Audio Programmable Timer: Technical Specification

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r!!| mrI ||I!|I !!|!

e-ma|| : |nIo@od|on| WWW.od|on|

The 0-4O8 |s a d|g|la| aud|o so|ul|ou lo| p|ov|d|ug bac|g|ouud mus|c aud spol
auuouucemeul p|og|ams |u a pub||c add|ess syslem. ll has a p|og|ammab|e aulo mode
lhal a||ows lhe use| lo p|ay d|g|la| aud|o l||es acco|d|ug lo a da||y o| wee||y schedu|e.
ll lealu|es a uSB|ule|lace lo| couuecl|ou lo a pe|soua| compule| lo mauage aud dowu|oad
NP8, wAV, aud wNA l||es. The use| cau a|so |eco|d d||ecl|y lo lhe Cl-NP8 ll us|ug lhe
LlhE aud NlC |upuls. A bac|||l LC d|sp|ay olle|s au easy way lo |ev|ew lhe syslem's

lupul NlC. 5 mV, GOOohms,

0ulpul . 1G ohm, G.5mw
l|equeucy Respouse . GOh/-1G|h/(+/-8dB)
S/hRal|o . Belle| lhau 9OdB
Th. O dB
0uTPuT . <O.1, -2OdB0uTPuT <O.O4
Reco|d|ug B|l |ale . 8| bps-82O| bps
wNA. G4 bps-192| bps
P|ay NP8. 82bps - 82O| bps, wNA. G4| - 192| bps
C0hhECT0R uSB. 1.1
lud|calo|s . LCd|sp|ay aud powe| |ud|calo|
Powe| Cousumpl|ou . 1O-15w
|meus|ous . 89(h)/488(w)/85O()mm
hel we|ghl . 5.1|g
Iee|s|ea| jee|t|eat|es
kc|e ||eq|ammae|e
I|me| llll1

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