December 2013-1 Beacon

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Seems to me these days, the time leading up to Christmas has become more important than ever.

Not because the sales in the stores are now starting on Thanksgiving Day to get a jump on lack !riday." Not because a lot o# people are busier than ever and need more time to get ready #or Christmas. $nd not because all o# the preparations leading up to Christmas have become more elaborate than in days past. The days leading up to Christmas are more important than ever precisely because all o# the above mentioned distractions" insidiously rob us o# the deeper meaning o# peace and joy that Christmas is. So what do we do% &ell, ' cannot prescribe an e(act protocol #or making Christmas a more joyous and peace#ul occasion #or you. ' can suggest something, though, that will help you #ocus, meditate, and be intentional about what Christmas is. This suggestion in one word is ) &*+S,'-. This year we have opportunities #or worship that .i# you take advantage o# them/ will nurture your journey toward a more peace#ul and joyous Christmas. !irst, are the Sundays o# $dvent ) December 0st, 1th, 02th, and 33nd. !or those #our weeks we will be #ocusing on the words o# the -rophet 'saiah to see the vision he saw o# 4od5s plans #or bringing salvation to the world. 'saiah saw ,*-6 rising up #rom D6S-$'+. 't5s always easier to vision despair. The circumstances o# our lives and the world give many good reasons to despair. Now, by despair ' don5t mean a at your wits end kind o# despair. '5m talking about the cynicism type o# despair where what one sees, is that nothing changes. The

wealthy get richer, the poor become poorer, the hungry are always hungry, the government is always corrupt, people always have an agenda, the power#ul get more power, and the little guy always gets the short end o# the stick. 7ou know what ' mean. ' #eel that way mysel# sometimes. &e all have our moments. 'saiah saw ,*-6 rising #rom such places and such ways o# viewing the world. So a thematic sermon series will be coming on Sundays leading up to Christmas titled, Heres What Isaiah Saw.

The readings #rom 'saiah are as #ollows8 December December December December 0st 9 'saiah 380:2 1th 9 'saiah 0080:0; 02th 'saiah <280:0; 33nd 9 'saiah =80;:0>

-aula Sturgeon and ' will be alternating weeks to give the message #or these Sundays. -lan on worshipping every Sunday to see what 'saiah saw. Second, the &ednesdays leading up to Christmas we will be worshipping in the evenings starting at >8<;. This will be a shared worship with $scension ?utheran. $ll services will be held here at ethany. The midweek series is titled, The Gifts of Advent. The themes and dates are as #ollows8 December @th 9 The 4i#t o# -atience December 00th 9 The 4i#t o# Speech and Silence December 01th 9 The 4i#t o# ,ope These services will be about 32 to <; minutes in length and will be #ollowed with pie and #ellowship in Aoellner ,all. -astor +yan ,ersch and Deacon Bayne aker .who were with us last year/ will be sharing the preaching duties along with me. The days leading up to Christmas are more important than ever. Not because the world is in more desperate times than has been the case in the past. There has been no time in world history where there has not been some measure o# desperation rampant among the people. The days leading up to Christmas are more important than ever because you and ' need to nurture the joy and peace that Christmas is amid our own day to day sel# in#licted desperation. Come and worshipC Together we can mitigate the spiritual erosion that our own desperations bring with the joy and peace that Christmas is. lessings o# Boy D -eace, -astor +ick

Thank You ' would like to thank -astor +ick and all my #riends at ethany #or the many prayers and cards that ' received in response to the sad news o# my sister 6velyn5s passing. ' appreciate the kindness e(pressed by everyone. lessings to all. ?ove, Bean Bones To Bethany Lutheran Church, This is the per#ect time o# year to e(press our sincere thanks and appreciation #or your generosity in providing weekly meeting space #or our #ellowship. &e are very blessed and want you to know how very grate#ul we are. &ishing you a wonder#ul holiday season. Sincerely, 7our !riends #rom The Courage to Change" Naranon !amily 4roup VOLUNTEERS NEEDED $re you willing .and able/ to help with some small projects around the church% '# so, please contact Tom $aby and he will point you in the right direction. $ big thank you to Tom $aby who has worked diligently to get the #lat roo#s resealed and recoated. $ '4 B* C $nd thank you to Eary $nne Clark #or varnishing the courtyard benches and cleaning out the re#rigerators in Aoellner ,all. BOOK CLUB will gather at the @th !loor 4rille .Scottsdale +oad D Chaparral/ at 038<; on Tuesday, December <rd #or lunch and discussion o# Second Watch by J.A. Jance. &e will soon be getting a #amily #rom Fista del Camino to Gtake care o#G #or

