Series and Parallel Combination
Series and Parallel Combination
Series and Parallel Combination
Series and Parallel Electric Circuits - Grade 11
• Students complete the pre-assessment, Attachment A.
1. Define electrons, current, voltage, resistance, load, Ohm's Law, open circuit and
closed circuit.
2. Sketch a closed series circuit that includes a DC voltage source and a load (2
3. Sketch a closed parallel circuit that includes a DC voltage source and a load (2
4. List one application for a series circuit and one application for a parallel circuit.
• Collect papers and discuss student responses in class.
• Compare student responses to those provided in Attachment B, Pre-Assessment Answer
Scoring Guidelines:
The pre-assessment identifies electronics basics students know to enable adequate
preparation for the series and parallel circuit experiences. The pre-assessment activity
promotes interest and curiosity for subsequent aspects of the lessons.
• Review the vocabulary.
• In teams of two complete Attachment I, Post-Assessment:
Scoring Guidelines:
The post-assessment shows the degree to which students have acquired the basic knowledge
of series and parallel circuits. It also establishes student circuit building skills. Further, the
post-assessment applies the concept of basic electronics to a virtual life application. Use
Attachment J, Post-Assessment Guide – Sample Answers and Attachment K, Post-Assessment
Rubric for Grading.
Instructional Procedures:
Day One
Instructional Tip:
A day prior to the first class, ask students to compile a list of uses for electricity in a home
and compare them to the electrical usage in a car. Use this to stimulate thinking about the
various applications and forms of electricity. In addition, ask students to sketch as many
electric schematic symbols as possible.
Series and Parallel Electric Circuits - Grade 11
assignments after the discussion. Use the information to gauge class understanding,
and review as necessary.
• Ask whether floodlights on a playing field or a stadium use the same energy source as
the cafeteria lights. Discuss how light intensities for both floodlights and cafeteria
lights are achieved.
• Discuss safety issues when dealing with electricity and electronics circuits. Cover
personal dangers and proper ways to avoid them, equipment and tool safety and
safety ethics, such as not tampering with electrical circuits without permission.
2. Administer the pre-assessment.
3. Brainstorm the challenges faced by designers of electrical systems in the distribution of
current for different needs.
Instructional Tips:
• Show and explain different types of electrical loads, such as fixed and variable resistors,
fixed and variable inductors, capacitors, diodes, transistors and integrated circuits.
• Display Attachment C, Resistor Value Table, using an overhead display.
• The necessary materials (e.g., resistors and batteries) should be labeled and prepared
prior to Day One.
4. Discuss the need for resistors and their rating system (see Attachment C). Ask students
when to use low beam or high beam headlights at night. Ask how switching from high
beam to low beam and vice versa happens, considering both types use a constant voltage.
5. Demonstrate how to use a multi-meter to measure resistors, voltage and current.
6. Team students with a partner and distribute materials such as resistors, batteries,
Attachment D, etc.
7. Have each team complete Attachment D, Exercises A, B & C in class.
8. Assign the following problem for homework:
Students perform reverse engineering by asking parents or guardians to supervise
students’ work while they locate and disassemble two electronic devices and trace their
current flow. Students will sketch the electrical circuits and identify whether they are
series or parallel circuits. Wherever possible, they should reassemble the electronic
device to its original state or make a non-functioning device work if they can
troubleshoot the problem. This assignment must be completed to discuss on the fourth
day, before the post-assessment exercise.
Day Two
Instructional Tip:
Attachment E, Series Circuit Analysis – Demonstrations and Attachment G, Parallel Circuit
Analysis – Demonstrations serve as good platforms for introducing circuits. Be sure students
learn voltage drop across each resistor, plus how to calculate and measure it. Kirchoff’s
Voltage Law, which states that the sum of all voltage drops is equal to the voltage source,
must be taught. Point out that only one current path exists in a series circuit. Derive Ohm's
Series and Parallel Electric Circuits - Grade 11
Law using the current, voltage and resistor relationships. Use a flashlight with three dry cells
as a good example of batteries connected in series with the correct polarity.
