GrapesOfWrath GGGG

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The Grapes of Wrath

John Steinbeck

Copyright 1939 John Steinbeck

To CAROL Who wi e! this book To TO" Who i#e! it

1 TO THE RED COUNTRY an! part of the gray co$ntry of Ok aho%a& the ast rains ca%e gent y& an! they !i! not c$t the scarre! earth' The p ows crosse! an! recrosse! the ri#$ et %arks' The ast rains ifte! the corn ($ick y an! scattere! wee! co onies an! grass a ong the si!es of the roa!s so that the gray co$ntry an! the !ark re! co$ntry began to !isappear $n!er a green co#er' )n the ast part of "ay the sky grew pa e an! the c o$!s that ha! h$ng in high p$ffs for so ong in the spring were !issipate!' The s$n f are! !own on the growing corn !ay after !ay $nti a ine of brown sprea! a ong the e!ge of each green bayonet' The c o$!s appeare!& an! went away& an! in a whi e they !i! not try any %ore' The wee!s grew !arker green to protect the%se #es& an! they !i! not sprea! any %ore' The s$rface of the earth cr$ste!& a thin har! cr$st& an! as the sky beca%e pa e& so the earth beca%e pa e& pink in the re! co$ntry an! white in the gray co$ntry' )n the water*c$t g$ ies the earth !$ste! !own in !ry itt e strea%s' Gophers an! ant ions starte! s%a a#a anches' An! as the sharp s$n str$ck !ay after !ay& the ea#es of the yo$ng corn beca%e ess stiff an! erect+ they bent in a c$r#e at first& an! then& as the centra ribs of strength grew weak& each eaf ti te! !ownwar!' Then it was J$ne& an! the s$n shone %ore fierce y' The brown ines on the corn ea#es wi!ene! an! %o#e! in on the centra ribs' The wee!s fraye! an! e!ge! back towar! their roots' The air was thin an! the sky %ore pa e+ an! e#ery !ay the earth pa e!' )n the roa!s where the tea%s %o#e!& where the whee s %i e! the gro$n! an! the hoo#es of the horses beat the gro$n!& the !irt cr$st broke an! the !$st for%e!' ,#ery %o#ing thing ifte! the !$st into the air- a wa king %an ifte! a thin ayer as high as his waist& an! a wagon ifte! the !$st as high as the fence tops& an! an a$to%obi e boi e! a c o$! behin! it' The !$st was ong in sett ing back again' When J$ne was ha f gone& the big c o$!s %o#e! $p o$t of an! the G$ f& high hea#y c o$!s& rainhea!s' The %en in the fie !s ooke! $p

at the c o$!s an! sniffe! at the% an! he ! wet fingers $p to sense the win!' An! the horses were ner#o$s whi e the c o$!s were $p' The rainhea!s !roppe! a itt e spattering an! h$rrie! on to so%e other co$ntry' /ehin! the% the sky was pa e again an! the s$n f are!' )n the !$st there were !rop craters where the rain ha! fa en& an! there were c ean sp ashes on the corn& an! that was a ' A gent e win! fo owe! the rain c o$!s& !ri#ing the% on northwar!& a win! that soft y c ashe! the !rying corn' A !ay went by an! the win! increase!& stea!y& $nbroken by g$sts' The !$st fro% the roa!s f $ffe! $p an! sprea! o$t an! fe on the wee!s besi!e the fie !s& an! fe into the fie !s a itt e way' 0ow the win! grew strong an! har! an! it worke! at the rain cr$st in the corn fie !s' Litt e by itt e the sky was !arkene! by the !$st& an! the win! fe t o#er the earth& oosene! the !$st& an! carrie! it away' The win! grew stronger' The rain cr$st broke an! the !$st ifte! $p o$t of the fie !s an! !ro#e gray p $%es into the air ike s $ggish s%oke' The corn threshe! the win! an! %a!e a !ry& r$shing so$n!' The finest !$st !i! not sett e back to earth now& b$t !isappeare! into the !arkening sky' The win! grew stronger& whiske! $n!er stones& carrie! $p straws an! o ! ea#es& an! e#en itt e c o!s& %arking its co$rse as it sai e! across the fie !s' The air an! the sky !arkene! an! thro$gh the% the s$n shone re! y& an! there was a raw sting in the air' 1$ring a night the win! race! faster o#er the an!& !$g c$nning y a%ong the root ets of the corn& an! the corn fo$ght the win! with its weakene! ea#es $nti the roots were free! by the prying win! an! then each sta k sett e! weari y si!eways towar! the earth an! pointe! the !irection of the win!' The !awn ca%e& b$t no !ay' )n the gray sky a re! s$n appeare!& a !i% re! circ e that ga#e a itt e ight& ike !$sk+ an! as that !ay a!#ance!& the !$sk s ippe! back towar! !arkness& an! the win! crie! an! whi%pere! o#er the fa en corn' "en an! wo%en h$!! e! in their ho$ses& an! they tie! han!kerchiefs o#er their noses when they went o$t& an! wore gogg es to protect their eyes' When the night ca%e again it was b ack night& for the stars co$ ! not pierce the !$st to get !own& an! the win!ow ights co$ ! not e#en sprea!

beyon! their own yar!s' 0ow the !$st was e#en y %i.e! with the air& an e%$ sion of !$st an! air' 2o$ses were sh$t tight& an! c oth we!ge! aro$n! !oors an! win!ows& b$t the !$st ca%e in so thin y that it co$ ! not be seen in the air& an! it sett e! ike po en on the chairs an! tab es& on the !ishes' The peop e br$she! it fro% their sho$ !ers' Litt e ines of !$st ay at the !oor si s' )n the %i!! e of that night the win! passe! on an! eft the an! ($iet' The !$st*fi e! air %$ff e! so$n! %ore co%p ete y than fog !oes' The peop e& ying in their be!s& hear! the win! stop' They awakene! when the r$shing win! was gone' They ay ($iet y an! istene! !eep into the sti ness' Then the roosters crowe!& an! their #oices were %$ff e!& an! the peop e stirre! rest ess y in their be!s an! wante! the %orning' They knew it wo$ ! take a ong ti%e for the !$st to sett e o$t of the air' )n the %orning the !$st h$ng ike fog& an! the s$n was as re! as ripe new b oo!' A !ay the !$st sifte! !own fro% the sky& an! the ne.t !ay it sifte! !own' An e#en b anket co#ere! the earth' )t sett e! on the corn& pi e! $p on the tops of the fence posts& pi e! $p on the wires+ it sett e! on roofs& b ankete! the wee!s an! trees' The peop e ca%e o$t of their ho$ses an! s%e e! the hot stinging air an! co#ere! their noses fro% it' An! the chi !ren ca%e o$t of the ho$ses& b$t they !i! not r$n or sho$t as they wo$ ! ha#e !one after a rain' "en stoo! by their fences an! ooke! at the r$ine! corn& !rying fast now& on y a itt e green showing thro$gh the fi % of !$st' The %en were si ent an! they !i! not %o#e often' An! the wo%en ca%e o$t of the ho$ses to stan! besi!e their %en3to fee whether this ti%e the %en wo$ ! break' The wo%en st$!ie! the %en4s faces secret y& for the corn co$ ! go& as ong as so%ething e se re%aine!' The chi !ren stoo! near by& !rawing fig$res in the !$st with bare toes& an! the chi !ren sent e.p oring senses o$t to see whether %en an! wo%en wo$ ! break' The chi !ren peeke! at the faces of the %en an! wo%en& an! then !rew caref$ ines in the !$st with their toes' 2orses ca%e to the watering tro$ghs an! n$55 e! the water to c ear the s$rface !$st' After a whi e the faces of the watching %en ost their be%$se! perp e.ity an! beca%e har! an! angry an! resistant' Then the wo%en knew that they were safe an! that there was no break' Then they aske!& What4 we !o6 An! the

%en rep ie!& ) !on4t know' /$t it was a right' The wo%en knew it was a right& an! the watching chi !ren knew it was a right' Wo%en an! chi !ren knew !eep in the%se #es that no %isfort$ne was too great to bear if their %en were who e' The wo%en went into the ho$ses to their work& an! the chi !ren began to p ay& b$t ca$tio$s y at first' As the !ay went forwar! the s$n beca%e ess re!' )t f are! !own on the !$st* b ankete! an!' The %en sat in the !oorways of their ho$ses+ their han!s were b$sy with sticks an! itt e rocks' The %en sat sti 3thinking3 fig$ring' 2 A HUGE RED TRANSPORT tr$ck stoo! in front of the itt e roa!si!e resta$rant' The #ertica e.ha$st pipe %$ttere! soft y& an! an a %ost in#isib e ha5e of stee *b $e s%oke ho#ere! o#er its en!' )t was a new tr$ck& shining re!& an! in twe #e*inch etters on its si!es3OKLAHOMA CITY TRANSPORT COMPANY' )ts !o$b e tires were new& an! a brass pa! ock stoo! straight o$t fro% the hasp on the big back !oors' )nsi!e the screene! resta$rant a ra!io p aye!& ($iet !ance %$sic t$rne! ow the way it is when no one is istening' A s%a o$t et fan t$rne! si ent y in its circ$ ar ho e o#er the entrance& an! f ies b$55e! e.cite! y abo$t the !oors an! win!ows& b$tting the screens' )nsi!e& one %an& the tr$ck !ri#er& sat on a stoo an! reste! his e bows on the co$nter an! ooke! o#er his coffee at the ean an! one y waitress' 2e ta ke! the s%art ist ess ang$age of the roa!si!es to her' 7) seen hi% abo$t three %onths ago' 2e ha! a operation' C$t so%epin o$t' ) forget what'7 An! she 371oesn4t see% no onger than a week ) seen hi% %yse f' Looke! fine then' 2e4s a nice sort of a g$y when he ain4t stinko'7 0ow an! then the f ies roare! soft y at the screen !oor' The coffee %achine sp$rte! stea%& an! the waitress& witho$t ooking& reache! behin! her an! sh$t it off' O$tsi!e& a %an wa king a ong the e!ge of the highway crosse! o#er an! approache! the tr$ck' 2e wa ke! s ow y to the front of it& p$t his han! on the shiny fen!er& an! ooke! at the No Riders sticker on the win!shie !' 8or a %o%ent he was abo$t to wa k on !own the roa!& b$t

instea! he sat on the r$nning boar! on the si!e away fro% the resta$rant' 2e was not o#er thirty' 2is eyes were #ery !ark brown an! there was a hint of brown pig%ent in his eyeba s' 2is cheek bones were high an! wi!e& an! strong !eep ines c$t !own his cheeks& in c$r#es besi!e his %o$th' 2is $pper ip was ong& an! since his teeth protr$!e!& the ips stretche! to co#er the%& for this %an kept his ips c ose!' 2is han!s were har!& with broa! fingers an! nai s as thick an! ri!ge! as itt e c a% she s' The space between th$%b an! forefinger an! the ha%s of his han!s were shiny with ca $s' The %an4s c othes were new3a of the%& cheap an! new' 2is gray cap was so new that the #isor was sti stiff an! the b$tton sti on& not shape ess an! b$ ge! as it wo$ ! be when it ha! ser#e! for a whi e a the #ario$s p$rposes of a cap3carrying sack& towe & han!kerchief' 2is s$it was of cheap gray har!c oth an! so new that there were creases in the tro$sers' 2is b $e cha%bray shirt was stiff an! s%ooth with fi er' The coat was too big& the tro$sers too short& for he was a ta %an' The coat sho$ !er peaks h$ng !own on his ar%s& an! e#en then the s ee#es were too short an! the front of the coat f appe! oose y o#er his sto%ach' 2e wore a pair of new tan shoes of the kin! ca e! 7ar%y ast&7 hob*nai e! an! with ha f*circ es ike horseshoes to protect the e!ges of the hee s fro% wear' This %an sat on the r$nning boar! an! took off his cap an! %oppe! his face with it' Then he p$t on the cap& an! by p$ ing starte! the f$t$re r$in of the #isor' 2is feet ca$ght his attention' 2e eane! !own an! oosene! the shoe aces& an! !i! not tie the en!s again' O#er his hea! the e.ha$st of the 1iese engine whispere! in ($ick p$ffs of b $e s%oke' The %$sic stoppe! in the resta$rant an! a %an4s #oice spoke fro% the o$!speaker& b$t the waitress !i! not t$rn hi% off& for she !i!n4t know the %$sic ha! stoppe!' 2er e.p oring fingers ha! fo$n! a $%p $n!er her ear' She was trying to see it in a %irror behin! the co$nter witho$t etting the tr$ck !ri#er know& an! so she preten!e! to p$sh a bit of hair to neatness' The tr$ck !ri#er sai!& 7They was a big !ance in Shawnee' ) hear! so%ebo!y got ki e! or so%epin' 9o$ hear anything67 70o&7 sai! the waitress& an! she o#ing y fingere! the $%p $n!er her ear'

O$tsi!e& the seate! %an stoo! $p an! ooke! o#er the cow of the tr$ck an! watche! the resta$rant for a %o%ent' Then he sett e! back on the r$nning boar!& p$ e! a sack of tobacco an! a book of papers fro% his si!e pocket' 2e ro e! his cigarette s ow y an! perfect y& st$!ie! it& s%oothe! it' At ast he ighte! it an! p$she! the b$rning %atch into the !$st at his feet' The s$n c$t into the sha!e of the tr$ck as noon approache!' )n the resta$rant the tr$ck !ri#er pai! his bi an! p$t his two nicke s4 change in a s ot %achine' The whir ing cy in!ers ga#e hi% no score' 7They fi. 4e% so yo$ can4t win nothing&7 he sai! to the waitress' An! she rep ie!& 7G$y took the :ackpot not two ho$rs ago' Three* eighty he got' 2ow soon yo$ gonna be back by67 2e he ! the screen !oor a itt e open' 7Week;ten !ays&7 he sai!' 7Got to %ake a r$n to T$ sa& an4 ) ne#er get back soon as ) think'7 She sai! cross y& 71on4t et the f ies in' ,ither go o$t or co%e in'7 7So ong&7 he sai!& an! p$she! his way o$t' The screen !oor bange! behin! hi%' 2e stoo! in the s$n& pee ing the wrapper fro% a piece of g$%' 2e was a hea#y %an& broa! in the sho$ !ers& thick in the sto%ach' 2is face was re! an! his b $e eyes ong an! s itte! fro% ha#ing s($inte! a ways at sharp ight' 2e wore ar%y tro$sers an! high ace! boots' 2o !ing the stick of g$% in front of his ips he ca e! thro$gh the screen& 7We & !on4t !o nothing yo$ !on4t want %e to hear abo$t'7 The waitress was t$rne! towar! a %irror on the back wa ' She gr$nte! a rep y' The tr$ck !ri#er gnawe! !own the stick of g$% s ow y& opening his :aws an! ips wi!e with each bite' 2e shape! the g$% in his %o$th& ro e! it $n!er his tong$e whi e he wa ke! to the big re! tr$ck' The hitch*hiker stoo! $p an! ooke! across thro$gh the win!ows' 7Co$ ! ya gi#e %e a ift& %ister67 The !ri#er ooke! ($ick y back at the resta$rant for a secon!' 71i!n4t yo$ see the No Riders sticker on the win4shie !67 7S$re3) seen it' /$t so%eti%es a g$y4 be a goo! g$y e#en if so%e rich bastar! %akes hi% carry a sticker'7 The !ri#er& getting s ow y into the tr$ck& consi!ere! the parts of this answer' )f he ref$se! now& not on y was he not a goo! g$y& b$t he was force! to carry a sticker& was not a owe! to ha#e co%pany' )f he took in

the hitch*hiker he was a$to%atica y a goo! g$y an! a so he was not one who% any rich bastar! co$ ! kick aro$n!' 2e knew he was being trappe!& b$t he co$ !n4t see a way o$t' An! he wante! to be a goo! g$y' 2e g ance! again at the resta$rant' 7Scr$nch !own on the r$nning boar! ti we get aro$n! the ben!&7 he sai!' The hitch*hiker f oppe! !own o$t of sight an! c $ng to the !oor han! e' The %otor roare! $p for a %o%ent& the gears c icke! in& an! the great tr$ck %o#e! away& first gear& secon! gear& thir! gear& an! then a high whining pick*$p an! fo$rth gear' <n!er the c inging %an the highway b $rre! !i55i y by' )t was a %i e to the first t$rn in the roa!& then the tr$ck s owe! !own' The hitch*hiker stoo! $p& ease! the !oor open& an! s ippe! into the seat' The !ri#er ooke! o#er at hi%& s itting his eyes& an! he chewe! as tho$gh tho$ghts an! i%pressions were being sorte! an! arrange! by his :aws before they were fina y fi e! away in his brain' 2is eyes began at the new cap& %o#e! !own the new c othes to the new shoes' The hitch*hiker s($ir%e! his back against the seat in co%fort& took off his cap& an! swabbe! his sweating forehea! an! chin with it' 7Thanks& b$!!y&7 he sai!' 7"y !ogs was poope! o$t'7 70ew shoes&7 sai! the !ri#er' 2is #oice ha! the sa%e ($a ity of secrecy an! insin$ation his eyes ha!' 79o$ o$ghtn4 to take no wa k in new shoes 3hot weather'7 The hiker ooke! !own at the !$sty ye ow shoes' 71i!n4t ha#e no other shoes&7 he sai!' 7G$y got to wear 4e% if he got no others'7 The !ri#er s($inte! :$!icio$s y ahea! an! b$i t $p the spee! of the tr$ck a itt e' 7Goin4 far67 7<h*$h= )4! a wa ke! her if %y !ogs wasn4t poope! o$t'7 The ($estions of the !ri#er ha! the tone of a s$bt e e.a%ination' 2e see%e! to sprea! nets& to set traps& with his ($estions' 7Lookin4 for a :ob67 he aske!' 70o& %y o ! %an got a p ace& forty acres' 2e4s a cropper& b$t we been there a ong ti%e'7 The !ri#er ooke! significant y at the fie !s a ong the roa! where the corn was fa en si!eways an! the !$st was pi e! on it' Litt e f ints sho#e! thro$gh the !$sty soi ' The !ri#er sai!& as tho$gh to hi%se f& 7A forty*

acre cropper an! he ain4t been !$ste! o$t an! he ain4t been tractore! o$t67 74Co$rse ) ain4t hear! ate y&7 sai! the hitch*hiker' 7Long ti%e&7 sai! the !ri#er' A bee f ew into the cab an! b$55e! in back of the win!shie !' The !ri#er p$t o$t his han! an! caref$ y !ro#e the bee into an air strea% that b ew it o$t of the win!ow' 7Croppers going fast now&7 he sai!' 7One cat4 takes an! sho#es ten fa%i ies o$t' Cat4s a o#er he now' Tear in an! sho#e the croppers o$t' 2ow4s yo$r o ! %an ho ! on67 2is tong$e an! his :aws beca%e b$sy with the neg ecte! g$%& t$rne! it an! chewe! it' With each opening of his %o$th his tong$e co$ ! be seen f ipping the g$% o#er' 7We & ) ain4t hear! ate y' ) ne#er was no han! to write& nor %y o ! %an neither'7 2e a!!e! ($ick y& 7/$t the both of $s can& if we want'7 7/een !oing a :ob67 Again the secret in#estigating cas$a ness' 2e ooke! o$t o#er the fie !s& at the shi%%ering air& an! gathering his g$% into his cheek& o$t of the way& he spat o$t the win!ow' 7S$re ha#e&7 sai! the hitch*hiker' 7Tho$ght so' ) seen yo$r han!s' /een swingin4 a pick or an a. or a s e!ge' That shines $p yo$r han!s' ) notice a st$ff ike that' Take a pri!e in it'7 The hitch*hiker stare! at hi%' The tr$ck tires sang on the roa!' 7Like to know anything e se6 )4 te yo$' 9o$ ain4t got to g$ess'7 70ow !on4t get sore' ) wasn4t gettin4 nosy'7 7)4 te yo$ anything' ) ain4t hi!in4 nothin4'7 70ow !on4t get sore' ) :$st ike to notice things' "akes the ti%e pass'7 7)4 te yo$ anything' 0a%e4s Joa!& To% Joa!' O ! %an is o 4 To% Joa!'7 2is eyes reste! broo!ing y on the !ri#er' 71on4t get sore' ) !i!n4t %ean nothin4'7 7) !on4t %ean nothin4 neither&7 sai! Joa!' 7)4% :$st tryin4 to get a ong witho$t sho#in4 nobo!y aro$n!'7 2e stoppe! an! ooke! o$t at the !ry fie !s& at the star#e! tree c $%ps hanging $neasi y in the heate! !istance' 8ro% his si!e pocket he bro$ght o$t his tobacco an! papers' 2e ro e! his cigarette !own between his knees& where the win! co$ ! not get at it'

The !ri#er chewe! as rhyth%ica y& as tho$ghtf$ y& as a cow' 2e waite! to et the who e e%phasis of the prece!ing passage !isappear an! be forgotten' At ast& when the air see%e! ne$tra again& he sai!& 7A g$y that ne#er been a tr$ck skinner !on4t know nothin4 what it4s ike' Owners !on4t want $s to pick $p nobo!y' So we got to set here an4 :$st skin her a ong 4 ess we want to take a chance of gettin4 fire! ike ) :$st !one with yo$'7 74>reciate it&7 sai! Joa!' 7)4#e knew g$ys that !one screwy things whi e they4re !ri#in4 tr$cks' ) re%e%ber a g$y $se4 to %ake $p poetry' )t passe! the ti%e'7 2e ooke! o#er secret y to see whether Joa! was intereste! or a%a5e!' Joa! was si ent& ooking into the !istance ahea!& a ong the roa!& a ong the white roa! that wa#e! gent y& ike a gro$n! swe ' The !ri#er went on at ast& 7) re%e%ber a piece of poetry this here g$y wrote !own' )t was abo$t hi% an4 a co$p e of other g$ys goin4 a o#er the wor ! !rinkin4 an! raisin4 he an! screwin4 aro$n!' ) wisht ) co$ ! re%e%ber how that piece went' This g$y ha! wor!s in it that Jes$s 2' Christ wo$ !n4t know what they %eant' >art was ike this- 4An4 there we spie! a nigger& with a trigger that was bigger than a e ephant4s proboscis or the whanger of a wha e'4 That proboscis is a nose* ike' With a e ephant it4s his tr$nk' G$y showe! %e a !ictionary' Carrie! that !ictionary a o#er he with hi%' 2e4! ook in it whi e he4s p$ e! $p gettin4 his pie an4 coffee'7 2e stoppe!& fee ing one y in the ong speech' 2is secret eyes t$rne! on his passenger' Joa! re%aine! si ent' 0er#o$s y the !ri#er trie! to force hi% into participation' 7,#er know a g$y that sai! big wor!s ike that67 7>reacher&7 sai! Joa!' 7We & it %akes yo$ %a! to hear a g$y $se big wor!s' 4Co$rse with a preacher it4s a right beca$se nobo!y wo$ ! foo aro$n! with a preacher anyway' /$t this g$y was f$nny' 9o$ !i!n4t gi#e a !a%n when he sai! a big wor! 4ca$se he :$st !one it for !$cks' 2e wasn4t p$ttin4 on no !og'7 The !ri#er was reass$re!' 2e knew at east that Joa! was istening' 2e sw$ng the great tr$ck #icio$s y aro$n! a ben! an! the tires shri e!' 7Like ) was sayin4&7 he contin$e!& 7g$y that !ri#es a tr$ck !oes screwy things' 2e got to' 2e4! go n$ts :$st settin4 here an4 the roa! sneakin4

$n!er the whee s' 8e a says once that tr$ck skinners eats a the ti%e3 a the ti%e in ha%b$rger :oints a ong the roa!'7 7S$re see% to i#e there&7 Joa! agree!' 7S$re they stop& b$t it ain4t to eat' They ain4t har! y e#er h$ngry' They4re :$st go!!a%n sick of goin43get sick of it' Joints is the on y p ace yo$ can p$ $p& an4 when yo$ stop yo$ got to b$y so%epin so yo$ can s ing the b$ with the broa! behin! the co$nter' So yo$ get a c$p of coffee an! a piece pie' ?in! of gi#es a g$y a itt e rest'7 2e chewe! his g$% s ow y an! t$rne! it with his tong$e' 7"$st be to$gh&7 sai! Joa! with no e%phasis' The !ri#er g ance! ($ick y at hi%& ooking for satire' 7We & it ain4t no go!!a%n cinch&7 he sai! testi y' 7Looks easy& :$s4 settin4 here ti yo$ p$t in yo$r eight or %aybe yo$r ten or fo$rteen ho$rs' /$t the roa! gets into a g$y' 2e4s got to !o so%epin' So%e sings an4 so%e whist es' Co%pany won4t et $s ha#e no ra!io' A few takes a pint a ong& b$t the% kin! !on4t stick ong'7 2e sai! the ast s%$g y' 7) !on4t ne#er take a !rink ti )4% thro$gh'7 79eah67 Joa! aske!' 79eah= A g$y got to get ahea!' Why& )4% thinkin4 of takin4 one of the% correspon!ence schoo co$rses' "echanica engineering' )t4s easy' J$st st$!y a few easy essons at ho%e' )4% thinkin4 of it' Then ) won4t !ri#e no tr$ck' Then )4 te other g$ys to !ri#e tr$cks'7 Joa! took a pint of whisky fro% his si!e coat pocket' 7S$re yo$ won4t ha#e a snort67 2is #oice was teasing' 70o& by Go!' ) won4t to$ch it' A g$y can4t !rink i($or a the ti%e an! st$!y ike )4% goin4 to'7 Joa! $ncorke! the bott e& took two ($ick swa ows& recorke! it& an! p$t it back in his pocket' The spicy hot s%e of the whisky fi e! the cab' 79o$4re a wo$n! $p&7 sai! Joa!' 7What4s the %atter3got a gir 67 7We & s$re' /$t ) want to get ahea! anyway' ) been training %y %in! for a he of a ong ti%e'7 The whisky see%e! to oosen Joa! $p' 2e ro e! another cigarette an! ighte! it' 7) ain4t got a he of a ot f$rther to go&7 he sai!' The !ri#er went on ($ick y& 7) !on4t nee! no shot&7 he sai!' 7) train %y %in! a the ti%e' ) took a co$rse in that two years ago'7 2e patte! the

steering whee with his right han!' 7S$ppose ) pass a g$y on the roa!' ) ook at hi% an4 after )4% past ) try to re%e%ber e#er4thing abo$t hi%& kin! a c othes an4 shoes an4 hat& an4 how he wa ke! an4 %aybe how ta an4 what weight an4 any scars& ) !o it pretty goo!' ) can :$s4 %ake a who e pict$re in %y hea!' So%eti%es ) think ) o$ght to take a co$rse to be a fingerprint e.pert' 9o$4! be s$4prise! how %$ch a g$y can re%e%ber'7 Joa! took a ($ick !rink fro% the f ask' 2e !ragge! the ast s%oke fro% his ra#e ing cigarette an! then& with ca $se! th$%b an! forefinger& cr$she! o$t the g owing en!' 2e r$bbe! the b$tt to a p$ p an! p$t it o$t the win!ow& etting the bree5e s$ck it fro% his fingers' The big tires sang a high note on the pa#e%ent' Joa!4s !ark ($iet eyes beca%e a%$se! as he stare! a ong the roa!' The !ri#er waite! an! g ance! $neasi y o#er' At ast Joa!4s ong $pper ip grinne! $p fro% his teeth an! he ch$ck e! si ent y& his chest :erke! with the ch$ck es' 79o$ s$re took a he of a ong ti%e to get to it& b$!!y'7 The !ri#er !i! not ook o#er' 7Get to what6 2ow !o yo$ %ean67 Joa!4s ips stretche! tight o#er his ong teeth for a %o%ent& an! he icke! his ips ike a !og& two icks& one in each !irection fro% the %i!! e' 2is #oice beca%e harsh' 79o$ know what ) %ean' 9o$ gi#e %e a goin4*o#er when ) first got in' ) seen yo$'7 The !ri#er ooke! straight ahea!& grippe! the whee so tight y that the pa!s of his pa %s b$ ge!& an! the backs of his han!s pa e!' Joa! contin$e!& 79o$ know where ) co%e fro%'7 The !ri#er was si ent' 71on4t yo$67 Joa! insiste!' 7We 3s$re' That is3%aybe' /$t it ain4t none of %y b$siness' ) %in! %y own yar!' )t ain4t nothing to %e'7 The wor!s t$%b e! o$t now' 7) !on4t stick %y nose in nobo!y4s b$siness'7 An! s$!!en y he was si ent an! waiting' An! his han!s were sti white on the whee ' A grasshopper f ippe! thro$gh the win!ow an! ighte! on top of the instr$%ent pane & where it sat an! began to scrape its wings with its ang e! :$%ping egs' Joa! reache! forwar! an! cr$she! its har! sk$ * ike hea! with his fingers& an! he et it into the win! strea% o$t the win!ow' Joa! ch$ck e! again whi e he br$she! the bits of broken insect fro% his fingertips' 79o$ got %e wrong& %ister&7 he sai!' 7) ain4t keepin4 ($iet abo$t it' S$re ) been in "cA ester' /een there fo$r years' S$re these is the c othes they

gi#e %e when ) co%e o$t' ) !on4t gi#e a !a%n who knows it' An4 )4% goin4 to %y o ! %an4s p ace so ) !on4t ha#e to ie to get a :ob'7 The !ri#er sai!& 7We 3that ain4t none of %y b$siness' ) ain4t a nosy g$y'7 7The he yo$ ain4t&7 sai! Joa!' 7That big o ! nose of yo$rs been stickin4 o$t eight %i es ahea! of yo$r face' 9o$ ha! that big nose goin4 o#er %e ike a sheep in a #egetab e patch'7 The !ri#er4s face tightene!' 79o$ got %e a wrong37 he began weak y' Joa! a$ghe! at hi%' 79o$ been a goo! g$y' 9o$ gi#e %e a ift' We & he = ) !one ti%e' So what= 9o$ want to know what ) !one ti%e for& !on4t yo$67 7That ain4t none of %y affair'7 70othin4 ain4t none of yo$r affair e.cept skinnin4 this here b$ *bitch a ong& an4 that4s the east thing yo$ work at' 0ow ook' See that roa! $p ahea!67 79eah'7 7We & ) get off there' S$re& ) know yo$4re wettin4 yo$r pants to know what ) !one' ) ain4t a g$y to et yo$ !own'7 The high h$% of the %otor !$ e! an! the song of the tires !roppe! in pitch' Joa! got o$t his pint an! took another short !rink' The tr$ck !rifte! to a stop where a !irt roa! opene! at right ang es to the highway' Joa! got o$t an! stoo! besi!e the cab win!ow' The #ertica e.ha$st pipe p$ttere! $p its bare y #isib e b $e s%oke' Joa! eane! towar! the !ri#er' 72o%ici!e&7 he sai! ($ick y' 7That4s a big wor!3%eans ) ki e! a g$y' Se#en years' )4% spr$ng in fo$r for keepin4 %y nose c ean'7 The !ri#er4s eyes s ippe! o#er Joa!4s face to %e%ori5e it' 7) ne#er aske! yo$ nothin4 abo$t it&7 he sai!' 7) %in! %y own yar!'7 79o$ can te abo$t it in e#ery :oint fro% here to Te.o a'7 2e s%i e!' 7So ong& fe a' 9o$ been a goo! g$y' /$t ook& when yo$ been in stir a itt e whi e& yo$ can s%e a ($estion co%in4 fro% he to breakfast' 9o$ te egraphe! yo$rs the first ti%e yo$ opene! yo$r trap'7 2e spatte! the %eta !oor with the pa % of his han!' 7Thanks for the ift&7 he sai!' 7So ong'7 2e t$rne! away an! wa ke! into the !irt roa!'

