Transformer Differential Relay Test Report
Transformer Differential Relay Test Report
Transformer Differential Relay Test Report
Model : SIPROTEC 7UT !" Serial $o: %o&ation: CT Data: %o&ation Transformer )* +'s,inTransformer %* +'s,inPower Transformer Data: Po3er Transformer RatinRated Primary C'rrent in !.2.. M*( +ase Rated Se&ondary C'rrent in !.2.. M*( +ase Rated )* *olta-e Rated %* *olta-e *e&tor 5ro'p 6 Impedan&e Physical Inspection: *is'al C,e&# for E7ternal Dama-e Condition of 8ront )MI Condition of 9ey Pad Condition of %ED Measurement and Status Checks: (nalo- Inp't (CT C'rrent) C,e&#s +inary Inp't4Opto:Co'pler Stat's +inary O'tp't4Conta&t4Command Relay 8ront )MI %ED 8o'nd O9 8o'nd O9 8o'nd O9 8o'nd O9 8o'nd O9 8o'nd O9 8o'nd O9 8o'nd O9 !/4!.2.. M*( "..2" ( 112 ( .. #* !! #* Dyn!! !!2..6 Primary C'rrent in ( .// 1// Se&ondary C'rrent in ( 0 "281 Ma#e: Siemens
LED Labels: %ED Serial $o ! " . ; 0 7 Si-nal Differential Trip )* Side Differential Trip %* Side E7ternal Trip E7ternal Trip 5eneral O<er C'rrent Trip P,ase O<er C'rrent Trip .I/ Trip (Resid'al O4C Trip)
unctions Confi!ured in the "elay #$ase on unction %&ailability': Serial $o ! " . Test of () Differential unction: P,ase R = + Set I4In /2./ /2./ /2./ Operated at I !2!. ( !2!. ( !2!; ( Delay "8 ms "8 ms "1 ms Remar# O9 O9 O9 8'n&tion $ame Differential 8'n&tion (87T) )* P,ase O4C 8'n&tion (0!) )* P,ase Resid'al O4C (0!$)
Test of L) Differential unction: P,ase R = + Set I4In /2./ /2./ /2./ Operated at I /2 . ( /2 ; ( /2 . ( Delay "1 ms "1 ms "1 ms Remar# O9 O9 O9
Test of Phase *+C unction #DMT': P,ase R = + Set I ;2/ ( ;2/ ( ;2/ ( Set t 0// ms 0// ms 0// ms Operated at I .217 ( .217 ( .218 ( Delay 0/; ms 0/. ms 0/; ms Remar# O9 O9 O9
Test of "esidual *+C unction #DMT': P,ase R = + Set I !20 ( !20 ( !20 ( Set t ;// ms ;// ms ;// ms Operated at I !20" ( !2;1 ( !20! ( Delay ;/" ms ;/. ms ;/. ms Remar# O9 O9 O9
Differential Stability Check: ound stable at load condition and e,ternal faults-
Tested >y
?itnessed >y