PG Books
PG Books
PG Books
2. 2. Kai Hwang, Advanced Computer Architecture, Tata McGraw-Hill Education, 2003 3. Richard Y. Kain, Advanced Computer Architecture a Systems Design Approach, Prentice Hall, 2011. 4. David E. Culler, Jaswinder Pal Singh, Parallel Computing Architecture : A Hardware/Software Approach , Morgan Kaufmann / Elsevier, 1997.
1. M.J.S .Smith, "Application Specific Integrated Circuits, Addison -Wesley Longman Inc., 1997 2. S. Trimberger, Field Programmable Gate Array Technology, Edr, Kluwer Academic Publications, 1994. 3. John V.Oldfield, Richard C Dore, Field Programmable Gate Arrays, Wiley Publications 1995. 4. P.K.Chan & S. Mourad, Digital Design Using Field Programmable Gate Array, Prentice Hall, 1994. 5. Parag.K.Lala, Digital System Design using Programmable Logic Devices , BSP, 2003. 6. S. Brown, R. Francis, J. Rose, Z. Vransic, Field Programmable Gate Array, Kluwer Pubin, 1992. 7. J. Old Field, R.Dorf, Field Programmable Gate Arrays, John Wiley & Sons, Newyork, 1995. 8. Farzad Nekoogar and Faranak Nekoogar, From ASICs to SOCs: A Practical Approach, Prentice Hall PTR, 2003. 9. Wayne Wolf, FPGA-Based System Design, Prentice Hall PTR, 2004. 10. R. Rajsuman, System-on-a-Chip Design and Test. Santa Clara, CA: Artech House Publishers, 2000. 11. F. Nekoogar. Timing Verification of Application-Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs). Prentice Hall PTR, 1999.