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NAME Eduardo Cerdeiras Phone: 305-979-4043 Email: ecerdeiras@stu.

I would like to work with the youth and help educate them in their spiritual and faith journey of life. To be specific, I would like to teach at a Catholic school so that I may teach the youth the truth that the Catholic Church has to offer. PERSONAL STATEMENT Very enthusiastic with youth Very much involved with the lay ministry of the Catholic Salesian order Worked in a summer camp Volunteer work with high school and college campus ministry Worked in youth rallies Volunteered as director/coordinator in many retreats Hosted camping trips with youth Volunteer work at an orphanage Volunteer work with building youth school houses Volunteer work with elderly Volunteer at festival for underprivileged kids Worked with underprivileged middle schooled kids on the weekends EDUCATION Elementary- middle school: Home schooled from kindergarten until 8th grade. I was taught by my mother and I graduated in 2008 High school: Went to Immaculata La Salle for four years. I started in 2008 and graduated in 2012 with a GPA of 3.12 o Took and completed Catholicism o Took and completed Bible Class o Took and completed Sacramental Life/ Morality o Took and completed World Religions College/ University: Currently in St. Thomas University as a sophomore. I started in the Fall Semester of 2012 and am currently in the Fall Semester of 2013. I am looking to transfer to Belmont Abbey College to finish by last two years of college and complete my degree. o Took and completed Introduction to Philosophy o Took and completed Introduction to religious studies o Took and completed Theology of Marriage and Family o Took and completed Bible Story and Salvation o Took and completed Introduction to Catholicism Degrees: I am currently pursuing a bachelors degree in theology as well as a minor in education. When I complete my bachelors and my minor I would like to pursue in receiving a masters in theology and pass my Florida Educations tests so that I can teach at the high school level.

Projects: o Social Issue Awareness Project: A group of students and myself were assigned a project to bring social awareness to issues in our society. So we brought up the social issue of immigration and we brought awareness by creating a temporary website to build awareness through Catholic Social Teachings and common sense moral values. When we presented this project to our teachers, we were able to bring awareness to our school and help educate some of the students about the serious issue of immigration. o Have done a research paper which included analyzing a Bible verse and discussion its author, history, text and reason for being written. o Have done a research paper on political voting, which I received a very good grade for and was invited to share it out loud in a media seminar, but was unable to do so due to previous scheduled plans.

EMPLOYMENT Worked and continue to work as an assistant coach for La Salle High School soccer and track and field. I also have done personal training with athletes from there as well. I have been doing this for 2 years now. Work at a summer camp at La Salle High school. I am a lifeguard there and I have been working for them for 3 years now. I have worked with the Salesian Youth Ministry Office in New Rochelle, NY. I helped coordinate a retreat. I did this for about a month to see if I would like to work there in the future and a youth minister. I currently work with St. Thomas University Campus Ministry. I am a second year work study there and have contributed by hosting events such as guest speakers, Bible studies and youth rallies. ACHIEVEMENTS Selected by my teachers to attend the October Leadership retreat. This retreat includes all the Salesian high schools in the eastern province and for each school, 8 students are chosen from the senior class by their teachers. Selected to lead the March Leadership retreat. This retreat I was chosen by the eastern province youth ministry office to lead the junior retreat. I was chosen through an application process in which 2 out of the 8 students from each school who participated in the October Leadership Retreat are chosen. Received the Don Bosco Award in my high school graduation. This award is awarded to a person who shows excellent student positivity to among their peers and themselves, is very active in school activities and shows the true Catholic and Salesian Spirit both in school and out. Received Most Outstanding Athlete for all 4 years in high school. Was captain of the football and track and field at La Salle High School in which I was chosen by both teammates and coaches. Coordinated the October Leadership Retreat. Helped organize and run the retreat. I am the treasurer for the new club at St. Thomas University called Catholic Bobcats. This is a program in which its goal is to respond to the New Evangelization that the Catholic Church has called for all Catholics to respond to. Helped organize the Blessed Pope John Paul Relic Youth Rally at St. Thomas University.

SKILLS/QUALIFICATIONS I have a drivers license I am a certified lifeguard I was born a US citizen I have taken virtues training so that I may work with children as an adult I have played many sports such baseball, football, track and field, swimming, cross and country. By playing these sports I feel qualified to coach any of these sports. Very enthusiastic I work well with others I am a man of Values I am a hard working and have good work ethic I am a good listener I am a firm believer is the Catholic teachings and morals I can bring many ideas to the table I enjoy working with the youth a lot.

Further Information
I have played many sports such baseball, football, track and field, swimming, cross country and basketball. By playing these sports I feel qualified to coach baseball, track and field and cross country. Enjoy outdoor activities such as fishing/fly-fishing, hiking, hunting, camping and cycling. I love travelling I enjoy working out and staying in shape by running, lifting, swimming and cycling. I am very family oriented. I am a Eucharistic Minister and a alter server. I have done volunteer work at an orphanage by playing and caring for them. Have done volunteer work with building youth school houses. I have done volunteer work with elderly sisters by just being there and listening and having conversation with them. Have done volunteer at festival for underprivileged kids by playing with the kids and making a fun and safe atmosphere for them to have fun with their friends and peers. Have done volunteer work with salesian youth ministry and high school retreats by coordinating and directing the retreat.

Fr. Luis Rivero- St. Thomas University director of Campus Ministry. [email protected] (305) 628-6751

Sr. Kim Keraitis- Principle at La Salle High School.

305-854-2334 [email protected]

Tanya Acosta- Campus Minister at La Salle High School [email protected] 305-854-2334

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