Reflection Paper
Reflection Paper
Reflection Paper
The first subject I will address is privilege. I will briefly explain what it is and I am going to relate some examples of privilege, such as; race, sexuality, gender and ability/disability. Another matter I would like to consider in this paper is sexism. I will touch on gender roles and how gender socialization shapes us. I will also explain how hostile vs. benevolent sexism and also how it has evolved over time. Lastly I will talk about the experience I had with my time volunteering at The Road Home and share insights I gained through that experience. Privilege Privilege is a special advantage that one person and/or group has over another. I have come to know that privilege contributes largely to everything that makes us who we are. It can affect anything from level of education, job opportunities and social status. I am going to take the opportunity to share everyday examples that I have witnessed that demonstrate how privilege can affect peoples lives. I have seen the contrast between white people and their privileges as compared to those of other races. For example, a white person has more opportunities to get a better job and to be hired faster than an African American (or any other person of a different culture) of comparable qualifications. African Americans and other
minorities are more likely to be detained and/or arrested and to have less education than their white counterparts. Another way to show privilege is by comparing heterosexuals and homosexuals. For example, I dont have the feeling that I have to hide from anyone whenever I
want to spend time with my spouse. As a woman, I have my partner who is a man. This for the world is what is considered to be normal. Nobody is going to look at or talk about me for my sexuality if I am just walking in the mall or any other public place. The same holds true if I were to kiss my husband. It would be no cause for alarm, because it is considered a normal relationship. However, a homosexual faces a very different situation. The reaction that a homosexual would receive from the public should he/she hold hands, hug or kiss would not be nearly as acceptable, nor would it produce a positive reaction in the general public. More often than not, comments, whispers and bad looks are a reality for a homosexual in this situation. Sometimes this can cause homosexuals feel like they have to hide this part of their lives from people, sometimes even from family and friends, whereas a heterosexual person does not have to deal with that issue. Gender is another way that privilege is made manifest. Men for example are known for being the strong sex. When a man goes out he doesnt have to worry about being sexually assaulted to the same degree that a woman does. Another aspect of gender privilege is that men are often considered to have stronger character, leadership skills and the ability to make big decisions. I have noticed that in our government, a vast majority of the politicians are male. From my point of view, I think that many women do not even aspire for many such positions because oftentimes they are seen as being weaker, less intelligent and less capable of managing a state or a country than their male counterparts. They have more to prove if you will than men do. And in the cutthroat world of politics, a woman is always going into the fight as the underdog.
Sexism Sexism requires an explanation of a few key concepts such as gender roles, gender socialization and gender identity. From the time we are born, we are taught what our gender roles are through gender socialization, in which family, teachers and media help us to learn how to behave, build our character, and dress according to our gender. For example, if a young boy falls and is slightly hurt, his father may rub his hair and say something to the effect of Its alright buddy! Youre tough. But when the boys sister falls and gets hurt, that same father might pull the girl up on his knee and coddle her saying come here sweetie, let me kiss your boo boo better! This teaches and reinforces to the children the concept that boys/men are strong and tough and that girls/women are delicate and sweet. The same holds true when the brother gets a tool set for Christmas and the sister receives a kitchen set. There are thousands of examples of subtle and not so subtle ways that families and society use gender socialization to shape gender roles. These learned gender roles create
the social differences in men and women. In our social interactions throughout our lives we act and react in expected ways, thus, simultaneously constructing and maintaining gender and societal order. Sexism is an attitude or behavior based on stereotypes of gender roles. This
inequality can also be called discrimination, when it is assumed that because someone is a woman, they are only allowed to do or are capable of doing things that women are supposed to do. There are different types of sexism, one being Hostile Sexism, which is based on aggression. This can include beating, rape destruction and insult. On the other hand, we have a second less commonly thought of form of
chivalry and do things such as opening the door for a woman. In fact, I love that kind of man! I can tell that on occasions I feel jealous, because men cannot feel and get sick during pregnancy. I had a really bad experience during my pregnancies. The famous morning sickness wasnt just morning. It was actually all day sickness in all my nine months of pregnancy with my two kids. Personally the most difficult part was being sick. Delivering the baby was really strong and painful, but it was quick and then it was done! I am thankful that sexism is not practiced in my home. I receive a lot of
understanding and help from my husband who has been a great support in taking care of the children and other household duties when I cant be at home. Although he works very hard everyday, he still supports me in my goals and ambitions to work and go to school. In some homes, this cannot happen. Some men demand that the woman stay home to take care of domestic duties and she is not allowed or encouraged to further education or career aspirations. I can see that this type of attitude or sexism has been evolving over time and from one generation to the next. Men in general are more open about women working and becoming educated. Decades ago, this situation would very rarely occur. Men have leadership and authority at home and have the responsibility to teach children to work hard. However, in some situations when there is not a father at home, the mother is capable of taking care of everything a man can do to support and teach her children everything they need to know. Sexism has existed since before I was born, and it
will continue. But it is always good to be educated, to be positive for success and to have a better life, although not a perfect lifebut a little bit better. It is always good to grow and to help the world around us. It is a positive thing for men and women to work together to make a better future for our children and the coming generations. Volunteerism I was fortunate to have the opportunity to spend two days receiving donations at The Road Home. It is a wonderful local organization that assists individuals and families experiencing homelessness in Salt Lake County to be able to step out of homelessness and come back into the community. I helped collect all of the
donations. It was amazing to see people donate good things, I was feeling so excited for it! I was able to see how some of the donators viewed the homeless. As I opened the bags it seemed as though some people just wanted to donate everything they didnt use, such as mismatched shoes and clothing in bad condition. It made me sad to think of the way these people pictured the homeless. Fortunately Deseret
Industries was able accept everything that we were not able to use and to provide vouchers. I had the opportunity to see people from different social classes in this place. The big luxury cars donating food and clothes always asked for a receipt. And it seemed that the motivation for donating was for tax purposes. On the other hand, I saw inexpensive cars and elderly people donating without asking for a receipt. I felt their desire to donate and the feeling behind it. These people sent the blanket and
clothes that were freshly washed. Some of them said, these are ready to use! It was a great experience! During my time as a volunteer I was able to reflect upon what I learned this year about privilege. It struck me that US citizens have everything they need to remove themselves from that sad and destitute situation. They have the language and everything a person needs to get a job. A lot of immigrants came with nothing, literally nothing, and yet they look and work hard to pay for a place to stay and for food to eat. I too, had preconceived notions about the homeless. As I entered Rio Grande St. and looked at all the people, my first reaction was fear. I assumed that they were there due to addiction and that they were stinky, lazy people wasting their time sitting on the street. But when I got inside and saw all the nice people helping and trying to collect the best items for these people. I realized that they were having a hard time getting out of different types of addiction and family problems. I saw families coming to the warehouse looking for a coat or a jacket or something warm to wear. There were mothers with hungry babies crying who were cold and probably tired of all their parents were going through. I understood as I saw the faces of people trying to get out of something that is so difficult to leave. My point of view changed and now every time I donate something I will make sure that it is in perfect condition. People deserve a better life and I am happy that places like The Road Home are willing to do their best to help people that are not even part of their family. It was through this experience that I was able to come to fuller understanding of how there is so much back story behind each person, like the family they grew up in
and the way that they were educated. But it is always good to try different things about our character and treating humanity better. This world is full of wonderful things! And it doesnt matter what your gender, race, sexuality, socioeconomic status is. Everybody has the opportunity to enjoy, to learn how to cook, how to use a computer, change a diaper, how to do business and how to be a leader! I have enjoyed so much learning about these things this semester!