Christmas. Eore details will be coming as we receive the in#ormation as to what their hopes and wishes are #or Christmas. The $ngel Tree will be in the court yard.

@8;; 't is a ethany tradition #or the children and youth to lead the @8;; pm &orship Service on Christmas 6ve. &hat a blessing to watch these young #olks use their 4od:given gi#ts and talents to worship the newborn HingC 7ou will certainly not want to miss their play, Witness to the Mirac$e". The children will transport us to ethlehem to meet the people o# the day. There will be carols, scripture and candle lighting ) a true #amily celebration. =8;; This service will consist o# scripture readings along with traditional Christmas Carols. &e will celebrate Besus birth through readings, song and candlelight. ,oly Communion will be celebrated. 7our presence at either service is the best way you can celebrate the gi#t o# Besus to the world. 'nvite a neighbor, a #riend, or anyone you know who may not have a church home. This is the time o# the year that #olks are more likely to positively respond to your invitation.


Christmas Eve !"## service $ %&"'( music )re*u+e, There will be a musical prelude be#ore the =8;; service beginning at >8@2. &e will once again have a brass Iuartet and the Iuartet will be led by a doctoral student in trumpet per#ormance #rom $SJ. -lan to arrive early to hear this group o# talented musicians as we prepare #or worship. The prelude begins at >8@2 #ollowed by the service at =8;;. Boy#ully singing, +andy

#ou are cordia$$y in%ited to the Con&re&ation Christmas 'inner Saturday( 'ecember )*th + ,-.. /m En0oy roast /or1( chic1en( and a$$ the trimmin&s Cost is2)3... /er /erson Ma1e your reser%ation in the courtyard on Sundays( 'ecember )st or 4th. #ou can a$so ca$$ 'iane !runs5e$d at 6*4.7 89.+3.:8.
- - - .ROS.ECT/VE 0E0BER 12T3ER/N1S - - &e are scheduling -rospective Eember 4atherings in December. The dates selected are Sunday, December 1th and December 02th #ollowing the worship service. &e will meet in the sanctuary #or about @2 minutes to an hour. The purpose o# these gatherings is to provide an opportunity #or prospective members to ask Iuestions and #or the church to share its vision o# ministry.

'# you or i# you know o# anyone interested in membership at ethany, #eel #ree to join us on these dates. '# you have any Iuestions, please call the church at @1;: K@=:2232.

!amily -romise
$t our !amily -romise meeting on November 00, the !amily -romise team chose the #ollowing dates #or hosting in 3;0@8 !ebruary 0> 9 3< Bune 1 9 02 September 0@ 9 30 $bout twenty members #rom three churches attended our last session. !or many o# us, this is a #irst e(perience in shared ministry. !amily -romise has allowed us to #orm new #riendships and provided the opportunity to make a di##erence in the lives o# children who might otherwise be living on the street. LLLLL +ecently Eary $nne Clark attended a gathering o# !amily -romise host coordinators at the day center on elleview. There were twelve churches represented and we enjoyed an al #resco dinner prepared by one o# the board members. &e viewed a short video celebrating !amily -romise5s twenty #ive years o# outreach to homeless #amilies. There are 013 shelters in #orty one states currently. The only !amily -romise shelter in $riMona is in the -hoeni( area, even though Tucson has the largest homeless population in our state. 't served eighty #amilies in 3;0<. The hope is to reach 0;; #amilies in the coming year. +ecently we received a reIuest #rom ,abitat #or ,umanity #or help building the apartments on elleview across #rom the !amily -romise day center. The land belongs to the city o# Scottsdale and the new low income apartments will be #inished be#ore the end o# the year. 'tNs the hope o# !amily -romise that graduates o# the program might live there and have the support o# the !amily -romise sta## in their ne(t step.

