Art Integration Lesson Plan

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ArL lnLegraLlon Lesson lan 1emplaLe 1

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L1C 4240: ArL for Chlldren

Lesson 1lLle & 8lg ldea: Memorles: CreaLlng a Speclal laces CullL Crade Level: 2
Lesson Cvervlew/Summary: SLudenLs wlll Lhlnk, dlscuss, and reflecL on a place ln Lhe world LhaL ls speclal Lo Lhem. 1hey
wlll crlLlcally Lhlnk abouL Lhelr speclal place ln Lerms of lLs locaLlon ln Lhe world. SLudenLs wlll Lalk abouL qullLs and how
qullLs can reflecL memorles. 1hey wlll creaLe a drawlng/palnLlng of Lhelr speclal place and lL wlll be dlsplayed as parL of a
class Speclal laces CullL".

Class erlods 8equlred:
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1 2 1/2 3
key ConcepLs (3-4):
ArL: CreaLe a plece of arL, by drawlng or palnLlng, represenLlng a speclal place
LlLeracy: LlsLen Lo a read aloud, use/pracLlce wrlLlng skllls by wrlLlng a
reflecLlon and arLlsL's sLaLemenL
Soclal SLudles: LocaLe your speclal place on a map, ulscuss LransporLaLlon Lo
your speclal place

LssenLlal CuesLlons (3-4):
1. Pow can a qullL represenL memorles?
2. WhaL are some connecLlons beLween your characLer's speclal
place/memory and your own?
3. WhaL relaLlonshlps can we see beLween Lhe locaLlons of sLudenL's
speclal places on Lhe map?

Lesson Cb[ecLlves: (LxcellenL resource aL hLLp://
1. SLudenLs wlll galn an undersLandlng of how qullLs are a form of arL and how Lhey can represenL memorles.
2. SLudenLs wlll use Lhelr prlor knowledge of locaLlon Lo locaLe Lhelr speclal place on a world map.
3. SLudenLs wlll creaLe an arL represenLaLlon (drawlng/palnLlng) of Lhelr speclal place LhaL wlll be parL of one large class speclal places qullL".

Crade Level LxpecLaLlons (CLLs) (3-4) (hLLp://
vA1 3.C. SLrand l: roducL/erfomance
CA2, 3, 7, 1.3, 1.6, 1.9 8eadlng 1.l. ldenLlfy 8elevanL ConnecLlons
CA 1, 6 2.1, 2.3 LlsLenlng and Speaklng 2.A.

naLlonal Currlculum SLandards for Soclal SLudles (nCSS)
3. eople, laces, and LnvlronmenLs

ldenLlfy & deflne 3+11+& 4+3)56/)"7 LhaL connecL Lhe arL form wlLh Lhe
oLher ldenLlfled conLenL areas:
CullL: a bed cover wlLh sLlLched deslgns LhaL ls made of Lwo layers of cloLh
fllled wlLh wool, coLLon, or sofL feaLhers
Memory: someLhlng remembered from Lhe pasL, a recollecLlon
lace: an area wlLh deflnlLe or lndeflnlLe boundarles, a porLlon of space.

ConLenL Areas lnLegraLed:
1. vlsual ArL (lnsplraLlon ArLlsL: lalLh 8lnggold )
2. LlLeracy
3. Soclal SLudles

Lesson AcLlvlLles & rocedure(s) !"#$%&$ ,$ -$*. &"$()/)(+:
1. AfLer readlng and dlscusslng 1ar 8each, spend some Llme Lalklng abouL
how Cassle llves ln an aparLmenL bulldlng ln Lhe clLy. 1haL ls her speclal
place". 1alk abouL how your speclal place can be anywhere ln Lhe world. lL
can be your home, grandma and grandpa's house, a place you wenL on
vacaLlon. Lxplaln Lo sLudenLs LhaL Lhelr speclal place can even be lmaglnary
or a fuLure place Lhey hope Lo someday go Lo and creaLe memorles Lhere.
ArL lnLegraLlon Lesson lan 1emplaLe 2