9. Review and discuss the previous class exercise on measurement and resistor
identification. Seek responses on what they liked best and why, what they disliked and
why and what they learned.
10. Introduce the series circuit.
11. Introduce Ohm's Law.
12. Introduce Kirchoff's Voltage Law.
13. Distribute Attachment E and explain the steps involved in series circuit analysis.
14. Have students record their results on Attachment F, Series Circuit Assignment and
Recording Sheet.
Instructional Tip:
Note that the exercise heavily relies on instructor demonstration of building a series circuit.
First, sketch the circuit, then build it on the breadboard. Students watch the interpretation of
the schematic and translation of it onto the breadboard.
Day Three
Instructional Tip:
Emphasize the difference between series and parallel circuits. Explain how Kirchoff's
Current Law and the current divider rule apply.
15. Review the previous class exercise on series circuit. Discuss how to use scientific inquiry
to determine whether to use a series circuit or parallel circuit.
16. Introduce the parallel circuit.
17. Introduce Kirchoff's Current Law.
18. Distribute Attachment G.
19. Demonstrate how to build a parallel circuit.
20. Have students record their results on Attachment H, Parallel Circuit Assignment and
Recording Sheet.
Day Four
Instructional Tip:
Discuss with students the challenges faced in building their circuits. Seek responses from
students on how to overcome such challenges. Explain the exercise and administer the post-
Series and Parallel Electric Circuits - Grade 11
• Develop concept designs for further electronic solutions for applications. Conduct
exercises in electrical motor selection. Introduce formulas for motor selection and show
at least three different motors: One with a greater torque; one for greater speed; and one
in between. Show the computational outputs and ask students what an appropriate
application would be for each motor.
• Students use the Internet to access Web sites with electronic circuit designs and electrical
and electronics simulations, particularly simulation of parallel and series circuits and
motor selection and operation. Use the search terms Kirchoff's Laws, Kirchoff's Current
and Voltage Laws, and Kirchoff's Rules to find Web sites with technical information,
illustrations of circuits and animations.
• Students keep a portfolio of sketches made as records of their design strategies.
• Invite an electronic circuit designer and builder as a guest speaker to inform students
about careers in the field.
• Students use a spreadsheet software program to develop final data reports generated from
their lab exercises.
Interdisciplinary Connections:
Scientific Inquiry
Benchmark A
Make appropriate choices when designing and participating in scientific investigations by
using cognitive and manipulative skills when collecting data and formulating conclusions
from the data.
Series and Parallel Electric Circuits - Grade 11
Indicator 3
Design and carry out scientific inquiry (investigation), communicate and critique results
through peer review.
Note: Some Web sites contain material that is protected by copyright. Teachers should
ensure that any use of material from the Web does not infringe upon the content owner's
For the teacher: breadboard, fixed and variable resistors, capacitors, fixed and variable
inductors, transistors, diodes, integrated circuits, jumpers, multi-meter,
electronic device to project information on a screen, power supply,
batteries, some board writing instrument (chalk or dry erase), electric
schematic symbols.
For the student: breadboard, six fixed resistors, multi-meter, jumpers, voltage supply
• amperage
• electric circuit
• electric current
• Kirchoff’s Voltage Law
• Kirchoff’s Current Law
• load
• Ohm's Law
• polarity
• resistance
• symbols (resistor and voltage source)
• voltage
• voltage drop
Series and Parallel Electric Circuits - Grade 11
Library Connections:
In 2003, the State Board of Education and the Ohio Department of Education established
library guidelines that represent a standards-based education approach to school library
programs. Entitled Academic Content Standards K-12 Guidelines Library, Ohio’s library
guidelines provide a variety of content-specific, grade-level indicators describing
information literacy, literacy linked to library-based technologies, and media literacy
experiences for students. Featured on pages 204-219 are sample activities for making library
connections across academic content standards and disciplines. Also included are grade-
band models for student research and specific information concerning copyright and fair use
of materials laws. K-12 teachers are encouraged to utilize the library guidelines and
collaborate with the school library media specialist whenever possible. Ohio’s library
guidelines can be found under the heading of Library at, keyword
search Library.
