MBA/ PHD From Belford University

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An online University

Offers a wide range of courses that

are specifically designed for
professionals and working adults.
These majors cover almost every field
and industry.

Bachelor’s Degree Program

Master’s Degree Program
Doctorate Degree Program
Belford offers a wide range of research
Doctorate/Master’s/Bachelor’s degree
topics are leading to;
Accounting, Administration, Advertising,
Management, Business Administration, Business
Law, Business Management,
Management of Technology, Manufacturing
Management, Marine Engineering,
Marketing, Marketing Communications,
Marketing Management, Mass Communications,
form submission
Architectural Engineering, Architecture from INDIA
Medical, Medical Science, Medical Technology, Belford University has the most
Medicine, Microbiology, Military Science, Natural
Health, Naturopathy, Neuroscience, Nursing, effective student counselling
Nursing Administration, Nutrition, Nutritional system.
Sciences, Pharmaceutical Sciences, A student counsellor and our
Pharmacology, Veterinary Medicine. associate
Social Welfare, Social Work, Sociology, Music, Dr. Izzat Husain is always there to
Music Education, Theatre Arts, attend to your queries, concerns,
Child Development Management or suggestions. We make sure that
Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering, students get solution to all their
Office Systems Technology, Operations
Management, Organizational Behaviour,
problems in the most efficient
Oriental Medicine, Paralegal, Paralegal Studies, manner by him in INDIA.
Philosophy, Photography, Physical Education, Please feel free to contact to:
Physiology, Political Science, Project Dr. Izzat Husain
Management, Psychiatry, Psychology, Public
Administration, Public Health, Animal Behaviour, Sheesh Mahal
And many More Husainabad
Fee: very affordable Chowk
Belford University has earned its accreditation Lucknow226003
status from two of the most significant Mobile# 9235143022
accreditation bodies: International Accreditation Associate ID:4137-15
Agency for Online Universities (IAAOU) and the
Universal Council for Online Education Mail: [email protected]
Accreditation (UCOEA). or Visit at ;

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