students and gi+e students the opposite role and challenge the to co e up with at least three ne' argu ents that were not already used& .t the end of the perfor ance each tea will %e gi+en a perfor ance ru%ric with feed%ac8 and a score for points& o o o


0- 1ifferentiation %onsiderations *acco odations+: Curing group wor8 assess and address students who were not perfor ing at e*pected le+el& 3tudents are welco e to co e to the after school study session and also set up one on one appoint ents with e& 0- Assess ent: a& Infor al Infor ati+e F3now%all Fight Fro the answers gi+en in class and the 4uestions as8ed the educator should ha+e a fir understanding of aterial students do not understand& $he 4uestions will %e discarded at the conclusion of the acti+ity %ut the educator can infor ally docu ent which student re4uire ore or less guidance and practice& %& For al For ati+e F Role Alaying $he ru%ric for the presentation will ser+e as the assess ent docu entation& Based on the score gi+en to each group the educator can identify which students grasp the



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aterial and can apply the content well and those who will need additional practice& E in 2- %losure: $han8 the students for their attention and for their wonderful participation& Re ind students that I will %e hosting a study group after school for anyone who would li8e additional practice with the aterial& Re ind students a%out the upco ing test o+er the ecology unit&

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