Transformer Differential Relay Test Report

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The document reports on test results of protection relay functions for a power transformer.

The relay model is SIPROTEC 7UT612 and the manufacturer is Siemens.

Tests were performed on the HV and LV differential functions, including setting the currents and checking the operation times.

Transformer Differential Relay (87T) Test Report

Model : SIPROTEC 7UT !" Serial $o: %o&ation: CT Data: %o&ation Transformer )* +'s,inTransformer %* +'s,inPower Transformer Data: Po3er Transformer RatinRated Primary C'rrent in !.2.. M*( +ase Rated Se&ondary C'rrent in !.2.. M*( +ase Rated )* *olta-e Rated %* *olta-e *e&tor 5ro'p 6 Impedan&e Physical Inspection: *is'al C,e&# for E7ternal Dama-e Condition of 8ront )MI Condition of 9ey Pad Condition of %ED Measurement and Status Checks: (nalo- Inp't (CT C'rrent) C,e&#s +inary Inp't4Opto:Co'pler Stat's +inary O'tp't4Conta&t4Command Relay 8ront )MI %ED 8o'nd O9 8o'nd O9 8o'nd O9 8o'nd O9 8o'nd O9 8o'nd O9 8o'nd O9 8o'nd O9 !/4!.2.. M*( "..2" ( 112 ( .. #* !! #* Dyn!! !!2..6 Primary C'rrent in ( .// 1// Se&ondary C'rrent in ( 0 "281 Ma#e: Siemens

LED Labels: %ED Serial $o ! " . ; 0 7 Si-nal Differential Trip )* Side Differential Trip %* Side E7ternal Trip E7ternal Trip 5eneral O<er C'rrent Trip P,ase O<er C'rrent Trip .I/ Trip (Resid'al O4C Trip)

unctions Confi!ured in the "elay #$ase on unction %&ailability': Serial $o ! " . Test of () Differential unction: P,ase R = + Set I4In /2./ /2./ /2./ Operated at I !2!. ( !2!. ( !2!; ( Delay "8 ms "8 ms "1 ms Remar# O9 O9 O9 8'n&tion $ame Differential 8'n&tion (87T) )* P,ase O4C 8'n&tion (0!) )* P,ase Resid'al O4C (0!$)

Test of L) Differential unction: P,ase R = + Set I4In /2./ /2./ /2./ Operated at I /2 . ( /2 ; ( /2 . ( Delay "1 ms "1 ms "1 ms Remar# O9 O9 O9

Test of Phase *+C unction #DMT': P,ase R = + Set I ;2/ ( ;2/ ( ;2/ ( Set t 0// ms 0// ms 0// ms Operated at I .217 ( .217 ( .218 ( Delay 0/; ms 0/. ms 0/; ms Remar# O9 O9 O9

Test of "esidual *+C unction #DMT': P,ase R = + Set I !20 ( !20 ( !20 ( Set t ;// ms ;// ms ;// ms Operated at I !20" ( !2;1 ( !20! ( Delay ;/" ms ;/. ms ;/. ms Remar# O9 O9 O9

Differential Stability Check: ound stable at load condition and e,ternal faults-

Tested >y

?itnessed >y

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