Mca 401

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Roll No. ......................

Total No. of Questions : 13] [Total No. of Pages : 02

J-3178[S-1034] [2037]
MCA (Semester - 4th)
Relational Database Management System - II (MCA - 401)
Time : 03 Hours Maximum Marks : 75
Instruction to Candidates:
1) Section - A is compulsory.
2) Attempt any Nine questions from Section - B.

Section - A

Q1) (15 x 2 = 30)

a) Differentiate centralized and decentralized design.
b) What is data abstraction?
c) What are the differences between serial and non serial schedules?
d) What are the advantages and disadvantages of DDBMS?
e) What layers of transparency should be provided with a DDBMS?
f) What is data replication?
g) What is local mapping transparency?
h) Describe two phase locking protocol.
i) What is load balancing?
j) What are the disadvantages of file server architecture?
k) Discuss main tasks associated with the administration and management
of a data warehouse.
l) What is warehouse manager?
m) Describe Codd’s rules for OLAP tools.
n) What is predictive modeling?
o) Define primary key and super key.

Section - B (9 x 5 = 45)
Q2) Describe main purposes and activities associated with each stage of database
application lifecycle.

Q3) Compare and contrast the three phases of database design.

Q4) Describe the main advantages of using prototyping approach when

building database application.

Q5) What is timestamp? How timestamp do based protocols for concurrency

control differ from locking?

Q6) Explain the types of transparencies in a DDBMS.

Q7) Explain single site processing, single site data.

Q8) What is meant by term client server architecture and what are the advantages
of this approach?

Q9) What is TP monitor? What advantages does TP monitor bring to an OLTP


Q10) Give diagrammatic representation of architecture and components of data


Q11) Explain in detail decision support system.

Q12) Discuss what online analytical processing is and how it differs from data

Q13) Explain data mining in detail.


J-3178[S-1034] -2-

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