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</div> <div id="entries" style="display:none"> <blogger> <div class="f1"><$BlogItemTitle$> </div> <div class="f2"><BlogDateHeader><$BlogDateHeaderDate$></BlogDateHeader> | <$Blog ItemDateTime$> | <a href="<$BlogItemCommentCreate$>"<$BlogItemCommentFormOnClick $>><$BlogItemCommentCount$></BlogItemCommentsEnabled> comments</a></div> <br><$BlogItemBody$><br> </blogger> </div> <div id="profile" style="display:none"> <div class="f1">The Princess</div> <div class="f2">don't say no one who care about you</div> <br> <center> <b>{ STRICTLY CHANGE THIS SECTION TO YOUR OWN WORDS }</b> </center> <br> <img class="love" src=" OCHAFRAPPES_blogspot_ICU_peakingmyviewsource/1975785g1xpmcrhx4.gif"/> Who I am? Hello guys! just call me </b>Hanie(m), Michiko, or Han-Ae <i>#jelly with it??</i > i'm born on</b> 23rd of July in the year of 1996 in Kuala Lumpur. My hometown is </b>Seoul, South Korea but i'm currently in Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia . I'm now study in one of the science school in this country <i>#proud to be a SBP student.</i> I'm a pure Malaysian with a lil' bit Chinese mixed. I do hate bugs, backstabbers, anons, haters, and copycaters <i>#get out you loos er(s).</i> Proud to be a hardcore KPOP fans since 2010 and being EXOTIC, baby, inspirit, ba na and angel.<font color="red">?</font><br><br> <img class="love" src=" OCHAFRAPPES_blogspot_ICU_peakingmyviewsource/1975785g1xpmcrhx4.gif"/>Some facts about me :<br> I have siblings in blogger they're <a href=" ">Myra</a>, <a href="">Anna</a> and <a hr ef="">AoiSora.</a> I'm kind of <s>feminine</s> 'bo yish' girl. And also bad in 'aegyo'.. Huh -..-"Currently in a mentally dating wi th all my BIASED.50kg++ weight (quite heavy. duhh~) and 164 height. hihi..i'm fa mous on tv (public figure) <i>#lying.</i>Loves to make friends and afraid of <s> boys</s> and cats //aigoo.<My personalities are shy, cannot start a conversation and blur.Hates those who 'not honest' in friendship and ignore others. I love y ou ;)<br><br> <center><img src=""/></center> <br><br> </div> <div id="faq" style="display:none"> <div class="f1"> The affiliates</div> <div class="f2">just escape to these websites</div> <br> <center><img src="" align="center "></center><br> <center>

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<div class="f1"> Arigatougozaimasu</div> <div class="f2">don't ever remove the credits</div> The template is originally made by <a href=""> M-iichiko</a><br> The gorgeous background by <a href=""> Wanaseoby</ a> and <a href=""> Subtlepattern </a><br> Some image from <a href=""> tumblr</a> and <a href="http://"> weheartit </a> and is hosted by <a href="">blogger</a><br> <br> <br><br> </div> <div id="links" style="display:none"> <script> function changeNavigation(id) {document.getElementById('pages') .innerHTML=document.getElementById(id).innerHTML} </script> </div> <script language=JavaScript> <!-//Disable right click script III- By Renigade (renigade@mediaone .net) //For full source code, visit

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