8or a %o%ent the !ri#er stare! after hi%& an! then he ca e!& 7L$ck=7 Joa! wa#e! his han! witho$t ooking aro$n!' Then the %otor roare! $p an! the gears c icke! an! the great re! tr$ck ro e! hea#i y away' 3 THE CONCRETE HIGHWAY was e!ge! with a %at of tang e!& broken& !ry grass& an! the grass hea!s were hea#y with oat bear!s to catch on a !og4s coat& an! fo.tai s to tang e in a horse4s fet ocks& an! c o#er b$rrs to fasten in sheep4s woo + s eeping ife waiting to be sprea! an! !isperse!& e#ery see! ar%e! with an app iance of !ispersa & twisting !arts an! parach$tes for the win!& itt e spears an! ba s of tiny thorns& an! a waiting for ani%a s an! for the win!& for a %an4s tro$ser c$ff or the he% of a wo%an4s skirt& a passi#e b$t ar%e! with app iances of acti#ity& sti & b$t each possesse! of the an age of %o#e%ent' The s$n ay on the grass an! war%e! it& an! in the sha!e $n!er the grass the insects %o#e!& ants an! ant ions to set traps for the%& grasshoppers to :$%p into the air an! f ick their ye ow wings for a secon!& sow b$gs ike itt e ar%a!i os& p o!!ing rest ess y on %any ten!er feet' An! o#er the grass at the roa!si!e a an! t$rt e craw e!& t$rning asi!e for nothing& !ragging his high*!o%e! she o#er the grass2is har! egs an! ye ow*nai e! feet threshe! s ow y thro$gh the grass& not rea y wa king& b$t boosting an! !ragging his she a ong' The bar ey bear!s s i! off his she & an! the c o#er b$rrs fe on hi% an! ro e! to the gro$n!' 2is horny beak was part y open& an! his fierce& h$%oro$s eyes& $n!er brows ike fingernai s& stare! straight ahea!' 2e ca%e o#er the grass ea#ing a beaten trai behin! hi%& an! the hi & which was the highway e%bank%ent& reare! $p ahea! of hi%' 8or a %o%ent he stoppe!& his hea! he ! high' 2e b inke! an! ooke! $p an! !own' At ast he starte! to c i%b the e%bank%ent' 8ront c awe! feet reache! forwar! b$t !i! not to$ch' The hin! feet kicke! his she a ong& an! it scrape! on the grass& an! on the gra#e ' As the e%bank%ent grew steeper an! steeper& the %ore frantic were the efforts of the an! t$rt e' >$shing hin! egs straine! an! s ippe!& boosting the she a ong& an! the horny hea!

protr$!e! as far as the neck co$ ! stretch' Litt e by itt e the she s i! $p the e%bank%ent $nti at ast a parapet c$t straight across its ine of %arch& the sho$ !er of the roa!& a concrete wa fo$r inches high' As tho$gh they worke! in!epen!ent y the hin! egs p$she! the she against the wa ' The hea! $praise! an! peere! o#er the wa to the broa! s%ooth p ain of ce%ent' 0ow the han!s& brace! on top of the wa & straine! an! ifte!& an! the she ca%e s ow y $p an! reste! its front en! on the wa ' 8or a %o%ent the t$rt e reste!' A re! ant ran into the she & into the soft skin insi!e the she & an! s$!!en y hea! an! egs snappe! in& an! the ar%ore! tai c a%pe! in si!eways' The re! ant was cr$she! between bo!y an! egs' An! one hea! of wi ! oats was c a%pe! into the she by a front eg' 8or a ong %o%ent the t$rt e ay sti & an! then the neck crept o$t an! the o ! h$%oro$s frowning eyes ooke! abo$t an! the egs an! tai ca%e o$t' The back egs went to work& straining ike e ephant egs& an! the she tippe! to an ang e so that the front egs co$ ! not reach the e#e ce%ent p ain' /$t higher an! higher the hin! egs booste! it& $nti at ast the center of ba ance was reache!& the front tippe! !own& the front egs scratche! at the pa#e%ent& an! it was $p' /$t the hea! of wi ! oats was he ! by its ste% aro$n! the front egs' 0ow the going was easy& an! a the egs worke!& an! the she booste! a ong& wagg ing fro% si!e to si!e' A se!an !ri#en by a forty*year*o ! wo%an approache!' She saw the t$rt e an! sw$ng to the right& off the highway& the whee s screa%e! an! a c o$! of !$st boi e! $p' Two whee s ifte! for a %o%ent an! then sett e!' The car ski!!e! back onto the roa!& an! went on& b$t %ore s ow y' The t$rt e ha! :erke! into its she & b$t now it h$rrie! on& for the highway was b$rning hot' An! now a ight tr$ck approache!& an! as it ca%e near& the !ri#er saw the t$rt e an! swer#e! to hit it' 2is front whee str$ck the e!ge of the she & f ippe! the t$rt e ike a ti!! y*wink& sp$n it ike a coin& an! ro e! it off the highway' The tr$ck went back to its co$rse a ong the right si!e' Lying on its back& the t$rt e was tight in its she for a ong ti%e' /$t at ast its egs wa#e! in the air& reaching for so%ething to p$ it o#er' )ts front foot ca$ght a piece of ($art5 an! itt e by itt e the she p$ e! o#er an! f oppe! $pright' The wi ! oat hea! fe o$t an! three of the spearhea! see!s st$ck in the gro$n!' An! as the t$rt e craw e! on !own

the e%bank%ent& its she !ragge! !irt o#er the see!s' The t$rt e entere! a !$st roa! an! :erke! itse f a ong& !rawing a wa#y sha ow trench in the !$st with its she ' The o ! h$%oro$s eyes ooke! ahea!& an! the horny beak opene! a itt e' 2is ye ow toe nai s s ippe! a fraction in the !$st' 4 WHEN JOAD HEARD THE tr$ck get $n!er way& gear c i%bing $p to gear an! the gro$n! throbbing $n!er the r$bber beating of the tires& he stoppe! an! t$rne! abo$t an! watche! it $nti it !isappeare!' When it was o$t of sight he sti watche! the !istance an! the b $e air*shi%%er' Tho$ghtf$ y he took the pint fro% his pocket& $nscrewe! the %eta cap& an! sippe! the whisky !e icate y& r$nning his tong$e insi!e the bott e neck& an! then aro$n! his ips& to gather in any f a#or that %ight ha#e escape! hi%' 2e sai! e.peri%enta y& 7There we spie! a nigger37 an! that was a he co$ ! re%e%ber' At ast he t$rne! abo$t an! face! the !$sty si!e roa! that c$t off at right ang es thro$gh the fie !s' The s$n was hot& an! no win! stirre! the sifte! !$st' The roa! was c$t with f$rrows where !$st ha! s i! an! sett e! back into the whee tracks' Joa! took a few steps& an! the f o$r ike !$st sp$rte! $p in front of his new ye ow shoes& an! the ye owness was !isappearing $n!er gray !$st' 2e eane! !own an! $ntie! the aces& s ippe! off first one shoe an! then the other' An! he worke! his !a%p feet co%fortab y in the hot !ry !$st $nti itt e sp$rts of it ca%e $p between his toes& an! $nti the skin on his feet tightene! with !ryness' 2e took off his coat an! wrappe! his shoes in it an! s ippe! the b$n! e $n!er his ar%' An! at ast he %o#e! $p the roa!& shooting the !$st ahea! of hi%& %aking a c o$! that h$ng ow to the gro$n! behin! hi%' The right of way was fence!& two stran!s of barbe! wire on wi ow po es' The po es were crooke! an! ba! y tri%%e!' Whene#er a crotch ca%e to the proper height the wire ay in it& an! where there was no crotch the barbe! wire was ashe! to the post with r$sty ba ing wire' /eyon! the fence& the corn ay beaten !own by win! an! heat an! !ro$ght& an! the c$ps where eaf :oine! sta k were fi e! with !$st'

Joa! p o!!e! a ong& !ragging his c o$! of !$st behin! hi%' A itt e bit ahea! he saw the high*!o%e! she of a an! t$rt e& craw ing s ow y a ong thro$gh the !$st& its egs working stiff y an! :erki y' Joa! stoppe! to watch it& an! his sha!ow fe on the t$rt e' )nstant y hea! an! egs were with!rawn an! the short thick tai c a%pe! si!eways into the she ' Joa! picke! it $p an! t$rne! it o#er' The back was brown*gray& ike the !$st& b$t the $n!ersi!e of the she was crea%y ye ow& c ean an! s%ooth' Joa! shifte! his b$n! e high $n!er his ar% an! stroke! the s%ooth $n!ershe with his finger& an! he presse! it' )t was softer than the back' The har! o ! hea! ca%e o$t an! trie! to ook at the pressing finger& an! the egs wa#e! wi ! y' The t$rt e wette! on Joa!4s han! an! str$gg e! $se ess y in the air' Joa! t$rne! it back $pright an! ro e! it $p in his coat with his shoes' 2e co$ ! fee it pressing an! str$gg ing an! f$ssing $n!er his ar%' 2e %o#e! ahea! %ore ($ick y now& !ragge! his hee s a itt e in the fine !$st' Ahea! of hi%& besi!e the roa!& a scrawny& !$sty wi ow tree cast a speck e! sha!e' Joa! co$ ! see it ahea! of hi%& its poor branches c$r#ing o#er the way& its oa! of ea#es tattere! an! scragg y as a %o ting chicken' Joa! was sweating now' 2is b $e shirt !arkene! !own his back an! $n!er his ar%s' 2e p$ e! at the #isor of his cap an! crease! it in the %i!! e& breaking its car!boar! ining so co%p ete y that it co$ ! ne#er ook new again' An! his steps took on new spee! an! intent towar! the sha!e of the !istant wi ow tree' At the wi ow he knew there wo$ ! be sha!e& at east one har! bar of abso $te sha!e thrown by the tr$nk& since the s$n ha! passe! its 5enith' The s$n whippe! the back of his neck now an! %a!e a itt e h$%%ing in his hea!' 2e co$ ! not see the base of the tree& for it grew o$t of a itt e swa e that he ! water onger than the e#e p aces' Joa! spee!e! his pace against the s$n& an! he starte! !own the !ec i#ity' 2e s owe! ca$tio$s y& for the bar of abso $te sha!e was taken' A %an sat on the gro$n!& eaning against the tr$nk of the tree' 2is egs were crosse! an! one bare foot e.ten!e! near y as high as his hea!' 2e !i! not hear Joa! approaching& for he was whist ing so e%n y the t$ne of 79es& Sir& That4s "y /aby'7 2is e.ten!e! foot sw$ng s ow y $p an! !own in the te%po' )t was not !ance te%po' 2e stoppe! whist ing an! sang in an easy thin tenor-

79es& sir& that4s %y Sa#io$r& Je;s$s is %y Sa#io$r& Je;s$s is %y Sa#io$r now' On the e#e 4S not the !e#i & Jes$s is %y Sa#io$r now'7 Joa! ha! %o#e! into the i%perfect sha!e of the %o ting ea#es before the %an hear! hi% co%ing& stoppe! his song& an! t$rne! his hea!' )t was a ong hea!& bony+ tight of skin& an! set on a neck as stringy an! %$sc$ ar as a ce ery sta k' 2is eyeba s were hea#y an! protr$!ing+ the i!s stretche! to co#er the%& an! the i!s were raw an! re!' 2is cheeks were brown an! shiny an! hair ess an! his %o$th f$ 3h$%oro$s or sens$a ' The nose& beake! an! har!& stretche! the skin so tight y that the bri!ge showe! white' There was no perspiration on the face& not e#en on the ta pa e forehea!' )t was an abnor%a y high forehea!& ine! with !e icate b $e #eins at the te%p es' 8$ y ha f of the face was abo#e the eyes' 2is stiff gray hair was %$sse! back fro% his brow as tho$gh he ha! co%be! it back with his fingers' 8or c othes he wore o#era s an! a b $e shirt' A !eni% coat with brass b$ttons an! a spotte! brown hat crease! ike a pork pie ay on the gro$n! besi!e hi%' Can#as sneakers& gray with !$st& ay near by where they ha! fa en when they were kicke! off' The %an ooke! ong at Joa!' The ight see%e! to go far into his brown eyes& an! it picke! o$t itt e go !en specks !eep in the irises' The straine! b$n! e of neck %$sc es stoo! o$t' Joa! stoo! sti in the speck e! sha!e' 2e took off his cap an! %oppe! his wet face with it an! !roppe! it an! his ro e! coat on the gro$n!' The %an in the abso $te sha!e $ncrosse! his egs an! !$g with his toes at the earth' Joa! sai!& 72i' )t4s hotter4n he on the roa!'7 The seate! %an stare! ($estioning y at hi%' 70ow ain4t yo$ yo$ng To% Joa!3o 4 To%4s boy67 79eah&7 sai! Joa!' 7A the way' Goin4 ho%e now'7

79o$ wo$ !n4t re%e%ber %e& ) g$ess&7 the %an sai!' 2e s%i e! an! his f$ ips re#ea e! great horse teeth' 7Oh& no& yo$ wo$ !n4t re%e%ber' 9o$ was a ways too b$sy p$ in4 itt e gir s4 pigtai s when ) gi#e yo$ the 2o y Sperit' 9o$ was a wroppe! $p in yankin4 that pigtai o$t by the roots' 9o$ %aybe !on4t reco ect& b$t ) !o' The two of yo$ co%e to Jes$s at once 4ca$se of the pigtai yankin4' /apti5e! both of yo$ in the irrigation !itch at once' 8ightin4 an4 ye in4 ike a co$p e of cats'7 Joa! ooke! at hi% with !roope! eyes& an! then he a$ghe!' 7Why& yo$4re the preacher' 9o$4re the preacher' ) :$s4 passe! a reco ection abo$t yo$ to a g$y not an ho$r ago'7 7) was a preacher&7 sai! the %an serio$s y' 7Re#eren! Ji% Casy3was a /$rning /$sher' <se! to how o$t the na%e of Jes$s to g ory' An! $se! to get an irrigation !itch so s($ir%in4 f$ of repente! sinners ha f of 4e% ike to !rowne!' /$t not no %ore&7 he sighe!' 7J$s Ji% Casy now' Ain4t got the ca no %ore' Got a ot of sinf$ i!ears3b$t they see% kin!a sensib e'7 Joa! sai!& 79o$4re bo$n! to get i!ears if yo$ go thinkin4 abo$t st$ff' S$re ) re%e%ber yo$' 9o$ $se ta gi#e a goo! %eetin4' ) reco ect one ti%e yo$ gi#e a who e ser%on wa kin4 aro$n! on yo$r han!s& ye in4 yo$r hea! off' "a fa#ore! yo$ %ore than anybo!y' An4 Gran%a says yo$ was :$st o$sy with the spirit'7 Joa! !$g at his ro e! coat an! fo$n! the pocket an! bro$ght o$t his pint' The t$rt e %o#e! a eg b$t he wrappe! it $p tight y' 2e $nscrewe! the cap an! he ! o$t the bott e' 72a#e a itt e snort67 Casy took the bott e an! regar!e! it broo!ing y' 7) ain4t preachin4 no %ore %$ch' The sperit ain4t in the peop e %$ch no %ore+ an! worse4n that& the sperit ain4t in %e no %ore' 4Co$rse now an4 again the sperit gets %o#in4 an4 ) rip o$t a %eetin4& or when fo ks sets o$t foo! ) gi#e 4e% a grace& b$t %y heart ain4t in it' ) on4y !o it 4ca$se they e.pect it'7 Joa! %oppe! his face with his cap again' 79o$ ain4t too !a%n ho y to take a !rink& are yo$67 he aske!' Casy see%e! to see the bott e for the first ti%e' 2e ti te! it an! took three big swa ows' 70ice !rinkin4 i($or&7 he sai!' 7O$ght to be&7 sai! Joa!' 7That4s fact4ry i($or' Cost a b$ck'7

Casy took another swa ow before he passe! the bott e back' 79es& sir=7 he sai!' 79es& sir=7 Joa! took the bott e fro% hi%& an! in po iteness !i! not wipe the neck with his s ee#e before he !rank' 2e s($atte! on his ha%s an! set the bott e $pright against his coat ro ' 2is fingers fo$n! a twig with which to !raw his tho$ghts on the gro$n!' 2e swept the ea#es fro% a s($are an! s%oothe! the !$st' An! he !rew ang es an! %a!e itt e circ es' 7) ain4t seen yo$ in a ong ti%e&7 he sai!' 70obo!y4s seen %e&7 sai! the preacher' 7) went off a one& an4 ) sat an! fig$re!' The sperit4s strong in %e& on4y it ain4t the sa%e' ) ain4t so s$re of a ot of things'7 2e sat $p straighter against the tree' 2is bony han! !$g its way ike a s($irre into his o#era pocket& bro$ght o$t a b ack& bitten p $g of tobacco' Caref$ y he br$she! off bits of straw an! gray pocket f$55 before he bit off a corner an! sett e! the ($i! into his cheek' Joa! wa#e! his stick in negation when the p $g was he ! o$t to hi%' The t$rt e !$g at the ro e! coat' Casy ooke! o#er at the stirring gar%ent' 7What yo$ got there3a chicken6 9o$4 s%other it'7 Joa! ro e! the coat $p %ore tight y' 7An o ! t$rt e&7 he sai!' 7>icke! hi% $p on the roa!' An o ! b$ !o5er' Tho$ght )4! take 4i% to %y itt e brother' ?i!s ike t$rt es'7 The preacher no!!e! his hea! s ow y' 7,#ery ki! got a t$rt e so%e ti%e or other' 0obo!y can4t keep a t$rt e tho$gh' They work at it an! work at it& an! at ast one !ay they get o$t an! away they go3off so%ewheres' )t4s ike %e' ) wo$ !n4t take the goo! o 4 gospe that was :$st ayin4 there to %y han!' ) got to be pickin4 at it an4 workin4 at it $nti ) got it a tore !own' 2ere ) got the sperit so%eti%es an4 nothin4 to preach abo$t' ) got the ca to ea! peop e& an4 no p ace to ea! 4e%'7 7Lea! 4e% aro$n! an! aro$n!&7 sai! Joa!' 7S ing 4e% in the irrigation !itch' Te 4e% they4 b$rn in he if they !on4t think ike yo$' What the he yo$ want to ea! 4e% so%ep ace for6 J$s4 ea! 4e%'7 The straight tr$nk sha!e ha! stretche! o$t a ong the gro$n!' Joa! %o#e! gratef$ y into it an! s($atte! on his ha%s an! %a!e a new s%ooth p ace on which to !raw his tho$ghts with a stick' A thick*f$rre! ye ow shepher! !og ca%e trotting !own the roa!& hea! ow& tong$e o ing an! !ripping' )ts tai h$ng i%p y c$r e!& an! it pante! o$! y'

Joa! whist e! at it& b$t it on y !roppe! its hea! an inch an! trotte! fast towar! so%e !efinite !estination' 7Goin4 so%ep ace&7 Joa! e.p aine!& a itt e pi($e!' 7Goin4 for ho%e %aybe'7 The preacher co$ ! not be thrown fro% his s$b:ect' 7Goin4 so%ep ace&7 he repeate!' 7That4s right& he4s goin4 so%ep ace' "e3) !on4t know where )4% goin4' Te yo$ what3) $se! ta get the peop e :$%pin4 an4 ta kin4 in tong$es an! g ory*sho$tin4 ti they :$st fe !own an4 passe! o$t' An4 so%e )4! bapti5e to bring 4e% to' An4 then3yo$ know what )4! !o6 )4! take one of the% gir s o$t in the grass& an4 )4! ay with her' 1one it e#er4 ti%e' Then )4! fee ba!& an4 )4! pray an4 pray& b$t it !i!n4t !o no goo!' Co%e the ne.t ti%e& the% an4 %e was f$ of the sperit& )4! !o it again' ) figgere! there :$st wasn4t no hope for %e& an4 ) was a !a%ne! o 4 hypocrite' /$t ) !i!n4t %ean to be'7 Joa! s%i e! an! his ong teeth parte! an! he icke! his ips' 7There ain4t nothing ike a goo! hot %eetin4 for p$shin4 4e% o#er&7 he sai!' 7) !one that %yse f'7 Casy eane! forwar! e.cite! y' 79o$ see&7 he crie!& 7) seen it was that way& an4 ) starte! thinkin4'7 2e wa#e! his bony big*kn$ck e! han! $p an! !own in a patting gest$re' 7) got to thinkin4 ike this342ere4s %e preachin4 grace' An4 here4s the% peop e gettin4 grace so har! they4re :$%pin4 an4 sho$tin4' 0ow they say ayin4 $p with a gir co%es fro% the !e#i ' /$t the %ore grace a gir got in her& the ($icker she wants to go o$t in the grass'4 An4 ) got to thinkin4 how in he & s4c$se %e& how can the !e#i get in when a gir is so f$ of the 2o y Sperit that it4s spo$tin4 o$t of her nose an4 ears' 9o$4! think that4! be one ti%e when the !e#i !i!n4t stan! a snowba 4s chance in he ' /$t there it was'7 2is eyes were shining with e.cite%ent' 2e worke! his cheeks for a %o%ent an! then spat into the !$st& an! the gob of spit ro e! o#er an! o#er& picking $p !$st $nti it ooke! ike a ro$n! !ry itt e pe et' The preacher sprea! o$t his han! an! ooke! at his pa % as tho$gh he were rea!ing a book' 7An4 there4s %e&7 he went on soft y' 7There4s %e with a the% peop e4s so$ s in %y han43responsib e an4 fee in4 %y responsibi ity3an4 e#er ti%e& ) ay with one of the% gir s'7 2e ooke! o#er at Joa! an! his face ooke! he p ess' 2is e.pression aske! for he p'

Joa! caref$ y !rew the torso of a wo%an in the !irt& breasts& hips& pe #is' 7) wasn4t ne#er a preacher&7 he sai!' 7) ne#er et nothin4 go by when ) co$ ! catch it' An4 ) ne#er ha! no i!ears abo$t it e.cept that ) was go!!a%n g a! when ) got one'7 7/$t yo$ wasn4t a preacher&7 Casy insiste!' 7A gir was :$st a gir to yo$' They wasn4t nothin4 to yo$' /$t to %e they was ho y #esse s' ) was sa#in4 their so$ s' An4 here with a that responsibi ity on %e )4! :$st get 4e% frothin4 with the 2o y Sperit& an4 then )4! take 4e% o$t in the grass'7 7"aybe ) sho$ ! of been a preacher&7 sai! Joa!' 2e bro$ght o$t his tobacco an! papers an! ro e! a cigarette' 2e ighte! it an! s($inte! thro$gh the s%oke at the preacher' 7) been a ong ti%e witho$t a gir &7 he sai!' 7)t4s gonna take so%e catchin4 $p'7 Casy contin$e!& 7)t worrie! %e ti ) co$ !n4t get no s eep' 2ere )4! go to preachin4 an! )4! say& 4/y Go!& this ti%e ) ain4t gonna !o it'4 An! right whi e ) sai! it& ) knowe! ) was'7 79o$ sho$ ! a got a wife&7 sai! Joa!' 7>reacher an4 his wife staye! at o$r p ace one ti%e' Jeho#ites they was' S ep4 $pstairs' 2e ! %eetin4s in o$r barnyar!' <s ki!s wo$ ! isten' That preacher4s %iss$s took a go!* awf$ po$n!in4 after e#er4 night %eetin4'7 7)4% g a! yo$ to 4 %e&7 sai! Casy' 7) $se! to think it was :$s4 %e' 8ina y it gi#e %e s$ch pain ) ($it an went off by %yse f an4 gi#e her a !a%n goo! thinkin4 abo$t'7 2e !o$b e! $p his egs an! scratche! between his !ry !$sty toes' 7) says to %yse f& 4What4s gnawin4 yo$6 )s it the screwin464 An4 ) says& 40o& it4s the sin'4 An4 ) says& 4Why is it that when a fe a o$ght to be :$st abo$t %$ e*ass proof against sin& an4 f$ $p of Jes$s& why is it that4s the ti%e a fe a gets fingerin4 his pants b$ttons647 2e ai! two fingers !own in his pa % in rhyth%& as tho$gh he gent y p ace! each wor! there si!e by si!e' 7) says& 4"aybe it ain4t a sin' "aybe it4s :$st the way fo ks is' "aybe we been whippin4 the he o$t of o$rse #es for nothin4'4 An4 ) tho$ght how so%e sisters took to beatin4 theirse #es with a three*foot shag of bobwire' An4 ) tho$ght how %aybe they ike! to h$rt the%se #es& an4 %aybe ) ike! to h$rt %yse f' We & ) was ayin4 $n!er a tree when ) fig$re! that o$t& an! ) went to s eep' An! it co%e night& an4 it was !ark when ) co%e to' They was a coyote s($awkin4 near by' /efore ) knowe! it& ) was sayin4 o$t o$!& 4The he

with it= There ain4t no sin an! there ain4t no #irt$e' There4s :$st st$ff peop e !o' )t4s a part of the sa%e thing' An! so%e of the things fo ks !o is nice& an! so%e ain4t nice& b$t that4s as far as any %an got a right to say'47 2e pa$se! an! ooke! $p fro% the pa % of his han!& where he ha! ai! !own the wor!s' Joa! was grinning at hi%& b$t Joa!4s eyes were sharp an! intereste!& too' 79o$ gi#e her a goin4*o#er&7 he sai!' 79o$ fig$re! her o$t'7 Casy spoke again& an! his #oice rang with pain an! conf$sion' 7) says& 4What4s this ca & this sperit64 An4 ) says& 4)t4s o#e' ) o#e peop e so %$ch )4% fit to b$st& so%eti%es'4 An4 ) says& 41on4t yo$ o#e Jes$s64 We & ) tho$ght an4 tho$ght& an4 fina y ) says& 40o& ) !on4t know nobo!y na%e4 Jes$s' ) know a b$nch of stories& b$t ) on y o#e peop e' An4 so%eti%es ) o#e 4e% fit to b$st& an4 ) want to %ake 4e% happy& so ) been preachin4 so%epin ) tho$ght wo$ ! %ake 4e% happy'4 An4 then3) been ta kin4 a he of a ot' "aybe yo$ won!er abo$t %e $sing ba! wor!s' We & they ain4t ba! to %e no %ore' They4re :$s4 wor!s fo ks $se& an4 they !on4t %ean nothing ba! with 4e%' Anyways& )4 te yo$ one %ore thing ) tho$ght o$t+ an4 fro% a preacher it4s the %ost $nre igio$s thing& an! ) can4t be a preacher no %ore beca$se ) tho$ght it an4 ) be ie#e it'7 7What4s that67 Joa! aske!' Casy ooke! shy y at hi%' 7)f it hits yo$ wrong& !on4t take no offense at it& wi yo$67 7) !on4t take no offense 4cept a b$st in the nose&7 sai! Joa!' 7What !i! yo$ figger67 7) figgere! abo$t the 2o y Sperit an! the Jes$s roa!' ) figgere!& 4Why !o we got to hang it on Go! or Jes$s6 "aybe&4 ) figgere!& 4%aybe it4s a %en an4 a wo%en we o#e+ %aybe that4s the 2o y Sperit3the h$%an sperit3the who e shebang' "aybe a %en got one big so$ e#er4bo!y4s a part of'4 0ow ) sat there thinkin4 it& an4 a of a s$!!ent3) knew it' ) knew it so !eep !own that it was tr$e& an! ) sti know it'7 Joa!4s eyes !roppe! to the gro$n! as tho$gh he co$ ! not %eet the nake! honesty in the preacher4s eyes' 79o$ can4t ho ! no ch$rch with i!ears ike that&7 he sai!' 7>eop e wo$ ! !ri#e yo$ o$t of the co$ntry with i!ears ike that' J$%pin4 an4 ye in4' That4s what fo ks ike' "akes

4e% fee swe ' When Gran%a got to ta kin4 in tong$es& yo$ co$ !n4t tie her !own' She co$ ! knock o#er a f$ *growe! !eacon with her fist'7 Casy regar!e! hi% broo!ing y' 7So%epin ) ike to ast yo$&7 he sai!' 7So%epin that been eatin4 on %e'7 7Go ahea!' )4 ta k& so%eti%es'7 7We 73the preacher sai! s ow y37here4s yo$ that ) bapti5e! right when ) was in the g ory roof*tree' Got itt e h$nks of Jes$s :$%pin4 o$ta %y %o$th that !ay' 9o$ won4t re%e%ber 4ca$se yo$ was b$sy p$ in4 that pigtai '7 7) re%e%ber&7 sai! Joa!' 7That was S$sy Litt e' She b$st %y finger a year ater'7 7We 3!i! yo$ take any goo! o$ta that bapti5in46 Was yo$r ways better67 Joa! tho$ght abo$t it' 70o*o*o& can4t say as ) fe t anything'7 7We 3!i! yo$ take any ba! fro% it6 Think har!'7 Joa! picke! $p the bott e an! took a swig' 7They wasn4t nothing in it& goo! or ba!' ) :$st ha! f$n'7 2e han!e! the f ask to the preacher' 2e sighe! an! !rank an! ooke! at the ow e#e of the whisky an! took another tiny !rink' 7That4s goo!&7 he sai!' 7) got to worryin4 abo$t whether in %essin4 aro$n! %aybe ) !one so%ebo!y a h$rt'7 Joa! ooke! o#er towar! his coat an! saw the t$rt e& free of the c oth an! h$rrying away in the !irection he ha! been fo owing when Joa! fo$n! hi%' Joa! watche! hi% for a %o%ent an! then got s ow y to his feet an! retrie#e! hi% an! wrappe! hi% in the coat again' 7) ain4t got no present for the ki!s&7 he sai!' 70othin4 b$t this o 4 t$rt e'7 7)t4s a f$nny thing&7 the preacher sai!' 7) was thinkin4 abo$t o 4 To% Joa! when yo$ co%e a ong' Thinkin4 )4! ca in on hi%' ) $se! to think he was a go! ess %an' 2ow is To%67 7) !on4t know how he is' ) ain4t been ho%e in fo$r years'7 71i!n4t he write to yo$67 Joa! was e%barrasse!' 7We & >a wasn4t no han! to write for pretty& or to write for writin4' 2e4! sign $p his na%e as nice as anybo!y& an4 ick his penci ' /$t >a ne#er !i! write no etters' 2e a ways says what he co$ !n4 te a fe a with his %o$th wasn4t worth eanin4 on no penci abo$t'7 7/een o$t tra#e in4 aro$n!67 Casy aske!'

Joa! regar!e! hi% s$spicio$s y' 71i!n4t yo$ hear abo$t %e6 ) was in a the papers'7 70o3) ne#er' What67 2e :erke! one eg o#er the other an! sett e! ower against the tree' The afternoon was a!#ancing rapi! y& an! a richer tone was growing on the s$n' Joa! sai! p easant y& 7"ight4s we te yo$ now an4 get it o#er with' /$t if yo$ was sti preachin4 ) wo$ !n4t te & fear yo$ get prayin4 o#er %e'7 2e !raine! the ast of the pint an! f $ng it fro% hi%& an! the f at brown bott e ski!!e! ight y o#er the !$st' 7) been in "cA ester the% fo$r years'7 Casy sw$ng aro$n! to hi%& an! his brows owere! so that his ta forehea! see%e! e#en ta er' 7Ain4t wantin4 to ta k abo$t it& h$h6 ) won4t ask yo$ no ($estions& if yo$ !one so%ething ba!37 7)4! !o what ) !one3again&7 sai! Joa!' 7) ki e! a g$y in a fight' We was !r$nk at a !ance' 2e got a knife in %e& an4 ) ki e! hi% with a sho#e that was ayin4 there' ?nocke! his hea! p $%b to s($ash'7 Casy4s eyebrows res$%e! their nor%a e#e ' 79o$ ain4t asha%e! of nothin4 then67 70o&7 sai! Joa!& 7) ain4t' ) got se#en years& acco$nt of he ha! a knife in %e' Got o$t in fo$r3paro e'7 7Then yo$ ain4t hear! nothin4 abo$t yo$r fo ks for fo$r years67 7Oh& ) hear!' "a sent %e a car! two years ago& an4 as4 Christ%as Gran%a sent a car!' Jes$s& the g$ys in the ce b ock a$ghe!= 2a! a tree an4 shiny st$ff ooks ike snow' )t says in po4try74"erry Christ%as& p$rty chi !& Jes$s %eek an4 Jes$s %i !& <n!erneath the Christ%as tree There4s a gif4 for yo$ fro% %e'4 ) g$ess Gran%a ne#er rea! it' >rob4 y got it fro% a !r$%%er an4 picke! o$t the one with the %os4 shiny st$ff on it' The g$ys in %y ce b ock go!!a%n near !ie! a$ghin4' Jes$s "eek they ca e! %e after that' Gran%a ne#er %eant it f$nny+ she :$s4 figgere! it was so p$rty she

wo$ !n4 bother to rea! it' She ost her g asses the year ) went $p' "aybe she ne#er !i! fin! 4e%'7 72ow they treat yo$ in "cA ester67 Casy aske!' 7Oh& awright' 9o$ eat reg$ ar& an4 get c ean c othes& an! there4s p aces to take a bath' )t4s pretty nice so%e ways' "akes it har! not ha#in4 no wo%en'7 S$!!en y he a$ghe!' 7They was a g$y paro e!&7 he sai!' 74/o$t a %onth he4s back for breakin4 paro e' A g$y ast hi% why he b$st his paro e' 4We & he &4 he says' 4They got no con#eniences at %y o ! %an4s p ace' Got no 4 ectric ights& got no shower baths' There ain4t no books& an4 the foo!4s o$sy'4 Says he co%e back where they got a few con#eniences an4 he eats reg$ ar' 2e says it %akes hi% fee oneso%e o$t there in the open ha#in4 to think what to !o ne.t' So he sto e a car an4 co%e back'7 Joa! got o$t his tobacco an! b ew a brown paper free of the pack an! ro e! a cigarette' 7The g$y4s right& too&7 he sai!' 7Las4 night& thinkin4 where )4% gonna s eep& ) got scare!' An4 ) got thinkin4 abo$t %y b$nk& an4 ) won!er what the stir*b$g ) got for a ce %ate is !oin4' "e an4 so%e g$ys ha! a strang ban! goin4' Goo! one' G$y sai! we o$ght to go on the ra!io' An4 this %ornin4 ) !i!n4t know what ti%e to get $p' J$s4 ai! there waitin4 for the be to go off'7 Casy ch$ck e!' 78e a can get so he %isses the noise of a saw %i '7 The ye owing& !$sty& afternoon ight p$t a go !en co or on the an!' The cornsta ks ooke! go !en' A f ight of swa ows swoope! o#erhea! towar! so%e waterho e' The t$rt e in Joa!4s coat began a new ca%paign of escape' Joa! crease! the #isor of his cap' )t was getting the ong protr$!ing c$r#e of a crow4s beak now' 7G$ess )4 %osey a ong&7 he sai!' 7) hate to hit the s$n& b$t it ain4t so ba! now'7 Casy p$ e! hi%se f together' 7) ain4t seen o 4 To% in a b$g4s age&7 he sai!' 7) was gonna ook in on hi% anyways' ) brang Jes$s to yo$r fo ks for a ong ti%e& an4 ) ne#er took $p a co ection nor nothin4 b$t a bite to eat'7 7Co%e a ong&7 sai! Joa!' 7>a4 be g a! to see yo$' 2e a ways sai! yo$ got too ong a pecker for a preacher'7 2e picke! $p his coat ro an! tightene! it sn$g y abo$t his shoes an! t$rt e' Casy gathere! in his can#as sneakers an! sho#e! his bare feet into the%' 7) ain4t got yo$r confi!ence&7 he sai!' 7)4% a ways scare! there4s

wire or g ass $n!er the !$st' ) !on4t know nothin4 ) hate so %$ch as a c$t toe'7 They hesitate! on the e!ge of the sha!e an! then they p $nge! into the ye ow s$n ight ike two swi%%ers hastening to get to shore' After a few fast steps they s owe! to a gent e& tho$ghtf$ pace' The cornsta ks threw gray sha!ows si!eways now& an! the raw s%e of hot !$st was in the air' The corn fie ! en!e! an! !ark green cotton took its p ace& !ark green ea#es thro$gh a fi % of !$st& an! the bo s for%ing' )t was spotty cotton& thick in the ow p aces where water ha! stoo!& an! bare on the high p aces' The p ants stro#e against the s$n' An! !istance& towar! the hori5on& was tan to in#isibi ity' The !$st roa! stretche! o$t ahea! of the%& wa#ing $p an! !own' The wi ows of a strea% ine! across the west& an! to the northwest a fa ow section was going back to sparse br$sh' /$t the s%e of b$rne! !$st was in the air& an! the air was !ry& so that %$c$s in the nose !rie! to a cr$st& an! the eyes watere! to keep the eyeba s fro% !rying o$t' Casy sai!& 7See how goo! the corn co%e a ong $nti the !$st got $p' /een a !inger of a crop'7 7,#er4 year&7 sai! Joa!' 7,#er4 year ) can re%e%ber& we ha! a goo! crop co%in4 an4 it ne#er co%e' Gra%pa says she was goo! the first fi#e p owin4s& whi e the wi ! grass was sti in her'7 The roa! !roppe! !own a itt e hi an! c i%be! $p another ro ing hi ' Casy sai!& 7O 4 To%4s ho$se can4t be %ore4n a %i e fro% here' Ain4t she o#er that thir! rise67 7S$re&7 sai! Joa!' 74Less so%ebo!y sto e it& ike >a sto e it'7 79o$r pa sto e it67 7S$re& got it a %i e an4 a ha f east of here an4 !r$g it' Was a fa%i y i#in4 there& an4 they %o#e! away' Gra%pa an4 >a an4 %y brother 0oah ike to took the who e ho$se& b$t she wo$ !n4t co%e' They on y got part of her' That4s why she ooks so f$nny on one en!' They c$t her in two an4 !r$g her o#er with twe #e hea! of horses an! two %$ es' They was goin4 back for the other ha f an4 stick her together again& b$t before they got there Wink "an ey co%e with his boys an! sto e the other ha f' >a an4 Gra%pa was pretty sore& b$t a itt e ater the% an4 Wink got !r$nk together an4 a$ghe! their hea!s off abo$t it' Wink& he says his ho$se is at st$!& an4 if

we4 bring o$r4n o#er an4 bree! 4e% we4 %aybe get a itter of crap ho$ses' Wink was a great o 4 fe a when he was !r$nk' After that hi% an4 >a an4 Gra%pa was frien!s' Got !r$nk together e#er4 chance they got'7 7To%4s a great one&7 Casy agree!' They p o!!e! !$sti y on !own to the botto% of the !raw& an! then s owe! their steps for the rise' Casy wipe! his forehea! with his s ee#e an! p$t on his f at*toppe! hat again' 79es&7 he repeate!& 7To% was a great one' 8or a go! ess %an he was a great one' ) seen hi% in %eetin4 so%eti%es when the sperit got into hi% :$st a itt e& an4 ) seen hi% take ten*twe #e foot :$%ps' ) te yo$ when o 4 To% got a !ose of the 2o y Sperit yo$ got to %o#e fast to keep fro% gettin4 r$n !own an4 tro%pe!' J$%py as a st$! horse in a bo. sta '7 They toppe! the ne.t rise an! the roa! !roppe! into an o ! water*c$t& $g y an! raw& a ragge! co$rse& an! freshet scars c$tting into it fro% both si!es' A few stones were in the crossing' Joa! %ince! across in his bare feet' 79o$ ta k abo$t >a&7 he sai!' 7"aybe yo$ ne#er seen <nc e John the ti%e they bapti5e! hi% o#er to >o k4s p ace' Why& he got to p $ngin4 an4 :$%pin4' J$%pe! o#er a feeny b$sh as big as a piana' O#er he4! :$%p& an4 back he4! :$%p& how in4 ike a !og*wo f in %oon ti%e' We & >a seen hi%& an4 >a& he figgers he4s the bes4 Jes$s*:$%per in these parts' So >a picks o$t a feeny b$sh 4bo$t twicet as big as <nc e John4s feeny b$sh& an! >a ets o$t a s($awk ike a sow itterin4 broken bott es& an4 he takes a r$n at that feeny b$sh an4 c ears her an4 b$st his right eg' That took the sperit o$t of >a' >reacher wants to pray it set& b$t >a says& no& by Go!& he4! got his heart f$ of ha#in4 a !octor' We & they wasn4t a !octor& b$t they was a tra#e in4 !entist& an4 he set her' >reacher gi#e her a prayin4 o#er anyways'7 They p o!!e! $p the itt e rise on the other si!e of the water*c$t' 0ow that the s$n was on the wane so%e of its i%pact was gone& an! whi e the air was hot& the ha%%ering rays were weaker' The str$ng wire on crooke! po es sti e!ge! the roa!' On the right*han! si!e a ine of wire fence str$ng o$t across the cotton fie !& an! the !$sty green cotton was the sa%e on both si!es& !$sty an! !ry an! !ark green' Joa! pointe! to the bo$n!ary fence' 7That there4s o$r ine' We !i!n4t rea y nee! no fence there& b$t we ha! the wire& an4 >a kin!a ike! her there' Sai! it gi#e hi% a fee in4 that forty was forty' Wo$ !n4t of ha! the

fence if <nc e John !i!n4t co%e !ri#in4 in one night with si. spoo s of wire in his wagon' 2e gi#e 4e% to >a for a shoat' We ne#er !i! know where he got that wire'7 They s owe! for the rise& %o#ing their feet in the !eep soft !$st& fee ing the earth with their feet' Joa!4s eyes were inwar! on his %e%ory' 2e see%e! to be a$ghing insi!e hi%se f' 7<nc e John was a cra5y bastar!&7 he sai!' 7Like what he !one with that shoat'7 2e ch$ck e! an! wa ke! on' Ji% Casy waite! i%patient y' The story !i! not contin$e' Casy ga#e it a goo! ong ti%e to co%e o$t' 7We & what4! he !o with that shoat67 he !e%an!e! at ast& with so%e irritation' 72$h6 Oh= We & he ki e! that shoat right there& an4 he got "a to ight $p the sto#e' 2e c$t o$t pork chops an4 p$t 4e% in the pan& an4 he p$t ribs an4 a eg in the o#en' 2e et chops ti the ribs was !one& an4 he et ribs ti the eg was !one' An4 then he tore into that eg' C$t off big h$nks of her an4 sho#e! 4e% in his %o$th' <s ki!s h$ng aro$n! s a#erin4& an4 he gi#e $s so%e& b$t he wo$ !n4t gi#e >a none' /y an4 by he et so %$ch he throwe! $p an4 went to s eep' Whi e he4s as eep $s ki!s an4 >a finishe! off the eg' We & when <nc e John woke $p in the %ornin4 he s aps another eg in the o#en' >a says& 4John& yo$ gonna eat that who e !a%n pig64 An4 he says& 4) ai% to& To%& b$t )4% scairt so%e of her4 spoi 4fore ) get her et& h$ngry as ) a% for pork' "aybe yo$ better get a p ate an4 gi%%e back a co$p e ro s of wire'4 We & sir& >a wasn4t no foo ' 2e :$s4 et <nc e John go on an4 eat hi%se f sick of pig& an4 when he !ro#e off he ha!n4t et %$ch %ore4n ha f' >a says& 4Whyn4t yo$ sa t her !own64 /$t not <nc e John+ when he wants pig he wants a who e pig& an4 when he4s thro$gh& he !on4t want no pig hangin4 aro$n!' So off he goes& an! >a sa ts !own what4s eft'7 Casy sai!& 7Whi e ) was sti in the preachin4 sperit )4! a %a!e a esson of that an4 spoke it to yo$& b$t ) !on4t !o that no %ore' What yo$ s4pose he !one a thing ike that for67 7) !$nno&7 sai! Joa!' 72e :$s4 got h$ngry for pork' "akes %e h$ngry :$s4 to think of it' ) ha! :$s4 fo$r s ices of roastin4 pork in fo$r years3one s ice e#er4 Christ%$s'7 Casy s$ggeste! e aborate y& 7"aybe To%4 ki the fatte! ca f ike for the pro!iga in Script$re'7

