Cauliflower Mosaic Virus
Cauliflower Mosaic Virus
Cauliflower Mosaic Virus
Host Range
► Narrow
host range ,restricted
members of Brassicaceae
► Veinclearin in Arabidopsis,Brassica
spe,Rhaphanus sps &other plants
family in Brassicaceae
► The Caulimoviridae are a family of viruses,
including the following genera:
► Genus Badnavirus; type species:
Commelina yellow mottle virus
► Genus Caulimovirus; type species:
Cauliflower mosaic virus
► Genus Tungrovirus; type species:
Rice tungro bacilliform virus
► Genus Soymovirus; type species:
Soybean chlorotic mottle virus
► Genus Cavemovirus; type species:
Cassava vein mosaic virus
► Genus Petuvirus; type species:
Petunia vein clearing virus
► Using insecticides
► Elimination of disease plants
► Cultivation of virus –resistant varieties
► Selection of disease free planting
► Selection of disease free soil for
► The cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) 35S promoter
has been most commonly used in plant
transformation studies, but its activity in
mushrooms has not been reported.
► p301-b is a binary vector containing a bialaphos
resistance gene driven by the promoter of Lentinus
edodes glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate
dehydrogenase (GPD) gene.
► CaMV 35S-GUS was inserted into p301-b, and the
resulting construct p301-bG was transformed to
protoplasts of Ganoderma lucidum and
basidiospores of Pleurotus citrinopileatus.
► GUS activity was observed in the transformants,
indicating that CaMV 35S promoter can direct
expression of exogenous gene in the mushrooms.
This is the first report on the application of CaMV
35S promoter in genetic modification of