Report On Unit 5 TG Vibrations: Data / Observation
Report On Unit 5 TG Vibrations: Data / Observation
Report On Unit 5 TG Vibrations: Data / Observation
-" Unit +oad 0a$ -.0 )0 and 7P 8ontro+ 9a+&e openin! 0a$ 1,/20/21/21: 0#en %earin! no 1 &i%ration 0a$ #i!#" ." ;t 02"-0 #r$: 0#en +oad 0a$ rai$ed to -90 M< and 7P89 openin! to 2-= t#e &i%ration #a$ red/ced to nor)a+ &a+/e" Analysis: 1" ;t 0-"-0 #r$ 1oca+ %earin! pede$ta+ &i%ration and $pectr/) are nor)a+ and co)para%+e 0it# ear+ier readin!" 2" TG earin! > 2 $#a(t &i%ration i$ co)pared 0it# a. 8#an!e in 1oad: %" 6re?/enc3: b. 7P contro+ &a+&e po$ition: d" earin! pede$ta+ &i%ration: c. e" &i%ration o( ot#er %earin!$ / $#a(t$: (" $ea+ $tea) para)eter$ d. !" earin! te)perat/re etc It i$ o%$er&ed t#e $#a(t 2 &i%ration c#an!e$ 0it# re$pect to +oad and contro+ &a+&e po$ition and direct+3 proportiona+" &a+&e openin! $pi@e$ are o%$er&ed" /t at )ini)/)
1" 7P contro+ &a+&e po$ition to %e a+0a3$ @ept a%o&e 25= openin! at a++ +oad$" 2" Trendin! o( '#a(t and Pede$ta+ &i%ration$ A t0ice in a )ont# Pa!e " o( #
T#e /nit can r/n contin/o/$+3 0it#o/t an3 +oad re$triction: i( t#ere i$ an3 c#an!e (/rt#er ana+3$i$ 0i++ %e carried o/t"
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