Joa! a$ghe! scornf$ y' 79o$ !on4t know >a' )f he ki s a chicken %ost of the s($awkin4 wi co%e fro% >a& not the chicken' 2e !on4t ne#er earn' 2e4s a ways sa#in4 a pig for Christ%$s an! then it !ies in Septe%ber of b oat or so%epin so yo$ can4t eat it' When <nc e John wante! pork he et pork' 2e ha! her'7 They %o#e! o#er the c$r#ing top of the hi an! saw the Joa! p ace be ow the%' An! Joa! stoppe!' 7)t ain4t the sa%e&7 he sai!' 7Looka that ho$se' So%epin4s happene!' They ain4t nobo!y there'7 The two stoo! an! stare! at the itt e c $ster of b$i !ings' 5 THE OWNERS OF THE an! ca%e onto the an!& or %ore often a spokes%an for the owners ca%e' They ca%e in c ose! cars& an! they fe t the !ry earth with their fingers& an! so%eti%es they !ro#e big earth a$gers into the gro$n! for soi tests' The tenants& fro% their s$n*beaten !ooryar!s& watche! $neasi y when the c ose! cars !ro#e a ong the fie !s' An! at ast the owner %en !ro#e into the !ooryar!s an! sat in their cars to ta k o$t of the win!ows' The tenant %en stoo! besi!e the cars for a whi e& an! then s($atte! on their ha%s an! fo$n! sticks with which to %ark the !$st' )n the open !oors the wo%en stoo! ooking o$t& an! behin! the% the chi !ren3corn*hea!e! chi !ren& with wi!e eyes& one bare foot on top of the other bare foot& an! the toes working' The wo%en an! the chi !ren watche! their %en ta king to the owner %en' They were si ent' So%e of the owner %en were kin! beca$se they hate! what they ha! to !o& an! so%e of the% were angry beca$se they hate! to be cr$e & an! so%e of the% were co ! beca$se they ha! ong ago fo$n! that one co$ ! not be an owner $n ess one were co !' An! a of the% were ca$ght in so%ething arger than the%se #es' So%e of the% hate! the %athe%atics that !ro#e the%& an! so%e were afrai!& an! so%e worshipe! the %athe%atics beca$se it pro#i!e! a ref$ge fro% tho$ght an! fro% fee ing' )f a bank or a finance co%pany owne! the an!& the owner %an sai!& The /ank3or the Co%pany3nee!s3wants3insists3%$st ha#e3

as tho$gh the /ank or the Co%pany were a %onster& with tho$ght an! fee ing& which ha! ensnare! the%' These ast wo$ ! take no responsibi ity for the banks or the co%panies beca$se they were %en an! s a#es& whi e the banks were %achines an! %asters a at the sa%e ti%e' So%e of the owner %en were a itt e pro$! to be s a#es to s$ch co ! an! powerf$ %asters' The owner %en sat in the cars an! e.p aine!' 9o$ know the an! is poor' 9o$4#e scrabb e! at it ong eno$gh& Go! knows' The s($atting tenant %en no!!e! an! won!ere! an! !rew fig$res in the !$st& an! yes& they knew& Go! knows' )f the !$st on y wo$ !n4t f y' )f the top wo$ ! on y stay on the soi & it %ight not be so ba!' The owner %en went on ea!ing to their point- 9o$ know the an!4s getting poorer' 9o$ know what cotton !oes to the an!+ robs it& s$cks a the b oo! o$t of it' The s($atters no!!e!3they knew& Go! knew' )f they co$ ! on y rotate the crops they %ight p$%p b oo! back into the an!' We & it4s too ate' An! the owner %en e.p aine! the workings an! the thinkings of the %onster that was stronger than they were' A %an can ho ! an! if he can :$st eat an! pay he can !o that' 9es& he can !o that $nti his crops fai one !ay an! he has to borrow %oney fro% the bank' /$t3yo$ see& a bank or a co%pany can4t !o that& beca$se those creat$res !on4t breathe air& !on4t eat si!e*%eat' They breathe profits+ they eat the interest on %oney' )f they !on4t get it& they !ie the way yo$ !ie witho$t air& witho$t si!e*%eat' )t is a sa! thing& b$t it is so' )t is :$st so' The s($atting %en raise! their eyes to $n!erstan!' Can4t we :$st hang on6 "aybe the ne.t year wi be a goo! year' Go! knows how %$ch cotton ne.t year' An! with a the wars3Go! knows what price cotton wi bring' 1on4t they %ake e.p osi#es o$t of cotton6 An! $nifor%s6 Get eno$gh wars an! cotton4 hit the cei ing' 0e.t year& %aybe' They ooke! $p ($estioning y' We can4t !epen! on it' The bank3the %onster has to ha#e profits a the ti%e' )t can4t wait' )t4 !ie' 0o& go on' When the %onster stops growing& it !ies' )t can4t stay one si5e'

Soft fingers began to tap the si of the car win!ow& an! har! fingers tightene! on the rest ess !rawing sticks' )n the !oorways of the s$n* beaten tenant ho$ses& wo%en sighe! an! then shifte! feet so that the one that ha! been !own was now on top& an! the toes working' 1ogs ca%e sniffing near the owner cars an! wette! on a fo$r tires one after another' An! chickens ay in the s$nny !$st an! f $ffe! their feathers to get the c eansing !$st !own to the skin' )n the itt e sties the pigs gr$nte! in($iring y o#er the %$!!y re%nants of the s ops' The s($atting %en ooke! !own again' What !o yo$ want $s to !o6 We can4t take ess share of the crop3we4re ha f star#e! now' The ki!s are h$ngry a the ti%e' We got no c othes& torn an4 ragge!' )f a the neighbors weren4t the sa%e& we4! be asha%e! to go to %eeting' An! at ast the owner %en ca%e to the point' The tenant syste% won4t work any %ore' One %an on a tractor can take the p ace of twe #e or fo$rteen fa%i ies' >ay hi% a wage an! take a the crop' We ha#e to !o it' We !on4t ike to !o it' /$t the %onster4s sick' So%ething4s happene! to the %onster' /$t yo$4 ki the an! with cotton' We know' We4#e got to take cotton ($ick before the an! !ies' Then we4 se the an!' Lots of fa%i ies in the ,ast wo$ ! ike to own a piece of an!' The tenant %en ooke! $p a ar%e!' /$t what4 happen to $s6 2ow4 we eat6 9o$4 ha#e to get off the an!' The p ows4 go thro$gh the !ooryar!' An! now the s($atting %en stoo! $p angri y' Gra%pa took $p the an!& an! he ha! to ki the )n!ians an! !ri#e the% away' An! >a was born here& an! he ki e! wee!s an! snakes' Then a ba! year ca%e an! he ha! to borrow a itt e %oney' An4 we was born here' There in the !oor3 o$r chi !ren born here' An! >a ha! to borrow %oney' The bank owne! the an! then& b$t we staye! an! we got a itt e bit of what we raise!' We know that3a that' )t4s not $s& it4s the bank' A bank isn4t ike a %an' Or an owner with fifty tho$san! acres& he isn4t ike a %an either' That4s the %onster' S$re& crie! the tenant %en& b$t it4s o$r an!' We %eas$re! it an! broke it $p' We were born on it& an! we got ki e! on it& !ie! on it' ,#en

if it4s no goo!& it4s sti o$rs' That4s what %akes it o$rs3being born on it& working it& !ying on it' That %akes ownership& not a paper with n$%bers on it' We4re sorry' )t4s not $s' )t4s the %onster' The bank isn4t ike a %an' 9es& b$t the bank is on y %a!e of %en' 0o& yo$4re wrong there3($ite wrong there' The bank is so%ething e se than %en' )t happens that e#ery %an in a bank hates what the bank !oes& an! yet the bank !oes it' The bank is so%ething %ore than %en& ) te yo$' )t4s the %onster' "en %a!e it& b$t they can4t contro it' The tenants crie!& Gra%pa ki e! )n!ians& >a ki e! snakes for the an!' "aybe we can ki banks3they4re worse than )n!ians an! snakes' "aybe we got to fight to keep o$r an!& ike >a an! Gra%pa !i!' An! now the owner %en grew angry' 9o$4 ha#e to go' /$t it4s o$rs& the tenant %en crie!' We3 0o' The bank& the %onster owns it' 9o$4 ha#e to go' We4 get o$r g$ns& ike Gra%pa when the )n!ians ca%e' What then6 We 3first the sheriff& an! then the troops' 9o$4 be stea ing if yo$ try to stay& yo$4 be %$r!erers if yo$ ki to stay' The %onster isn4t %en& b$t it can %ake %en !o what it wants' /$t if we go& where4 we go6 2ow4 we go6 We got no %oney' We4re sorry& sai! the owner %en' The bank& the fifty*tho$san!*acre owner can4t be responsib e' 9o$4re on an! that isn4t yo$rs' Once o#er the ine %aybe yo$ can pick cotton in the fa ' "aybe yo$ can go on re ief' Why !on4t yo$ go on west to Ca ifornia6 There4s work there& an! it ne#er gets co !' Why& yo$ can reach o$t anywhere an! pick an orange' Why& there4s a ways so%e kin! of crop to work in' Why !on4t yo$ go there6 An! the owner %en starte! their cars an! ro e! away' The tenant %en s($atte! !own on their ha%s again to %ark the !$st with a stick& to fig$re& to won!er' Their s$nb$rne! faces were !ark& an! their s$n*whippe! eyes were ight' The wo%en %o#e! ca$tio$s y o$t of the !oorways towar! their %en& an! the chi !ren crept behin! the wo%en& ca$tio$s y& rea!y to r$n' The bigger boys s($atte! besi!e their fathers& beca$se that %a!e the% %en' After a ti%e the wo%en aske!& What !i! he want6

An! the %en ooke! $p for a secon!& an! the s%o !er of pain was in their eyes' We got to get off' A tractor an! a s$perinten!ent' Like factories' Where4 we go6 the wo%en aske!' We !on4t know' We !on4t know' An! the wo%en went ($ick y& ($iet y back into the ho$ses an! her!e! the chi !ren ahea! of the%' They knew that a %an so h$rt an! so perp e.e! %ay t$rn in anger& e#en on peop e he o#es' They eft the %en a one to fig$re an! to won!er in the !$st' After a ti%e perhaps the tenant %an ooke! abo$t3at the p$%p p$t in ten years ago& with a goose*neck han! e an! iron f owers on the spo$t& at the chopping b ock where a tho$san! chickens ha! been ki e!& at the han! p ow ying in the she!& an! the patent crib hanging in the rafters o#er it' The chi !ren crow!e! abo$t the wo%en in the ho$ses' What we going to !o& "a6 Where we going to go6 The wo%en sai!& We !on4t know& yet' Go o$t an! p ay' /$t !on4t go near yo$r father' 2e %ight wha e yo$ if yo$ go near hi%' An! the wo%en went on with the work& b$t a the ti%e they watche! the %en s($atting in the !$st3perp e.e! an! fig$ring' THE TRACTORS ca%e o#er the roa!s an! into the fie !s& great craw ers %o#ing ike insects& ha#ing the incre!ib e strength of insects' They craw e! o#er the gro$n!& aying the track an! ro ing on it an! picking it $p' 1iese tractors& p$ttering whi e they stoo! i! e+ they th$n!ere! when they %o#e!& an! then sett e! !own to a !roning roar' Sn$bnose! %onsters& raising the !$st an! sticking their sno$ts into it& straight !own the co$ntry& across the co$ntry& thro$gh fences& thro$gh !ooryar!s& in an! o$t of g$ ies in straight ines' They !i! not r$n on the gro$n!& b$t on their own roa!be!s' They ignore! hi s an! g$ ches& water co$rses& fences& ho$ses' The %an sitting in the iron seat !i! not ook ike a %an+ g o#e!& gogg e!& r$bber !$st %ask o#er nose an! %o$th& he was a part of the %onster& a robot in the seat' The th$n!er of the cy in!ers so$n!e!

thro$gh the co$ntry& beca%e one with the air an! the earth& so that earth an! air %$ttere! in sy%pathetic #ibration' The !ri#er co$ ! not contro it3straight across co$ntry it went& c$tting thro$gh a !o5en far%s an! straight back' A twitch at the contro s co$ ! swer#e the cat4& b$t the !ri#er4s han!s co$ ! not twitch beca$se the %onster that b$i t the tractors& the %onster that sent the tractor o$t& ha! so%ehow got into the !ri#er4s han!s& into his brain an! %$sc e& ha! gogg e! hi% an! %$55 e! hi%3gogg e! his %in!& %$55 e! his speech& gogg e! his perception& %$55 e! his protest' 2e co$ ! not see the an! as it was& he co$ ! not s%e the an! as it s%e e!+ his feet !i! not sta%p the c o!s or fee the war%th an! power of the earth' 2e sat in an iron seat an! steppe! on iron pe!a s' 2e co$ ! not cheer or beat or c$rse or enco$rage the e.tension of his power& an! beca$se of this he co$ ! not cheer or whip or c$rse or enco$rage hi%se f' 2e !i! not know or own or tr$st or beseech the an!' )f a see! !roppe! !i! not ger%inate& it was nothing' )f the yo$ng thr$sting p ant withere! in !ro$ght or !rowne! in a f oo! of rain& it was no %ore to the !ri#er than to the tractor' 2e o#e! the an! no %ore than the bank o#e! the an!' 2e co$ ! a!%ire the tractor3its %achine! s$rfaces& its s$rge of power& the roar of its !etonating cy in!ers+ b$t it was not his tractor' /ehin! the tractor ro e! the shining !isks& c$tting the earth with b a!es3not p owing b$t s$rgery& p$shing the c$t earth to the right where the secon! row of !isks c$t it an! p$she! it to the eft+ s icing b a!es shining& po ishe! by the c$t earth' An! p$ e! behin! the !isks& the harrows co%bing with iron teeth so that the itt e c o!s broke $p an! the earth ay s%ooth' /ehin! the harrows& the ong see!ers3twe #e c$r#e! iron penes erecte! in the fo$n!ry& orgas%s set by gears& raping %etho!ica y& raping witho$t passion' The !ri#er sat in his iron seat an! he was pro$! of the straight ines he !i! not wi & pro$! of the tractor he !i! not own or o#e& pro$! of the power he co$ ! not contro ' An! when that crop grew& an! was har#este!& no %an ha! cr$%b e! a hot c o! in his fingers an! et the earth sift past his fingertips' 0o %an ha! to$che! the see!& or $ste! for the growth' "en ate what they ha! not raise!& ha! no connection with the brea!' The an! bore $n!er iron& an! $n!er iron gra!$a y !ie!+ for it was not o#e! or hate!& it ha! no prayers or c$rses'

At noon the tractor !ri#er stoppe! so%eti%es near a tenant ho$se an! opene! his $nch- san!wiches wrappe! in wa.e! paper& white brea!& pick e& cheese& Spa%& a piece of pie bran!e! ike an engine part' 2e ate witho$t re ish' An! tenants not yet %o#e! away ca%e o$t to see hi%& ooke! c$rio$s y whi e the gogg es were taken off& an! the r$bber !$st %ask& ea#ing white circ es aro$n! the eyes an! a arge white circ e aro$n! nose an! %o$th' The e.ha$st of the tractor p$ttere! on& for f$e is so cheap it is %ore efficient to ea#e the engine r$nning than to heat the 1iese nose for a new start' C$rio$s chi !ren crow!e! c ose& ragge! chi !ren who ate their frie! !o$gh as they watche!' They watche! h$ngri y the $nwrapping of the san!wiches& an! their h$nger*sharpene! noses s%e e! the pick e& cheese& an! Spa%' They !i!n4t speak to the !ri#er' They watche! his han! as it carrie! foo! to his %o$th' They !i! not watch hi% chewing+ their eyes fo owe! the han! that he ! the san!wich' After a whi e the tenant who co$ ! not ea#e the p ace ca%e o$t an! s($atte! in the sha!e besi!e the tractor' 7Why& yo$4re Joe 1a#is4s boy=7 7S$re&7 the !ri#er sai!' 7We & what yo$ !oing this kin! of work for3against yo$r own peop e67 7Three !o ars a !ay' ) got !a%n sick of creeping for %y !inner3an! not getting it' ) got a wife an! ki!s' We got to eat' Three !o ars a !ay& an! it co%es e#ery !ay'7 7That4s right&7 the tenant sai!' 7/$t for yo$r three !o ars a !ay fifteen or twenty fa%i ies can4t eat at a ' 0ear y a h$n!re! peop e ha#e to go o$t an! wan!er on the roa!s for yo$r three !o ars a !ay' )s that right67 An! the !ri#er sai!& 7Can4t think of that' Got to think of %y own ki!s' Three !o ars a !ay& an! it co%es e#ery !ay' Ti%es are changing& %ister& !on4t yo$ know6 Can4t %ake a i#ing on the an! $n ess yo$4#e got two& fi#e& ten tho$san! acres an! a tractor' Crop an! isn4t for itt e g$ys ike $s any %ore' 9o$ !on4t kick $p a how beca$se yo$ can4t %ake 8or!s& or beca$se yo$4re not the te ephone co%pany' We & crops are ike that now' 0othing to !o abo$t it' 9o$ try to get three !o ars a !ay so%ep ace' That4s the on y way'7

The tenant pon!ere!' 78$nny thing how it is' )f a %an owns a itt e property& that property is hi%& it4s part of hi%& an! it4s ike hi%' )f he owns property on y so he can wa k on it an! han! e it an! be sa! when it isn4t !oing we & an! fee fine when the rain fa s on it& that property is hi%& an! so%e way he4s bigger beca$se he owns it' ,#en if he isn4t s$ccessf$ he4s big with his property' That is so'7 An! the tenant pon!ere! %ore' 7/$t et a %an get property he !oesn4t see& or can4t take ti%e to get his fingers in& or can4t be there to wa k on it 3why& then the property is the %an' 2e can4t !o what he wants& he can4t think what he wants' The property is the %an& stronger than he is' An! he is s%a & not big' On y his possessions are big3an! he4s the ser#ant of his property' That is so& too'7 The !ri#er %$nche! the bran!e! pie an! threw the cr$st away' 7Ti%es are change!& !on4t yo$ know6 Thinking abo$t st$ff ike that !on4t fee! the ki!s' Get yo$r three !o ars a !ay& fee! yo$r ki!s' 9o$ got no ca to worry abo$t anybo!y4s ki!s b$t yo$r own' 9o$ get a rep$tation for ta king ike that& an! yo$4 ne#er get three !o ars a !ay' /ig shots won4t gi#e yo$ three !o ars a !ay if yo$ worry abo$t anything b$t yo$r three !o ars a !ay'7 70ear y a h$n!re! peop e on the roa! for yo$r three !o ars' Where wi we go67 7An! that re%in!s %e&7 the !ri#er sai!& 7yo$ better get o$t soon' )4% going thro$gh the !ooryar! after !inner'7 79o$ fi e! in the we this %orning'7 7) know' 2a! to keep the ine straight' /$t )4% going thro$gh the !ooryar! after !inner' Got to keep the ines straight' An!3we & yo$ know Joe 1a#is& %y o ! %an& so )4 te yo$ this' ) got or!ers where#er there4s a fa%i y not %o#e! o$t3if ) ha#e an acci!ent3yo$ know& get too c ose an! ca#e the ho$se in a itt e3we & ) %ight get a co$p e of !o ars' An! %y yo$ngest ki! ne#er ha! no shoes yet'7 7) b$i t it with %y han!s' Straightene! o ! nai s to p$t the sheathing on' Rafters are wire! to the stringers with ba ing wire' )t4s %ine' ) b$i t it' 9o$ b$%p it !own3)4 be in the win!ow with a rif e' 9o$ e#en co%e too c ose an! )4 pot yo$ ike a rabbit'7

7)t4s not %e' There4s nothing ) can !o' )4 ose %y :ob if ) !on4t !o it' An! ook3s$ppose yo$ ki %e6 They4 :$st hang yo$& b$t ong before yo$4re h$ng there4 be another g$y on the tractor& an! he4 b$%p the ho$se !own' 9o$4re not ki ing the right g$y'7 7That4s so&7 the tenant sai!' 7Who ga#e yo$ or!ers6 )4 go after hi%' 2e4s the one to ki '7 79o$4re wrong' 2e got his or!ers fro% the bank' The bank to ! hi%& 4C ear those peop e o$t or it4s yo$r :ob'47 7We & there4s a presi!ent of the bank' There4s a boar! of !irectors' )4 fi $p the %aga5ine of the rif e an! go into the bank'7 The !ri#er sai!& 78e ow was te ing %e the bank gets or!ers fro% the ,ast' The or!ers were& 4"ake the an! show profit or we4 c ose yo$ $p'47 7/$t where !oes it stop6 Who can we shoot6 ) !on4t ai% to star#e to !eath before ) ki the %an that4s star#ing %e'7 7) !on4t know' "aybe there4s nobo!y to shoot' "aybe the thing isn4t %en at a ' "aybe ike yo$ sai!& the property4s !oing it' Anyway ) to ! yo$ %y or!ers'7 7) got to fig$re&7 the tenant sai!' 7We a got to fig$re' There4s so%e way to stop this' )t4s not ike ightning or earth($akes' We4#e got a ba! thing %a!e by %en& an! by Go! that4s so%ething we can change'7 The tenant sat in his !oorway& an! the !ri#er th$n!ere! his engine an! starte! off& tracks fa ing an! c$r#ing& harrows co%bing& an! the pha i of the see!er s ipping into the gro$n!' Across the !ooryar! the tractor c$t& an! the har!& foot*beaten gro$n! was see!e! fie !& an! the tractor c$t thro$gh again+ the $nc$t space was ten feet wi!e' An! back he ca%e' The iron g$ar! bit into the ho$se*corner& cr$%b e! the wa & an! wrenche! the itt e ho$se fro% its fo$n!ation so that it fe si!eways& cr$she! ike a b$g' An! the !ri#er was gogg e! an! a r$bber %ask co#ere! his nose an! %o$th' The tractor c$t a straight ine on& an! the air an! the gro$n! #ibrate! with its th$n!er' The tenant %an stare! after it& his rif e in his han!' 2is wife was besi!e hi%& an! the ($iet chi !ren behin!' An! a of the% stare! after the tractor' 6

THE REVEREND CASY an! yo$ng To% stoo! on the hi an! ooke! !own on the Joa! p ace' The s%a $npainte! ho$se was %ashe! at one corner& an! it ha! been p$she! off its fo$n!ations so that it s $%pe! at an ang e& its b in! front win!ows pointing at a spot of sky we abo#e the hori5on' The fences were gone an! the cotton grew in the !ooryar! an! $p against the ho$se& an! the cotton was abo$t the she! barn' The o$tho$se ay on its si!e& an! the cotton grew c ose against it' Where the !ooryar! ha! been po$n!e! har! by the bare feet of chi !ren an! by sta%ping horses4 hoo#es an! by the broa! wagon whee s& it was c$ ti#ate! now& an! the !ark green& !$sty cotton grew' 9o$ng To% stare! for a ong ti%e at the ragge! wi ow besi!e the !ry horse tro$gh& at the concrete base where the p$%p ha! been' 7Jes$s=7 he sai! at ast' 72e %$sta poppe! here' There ain4t nobo!y i#in4 there'7 At ast he %o#e! ($ick y !own the hi & an! Casy fo owe! hi%' 2e ooke! into the barn she!& !eserte!& a itt e gro$n! straw on the f oor& an! at the %$ e sta in the corner' An! as he ooke! in& there was a skittering on the f oor an! a fa%i y of %ice fa!e! in $n!er the straw' Joa! pa$se! at the entrance to the too *she! eanto& an! no too s were there3a broken p ow point& a %ess of hay wire in the corner& an iron whee fro% a hayrake an! a rat*gnawe! %$ e co ar& a f at ga on oi can cr$ste! with !irt an! oi & an! a pair of torn o#era s hanging on a nai ' 7There ain4t nothin4 eft&7 sai! Joa!' 7We ha! pretty nice too s' There ain4t nothin4 eft'7 Casy sai!& 7)f ) was sti a preacher )4! say the ar% of the Lor! ha! str$ck' /$t now ) !on4t know what happene!' ) been away' ) !i!n4t hear nothin4'7 They wa ke! towar! the concrete we *cap& wa ke! thro$gh cotton p ants to get to it& an! the bo s were for%ing on the cotton& an! the an! was c$ ti#ate!' 7We ne#er p ante! here&7 Joa! sai!' 7We a ways kept this c ear' Why& yo$ can4t get a horse in now witho$t he tro%ps the cotton'7 They pa$se! at the !ry watering tro$gh& an! the proper wee!s that sho$ ! grow $n!er a tro$gh were gone an! the o ! thick woo! of the tro$gh was !ry an! cracke!' On the we *cap the bo ts that ha! he ! the p$%p st$ck $p& their threa!s r$sty an! the n$ts gone' Joa! ooke! into the t$be of the we an! istene!' 2e !roppe! a c o! !own the we an! istene!' 7She was a goo! we &7 he sai!' 7) can4t hear water'7 2e see%e! re $ctant to go

to the ho$se' 2e !roppe! c o! after c o! !own the we ' 7"aybe they4re a !ea!&7 he sai!' 7/$t so%ebo!y4! a to ! %e' )4! a got wor! so%e way'7 7"aybe they eft a etter or so%ething to te in the ho$se' Wo$ ! they of knowe! yo$ was co%in4 o$t67 7) !on4 know&7 sai! Joa!' 70o& ) g$ess not' ) !i!n4t know %yse f ti a week ago'7 7Le4s ook in the ho$se' She4s a p$she! o$t a shape' So%ething knocke! the he o$t of her'7 They wa ke! s ow y towar! the sagging ho$se' Two of the s$pports of the porch roof were p$she! o$t so that the roof f oppe! !own on one en!' An! the ho$se*corner was cr$she! in' Thro$gh a %a5e of sp intere! woo! the roo% at the corner was #isib e' The front !oor h$ng open inwar!& an! a ow strong gate across the front !oor h$ng o$twar! on eather hinges' Joa! stoppe! at the step& a twe #e*by*twe #e ti%ber' 71oorstep4s here&7 he sai!' 7/$t they4re gone3or "a4s !ea!'7 2e pointe! to the ow gate across the front !oor' 7)f "a was anywheres abo$t& that gate4! be sh$t an4 hooke!' That4s one thing she a ways !one3seen that gate was sh$t'7 2is eyes were war%' 7,#er since the pig got in o#er to Jacobs4 an4 et the baby' "i y Jacobs was :$s4 o$t in the barn' She co%e in whi e the pig was sti eatin4 it' We & "i y Jacobs was in a fa%i y way& an4 she went ra#in4' 0e#er !i! get o#er it' To$che! e#er since' /$t "a took a esson fro% it' She ne#er ef4 that pig gate open 4 ess she was in the ho$se herse f' 0e#er !i! forget' 0o3they4re gone3or !ea!'7 2e c i%be! to the sp it porch an! ooke! into the kitchen' The win!ows were broken o$t& an! throwing rocks ay on the f oor& an! the f oor an! wa s sagge! steep y away fro% the !oor& an! the sifte! !$st was on the boar!s' Joa! pointe! to the broken g ass an! the rocks' 7?i!s&7 he sai!' 7They4 go twenty %i es to b$st a win!ow' ) !one it %yse f' They know when a ho$se is e%pty& they know' That4s the f$st thing ki!s !o when fo ks %o#e o$t'7 The kitchen was e%pty of f$rnit$re& sto#e gone an! the ro$n! sto#epipe ho e in the wa showing ight' On the sink she f ay an o ! beer opener an! a broken fork with its woo!en han! e gone' Joa! s ippe! ca$tio$s y into the roo%& an! the f oor groane! $n!er his weight' An o ! copy of the >hi a!e phia Ledger was on the f oor against the wa & its pages ye ow an! c$r ing' Joa! ooke! into the be!roo%3no be!& no

chairs& nothing' On the wa a pict$re of an )n!ian gir in co or& abe e! Re! Wing' A be! s at eaning against the wa & an! in one corner a wo%an4s high b$tton shoe& c$r e! $p at the toe an! broken o#er the instep' Joa! picke! it $p an! ooke! at it' 7) re%e%ber this&7 he sai!' 7This was "a4s' )t4s a wore o$t now' "a ike! the% shoes' 2a! 4e% for years' 0o& they4#e went3an4 took e#er4thing'7 The s$n ha! owere! $nti it ca%e thro$gh the ang e! en! win!ows now& an! it f ashe! on the e!ges of the broken g ass' Joa! t$rne! at ast an! went o$t an! crosse! the porch' 2e sat !own on the e!ge of it an! reste! his bare feet on the twe #e*by*twe #e step' The e#ening ight was on the fie !s& an! the cotton p ants threw ong sha!ows on the gro$n!& an! the %o ting wi ow tree threw a ong sha!ow' Casy sat !own besi!e Joa!' 7They ne#er wrote yo$ nothin467 he aske!' 70o' Like ) sai!& they wasn4t peop e to write' >a co$ ! write& b$t he wo$ !n4t' 1i!n4t ike to' )t gi#e hi% the shi#ers to write' 2e co$ ! work o$t a cata og$e or!er as goo! as the ne.4 fe a& b$t he wo$ !n4t write no etters :$st for !$cks'7 They sat si!e by si!e& staring off into the !istance' Joa! ai! his ro e! coat on the porch besi!e hi%' 2is in!epen!ent han!s ro e! a cigarette& s%oothe! it an! ighte! it& an! he inha e! !eep y an! b ew the s%oke o$t thro$gh his nose' 7So%epin4s wrong&7 he sai!' 7) can4t p$t %y finger on her' ) got an itch that so%epin4s wronger4n he ' J$st this ho$se p$she! aro$n4 an4 %y fo ks gone'7 Casy sai!& 7Right o#er there the !itch was& where ) !one the bapti5in4' 9o$ wasn4t %ean& b$t yo$ was to$gh' 2$ng onto that itt e gir 4s pigtai ike a b$ !og' We bapti5e4 yo$ both in the na%e of the 2o y Ghos4& an! sti yo$ h$ng on' O 4 To% says& 42o 4 4i% $n!er water'4 So ) sho#e yo$r hea! !own ti yo$ start to b$bb in4 before yo$4! et go a that pigtai ' 9o$ wasn4t %ean& b$t yo$ was to$gh' So%eti%es a to$gh ki! grows $p with a big :o t of the sperit in hi%'7 A ean gray cat ca%e sneaking o$t of the barn an! crept thro$gh the cotton p ants to the en! of the porch' )t eape! si ent y $p to the porch an! crept ow*be y towar! the %en' )t ca%e to a p ace between an! behin! the two& an! then it sat !own& an! its tai stretche! o$t straight an! f at to the f oor& an! the ast inch of it f icke!' The cat sat an! ooke! off into the !istance where the %en were ooking'

