Paragraph Rubric - Final
Paragraph Rubric - Final
Paragraph Rubric - Final
Level 3 3 points each Level 2 2 points each Level 1 1 point each Incomplete
Writing Process
3911906 Responses are w
Level 3
Student has provided evidence of all 5 steps of the writing process.
Level 2
Student has provided evidence of some steps of the writing process.
Level 1
Assignment complete but student is lacking evidence of the writing process.
No marks rewarded.
Level 2
Paragraphs contain good body sentences but are lacking a clear topic and concluding sentence.
Level 1
Paragraphs complete but lack proper paragraph structure.
No marks rewarded.
Level 3
Writing contains no mechanical errors.
Level 2
Writing contains less than 3 mechanical errors.
Level 1
Writing contains more than 3 mechanical errors.
No marks rewarded.
Level 3
Paragraphs are on topic and fully developed. Student has included personal information and feelings within their writing.
Level 2
Paragraphs are on topic and somewhat developed. Student has included personal information and feelings within their writing.
Level 1
Paragraphs are underdeveloped and do not remain on topic. Student has attempted to include personal information and feelings within their writing.
No marks rewarded.
Level 2
Quote is present but provides little insight regarding the student. Image is a good representation of the quote.
Level 1
Quote present but does not provide insight regarding the student. Image lacks connection to the quote.
No marks rewarded.