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Lessonthree History Through Art

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History through Art

Founding Fathers, Founding Documents Essential Question/s

How do the visual arts relate to history?

VI. POWER, AUTHORITY, AN !OVERNAN"E# $o%ial studies &ro'ra(s should i)%lude e*&erie)%es that &rovide +or the study o+ how &eo&le %reate, i)tera%t with, a)d %ha)'e stru%tures o+ &ower, authority, a)d 'over)a)%e.

VA Standards of learning
Virginia Studies ! $tude)ts will de(o)strate the role o+ Vir'i)ia i) the esta,lish(e)t o+ the New Natio) throu'h i)+lue)tial leaders, %ru%ial +ou)datio)al do%u(e)ts a)d the i)+lue)%e o+ 'eo'ra&hy o) (i'ratio) o+ Vir'i)ia)-s to the wester) territories. National Content Standards for Art Education"Visual Arts #! U)dersta)di)' the visual arts i) relatio)s to history a)d %ultures.

$%&ecti'es $tude)ts will ,e a,le to de%o)stru%t wor.s o+ art a)d u)dersta)d how art is used to de&i%t histori%al eve)ts. Materials for (earning Acti'ities Students! Tea%her %reated wor.sheet o+ art o,servatio)s a)d i)ter&retatio)s, loose lea+ &a&er. Teacher! "o(&uter, $/ART,oard0&ro1e%tor, A&&le sli%es i) tra)slu%e)t %o)tai)er 2O,1e%t that will &rovide o,servatio)s, so(ethi)' that will tri''er the use o+ (ulti&le se)ses3. )rocedures for (earning Acti'ities *ntroduction! 4. Tea%her will have a) a&&le %ut u& a)d i) a) tra)slu%e)t %o)tai)er. $tude)ts will &ut ha)d i)to %o)tai) a)d +eel the 5(ystery ite(6. 7. They will the) &ut their ear to it to see i+ they %a) hear it a)d they will also s(ell it. 8. O) a &ie%e o+ loose lea+ &a&er, +olded i) hal+, o)e side la,eled o,servatio)s, the other i)ter&retatio)s. 9. As stude)ts use their se)ses they will say what they o,serve, leavi)' the i)ter&retatio) %olu() e(&ty +or )ow, .ee&i)' all ideas to the(selves. :. $tude)ts have )ow (ade o,servatio)s. We will dis%uss what they have wrote a)d %reate a %lass list a,out (ystery ite(. We will the) dis%uss i)ter&retatio)s. As+! What is a) i)ter&retatio)? How do we +or( the(? ;Whole 'rou&< ;:=> (i)utes<

*nstructional strategies! 4. Tea%her will &ut u& a) i(a'e. There will ,e a dis%ussio) a,out artisti% as&e%ts. View this site 2 htt&#00www.arti)%a)ada.%o(0arttal.0artter(sa)dde+i)itio)s.ht(l 3 to hel& with ter(i)olo'y.

Tea%her will des%ri,e &i%ture, 'ive ,a%.'rou)d i)+or(atio). $tude)ts will (a.e o,servatio)s. $tude)ts will the) ,e'i) to i)ter&ret the art. As+! What do you thi). the artist was tryi)' to say i) this &ai)ti)'? How are the &ai)ti)'s di++ere)t? What are the &ai)ti)'s showi)' ;what eve)t<? ;Whole 'rou&, ;>=4? (i)utes< 7. $tude)ts will %o(&lete the Art O,servatio)s a)d I)ter&retatio)s sheet. ;Pairs< ;4: (i)utes< Summar,! 4. $tude)ts a)d tea%her will %o(e ,a%. to'ether a)d dis%uss how art de&i%ts histori%al eve)ts. Whi%h eve)t is ,ei)' de&i%ted? How do you thi). the artist