Joa! g ance! aro$n! at it' 7/y Go!= Look who4s here' So%ebo!y staye!'7 2e p$t o$t his han!& b$t the cat eape! away o$t of reach an! sat !own an! icke! the pa!s of its ifte! paw' Joa! ooke! at it& an! his face was p$55 e!' 7) know what4s the %atter&7 he crie!' 7That cat :$s4 %a!e %e figger what4s wrong'7 7See%s to %e there4s ots wrong&7 sai! Casy' 70o& it4s %ore4n :$s4 this p ace' Whyn4t that cat :$s4 %o#e in with so%e neighbors3with the Rances' 2ow co%e nobo!y rippe! so%e $%ber off this ho$se6 Ain4t been nobo!y here for three*fo$r %onths& an4 nobo!y4s sto e no $%ber' 0ice p anks on the barn she!& p enty goo! p anks on the ho$se& win!a fra%es3an4 nobo!y4s took 4e%' That ain4t right' That4s what was botherin4 %e& an4 ) co$ !n4t catch ho ! of her'7 7We & what4s that figger o$t for yo$67 Casy reache! !own an! s ippe! off his sneakers an! wrigg e! his ong toes on the step' 7) !on4 know' See%s ike %aybe there ain4t any neighbors' )f there was& wo$ ! a the% nice p anks be here6 Why& Jes$s Christ= A bert Rance took his fa%i y& ki!s an4 !ogs an4 a & into Ok aho%a City one Christ%$s' They was gonna #isit with A bert4s co$sin' We & fo ks aro$n4 here tho$ght A bert %o#e! away witho$t sayin4 nothin43figgere! %aybe he got !ebts or so%e wo%an4s s($arin4 off at hi%' When A bert co%e back a week ater there wasn4t a thing ef4 in his ho$se3sto#e was gone& be!s was gone& win!a fra%es was gone& an4 eight feet of p ankin4 was gone off the so$th si!e of the ho$se so yo$ co$ ! ook right thro$gh her' 2e co%e !ri#in4 ho%e :$st as "$ ey Gra#es was going away with the !oors an4 the we p$%p' Took A bert two weeks !ri#in4 aro$n4 the neighbors4 4fore he got his st$ff back'7 Casy scratche! his toes $.$rio$s y' 71i!n4t nobo!y gi#e hi% an arg$%ent6 A of 4e% :$s4 gi#e the st$ff $p67 7S$re' They wasn4t stea in4 it' They tho$ght he ef4 it& an4 they :$s4 took it' 2e got a of it back3a b$t a sofa pi a& #e #et with a pitcher of an )n:$n on it' A bert c ai%e! Gra%pa got it' C ai%e! Gra%pa got )n:$n b oo!& that4s why he wants that pitcher' We & Gra%pa !i! get her& b$t he !i!n4t gi#e a !a%n abo$t the pitcher on it' 2e :$s4 ike! her' <se! to pack her aro$n4 an4 he4! p$t her where#er he was gonna sit' 2e ne#er wo$ ! gi#e her back to A bert' Says& 4)f A bert wants this pi a so ba!& et

hi% co%e an4 get her' /$t he better co%e shootin4& 4ca$se )4 b ow his go!!a%n stinkin4 hea! off if he co%es %essin4 aro$n4 %y pi a'4 So fina y A bert gi#e $p an4 %a!e Gra%pa a present of that pi a' )t gi#e Gra%pa i!ears& tho$gh' 2e took to sa#in4 chicken feathers' Says he4s gonna ha#e a who e !a%n be! of feathers' /$t he ne#er got no feather be!' One ti%e >a got %a! at a sk$nk $n!er the ho$se' >a s appe! that sk$nk with a two*by*fo$r& an! "a b$rne! a Gra%pa4s feathers so we co$ ! i#e in the ho$se'7 2e a$ghe!' 7Gra%pa4s a to$gh o 4 bastar!' J$s4 set on that )n:$n pi a an4 says& 4Let A bert co%e an4 get her' Why&4 he says& 4)4 take that s($irt an! wring 4i% o$t ike a pair of !rawers'47 The cat crept c ose between the %en again& an! its tai ay f at an! its whiskers :erke! now an! then' The s$n !roppe! ow towar! the hori5on an! the !$sty air was re! an! go !en' The cat reache! o$t a gray ($estioning paw an! to$che! Joa!4s coat' 2e ooke! aro$n!' 72e & ) forgot the t$rt e' ) ain4t gonna pack it a o#er he '7 2e $nwrappe! the an! t$rt e an! p$she! it $n!er the ho$se' /$t in a %o%ent it was o$t& hea!e! so$thwest as it ha! been fro% the first' The cat eape! at it an! str$ck at its straining hea! an! s ashe! at its %o#ing feet' The o !& har!& h$%oro$s hea! was p$ e! in& an! the thick tai s appe! in $n!er the she & an! when the cat grew tire! of waiting for it an! wa ke! off& the t$rt e hea!e! on so$thwest again' 9o$ng To% Joa! an! the preacher watche! the t$rt e go3wa#ing its egs an! boosting its hea#y& high*!o%e! she a ong towar! the so$thwest' The cat crept a ong behin! for a whi e& b$t in a !o5en yar!s it arche! its back to a strong ta$t bow an! yawne!& an! ca%e stea thi y back towar! the seate! %en' 7Where the he yo$ s4pose he4s goin467 sai! Joa!' 7) seen t$rt es a %y ife' They4re a ways goin4 so%ep ace' They a ways see% to want to get there'7 The gray cat seate! itse f between an! behin! the% again' )t b inke! s ow y' The skin o#er its sho$ !ers :erke! forwar! $n!er a f ea& an! then s ippe! s ow y back' The cat ifte! a paw an! inspecte! it& f icke! its c aws o$t an! in again e.peri%enta y& an! icke! its pa!s with a she *pink tong$e' The re! s$n to$che! the hori5on an! sprea! o$t ike a :e yfish& an! the sky abo#e it see%e! %$ch brighter an! %ore a i#e

than it ha! been' Joa! $nro e! his new ye ow shoes fro% his coat& an! he br$she! his !$sty feet with his han! before he s ippe! the% on' The preacher& staring off across the fie !s& sai!& 7So%ebo!y4s co%in4' Look= 1own there& right thro$gh the cotton'7 Joa! ooke! where Casy4s finger pointe!' 7Co%in4 afoot&7 he sai!' 7Can4t see 4i% for the !$st he raises' Who the he 4s co%in4 here67 They watche! the fig$re approaching in the e#ening ight& an! the !$st it raise! was re!!ene! by the setting s$n' 7"an&7 sai! Joa!' The %an !rew c oser& an! as he wa ke! past the barn& Joa! sai!& 7Why& ) know hi%' 9o$ know hi%3that4s "$ ey Gra#es'7 An! he ca e!& 72ey& "$ ey= 2ow ya67 The approaching %an stoppe!& start e! by the ca & an! then he ca%e on ($ick y' 2e was a ean %an& rather short' 2is %o#e%ents were :erky an! ($ick' 2e carrie! a g$nny sack in his han!' 2is b $e :eans were pa e at knee an! seat& an! he wore an o ! b ack s$it coat& staine! an! spotte!& the s ee#es torn oose fro% the sho$ !ers in back& an! ragge! ho es worn thro$gh at the e bows' 2is b ack hat was as staine! as his coat& an! the ban!& torn ha f free& f oppe! $p an! !own as he wa ke!' "$ ey4s face was s%ooth an! $nwrink e!& b$t it wore the tr$c$ ent ook of a ba! chi !4s& the %o$th he ! tight an! s%a & the itt e eyes ha f scow ing& ha f pet$ ant' 79o$ re%e%ber "$ ey&7 Joa! sai! soft y to the preacher' 7Who4s that67 the a!#ancing %an ca e!' Joa! !i! not answer' "$ ey ca%e c ose& #ery c ose& before he %a!e o$t the faces' 7We & )4 be !a%ne!&7 he sai!' 7)t4s To%%y Joa!' When4! yo$ get o$t& To%%y67 7Two !ays ago&7 sai! Joa!' 7Took a itt e ti%e to hitchhike ho%e' An4 ook here what ) fin!' Where4s %y fo ks& "$ ey6 What4s the ho$se a s%ashe! $p for& an4 cotton p ante! in the !ooryar!67 7/y Go!& it4s $cky ) co%e by=7 sai! "$ ey' 7Ca$se o 4 To% worrie! hi%se f' When they was fi.in4 to %o#e ) was settin4 in the kitchen there' ) :$s4 to 4 To% ) wan4t gonna %o#e& by Go!' ) to 4 hi% that& an4 To% says& 4)4% worryin4 %yse f abo$t To%%y' S4pose he co%es ho%e an4 they ain4t nobo!y here' What4 he think64 ) says& 4Whyn4t yo$ write !own a etter64 An4 To% says& 4"aybe ) wi ' )4 think abo$t her' /$t if ) !on4t& yo$ keep yo$r eye o$t for To%%y if yo$4re sti aro$n4'4 4)4 be aro$n4&4 ) says' 4)4

be aro$n4 ti he free5es o#er' There ain4t nobo!y can r$n a g$y na%e of Gra#es o$ta this co$ntry'4 An4 they ain4t !one it& neither'7 Joa! sai! i%patient y& 7Where4s %y fo ks6 Te abo$t yo$ stan!in4 $p to 4e% ater& b$t where4s %y fo ks67 7We & they was gonna stick her o$t when the bank co%e to tractorin4 off the p ace' 9o$r gra%pa stoo! o$t here with a rif e& an4 he b owe! the hea! ights off the cat4& b$t she co%e on :$st the sa%e' 9o$r gra%pa !i!n4t wanta ki the g$y !ri#in4 that cat4& an4 that was Wi y 8ee ey& an4 Wi y knowe! it& so he :$s4 co%e on& an4 b$%pe! the he o$ta the ho$se& an4 gi#e her a shake ike a !og shakes a rat' We & it took so%epin o$ta To%' ?in!a got into 4i%' 2e ain4t been the sa%e e#er since'7 7Where is %y fo ks67 Joa! spoke angri y' 7What )4% te in4 yo$' Took three trips with yo$r <nc e John4s wagon' Took the sto#e an4 the p$%p an4 the be!s' 9o$ sho$ ! a seen the% be!s go o$t with a the% ki!s an4 yo$r gran%a an4 gra%pa settin4 $p against the hea!boar!& an4 yo$r brother 0oah settin4 there s%okin4 a cigarette& an4 spittin4 a*!e*!a o#er the si!e of the wagon'7 Joa! opene! his %o$th to speak' 7They4re a at yo$r <nc e John4s&7 "$ ey sai! ($ick y' 7Oh= A at John4s' We & what they !oin4 there6 0ow stick to her for a secon!& "$ ey' J$s4 stick to her' )n :$s4 a %in$te yo$ can go on yo$r own way' What they !oin4 there67 7We & they been choppin4 cotton& a of 4e%& e#en the ki!s an4 yo$r gra%pa' Gettin4 %oney together so they can sho#e on west' Gonna b$y a car an! sho#e on west where it4s easy i#in4' There ain4t nothin4 here' 8ifty cents a c ean acre for choppin4 cotton& an4 fo ks beggin4 for the chance to chop'7 7An4 they ain4t gone yet67 70o&7 sai! "$ ey' 70ot that ) know' Las4 ) hear! was fo$r !ays ago when ) seen yo$r brother 0oah o$t shootin4 :ackrabbits& an4 he says they4re ai%in4 to go in abo$t two weeks' John got his notice he got to get off' 9o$ :$s4 go on abo$t eight %i es to John4s p ace' 9o$4 fin! yo$r fo ks pi e! in John4s ho$se ike gophers in a winter b$rrow'7 7O'?'&7 sai! Joa!' 70ow yo$ can ri!e on yo$r own way' 9o$ ain4t change! a bit& "$ ey' )f yo$ want to te abo$t so%epin off northwest& yo$ point yo$r nose straight so$theast'7

"$ ey sai! tr$c$ ent y& 79o$ ain4t change! neither' 9o$ was a s%art* a eck ki!& an4 yo$4re sti a s%art a eck' 9o$ ain4t te in4 %e how to skin %y ife& by any chancet67 Joa! grinne!' 70o& ) ain4t' )f yo$ wanta !ri#e yo$r hea! into a pi e a broken g ass& there ain4t nobo!y can te yo$ !ifferent' 9o$ know this here preacher& !on4t yo$& "$ ey6 Re#' Casy'7 7Why& s$re& s$re' 1i!n4t ook o#er' Re%e%ber hi% we '7 Casy stoo! $p an! the two shook han!s' 7G a! to see yo$ again&7 sai! "$ ey' 79o$ ain4t been aro$n4 for a he of a ong ti%e'7 7) been off a*askin4 ($estions&7 sai! Casy' 7What happene! here6 Why they kickin4 fo ks off the an467 "$ ey4s %o$th snappe! sh$t so tight y that a itt e parrot4s beak in the %i!! e of his $pper ip st$ck !own o#er his $n!er ip' 2e scow e!' 7The% sons*a*bitches&7 he sai!' 7The% !irty sons*a*bitches' ) te ya& %en& )4% stayin4' They ain4t gettin4 ri! a %e' )f they throw %e off& )4 co%e back& an4 if they figger )4 be ($iet $n!ergro$n!& why& )4 take co$p e*three of the sons*a*bitches a ong for co%pany'7 2e patte! a hea#y weight in his si!e coat pocket' 7) ain4t a*goin4' "y pa co%e here fifty years ago' An4 ) ain4t a*goin4'7 Joa! sai!& 7What4s the i!ear of kickin4 the fo ks off67 7Oh= They ta ke! pretty abo$t it' 9o$ know what kin!a years we been ha#in4' 1$st co%in4 $p an4 spoi in4 e#er4thing so a %an !i!n4t get eno$gh crop to p $g $p an ant4s ass' An4 e#er4bo!y got bi s at the grocery' 9o$ know how it is' We & the fo ks that owns the an4 says& 4We can4t affor! to keep no tenants'4 An4 they says& 4The share a tenant gets is :$s4 the %argin a profit we can4t affor! to ose'4 An4 they says& 4)f we p$t a o$r an4 in one piece we can :$s4 har! y %ake her pay'4 So they tractore! a the tenants off a the an4' A 4cept %e& an4 by Go! ) ain4t goin4' To%%y& yo$ know %e' 9o$ knowe! %e a yo$r ife'7 71a%n right&7 sai! Joa!& 7a %y ife'7 7We & yo$ know ) ain4t a foo ' ) know this an! ain4t %$ch goo!' 0e#er was %$ch goo! 4cept for gra5in4' 0e#er sho$ ! a broke her $p' An4 now she4s cottone! !a%n near to !eath' )f on4y they !i!n4t te %e ) got to get off& why& )4! prob4y be in Ca ifornia right now a*eatin4 grapes an4 a*

pickin4 an orange when ) wante!' /$t the% sons*a*bitches says ) got to get off3an4& Jes$s Christ& a %an can4t& when he4s to 4 to=7 7S$re&7 sai! Joa!' 7) won!er >a went so easy' ) won!er Gra%pa !i!n4 ki nobo!y' 0obo!y ne#er to 4 Gra%pa where to p$t his feet' An4 "a ain4t nobo!y yo$ can p$sh aro$n4 neither' ) seen her beat the he o$t of a tin pe!! er with a i#e chicken one ti%e 4ca$se he gi#e her a arg$%ent' She ha! the chicken in one han4& an4 the a. in the other& abo$t to c$t its hea! off' She ai%e! to go for that pe!! er with the a.& b$t she forgot which han! was which& an4 she takes after hi% with the chicken' Co$ !n4 e#en eat that chicken when she got !one' They wasn4t nothing b$t a pair a egs in her han4' Gra%pa throwe! his hip o$ta :oint a$ghin4' 2ow4! %y fo ks go so easy67 7We & the g$y that co%es aro$n4 ta ke! nice as pie' 49o$ got to get off' )t ain4t %y fa$ t'4 4We &4 ) says& 4whose fa$ t is it6 )4 go an4 )4 n$t the fe a'4 4)t4s the Shawnee Lan4 an4 Catt e Co%pany' ) :$s4 got or!ers'4 4Who4s the Shawnee Lan4 an4 Catt e Co%pany64 4)t ain4t nobo!y' )t4s a co%pany'4 Got a fe a cra5y' There wasn4t nobo!y yo$ co$ ! ay for' Lot a the fo ks :$s4 got tire! o$t ookin4 for so%epin to be %a! at3b$t not %e' )4% %a! at a of it' )4% stayin4'7 A arge re! !rop of s$n ingere! on the hori5on an! then !rippe! o#er an! was gone& an! the sky was bri iant o#er the spot where it ha! gone& an! a torn c o$!& ike a b oo!y rag& h$ng o#er the spot of its going' An! !$sk crept o#er the sky fro% the eastern hori5on& an! !arkness crept o#er the an! fro% the east' The e#ening star f ashe! an! g ittere! in the !$sk' The gray cat sneake! away towar! the open barn she! an! passe! insi!e ike a sha!ow' Joa! sai!& 7We & we ain4t gonna wa k no eight %i es to <nc e John4s p ace tonight' "y !ogs is b$rne! $p' 2ow4s it if we go to yo$r p ace& "$ ey6 That4s on4y abo$t a %i e'7 7Won4t !o no goo!'7 "$ ey see%e! e%barrasse!' 7"y wife an4 the ki!s an4 her brother a took an4 went to Ca ifornia' They wasn4t nothin4 to eat' They wasn4t as %a! as %e& so they went' They wasn4t nothin4 to eat here'7 The preacher stirre! ner#o$s y' 79o$ sho$ ! of went too' 9o$ sho$ !n4t of broke $p the fa%b y'7

7) co$ !n4&7 sai! "$ ey Gra#es' 7So%epin :$s4 wo$ !n4 et %e'7 7We & by Go!& )4% h$ngry&7 sai! Joa!' 78o$r so e%n years ) been eatin4 right on the %in$te' "y g$ts is ye in4 b oo!y %$r!er' What yo$ gonna eat& "$ ey6 2ow yo$ been gettin4 yo$r !inner67 "$ ey sai! asha%e! y& 78or a whi e ) et frogs an4 s($irre s an4 prairie !ogs so%eti%es' 2a! to !o it' /$t now ) got so%e wire nooses on the tracks in the !ry strea% br$sh' Get rabbits& an4 so%eti%es a prairie chicken' Sk$nks get ca$ght& an4 coons& too'7 2e reache! !own& picke! $p his sack& an! e%ptie! it on the porch' Two cottontai s an! a :ackrabbit fe o$t an! ro e! o#er i%p y& soft an! f$rry' 7Go! Aw%ighty&7 sai! Joa!& 7it4s %ore4n fo$r years sence )4#e et fresh* ki e! %eat'7 Casy picke! $p one of the cottontai s an! he ! it in his han!' 79o$ sharin4 with $s& "$ ey Gra#es67 he aske!' "$ ey fi!gete! in e%barrass%ent' 7) ain4t got no choice in the %atter'7 2e stoppe! on the $ngracio$s so$n! of his wor!s' 7That ain4t ike ) %ean it' That ain4t' ) %ean73he st$%b e!37what ) %ean& if a fe a4s got so%epin to eat an4 another fe a4s h$ngry3why& the first fe a ain4t got no choice' ) %ean& s4pose ) pick $p %y rabbits an4 go off so%ewheres an4 eat 4e%' See67 7) see&7 sai! Casy' 7) can see that' "$ ey sees so%epin there& To%' "$ ey4s got a*ho t of so%epin& an4 it4s too big for hi%& an4 it4s too big for %e'7 9o$ng To% r$bbe! his han!s together' 7Who got a knife6 Le4s get at these here %iserab e ro!ents' Le4s get at 4e%'7 "$ ey reache! in his pants pocket an! pro!$ce! a arge horn*han! e! pocket knife' To% Joa! took it fro% hi%& opene! a b a!e& an! s%e e! it' 2e !ro#e the b a!e again an! again into the gro$n! an! s%e e! it again& wipe! it on his tro$ser eg& an! fe t the e!ge with his th$%b' "$ ey took a ($art bott e of water o$t of his hip pocket an! set it on the porch' 7Go easy on that there water&7 he sai!' 7That4s a there is' This here we 4s fi e! in'7 To% took $p a rabbit in his han!' 7One of yo$ go get so%e ba e wire o$ta the barn' We4 %ake a fire with so%e a this broken p ank fro% the ho$se'7 2e ooke! at the !ea! rabbit' 7There ain4t nothin4 so easy to get

rea!y as a rabbit&7 he sai!' 2e ifte! the skin of the back& s it it& p$t his fingers in the ho e& an! tore the skin off' )t s ippe! off ike a stocking& s ippe! off the bo!y to the neck& an! off the egs to the paws' Joa! picke! $p the knife again an! c$t off hea! an! feet' 2e ai! the skin !own& s it the rabbit a ong the ribs& shook o$t the intestines onto the skin& an! then threw the %ess off into the cotton fie !' An! the c ean*%$sc e! itt e bo!y was rea!y' Joa! c$t off the egs an! c$t the %eaty back into two pieces' 2e was picking $p the secon! rabbit when Casy ca%e back with a snar of ba e wire in his han!' 70ow b$i ! $p a fire an! p$t so%e stakes $p&7 sai! Joa!' 7Jes$s Christ& )4% h$ngry for these here creat$res=7 2e c eane! an! c$t the rest of the rabbits an! str$ng the% on the wire' "$ ey an! Casy tore sp intere! boar!s fro% the wrecke! ho$se*corner an! starte! a fire& an! they !ro#e a stake into the gro$n! on each si!e to ho ! the wire' "$ ey ca%e back to Joa!' 7Look o$t for boi s on that :ackrabbit&7 he sai!' 7) !on4t ike to eat no :ackrabbit with boi s'7 2e took a itt e c oth bag fro% his pocket an! p$t it on the porch' Joa! sai!& 7The :ack was c ean as a whist e3Jes$s Go!& yo$ got sa t too6 /y any chance yo$ got so%e p ates an4 a tent in yo$r pocket67 2e po$re! sa t in his han! an! sprink e! it o#er the pieces of rabbit str$ng on the wire' The fire eape! an! threw sha!ows on the ho$se& an! the !ry woo! crack e! an! snappe!' The sky was a %ost !ark now an! the stars were o$t sharp y' The gray cat ca%e o$t of the barn she! an! trotte! %iaowing towar! the fire& b$t& near y there& it t$rne! an! went !irect y to one of the itt e pi es of rabbit entrai s on the gro$n!' )t chewe! an! swa owe!& an! the entrai s h$ng fro% its %o$th' Casy sat on the gro$n! besi!e the fire& fee!ing it broken pieces of boar!& p$shing the ong boar!s in as the f a%e ate off their en!s' The e#ening bats f ashe! into the fire ight an! o$t again' The cat cro$che! back an! icke! its ips an! washe! its face an! whiskers' Joa! he ! $p his rabbit* a!en wire between his two han!s an! wa ke! to the fire' 72ere& take one en!& "$ ey' Wrap yo$r en! aro$n! that stake' That4s goo!& now= Let4s tighten her $p' We o$ght to wait ti the fire4s b$rne! !own& b$t ) can4t wait'7 2e %a!e the wire ta$t& then fo$n!

a stick an! s ippe! the pieces of %eat a ong the wire $nti they were o#er the fire' An! the f a%es icke! $p aro$n! the %eat an! har!ene! an! g a5e! the s$rfaces' Joa! sat !own by the fire& b$t with his stick he %o#e! an! t$rne! the rabbit so that it wo$ ! not beco%e sea e! to the wire' 7This here is a party&7 he sai!' 7Sa t& "$ ey4s got& an4 water an4 rabbits' ) wish he got a pot of ho%iny in his pocket' That4s a ) wish'7 "$ ey sai! o#er the fire& 79o$ fe as4! think )4% to$che!& the way ) i#e'7 7To$che! nothin4&7 sai! Joa!' 7)f yo$4re to$che!& ) wisht e#er4bo!y was to$che!'7 "$ ey contin$e!& 7We & sir& it4s a f$nny thing' So%epin went an4 happene! to %e when they to 4 %e ) ha! to get off the p ace' 8$st ) was gonna go in an4 ki a who e f ock a peop e' Then a %y fo ks a went away o$t west' An4 ) got wan!erin4 aro$n4' J$s4 wa kin4 aro$n4' 0e#er went far' S ep4 where ) was' ) was gonna s eep here tonight' That4s why ) co%e' )4! te %yse f& 4)4% ookin4 after things so when a the fo ks co%e back it4 be a right'4 /$t ) knowe! that wan4t tr$e' There ain4t nothin4 to ook after' The fo ks ain4t ne#er co%in4 back' )4% :$s4 wan!erin4 aro$n4 ike a !a%n o 4 gra#eyar! ghos4'7 78e a gets $se4 to a p ace& it4s har! to go&7 sai! Casy' 78e a gets $se4 to a way a thinkin4 it4s har! to ea#e' ) ain4t a preacher no %ore& b$t a the ti%e ) fin! )4% prayin4& not e#en thinkin4 what )4% !oin'7 Joa! t$rne! the pieces of %eat o#er on the wire' The :$ice was !ripping now& an! e#ery !rop& as it fe in the fire& shot $p a sp$rt of f a%e' The s%ooth s$rface of the %eat was crink ing $p an! t$rning a faint brown' 7S%e her&7 sai! Joa!' 7Jes$s& ook !own an4 :$st s%e her=7 "$ ey went on& 7Like a !a%n o 4 gra#eyar! ghos4' ) been goin4 aro$n4 the p aces where st$ff happene!' Like there4s a p ace o#er by o$r forty+ in a g$ y they4s a b$sh' 8$st ti%e ) e#er ai! with a gir was there' "e fo$rteen an4 sta%pin4 an4 :erkin4 an4 snortin4 ike a b$ck !eer& ran!y as a bi ygoat' So ) went there an4 ) ai! !own on the gro$n4& an4 ) seen it a happen again' An4 there4s the p ace !own by the barn where >a got gore! to !eath by a b$ ' An4 his b oo! is right in that gro$n4& right now' "$s4 be' 0obo!y ne#er washe! it o$t' An4 ) p$t %y han4 on that gro$n4 where

%y own pa4s b oo! is part of it'7 2e pa$se! $neasi y' 79o$ fe as think )4% to$che!67 Joa! t$rne! the %eat& an! his eyes were inwar!' Casy& feet !rawn $p& stare! into the fire' 8ifteen feet back fro% the %en the fe! cat was sitting& the ong gray tai wrappe! neat y aro$n! the front feet' A big ow shrieke! as it went o#erhea!& an! the fire ight showe! its white $n!ersi!e an! the sprea! of its wings' 70o&7 sai! Casy' 79o$4re one y3b$t yo$ ain4t to$che!'7 "$ ey4s tight itt e face was rigi!' 7) p$t %y han4 right on the gro$n4 where that b oo! is sti ' An4 ) seen %y pa with a ho e thro$gh his ches4& an4 ) fe t hi% shi#er $p against %e ike he !one& an4 ) seen hi% kin! of sett e back an4 reach with his han4s an4 his feet' An4 ) seen his eyes a %i ky with h$rt& an4 then he was sti an4 his eyes so c ear3 ookin4 $p' An4 %e a itt e ki! settin4 there& not cryin4 nor nothin4& :$s4 settin4 there'7 2e shook his hea! sharp y' Joa! t$rne! the %eat o#er an! o#er' 7An4 ) went in the roo% where Joe was born' /e! wasn4t there& b$t it was the roo%' An4 a the% things is tr$e& an4 they4re right in the p ace they happene!' Joe ca%e to ife right there' 2e gi#e a big o 4 gasp an4 then he et o$t a s($awk yo$ co$ ! hear a %i e& an4 his gran%a stan!in4 there says& 4That4s a !aisy& that4s a !aisy&4 o#er an4 o#er' An4 her so pro$! she b$st three c$ps that night'7 Joa! c eare! his throat' 7Think we better eat her now'7 7Let her get goo! an4 !one& goo! an4 brown& aw%ost b ack&7 sai! "$ ey irritab y' 7) wanta ta k' ) ain4t ta ke! to nobo!y' )f )4% to$che!& )4% to$che!& an4 that4s the en! of it' Like a o 4 gra#eyar! ghos4 goin4 to neighbors4 ho$ses in the night' >eters4& Jacobs4& Rance4s& Joa!4s+ an4 the ho$ses a !ark& stan!in4 ike %iser4b e ratty b$t they was goo! parties an4 !ancin4' An4 there was %eetin4s an! sho$tin4 g ory' They was we!!in4s& a in the% ho$ses' An4 then )4! want to go in town an4 ki fo ks' 4Ca$se what4! they take when they tractore! the fo ks off the an46 What4! they get so their 4%argin a profit4 was safe6 They got >a !yin4 on the gro$n4& an4 Joe ye in4 his first breath& an4 %e :erkin4 ike a bi y goat $n!er a b$sh in the night' What4! they get6 Go! knows the an4 ain4t no goo!' 0obo!y been ab e to %ake a crop for years' /$t the% sons*a* bitches at their !esks& they :$s4 choppe! fo ks in two for their %argin a

profit' They :$s4 c$t 4e% in two' > ace where fo ks i#e is the% fo ks' They ain4t who e& o$t one y on the roa! in a pi e!*$p car' They ain4t a i#e no %ore' The% sons*a*bitches ki e! 4e%'7 An! he was si ent& his thin ips sti %o#ing& his chest sti panting' 2e sat an! ooke! !own at his han!s in the fire ight' 7)3) ain4t ta ke! to nobo!y for a ong ti%e&7 he apo ogi5e! soft y' 7) been sneakin4 aro$n4 ike a o 4 gra#eyar! ghos4'7 Casy p$she! the ong boar!s into the fire an! the f a%es icke! $p aro$n! the% an! eape! $p towar! the %eat again' The ho$se cracke! o$! y as the coo er night air contracte! the woo!' Casy sai! ($iet y& 7) gotta see the% fo ks that4s gone o$t on the roa!' ) got a fee in4 ) got to see the%' They gonna nee! he p no preachin4 can gi#e 4e%' 2ope of hea#en when their i#es ain4t i#e!6 2o y Sperit when their own sperit is !owncast an4 sa!6 They gonna nee! he p' They got to i#e before they can affor! to !ie'7 Joa! crie! ner#o$s y& 7Jes$s Christ& e4s eat this %eat 4fore it4s s%a er4n a cooke! %o$se= Look at her' S%e her'7 2e eape! to his feet an! s i! the pieces of %eat a ong the wire $nti they were c ear of the fire' 2e took "$ ey4s knife an! sawe! thro$gh a piece of %eat $nti it was free of the wire' 72ere4s for the preacher&7 he sai!' 7) to 4 yo$ ) ain4t no preacher'7 7We & here4s for the %an& then'7 2e c$t off another piece' 72ere& "$ ey& if yo$ ain4t too go!!a%n $pset to eat' This here4s :ackrabbit' To$gher4n a b$ *bitch'7 2e sat back an! c a%pe! his ong teeth on the %eat an! tore o$t a great bite an! chewe! it' 7Jes$s Christ= 2ear her cr$nch=7 An! he tore o$t another bite ra#eno$s y' "$ ey sti sat regar!ing his %eat' 7"aybe ) o$ghtn4 to a*ta ke! ike that&7 he sai!' 78e a sho$ ! %aybe keep st$ff ike that in his hea!'7 Casy ooke! o#er& his %o$th f$ of rabbit' 2e chewe!& an! his %$sc e! throat con#$ se! in swa owing' 79es& yo$ sho$ ! ta k&7 he sai!' 7So%eti%es a sa! %an can ta k the sa!ness right o$t thro$gh his %o$th' So%eti%es a ki in4 %an can ta k the %$r!er right o$t of his %o$th an4 not !o no %$r!er' 9o$ !one right' 1on4t yo$ ki nobo!y if yo$ can he p it'7 An! he bit o$t another h$nk of rabbit' Joa! tosse! the bones in the fire an! :$%pe! $p an! c$t %ore off the wire' "$ ey was eating s ow y now& an! his ner#o$s itt e eyes went fro% one to the other of his

co%panions' Joa! ate scow ing ike an ani%a & an! a ring of grease for%e! aro$n! his %o$th' 8or a ong ti%e "$ ey ooke! at hi%& a %ost ti%i! y' 2e p$t !own the han! that he ! the %eat' 7To%%y&7 he sai!' Joa! ooke! $p an! !i! not stop gnawing the %eat' 79eah67 he sai!& aro$n! a %o$thf$ ' 7To%%y& yo$ ain4t %a! with %e ta kin4 abo$t ki in4 peop e6 9o$ ain4t h$ffy& To%67 70o&7 sai! To%' 7) ain4t h$ffy' )t4s :$st so%epin that happene!'7 7,#er4bo!y knowe! it was no fa$ t of yo$rs&7 sai! "$ ey' 7O 4 %an T$rnb$ sai! he was gonna get yo$ when ya co%e o$t' Says nobo!y can ki one a his boys' A the fo ks hereabo$ts ta ke! hi% o$ta it& tho$gh'7 7We was !r$nk&7 Joa! sai! soft y' 71r$nk at a !ance' ) !on4 know how she starte!' An4 then ) fe t that knife go in %e& an4 that sobere! %e $p' 8$st thing ) see is 2erb co%in4 for %e again with his knife' They was this here sho#e eanin4 against the schoo ho$se& so ) grabbe! it an4 s%acke! 4i% o#er the hea!' ) ne#er ha! nothing against 2erb' 2e was a nice fe a' Co%e a*b$ in4 after %y sister Rosasharn when he was a itt e fe a' 0o& ) ike! 2erb'7 7We & e#er4bo!y to 4 his pa that& an4 fina y coo e! 4i% !own' So%ebo!y says they4s 2atfie ! b oo! on his %other4s si!e in o 4 T$rnb$ & an4 he4s got to i#e $p to it' ) !on4t know abo$t that' 2i% an4 his fo ks went on to Ca ifornia si. %onths ago'7 Joa! took the ast of the rabbit fro% the wire an! passe! it aro$n!' 2e sett e! back an! ate %ore s ow y now& chewe! e#en y& an! wipe! the grease fro% his %o$th with his s ee#e' An! his eyes& !ark an! ha f c ose!& broo!e! as he ooke! into the !ying fire' 7,#er4bo!y4s goin4 west&7 he sai!' 7) got %e a paro e to keep' Can4t ea#e the state'7 7>aro e67 "$ ey aske!' 7) hear! abo$t the%' 2ow !o they work67 7We & ) got o$t ear y& three years ear y' They4s st$ff ) gotta !o& or they sen! %e back in' Got to report e#er4 so often'7 72ow they treat ya there in "cA ester6 "y wo%an4s co$sin was in "cA ester an4 they gi#e hi% he '7 7)t ain4t so ba!&7 sai! Joa!' 7Like e#er4p ace e se' They gi#e ya he if ya raise he ' 9o$ get a ong O'?' es4 so%e g$ar! gets it in for ya' Then yo$

catch p enty he ' ) got a ong O'?' "in!e! %y own b$siness& ike any g$y wo$ !' ) earne! to write nice as he ' /ir!s an4 st$ff ike that& too+ not :$st wor! writin4' "y o 4 %an4 be sore when he sees %e whip o$t a bir! in one stroke' >a4s gonna be %a! when he sees %e !o that' 2e !on4t ike no fancy st$ff ike that' 2e !on4t e#en ike wor! writin4' ?in!a scares 4i% ) g$ess' ,#er4 ti%e >a seen writin4& so%ebo!y took so%epin away fro% 4i%'7 7They !i!n4t gi#e yo$ no beatin4s or nothin4 ike that67 70o& ) :$s4 ten!e! %y own affairs' 4Co$rse yo$ get go!!a%n goo! an4 sick a*!oin4 the sa%e thing !ay after !ay for fo$r years' )f yo$ !one so%epin yo$ was asha%e! of& yo$ %ight think abo$t that' /$t& he & if ) seen 2erb T$rnb$ co%in4 for %e with a knife right now& )4! s($ash hi% !own with a sho#e again'7 7Anybo!y wo$ !&7 sai! "$ ey' The preacher stare! into the fire& an! his high forehea! was white in the sett ing !ark' The f ash of itt e f a%es picke! o$t the cor!s of his neck' 2is han!s& c aspe! abo$t his knees& were b$sy p$ ing kn$ck es' Joa! threw the ast bones into the fire an! icke! his fingers an! then wipe! the% on his pants' 2e stoo! $p an! bro$ght the bott e of water fro% the porch& took a sparing !rink& an! passe! the bott e before he sat !own again' 2e went on' 7The thing that gi#e %e the %os4 tro$b e was& it !i!n4 %ake no sense' 9o$ !on4t ook for no sense when ightnin4 ki s a cow& or it co%es $p a f oo!' That4s :$s4 the way things is' /$t when a b$nch of %en take an4 ock yo$ $p fo$r years& it o$ght to ha#e so%e %eaning' "en is s$ppose! to think things o$t' 2ere they p$t %e in& an4 keep %e an4 fee! %e fo$r years' That o$ght to either %ake %e so ) won4t !o her again or e se p$nish %e so )4 be afrai! to !o her again73he pa$se!37b$t if 2erb or anybo!y e se co%e for %e& )4! !o her again' 1o her before ) co$ ! fig$re her o$t' Specia y if ) was !r$nk' That sort of sense essness kin! a worries a %an'7 "$ ey obser#e!& 7J$!ge says he gi#e yo$ a ight sentence 4ca$se it wasn4t a yo$r fa$ t'7 Joa! sai!& 7They4s a g$y in "cA ester3 ifer' 2e st$!ies a the ti%e' 2e4s sec4etary of the war!en3writes the war!en4s etters an4 st$ff ike that' We & he4s one he of a bright g$y an4 rea!s aw an4 a st$ff ike

that' We & ) ta ke! to hi% one ti%e abo$t her& 4ca$se he rea!s so %$ch st$ff' An4 he says it !on4t !o no goo! to rea! books' Says he4s rea! e#er4thing abo$t prisons now& an4 in the o ! ti%es+ an4 he says she %akes ess sense to hi% now than she !i! before he starts rea!in4' 2e says it4s a thing that starte! way to he an4 gone back& an4 nobo!y see%s to be ab e to stop her& an4 nobo!y got sense eno$gh to change her' 2e says for Go!4s sake !on4t rea! abo$t her beca$se he says for one thing yo$4 :$s4 get %esse! $p worse& an4 for another yo$ won4t ha#e no respect for the g$ys that work the go#er4%ents'7 7) ain4t got a he of a ot of respec4 for 4e% now&7 sai! "$ ey' 7On4y kin! a go#er4%ent we got that eans on $s fe as is the 4safe %argin a profit'4 There4s one thing that got %e st$%pe!& an4 that4s Wi y 8ee ey3 !ri#in4 that cat4& an4 gonna be a straw boss on an4 his own fo ks $se! to far%' That worries %e' ) can see how a fe a %ight co%e fro% so%e other p ace an4 not know no better& b$t Wi y be ongs' Worrie! %e so ) went $p to 4i% an! ast 4i%' Right off he got %a!' 4) got two itt e ki!s&4 he says' 4) got a wife an4 %y wife4s %other' The% peop e got to eat'4 Gets %a!!er4n he ' 48$st an4 on4y thing ) got to think abo$t is %y own fo ks&4 he says' 4What happens to other fo ks is their ook*o$t&4 he says' See%s ike he4s 4sha%e!& so he gets %a!'7 Ji% Casy ha! been staring at the !ying fire& an! his eyes ha! grown wi!er an! his neck %$sc es stoo! higher' S$!!en y he crie!& 7) got her= )f e#er a %an got a !ose of the sperit& ) got her' Got her a of a f ash=7 2e :$%pe! to his feet an! pace! back an! forth& his hea! swinging' 72a! a tent one ti%e' 1rawe! as %$ch as fi#e h$n!re! peop e e#er4 night' That4s before either yo$ fe as seen %e'7 2e stoppe! an! face! the%' 7,#er notice ) ne#er took no co ections when ) was preachin4 o$t here to fo ks3in barns an4 in the open67 7/y Go!& yo$ ne#er&7 sai! "$ ey' 7>eop e aro$n! here got so $se4 to not gi#in4 yo$ %oney they got to bein4 a itt e %a! when so%e other preacher ca%e a ong an4 passe! the hat' 9es& sir=7 7) took so%epin to eat&7 sai! Casy' 7) took a pair a pants when %ine was wore o$t& an4 a o 4 pair a shoes when ) was wa kin4 thro$gh to the gro$n4& b$t it wasn4t ike when ) ha! the tent' So%e !ays there )4! take in ten or twenty !o ars' Wasn4t happy that*a*way& so ) gi#e her $p& an4 for a

ti%e ) was happy' ) think ) got her now' ) !on4t know if ) can say her' ) g$ess ) won4t try to say her3b$t %aybe there4s a p ace for a preacher' "aybe ) can preach again' 8o ks o$t one y on the roa!& fo ks with no an4& no ho%e to go to' They got to ha#e so%e kin! of ho%e' "aybe37 2e stoo! o#er the fire' The h$n!re! %$sc es of his neck stoo! o$t in high re ief& an! the fire ight went !eep into his eyes an! ignite! re! e%bers' 2e stoo! an! ooke! at the fire& his face tense as tho$gh he were istening& an! the han!s that ha! been acti#e to pick& to han! e& to throw i!eas& grew ($iet& an! in a %o%ent crept into his pocket' The bats f ittere! in an! o$t of the !$ fire ight& an! the soft watery b$rb e of a night hawk ca%e fro% across the fie !s' To% reache! ($iet y into his pocket an! bro$ght o$t his tobacco& an! he ro e! a cigarette s ow y an! ooke! o#er it at the coa s whi e he worke!' 2e ignore! the who e speech of the preacher& as tho$gh it were so%e pri#ate thing that sho$ ! not be inspecte!' 2e sai!& 70ight after night in %y b$nk ) figgere! how she4! be when ) co%e ho%e again' ) figgere! %aybe Gra%pa an! Gran%a4! be !ea!& an4 %aybe there4! be so%e new ki!s' "aybe >a4! not be so to$gh' "aybe "a4! set back a itt e an4 et Rosasharn !o the work' ) knowe! it wo$ !n4t be the sa%e as it was' We & we4 s eep here& ) g$ess& an4 co%e !ay ight we4 get on to <nc e John4s' Leastwise ) wi ' 9o$ think yo$4re co%in4 a ong& Casy67 The preacher sti stoo! ooking into the coa s' 2e sai! s ow y& 79eah& )4% goin4 with yo$' An4 when yo$r fo ks start o$t on the roa! )4% goin4 with the%' An4 where fo ks are on the roa!& )4% gonna be with the%'7 79o$4re we co%e&7 sai! Joa!' 7"a a ways fa#ore! yo$' Sai! yo$ was a preacher to tr$st' Rosasharn wasn4t growe! $p then'7 2e t$rne! his hea!' 7"$ ey& yo$ gonna wa k on o#er with $s67 "$ ey was ooking towar! the roa! o#er which they ha! co%e' 7Think yo$4 co%e a ong& "$ ey67 Joa! repeate!' 72$h6 0o' ) !on4t go no p ace& an4 ) !on4t ea#e no p ace' See that g ow o#er there& :erkin4 $p an4 !own6 That4s prob4 y the s$per4nten!ent of this stretch a cotton' So%ebo!y %aybe seen o$r fire'7 To% ooke!' The g ow of ight was near y o#er the hi ' 7We ain4t !oin4 no har%&7 he sai!' 7We4 :$s4 set here' We ain4t !oin4 nothin4'7