Technology Literacy
Benchmark A
Formulate advanced search strategies, demonstrating an understanding of the strengths and
limitations of the Internet, and evaluate the quality and appropriate use of Internet resources.
Indicator 2
Create a product on a specific curricular topic that includes annotated Web sites constructed
according to a standard style manual (e.g., electronic pathfinder on careers).
Benchmark C
Utilize the Internet for research, classroom assignments and appropriate personal interests.
Indicator 2
Create a product on a specific curricular topic that includes annotated Web sites constructed
according to a standard style manual (e.g., electronic pathfinder on careers).
Students may borrow career books and electronics books from the library to explore careers
in the field and different applications in electronics. The school library media specialist may
assist students in accessing the Ohio Career Information System Web site or other internet
and print resources to find information on electricity careers and training opportunities.
Research Connections:
Marzano, R. et al. Classroom Instruction that Works: Research-based Strategies for
Increasing Student Achievement. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and
Curriculum Development, 2001.
1. Nonlinguistic representations help students think about and recall knowledge. This
includes the following:
• Creating graphic representations (organizers),
• Making physical models,
• Generating mental pictures
• Drawing pictures and pictographs, and
Series and Parallel Electric Circuits - Grade 11
Daniels, H., and Bizar, M. Methods that Matter: Six Structures for Best Practice Classrooms,
Portland, ME: Stenhouse Publishers, 1998.
Authentic experiences help students develop real-world knowledge and skills and apply
their learning in ways that prepare them for their careers and lives beyond school.
Edelson, D., Gordin, D., Pea, R. (1999). Addressing the Challenges of Inquiry-Based
Learning, Technology and Curriculum Design. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 8(3-4),
Technology for All Americans Project, Measuring Progress: A Guide to Assessing Students
for Technological Literacy, Reston, VA: International Technology Education Association,
Series and Parallel Electric Circuits - Grade 11
assessment that provides students the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge and
abilities in real-world situations. Note: the complete publication and other resource
materials are available online at the Ohio page of the ITEA Center to Advance the
Teaching of Technology and Science [CATTS] web link:
General Tips:
• Build circuits and then relate them to the laws that govern electron flow to make learning
electronics fun. Some students learn in this manner better than doing the computations
• Remember to emphasize that students need to switch leads and settings when measuring
current. The multi-meter fuse can burn if this is not operated correctly. Emphasize that
voltage is measured across a resistor while current is measured within the path.
• Try out experiments before demonstrating them to students.
• Collect as many electronic gadgets as possible for students to disassemble and learn from
circuits therein. Teams of two work well.
• Provide the lab procedure a class earlier so that students know what activities they will
perform, hence saving time from reading instructions in class.
• While students build their circuits, move from team to team, encourage and assist them as
necessary. Try not to give answers while they experiment.
• Instruct students on safety issues related to electronic circuits and general lab safety prior
to each experimental exercise.
