Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

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Strongly Agree agree



Strongly disagree


Knowledge and skill gained from the program Directly apply to your work . In my work ,I find it easy to apply the training I have received. Training is must for enhancing productivity and performance.

2. 3.

4.Total satisfaction given by trainer during the training.

5. . what type of training is provided in your organization?

(a)On-the job Training (b)Off-the job Training

(c)in house training

6. . Would you be welling to participate in such a program again ?

(a) Yes definitely (b)No (c) Not sure


Mention your opinion about training programs conducted in your Company. (a)Excellent (b) Good (c)bad

8. Do you have a good cooperation / support from your superiors during Training program ? (a)yes (b)No

9. Employees are actively encouraged to share their knowledge with Colleagues, not just Subordinates, by coaching, mentoring and formal training within their work group . (a) Strongly Agree (d)Somewhat Disagree (b) Somewhat Agree (c) Neutral (e)Strongly Disagree

10. Training is must for enhancing productivity and performance. (a)Completely agree (d) Unsure (b) Partially agree (c)Disagree

11. To what extend the cordial relationship exist among the employees and superiors? (a)Strongly agree Disagree (b)agree (c)Moderate (d)Disagree (e)stongly

12. How far you are satisfied with your current training ? (a)Highly satisfied (b)Dissatisfied (c)Highly dissatisfied

13. Why do you feel the need for a training and development program? (a)For better prospects (b) To evaluate other strems in which you can test your skill (c)For more challenging office duties (d) For a rounded and holistic approach toward work (e) All of the above

Very good





14. Technical methodology 15. Communication 16. Trainee involvement and participation 17. Level of gains (net contribution of session) 18. Rate of safety measures given during Training period 19. Training circumstance

good Excellent




20. You should mark the performance Of the training programme as Learning experience

21. your involvement in the Programme

22. relationship with other Participants

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