Eany host congregations are asking members to designate !amily -romise as the recipient o# their O3;;.;; $riMona 3;0< ta( credit. Donations #rom congregations to !amily -romise will go to the purchase o# each host congregationNs own mattresses. There will be no need to transport mattresses #rom site to site. ?ook #or Eary $nne in the courtyard in December with more in#ormation.


New -icture Directory There are many new #riends attending ethany since our last directory was published #ive years ago. -ictures will be taken Thursday and !riday, Banuary 0>, and 0=, #rom 08;; to 18<; -E and Saturday, Banuary 01, #rom 0;8;; $E 9 28;; -E. The Banuary dates were chosen especially #or our seasonal worshippers, and everyone who attends worship at ethany is invited to participate. Creating a picture directory helps us get to know one another. Signups will begin in the courtyard on Sunday, December 0 and continue the #ollowing Sundays, December 1 and 02. '# you5re unable to sign up in person, an online sign:up sheet will be available #or everyone beginning Eonday, December 0>. 4o to to choose the time o# your portrait session.

'ECEM!ER !IRTH'A#S ; A""I ERSARIES 0 Be## Cater, Ben &attier < Barod D Stephanie Easters < Samuel &attier @ Dennis D Benni#er &ebb = etty &eibel 3@ Hen D obbie artelson 02 Debby auer 0K arbara Jlven 3; Harla Dasen 33 Eaija ilsens, Don Hetchum 3< Don Steinnes



'# you would like to donate a poinsettia plant to decorate the church on Christmas 6ve, please complete the in#ormation below and return to the church o##ice no later than Sunday, December 02th. Cost is O0;.;; per plant. Number o# plants QQQQQQQQQQ !rom QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ 'n honor o# QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ or 'n memory o# QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ <$ease ta1e your /$ant a5ter the 9-.. Christmas E%e ser%ice.


!rom the Treasurer). *ctober was a bit more challenging month #inancially at ethany. &ith some Iuarterly payments due and lower than budgeted income, we had to dip into our money market savings to meet our obligations in *ctober. ,istorically, November and December are higher income months and we anticipate ending the year in good #inancial shape. ,ere is a Iuick look at the numbers8 *ct. $ctual udget 'ncome 6(penses O02,>@; O0=,=KK O0=,@3; O0K,3K1 O0><,<03 O0>>,@=> O0=<,<<3 O0==,2@> *ct. Ban:*ct. udget Ban:*ct. $ctual

$s you can see, we are appro(imately O0;,;;; less than our budgeted income and O00,;;; less than our budgeted e(penses #or the year. $lthough our income is lower than we planned, we have been able to control our e(penses, primarily by not #unding our parking lot paving, air conditioning contingency and business coordinator reserve accounts. &e hope to still be able to #und these by the end o# the year. 'n addition to the general #und income noted above, we have collected O3,3>= #or the roo# repair and have it set aside in a designated account. Thank you #or your continued #inancial support o# our ministries here at ethany. Norine !loyd, Treasurer En+ o4 Year Donations Donations to ethany #or year 3;0< should be in to the church o##ice by December <0st when the #inancial records will be

closed. *nly envelopes postmarked on or be#ore that date can be accepted. Thank you. 3;0@ *##ering 6nvelopes will be available #rom the back o# the church on Sunday, December 02th. 3;0@ !lower Chart will be posted on the mailbo( cart on December 02th. Cost this year remains O<2.;;. MOVIE NIGHT at the The Bethany Family Cinema Please join us for a Christmas movie

