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Unified Modeling Language

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The unified modeling language(UML)is a standard language for writing software blue prints. The UML is a language for Visualizing Specifying onstructing !ocumenting The artifacts of a software system" UML is a language that pro#ides #ocabulary and the rules for combing words in that #ocabulary for the purpose of communication. $ modeling language is a language whose #ocabulary and rules focus on the concept and physical representation of a system. Vocabulary and rules of a language tell us how to create and real well formed models% but they don&t tell you what model you should create and when should create them.

The UML is more than 'ust a bunch of graphical symbols. (n UML each symbol has well defined semantics. (n this manner one de#eloper can write a model in the UML and another de#eloper or e#en another tools can interpret the model unambiguously. SPECIFYING UML is used fro specifying means building models that are precise% unambiguous and complete. UML addresses the specification of all the important analysis% design and implementation decisions that must be made in de#eloping and deploying a software intensi#e system.

UML is not a #isual programming language but its models can be directly connected to a #ariety of programming languages. This means that it is possible to map from a model in the UML to a programming language such as 'a#a% c)) or Visual *asic or e#en to tables in a relational database or the persistent store of an ob'ect+oriented database. This mapping permits forward engineering. The generation of code from a UML model into a programming language. The re#erse engineering is also possible you can reconstruct a model from an implementation bac, into the UML.

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