Raja Abdul Majid Javid: Personal Profile
Raja Abdul Majid Javid: Personal Profile
Raja Abdul Majid Javid: Personal Profile
Personal profile
I consider enthusiastic person and myself to be a very reliable. I can work under challenging atmosphere and willing to give my best. I can work for flexible hours and with any kind of people as I am a social person and have good communication skills.
1. Four months internshi e! erience in desi"n o# landsca e $arden % im lementation and "ro&in" o# &inter annual #lo&ers and some nurser' o eration o# (rid ("riculture )ni*ersit' +a&al indi. 2. , months e! erience in -e"eta.le +esearch Farm Bhim.er ((/0) as 1nternee #rom /anuar' 2012 to /une 2012 "rowing techni8ues of vegetable crops 9valuation of different seed priming techni8ues for the better performance and yield of vegetable crops Landscaping and floricultural practices :rchard Management practices 3. 13 months &or2 in (l-Musairie' ("riculture Farm (Saudia (ra.ia 0S() as a (ssistant ("riculture 3n"ineer.
Key Skills
Computer Literacy M6 :ffice Internet Good Interpersonal Skill !an work independently or as part of team !onfident; #unctual #osses High Degree of Initiatives < Drive #osses 6trong verbal and written communication skills Disciplined; Intellectual #ro=ect management and data analysis
9nglish /rdu Arabic
.eading agriculture related 7ooks .eading History 7ooks Internet 7rowsing.
Self Infor!ation:
-ather>s ?ame @ Date of 7irth @ ?ationality @ Marital 6tatus @ .eligion @ Cell No: : E-mail Address: .a=a 0avid I8bal August $4; AA #akistani 6ingle Islam +96-65327487/+92-345-5658579 : mjavid24@gmail. om