To Sunhith Rao Control Systems RCI, Hyderabad: TH TH TH
To Sunhith Rao Control Systems RCI, Hyderabad: TH TH TH
To Sunhith Rao Control Systems RCI, Hyderabad: TH TH TH
T!"#$!%& Functional Tests has been carried on TMS T!"#$!% STP System The Carco Electronic Part which consists of Control Console & Power Amplifier Functionality is working fine The Cabinet Filter Fans in the Control Console Panel and Power Amplifier panel are working fine Wiring and connectors of the system in the cabinet is properly aligned Hori ontal sledge carriage rod is rusted and need to be cleaned Hori ontal and !ertical sensors are cleaned with proper solutions The rope alignment to be ad"usted on the wheels properly The rope need to be tightened slightly
'ctivity (one Tested and functionality of AC #reakers$ %witches and #uttons on the Control Console and PA Console found working fine Cleaned the Control Console and PA console Cabinets Cleaned the E&haoust Fan Filters Ad"usted the Hori ontal rope on the wheels properly Tested the T'% T()*+(, %TP %ystem with -.// and 'anual 'odes and found working fine Cleaned Hori ontal and 0ertical sensors with isopropyl Cleaning and 0isual inspection of the system has been done 'ctivity Pending The Hori ontal 1ope need to be tightened slightly Calibration has be done
The abo!e acti!ity was carried on 2ated3 4th$ 5th 6ct and ,+th -o! +*,) by -atara" and %unil