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Chicago Semester Lesson Plan: CCSS - Math.Content.2.NBT.A.2 CCSS - Math.Content.2.NBT.A.3

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C.T. Initials_____


Name: Standards Alayna Mucci Subject: Math Grade: 2 Length: 45mins ate: !"#2"#$

CCSS.Math.Content.2.NBT.A.2 Count within 1000; skip !ount "# $s% 10s% an& 100s. CCSS.Math.Content.2.NBT.A.3 'ea& an& w(ite nu)"e(s to 1000 usin* "ase ten nu)e(als% nu)"e( na)es% an& e+pan&e& ,o(). CCSS.Math.Content.2.NBT.A.- Co)pa(e two th(ee &i*it nu)"e(s "ase& on )eanin*s o, the hun&(e&s% tens% an& ones &i*its% usin* .% /% an& 0 s#)"ols to (e!o(& the (esults o, !o)pa(isons. CCSS.Math.Content.2.1A.C.3 2ete()ine whethe( a *(oup o, o"3e!ts 4up to 205 has an o&& o( e6en nu)"e( o, )e)"e(s% e.*.% "# pai(in* o"3e!ts o( !ountin* the) "# 2s; w(ite an e7uation to e+p(ess an e6en nu)"e( as a su) o, two e7ual a&&en&s.

Stu&ents will "e well p(epa(e& ,o( thei( 8nit 1 )ath e+a). Missin* nu)"e(s9 The# will "e a"le to ,ill in )issin* nu)"e(s in a se(ies in!lu&in* !ountin* "# twos an& th(ees. I, *i6en a nu)"e( *(i& with )issin* nu)"e(s the# will "e a"le to ,ill in the nu)"e(s. Mone#9 The# will "e a"le to i&enti,# !oins "# hea&s an& tails an& know ea!h !oins 6alue. 8sin* si)ple a&&ition the# will "e a"le to !ount !oins to i&enti,# the a)ount o, !han*e *i6e. Ti)e9 The# will "e a"le to (ea& a !lo!k an& tell the ti)e (ep(esente&. As well as (ea& a ti)e an& ,ill in the ti)e on the !lo!k. Tall# Ma(ks9 Stu&ents will "e a"le to (ep(esent a *i6en nu)"e( in tall# )a(ks. A&&ition/Su"t(a!tion9 Stu&ents will "e a"le to &o si)ple a&&ition an& su"t(a!tion usin* nu)"e(s :e(o th(ou*h ei*hteen. Cal!ulato(s9 Stu&ents will "e a"le to use a !al!ulato( o, "asi! ,un!tions. ;(eate( than/ <ess than9 Stu&ents will "e a"le to i&enti,# nu)"e(s an& *(eate( than% less than% o( e7ual to usin* the s#)"ols 0% .% an& /. Te)pe(atu(e9 Stu&ents will "e a"le to (ea& a the()o)ete( an& i&enti,# the &e*(ee (ep(esente&. =inall#% stu&ents will "e a"le to sel, (e,le!t an& (e!o*ni:e thei( st(en*ths an& weaknesses when it !o)es to the )ate(ial p(esente&.

The *a)e itsel, will se(6e as the )ain assess)ent ,o( the lesson.

>hite "oa(& 2(# e(ase )a(ke(s Math slates In&e+ !a(&s Math )essa*e pape(s

Se&uence '( Acti%ities.

4_-$_ )inutes5


C.T. Initials_____

Int(o&u!tion 4_10_ )inutes5 Math Messa*e

?ass out )ath )essa*e pape( @+plain to stu&ents what to &o. >(ite options on the "oa(&9 B# )#sel, an& !an help a ,(ien&% "# )#sel,% o( nee& help. Assist stu&ents as nee&e& Colle!t pape(s

Math 'e6iew ;a)e @+plain )ath *a)e 2oAs an& &onAts B No #ellin* out answe(s B No *ettin* upset i, #ou &onAt *et it (i*ht B Sta# seate& B Col& up answe( when ,inishe& B 1nl# w(ite answe( on )ath slates B 2o not answe( until I sa# *o S!o(in* Cow )u!h ea!h 7uestion is wo(th will "e on the "a!k o, !a(& T#pes o, 7uestions =ill in the nu)"e( A&&ition/Su"t(a!tion Ti)e Mone# Tall# )a(ks Te)pe(atu(e @6en/ 1&& B(oken Cal!ulato( Split !lass into ,ou( *(oups Allow a ,ew )o)ents ,o( *(oups to !o)e up with tea) na)es ?la# *a)e

Instructi'nal Acc'mm'dati'ns The(e a(e 6a(#in* le6els o, 7uestions th(ou*hout the *a)e to "est a!!o))o&ate all stu&ents.
4$ )inutes5

Clean up all )ate(ials Ask stu&ents ,ollow up 7uestions to see how the# like& the *a)e an& what the# lea(ne&. Also% ask the stu&ents i, the# ,eel p(epa(e& ,o( the test.

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