Ask sLudenLs Lo Lhlnk abouL where Lhelr speclal place ls locaLed. Cnce
sLudenLs have a speclal place ln mlnd and know Lhe locaLlon. Pave Lhem
parLner share, dlscusslng where Lhelr speclal place ls.
2. Whlle sLudenLs are parLner sharlng, pass ouL sLlcky noLes. Pave sLudenLs
wrlLe Lhelr name and Lhe locaLlon of Lhelr speclal place on Lhe sLlcky noLe. ln
parLner groups, have sLudenLs come place Lhelr sLlcky noLe on Lhe map ln
Lhe correcL locaLlon. AfLer all sLlcky noLes are on Lhe map, have a dlscusslon
abouL Lhe dlfferenL locaLlons. Are Lhere places where a loL of people have
speclal places ln Lhe same locaLlon? Also dlscuss LransporLaLlon. Pow do you
geL Lo your speclal place? (Lx. Walk, blke, car). Pave sLudenLs wrlLe a
reflecLlon on whaL Lhey dlscussed wlLh Lhelr parLner. As well as, whaL we
dlscussed as a class. Where ls your speclal place? ls lL near or far? Pow do
you geL Lhere? (Lnd of flrsL class perlod).
3. CaLher sLudenLs on Lhe carpeL. 8evlew qullLs, memorles, eLc. from lasL
class. 1hen explaln Lo Lhe class LhaL Loday we wlll be creaLlng an arL plece
represenLlng our speclal place. Lach arL plece ls golng Lo be a square" of a
qullL and wlll be puL LogeLher Lo creaLe one large class qullL, whlch we wlll
call Lhe Speclal laces CullL". Lxplaln Lo sLudenLs LhaL Lhey wlll be glven one
8x11 plece of consLrucLlon paper. 1hey wlll be drawlng and palnLlng or
colorlng Lhelr speclal place. Pave all supplles seL ouL and ready before class
beglns. Show sLudenLs where Lhe supplles are. 1ell Lhem LhaL Lhey are
welcome Lo use colored penclls, crayons, markers, waLercolor palnL, or oll
pasLels. 8evlew rules of supplles (especlally palnL!)
4. Clve sLudenLs abouL 20-30 mlnuLes Lo creaLe Lhelr arL plece. As sLudenLs
sLarL Lo flnlsh, explaln LhaL once you are flnlshed wlLh your arL plece you are
Lo wrlLe a shorL arLlsL's sLaLemenL (llke we have done before) wrlLlng abouL
your speclal place, whaL lL means Lo you, and Lhe memorles you have Lhere.
(lnclude arLlsL sLaLemenL underneaLh plece of qullL when puLLlng LogeLher
class qullL).
3. AfLer sLudenLs are flnlshed, explaln Lo Lhe class LhaL you wlll puL Lhe qullL
LogeLher on Lhe wall afLer school Loday. Lxplaln LhaL Lomorrow we wlll
dlscuss our Speclal laces CullL" and one by one presenL and share our
plece of Lhe qullL wlLh Lhe class.

ArL lnLegraLlon Lesson lan 1emplaLe 3

AnLlclpaLory SeL (Calnlng ALLenLlon): 8rlng ln a large qullL. Pave Lhe qullL lald
ouL on Lhe carpeL. Pave sLudenLs slL on qullL. ulscuss how qullLs can represenL
memorles. 1alk abouL whaL memorles are. uo you or your parenLs have a qullL
or blankeL LhaL represenLs a speclal memory for you or your famlly? As a class,
read and dlscuss 1ar 8each.

Closure (8eflecLlng AnLlclpaLory SeL):
1o close Lhe lesson, as a class, we wlll look aL and dlscuss our compleLed
Speclal laces CullL." We wlll dlscuss how Lhls qullL represenLs many
memorles. Cne by one, sLudenLs wlll come up Lo presenL and share Lhelr
speclal place wlLh Lhe enLlre class (sharlng a memory from Lhe place and/or
why Lhey chose LhaL place). Lncourage sLudenLs Lo Lalk furLher and share
connecLlons wlLh classmaLes ouLslde of class.

8+"1)#*4' !--'--1'&# sLraLegy:
Check ln wlLh sLudenLs LhroughouL Lhe lesson Lo make sure Lhey are
parLlclpaLlng, undersLandlng, maklng connecLlons. LlsLen ln on parLner
sharlng. 1he class map of speclal places could also serve as a formaLlve
9611)#*4' !--'--1'&# sLraLegy:
1he 8x11 represenLaLlon of Lhelr chosen speclal place and Lhe arLlsL's
sLaLemenL wlll be Lhe summaLlve assessmenL. 1he reflecLlon abouL Lhe
locaLlon of Lhelr speclal place, afLer Lhe parLner share, wlll also be used as a
summaLlve assessmenL.

