Mallarie Lesson Plan 2
Mallarie Lesson Plan 2
Mallarie Lesson Plan 2
What are the different resources found across the different regions of North America? NCSS Theme: Time, Continuity, and Change VA Standard of learning: USI.2 (b): The student will use maps, globes, photographs, pictures, or tables to locate and describe the location of the geographic regions of North America: Coastal Plain, Appalachian Mountains, Canadian Shield, Interior Lowlands, Great Plains, Rocky Mountains, Basin and Range, and Coastal Range. Essential Understanding: People in different regions across North America collaborate with each-other to buy, sell, and trade goods to obtain resources. Objectives Students will be able to locate the geographic regions of North America. Students will be able to describe the geographic regions of North America. Students will be able to identify key geographic features of regions in North America using maps, diagrams, and photographs. Students will be able to explain how people in different regions across North America collaborate with each other to buy, sell, and trade goods to obtain resources. Materials Teacher Materials World Map Geographic Region packet YouTube video Geographic Regions Hqho Index Cards Colored Pencils Anecdotal notes notebook Sandwich bag with region labels Labels for each region Student Materials Geographic Region Worksheet Geographic Region packet Index card Colored Pencils Pencil
Photographs & Maps Articles for geographic regions Elmo- Projector PowerPoint-Geographic Regions
Introduction (10 minutes) 1. Tell students that in their last lesson they discovered the names of the 7 continents and 5 oceans and by the end of the lesson should have been able to identify those continents and oceans on a map. 2. Inform them that today they will be working solely within the continent of North America. 3. Show students a world map using the pull down map and call on a student to come up to the front and identify which continent is North America. 4. Inform them that within North America there are eight geographic regions. 5. Show students PPT slide 2 which shows the materials at each center. (worksheet, packet, color pencils, books, maps, photographs) 6. Tell students they will be going to one of eight centers. Show PPT slide 3 (directions for centers). 7. Walk around the room and point out each center and the materials found in each. Each center will have a label above it. (The picture includes a visual with the name of the region) 8. Show students the map worksheet at the center as well as the packet for them to take notes about each region. (Using the whiteboard model for students how they are to color in their geographic region using a specific color) Procedures (20 minutes) 1. Inform students that in order for them to determine which center to go to they will be given an index card with a picture of their region on the front of the card and the name of the region on the back of the card.(28 cards total: 4 groups of 4 students & 4 groups of 3 students) 2. Tell students that once they are at their centers they will be given 20 minutes to explore the geographic region given to them. 3. Inform the students that they will be presenting their findings to the rest of the class after 20 minutes is over. 4. Tell the students that they are to wait for the teachers instructions to move to their center. 5. Pass out index cards for grouping. Once the last student has received their card allow the students to find their center. 6. As the students are working walk around and observe students and take anecdotal notes about observations of how students are interacting, communicating, and the information they are presenting to the rest of their group. 7. At the end of 20 minutes instruct the students to clean up their materials but to remain in their groups. Procedures Cont. (5 minutes)
1. Tell students that it is time to share their findings. Each group will come to the front and each group member will present a piece of information. Tell students to pick one students map to display using the Elmo (projector) Whatever color a group used to color their maps is the same color that other students will need to color their maps. 2. Before the groups come up tell them that they are to share their map and information for each section on their worksheet. 3. Remind students that they are to complete the notes for the section the students are presenting and to be respectful towards the groups that are presenting. Remind them to be attentive and active listeners. 4. Using a plastic bag with the geographic region names in it, draw one region out and that will be the group to present first. Procedures Cont. (35 minutes) 1. Allow each group 4 minutes to present their findings. 2. As the students are presenting take notes about each students participation both as a presenter and active listener. Walk around the room to view the notes students are taking as the groups are presenting. 3. After each group has presented show the students what their geographic map on the front of their packet should look like all colored in. 4. Ask the students what questions they may have. Summary (10 minutes) 1. After the groups have presented ask the students how they felt about using centers to gain a deeper understanding of the geographic regions of North America. 2. Show students PPT slide 4 which highlights an exit slip. 3. Hand out index cards to students and have them complete the questions presented in PPT slide 4. (2 minutes) 4. Collect index cards. 5. Show PPT slide 5. (Contains a link to the YouTube video Geographic Regions- 3:50) This is a song to piece together the content the students learned today. 6. Inform the students that tomorrow they will review any questions they still had about the content learned today.
Observation & anecdotal notes- As students are working in groups gathering their information, presenting their findings, and being active listeners the teacher will use the anecdotal notes notebook to record observations made with students. The teacher will record the students interactions with others, communication strategies used, material presented both in the group and towards the entire class, and questions asked. These notes will provide the teacher with a means for organizing student information as well as allow the teacher to make informed decisions
regarding future lessons. The observations recorded can be used towards a students effort grade as well as allow the teacher to determine areas in which students are struggling or excelling. Group work- The students are required to work in a group to complete the information for the region assigned to them. Students are able to strengthen their social, academic, and cognitive skills while working in these groups. While in these groups the teacher is walking around taking notes about observations seen. The interaction amongst the groups will allow the teacher to see how students are interacting with each other, the effectiveness of group work for this lesson, and provide the teacher with information about what additional support needs to be given. Worksheets- The information written on the students worksheets will be assessed for their content. The worksheets are used to show the students participation in the lesson as well as what content has been taken from the lesson. The teacher can use these worksheets to show students growth throughout the unit. Index card- Index cards are used at the end of the lesson to evaluate students understanding of the content and to allow the students to ask any questions about the material covered. The written responses will provide the teacher with information about how to drive further instruction as well as what students are understanding or need more assistance with.
Students will have the opportunity to work with a partner to assist them in developing ideas and make them more comfortable with the material being taught. Visuals of the content will be provided to assist all students including ELL, lower level, and students with disabilities to better understand the material from the lesson. These visuals will be used on the student worksheets as well as within the PowerPoint slides and video shown. Students will have exposure to visual, bodily-kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and linguistic learning styles. The teacher will walk around to provide assistance for students.
Extension If students finish early in their groups they may explore the resources in their group further and take note of their findings and/or generate further questions about the geographic region. The materials may also be explored for pleasure purposes to increase a students knowledge of the content.