"$ ey cack e!' 79eah= We4re !oin4 so%epin :$s4 bein4 here' We4re trespassin4' We can4t stay' They been tryin4 to catch %e for two %onths' 0ow yo$ ook' )f that4s a car co%in4 we go o$t in the cotton an4 ay !own' 1on4t ha#e to go far' Then by Go! et 4e% try to fin4 $s= 2a#e to ook $p an4 !own e#er4 row' J$st keep yo$r hea! !own'7 Joa! !e%an!e!& 7What4s co%e o#er yo$& "$ ey6 9o$ wasn4t ne#er no r$n*an4*hi!e fe a' 9o$ was %ean'7 "$ ey watche! the approaching ights' 79eah=7 he sai!' 7) was %ean ike a wo f' 0ow )4% %ean ike a wease ' When yo$4re h$ntin4 so%epin yo$4re a h$nter& an4 yo$4re strong' Can4t nobo!y beat a h$nter' /$t when yo$ get h$nte!3that4s !ifferent' So%epin happens to yo$' 9o$ ain4t strong+ %aybe yo$4re fierce& b$t yo$ ain4t strong' ) been h$nte! now for a ong ti%e' ) ain4t a h$nter no %ore' )4! %aybe shoot a fe a in the !ark& b$t ) !on4t %a$ nobo!y with a fence stake no %ore' )t !on4t !o no goo! to foo yo$ or %e' That4s how it is'7 7We & yo$ go o$t an4 hi!e&7 sai! Joa!' 7Lea#e %e an4 Casy te these bastar!s a few things'7 The bea% of ight was c oser now& an! it bo$nce! into the sky an! then !isappeare!& an! then bo$nce! $p again' A three %en watche!' "$ ey sai!& 7There4s one %ore thing abo$t bein4 h$nte!' 9o$ get to thinkin4 abo$t a the !angero$s things' )f yo$4re h$ntin4 yo$ !on4t think abo$t 4e%& an4 yo$ ain4t scare!' Like yo$ says to %e& if yo$ get in any tro$b e they4 sen4 yo$ back to "cA ester to finish yo$r ti%e'7 7That4s right&7 sai! Joa!' 7That4s what they to 4 %e& b$t settin4 here restin4 or s eepin4 on the gro$n43that ain4t gettin4 in no tro$b e' That ain4t !oin4 nothin4 wrong' That ain4t ike gettin4 !r$nk or raisin4 he '7 "$ ey a$ghe!' 79o$4 see' 9o$ :$s4 set here& an4 the car4 co%e' "aybe it4s Wi y 8ee ey& an4 Wi y4s a !ep$ty sheriff now' 4What yo$ !oin4 trespassin4 here64 Wi y says' We & yo$ a ways !i! know Wi y was f$ a crap& so yo$ says& 4What4s it to yo$64 Wi y gets %a! an4 says& 49o$ get off or )4 take yo$ in'4 An4 yo$ ain4t gonna et no 8ee ey p$sh yo$ aro$n4 4ca$se he4s %a! an4 scare!' 2e4s %a!e a b $ff an4 he got to go on with it& an4 here4s yo$ gettin4 to$gh an4 yo$ got to go thro$gh3oh& he & it4s a ot easier to ay o$t in the cotton an4 et 4e% ook' )t4s %ore f$n& too& 4ca$se they4re %a! an4 can4t !o nothin4& an4 yo$4re o$t there a* a$ghin4 at 4e%'

/$t yo$ :$s4 ta k to Wi y or any boss& an4 yo$ s $g he o$t of 4e% an4 they4 take yo$ in an4 r$n yo$ back to "cA ester for three years'7 79o$4re ta kin4 sense&7 sai! Joa!' 7,#er4 wor! yo$ say is sense' /$t& Jes$s& ) hate to get p$she! aro$n!= ) ots rather take a sock at Wi y'7 72e got a g$n&7 sai! "$ ey' 72e4 $se it 4ca$se he4s a !ep$ty' Then he either got to ki yo$ or yo$ got to get his g$n away an4 ki hi%' Co%e on& To%%y' 9o$ can easy te yo$rse f yo$4re foo in4 the% yin4 o$t ike that' An4 it a :$st a%o$nts to what yo$ te yo$rse f'7 The strong ights ang e! $p into the sky now& an! the e#en !rone of a %otor co$ ! be hear!' 7Co%e on& To%%y' 1on4t ha#e to go far& :$s4 fo$rteen*fifteen rows o#er& an4 we can watch what they !o'7 To% got to his feet' 7/y Go!& yo$4re right=7 he sai!' 7) ain4t got a thing in the wor 4 to win& no %atter how it co%es o$t'7 7Co%e on& then& o#er this way&7 "$ ey %o#e! aro$n! the ho$se an! o$t into the cotton fie ! abo$t fifty yar!s' 7This is goo!&7 he sai!' 70ow ay !own' 9o$ on4y got to p$ yo$r hea! !own if they start the spot ight goin4' )t4s kin!a f$n'7 The three %en stretche! o$t at f$ ength an! proppe! the%se #es on their e bows' "$ ey sprang $p an! ran towar! the ho$se& an! in a few %o%ents he ca%e back an! threw a b$n! e of coats an! shoes !own' 7They4! of taken 4e% a ong :$st to get e#en&7 he sai!' The ights toppe! the rise an! bore !own on the ho$se' Joa! aske!& 7Won4t they co%e o$t here with f ash ights an4 ook aro$n4 for $s6 ) wisht ) ha! a stick'7 "$ ey gigg e!' 70o& they won4t' ) to 4 yo$ )4% %ean ike a wease ' Wi y !one that one night an4 ) c ippe! 4i% fro% behint with a fence stake' ?nocke! hi% co !er4n a we!ge' 2e to 4 ater how fi#e g$ys co%e at hi%'7 The car !rew $p to the ho$se an! a spot ight snappe! on' 71$ck&7 sai! "$ ey' The bar of co ! white ight sw$ng o#er their hea!s an! crisscrosse! the fie !' The hi!ing %en co$ ! not see any %o#e%ent& b$t they hear! a car !oor s a% an! they hear! #oices' 7Scairt to get in the ight&7 "$ ey whispere!' 7Once3twice )4#e took a shot at the hea! ights' That keeps Wi y caref$ ' 2e got so%ebo!y with 4i% tonight'7 They hear! footsteps on woo!& an!& then fro% insi!e the ho$se they saw the g ow of a f ash ight' 7Sha ) shoot thro$gh the ho$se67 "$ ey whispere!' 7They co$ !n4t see where it co%e fro%' Gi#e 4e% so%epin to think abo$t'7

7S$re& go ahea!&7 sai! Joa!' 71on4t !o it&7 Casy whispere!' 7)t won4t !o no goo!' J$s4 a waste' We got to get thinkin4 abo$t !oin4 st$ff that %eans so%epin'7 A scratching so$n! ca%e fro% near the ho$se' 7>$ttin4 o$t the fire&7 "$ ey whispere!' 7?ickin4 !$st o#er it'7 The car !oors s a%%e!& the hea! ights sw$ng aro$n! an! face! the roa! again' 70ow !$ck=7 sai! "$ ey' They !roppe! their hea!s an! the spot ight swept o#er the% an! crosse! an! recrosse! the cotton fie !& an! then the car starte! an! s ippe! away an! toppe! the rise an! !isappeare!' "$ ey sat $p' 7Wi y a ways tries that as4 f ash' 2e !one it so often ) can ti%e 4i%' An4 he sti thinks it4s c$te'7 Casy sai!& 7"aybe they eft so%e fe as at the ho$se' They4! catch $s when we co%e back'7 7"aybe' 9o$ fe as wait here' ) know this ga%e'7 2e wa ke! ($iet y away& an! on y a s ight cr$nching of c o!s co$ ! be hear! fro% his passage' The two waiting %en trie! to hear hi%& b$t he ha! gone' )n a %o%ent he ca e! fro% the ho$se& 7They !i!n4t ea#e nobo!y' Co%e on back'7 Casy an! Joa! str$gg e! $p an! wa ke! back towar! the b ack b$ k of the ho$se' "$ ey %et the% near the s%oking !$st pi e which ha! been their fire' 7) !i!n4t think they4! ea#e nobo!y&7 he sai! pro$! y' 7"e knockin4 Wi y o#er an4 takin4 a shot at the ights once*twice keeps 4e% caref$ ' They ain4t s$re who it is& an4 ) ain4t gonna et 4e% catch %e' ) !on4t s eep near no ho$se' )f yo$ fe as wanta co%e a ong& )4 show yo$ where to s eep& where they ain4t nobo!y gonna st$%b e o#er ya'7 7Lea! off&7 sai! Joa!' 7We4 fo a yo$' ) ne#er tho$ght )4! be hi!in4 o$t on %y o ! %an4s p ace'7 "$ ey set off across the fie !s& an! Joa! an! Casy fo owe! hi%' They kicke! the cotton p ants as they went' 79o$4 be hi!in4 fro% ots of st$ff&7 sai! "$ ey' They %arche! in sing e fi e across the fie !s' They ca%e to a water*c$t an! s i! easi y !own to the botto% of it' 7/y Go!& ) bet ) know&7 crie! Joa!' 7)s it a ca#e in the bank67 7That4s right' 2ow4! yo$ know67 7) !$g her&7 sai! Joa!' 7"e an4 %y brother 0oah !$g her' Lookin4 for go ! we says we was& b$t we was :$s4 !iggin4 ca#es ike ki!s a ways !oes'7

The wa s of the water*c$t were abo#e their hea!s now' 7O$ght to be pretty c ose&7 sai! Joa!' 7See%s to %e ) re%e%ber her pretty c ose'7 "$ ey sai!& 7)4#e co#ere! her with bresh' 0obo!y co$ !n4t fin! her'7 The botto% of the g$ ch e#e e! off& an! the footing was san!' Joa! sett e! hi%se f on the c ean san!' 7) ain4t gonna s eep in no ca#e&7 he sai!' 7)4% gonna s eep right here'7 2e ro e! his coat an! p$t it $n!er his hea!' "$ ey p$ e! at the co#ering br$sh an! craw e! into his ca#e' 7) ike it in here&7 he ca e!' 7) fee ike nobo!y can co%e at %e'7 Ji% Casy sat !own on the san! besi!e Joa!' 7Get so%e s eep&7 sai! Joa!' 7We4 start for <nc e John4s at !aybreak'7 7) ain4t s eepin&7 sai! Casy' 7) got too %$ch to p$55 e with'7 2e !rew $p his feet an! c aspe! his egs' 2e threw back his hea! an! ooke! at the sharp stars' Joa! yawne! an! bro$ght one han! back $n!er his hea!' They were si ent& an! gra!$a y the skittering ife of the gro$n!& of ho es an! b$rrows& of the br$sh& began again+ the gophers %o#e!& an! the rabbits crept to green things& the %ice sca%pere! o#er c o!s& an! the winge! h$nters %o#e! so$n! ess y o#erhea!' 7 IN THE TOWNS ON the e!ges of the towns& in fie !s& in #acant ots& the $se!*car yar!s& the wreckers4 yar!s& the garages with b a5one! signs 3<se! Cars& Goo! <se! Cars' Cheap transportation& three trai ers' 4@A 8or!& c ean' Checke! cars& g$arantee! cars' 8ree ra!io' Car with 1BB ga ons of gas free' Co%e in an! ook' <se! Cars' 0o o#erhea!' A ot an! a ho$se arge eno$gh for a !esk an! chair an! a b $e book' Sheaf of contracts& !og*eare!& he ! with paper c ips& an! a neat pi e of $n$se! contracts' >en3keep it f$ & keep it working' A sa e4s been ost 4ca$se a pen !i!n4t work' Those sons*of*bitches o#er there ain4t b$ying' ,#ery yar! gets 4e%' They4re ookers' Spen! a their ti%e ooking' 1on4t want to b$y no cars+ take $p yo$r ti%e' 1on4t gi#e a !a%n for yo$r ti%e' O#er there& the% two peop e3no& with the ki!s' Get 4e% in a car' Start 4e% at two h$n!re!

an! work !own' They ook goo! for one an! a ($arter' Get 4e% ro ing' Get 4e% o$t in a :a opy' Sock it to 4e%= They took o$r ti%e' Owners with ro e!*$p s ee#es' Sa es%en& neat& !ea! y& s%a intent eyes watching for weaknesses' Watch the wo%an4s face' )f the wo%an ikes it we can screw the o ! %an' Start 4e% on that Ca!4' Then yo$ can work 4e% !own to that 4@C /$ick' 48 yo$ start on the /$ick& they4 go for a 8or!' Ro $p yo$r s ee#es an4 get to work' This ain4t gonna ast fore#er' Show 4e% that 0ash whi e ) get the s ow eak p$%pe! $p on that 4@D 1o!ge' )4 gi#e yo$ a 2y%ie when )4% rea!y' What yo$ want is transportation& ain4t it6 0o ba oney for yo$' S$re the $pho stery is shot' Seat c$shions ain4t t$rning no whee s o#er' Cars ine! $p& noses forwar!& r$sty noses& f at tires' >arke! c ose together' Like to get in to see that one6 S$re& no tro$b e' )4 p$ her o$t of the ine' Get 4e% $n!er ob igation' "ake 4e% take $p yo$r ti%e' 1on4t et 4e% forget they4re takin4 yo$r ti%e' >eop e are nice& %ost y' They hate to p$t yo$ o$t' "ake 4e% p$t yo$ o$t& an4 then sock it to 4e%' Cars ine! $p& "o!e T4s& high an! snotty& creaking whee & worn ban!s' /$icks& 0ashes& 1e Sotos' 9es& sir& 4@@ 1o!ge' /est go!!a%n car 1o!ge e#er %a!e' 0e#er wear o$t' Low co%pression' 2igh co%pression got ots a sap for a whi e& b$t the %eta ain4t %a!e that4 ho ! it for ong' > y%o$ths& Rocknes& Stars' Jes$s& where4! that Apperson co%e fro%& the Ark6 An! a Cha %ers an! a Chan! er3ain4t %a!e 4e% for years' We ain4t se in4 cars3ro ing :$nk' Go!!a%n it& ) got to get :a opies' ) !on4t want nothing for %ore4n twenty*fi#e& thirty b$cks' Se 4e% for fifty& se#enty*fi#e' That4s a goo! profit' Christ& what c$t !o yo$ %ake on a new car6 Get :a opies' ) can se 4e% fast as ) get 4e%' 0othing o#er two h$n!re! fifty' Ji%& corra that o ! bastar! on the si!ewa k' 1on4t know his ass fro% a ho e in the gro$n!' Try hi% on that Apperson' Say& where is that Apperson6 So !6 )f we !on4t get so%e :a opies we got nothing to se ' 8 ags& re! an! white& white an! b $e3a a ong the c$rb' <se! Cars' Goo! <se! Cars'

To!ay4s bargain3$p on the p atfor%' 0e#er se it' "akes fo ks co%e in& tho$gh' )f we so ! that bargain at that price we4! har! y %ake a !i%e' Te 4e% it4s :$s4 so !' Take o$t that yar! battery before yo$ %ake !e i#ery' >$t in that !$%b ce ' Christ& what they want for si. bits6 Ro $p yo$r s ee#es3pitch in' This ain4t gonna ast' )f ) ha! eno$gh :a opies )4! retire in si. %onths' Listen& Ji%& ) hear! that Che##y4s rear en!' So$n!s ike b$stin4 bott es' S($irt in a co$p e ($arts of saw!$st' >$t so%e in the gears& too' We got to %o#e that e%on for thirty*fi#e !o ars' /astar! cheate! %e on that one' ) offer ten an4 he :erks %e to fifteen& an4 then the son*of*a*bitch took the too s o$t' Go! A %ighty= ) wisht ) ha! fi#e h$n!re! :a opies' This ain4t gonna ast' 2e !on4t ike the tires6 Te 4i% they got ten tho$san! in 4e%& knock off a b$ck an4 a ha f' >i es of r$sty r$ins against the fence& rows of wrecks in back& fen!ers& grease*b ack wrecks& b ocks ying on the gro$n! an! a pig wee! growing $p thro$gh the cy in!ers' /rake ro!s& e.ha$sts& pi e! ike snakes' Grease& gaso ine' See if yo$ can fin! a spark p $g that ain4t cracke!' Christ& if ) ha! fifty trai ers at $n!er a h$n!re! )4! c ean $p' What the he is he kickin4 abo$t6 We se 4e%& b$t we !on4t p$sh 4e% ho%e for hi%' That4s goo!' 1on4t p$sh 4e% ho%e' Get that one in the "onth y& ) bet' 9o$ !on4t think he4s a prospect6 We & kick 4i% o$t' We got too %$ch to !o to bother with a g$y that can4t %ake $p his %in!' Take the right front tire off the Graha%' T$rn that %en!e! si!e !own' The rest ooks swe ' Got trea! an4 e#erything' S$re= There4s fifty tho$san4 in that o 4 heap yet' ?eep p enty oi in' So ong' Goo! $ck' Lookin4 for a car6 What !i! yo$ ha#e in %in!6 See anything attracts yo$6 )4% !ry' 2ow abo$t a itt e snort a goo! st$ff6 Co%e on& whi e yo$r wife4s ookin4 at that La Sa e' 9o$ !on4t want no La Sa e' /earings shot' <ses too %$ch oi ' Got a Linco n 4@E' There4s a car' R$n fore#er' "ake her into a tr$ck' 2ot s$n on r$ste! %eta ' Oi on the gro$n!' >eop e are wan!ering in& bewi !ere!& nee!ing a car'

Wipe yo$r feet' 1on4t ean on that car& it4s !irty' 2ow !o yo$ b$y a car6 What !oes it cost6 Watch the chi !ren& now' ) won!er how %$ch for this one6 We4 ask' )t !on4t cost %oney to ask' We can ask& can4t we6 Can4t pay a nicke o#er se#enty*fi#e& or there won4t be eno$gh to get to Ca ifornia' Go!& if ) co$ ! on y get a h$n!re! :a opies' ) !on4t care if they r$n or not' Tires& $se!& br$ise! tires& stacke! in ta cy in!ers+ t$bes& re!& gray& hanging ike sa$sages' Tire patch6 Ra!iator c eaner6 Spark intensifier6 1rop this itt e pi in yo$r gas tank an! get ten e.tra %i es to the ga on' J$st paint it on3yo$ got a new s$rface for fifty cents' Wipers& fan be ts& gaskets6 "aybe it4s the #a #e' Get a new #a #e ste%' What can yo$ ose for a nicke 6 A right& Joe' 9o$ soften 4e% $p an4 shoot 4e% in here' )4 c ose 4e%& )4 !ea 4e% or )4 ki 4e%' 1on4t sen! in no b$%s' ) want !ea s' 9es& sir& step in' 9o$ got a b$y there' 9es& sir= At eighty b$cks yo$ got a b$y' ) can4t go no higher than fifty' The fe a o$tsi!e says fifty' Fifty. Fifty? 2e4s n$ts' >ai! se#enty*eight fifty for that itt e n$%ber' Joe& yo$ cra5y foo & yo$ tryin4 to b$st $s6 2a#e to can that g$y' ) %ight take si.ty' 0ow ook here& %ister& ) ain4t got a !ay' )4% a b$siness %an b$t ) ain4t o$t to stick nobo!y' Got anything to tra!e6 Got a pair of %$ es )4 tra!e' Mules! 2ey& Joe& hear this6 This g$ys wants to tra!e %$ es' 1i!n4t nobo!y te yo$ this is the %achine age6 They !on4t $se %$ es for nothing b$t g $e no %ore' 8ine big %$ es3fi#e an! se#en years o !' "aybe we better ook aro$n!' Look aro$n!= 9o$ co%e in when we4re b$sy& an4 take $p o$r ti%e an4 then wa k o$t= Joe& !i! yo$ know yo$ was ta kin4 to pikers6 ) ain4t a piker' ) got to get a car' We4re goin4 to Ca ifornia' ) got to get a car' We & )4% a s$cker' Joe says )4% a s$cker' Says if ) !on4t ($it gi#in4 %y shirt away )4 star#e to !eath' Te yo$ what )4 !o3) can get fi#e b$cks apiece for the% %$ es for !og fee!'

) wo$ !n4t want the% to go for !og fee!' We & %aybe ) can get ten or se#en %aybe' Te yo$ what we4 !o' We4 take yo$r %$ es for twenty' Wagon goes with 4e%& !on4t it6 An4 yo$ p$t $p fifty& an4 yo$ can sign a contract to sen! the rest at ten !o ars a %onth' /$t yo$ sai! eighty' 1i!n4t yo$ ne#er hear abo$t carrying charges an! ins$rance6 That :$st boosts her a itt e' 9o$4 get her a pai! $p in fo$r*fi#e %onths' Sign yo$r na%e right here' We4 take care of e#er4thing' We & ) !on4t know3 0ow& ook here' )4% gi#in4 yo$ %y shirt& an4 yo$ took a this ti%e' ) %ight a %a!e three sa es whi e ) been ta kin4 to yo$' )4% !isg$ste!' 9eah& sign right there' A right& sir' Joe& fi $p the tank for this gent e%an' We4 gi#e hi% gas' Jes$s& Joe& that was a hot one= What4! we gi#e for that :a opy6 Thirty b$cks3thirty*fi#e& wasn4t it6 ) got that tea%& an4 if ) can4t get se#enty* fi#e for that tea%& ) ain4t a b$siness %an' An4 ) got fifty cash an4 a contract for forty %ore' Oh& ) know they4re not a honest& b$t it4 s$rprise yo$ how %any kick thro$gh with the rest' One g$y co%e thro$gh with a h$n!re! two years after ) wrote hi% off' ) bet yo$ this g$y sen!s the %oney' Christ& if ) co$ ! on y get fi#e h$n!re! :a opies= Ro $p yo$r s ee#es& Joe' Go o$t an4 soften 4e%& an4 sen! 4e% in to %e' 9o$ get twenty on that ast !ea ' 9o$ ain4t !oing ba!' Li%p f ags in the afternoon s$n' To!ay4s /argain' 4@9 8or! pick$p& r$ns goo!' What !o yo$ want for fifty b$cks3a Fephyr6 2orsehair c$r ing o$t of seat c$shions& fen!ers battere! an! ha%%ere! back' /$%pers torn oose an! hanging' 8ancy 8or! roa!ster with itt e co ore! ights at fen!er g$i!e& at ra!iator cap& an! three behin!' "$! aprons& an! a big !ie on the gear*shift e#er' >retty gir on tire co#er& painte! in co or an! na%e! Cora' Afternoon s$n on the !$sty win!shie !s' Christ& ) ain4t ha! ti%e to go o$t an4 eat= Joe& sen! a ki! for a ha%b$rger' Spattering roar of ancient engines'

There4s a !$%b*b$nny ookin4 at the Chrys er' 8in! o$t if he got any :ack in his :eans' So%e a these far% boys is sneaky' Soften 4e% $p an4 ro 4e% in to %e& Joe' 9o$4re !oin4 goo!' S$re& we so ! it' G$arantee6 We g$arantee! it to be an a$to%obi e' We !i!n4t g$arantee to wet*n$rse it' 0ow isten here& yo$3yo$ bo$ght a car& an4 now yo$4re s($awkin4' ) !on4t gi#e a !a%n if yo$ !on4t %ake pay%ents' We ain4t got yo$r paper' We t$rn that o#er to the finance co%pany' They4 get after yo$& not $s' We !on4t ho ! no paper' 9eah6 We & yo$ :$s4 get to$gh an4 )4 ca a cop' 0o& we !i! not switch the tires' R$n 4i% o$ta here& Joe' 2e bo$ght a car& an4 now he ain4t satisfie!' 2ow4! yo$ think if ) bo$ght a steak an4 et ha f an4 try to bring it back6 We4re r$nnin4 a b$siness& not a charity war!' Can ya i%agine that g$y& Joe6 Say3 ooka there= Got a , k4s tooth= R$n o#er there' Let 4e% g ance o#er that 43C >ontiac' 9eah' S($are noses& ro$n! noses& r$sty noses& sho#e noses& an! the ong c$r#es of strea% ines& an! the f at s$rfaces before strea% ining' /argains To!ay' O ! %onsters with !eep $pho stery3yo$ can c$t her into a tr$ck easy' Two*whee trai ers& a. es r$sty in the har! afternoon s$n' <se! Cars' Goo! <se! Cars' C ean& r$ns goo!' 1on4t p$%p oi ' Christ& ook at 4er= So%ebo!y took nice care of 4er' Ca!i acs& La Sa es& /$icks& > y%o$ths& >ackar!s& Che##ies& 8or!s& >ontiacs' Row on row& hea! ights g inting in the afternoon s$n' Goo! <se! Cars' Soften 4e% $p& Joe' Jes$s& ) wisht ) ha! a tho$san! :a opies= Get 4e% rea!y to !ea & an4 )4 c ose 4e%' Goin4 to Ca ifornia6 2ere4s :$s4 what yo$ nee!' Looks shot& b$t they4s tho$san4s of %i es in her' Line! $p si!e by si!e' Goo! <se! Cars' /argains' C ean& r$ns goo!' 8 THE SKY GRAYED a%ong the stars& an! the pa e& ate ($arter*%oon was ins$b*stantia an! thin' To% Joa! an! the preacher wa ke! ($ick y a ong a roa! that was on y whee tracks an! beaten caterpi ar tracks

thro$gh a cotton fie !' On y the $nba ance! sky showe! the approach of !awn& no hori5on to the west& an! a ine to the east' The two %en wa ke! in si ence an! s%e e! the !$st their feet kicke! into the air' 7) hope yo$4re !ea! s$re of the way&7 Ji% Casy sai!' 7)4! hate to ha#e the !awn co%e an! $s be way to he an4 gone so%ewhere'7 The cotton fie ! sc$rrie! with waking ife& the ($ick f $tter of %orning bir!s fee!ing on the gro$n!& the sca%per o#er the c o!s of !ist$rbe! rabbits' The ($iet th$!!ing of the %en4s feet in the !$st& the s($eak of cr$she! c o!s $n!er their shoes& so$n!e! against the secret noises of the !awn' To% sai!& 7) co$ ! sh$t %y eyes an4 wa k right there' On4y way ) can go wrong is think abo$t her' J$s4 forget abo$t her& an4 )4 go right there' 2e & %an& ) was born right aro$n4 in here' ) ran aro$n4 here when ) was a ki!' They4s a tree o#er there3 ook& yo$ can :$s4 %ake it o$t' We & once %y o ! %an h$ng $p a !ea! coyote in that tree' 2$ng there ti it was a sort of %e te!& an4 then !roppe! off' 1rie! $p& ike' Jes$s& ) hope "a4s cookin4 so%epin' "y be y4s ca#e!'7 7"e too&7 sai! Casy' 7Like a itt e eatin4 tobacca6 ?eeps ya fro% gettin4 too h$ngry' /een better if we !i!n4t start so !a%n ear y' /etter if it was ight'7 2e pa$se! to gnaw off a piece of p $g' 7) was s eepin4 nice'7 7That cra5y "$ ey !one it&7 sai! To%' 72e got %e c ear :$%py' Wakes %e $p an4 says& 44/y& To%' )4% goin4 on' ) got p aces to go'4 An4 he says& 4/etter get goin4 too& so4s yo$4 be offa this an4 when the ight co%es'4 2e4s gettin4 screwy as a gopher& i#in4 ike he !oes' 9o$4! think )n:$ns was after hi%' Think he4s n$ts67 7We & ) !$nno' 9o$ seen that car co%e as4 night when we ha! a itt e fire' 9o$ seen how the ho$se was s%ashe!' They4s so%epin p$rty %ean goin4 on' 4Co$rse "$ ey4s cra5y& a right' Creepin4 aro$n4 ike a coyote+ that4s bo$n4 to %ake hi% cra5y' 2e4 ki so%ebo!y p$rty soon an4 they4 r$n hi% !own with !ogs' ) can see it ike a prophecy' 2e4 get worse an4 worse' Wo$ !n4 co%e a ong with $s& yo$ say67 70o&7 sai! Joa!' 7) think he4s scare! to see peop e now' Won!er he co%e $p to $s' We4 be at <nc e John4s p ace by s$nrise'7 They wa ke! a ong in si ence for a ti%e& an! the ate ow s f ew o#er towar! the barns& the ho ow trees& the tank ho$ses& where they hi! fro% !ay ight' The eastern sky grew fairer an! it was possib e to see the cotton p ants an!

the graying earth' 71a%n4 if ) know how they4re a s eepin4 at <nc e John4s' 2e on4y got one roo% an4 a cookin4 eanto& an4 a itt e bit of a barn' "$st be a %ob there now'7 The preacher sai!& 7) !on4t reco ect that John ha! a fa%b y' J$st a one %an& ain4t he6 ) !on4t reco ect %$ch abo$t hi%'7 7Lonest go!!a%n %an in the wor !&7 sai! Joa!' 7Cra5y kin! of son*of* a*bitch& too3so%epin ike "$ ey& on4y worse in so%e ways' "ight see 4i% anywheres3at Shawnee& !r$nk& or #isitin4 a wi!ow twenty %i es away& or workin4 his p ace with a antern' Cra5y' ,#er4bo!y tho$ght he wo$ !n4t i#e ong' A one %an ike that !on4t i#e ong' /$t <nc e John4s o !er4n >a' J$s4 gets stringier an4 %eaner e#er4 year' "eaner4n Gra%pa'7 7Look a the ight co%in4&7 sai! the preacher' 7Si #ery* ike' 1i!n4 John ne#er ha#e no fa%b y67 7We & yes& he !i!& an4 that4 show yo$ the kin! a fe a he is3set in his ways' >a te s abo$t it' <nc e John& he ha! a yo$ng wife' "arrie! fo$r %onths' She was in a fa%i y way& too& an4 one night she gets a pain in her sto%ick& an4 she says& 49o$ better go for a !octor'4 We & John& he4s settin4 there& an4 he says& 49o$ :$st got sto%ickache' 9o$ et too %$ch' Take a !ose a pain ki er' 9o$ crow! $p ya sto%ick an ya4 get a sto%ickache&4 he says' 0e.4 noon she4s o$ta her hea!& an4 she !ies at abo$t fo$r in the afternoon'7 7What was it67 Casy aske!' 7>oisone! fro% so%epin she et67 70o& so%epin :$s4 b$st in her' Ap3appen!ick or so%epin' We & <nc e John& he4s a ways been a easy*goin4 fe a& an4 he takes it har!' Takes it for a sin' 8or a ong ti%e he won4t ha#e nothin4 to say to nobo!y' J$st wa ks aro$n4 ike he !on4t see nothin4 an4 he prays so%e' Took 4i% two years to co%e o$t of it& an4 then he ain4t the sa%e' Sort of wi !' "a!e a !a%n n$isance of hisse f' ,#er4 ti%e one of $s ki!s got wor%s or a g$tache <nc e John brings a !octor o$t' >a fina y to 4 hi% he got to stop' ?i!s a the ti%e gettin4 a g$tache' 2e fig$res it4s his fa$ t his wo%an !ie!' 8$nny fe a' 2e4s a the ti%e %akin4 it $p to so%ebo!y3gi#in4 ki!s st$ff& !roppin4 a sack a %ea on so%ebo!y4s porch' Gi#e away abo$t e#er4thing he got& an4 sti he ain4t #ery happy' Gets wa kin4 aro$n! a one at night so%eti%es' 2e4s a goo! far%er& tho$gh' ?eeps his an4 nice'7

7>oor fe a&7 sai! the preacher& 7>oor one y fe a' 1i! he go to ch$rch %$ch when his wo%an !ie!67 70o& he !i!n4' 0e#er wante! to get c ose to fo ks' Wante! to be off a one' ) ne#er seen a ki! that wasn4t cra5y abo$t hi%' 2e4! co%e to o$r ho$se in the night so%eti%es& an4 we knowe! he4! co%e 4ca$se :$s4 as s$re as he co%e there4! be a pack a g$% in the be! right besi!e e#er4 one of $s' We tho$ght he was Jes$s Christ Aw%ighty'7 The preacher wa ke! a ong& hea! !own' 2e !i!n4t answer' An! the ight of the co%ing %orning %a!e his forehea! see% to shine& an! his han!s& swinging besi!e hi%& f icke! into the ight an! o$t again' To% was si ent too& as tho$gh he ha! sai! too inti%ate a thing an! was asha%e!' 2e ($ickene! his pace an! the preacher kept step' They co$ ! see a itt e into gray !istance ahea! now' A snake wrigg e! s ow y fro% the cotton rows into the roa!' To% stoppe! short of it an! peere!' 7Gopher snake&7 he sai!' 7Let hi% go'7 They wa ke! aro$n! the snake an! went on their way' A itt e co or ca%e into the eastern sky& an! a %ost i%%e!iate y the one y !awn ight crept o#er the an!' Green appeare! on the cotton p ants an! the earth was gray*brown' The faces of the %en ost their grayish shine' Joa!4s face see%e! to !arken with the growing ight' 7This is the goo! ti%e&7 Joa! sai! soft y' 7When ) was a ki! ) $se! to get $p an4 wa k aro$n! by %yse f when it was ike this' What4s that ahea!67 A co%%ittee of !ogs ha! %et in the roa!& in honor of a bitch' 8i#e %a es& shepher! %ongre s& co ie %ongre s& !ogs whose bree!s ha! been b $rre! by a free!o% of socia ife& were engage! in co%p i%enting the bitch' 8or each !og sniffe! !ainti y an! then sta ke! to a cotton p ant on stiff egs& raise! a hin! foot cere%onio$s y an! wette!& then went back to s%e ' Joa! an! the preacher stoppe! to watch& an! s$!!en y Joa! a$ghe! :oyo$s y' 7/y Go!=7 he sai!' 7/y Go!=7 0ow a !ogs %et an! hack es rose& an! they a grow e! an! stoo! stiff y& each waiting for the others to start a fight' One !og %o$nte! an!& now that it was acco%p ishe!& the others ga#e way an! watche! with interest& an! their tong$es were o$t& an! their tong$es !rippe!' The two %en wa ke! on' 7/y Go!=7 Joa! sai!' 7) think that $p*!og is o$r 8 ash' ) tho$ght he4! be !ea!' Co%e& 8 ash=7 2e a$ghe! again' 7What the he & if so%ebo!y

ca e! %e& ) wo$ !n4t hear hi% neither' 4"in!s %e of a story they te abo$t Wi y 8ee ey when he was a yo$ng fe a' Wi y was bashf$ & awf$ bashf$ ' We & one !ay he takes a heifer o#er to Gra#es4 b$ ' ,#er4bo!y was o$t b$t , sie Gra#es& an! , sie wasn4t bashf$ at a ' Wi y& he stoo! there t$rnin4 re! an4 he co$ !n4t e#en ta k' , sie says& 4) know what yo$ co%e for+ the b$ 4s o$t in back a the barn'4 We & they took the heifer o$t there an4 Wi y an4 , sie sat on the fence to watch' >$rty soon Wi y got fee in4 p$rty f y' , sie ooks o#er an4 says& ike she !on4t know& 4What4s a %atter& Wi y64 Wi y4s so ran!y& he can4t har! y set sti ' 4/y Go!&4 he says& 4by Go!& ) wisht ) was a*!oin4 that=4 , sie says& 4Why not& Wi y6 )t4s yo$r heifer'47 The preacher a$ghe! soft y' 79o$ know&7 he sai!& 7it4s a nice thing not bein4 a preacher no %ore' 0obo!y $se4 ta te stories when ) was there& or if they !i! ) co$ !n4 a$gh' An4 ) co$ !n4 c$ss' 0ow ) c$ss a ) want& any ti%e ) want& an4 it !oes a fe a goo! to c$ss if he wants to'7 A re!ness grew $p o$t of the eastern hori5on& an! on the gro$n! bir!s began to chirp& sharp y' 7Look=7 sai! Joa!' 7Right ahea!' That4s <nc e John4s tank' Can4t see the win4%i & b$t there4s his tank' See it against the sky67 2e spee!e! his wa k' 7) won!er if a the fo ks are there'7 The h$ k of the tank stoo! abo#e a rise' Joa!& h$rrying& raise! a c o$! of !$st abo$t his knees' 7) won!er if "a37 They saw the tank egs now& an! the ho$se& a s($are itt e bo.& $npainte! an! bare& an! the barn& ow*roofe! an! h$!! e!' S%oke was rising fro% the tin chi%ney of the ho$se' )n the yar! was a itter& pi e! f$rnit$re& the b a!es an! %otor of the win!%i & be!stea!s& chairs& tab es' 72o y Christ& they4re fi.in4 to go=7 Joa! sai!' A tr$ck stoo! in the yar!& a tr$ck with high si!es& b$t a strange tr$ck& for whi e the front of it was a se!an& the top ha! been c$t off in the %i!! e an! the tr$ck be! fitte! on' An! as they !rew near& the %en co$ ! hear po$n!ing fro% the yar!& an! as the ri% of the b in!ing s$n ca%e $p o#er the hori5on& it fe on the tr$ck& an! they saw a %an an! the f ash of his ha%%er as it rose an! fe ' An! the s$n f ashe! on the win!ows of the ho$se' The weathere! boar!s were bright' Two re! chickens on the gro$n! f a%e! with ref ecte! ight' 71on4t ye &7 sai! To%' 7Let4s creep $p on 4e%& ike&7 an! he wa ke! so fast that the !$st rose high as his waist' An! then he ca%e to the e!ge of

the cotton fie !' 0ow they were in the yar! proper& earth beaten har!& shiny har!& an! a few !$sty craw ing wee!s on the gro$n!' An! Joa! s owe! as tho$gh he feare! to go on' The preacher& watching hi%& s owe! to %atch his step' To% sa$ntere! forwar!& si! e! e%barrasse! y towar! the tr$ck' )t was a 2$!son S$per*Si. se!an& an! the top ha! been rippe! in two with a co ! chise ' O ! To% Joa! stoo! in the tr$ck be! an! he was nai ing on the top rai s of the tr$ck si!es' 2is gri55 e!& bear!e! face was ow o#er his work& an! a b$nch of si.*penny nai s st$ck o$t of his %o$th' 2e set a nai an! his ha%%er th$n!ere! it in' 8ro% the ho$se ca%e the c ash of a i! on the sto#e an! the wai of a chi !' Joa! si! e! $p to the tr$ck be! an! eane! against it' An! his father ooke! at hi% an! !i! not see hi%' 2is father set another nai an! !ro#e it in' A f ock of pigeons starte! fro% the !eck of the tank ho$se an! f ew aro$n! an! sett e! again an! str$tte! to the e!ge to ook o#er+ white pigeons an! b $e pigeons an! grays& with iri!escent wings' Joa! hooke! his fingers o#er the owest bar of the tr$ck si!e' 2e ooke! $p at the aging& graying %an on the tr$ck' 2e wet his thick ips with his tong$e& an! he sai! soft y& 7>a'7 7What !o yo$ want67 o ! To% %$%b e! aro$n! his %o$thf$ of nai s' 2e wore a b ack& !irty s o$ch hat an! a b $e work shirt o#er which was a b$tton ess #est+ his :eans were he ! $p by a wi!e harness* eather be t with a big s($are brass b$ck e& eather an! %eta po ishe! fro% years of wearing+ an! his shoes were cracke! an! the so es swo en an! boat* shape! fro% years of s$n an! wet an! !$st' The s ee#es of his shirt were tight on his forear%s& he ! !own by the b$ ging powerf$ %$sc es' Sto%ach an! hips were ean& an! egs& short& hea#y& an! strong' 2is face& s($are! by a brist ing pepper an! sa t bear!& was a !rawn !own to the forcef$ chin& a chin thr$st o$t an! b$i t o$t by the st$bb e bear! which was not so graye! on the chin& an! ga#e weight an! force to its thr$st' O#er o ! To%4s $nwhiskere! cheek bones the skin was as brown as %eerscha$%& an! wrink e! in rays aro$n! his eye*corners fro% s($inting' 2is eyes were brown& b ack*coffee brown& an! he thr$st his hea! forwar! when he ooke! at a thing& for his bright !ark eyes were fai ing' 2is ips& fro% which the big nai s protr$!e!& were thin an! re!'