GThe -olar 6(pressG

ho!time" Fri#ay$ %e&em'er ()th at * +m ,o&ation" -eynol#s Hall Ti&.et Pri&e" !+66 Com+limentary Po+&orn / Bevera0es Brin0 a frien#1 2uestions" Conta&t 3ennifer 4e'' 56789:6;97<);= or Tra&y He+ola 56789<*796;68=

The choir is still looking #or new members. &e have begun our preparation #or $dvent and Christmas and good use some additional voices. ,ere is a special invitation to all our winter

visitors ). '# you miss singing in your choir at home please join us. Come and give us a try. During $dvent we will be meeting at =8;;, immediately #ollowing the mid:week $dvent service on &ednesday nights.


November 3;0< Scout News ethanyNs Troop @@3 Scouts have been busy again this month. &e wrapped up the -opcorn Sales and are looking ahead to other projects. &e also welcome Er. $dam oucher who has joined our ranks as an $ssistant Scoutmaster. &elcome aboard Er. oucherC &e now have more adult members than scouts. &e are going to distribute recruiting #liers in the nearby schools to recruit new scouts into the troop. The scouts served the lunches at this yearNs 7ule Eart aMaar sale on November Kth. $leksei 4allager, -arker ,enderson and Nick ,eim served up scrumptious Sloppy Boes and ,otdogs with chips, soda and water to the hungry patrons and ethanyNs tireless workers. The proceeds go to the participating scouts #or their dues and summer camp. The scouts voted to #orgo the District Camporee and instead have their own campout at artlett ?ake on the Ferde +iver. The outing was an overnight trip with the #amous ScoutmasterNs Stew on Saturday evening. The scouts enjoyed an a#ternoon o# #ishing in the lake and the most beauti#ul moon rise imaginable over a shimmering lake directly east o# the campsite we chose. eauti#ul weather and great company was enjoyed as the entire troop o# scouts gathered around the camp#ire to have skits, tell stories and just enjoy the great out o# doors in a really beauti#ul setting. Coming up in December is the Court o# honor #or some o# our scouts advancing to Second Class and !irst Class Scout along with the presentation o# merit badges and Camp 4eronimo awards. This will be #ollowed a week later by our annual Christmas -arty and Eovie. $s the troop re:registers this year we will be diminishing in numbers againC Some o# our older scoutNs have turned 01 and can no longer participate as youth. '# you know o# youth who enjoy the out:o#:doors why not invite them to come to ethanyNs Troop @@3 and join in the #un with our scouts as they

partake o# the scouting e(perience here in +eynolds ,all. $ll boys ages 00 to 01 are welcome to join these scouts in this great adventure. &e meet on Tuesday evenings at =8;; -E. $dults o# any age are also welcome to come and share their talents and e(periences with these young scouts. Scoutmaster, Back D. Stieg


A GREAT SUCCESS FOR OUR YU E !ART "A#AAR$ 7ule Eart sends our sincere thanks to all o# ethany #or your support throughout the year. 7ou always help make our aMaar a success. &hether you brought items to use or sell, donated items #or our ra##le, or gave o# your time) whatever you did it was greatly appreciated. 7ou will all be happy to know we have made O@>00.30 #or the year and more keeps coming in. *ur thanks go to -astor +ick, Hen artelson, D ud Eorrison who were out early putting up our signs by =8;; $ER and also making sure the signs were down by <8;;. ud and 7vonne even made more signs, replacing those that have somehow mysteriously disappeared. Thanks to all o# you who came to help us set up on !riday andPor stayed all day Saturday. *ur thanks to Hen +ies, ud Eorrison, 6thel Sheckler, ?inda Casey, Eary $nne Clark, Tom $aby, Diane !reeman, Cheryl Heuhn, Eary ?ee D -aula Sturgeon, Fera D Back Stieg, Char, $nnie D 6vie Choc, Ted Hennedy, ?arry ,ieb D many others. Thanks go to Back Stieg and the oy Scouts #or taking care o# the lunch #or us. &hat a help they were. $gain we decided to support the oys and 4irls Club Thri#t Shop by donating our le#t over items #rom the 7ard Sale to the Thri#t Shop. They were very appreciative. This helps to give us a more visible presence in our community. Thanks to all who helped load the vehicles and deliver the items. Thanks again #rom the 7ule Eart, Bean Bones, !ran Todd, 6vie +ies, ernie Aiegler, 4loria +oti, 7vonne Eorrison, Eary $shton, etty &eibel, !reida -urvis, arbara rown, etty ,alley, arbara SchulMe, and arbara Earshall.

