Invitation Workshop: Innovation Starts Where Business Meets University
Invitation Workshop: Innovation Starts Where Business Meets University
Invitation Workshop: Innovation Starts Where Business Meets University
Technology Your local university is working to develop sustainable energy technologies and improve energy efficiency. All industry needs energy. If energy can be saved or generated more sustainably overall production costs can be reduced. Results At the end of the second day conclusions will be drawn and suggestions presented on how to continue after this workshop. Example: Energy production from waste You can use: leftovers of fruit and vegetables, dung, waste of animal slaughters, tapioca rest material etc. Example: Change of energy resource. Change from use of gas/oil to use of biogas that can be generated through digestion of organic waste material. Example: Bio oil production Produce Pure Plant Oil from for example oil palm or Jatropha and use this for electricity production or in car engines. Example: Energy efficiency Use of newer technologies with higher energy efficiency; like low-energy light bulbs. Details on workshop (Mataram) Date: 13th and 14th May From: 8h30-17h30 Registration: conrmation of participation through fax, phone, e-mail 2 days before start Venue: Grand Legi Hotel (tentative) Contact: Committee: tel./fax: : (0370) 636126/ (0370) 636523 Ms. Eny (08.30 a.m. -13.30 p.m.), Rosmaliati (03706604334), (0816588517), Mr. Yesung Allo Padang (08123604791) Reward: Certicate of participation