2e he ! his ha%%er s$spen!e! in the air& abo$t to !ri#e a set nai & an! he ooke! o#er the tr$ck si!e at To%& ooke! resentf$ at being interr$pte!' An! then his chin !ro#e forwar! an! his eyes ooke! at To%4s face& an! then gra!$a y his brain beca%e aware of what he saw' The ha%%er !roppe! s ow y to his si!e& an! with his eft han! he took the nai s fro% his %o$th' An! he sai! won!ering y& as tho$gh he to ! hi%se f the fact& 7)t4s To%%y37 An! then& sti infor%ing hi%se f& 7)t4s To%%y co%e ho%e'7 2is %o$th opene! again an! a ook of fear ca%e into his eyes' 7To%%y&7 he sai! soft y& 7yo$ ain4t b$ste! o$t6 9o$ ain4t got to hi!e67 2e istene! tense y' 70aw&7 sai! To%' 7)4% paro e!' )4% free' ) got %y papers'7 2e grippe! the ower bars of the tr$ck si!e an! ooke! $p' O ! To% ai! his ha%%er gent y on the f oor an! p$t his nai s in his pocket' 2e sw$ng his eg o#er the si!e an! !roppe! ithe y to the gro$n!& b$t once besi!e his son he see%e! e%barrasse! an! strange' 7To%%y&7 he sai!& 7we are goin4 to Ca ifornia' /$t we was gonna write yo$ a etter an4 te yo$'7 An! he sai!& incre!$ o$s y' 7/$t yo$4re back' 9o$ can go with $s' 9o$ can go=7 The i! of a coffee pot s a%%e! in the ho$se' O ! To% ooke! o#er his sho$ !er' 7Le4s s$rprise 4e%&7 he sai!& an! his eyes shone with e.cite%ent' 79o$r %a got a ba! fee in4 she ain4t ne#er gonna see yo$ no %ore' She got that ($iet ook ike when so%ebo!y !ie!' A %ost she !on4t want to go to Ca ifornia& fear she4 ne#er see yo$ no %ore'7 A sto#e i! c ashe! in the ho$se again' 7Le4s s$rprise 4e%&7 o ! To% repeate!' 7Le4s go in ike yo$ ne#er been away' Le4s :$s4 see what yo$r %a says'7 At ast he to$che! To%& b$t to$che! hi% on the sho$ !er& ti%i! y& an! instant y took his han! away' 2e ooke! at Ji% Casy' To% sai!& 79o$ re%e%ber the preacher& >a' 2e co%e a ong with %e'7 72e been in prison too67 70o& ) %et 4i% on the roa!' 2e been away'7 >a shook han!s gra#e y' 79o$4re we co%e here& sir'7 Casy sai!& 7G a! to be here' )t4s a thing to see when a boy co%es ho%e' )t4s a thing to see'7 72o%e&7 >a sai!'

7To his fo ks&7 the preacher a%en!e! ($ick y' 7We staye! at the other p ace ast night'7 >a4s chin thr$st o$t& an! he ooke! back !own the roa! for a %o%ent' Then he t$rne! to To%' 72ow4 we !o her67 he began e.cite! y' 7S4pose ) go in an4 say& 42ere4s so%e fe as want so%e breakfast&4 or how4! it be if yo$ :$s4 co%e in an4 stoo! there ti she seen yo$6 2ow4! that be67 2is face was a i#e with e.cite%ent' 71on4t e4s gi#e her no shock&7 sai! To%' 71on4t e4s scare her none'7 Two rangy shepher! !ogs trotte! $p p easant y& $nti they ca$ght the scent of strangers& an! then they backe! ca$tio$s y away& watchf$ & their tai s %o#ing s ow y an! tentati#e y in the air& b$t their eyes an! noses ($ick for ani%osity or !anger' One of the%& stretching his neck& e!ge! forwar!& rea!y to r$n& an! itt e by itt e he approache! To%4s egs an! sniffe! o$! y at the%' Then he backe! away an! watche! >a for so%e kin! of signa ' The other p$p was not so bra#e' 2e ooke! abo$t for so%ething that co$ ! honorab y !i#ert his attention& saw a re! chicken go %incing by& an! ran at it' There was the s($awk of an o$trage! hen& a b$rst of re! feathers& an! the hen ran off& f apping st$bby wings for spee!' The p$p ooke! pro$! y back at the %en& an! then f oppe! !own in the !$st an! beat its tai contente! y on the gro$n!' 7Co%e on&7 sai! >a& 7co%e on in now' She got to see yo$' ) got to see her face when she sees yo$' Co%e on' She4 ye breakfast in a %in$te' ) hear! her s ap the sa t pork in the pan a goo! ti%e ago'7 2e e! the way across the fine*!$ste! gro$n!' There was no porch on this ho$se& :$st a step an! then the !oor+ a chopping b ock besi!e the !oor& its s$rface %atte! an! soft fro% years of chopping' The graining in the sheathing woo! was high& for the !$st ha! c$t !own the softer woo!' The s%e of b$rning wi ow was in the air& an! as the three %en neare! the !oor& the s%e of frying si!e*%eat an! the s%e of high brown bisc$its an! the sharp s%e of coffee ro ing in the pot' >a steppe! $p into the open !oorway an! stoo! there b ocking it with his wi!e short bo!y' 2e sai!& 7"a& there4s a co$p a fe as :$s4 co%e a ong the roa!& an4 they won!er if we co$ ! spare a bite'7 To% hear! his %other4s #oice& the re%e%bere! coo & ca % !raw & frien! y an! h$%b e' 7Let 4e% co%e&7 she sai!' 7We got a4p enty' Te 4e%

they got to wash their han4s' The brea! is !one' )4% :$s4 takin4 $p the si!e*%eat now'7 An! the si55 e of the angry grease ca%e fro% the sto#e' >a steppe! insi!e& c earing the !oor& an! To% ooke! in at his %other' She was ifting the c$r ing s ices of pork fro% the frying pan' The o#en !oor was open& an! a great pan of high brown bisc$its stoo! waiting there' She ooke! o$t the !oor& b$t the s$n was behin! To%& an! she saw on y a !ark fig$re o$t ine! by the bright ye ow s$n ight' She no!!e! p easant y' 7Co%e in&7 she sai!' 7J$s4 $cky ) %a!e p enty brea! this %orning'7 To% stoo! ooking in' "a was hea#y& b$t not fat+ thick with chi !* bearing an! work' She wore a oose "other 2$bbar! of gray c oth in which there ha! once been co ore! f owers& b$t the co or was washe! o$t now& so that the s%a f owere! pattern was on y a itt e ighter gray than the backgro$n!' The !ress ca%e !own to her ank es& an! her strong& broa!& bare feet %o#e! ($ick y an! !eft y o#er the f oor' 2er thin& stee * gray hair was gathere! in a sparse wispy knot at the back of her hea!' Strong& freck e! ar%s were bare to the e bow& an! her han!s were ch$bby an! !e icate& ike those of a p $%p itt e gir ' She ooke! o$t into the s$nshine' 2er f$ face was not soft+ it was contro e!& kin! y' 2er ha5e eyes see%e! to ha#e e.perience! a possib e trage!y an! to ha#e %o$nte! pain an! s$ffering ike steps into a high ca % an! a s$perh$%an $n!erstan!ing' She see%e! to know& to accept& to we co%e her position& the cita!e of the fa%i y& the strong p ace that co$ ! not be taken' An! since o ! To% an! the chi !ren co$ ! not know h$rt or fear $n ess she acknow e!ge! h$rt an! fear& she ha! practice! !enying the% in herse f' An! since& when a :oyf$ thing happene!& they ooke! to see whether :oy was on her& it was her habit to b$i ! $p a$ghter o$t of ina!e($ate %ateria s' /$t better than :oy was ca %' )%pert$rbabi ity co$ ! be !epen!e! $pon' An! fro% her great an! h$%b e position in the fa%i y she ha! taken !ignity an! a c ean ca % bea$ty' 8ro% her position as hea er& her han!s ha! grown s$re an! coo an! ($iet+ fro% her position as arbiter she ha! beco%e as re%ote an! fa$ t ess in :$!g%ent as a go!!ess' She see%e! to know that if she swaye! the fa%i y shook& an! if she e#er rea y !eep y wa#ere! or !espaire! the fa%i y wo$ ! fa & the fa%i y wi to f$nction wo$ ! be gone'

She ooke! o$t into the s$nny yar!& at the !ark fig$re of a %an' >a stoo! near by& shaking with e.cite%ent' 7Co%e in&7 he crie!' 7Co%e right in& %ister'7 An! To% a itt e sha%eface! y steppe! o#er the !oorsi ' She ooke! $p p easant y fro% the frying pan' An! then her han! sank s ow y to her si!e an! the fork c attere! to the woo!en f oor' 2er eyes opene! wi!e& an! the p$pi s !i ate!' She breathe! hea#i y thro$gh her open %o$th' She c ose! her eyes' 7Thank Go!&7 she sai!' 7Oh& thank Go!=7 An! s$!!en y her face was worrie!' 7To%%y& yo$ ain4t wante!6 9o$ !i!n4t b$st oose67 70o& "a' >aro e' ) got the papers here'7 2e to$che! his breast' She %o#e! towar! hi% ithe y& so$n! ess y in her bare feet& an! her face was f$ of won!er' 2er s%a han! fe t his ar%& fe t the so$n!ness of his %$sc es' An! then her fingers went $p to his cheek as a b in! %an4s fingers %ight' An! her :oy was near y ike sorrow' To% p$ e! his $n!er ip between his teeth an! bit it' 2er eyes went won!ering y to his bitten ip& an! she saw the itt e ine of b oo! against his teeth an! the trick e of b oo! !own his ip' Then she knew& an! her contro ca%e back& an! her han! !roppe!' 2er breath ca%e o$t e.p osi#e y' 7We =7 she crie!' 7We co%e %ighty near to goin4 witho$t ya' An4 we was won!erin4 how in the wor 4 yo$ co$ ! e#er fin! $s'7 She picke! $p the fork an! co%be! the boi ing grease an! bro$ght o$t a !ark c$r of crisp pork' An! she set the pot of t$%b ing coffee on the back of the sto#e' O ! To% gigg e!& 78oo e! ya& h$h& "a6 We ai%e! to foo ya& an! we !one it' J$s4 stoo! there ike a ha%%ere! sheep' Wisht Gra%pa4! been here to see' Looke! ike so%ebo!y4! beat ya between the eyes with a s e!ge' Gra%pa wo$ ! a whacke! 4i%se f so har! he4! a throwe! his hip o$t3 ike he !one when he seen A take a shot at that grea4 big airship the ar%y got' To%%y& it co%e o#er one !ay& ha f a %i e big& an4 A gets the thirty*thirty an! b a5es away at her' Gra%pa ye s& 41on4t shoot no f e!g in4s& A + wait ti a growe!*$p one goes o#er&4 an4 then he whacke! 4i%se f an4 throwe! his hip o$t'7 "a ch$ck e! an! took !own a heap of tin p ates fro% a she f' To% aske!& 7Where is Gra%pa6 ) ain4t seen the o 4 !e#i '7

"a stacke! the p ates on the kitchen tab e an! pi e! c$ps besi!e the%' She sai! confi!entia y& 7Oh& hi% an4 Gran%a s eeps in the barn' They got to get $p so %$ch in the night' They was st$%b in4 o#er the itt e fe as'7 >a broke in& 79eah& e#er4 night Gra%pa4! get %a!' T$%b e o#er Winfie !& an4 Winfie !4! ye & an4 Gra%pa4! get %a! an4 wet his !rawers& an4 that4! %ake hi% %a!!er& an4 p$rty soon e#er4bo!y in the ho$se4! be ye in4 their hea! off'7 2is wor!s t$%b e! o$t between ch$ck es' 7Oh& we ha! i#e y ti%es' One night when e#er4bo!y was ye in4 an4 a*c$ssin4& yo$r brother A & he4s a s%art a eck now& he says& 4Go!!a%n it& Gra%pa& why !on4t yo$ r$n off an4 be a pirate64 We & that %a!e Gra%pa so go!!a%n %a! he went for his g$n' A ha! ta s eep o$t in the fie 4 that night' /$t now Gran%a an4 Gra%pa both s eeps in the barn'7 "a sai!& 7They can :$s4 get $p an4 step o$tsi!e when they fee ike it' >a& r$n on o$t an4 te 4e% To%%y4s ho%e' Gra%pa4s a fa#orite of hi%'7 7A co$rse&7 sai! >a' 7) sho$ ! of !i! it before'7 2e went o$t the !oor an! crosse! the yar!& swinging his han!s high' To% watche! hi% go& an! then his %other4s #oice ca e! his attention' She was po$ring coffee' She !i! not ook at hi%' 7To%%y&7 she sai! hesitant y& ti%i! y' 79eah67 2is ti%i!ity was set off by hers& a c$rio$s e%barrass%ent' ,ach one knew the other was shy& an! beca%e %ore shy in the know e!ge' 7To%%y& ) got to ask yo$3yo$ ain4t %a!67 7"a!& "a67 79o$ ain4t poisone! %a!6 9o$ !on4t hate nobo!y6 They !i!n4 !o nothin4 in that :ai to rot yo$ o$t with cra5y %a!67 2e ooke! si!ewise at her& st$!ie! her& an! his eyes see%e! to ask how she co$ ! know s$ch things' 70o*o*o&7 he sai!' 7) was for a itt e whi e' /$t ) ain4t pro$! ike so%e fe as' ) et st$ff r$n off4n %e' What4s a %atter& "a67 0ow she was ooking at hi%& her %o$th open& as tho$gh to hear better& her eyes !igging to know better' 2er face ooke! for the answer that is a ways concea e! in ang$age' She sai! in conf$sion& 7) knowe! >$rty /oy 8 oy!' ) knowe! his %a' They was goo! fo ks' 2e was f$ of

he & s$re& ike a goo! boy o$ghta be'7 She pa$se! an! then her wor!s po$re! o$t' 7) !on4 know a ike this3b$t ) know it' 2e !one a itt e ba! thing an4 they h$rt 4i%& ca$ght 4i% an4 h$rt hi% so he was %a!& an4 the ne.4 ba! thing he !one was %a!& an4 they h$rt 4i% again' An4 p$rty soon he was %ean*%a!' They shot at hi% ike a #ar%int& an4 he shot back& an4 then they r$n hi% ike a coyote& an4 hi% a*snappin4 an4 a*snar in4& %ean as a obo' An4 he was %a!' 2e wasn4t no boy or no %an no %ore& he was :$s4 a wa kin4 ch$nk a %ean*%a!' /$t the fo ks that knowe! hi% !i!n4t h$rt 4i%' 2e wasn4 %a! at the%' 8ina y they r$n hi% !own an4 ki e! 4i%' 0o %atter how they say it in the paper how he was ba!3that4s how it was'7 She pa$se! an! icke! her !ry ips& an! her who e face was an aching ($estion' 7) got to know& To%%y' 1i! they h$rt yo$ so %$ch6 1i! they %ake yo$ %a! ike that67 To%4s hea#y ips were p$ e! right o#er his teeth' 2e ooke! !own at his big f at han!s' 70o&7 he sai!' 7) ain4t ike that'7 2e pa$se! an! st$!ie! the broken nai s& which were ri!ge! ike c a% she s' 7A the ti%e in stir ) kep4 away fro% st$ff ike that' ) ain4 so %a!'7 She sighe!& 7Thank Go!=7 $n!er her breath' 2e ooke! $p ($ick y' 7"a& when ) seen what they !one to o$r ho$se 37 She ca%e near to hi% then& an! stoo! c ose+ an! she sai! passionate y& 7To%%y& !on4t yo$ go fightin4 4e% a one' They4 h$nt yo$ !own ike a coyote' To%%y& ) got to thinkin4 an4 !rea%in4 an4 won!erin4' They say there4s a h$n4er! tho$san! of $s sho#e! o$t' )f we was a %a! the sa%e way& To%%y3they wo$ !n4t h$nt nobo!y !own37 She stoppe!' To%%y& ooking at her& gra!$a y !roppe! his eye i!s& $nti :$st a short g itter showe! thro$gh his ashes' 7"any fo ks fee that way67 he !e%an!e!' 7) !on4t know' They4re :$s4 kin!a st$nne!' Wa k aro$n4 ike they was ha f as eep'7 8ro% o$tsi!e an! across the yar! ca%e an ancient creaking b eat' 7>$;raise Gaw! f$r #ittory= >$*raise Gaw! f$r #ittory=7 To% t$rne! his hea! an! grinne!' 7Gran%a fina y hear! )4% ho%e' "a&7 he sai!& 7yo$ ne#er was ike this before=7

2er face har!ene! an! her eyes grew co !' 7) ne#er ha! %y ho$se p$she! o#er&7 she sai!' 7) ne#er ha! %y fa%b y st$ck o$t on the roa!' ) ne#er ha! to se 3e#er4thing32ere they co%e now'7 She %o#e! back to the sto#e an! !$%pe! the big pan of b$ bo$s bisc$its on two tin p ates' She shook f o$r into the !eep grease to %ake gra#y& an! her han! was white with f o$r' 8or a %o%ent To% watche! her& an! then he went to the !oor' Across the yar! ca%e fo$r peop e' Gra%pa was ahea!& a ean& ragge!& ($ick o ! %an& :$%ping with ($ick steps an! fa#oring his right eg3the si!e that ca%e o$t of :oint' 2e was b$ttoning his f y as he ca%e& an! his o ! han!s were ha#ing tro$b e fin!ing the b$ttons& for he ha! b$ttone! the top b$tton into the secon! b$ttonho e& an! that threw the who e se($ence off' 2e wore !ark ragge! pants an! a torn b $e shirt& open a the way !own& an! showing ong gray $n!erwear& a so $nb$ttone!' 2is ean white chest& f$55e! with white hair& was #isib e thro$gh the opening in his $n!erwear' 2e ga#e $p the f y an! eft it open an! f$%b e! with the $n!erwear b$ttons& then ga#e the who e thing $p an! hitche! his brown s$spen!ers' 2is was a ean e.citab e face with itt e bright eyes as e#i as a frantic chi !4s eyes' A cantankero$s& co%p aining& %ischie#o$s& a$ghing face' 2e fo$ght an! arg$e!& to ! !irty stories' 2e was as echero$s as a ways' Gicio$s an! cr$e an! i%patient& ike a frantic chi !& an! the who e str$ct$re o#er ai! with a%$se%ent' 2e !rank too %$ch when he co$ ! get it& ate too %$ch when it was there& ta ke! too %$ch a the ti%e' /ehin! hi% hobb e! Gran%a& who ha! s$r#i#e! on y beca$se she was as %ean as her h$sban!' She ha! he ! her own with a shri ferocio$s re igiosity that was as echero$s an! as sa#age as anything Gra%pa co$ ! offer' Once& after a %eeting& whi e she was sti speaking in tong$es& she fire! both barre s of a shotg$n at her h$sban!& ripping one of his b$ttocks near y off& an! after that he a!%ire! her an! !i! not try to tort$re her as chi !ren tort$re b$gs' As she wa ke! she hike! her "other 2$bbar! $p to her knees& an! she b eate! her shri terrib e war cry- 7>$*raise Gaw! f$r #ittory'7 Gran%a an! Gra%pa race! each other to get across the broa! yar!' They fo$ght o#er e#erything& an! o#e! an! nee!e! the fighting'

/ehin! the%& %o#ing s ow y an! e#en y& b$t keeping $p& ca%e >a an! 0oah30oah the first*born& ta an! strange& wa king a ways with a won!ering ook on his face& ca % an! p$55 e!' 2e ha! ne#er been angry in his ife' 2e ooke! in won!er at angry peop e& won!er an! $neasiness& as nor%a peop e ook at the insane' 0oah %o#e! s ow y& spoke se !o%& an! then so s ow y that peop e who !i! not know hi% often tho$ght hi% st$pi!' 2e was not st$pi!& b$t he was strange' 2e ha! itt e pri!e& no se.$a $rges' 2e worke! an! s ept in a c$rio$s rhyth% that ne#erthe ess s$ffice! hi%' 2e was fon! of his fo ks& b$t ne#er showe! it in any way' A tho$gh an obser#er co$ ! not ha#e to ! why& 0oah eft the i%pression of being %isshapen& his hea! or his bo!y or his egs or his %in!+ b$t no %isshapen %e%ber co$ ! be reca e!' >a tho$ght he knew why 0oah was strange& b$t >a was asha%e!& an! ne#er to !' 8or on the night when 0oah was born& >a& frightene! at the sprea!ing thighs& a one in the ho$se& an! horrifie! at the screa%ing wretch his wife ha! beco%e& went %a! with apprehension' <sing his han!s& his strong fingers for forceps& he ha! p$ e! an! twiste! the baby' The %i!wife& arri#ing ate& ha! fo$n! the baby4s hea! p$ e! o$t of shape& its neck stretche!& its bo!y warpe!+ an! she ha! p$she! the hea! back an! %o !e! the bo!y with her han!s' /$t >a a ways re%e%bere!& an! was asha%e!' An! he was kin!er to 0oah than to the others' )n 0oah4s broa! face& eyes too far apart& an! ong fragi e :aw& >a tho$ght he saw the twiste!& warpe! sk$ of the baby' 0oah co$ ! !o a that was re($ire! of hi%& co$ ! rea! an! write& co$ ! work an! fig$re& b$t he !i!n4t see% to care+ there was a ist essness in hi% towar! things peop e wante! an! nee!e!' 2e i#e! in a strange si ent ho$se an! ooke! o$t of it thro$gh ca % eyes' 2e was a stranger to a the wor !& b$t he was not one y' The fo$r ca%e across the yar!& an! Gra%pa !e%an!e!& 7Where is he6 Go!!a%n it& where is he67 An! his fingers f$%b e! for his pants b$tton& an! forgot an! straye! into his pocket' An! then he saw To% stan!ing in the !oor& Gra%pa stoppe! an! he stoppe! the others' 2is itt e eyes g ittere! with %a ice' 7Look$t hi%&7 he sai!' 7A :ai bir!' Ain4t been no Joa!s in :ai for a he of a ti%e'7 2is %in! :$%pe!' 7Got no right to p$t 4i% in :ai ' 2e !one :$st what )4! !o' Sons*a*bitches got no right'7 2is %in! :$%pe! again' 7An4 o 4 T$rnb$ & stinkin4 sk$nk& braggin4 how he4

shoot ya when ya co%e o$t' Says he got 2atfie ! b oo!' We & ) sent wor! to hi%' ) says& 41on4t %ess aro$n! with no Joa!' "aybe ) got "cCoy b oo! for a ) know'4 ) says& 49o$ ay yo$r sights anywheres near To%%y an4 )4 take it an4 )4 ra% it $p yo$r ass&4 ) says' Scairt 4i%& too'7 Gran%a& not fo owing the con#ersation& b eate!& 7>$*raise Gaw! f$r #ittory'7 Gra%pa wa ke! $p an! s appe! To% on the chest& an! his eyes grinne! with affection an! pri!e' 72ow are ya& To%%y67 7O'?'&7 sai! To%' 72ow ya keepin4 yase f67 78$ a piss an4 #inegar&7 sai! Gra%pa' 2is %in! :$%pe!' 7J$s4 ike ) sai!& they ain4t a gonna keep no Joa! in :ai ' ) says& 4To%%y4 co%e a* b$stin4 o$ta that :ai ike a b$ thro$gh a corra fence'4 An4 yo$ !one it' Get o$ta %y way& )4% h$ngry'7 2e crow!e! past& sat !own& oa!e! his p ate with pork an! two big bisc$its an! po$re! the thick gra#y o#er the who e %ess& an! before the others co$ ! get in& Gra%pa4s %o$th was f$ ' To% grinne! affectionate y at hi%' 7Ain4t he a he er67 he sai!' An! Gra%pa4s %o$th was so f$ that he co$ !n4t e#en sp $tter& b$t his %ean itt e eyes s%i e!& an! he no!!e! his hea! #io ent y' Gran%a sai! pro$! y& 7A wicketer& c$ssin4er %an ne#er i#e!' 2e4s goin4 to he on a poker& praise Gaw!= Wants to !ri#e the tr$ck=7 she sai! spitef$ y' 7We & he ain4t goin4 ta'7 Gra%pa choke!& an! a %o$thf$ of paste spraye! into his ap& an! he co$ghe! weak y' Gran%a s%i e! $p at To%' 7"essy& ain4t he67 she obser#e! bright y' 0oah stoo! on the step& an! he face! To%& an! his wi!e*set eyes see%e! to ook aro$n! hi%' 2is face ha! itt e e.pression' To% sai!& 72ow ya& 0oah67 78ine&7 sai! 0oah' 72ow a4 yo$67 That was a & b$t it was a co%fortab e thing' "a wa#e! the f ies away fro% the bow of gra#y' 7We ain4t got roo% to set !own&7 she sai!' 7J$s4 get yase f a p ate an4 set !own where#er ya can' O$t in the yar! or so%ep ace'7 S$!!en y To% sai!& 72ey= Where4s the preacher6 2e was right here' Where4! he go67

>a sai!& 7) seen hi%& b$t he4s gone'7 An! Gran%a raise! a shri #oice& 7>reacher6 9o$ got a preacher6 Go git hi%' We4 ha#e a grace'7 She pointe! at Gra%pa' 7Too ate for hi%3 he4s et' Go git the preacher'7 To% steppe! o$t on the porch' 72ey& Ji%= Ji% Casy=7 he ca e!' 2e wa ke! o$t in the yar!' 7Oh& Casy=7 The preacher e%erge! fro% $n!er the tank& sat $p& an! then stoo! $p an! %o#e! towar! the ho$se' To% aske!& 7What was yo$ !oin4& hi!in467 7We & no' /$t a fe a sho$ !n4t b$tt his hea! in where a fa%b y got fa%b y st$ff' ) was :$s4 settin4 a*thinkin4'7 7Co%e on in an4 eat&7 sai! To%' 7Gran%a wants a grace'7 7/$t ) ain4t a preacher no %ore&7 Casy proteste!' 7Aw& co%e on' Gi#e her a grace' 1on4t !o yo$ no har%& an4 she ikes 4e%'7 They wa ke! into the kitchen together' "a sai! ($iet y& 79o$4re we co%e'7 An! >a sai!& 79o$4re we co%e' 2a#e so%e breakfast'7 7Grace f$st&7 Gran%a c a%ore!' 7Grace f$st'7 Gra%pa foc$se! his eyes fierce y $nti he recogni5e! Casy' 7Oh& that preacher&7 he sai!' 7Oh& he4s a right' ) a ways ike! hi% since ) seen hi% 37 2e winke! so echero$s y that Gran%a tho$ght he ha! spoken an! retorte!& 7Sh$t $p& yo$ sinf$ o 4 goat'7 Casy ran his fingers thro$gh his hair ner#o$s y' 7) got to te yo$& ) ain4t a preacher no %ore' )f %e :$s4 bein4 g a! to be here an4 bein4 thankf$ for peop e that4s kin! an! genero$s& if that4s eno$gh3why& )4 say that kin!a grace' /$t ) ain4t a preacher no %ore'7 7Say her&7 sai! Gran%a' 7An4 get in a wor! abo$t $s goin4 to Ca ifornia'7 The preacher bowe! his hea!& an! the others bowe! their hea!s' "a fo !e! her han!s o#er her sto%ach an! bowe! her hea!' Gran%a bowe! so ow that her nose was near y in her p ate of bisc$it an! gra#y' To%& eaning against the wa & a p ate in his han!& bowe! stiff y& an! Gra%pa bowe! his hea! si!ewise& so that he co$ ! keep one %ean an! %erry eye on the preacher' An! on the preacher4s face there was a ook not of prayer& b$t of tho$ght+ an! in his tone not s$pp ication& b$t con:ect$re'

7) been thinkin4&7 he sai!' 7) been in the hi s& thinkin4& a %ost yo$ %ight say ike Jes$s went into the wi !erness to think 2is way o$t of a %ess of tro$b es'7 7>$*raise Gaw!=7 Gran%a sai!& an! the preacher g ance! o#er at her in s$rprise' 7See%s ike Jes$s got a %esse! $p with tro$b es& an! 2e co$ !n4t fig$re nothin4 o$t& an4 2e got to fee in4 what the he goo! is it a & an4 what4s the $se fightin4 an4 fig$rin4' Got tire!& got goo! an4 tire!& an4 2is sperit a wore o$t' J$s4 abo$t co%e to the conc $sion& the he with it' An4 so 2e went off into the wi !erness'7 7A*%en&7 Gran%a b eate!' So %any years she ha! ti%e! her responses to the pa$ses' An! it was so %any years since she ha! istene! to or won!ere! at the wor!s $se!' 7) ain4t sayin4 )4% ike Jes$s&7 the preacher went on' 7/$t ) got tire! ike 2i%& an4 ) got %i.e! $p ike 2i%& an4 ) went into the wi !erness ike 2i%& witho$t no ca%pin4 st$ff' 0ightti%e )4! ay on %y back an4 ook $p at the stars+ %orning )4! set an4 watch the s$n co%e $p+ %i!!ay )4! ook o$t fro% a hi at the ro in4 !ry co$ntry+ e#enin4 )4! fo er the s$n !own' So%eti%es )4! pray ike ) a ways !one' On4y ) co$ !n4 fig$re what ) was prayin4 to or for' There was the hi s& an4 there was %e& an4 we wasn4t separate no %ore' We was one thing' An4 that one thing was ho y'7 72a e $:ah&7 sai! Gran%a& an! she rocke! a itt e& back an! forth& trying to catch ho ! of an ecstasy' 7An4 ) got thinkin4& on4y it wasn4t thinkin& it was !eeper !own than thinkin4' ) got thinkin4 how we was ho y when we was one thing& an4 %ankin4 was ho y when it was one thing' An4 it on4y got $nho y when one %is4ab e itt e fe a got the bit in his teeth an4 r$n off his own way& kickin4 an4 !raggin4 an4 fightin4' 8e a ike that b$st the ho iness' /$t when they4re a workin4 together& not one fe a for another fe a& b$t one fe a kin! of harnesse! to the who e shebang3that4s right& that4s ho y' An4 then ) got thinkin4 ) !on4t e#en know what ) %ean by ho y'7 2e pa$se!& b$t the bowe! hea!s staye! !own& for they ha! been traine! ike !ogs to rise at the 7a%en7 signa ' 7) can4t say no grace ike ) $se4 ta say' )4% g a! of the ho iness of breakfast' )4% g a! there4s o#e here' That4s a '7 The hea!s staye! !own' The preacher ooke! aro$n!' 7)4#e got yo$r breakfast

co !&7 he sai!+ an! then he re%e%bere!' 7A%en&7 he sai!& an! a the hea!s rose $p' 7A3%en&7 sai! Gran%a& an! she fe to her breakfast& an! broke !own the soggy bisc$its with her har! o ! tooth ess g$%s' To% ate ($ick y& an! >a cra%%e! his %o$th' There was no ta k $nti the foo! was gone& the coffee !r$nk+ on y the cr$nch of chewe! foo! an! the s $p of coffee coo e! in transit to the tong$e' "a watche! the preacher as he ate& an! her eyes were ($estioning& probing an! $n!erstan!ing' She watche! hi% as tho$gh he were s$!!en y a spirit& not h$%an any %ore& a #oice o$t of the gro$n!' The %en finishe! an! p$t !own their p ates& an! !raine! the ast of their coffee+ an! then the %en went o$t& >a an! the preacher an! 0oah an! Gra%pa an! To%& an! they wa ke! o#er to the tr$ck& a#oi!ing the itter of f$rnit$re& the woo!en be!stea!s& the win!%i %achinery& the o ! p ow' They wa ke! to the tr$ck an! stoo! besi!e it' They to$che! the new pine si!e*boar!s' To% opene! the hoo! an! ooke! at the big greasy engine' An! >a ca%e $p besi!e hi%' 2e sai!& 79o$r brother A ooke! her o#er before we bo$ght her' 2e says she4s a right'7 7What4s he know6 2e4s :$st a s($irt&7 sai! To%' 72e worke! for a co%pany' 1ro#e tr$ck ast year' 2e knows ($ite a itt e' S%art a eck ike he is' 2e knows' 2e can tinker an engine& A can'7 To% aske!& 7Where4s he now67 7We &7 sai! >a& 7he4s a*bi ygoatin4 aro$n4 the co$ntry' To%*cattin4 hisse f to !eath' S%art*a eck si.teen*year*o !er& an4 his n$ts is :$st a* eggin4 hi% on' 2e !on4t think of nothin4 b$t gir s an! engines' A p ain s%art a eck' Ain4t been in nights for a week'7 Gra%pa& f$%b ing with his chest& ha! s$ccee!e! in b$ttoning the b$ttons of his b $e shirt into the b$ttonho es of his $n!erwear' 2is fingers fe t that so%ething was wrong& b$t !i! not care eno$gh to fin! o$t' 2is fingers went !own to try to fig$re o$t the intricacies of the b$ttoning of his f y' 7) was worse&7 he sai! happi y' 7) was %$ch worse' ) was a he er& yo$ %ight say' Why& they was a ca%p %eetin4 right in Sa isaw when ) was a yo$ng fe a a itt e bit o !er4n A ' 2e4s :$st a s($irt&