&hen addressing our Christmas cards, it would be nice i# we remember our homebound #riends. Beanne Hetchum 1@0> 6 ,olly Scottsdale 1232= !ern Hnutson 1@;> Fia Sereno Scottsdale 12321 Ea(ine Stas 00@@@ N 11th -lace Scottsdale 123>;

?iM Eartin arbara ?und Scottsdale $sstd. ?iving+ed Eountain +e#lections >302 6 Shea lvd. 33<3 N ==th -lace Scottsdale 1232@ Eesa 123;=

,ighlights o# Church Council November 0<th Eeeting *ld usiness The &ii console #or +eynolds ,all is coming. New usiness Sandra !arley has submitted her resignation as usiness Coordinator e##ective the end o# the year. Sandra5s resignation was accepted. $nne !ield will be our new usiness Coordinator. The Christmas -arty will be Saturday, December 0@, 3;0<. The bathrooms need new e(haust #ans. Tom has been authoriMed to spend up to O2;;.;; 9 moved, seconded, approved. '# there is not enough money in the 4eneral !und, we will use undesignated memorial #unds. Ted Hennedy will help Tom $aby with the asha5s grocery cards. Calendars will be put on the meeting room doors. !amily -romise dates #or 3;0@8 !ebruary 0>:3<, Bune 1:02, September0@:30.

ethany will again hold $dvent services with $scension ?utheran. &e hope to have our website up by Banuary. &e are looking into starting a 7outh 4roup.


1ROCERY C2RD .RO1R20 Con#usion has accompanied some o# the recent changes to the community support programs o# !ryNs Supermarkets. Eost notably, #or those o# you in the congregation who have no computer and thus have no e:mail address as reIuired by !ryNs, you have been prevented #rom participating in the generous rebate program which has always greatly bene#itted ethany. &ell, now we have a solution to that problem...#or those with !ryNs F'- cards, you can now write out your name and F'- card number, leave the in#o with Fera in the o##ice, and someone will create an account and register your card with !ryNs, all in your behal# and with no needed action on your part. !rom that point on, any and all Iuali#ied purchases you make using your F'- cards will automatically result in a percentage o# your purchase being awarded to ethany under the !ryNs Community +eward -rogram. !or those o# the congregation who have computers and e:mail addresses o# their own, but have still not registered your F'- cards to credit ethany, all thatNs reIuire is that you log on to8 http8PPwww.#rys#ood.comPcommunityP-agesPcommunityQrewards.asp( and #ollow the step:by:step instructions contained therein. '# all else #ails, those o# you with computers may avail yourselves o# the service o##ered to the non:owners o# computers detailed above...just leave your name and F'- card number with Fera and an internet:savvy volunteer will create the account #or you. ashaNs 4rocery Card -rogram has undergone no changes whatsoever, so please continue using your Basha5s Thank You Car+ to bene#it ethany with a very generous percentage rebate #or any and all your Iuali#ied purchases. Bust as a reminder, the ashaNs cards can be purchased #rom Tom 2a6y a#ter services each Sunday #or the O0; that is pre:loaded on the card. Then on your ne(t visit to ashaNs present the card to a customer service rep and ask that they load on an additional amount o# your choosing, allowing you to simply swipe your card in payment #or all your purchases. 33

&e sincerely hope this relieves the an(iety #elt by some o# the congregation, and strongly encourage each and every member who shop at !ryNs and ashaNs to participate in the very generous and bene#icial rebate programs o##ered by the two #ine will cost you nothing whatsoever but will bene#it ethanyNs treasury


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