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World Imperialism Study Guide 5

Pages 286 - 326 Chapter 9 Section Pages 286 - 289 Vocab: Imperialism Protectorate Sphere of Influence Prestige Colony !uilding "#erseas $mpires Questions: 1. What 3 areas did uropeans ha!e little influence on bet"een the 1#$$s and 1%$$s& '. What natural resources did manufacturers "ant access to& 3. (esides natural resources "hat other economic interest did manufacturers see) abroad& *. Why "ere military bases needed throughout the "orld& #. What "ere ' reasons that countries sought colonies& +. What did Westerners feel they needed to spread to their brothers around the "orld& ,. -plain Social .ar"inism as it is applied to human societies. %. /ist 3 ad!antages Western po"ers had o!er 0fricans and 0sians. 1. .escribe the difference bet"een the 2rench and (ritish styles of colonial rule. &he Partition o' ('rica Questions: 1. 6i!e a brief description of the influential factors in each of the follo"ing regions in 0frica: 0. 7orth 0frica (. West 0frica C. ast 0frica .. South 0frica '. .escribe the establishment of Sierra /eone and /iberia in 0frica. 3. What 3 issues )ept uropeans from mo!ing into the interior of 0frica& *. What "as .r. /i!ingstone8s moti!ation for being in 0frica& #. What "as the (erlin Conference and "hat did it accomplish& +. .escribe the conflict in South 0frica bet"een the (oers and the (ritish and its outcome. ,. Why "ere the thiopians able to defeat the Italians in 1%1+& &he !ritish &a+e "#er India Questions: 1. What company "on trading rights in India in the 1+$$s& '. What issues caused Indian fragmentation& 3. .escribe the 3 unpopular mo!es made in India by the (ritish ast India Company. *. What "as the Sepoy 9ebellion and its effects in India& #. What did (ritain see India as& +. What resources did India pro!ide for (ritish factories& ,. 7ame 3 benefits that India recei!ed from (ritain. %. .escribe the ' Indian nationalist mo!ements that arose in India. China and the ,e- Imperialism Questions: 1. What did (ritain trade China for& '. What caused the ;pium Wars& 3. What "ere the * terms of the :reaty of 7an@ing& *. Why did the people of China re!olt against the go!ernment& #. What "as the Aself<strengthening mo!ementB& +. .escribe the Western changes made in China after the defeat of the (o-er 9ebellion. ,. Who organiCed the :hree Principles of the People and "hat "ere they&

Chapter 9 Section 2 Pages 29% - 296 Vocab: Paternalistic .a!id /i!ingstone 3enry Stanley 4ing /eopold II (oer War 5eneli) II

Chapter 9 Section ) Pages 3%3 - 3%* Vocab: Sati Sepoy Viceroy .eforestation Purdah 9om 5ohun 9oy Chapter 9 Section 5 Pages 3%9 - 3 3 Vocab: (alance of :rade :rade Surplus :rade .eficit ;pium War Indemnity -traterritoriality :aiping 9ebellion Sino<=apanese War ;pen .oor Policy (o-er >prising Sun ?i-ian

Chapter % Section Pages 32% - 326 Vocab: Daibatsu 3omogenous<society 2irst Sino<=apanese War 9usso<=apanese War

.apan /oderni0es Questions: 1. 3o" did the :o)uga"as change =apan "hen they too) po"er& '. What problems arose for: .aimyoE lesser samurai and merchants& 3. 3o" did the 0mericans persuade the =apanese to open up to trade& *. What steps "ere ta)en to moderniCe =apan during the 5ei@i 9estoration& #. .escribe ho" =apan changed its go!ernment. +. 3o" did =apan "esterniCe its economy& ,. What imperialistic mo!e did =apan ma)e in the late 1%$$s&

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