an4 p$nkin*soft' /$t ) was o !er' An4 we was to this here ca%p %eetin4' 8i#e h$n!er! fo ks there& an4 a proper sprink in4 of yo$ng heifers'7 79o$ ook ike a he er yet& Gra%pa&7 sai! To%' 7We & ) a%& kin!a' /$t ) ain4t nowheres near the fe a ) was' J$s4 et %e get o$t to Ca ifornia where ) can pick %e an orange when ) want it' Or grapes' There4s a thing ) ain4t ne#er ha! eno$gh of' Gonna get %e a who e big b$nch of grapes off a b$sh& or whate#er& an4 )4% gonna s($ash 4e% on %y face an4 et 4e% r$n offen %y chin'7 To% aske!& 7Where4s <nc e John6 Where4s Rosasharn6 Where4s R$thie an4 Winfie !6 0obo!y sai! nothin4 abo$t the% yet'7 >a sai!& 70obo!y aske!' John gone to Sa isaw with a oa! a st$ff to se - p$%p& too s& chickens& an4 a the st$ff we br$ng o#er' Took R$thie an4 Winfie ! with 4i%' Went 4fore !ay ight'7 78$nny ) ne#er saw hi%&7 sai! To%' 7We & yo$ co%e !own fro% the highway& !i!n4t yo$6 2e took the back way& by Cow ington' An4 Rosasharn& she4s nestin4 with Connie4s fo ks' /y Go!= 9o$ !on4t e#en know Rosasharn4s %arrie! to Connie Ri#ers' 9o$ 4%e%ber Connie' 0ice yo$ng fe a' An4 Rosasharn4s !$e 4bo$t three*fo$r* fi#e %onths now' Swe in4 $p right now' Looks fine'7 7Jes$s=7 sai! To%' 7Rosasharn was :$st a itt e ki!' An4 now she4s gonna ha#e a baby' So !a%n %$ch happens in fo$r years if yo$4re away' When ya think to start o$t west& >a67 7We & we got to take this st$ff in an4 se it' )f A gets back fro% his s($irtin4 aro$n4& ) figgere! he co$ ! oa! the tr$ck an4 take a of it in& an4 %aybe we co$ ! start o$t to%orra or !ay after' We ain4t got so %$ch %oney& an4 a fe a says it4s !a%n near two tho$san4 %i es to Ca ifornia' H$icker we get starte!& s$rer it is we get there' "oney4s a*!ribb in4 o$t a the ti%e' 9o$ got any %oney67 7On4y a co$p e !o ars' 2ow4! yo$ get %oney67 7We &7 sai! >a& 7we so 4 a the st$ff at o$r p ace& an4 the who e b$nch of $s choppe! cotton& e#en Gra%pa'7 7S$re !i!&7 sai! Gra%pa' 7We p$t e#er4thing together3two h$n!er! !o ars' We gi#e se#enty* fi#e for this here tr$ck& an4 %e an4 A c$t her in two an4 b$i t on this here back' A was gonna grin! the #a #es& b$t he4s too b$sy %essin4 aro$n4 to

get !own to her' We4 ha#e %aybe a h$n!er! an4 fifty when we start' 1a%n o 4 tires on this tr$ck ain4t gonna go far' Got a co$p e of wore o$t spares' >ick st$ff $p a ong the roa!& ) g$ess'7 The s$n& !ri#ing straight !own& st$ng with its rays' The sha!ows of the tr$ck be! were !ark bars on the gro$n!& an! the tr$ck s%e e! of hot oi an! oi c oth an! paint' The few chickens ha! eft the yar! to hi!e in the too she! fro% the s$n' )n the sty the pigs ay panting& c ose to the fence where a thin sha!ow fe & an! they co%p aine! shri y now an! then' The two !ogs were stretche! in the re! !$st $n!er the tr$ck& panting& their !ripping tong$es co#ere! with !$st' >a p$ e! his hat ow o#er his eyes an! s($atte! !own on his ha%s' An!& as tho$gh this were his nat$ra position of tho$ght an! obser#ation& he s$r#eye! To% critica y& the new b$t aging cap& the s$it& an! the new shoes' 71i! yo$ spen4 yo$r %oney for the% c othes67 he aske!' 7The% c othes are :$s4 gonna be a n$isance to ya'7 7They gi#e 4e% to %e&7 sai! To%' 7When ) co%e o$t they gi#e 4e% to %e'7 2e took off his cap an! ooke! at it with so%e a!%iration& then wipe! his forehea! with it an! p$t it on rakish y an! p$ e! at the #isor' >a obser#e!& 7The%4s a nice* ookin4 pair a shoes they gi#e ya'7 79eah&7 Joa! agree!' 7>$rty for nice& b$t they ain4t no shoes to go wa kin4 aro$n4 in on a hot !ay'7 2e s($atte! besi!e his father' 0oah sai! s ow y& 7"aybe if yo$ got the% si!e*boar!s a tr$e on& we co$ ! oa! $p this st$ff' Loa! her $p so %aybe if A co%es in37 7) can !ri#e her& if that4s what yo$ want&7 To% sai!' 7) !ro#e tr$ck at "cA ester'7 7Goo!&7 sai! >a& an! then his eyes stare! !own the roa!' 7)f ) ain4t %istaken& there4s a yo$ng s%art a eck !raggin4 his tai ho%e right now&7 he sai!' 7Looks p$rty wore o$t& too'7 To% an! the preacher ooke! $p the roa!' An! ran!y A & seeing he was being notice!& threw back his sho$ !ers& an! he ca%e into the yar! with a swaying str$t ike that of a rooster abo$t to crow' Cocki y& he wa ke! c ose before he recogni5e! To%+ an! when he !i!& his boasting face change!& an! a!%iration an! #eneration shone in his eyes& an! his swagger fe away' 2is stiff :eans& with the botto%s t$rne! $p eight inches to show his hee e! boots& his three*inch be t with copper fig$res

on it& e#en the re! ar% ban!s on his b $e shirt an! the rakish ang e of his Stetson hat co$ ! not b$i ! hi% $p to his brother4s stat$re+ for his brother ha! ki e! a %an& an! no one wo$ ! e#er forget it' A knew that e#en he ha! inspire! so%e a!%iration a%ong boys of his own age beca$se his brother ha! ki e! a %an' 2e ha! hear! in Sa isaw how he was pointe! o$t- 7That4s A Joa!' 2is brother ki e! a fe a with a sho#e '7 An! now A & %o#ing h$%b y near& saw that his brother was not a swaggerer as he ha! s$ppose!' A saw the !ark broo!ing eyes of his brother& an! the prison ca %& the s%ooth har! face traine! to in!icate nothing to a prison g$ar!& neither resistance nor s a#ishness' An! instant y A change!' <nconscio$s y he beca%e ike his brother& an! his han!so%e face broo!e!& an! his sho$ !ers re a.e!' 2e ha!n4t re%e%bere! how To% was' To% sai!& 72e o' Jes$s& yo$4re growin4 ike a bean= ) wo$ !n4t of knowe! yo$'7 A & his han! rea!y if To% sho$ ! want to shake it& grinne! se f* conscio$s y' To% st$ck o$t his han! an! A 4s han! :erke! o$t to %eet it' An! there was iking between these two' 7They te %e yo$4re a goo! han! with a tr$ck&7 sai! To%' An! A & sensing that his brother wo$ ! not ike a boaster& sai!& 7) !on4t know nothin4 %$ch abo$t it'7 >a sai!& 7/een s%art*a ecking aro$n4 the co$ntry' 9o$ ook wore o$t' We & yo$ got to take a oa! of st$ff into Sa isaw to se '7 A ooke! at his brother To%' 7Care to ri!e in67 he sai! as cas$a y as he co$ !' 70o& ) can4t&7 sai! To%' 7)4 he p aro$n4 here' We4 be3together on the roa!'7 A trie! to contro his ($estion' 71i!3!i! yo$ b$st o$t6 Of :ai 67 70o&7 sai! To%' 7) got paro e!'7 7Oh'7 An! A was a itt e !isappointe!'

IN THE LITTLE HOUSES the tenant peop e sifte! their be ongings an! the be ongings of their fathers an! of their gran!fathers' >icke! o#er their possessions for the :o$rney to the west' The %en were r$th ess beca$se the past ha! been spoi e!& b$t the wo%en knew how the past wo$ ! cry to the% in the co%ing !ays' The %en went into the barns an! the she!s' That p ow& that harrow& re%e%ber in the war we p ante! %$star!6 Re%e%ber a fe a wante! $s to p$t in that r$bber b$sh they ca g$ay$ e6 Get rich& he sai!' /ring o$t those too s3get a few !o ars for the%' ,ighteen !o ars for that p ow& p $s freight3Sears Roeb$ck' 2arness& carts& see!ers& itt e b$n! es of hoes' /ring e% o$t' >i e 4e% $p' Loa! 4e% in the wagon' Take 4e% to town' Se 4e% for what yo$ can get' Se the tea% an! the wagon& too' 0o %ore $se for anything' 8ifty cents isn4t eno$gh to get for a goo! p ow' That see!er cost thirty* eight !o ars' Two !o ars isn4t eno$gh' Can4t ha$ it a back3We & take it& an! a bitterness with it' Take the we p$%p an! the harness' Take ha ters& co ars& ha%es& an! t$gs' Take the itt e g ass brow*ban! :ewe s& roses re! $n!er g ass' Got those for the bay ge !ing' 4"e%ber how he ifte! his feet when he trotte!6 J$nk pi e! $p in a yar!' Can4t se a han! p ow any %ore' 8ifty cents for the weight of the %eta ' 1isks an! tractors& that4s the st$ff now' We & take it3a :$nk3an! gi#e %e fi#e !o ars' 9o$4re not b$ying on y :$nk& yo$4re b$ying :$nke! i#es' An! %ore3yo$4 see3yo$4re b$ying bitterness' /$ying a p ow to p ow yo$r own chi !ren $n!er& b$ying the ar%s an! spirits that %ight ha#e sa#e! yo$' 8i#e !o ars& not fo$r' ) can4t ha$ 4e% back3We & take 4e% for fo$r' /$t ) warn yo$& yo$4re b$ying what wi p ow yo$r own chi !ren $n!er' An! yo$ won4t see' 9o$ can4t see' Take 4e% for fo$r' 0ow& what4 yo$ gi#e for the tea% an! wagon6 Those fine bays& %atche! they are& %atche! in co or& %atche! the way they wa k& stri!e to stri!e' )n the stiff p$ 3straining ha%s an! b$ttocks& sp it*secon! ti%e! together' An! in the %orning& the ight on the%& bay ight' They ook o#er the fence sniffing for $s& an! the stiff ears swi#e to hear $s& an! the b ack fore ocks= )4#e got a gir ' She ikes to brai! the %anes an! fore ocks& p$ts itt e re! bows on the%'

Likes to !o it' 0ot any %ore' ) co$ ! te yo$ a f$nny story abo$t that gir an! that off bay' Wo$ ! %ake yo$ a$gh' Off horse is eight& near is ten& b$t %ight of been twin co ts the way they work together' See6 The teeth' So$n! a o#er' 1eep $ngs' 8eet fair an! c ean' 2ow %$ch6 Ten !o ars6 8or both6 An! the wagon3Oh& Jes$s Christ= )4! shoot 4e% for !og fee! first' Oh& take 4e%= Take 4e% ($ick& %ister' 9o$4re b$ying a itt e gir p aiting the fore ocks& taking off her hair ribbon to %ake bows& stan!ing back& hea! cocke!& r$bbing the soft noses with her cheek' 9o$4re b$ying years of work& toi in the s$n+ yo$4re b$ying a sorrow that can4t ta k' /$t watch it& %ister' There4s a pre%i$% goes with this pi e of :$nk an! the bay horses3so bea$tif$ 3a packet of bitterness to grow in yo$r ho$se an! to f ower& so%e !ay' We co$ ! ha#e sa#e! yo$& b$t yo$ c$t $s !own& an! soon yo$ wi be c$t !own an! there4 be none of $s to sa#e yo$' An! the tenant %en ca%e wa king back& han!s in their pockets& hats p$ e! !own' So%e bo$ght a pint an! !rank it fast to %ake the i%pact har! an! st$nning' /$t they !i!n4t a$gh an! they !i!n4t !ance' They !i!n4t sing or pick the g$itars' They wa ke! back to the far%s& han!s in pockets an! hea!s !own& shoes kicking the re! !$st $p' "aybe we can start again& in the new rich an!3in Ca ifornia& where the fr$it grows' We4 start o#er' /$t yo$ can4t start' On y a baby can start' 9o$ an! %e3why& we4re a that4s been' The anger of a %o%ent& the tho$san! pict$res& that4s $s' This an!& this re! an!& is $s+ an! the f oo! years an! the !$st years an! the !ro$ght years are $s' We can4t start again' The bitterness we so ! to the :$nk %an3he got it a right& b$t we ha#e it sti ' An! when the owner %en to ! $s to go& that4s $s+ an! when the tractor hit the ho$se& that4s $s $nti we4re !ea!' To Ca ifornia or any p ace3e#ery one a !r$% %a:or ea!ing a para!e of h$rts& %arching with o$r bitterness' An! so%e !ay3the ar%ies of bitterness wi a be going the sa%e way' An! they4 a wa k together& an! there4 be a !ea! terror fro% it' The tenant %en sc$ffe! ho%e to the far%s thro$gh the re! !$st' When e#erything that co$ ! be so ! was so !& sto#es an! be!stea!s& chairs an! tab es& itt e corner c$pboar!s& t$bs an! tanks& sti there were pi es of possessions+ an! the wo%en sat a%ong the%& t$rning the% o#er

an! ooking off beyon! an! back& pict$res& s($are g asses& an! here4s a #ase' 0ow yo$ know we what we can take an! what we can4t take' We4 be ca%ping o$t3a few pots to cook an! wash in& an! %attresses an! co%forts& antern an! b$ckets& an! a piece of can#as' <se that for a tent' This kerosene can' ?now what that is6 That4s the sto#e' An! c othes3 take a the c othes' An!3the rif e6 Wo$ !n4t go o$t nake! of a rif e' When shoes an! c othes an! foo!& when e#en hope is gone& we4 ha#e the rif e' When gra%pa ca%e3!i! ) te yo$63he ha! pepper an! sa t an! a rif e' 0othing e se' That goes' An! a bott e for water' That :$st abo$t fi s $s' Right $p the si!es of the trai er& an! the ki!s can set in the trai er& an! gran%a on a %attress' Too s& a sho#e an! saw an! wrench an! p iers' An a.& too' We ha! that a. forty years' Look how she4s wore !own' An! ropes& of co$rse' The rest6 Lea#e it3or b$rn it $p' An! the chi !ren ca%e' )f "ary takes that !o & that !irty rag !o & ) got to take %y )n:$n bow' ) got to' An4 this ro$n4 stick3big as %e' ) %ight nee! this stick' ) ha! this stick so ong3a %onth& or %aybe a year' ) got to take it' An! what4s it ike in Ca ifornia6 The wo%en sat a%ong the !oo%e! things& t$rning the% o#er an! ooking past the% an! back' This book' "y father ha! it' 2e ike! a book' Pilgri !s Progress. <se! to rea! it' Got his na%e in it' An! his pipe3sti s%e s rank' An! this pict$re3an ange ' ) ooke! at that before the f$st three co%e3!i!n4t see% to !o %$ch goo!' Think we co$ ! get this china !og in6 A$nt Sa!ie bro$ght it fro% the St' Lo$is 8air' See6 Wrote right on it' 0o& ) g$ess not' 2ere4s a etter %y brother wrote the !ay before he !ie!' 2ere4s an o !*ti%e hat' These feathers3 ne#er got to $se the%' 0o& there isn4t roo%' 2ow can we i#e witho$t o$r i#es6 2ow wi we know it4s $s witho$t o$r past6 0o' Lea#e it' /$rn it' They sat an! ooke! at it an! b$rne! it into their %e%ories' 2ow4 it be not to know what an!4s o$tsi!e the !oor6 2ow if yo$ wake $p in the night an! know3an! "#o$ the wi ow tree4s not there6 Can yo$ i#e witho$t the wi ow tree6 We & no& yo$ can4t' The wi ow tree is yo$' The pain on that %attress there3that !rea!f$ pain3that4s yo$'

An! the chi !ren3if Sa% takes his )n:$n bow an4 his ong ro$n4 stick& ) get to take two things' ) choose the f $ffy pi a' That4s %ine' S$!!en y they were ner#o$s' Got to get o$t ($ick now' Can4t wait' We can4t wait' An! they pi e! $p the goo!s in the yar!s an! set fire to the%' They stoo! an! watche! the% b$rning& an! then frantica y they oa!e! $p the cars an! !ro#e away& !ro#e in the !$st' The !$st h$ng in the air for a ong ti%e after the oa!e! cars ha! passe!' 1 WHEN THE TRUCK ha! gone& oa!e! with i%p e%ents& with hea#y too s& with be!s an! springs& with e#ery %o#ab e thing that %ight be so !& To% h$ng aro$n! the p ace' 2e %oone! into the barn she!& into the e%pty sta s& an! he wa ke! into the i%p e%ent eanto an! kicke! the ref$se that was eft& t$rne! a broken %ower tooth with his foot' 2e #isite! p aces he re%e%bere!3the re! bank where the swa ows neste!& the wi ow tree o#er the pig pen' Two shoats gr$nte! an! s($ir%e! at hi% thro$gh the fence& b ack pigs& s$nning an! co%fortab e' An! then his pi gri%age was o#er& an! he went to sit on the !oorstep where the sha!e was ate y fa en' /ehin! hi% "a %o#e! abo$t in the kitchen& washing chi !ren4s c othes in a b$cket+ an! her strong freck e! ar%s !rippe! soaps$!s fro% the e bows' She stoppe! her r$bbing when he sat !own' She ooke! at hi% a ong ti%e& an! at the back of his hea! when he t$rne! an! stare! o$t at the hot s$n ight' An! then she went back to her r$bbing' She sai!& 7To%& ) hope things is a right in Ca ifornia'7 2e t$rne! an! ooke! at her' 7What %akes yo$ think they ain4t67 he aske!' 7We 3nothing' See%s too nice& kin!a' ) seen the han4bi s fe as pass o$t& an4 how %$ch work they is& an4 high wages an4 a + an4 ) seen in the paper how they want fo ks to co%e an4 pick grapes an4 oranges an4 peaches' That4! be nice work& To%& pickin4 peaches' ,#en if they wo$ !n4t et yo$ eat none& yo$ co$ ! %aybe snitch a itt e ratty one so%eti%es' An4 it4! be nice $n!er the trees& workin4 in the sha!e' )4%

scare! of st$ff so nice' ) ain4t got faith' )4% scare! so%epin ain4t so nice abo$t it'7 To% sai!& 71on4t ro$st yo$r faith bir!*high an4 yo$ won4t !o no craw in4 with the wor%s'7 7) know that4s right' That4s Script$re& ain4t it67 7) g$ess so&7 sai! To%' 7) ne#er co$ ! keep Script$re straight sence ) rea! a book na%e T%e &i##i#g of '(r)(r( &ort%'7 "a ch$ck e! ight y an! scro$nge! the c othes in an! o$t of the b$cket' An! she wr$ng o$t o#era s an! shirts& an! the %$sc es of her forear%s cor!e! o$t' 79o$r >a4s pa& he ($ote! Script$re a the ti%e' 2e got it a roi e! $p& too' )t was the *r. Miles! Al (#(+ he got %i.e! $p' <se! to rea! e#er4 wor! in that a %anac o$t o$!3 etters fro% fo ks that co$ !n4t s eep or ha! a%e backs' An4 ater he4! gi#e the% peop e for a esson& an4 he4! say& 4That4s a par4b e fro% Script$re'4 9o$r >a an4 <nc e John tro$b e! 4i% so%e abo$t it when they4! a$gh'7 She pi e! wr$ng c othes ike cor! woo! on the tab e' 7They say it4s two tho$san4 %i es where we4re goin4' 2ow far ya think that is& To%6 ) seen it on a %ap& big %o$ntains ike on a post car!& an4 we4re goin4 right thro$gh 4e%' 2ow ong ya s4pose it4 take to go that far& To%%y67 7) !$nno&7 he sai!' 7Two weeks& %aybe ten !ays if we got $ck' Look& "a& stop yo$r worryin4' )4% a*gonna te yo$ so%epin abo$t bein4 in the pen' 9o$ can4t go thinkin4 when yo$4re gonna be o$t' 9o$4! go n$ts' 9o$ got to think abo$t that !ay& an4 then the ne.4 !ay& abo$t the ba ga%e Sat4!y' That4s what yo$ got to !o' O 4 ti%ers !oes that' A new yo$ng fe a gets b$ttin4 his hea! on the ce !oor' 2e4s thinkin4 how ong it4s gonna be' Whyn4t yo$ !o that6 J$s4 take e#er4 !ay'7 7That4s a goo! way&7 she sai!& an! she fi e! $p her b$cket with hot water fro% the sto#e& an! she p$t in !irty c othes an! began p$nching the% !own into the soapy water' 79es& that4s a goo! way' /$t ) ike to think how nice it4s gonna be& %aybe& in Ca ifornia' 0e#er co !' An4 fr$it e#er4p ace& an4 peop e :$st bein4 in the nicest p aces& itt e white ho$ses in a%ong the orange trees' ) won!er3that is& if we a get :obs an4 a work 3%aybe we can get one of the% itt e white ho$ses' An4 the itt e fe as go o$t an4 pick oranges right off the tree' They ain4t gonna be ab e to stan! it& they4 get to ye in4 so'7

To% watche! her working& an! his eyes s%i e!' 7)t !one yo$ goo! :$s4 thinkin4 abo$t it' ) knowe! a fe a fro% Ca ifornia' 2e !i!n4t ta k ike $s' 9o$4! of knowe! he co%e fro% so%e far*off p ace :$s4 the way he ta ke!' /$t he says they4s too %any fo ks ookin4 for work right there now' An4 he says the fo ks that pick the fr$it i#e in !irty o 4 ca%ps an4 !on4t har! y get eno$gh to eat' 2e says wages is ow an4 har! to get any'7 A sha!ow crosse! her face' 7Oh& that ain4t so&7 she sai!' 79o$r father got a han4bi on ye a paper& te in4 how they nee! fo ks to work' They wo$ !n4t go to that tro$b e if they wasn4t p enty work' Costs 4e% goo! %oney to get the% han4bi s o$t' What4! they want ta ie for& an4 costin4 4e% %oney to ie67 To% shook his hea!' 7) !on4t know& "a' )t4s kin!a har! to think why they !one it' "aybe37 2e ooke! o$t at the hot s$n& shining on the re! earth' 7"aybe what67 7"aybe it4s nice& ike yo$ says' Where4! Gra%pa go6 Where4! the preacher go67 "a was going o$t of the ho$se& her ar%s oa!e! high with the c othes' To% %o#e! asi!e to et her pass' 7>reacher says he4s gonna wa k aro$n4' Gra%pa4s as eep here in the ho$se' 2e co%es in here in the !ay an4 ays !own so%eti%es'7 She wa ke! to the ine an! began to !rape pa e b $e :eans an! b $e shirts an! ong gray $n!erwear o#er the wire' /ehin! hi% To% hear! a sh$ff ing step& an! he t$rne! to ook in' Gra%pa was e%erging fro% the be!roo%& an! as in the %orning& he f$%b e! with the b$ttons of his f y' 7) heer! ta kin4&7 he sai!' 7Sons*a* bitches won4t et a o 4 fe a s eep' When yo$ bastar!s get !ry behin4 the ears& yo$4 %aybe earn to et a o 4 fe a s eep'7 2is f$rio$s fingers %anage! to f ip open the on y two b$ttons on his f y that ha! been b$ttone!' An! his han! forgot what it ha! been trying to !o' 2is han! reache! in an! contente! y scratche! $n!er the testic es' "a ca%e in with wet han!s& an! her pa %s p$ckere! an! b oate! fro% hot water an! soap' 7Tho$ght yo$ was s eepin4' 2ere& et %e b$tton yo$ $p'7 An! tho$gh he str$gg e!& she he ! hi% an! b$ttone! his $n!erwear an! his shirt an! his f y' 79o$ go aro$n4 a sight&7 she sai!& an! et hi% go'

An! he sp $ttere! angri y& 78e a4s co%e to a nice3to a nice3when so%ebo!y b$ttons 4e%' ) want ta be et be to b$tton %y own pants'7 "a sai! p ayf$ y& 7They !on4t et peop e r$n aro$n4 with their c othes $nb$tton4 in Ca ifornia'7 7They !on4t& hey= We & )4 show 4e%' They think they4re gonna show %e how to act o$t there6 Why& )4 go aro$n4 a*hangin4 o$t if ) wanta=7 "a sai!& 7See%s ike his ang$age gets worse e#er4 year' Showin4 off& ) g$ess'7 The o ! %an thr$st o$t his brist y chin& an! he regar!e! "a with his shrew!& %ean& %erry eyes' 7We & sir&7 he sai!& 7we4 be a*startin4 4fore ong now' An4& by Go!& they4s grapes o$t there& :$st a*hangin4 o#er inta the roa!' ?now what )4% a*gonna !o6 )4% gonna pick %e a wash t$b f$ a grapes& an4 )4% gonna set in 4e%& an4 scrooge aro$n4& an4 et the :$ice r$n !own %y pants'7 To% a$ghe!' 7/y Go!& if he i#es to be two h$n!re! yo$ ne#er wi get Gra%pa ho$se broke&7 he sai!' 79o$4re a set on goin4& ain4t yo$& Gra%pa67 The o ! %an p$ e! o$t a bo. an! sat !own hea#i y on it' 79es& sir&7 he sai!' 7An4 go!!a%n near ti%e& too' "y brother went on o$t there forty years ago' 0e#er !i! hear nothin4 abo$t hi%' Sneaky son*of*a*bitch& he was' 0obo!y o#e! hi%' R$n off with a sing e*action Co t of %ine' )f ) e#er r$n across hi% or his ki!s& if he got any o$t in Ca ifornia& )4 ask 4e% for that Co t' /$t if ) know 4i%& an4 he got any ki!s& he c$ckoo4! 4e%& an4 so%ebo!y e se is a*raisin4 4e%' ) s$re wi be g a! to get o$t there' Got a fee in4 it4 %ake a new fe a o$ta %e' Go right to work in the fr$it'7 "a no!!e!' 72e %eans it& too&7 she sai!' 7Worke! right $p to three %onths ago& when he throwe! his hip o$t the ast ti%e'7 71a%n right&7 sai! Gra%pa' To% ooke! o$twar! fro% his seat on the !oorstep' 72ere co%es that preacher& wa kin4 aro$n4 fro% the back si!e a the barn'7 "a sai!& 7C$rio$sest grace ) e#er heer!& that he gi#e this %ornin4' Wasn4t har! y no grace at a ' J$s4 ta kin4& b$t the so$n! of it was ike a grace'7 72e4s a f$nny fe a&7 sai! To%' 7Ta ks f$nny a the ti%e' See%s ike he4s ta kin4 to hisse f& tho$gh' 2e ain4t tryin4 to p$t nothin4 o#er'7

7Watch the ook in his eye&7 sai! "a' 72e ooks bapti5e!' Got that ook they ca ookin4 thro$gh' 2e s$re ooks bapti5e!' An4 a*wa kin4 with his hea! !own& a*starin4 at nothin4 on the gro$n4' There is a %an that4s bapti5e!'7 An! she was si ent& for Casy ha! !rawn near the !oor' 79o$ gonna get s$n*shook& wa kin4 aro$n! ike that&7 sai! To%' Casy sai!& 7We & yeah3%aybe'7 2e appea e! to the% a s$!!en y& to "a an! Gra%pa an! To%' 7) got to get goin4 west' ) got to go' ) won!er if ) kin go a ong with yo$ fo ks'7 An! then he stoo!& e%barrasse! by his own speech' "a ooke! to To% to speak& beca$se he was a %an& b$t To% !i! not speak' She et hi% ha#e the chance that was his right& an! then she sai!& 7Why& we4! be pro$! to ha#e yo$' 4Co$rse ) can4t say right now+ >a says a the %en4 ta k tonight an! figger when we gonna start' ) g$ess %aybe we better not say ti a the %en co%e' John an4 >a an4 0oah an4 To% an4 Gra%pa an4 A an4 Connie& they4re gonna figger soon4s they get back' /$t if they4s roo% )4% pretty s$re we4 be pro$! to ha#e ya'7 The preacher sighe!' 7)4 go anyways&7 he sai!' 7So%epin4s happening' ) went $p an4 ) ooke!& an4 the ho$ses is a e%pty& an4 the an4 is e%pty& an4 this who e co$ntry is e%pty' ) can4t stay here no %ore' ) got to go where the fo ks is goin4' )4 work in the fie 4s& an4 %aybe )4 be happy'7 7An4 yo$ ain4t gonna preach67 To% aske!' 7) ain4t gonna preach'7 7An4 yo$ ain4t gonna bapti5e67 "a aske!' 7) ain4t gonna bapti5e' )4% gonna work in the fie 4s& in the green fie 4s& an4 )4% gonna be near to fo ks' ) ain4t gonna try to teach 4e% nothin4' )4% gonna try to earn' Gonna earn why the fo ks wa ks in the grass& gonna hear 4e% ta k& gonna hear 4e% sing' Gonna isten to ki!s eatin4 %$sh' Gonna hear h$sban4 an4 wife a*po$n!in4 the %attress in the night' Gonna eat with 4e% an4 earn'7 2is eyes were wet an! shining' 7Gonna ay in the grass& open an4 honest with anybo!y that4 ha#e %e' Gonna c$ss an4 swear an4 hear the poetry of fo ks ta kin4' A that4s ho y& a that4s what ) !i!n4t $n!erstan4' A the% things is the goo! things'7 The preacher sat h$%b y !own on the chopping b ock besi!e the !oor' 7) won!er what they is for a fe a so one y'7

To% co$ghe! !e icate y' 78or a fe a that !on4t preach no %ore37 he began' 7Oh& )4% a ta ker=7 sai! Casy' 70o gettin4 away fro% that' /$t ) ain4t preachin4' >reachin4 is te in4 fo ks st$ff' )4% askin4 4e%' That ain4t preachin4& is it67 7) !on4 know&7 sai! To%' 7>reachin4s a kin!a tone a #oice& an4 preachin4s a way a ookin4 at things' >reachin4s bein4 goo! to fo ks when they wanna ki ya for it' Las4 Christ%$s in "cA ester& Sa #ation Ar%y co%e an4 !one $s goo!' Three so i! ho$rs a cornet %$sic& an4 we set there' They was bein4 nice to $s' /$t if one of $s trie! to wa k o$t& we4! a* !rawe! so itary' That4s preachin' 1oin4 goo! to a fe a that4s !own an4 can4t s%ack ya in the p$ss for it' 0o& yo$ ain4t no preacher' /$t !on4t yo$ b ow no cornets aro$n4 here'7 "a threw so%e sticks into the sto#e' 7)4 get yo$ a bite now& b$t it ain4t %$ch'7 Gra%pa bro$ght his bo. o$tsi!e an! sat on it an! eane! against the wa & an! To% an! Casy eane! back against the ho$se wa ' An! the sha!ow of the afternoon %o#e! o$t fro% the ho$se' )n the ate afternoon the tr$ck ca%e back& b$%ping an! ratt ing thro$gh the !$st& an! there was a ayer of !$st in the be!& an! the hoo! was co#ere! with !$st& an! the hea! ights were obsc$re! with a re! f o$r' The s$n was setting when the tr$ck ca%e back& an! the earth was b oo!y in its setting ight' A sat bent o#er the whee & pro$! an! serio$s an! efficient& an! >a an! <nc e John& as befitte! the hea!s of the c an& ha! the honor seats besi!e the !ri#er' Stan!ing in the tr$ck be!& ho !ing onto the bars of the si!es& ro!e the others& twe #e*year*o ! R$thie an! ten*year*o ! Winfie !& gri%e*face! an! wi !& their eyes tire! b$t e.cite!& their fingers an! the e!ges of their %o$ths b ack an! sticky fro% icorice whips& whine! o$t of their father in town' R$thie& !resse! in a rea !ress of pink %$s in that ca%e be ow her knees& was a itt e serio$s in her yo$ng* a!iness' /$t Winfie ! was sti a trif e of a snot*nose& a itt e of a broo!er back of the barn& an! an in#eterate co ector an! s%oker of snipes' An! whereas R$thie fe t the %ight& the responsibi ity& an! the !ignity of her !e#e oping breasts& Winfie ! was ki!*wi ! an! ca fish' /esi!e the%& c inging ight y to the bars& stoo! Rose of Sharon& an! she

ba ance!& swaying on the ba s of her feet& an! took $p the roa! shock in her knees an! ha%s' 8or Rose of Sharon was pregnant an! caref$ ' 2er hair& brai!e! an! wrappe! aro$n! her hea!& %a!e an ash*b on! crown' 2er ro$n! soft face& which ha! been #o $pt$o$s an! in#iting a few %onths ago& ha! a rea!y p$t on the barrier of pregnancy& the se f* s$fficient s%i e& the knowing perfection* ook+ an! her p $%p bo!y3f$ soft breasts an! sto%ach& har! hips an! b$ttocks that ha! sw$ng so free y an! pro#ocati#e y as to in#ite s apping an! stroking3her who e bo!y ha! beco%e !e%$re an! serio$s' 2er who e tho$ght an! action were !irecte! inwar! on the baby' She ba ance! on her toes now& for the baby4s sake' An! the wor ! was pregnant to her+ she tho$ght on y in ter%s of repro!$ction an! of %otherhoo!' Connie& her nineteen*year* o ! h$sban!& who ha! %arrie! a p $%p& passionate hoy!en& was sti frightene! an! bewi !ere! at the change in her+ for there were no %ore cat fights in be!& biting an! scratching with %$ff e! gigg es an! fina tears' There was a ba ance!& caref$ & wise creat$re who s%i e! shy y b$t #ery fir% y at hi%' Connie was pro$! an! fearf$ of Rose of Sharon' Whene#er he co$ !& he p$t a han! on her or stoo! c ose& so that his bo!y to$che! her at hip an! sho$ !er& an! he fe t that this kept a re ation that %ight be !eparting' 2e was a sharp*face!& ean yo$ng %an of a strain& an! his pa e b $e eyes were so%eti%es !angero$s an! so%eti%es kin! y& an! so%eti%es frightene!' 2e was a goo! har! worker an! wo$ ! %ake a goo! h$sban!' 2e !rank eno$gh& b$t not too %$ch+ fo$ght when it was re($ire! of hi%+ an! ne#er boaste!' 2e sat ($iet y in a gathering an! yet %anage! to be there an! to be recogni5e!' 2a! he not been fifty years o !& an! so one of the nat$ra r$ ers of the fa%i y& <nc e John wo$ ! ha#e preferre! not to sit in the honor p ace besi!e the !ri#er' 2e wo$ ! ha#e ike! Rose of Sharon to sit there' This was i%possib e& beca$se she was yo$ng an! a wo%an' /$t <nc e John sat $neasi y& his one y ha$nte! eyes were not at ease& an! his thin strong bo!y was not re a.e!' 0ear y a the ti%e the barrier of one iness c$t <nc e John off fro% peop e an! fro% appetites' 2e ate itt e& !rank nothing& an! was ce ibate' /$t $n!erneath& his appetites swe e! into press$res $nti they broke thro$gh' Then he wo$ ! eat of so%e cra#e! foo! $nti he was sick+ or he wo$ ! !rink :ake or whisky $nti he was a

shaken para ytic with re! wet eyes+ or he wo$ ! ra#en with $st for so%e whore in Sa isaw' )t was to ! of hi% that once he went c ear to Shawnee an! hire! three whores in one be!& an! snorte! an! r$tte! on their $nresponsi#e bo!ies for an ho$r' /$t when one of his appetites was sate!& he was sa! an! asha%e! an! one y again' 2e hi! fro% peop e& an! by gifts trie! to %ake $p to a peop e for hi%se f' Then he crept into ho$ses an! eft g$% $n!er pi ows for chi !ren+ then he c$t woo! an! took no pay' Then he ga#e away any possession he %ight ha#e- a sa!! e& a horse& a new pair of shoes' One co$ ! not ta k to hi% then& for he ran away& or if confronte! hi! within hi%se f an! peeke! o$t of frightene! eyes' The !eath of his wife& fo owe! by %onths of being a one& ha! %arke! hi% with g$i t an! sha%e an! ha! eft an $nbreaking one iness on hi%' /$t there were things he co$ ! not escape' /eing one of the hea!s of the fa%i y& he ha! to go#ern+ an! now he ha! to sit on the honor seat besi!e the !ri#er' The three %en on the seat were g $% as they !ro#e towar! ho%e o#er the !$sty roa!' A & ben!ing o#er the whee & kept shifting eyes fro% the roa! to the instr$%ent pane & watching the a%%eter nee! e& which :erke! s$spicio$s y& watching the oi ga$ge an! the heat in!icator' An! his %in! was cata og$ing weak points an! s$spicio$s things abo$t the car' 2e istene! to the whine& which %ight be the rear en!& !ry+ an! he istene! to tappets ifting an! fa ing' 2e kept his han! on the gear e#er& fee ing the t$rning gears thro$gh it' An! he ha! et the c $tch o$t against the brake to test for s ipping c $tch p ates' 2e %ight be a %$sking goat so%eti%es& b$t this was his responsibi ity& this tr$ck& its r$nning& an! its %aintenance' )f so%ething went wrong it wo$ ! be his fa$ t& an! whi e no one wo$ ! say it& e#eryone& an! A %ost of a & wo$ ! know it was his fa$ t' An! so he fe t it& watche! it& an! istene! to it' An! his face was serio$s an! responsib e' An! e#eryone respecte! hi% an! his responsibi ity' ,#en >a& who was the ea!er& wo$ ! ho ! a wrench an! take or!ers fro% A ' They were a tire! on the tr$ck' R$thie an! Winfie ! were tire! fro% seeing too %$ch %o#e%ent& too %any faces& fro% fighting to get icorice whips+ tire! fro% the e.cite%ent of ha#ing <nc e John secret y s ip g$% into their pockets'

