Heh, You're Still Two Weeks Late & Several Docs Short of Being in "Accordance"

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Been wondering... What's up with the highlighting? prior to Happy Hour ^ such as it is....

heh, you're still two weeks late & several docs short of being in "accordance".

cutting & pasting the order to

ah yes, more cutting & pasting.

Ah yes, the obligatory Duffy excuse. No filing (of his) should be without one. . . . And here he demonstrates his reading comprehension . . , Twisting the judge's words to suit your own ineptness is not going to get you anywhere. Man up, already.

He also required you to provide proof of service... but nevermind that.

Cool. Now, how about some proof of service?

s/ simALITY.

The Takeaway: So, Duffy starts off by saying that he had notified Steele and Hansmeier by email & telephone. He goes on to say that he had not found other means of communication successful. But THEN he says that he had sent them a copy of the order via first class snailmail. Were you lying then or are you lying now?

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