Ryan Oliver: Twitter: @ryanoliver - DC Instagram: Ryanoliver - DC Linkedin: Ryan Oliver Email: Ro4315A@Student - American.Edu
Ryan Oliver: Twitter: @ryanoliver - DC Instagram: Ryanoliver - DC Linkedin: Ryan Oliver Email: Ro4315A@Student - American.Edu
Ryan Oliver: Twitter: @ryanoliver - DC Instagram: Ryanoliver - DC Linkedin: Ryan Oliver Email: Ro4315A@Student - American.Edu
Email: [email protected]
EDUCATION American University, Washington, DC M.A. - Journalism & Public Affairs, emphasis in broadcast Expected Graduation Date: July 2014 Pepperdine University, Malibu, CA B.A. - Broadcast News EXPERIENCE ChatSports.com Fall 2013 - Present Write insightful analysis and commentary stories on the NBA and NFL, mainly covering the Washington Wizards and the Washington Redskins
The Washington Post Fall 2013 - Present Graduate Assistant; Researcher for the investigative reporting team that broke D.C. tax liens story Teaching Assistant, American University Fall 2013 - Present Teaching assistant for undergraduate reporting class; specifically teaching radio broadcast structure Intern at KTLA-TV 5, Los Angeles Production assistant in sports department; wrote scripts and edited video Covered professional sporting events, including NBA and NHL games Winter 2013 Spring 2013
Sports Broadcasting Intern, Pepperdine University Fall 2012 Spring 2013 Play-by-play announcer for sporting events; specifically mens and womens basketball NewsWaves, Pepperdine University Fall 2012 Spring 2013 Covered local stories for the Universitys news broadcast; writing broadcast scripts on deadline, creating packages, and editing video Ocean Sports Radio, Malibu, CA Fall 2012 Spring 2013 Creator and host; aired weekly on KWVS 101.5 FM in Malibu Jumpstart for young children, Los Angeles Fall 2009 Spring 2013 Worked with underprivileged children ages 2-5 to develop language skills, enhance reading and writing skills, and improve alphabet knowledge
AWARDS News Hound Award Received during sophomore year at Pepperdine University. Awarded to the journalism student who performed best throughout the semester. SKILL Computer/Writing Skills Final Cut Pro 10 Avid Microsoft Word & PowerPoint