Attachment A, Pre-Assessment
Attachment B, Pre-Assessment Answer Key
Attachment C, Resistor Value Table
Attachment D, Exercises A, B & C
Attachment E, Post-Assessment Guide – Sample Answers
Attachment F, Post-Assessment Rubric for Grading
Attachment G, Series Circuit Analysis – Demonstrations
Attachment H, Parallel Circuit Analysis – Demonstrations
Attachment I, Post-Assessment
Attachment J, Series Circuit Assignment and Recording Sheet
Attachment K, Parallel Circuit Assignment and Recording Sheet
Series and Parallel Electric Circuits - Grade 11
Attachment A
• Define electrons, current, voltage, resistance, load, Ohm's Law, open circuit, and closed
o Electrons –
o Current –
o Voltage –
o Resistance –
o Load –
o Ohm's Law –
o Open circuit –
o Closed circuit –
• Sketch a closed series circuit. Label a DC voltage source, a load (two resistors) and a
• Sketch a closed parallel circuit. Label a DC voltage source, load (2 resistors) and the
Series –
Parallel –
Series and Parallel Electric Circuits - Grade 11
Attachment B
Pre-Assessment Answer Key
• Define electrons, current, voltage, resistance, load, Ohm's Law, open circuit, and closed
o Electrons – negative charge of atoms
o Current – flow or movement of electrons
o Voltage – electromotive force
o Resistance – opposition to flow or movement of electrons
o Load – electronic component that consumes electrons
o Ohm's Law – voltage equals current multiplied by resistance
o Open circuit – circuit path with a break in it
o Closed circuit – circuit path that has continuity
• Sketch a closed series circuit. Label a DC voltage source, a load (two resistors) and a
• Sketch a closed parallel circuit. Label a DC voltage source, load (2 resistors) and the
Series – e.g., batteries in a flashlight; audio speakers in series to increase load impedance
Series and Parallel Electric Circuits - Grade 11
Attachment C
Resistor Value Table
Series and Parallel Electric Circuits - Grade 11
Attachment D
Exercises A, B & C
Exercise A
Select the resistors as labeled and record their respective tolerances. Calculate the value of
each of the six resistors and record the resistance value in the appropriate space. Using a
multi-meter, measure each resistor and record its value in the appropriate space. Calculate the
difference and provide a reason for it.
Series and Parallel Electric Circuits - Grade 11
Attachment D
Exercises A, B & C (continued)
Exercise B
Exercise C
1. Place batteries A, B, C, and D in a series circuit and measure total voltage value:
2. Place batteries A, B, C, and D in a parallel circuit and measure total voltage value:
Series and Parallel Electric Circuits - Grade 11
Attachment E
Series Circuit Analysis - Demonstrations
• Sketch a series circuit on the board, and place values for voltage and resistors. The
example given below has a 12 VDC voltage value and two 2 kΩ resistors. Perform a
calculation on the board to find current.
• Apply Kirchoff's Voltage Law, and show 4.8 V + 7.2 V = 12 V = original voltage source.
• Demonstrate how to build the circuit on the breadboard translating the schematic to the
breadboard. Measure the current in the path, and then measure the voltage drops across
each resistor. Record your observations on the recording sheet.
Series and Parallel Electric Circuits - Grade 11
Attachment F
Series Circuit Assignment and Recording Sheet
Note: VR1 is voltage across resistor 1, and VR2 is voltage across resistor 2.
Series and Parallel Electric Circuits - Grade 11
Appendix G
Parallel Circuit Analysis - Demonstrations
• Sketch a parallel circuit on the board and place values for voltage and resistors. The
example given below has a 12 VDC voltage value and two 2 kΩ resistors. Perform a
calculation on the board to find total current and current through each branch.
• Point out that the current in the parallel circuit is higher than the series circuit. Ask the
question why this is so? Then show how the current in each branch uses
different resistors.
IT = 12V/1.2KΩ = 10 mA
I1 = 12V/2KΩ = 6mA
I2 = 12V/3KΩ = 4mA
• Point out that total resistance is less than the lowest resistor value in the branch. Also,
voltage in each branch is equal to the source voltage.
• Apply Kirchoff's Current Law, and show 6mA + 6mA = total current for the circuit with
two 2 kΩ resistor or 6mA + 4mA = 10 mA which is the total current for the circuit with a
2kΩ and a 3 kΩ resistor.
• Demonstrate how to build a parallel circuit on the breadboard, translating the schematic
to the breadboard. Measure the current in the branches, and then measure the voltage
drops across each resistor. Record your observation on the recording sheet.
Series and Parallel Electric Circuits - Grade 11
Attachment H
Parallel Circuit Assignment and Recording Sheet
Note: IR1 is current through resistor 1, and IR2 is current through resistor 2.
