Table Top Tornado
Table Top Tornado
Table Top Tornado
This is a great game that you can make from a load of empty plastic cups!
This cup is a tornado and like a genuine tornado, it can pick stuff up in its path...
Your task is to use your skill to keep the marble in the air long enough to deposit it...
Play fi e marbles each, and the highest score wins the game.
%f your marble falls into the cup that the "disc of doom" is underneath, the points will be deducted from the final score.
The game is great fun to play, either inside or outdoors, and it$s easy to make, too!
To make the Table Top Tornado itself, cut the bottom out of an empty plastic cup. Take care to lea e the rim around the edge...
The scoring discs are made in the design of your choice and pop them in the bottom of empty plastic cups, which will become the scoring cups!
The more skilled you become, the further apart you can place the scoring cups!