Smoking and Pregnancyfinalpdf
Smoking and Pregnancyfinalpdf
Smoking and Pregnancyfinalpdf
Group Goal
This group consists of of a variety of nurses with varying nursing backgrounds.
All have a common goal to encourage women of child bearing age not to smoke during pregnancy.
Educational Goal
This community project is designed to educate women who are pregnant or thinking of becoming pregnant on how smoking effects their unborn child. By the end of this educational session, the goal is to convince these women to stop smoking by educating them on the dangers of smoking while pregnant, and to offer ways to stop smoking to ensure that their babies are born healthy.
Learning evaluation
The target group will be able to repeat back the three risks of smoking while pregnant.
The target group will be able to repeat back at least five ways that smoking may harm their unborn child.
The target group will be able to repeat back the best way to stop smoking.
Developmental stage
Young adult ages 19-40 Based upon Eriksons developmental stages, this group is in conflict of intimacy versus isolation. The formation of intimate relationships or failure, will lead to loneliness and isolation.
Teaching Strategies
Plain language Keep the information that is provided in a very simple, easy to understand manner.
Reciprocal learning Dialogue between the learner and the teacher in which the two take turns in the roles.
Redundant communication Delivery of the same message in numerous ways-handout, websites, podcast, and class activities.
Teaching Methods
Class instruction Handout Interactive Website Recommended websites
Class Activities
Activity #1 Bring in various sets of lungs; models and pictures which depicts a healthy lung versus a smokers lung. This activity will be beneficial to visual learners. Also display photos of babies born to smoking mothers and have a group discussion to address feelings that may arise during this activity.
Class Activities
Activity # 2 Attend the bodies exhibit as an outing to experience the trimesters of pregnancy in regards to a non-smoker vs. a smoker. This activity will allow the pregnant women to physically see how smoking affects the fetus, as well as her body if she chooses to continue smoking throughout pregnancy. This will also allow the target group to see the diseases that affect those that smoke. This activity will be beneficial to kinesthetic and visual learners.
Class Activities
Activity # 3 A pre-test and post-test in class activities. Have the target group take a 10 question pre-test and give them the correct answers as well as the national statistics of women smoking during pregnancy. After using Activity #1 & #2, as well as general in class lecture, wrap up with the same questions administered during the pre-test to see what the target group has retained in regards to education. By administering a pretest, this will give those educating a baseline of what each individual may need extra assistance . By comparing the pretest to the post-test this will also be a valuable tool in assess the education and retaining barrier of information. This activity will be beneficial to auditory learners.
Classroom Learning
It is very important to stop smoking completely while pregnant. Get help if you need it. Talk to your health care provider about programs and services available to help you quit.
Meditation Make yourself feel at peace. This is a great way to relieve stress and to calm your nerves. This help you stop smoking, and it may also help you through tough times during your pregnancy.
Distraction Start a hobby that you enjoy . You will have so much fun that you will fight the temptation.
Motivation Write a list of reasons why you want to quit. Make sure baby's health is top priority! Keep that list close by and look at it often. Your baby's health is most important. To ensure your deliver a healthy baby, you should quit smoking.
The Message
When you smoke , you inhale poisons such as nicotine, lead, arsenic and carbon monoxide. These poisons get into the placenta, which is the tissue that connects you to your baby.
These poisons keep your baby from getting the proper supply of nutrients and oxygen that he or she needs to grow.
Handouts- Brochure
Handouts- Brochure
Designed Website /
Recommended Websites
American Lung Association. (2011). General smoking facts . Retrieved from facts.html (2013). Secondhand smoke . Retrieved from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2013, September). How many women smoke during pregnancy ? Retrieved from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2013, September). What are the benefits of quiting? Retrieved from
Healthline. (2011). The effects of smoking on pregnancy and childbirth . Retrieved from (2013, November). The effects of smoking on the unborn child and complications of pregnancy and birth . Retrieved from