Use the current divider rule to compute for current in a desired branch: Current divider
formula: Ix = (RT/Rx )*IT
Series and Parallel Electric Circuits - Grade 11
Attachment I
Directions: In teams of two, complete the following to the best of your ability. Discuss your
responses with your teammate before writing them on the provided answer sheet.
1. Series Circuits:
a. List one application where a series circuit would be the best choice
b. Describe why a series circuit would be the best choice (include at least two reasons).
2. Parallel Circuits:
a. List one application where a parallel circuit would be the best choice
b. Describe when the parallel circuit would be the best choice (include at least two
3. Given: one 12 V DC power supply and two speakers rated as 4KΩ (speaker A) and 8KΩ
(speaker B).
a. Determine how the speakers would be connected to achieve the greatest sound
(Assume that the greater the current flow, the greater the sound.)
Parallel: RT, IT .
Series and Parallel Electric Circuits - Grade 11
Attachment I
Post-Assessment (continued)
c. Build your circuit on the breadboard and measure all voltage drops and currents.
Measurements are taken at definite points. For voltage, a point means “across a
resistor,” while for current, a point means “current flowing into the resistor.” Record
the values in the table below or as instructed:
Sample Table:
e. If the speakers are to be installed in a car, which speaker would be placed next to the
driver’s seat, and which would be placed farther away?
Series and Parallel Electric Circuits - Grade 11
Attachment J
Post-Assessment Guide – Sample Answers
Directions: In teams of two, complete the following to the best of your ability. Discuss your
responses with your teammate before writing them on the provided answer sheet.
1. Series Circuits:
a. List one application where a series circuit would be the best choice.
Battery example:
Battery arrangement to maximize voltage – two 12 VDC batteries connected to power
a 24 VDC diesel engine.
Wiring example:
b. Describe why a series circuit would be the best choice (include at least two reasons).
Example (benefits):
I. maximizing resistance (load), such as in space heaters.
II. minimizing current, such as reduction of current to electronic components.
2. Parallel Circuits:
a. List one application where a parallel circuit would be the best choice.
Cafeteria Example:
Lights in a cafeteria
Series and Parallel Electric Circuits - Grade 11
Attachment J
Post-Assessment Guide – Sample Answers (continued)
Wiring Example:
b. Describe when the parallel circuit would be the best choice (include at least two
Example (benefits):
I. equal voltage, from one power supply, is required for various branches of a
system, such as cafeteria lighting, streetlights, and 110V outlets in houses.
II. failure in one load should not fail the rest of the system, if one street light goes
out, the rest should stay on.
3. Given: one 12 V DC power supply and two speakers rated as 4KΩ (speaker A) and 8KΩ
(speaker B).
a. Determine how the speakers would be connected to achieve the greatest sound.
(Assume that the greater the current flow the greater the sound.)
Parallel circuit
c. Build your circuit on the breadboard, and measure all voltage drops and currents.
Measurements are taken at definite points. For voltage, a point means "across a
resistor," while for current, a point means "current flowing into the resistor." Record
the values in the table below or as instructed:
Series and Parallel Electric Circuits - Grade 11
Attachment J
Post-Assessment Guide – Sample Answers (continued)
Sample Table:
Answers should not vary much. Reasons for variation may include: instrument error,
human error, circuit component value accuracy.
e. If the speakers are to be installed in a car, which speaker would be placed next to the
driver’s seat, and which would be placed further away? Why?
• The greater the current the louder the sound. Using the current divider formula
[Ix = (RT/Rx )*IT ], the current going through the 4Kohm resistor would result in a
2.999mA, while the 8Kohm will pass 1.5mA.
• Therefore, the speaker rated at 4Kohm will produce the loudest sound and can be
placed further away while the higher rated speaker (8kohm) can be placed next to
the drivers seat.
Series and Parallel Electric Circuits - Grade 11
Attachment K
Post-Assessment Rubric for Grading