WhaL sLudenL 2"*+" :&+;/'<(' wlll Lhls lesson requlre/draw upon?
SLudenLs should have baslc prlor knowledge of Lhe world/uS maps and locaLlon. SLudenLs wlll have prlor knowledge of how Lo wrlLe an arLlsL's sLaLemenL.

Pow wlll you engage sLudenLs ln *1)(*&*&(= '>2/+"*&(= and/or '>2'"*1'&#*&( ln Lhls lesson?
SLudenLs wlll lmaglne and explore by Lhlnklng abouL a speclal place and memorles aL LhaL speclal place. SLudenLs wlll also lmaglne and explore by
drawlng/palnLlng Lhelr own represenLaLlon of Lhelr speclal place.

Pow wlll Lhls lesson allow for/encourage sLudenLs Lo -+/4' 2"+5/'1- *& <*4'"('&# ;)7-?
SLudenLs are encouraged Lo Lhlnk crlLlcally abouL Lhelr speclal place and Lhe memorles Lhey have Lhere. 1hey are also asked Lo Lhlnk crlLlcally abouL
relaLlonshlps and make connecLlons beLween Lhelr peers.

Pow wlll you engage sLudenLs ln "+6#*&'/7 "'?/'3#*&( on Lhelr learnlng?
SLudenLs wlll rouLlnely reflecL on Lhelr learnlng Lhrough parLner sharlng and lndlvldual reflecLlon.

Pow wlll you adapL Lhe varlous aspecLs of Lhe lesson Lo <*??'"'&#/7@)5'/'< -#6<'&#-?
uependlng on Lhe sLudenL's dlsablllLy, l would do my besL Lo accommodaLe Lo Lhelr needs and help Lhem geL Lhe mosL ouL of Lhe lesson. lf l had an LSL
sLudenL, l would prlnL ouL key Lerms/vocab ln Spanlsh for Lhe sLudenL Lo refer Lo. lf l had a sLudenL wlLh a hearlng lmpalrmenL, l would have Lhem slL aL Lhe
fronL of Lhe room. l would provlde Lhem wlLh headphones Lo llsLen Lo Lhe book on Lape, as well as a copy of Lhe book Lo read along. lf l had a sLudenL wlLh
mlld cognlLlve dlsablllLles, l would make sure Lo check ln wlLh Lhem ofLen and glve Lhem exLra supporL when posslble.

WhaL opporLunlLles/acLlvlLles wlll sLudenLs be glven Lo "'4*-' )&< *12"+4' Lhelr undersLandlngs and Lhelr work?
SLudenLs can revlse and lmprove Lhrough parLner sharlng, dlscusslon, and reflecLlon.
ArL lnLegraLlon Lesson lan 1emplaLe 4

WhaL opporLunlLles/acLlvlLles wlll you provlde for sLudenLs Lo -A)"' Lhelr learnlng ln Lhls lesson?
SLudenLs wlll share Lhelr learnlng Lhrough an arL lmage of Lhelr speclal place LhaL wlll be dlsplayed as parL of Lhe class qullL. SLudenLs wlll also share by
presenLlng, Lo Lhe enLlre class, Lhelr speclal place and explalnlng Lhe meanlng behlnd lL. SLudenLs wlll share learnlng Lhrough Lhelr arLlsL sLaLemenL's and

Lesson 8esources/8eferences !"#$%&$ ,$ -$*. &"$()/)( ,. "*0-)1)23 #)24&5 %6780*&5 7)7#$&5 $7(9+:
8esources: labrlc CullL, large world map, sLlcky noLes, consLrucLlon paper, penclls, colored penclls, markers, crayons, waLer color, palnLbrushes, oll pasLels
8eferences: 8lnggold, l. (1991). :%* ,$%(8. new ?ork, n?: Crown ubllshers.

SllversLeln, L. 8. & Layne, S. (n.d.). ueflnlng arLs lnLegraLlon. 8eLrleved from

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