wa)ted you to +eel whe) you saw the &ai)ti)'s? Why do you thi). that? ;:=> (i)utes< 7. O) a sti%.y )ote, stude)ts will write o)e or two se)te)%es e*&lai)i)' how art is used to e*&lai) histori%al eve)ts. ;: (i)utes< ;I)dividual< Assessment 4. "o(&letio) o+ O,servatio)0I)ter&retatio) wor.sheet 7. Evaluati)' stude)t u)dersta)di)' o+ history throu'h art %o)%e&t with sti%.y )ote se)te)%es. "o(&lete se)te)%e, +ull e*&la)atio) o+ how art is used to e*&lai) histori%al eve)ts. Differentiation 4. Visual arts ;visual< 7. i++ere)tiated wor.sheet

Name! Directions! Ans-er the .uestions follo-ing each /iece of art0

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How are the two &ai)ti)' the sa(e? How are they di++ere)t?



How is this &ai)ti)' di++ere)t +ro( the +irst two?



How does this &ai)ti)' the sa(e as the others? How is it di++ere)t?

Usi)' the &ai)ti)'s, thi). a,out how art is used to show histori%al eve)ts. What ty&es o+ thi)'s %a) you lear) a,out +ro( the &ai)ti)'s?

D*FFE=ENT*ATED Name! Directions! Ans-er the .uestions follo-ing each /iece of art0

htt/!//---0google0com/url1 sa2i3rct2&3.23esrc2s3frm243source2images3cd23cad2r&a3docid25+6hVs/7(8snmM3t%nid29d%:iM'E;A(HmM!3 'ed2<CA:Q&=-3url2htt/>?A>6F>6Ftus%0stanford0edu>6F6<44>6F<7>6Fcar/e"ing"the" diem0html3ei2*c@9:r.AMsBe#A)/#*DgAA3%'m2%'07 #??? ,d0dmg3/sig2AFQ&CNE.-H$M9=9.s:DEd,CDh#MAM S,h -3ust24?;#E44# 44#7E?

Fhat colors do ,ou see1 Fhat t,/es of li'ing things are in the /ainting1 Fho or -hat is the focus of the /ainting1 Hodo ,ou +no-1Gthin+ a%out light, color, form, teHtureI


htt&#00www.'oo'le.%o(0url? sa@iAr%t@1AB@Aesr%@sA+r(@4Asour%e@i(a'esA%d@A%ad@r1aAdo%id@C)DrE4DV&FE8$/At,)id@G*RH9yDIhHv4)/#Aved@?"A UE1RwAurl@htt&J8AJ7KJ7Kwww.wat%h(e)&astors.or'J7Klost=e&isode=+or=se&te(,er=4>= 7J7KAei@9%OFUoBvI+ L9AOULI!EAEA&si'@AKE1"N!*,IWHBIlGlW%*lhPMNt*'wMYH%EAust@48M9O4747489:8:8

Fhat colors do ,ou see1 Fhat t,/es of li'ing things are in the /ainting1 Fho or -hat is the focus of the /ainting1 Hodo ,ou +no-1Gthin+ a%out light, color, form, teHture


How are the two &ai)ti)' the sa(e? How are they di++ere)t?

Fhat colors do ,ou see1 Fhat t,/es of li'ing things are in the /ainting1 Fho or -hat is the focus of the /ainting1 Hodo ,ou +no-1Gthin+ a%out light, color, form, teHture


How is this &ai)ti)' di++ere)t +ro( the +irst two?

Fhat colors do ,ou see1 Fhat t,/es of li'ing things are in the /ainting1 Fho or -hat is the focus of the /ainting1 Hodo ,ou +no-1Gthin+ a%out light, color, form, teHture


How does this &ai)ti)' the sa(e as the others? How is it di++ere)t?

Usi)' the &ai)ti)'s, thi). a,out how art is used to show histori%al eve)ts. What ty&es o+ thi)'s %a) you lear) a,out +ro( the &ai)ti)'s?

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