An! the %en in the seat were tire! an! angry an! sa!& for they ha! got eighteen !o ars for e#ery %o#ab e thing fro% the far%- the horses& the wagon& the i%p e%ents& an! a the f$rnit$re fro% the ho$se' ,ighteen !o ars' They ha! assai e! the b$yer& arg$e!+ b$t they were ro$te! when his interest see%e! to f ag an! he ha! to ! the% he !i!n4t want the st$ff at any price' Then they were beaten& be ie#e! hi%& an! took two !o ars ess than he ha! first offere!' An! now they were weary an! frightene! beca$se they ha! gone against a syste% they !i! not $n!erstan! an! it ha! beaten the%' They knew the tea% an! the wagon were worth %$ch %ore' They knew the b$yer %an wo$ ! get %$ch %ore& b$t they !i!n4t know how to !o it' "erchan!ising was a secret to the%' A & his eyes !arting fro% roa! to pane boar!& sai!& 7That fe a& he ain4t a oca fe a' 1i!n4 ta k ike a oca fe a' C othes was !ifferent& too'7 An! >a e.p aine!& 7When ) was in the har!ware store ) ta ke! to so%e %en ) know' They say there4s fe as co%in4 in :$s4 to b$y $p the st$ff $s fe as got to se when we get o$t' They say these new fe as is c eaning $p' /$t there ain4t nothin4 we can !o abo$t it' "aybe To%%y sho$ ! of went' "aybe he co$ ! of !i! better'7 John sai!& 7/$t the fe a wasn4t gonna take it at a ' We co$ !n4t ha$ it back'7 7These %en ) know to ! abo$t that&7 sai! >a' 7Sai! the b$yer fe as a ways !one that' Scairt fo ks that way' We :$s4 !on4t know how to go abo$t st$ff ike that' "a4s gonna be !isappointe!' She4 be %a! an4 !isappointe!'7 A sai!& 7When ya think we4re gonna go& >a67 7) !$nno' We4 ta k her o#er tonight an4 !eci!e' )4% s$re g a! To%4s back' That %akes %e fee goo!' To%4s a goo! boy'7 A sai!& 7>a& so%e fe as was ta kin4 abo$t To%& an4 they says he4s paro e4' An4 they says that %eans he can4t go o$tsi!e the State& or if he goes& an4 they catch hi%& they sen! 4i% back for three years'7 >a ooke! start e!' 7They sai! that6 See% ike fe as that knowe!6 0ot :$s4 b owin4 off67 7) !on4t know&7 sai! A ' 7They was :$st a*ta kin4 there& an4 ) !i!n4t et on he4s %y brother' ) :$s4 stoo! an4 took it in'7

>a sai!& 7Jes$s Christ& ) hope that ain4t tr$e= We nee! To%' )4 ask 4i% abo$t that' We got tro$b e eno$gh witho$t they chase the he o$t of $s' ) hope it ain4t tr$e' We got to ta k that o$t in the open'7 <nc e John sai!& 7To%& he4 know'7 They fe si ent whi e the tr$ck battere! a ong' The engine was noisy& f$ of itt e c ashings& an! the brake ro!s bange!' There was a woo!en creaking fro% the whee s& an! a thin :et of stea% escape! thro$gh a ho e in the top of the ra!iator cap' The tr$ck p$ e! a high whir ing co $%n of re! !$st behin! it' They r$%b e! $p the ast itt e rise whi e the s$n was sti ha f*face abo#e the hori5on& an! they bore !own on the ho$se as it !isappeare!' The brakes s($ea e! when they stoppe!& an! the so$n! printe! in A 4s hea!3no ining eft' R$thie an! Winfie ! c i%be! ye ing o#er the si!e wa s an! !roppe! to the gro$n!' They sho$te!& 7Where is he6 Where4s To%67 An! then they saw hi% stan!ing besi!e the !oor& an! they stoppe!& e%barrasse!& an! wa ke! s ow y towar! hi% an! ooke! shy y at hi%' An! when he sai!& 72e o& how yo$ ki!s !oin467 they rep ie! soft y& 72e o= A right'7 An! they stoo! apart an! watche! hi% secret y& the great brother who ha! ki e! a %an an! been in prison' They re%e%bere! how they ha! p aye! prison in the chicken coop an! fo$ght for the right to be prisoner' Connie Ri#ers ifte! the high tai *gate o$t of the tr$ck an! got !own an! he pe! Rose of Sharon to the gro$n!+ an! she accepte! it nob y& s%i ing her wise& se f*satisfie! s%i e& %o$th tippe! at the corners a itt e fat$o$s y' To% sai!& 7Why& it Rosasharn' ) !i!n4t know yo$ was co%in4 with the%'7 7We was wa kin4&7 she sai!' 7The tr$ck co%e by an4 picke! $s $p'7 An! then she sai!& 7This is Connie& %y h$sban!'7 An! she was gran!& saying it' The two shook han!s& si5ing each other $p& ooking !eep y into each other+ an! in a %o%ent each was satisfie!& an! To% sai!& 7We & ) see yo$ been b$sy'7 She ooke! !own' 79o$ !o not see& not yet'7 7>a to 4 %e' When4s it gonna be67

7Oh& not for a ong ti%e= 0ot ti ne.4 winter'7 To% a$ghe!' 7Gonna get 4i% bore in a orange ranch& h$h6 )n one a the% white ho$ses with orange trees a aro$n4'7 Rose of Sharon fe t her sto%ach with both her han!s' 79o$ !o not see&7 she sai!& an! she s%i e! her co%p acent s%i e an! went into the ho$se' The e#ening was hot& an! the thr$st of ight sti f owe! $p fro% the western hori5on' An! witho$t any signa the fa%i y gathere! by the tr$ck& an! the congress& the fa%i y go#ern%ent& went into session' The fi % of e#ening ight %a!e the re! earth $cent& so that its !i%ensions were !eepene!& so that a stone& a post& a b$i !ing ha! greater !epth an! %ore so i!ity than in the !ayti%e ight+ an! these ob:ects were c$rio$s y %ore in!i#i!$a 3a post was %ore essentia y a post& set off fro% the earth it stoo! in an! the fie ! of corn it stoo! o$t against' A p ants were in!i#i!$a s& not the %ass of crop+ an! the ragge! wi ow tree was itse f& stan!ing free of a other wi ow trees' The earth contrib$te! a ight to the e#ening' The front of the gray& paint ess ho$se& facing the west& was $%ino$s as the %oon is' The gray !$sty tr$ck& in the yar! before the !oor& stoo! o$t %agica y in this ight& in the o#er!rawn perspecti#e of a stereopticon' The peop e too were change! in the e#ening& ($iete!' They see%e! to be a part of an organi5ation of the $nconscio$s' They obeye! i%p$ ses which registere! on y faint y in their thinking %in!s' Their eyes were inwar! an! ($iet& an! their eyes& too& were $cent in the e#ening& $cent in !$sty faces' The fa%i y %et at the %ost i%portant p ace& near the tr$ck' The ho$se was !ea!& an! the fie !s were !ea!+ b$t this tr$ck was the acti#e thing& the i#ing princip e' The ancient 2$!son& with bent an! scarre! ra!iator screen& with grease in !$sty g ob$ es at the worn e!ge of e#ery %o#ing part& with h$b caps gone an! caps of re! !$st in their p aces3this was the new hearth& the i#ing center of the fa%i y+ ha f passenger car an! ha f tr$ck& high*si!e! an! c $%sy' >a wa ke! aro$n! the tr$ck& ooking at it& an! then he s($atte! !own in the !$st an! fo$n! a stick to !raw with' One foot was f at to the gro$n!& the other reste! on the ba an! s ight y back& so that one knee was higher than the other' Left forear% reste! on the ower& eft& knee+

the right e bow on the right knee& an! the right fist c$ppe! for the chin' >a s($atte! there& ooking at the tr$ck& his chin in his c$ppe! fist' An! <nc e John %o#e! towar! hi% an! s($atte! !own besi!e hi%' Their eyes were broo!ing' Gra%pa ca%e o$t of the ho$se an! saw the two s($atting together& an! he :erke! o#er an! sat on the r$nning boar! of the tr$ck& facing the%' That was the n$c e$s' To% an! Connie an! 0oah stro e! in an! s($atte!& an! the ine was a ha f*circ e with Gra%pa in the opening' An! then "a ca%e o$t of the ho$se& an! Gran%a with her& an! Rose of Sharon behin!& wa king !ainti y' They took their p aces behin! the s($atting %en+ they stoo! $p an! p$t their han!s on their hips' An! the chi !ren& R$thie an! Winfie !& hoppe! fro% foot to foot besi!e the wo%en+ the chi !ren s($i!ge! their toes in the re! !$st& b$t they %a!e no so$n!' On y the preacher was not there' 2e& o$t of !e icacy& was sitting on the gro$n! behin! the ho$se' 2e was a goo! preacher an! knew his peop e' The e#ening ight grew softer& an! for a whi e the fa%i y sat an! stoo! si ent y' Then >a& speaking to no one& b$t to the gro$p& %a!e his report' 7Got skinne! on the st$ff we so !' The fe a knowe! we co$ !n4t wait' Got eighteen !o ars on y'7 "a stirre! resti#e y& b$t she he ! her peace' 0oah& the o !est son& aske!& 72ow %$ch& a a!!e! $p& we got67 >a !rew fig$res in the !$st an! %$%b e! to hi%se f for a %o%ent' 72$n!re! fifty*fo$r&7 he sai!' 7/$t A here says we gonna nee! better tires' Says these here won4t ast'7 This was A 4s first participation in the conference' A ways he ha! stoo! behin! with the wo%en before' An! now he %a!e his report so e%n y' 7She4s o ! an4 she4s ornery&7 he sai! gra#e y' 7) ga#e the who e thing a goo! goin4*o#er 4fore we bo$ght her' 1i!n4 isten to the fe a ta kin4 what a he of a bargain she was' St$ck %y finger in the !ifferentia an! they wasn4t no saw!$st' Opene! the gear bo. an4 they wasn4t no saw!$st' Test4 her c $tch an4 ro e! her whee s for ine' Went $n!er her an4 her fra%e ain4t sp aye! none' She ne#er been ro e!' Seen they was a cracke! ce in her battery an4 %a!e the fe a p$t in a goo! one' The tires ain4t worth a !a%n& b$t they4re a goo! si5e' ,asy to get' She4 ri!e ike a b$ ca f& b$t she ain4t shootin4 no oi ' Reason ) says b$y her is she was a

pop4 ar car' Wreckin4 yar!s is f$ a 2$!son S$per* an4 yo$ can b$y parts cheap' Co$ ! a got a bigger& fancier car for the sa%e %oney& b$t parts too har! to get& an4 too !ear' That4s how ) figgere! her anyways'7 The ast was his s$b%ission to the fa%i y' 2e stoppe! speaking an! waite! for their opinions' Gra%pa was sti the tit$ ar hea!& b$t he no onger r$ e!' 2is position was honorary an! a %atter of c$sto%' /$t he !i! ha#e the right of first co%%ent& no %atter how si y his o ! %in! %ight be' An! the s($atting %en an! the stan!ing wo%en waite! for hi%' 79o$4re a right& A &7 Gra%pa sai!' 7) was a s($irt :$s4 ike yo$& a*fartin4 aro$n4 ike a !og*wo f' /$t when they was a :ob& ) !one it' 9o$4#e growe! $p goo!'7 2e finishe! in the tone of a bene!iction& an! A re!!ene! a itt e with p eas$re' >a sai!& 7So$n!s right*si!e*$p to %e' )f it was horses we wo$ !n4t ha#e to p$t the b a%e on A ' /$t A 4s the on4y a$to%obi e fe a here'7 To% sai!& 7) know so%e' Worke! so%e in "cA ester' A 4s right' 2e !one goo!'7 An! now A was rosy with the co%p i%ent' To% went on& 7)4! ike to say3we & that preacher3he wants to go a ong'7 2e was si ent' 2is wor!s ay in the gro$p& an! the gro$p was si ent' 72e4s a nice fe a&7 To% a!!e!' 7We4#e knowe! hi% a ong ti%e' Ta ks a itt e wi ! so%eti%es& b$t he ta ks sensib e'7 An! he re in($ishe! the proposa to the fa%i y' The ight was going gra!$a y' "a eft the gro$p an! went into the ho$se& an! the iron c ang of the sto#e ca%e fro% the ho$se' )n a %o%ent she wa ke! back to the broo!ing co$nci ' Gra%pa sai!& 7They was two ways a thinkin4' So%e fo ks $se4 ta figger that a preacher was poison $ck'7 To% sai!& 7This fe a says he ain4t a preacher no %ore'7 Gra%pa wa#e! his han! back an! forth' 7Once a fe a4s a preacher& he4s a ways a preacher' That4s so%epin yo$ can4t get sh$t of' They was so%e fo ks figgere! it was a goo! respectab e thing to ha#e a preacher a ong' ,f so%ebo!y !ie!& preacher b$rie! 4e%' We!!in4 co%e !$e& or o#er!$e& an4 there4s yo$r preacher' /aby co%e& an4 yo$ got a christener right $n!er the roof' "e& ) a ways sai! they was preachers (#! preachers' Got to pick 4e%' ) kin!a ike this fe a' 2e ain4t stiff'7

>a !$g his stick into the !$st an! ro e! it between his fingers so that it bore! a itt e ho e' 7They4s %ore to this than is he $cky& or is he a nice fe a&7 >a sai!' 7We got to figger c ose' )t4s a sa! thing to figger c ose' Le4s see& now' There4s Gra%pa an4 Gran%a3that4s two' An4 %e an4 John an4 "a3that4s fi#e' An4 0oah an4 To%%y an4 A 3that4s eight' Rosasharn an4 Connie is ten& an4 R$thie an4 Winfie 4 is twe #e' We got to take the !ogs 4ca$se what4 we !o e se6 Can4t shoot a goo! !og& an4 there ain4t nobo!y to gi#e 4e% to' An4 that4s fo$rteen'7 70ot co$ntin4 what chickens is eft& an4 two pigs&7 sai! 0oah' >a sai!& 7) ai% to get those pigs sa te! !own to eat on the way' We gonna nee! %eat' Carry the sa t kegs right with $s' /$t )4% won!erin4 if we can a ri!e& an4 the preacher too' An4 kin we fee! a e.tra %o$th67 Witho$t t$rning his hea! he aske!& 7?in we& "a67 "a c eare! her throat' 7)t ain4t kin we6 )t4s wi we67 she sai! fir% y' 7As far as 4kin&4 we can4t !o nothin4& not go to Ca ifornia or nothin4+ b$t as far as 4wi &4 why& we4 !o what we wi ' An4 as far as 4wi 43it4s a ong ti%e o$r fo ks been here an! east before& an4 ) ne#er heer! te of no Joa!s or no 2a5 etts& neither& e#er ref$sin4 foo! an4 she ter or a ift on the roa! to anybo!y that aske!' They4s been %ean Joa!s& b$t ne#er that %ean'7 >a broke in& 7/$t s4pose there :$st ain4t roo%67 2e ha! twiste! his neck to ook $p at her& an! he was asha%e!' 2er tone ha! %a!e hi% asha%e!' 7S4pose we :$s4 can4t a get in the tr$ck67 7There ain4t roo% now&7 she sai!' 7There ain4t roo% for %ore4n si.& an4 twe #e is goin4 s$re' One %ore ain4t gonna h$rt+ an4 a %an& strong an4 hea thy& ain4t ne#er no b$r!en' An4 any ti%e when we got two pigs an4 o#er a h$n!re! !o ars& an4 we won!erin4 if we kin fee! a fe a37 She stoppe!& an! >a t$rne! back& an! his spirit was raw fro% the whipping' Gran%a sai!& 7A preacher is a nice thing to be with $s' 2e gi#e a nice grace this %orning'7 >a ooke! at the face of each one for !issent& an! then he sai!& 7Want to ca 4i% o#er& To%%y6 )f he4s goin4& he o$ght to be here'7 To% got $p fro% his ha%s an! went towar! the ho$se& ca ing& 7Casy3 oh& Casy=7

A %$ff e! #oice rep ie! fro% behin! the ho$se' To% wa ke! to the corner an! saw the preacher sitting back against the wa & ooking at the f ashing e#ening star in the ight sky' 7Ca ing %e67 Casy aske!' 79eah' We think ong as yo$4re goin4 with $s& yo$ o$ght to be o#er with $s& he pin4 to figger things o$t'7 Casy got to his feet' 2e knew the go#ern%ent of fa%i ies& an! he knew he ha! been taken into the fa%i y' )n!ee! his position was e%inent& for <nc e John %o#e! si!eways& ea#ing space between >a an! hi%se f for the preacher' Casy s($atte! !own ike the others& facing Gra%pa enthrone! on the r$nning boar!' "a went to the ho$se again' There was a screech of a antern hoo! an! the ye ow ight f ashe! $p in the !ark kitchen' When she ifte! the i! of the big pot& the s%e of boi ing si!e*%eat an! beet greens ca%e o$t the !oor' They waite! for her to co%e back across the !arkening yar!& for "a was powerf$ in the gro$p' >a sai!& 7We got to figger when to start' Sooner the better' What we got to !o 4fore we go is get the% pigs s a$ghtere! an4 in sa t& an4 pack o$r st$ff an4 go' H$icker the better& now'7 0oah agree!& 7)f we pitch in& we kin get rea!y to%orrow& an4 we kin go bright the ne.4 !ay'7 <nc e John ob:ecte!& 7Can4t chi no %eat in the heat a the !ay' Wrong ti%e a year for s a$ghterin4' "eat4 be sof4 if it !on4 chi '7 7We & e4s !o her tonight' She4 chi tonight so%e' "$ch as she4s gonna' After we eat& e4s get her !one' Got sa t67 "a sai!& 79es' Got p enty sa t' Got two nice kegs& too'7 7We & e4s get her !one& then&7 sai! To%' Gra%pa began to scrabb e abo$t& trying to get a p$rchase to arise' 7Gettin4 !ark&7 he sai!' 7)4% gettin4 h$ngry' Co%e ti%e we get to Ca ifornia )4 ha#e a big b$nch a grapes in %y han4 a the ti%e& a* nibb in4 off it a the ti%e& by Go!=7 2e got $p& an! the %en arose' R$thie an! Winfie ! hoppe! e.cite! y abo$t in the !$st& ike cra5y things' R$thie whispere! hoarse y to Winfie !& 7?i in4 pigs (#d goin4 to Ca ifornia' ?i in4 pigs (#d goin43a the sa%e ti%e'7 An! Winfie ! was re!$ce! to %a!ness' 2e st$ck his finger against his throat& %a!e a horrib e face& an! wobb e! abo$t& weak y shri ing& 7)4% a

o 4 pig' Look' )4% a o 4 pig' Look at the b oo!& R$thie=7 An! he staggere! an! sank to the gro$n!& an! wa#e! ar%s an! egs weak y' /$t R$thie was o !er& an! she knew the tre%en!o$sness of the ti%e' 7A#d goin4 to Ca ifornia&7 she sai! again' An! she knew this was the great ti%e in her ife so far' The a!$ ts %o#e! towar! the ighte! kitchen thro$gh the !eep !$sk& an! "a ser#e! the% greens an! si!e*%eat in tin p ates' /$t before "a ate& she p$t the big ro$n! wash t$b on the sto#e an! starte! the fire to roaring' She carrie! b$ckets of water $nti the t$b was f$ & an! then aro$n! the t$b she c $stere! the b$ckets& f$ of water' The kitchen beca%e a swa%p of heat& an! the fa%i y ate h$rrie! y& an! went o$t to sit on the !oorstep $nti the water sho$ ! get hot' They sat ooking o$t at the !ark& at the s($are of ight the kitchen antern threw on the gro$n! o$tsi!e the !oor& with a h$nche! sha!ow of Gra%pa in the %i!! e of it' 0oah picke! his teeth thoro$gh y with a broo% straw' "a an! Rose of Sharon washe! $p the !ishes an! pi e! the% on the tab e' An! then& a of a s$!!en& the fa%i y began to f$nction' >a got $p an! ighte! another antern' 0oah fro% a bo. in the kitchen& bro$ght o$t the bow*b a!e! b$tchering knife an! whette! it on a worn itt e carbor$n!$% stone' An! he ai! the scraper on the chopping b ock& an! the knife besi!e it' >a bro$ght two st$r!y sticks& each three feet ong& an! pointe! the en!s with the a.& an! he tie! strong ropes& !o$b e ha f* hitche!& to the %i!! e of the sticks' 2e gr$%b e!& 7Sho$ !n4t of so ! those sing etrees3a of 4e%'7 The water in the pots stea%e! an! ro e!' 0oah aske!& 7Gonna take the water !own there or bring the pigs $p here67 7>igs $p here&7 sai! >a' 79o$ can4t spi a pig an! sca ! yo$rse f ike yo$ can hot water' Water abo$t rea!y67 7J$s4 abo$t&7 sai! "a' 7Aw right' 0oah& yo$ an4 To% an4 A co%e a ong' )4 carry the ight' We4 s a$ghter !own there an4 bring 4e% $p here'7 0oah took his knife& an! A the a.& an! the fo$r %en %o#e! !own on the sty& their egs f ickering in the antern ight' R$thie an! Winfie ! skittere! a ong& hopping o#er the gro$n!' At the sty >a eane! o#er the

fence ho !ing the antern' The s eepy yo$ng pigs str$gg e! to their feet& gr$nting s$spicio$s y' <nc e John an! the preacher wa ke! !own to he p' 7A right&7 sai! >a' 7Stick 4e%& an4 we4 r$n 4e% $p an! b ee! an4 sca ! at the ho$se'7 0oah an! To% steppe! o#er the fence' They s a$ghtere! ($ick y an! efficient y' To% str$ck twice with the b $nt hea! of the a.+ an! 0oah& eaning o#er the fe e! pigs& fo$n! the great artery with his c$r#ing knife an! re ease! the p$ sing strea%s of b oo!' Then o#er the fence with the s($ea ing pigs' The preacher an! <nc e John !ragge! one by the hin! egs& an! To% an! 0oah the other' >a wa ke! a ong with the antern& an! the b ack b oo! %a!e two trai s in the !$st' At the ho$se& 0oah s ippe! his knife between ten!on an! bone of the hin! egs+ the pointe! sticks he ! the egs apart& an! the carcasses were h$ng fro% the two*by*fo$r rafters that st$ck o$t fro% the ho$se' Then the %en carrie! the boi ing water an! po$re! it o#er the b ack bo!ies' 0oah s it the bo!ies fro% en! to en! an! !roppe! the entrai s o$t on the gro$n!' >a sharpene! two %ore sticks to ho ! the bo!ies open to the air& whi e To% with the scr$bber an! "a with a !$ knife scrape! the skins to take o$t the brist es' A bro$ght a b$cket an! sho#e e! the entrai s into it& an! !$%pe! the% on the gro$n! away fro% the ho$se& an! two cats fo owe! hi%& %ewing o$! y& an! the !ogs fo owe! hi%& grow ing ight y at the cats' >a sat on the !oorstep an! ooke! at the pigs hanging in the antern ight' The scraping was !one now& an! on y a few !rops of b oo! contin$e! to fa fro% the carcasses into the b ack poo on the gro$n!' >a got $p an! went to the pigs an! fe t the% with his han!& an! then he sat !own again' Gran%a an! Gra%pa went towar! the barn to s eep& an! Gra%pa carrie! a can! e antern in his han!' The rest of the fa%i y sat ($iet y abo$t the !oorstep& Connie an! A an! To% on the gro$n!& eaning their backs against the ho$se wa & <nc e John on a bo.& >a in the !oorway' On y "a an! Rose of Sharon contin$e! to %o#e abo$t' R$thie an! Winfie ! were s eepy now& b$t fighting it off' They ($arre e! s eepi y o$t in the !arkness& 0oah an! the preacher s($atte! si!e by si!e& facing the ho$se' >a scratche! hi%se f ner#o$s y& an! took off his hat an! ran his fingers thro$gh his hair' 7To%orra we4 get that pork

sa te! ear y in the %orning& an4 then we4 get the tr$ck oa!e!& a b$t the be!s& an4 ne.4 %orning off we4 go' 2ar! y is a !ay4s work in a that&7 he sai! $neasi y' To% broke in& 7We4 be %oonin4 aro$n4 a !ay& ookin4 for so%epin to !o'7 The gro$p stirre! $neasi y' 7We co$ ! get rea!y by !ay ight an4 go&7 To% s$ggeste!' >a r$bbe! his knee with his han!' An! the resti#eness sprea! to a of the%' 0oah sai!& 7>rob4 y wo$ !n4t h$rt that %eat to git her right !own in sa t' C$t her $p& she4! coo ($icker anyways'7 )t was <nc e John who broke o#er the e!ge& his press$res too great' 7What we hangin4 aro$n4 for6 ) want to get sh$t of this' 0ow we4re goin4& why !on4t we go67 An! the re#$ sion sprea! to the rest' 7Whyn4t we go6 Get s eep on the way'7 An! a sense of h$rry crept into the%' >a sai!& 7They say it4s two tho$san4 %i es' That4s a he of a ong ways' We o$ghta go' 0oah& yo$ an4 %e can get that %eat c$t $p an4 we can p$t a the st$ff in the tr$ck'7 "a p$t her hea! o$t of the !oor' 72ow abo$t if we forgit so%epin& not seein4 it in the !ark67 7We co$ ! ook 4ro$n! after !ay ight&7 sai! 0oah' They sat sti then& thinking abo$t it' /$t in a %o%ent 0oah got $p an! began to sharpen the bow*b a!e! knife on his itt e worn stone' 7"a&7 he sai!& 7git that tab e c eare!'7 An! he steppe! to a pig& c$t a ine !own one si!e of the backbone an! began pee ing the %eat forwar!& off the ribs' >a stoo! $p e.cite! y' 7We got to get the st$ff together&7 he sai!' 7Co%e on& yo$ fe as'7 0ow that they were co%%itte! to going& the h$rry infecte! a of the%' 0oah carrie! the s abs of %eat into the kitchen an! c$t it into s%a sa ting b ocks& an! "a patte! the coarse sa t in& ai! it piece by piece in the kegs& caref$ that no two pieces to$che! each other' She ai! the s abs ike bricks& an! po$n!e! sa t in the spaces' An! 0oah c$t $p the si!e*%eat an! he c$t $p the egs' "a kept her fire going& an! as 0oah c eane! the ribs an! the spines an! eg bones of a the %eat he co$ !& she p$t the% in the o#en to roast for gnawing p$rposes'

)n the yar! an! in the barn the circ es of antern ight %o#e! abo$t& an! the %en bro$ght together a the things to be taken& an! pi e! the% by the tr$ck' Rose of Sharon bro$ght o$t a the c othes the fa%i y possesse!- the o#era s& the thick*so e! shoes& the r$bber boots& the worn best s$its& the sweaters an! sheepskin coats' An! she packe! these tight y into a woo!en bo. an! got into the bo. an! tra%pe! the% !own' An! then she bro$ght o$t the print !resses an! shaw s& the b ack cotton stockings an! the chi !ren4s c othes3s%a o#era s an! cheap print !resses3an! she p$t these in the bo. an! tra%pe! the% !own' To% went to the too she! an! bro$ght what too s were eft to go& a han! saw an! a set of wrenches& a ha%%er an! a bo. of assorte! nai s& a pair of p iers an! a f at fi e an! a set of rat*tai fi es' An! Rose of Sharon bro$ght o$t the big piece of tarpa$ in an! sprea! it on the gro$n! behin! the tr$ck' She str$gg e! thro$gh the !oor with the %attresses& three !o$b e ones an! a sing e' She pi e! the% on the tarpa$ in an! bro$ght ar%* oa!s of fo !e! ragge! b ankets an! pi e! the% $p' "a an! 0oah worke! b$si y at the carcasses& an! the s%e of roasting pork bones ca%e fro% the sto#e' The chi !ren ha! fa en by the way in the ate night' Winfie ! ay c$r e! $p in the !$st o$tsi!e the !oor+ an! R$thie& sitting on a bo. in the kitchen where she ha! gone to watch the b$tchering& ha! !roppe! her hea! back against the wa ' She breathe! easi y in her s eep& an! her ips were parte! o#er her teeth' To% finishe! with the too s an! ca%e into the kitchen with his antern& an! the preacher fo owe! hi%' 7Go! in a b$ckboar!&7 To% sai!& 7s%e that %eat= An4 isten to her crack e'7 "a ai! the bricks of %eat in a keg an! po$re! sa t aro$n! an! o#er the% an! co#ere! the ayer with sa t an! patte! it !own' She ooke! $p at To% an! s%i e! a itt e at hi%& b$t her eyes were serio$s an! tire!' 7/e nice to ha#e pork bones for breakfas4&7 she sai!' The preacher steppe! besi!e her' 7Lea#e %e sa t !own this %eat&7 he sai!' 7) can !o it' There4s other st$ff for yo$ to !o'7 She stoppe! her work then an! inspecte! hi% o!! y& as tho$gh he s$ggeste! a c$rio$s thing' An! her han!s were cr$ste! with sa t& pink with f $i! fro% the fresh pork' 7)t4s wo%en4s work&7 she sai! fina y'

7)t4s a work&7 the preacher rep ie!' 7They4s too %$ch of it to sp it it $p to %en4s or wo%en4s work' 9o$ got st$ff to !o' Lea#e %e sa t the %eat'7 Sti for a %o%ent she stare! at hi%& an! then she po$re! water fro% a b$cket into the tin wash basin an! she washe! her han!s' The preacher took $p the b ocks of pork an! patte! on the sa t whi e she watche! hi%' An! he ai! the% in the kegs as she ha!' On y when he ha! finishe! a ayer an! co#ere! it caref$ y an! patte! !own the sa t was she satisfie!' She !rie! her b eache! an! b oate! han!s' To% sai!& 7"a& what st$ff we gonna take fro% here67 She ooke! ($ick y abo$t the kitchen' 7The b$cket&7 she sai!' 7A the st$ff to eat with- p ates an4 the c$ps& the spoons an4 kni#es an4 forks' >$t a the% in that !rawer& an4 take the !rawer' The big fry pan an4 the big stew kett e& the coffee pot' When it gets coo & take the rack o$ta the o#en' That4s goo! o#er a fire' )4! ike to take the wash t$b& b$t ) g$ess there ain4t roo%' )4 wash c othes in the b$cket' 1on4t !o no goo! to take itt e st$ff' 9o$ can cook itt e st$ff in a big kett e& b$t yo$ can4t cook big st$ff in a itt e pot' Take the brea! pans& a of 4e%' They fit !own insi!e each other'7 She stoo! an! ooke! abo$t the kitchen' 79o$ :$s4 take that st$ff ) to 4 yo$& To%' )4 fi. $p the rest& the big can a pepper an4 the sa t an4 the n$t%eg an4 the grater' )4 take a that st$ff :$s4 at the ast'7 She picke! $p a antern an! wa ke! hea#i y into the be!roo%& an! her bare feet %a!e no so$n! on the f oor' The preacher sai!& 7She ooks tar4!'7 7Wo%en4s a ways tar4!&7 sai! To%' 7That4s :$st the way wo%en is& 4cept at %eetin4 once an4 again'7 79eah& b$t tar4!er4n that' Rea tar4! ike she4s sick*tar4!'7 "a was :$st thro$gh the !oor& an! she hear! his wor!s' S ow y her re a.e! face tightene!& an! the ines !isappeare! fro% the ta$t %$sc$ ar face' 2er eyes sharpene! an! her sho$ !ers straightene!' She g ance! abo$t the strippe! roo%' 0othing was eft in it e.cept trash' The %attresses which ha! been on the f oor were gone' The b$rea$s were so !' On the f oor ay a broken co%b& an e%pty ta c$% pow!er can& an! a few !$st %ice' "a set her antern on the f oor' She reache! behin! one of the that ha! ser#e! as chairs an! bro$ght o$t a stationery bo.& o ! an! soi e! an! cracke! at the corners' She sat !own an! opene! the

bo.' )nsi!e were etters& c ippings& photographs& a pair of earrings& a itt e go ! signet ring& an! a watch chain brai!e! of hair an! tippe! with go ! swi#e s' She to$che! the etters with her fingers& to$che! the% ight y& an! she s%oothe! a newspaper c ipping on which there was an acco$nt of To%4s tria ' 8or a ong ti%e she he ! the bo.& ooking o#er it& an! her fingers !ist$rbe! the etters an! then ine! the% $p again' She bit her ower ip& thinking& re%e%bering' An! at ast she %a!e $p her %in!' She picke! o$t the ring& the watch char%& the earrings& !$g $n!er the pi e an! fo$n! one go ! c$ff ink' She took a etter fro% an en#e ope an! !roppe! the trinkets in the en#e ope' Then gent y an! ten!er y she c ose! the bo. an! s%oothe! the top caref$ y with her fingers' 2er ips parte!' Then she stoo! $p& took her antern& an! went back into the kitchen' She ifte! the sto#e i! an! ai! the bo. gent y a%ong the coa s' H$ick y the heat browne! the paper' A f a%e icke! $p an! o#er the bo.' She rep ace! the sto#e i! an! instant y the fire sighe! $p an! breathe! o#er the bo.' OUT IN THE DARK YARD& working in the antern ight& >a an! A oa!e! the tr$ck' Too s on the botto%& b$t han!y to reach in case of a break!own' / of c othes ne.t& an! kitchen $tensi s in a g$nny sack+ c$t ery an! !ishes in their bo.' Then the ga on b$cket tie! on behin!' They %a!e the botto% of the oa! as e#en as possib e& an! fi e! the spaces between with ro e! b ankets' Then o#er the top they ai! the %attresses& fi ing the tr$ck in e#e ' An! ast they sprea! the big tarpa$ in o#er the oa! an! A %a!e ho es in the e!ge& two feet apart& an! inserte! itt e ropes& an! tie! it !own to the si!e*bars of the tr$ck' 70ow& if it rains&7 he sai!& 7we4 tie it to the bar abo#e& an4 the fo ks can get $n!erneath& o$t of the wet' <p front we4 be !ry eno$gh'7 An! >a app a$!e!' 7That4s a goo! i!ear'7 7That ain4t a &7 A sai!' 78irst chance ) git )4% gonna fin4 a ong p ank an4 %ake a ri!ge po e& an4 p$t the tarp o#er that' An4 then it4 be co#ere! in& an4 the fo ks4 be o$ta the s$n& too'7 An! >a agree!& 7That4s a goo! i!ear' Whyn4t yo$ think a that before67 7) ain4t ha! ti%e&7 sai! A '

7Ain4t ha! ti%e6 Why& A & yo$ ha! ti%e to coyote a o#er the co$ntry' Go! knows where yo$ been this as4 two weeks'7 7St$ff a fe a got to !o when he4s ea#in4 the co$ntry&7 sai! A ' An! then he ost so%e of his ass$rance' 7>a&7 he aske!' 79o$ g a! to be goin4& >a67 72$h6 We 3s$re' Leastwise3yeah' We ha! har! ti%es here' 4Co$rse it4 be a !ifferent o$t there3p enty work& an4 e#er4thing nice an4 green& an4 itt e white ho$ses an4 oranges growin4 aro$n4'7 7)s it a oranges e#er4where67 7We & %aybe not e#er4where& b$t p enty p aces'7 The first gray of !ay ight began in the sky' An! the work was !one3 the kegs of pork rea!y& the chicken coop rea!y to go on top' "a opene! the o#en an! took o$t the pi e of roaste! bones& crisp an! brown& with p enty of gnawing %eat eft' R$thie ha f awakene!& an! s ippe! !own fro% the bo.& an! s ept again' /$t the a!$ ts stoo! aro$n! the !oor& shi#ering a itt e an! gnawing at the crisp pork' 7G$ess we o$ghta wake $p Gran%a an4 Gra%pa&7 To% sai!' 7Gettin4 a ong on towar! !ay'7 "a sai!& 7?in!a hate to& ti the as4 %in$te' They nee! the s eep' R$thie an4 Winfie ! ain4t har! y got no rea rest neither'7 7We & they kin a s eep on top a the oa!&7 sai! >a' 7)t4 be nice an4 co%f4tab e there'7 S$!!en y the !ogs starte! $p fro% the !$st an! istene!' An! then& with a roar& went barking off into the !arkness' 70ow what in he is that67 >a !e%an!e!' )n a %o%ent they hear! a #oice speaking reass$ring y to the barking !ogs an! the barking ost its fierceness' Then footsteps& an! a %an approache!' )t was "$ ey Gra#es& his hat p$ e! ow' 2e ca%e near ti%i! y' 7"orning& fo ks&7 he sai!' 7Why& "$ ey'7 >a wa#e! the ha% bone he he !' 7Step in an4 get so%e pork for yo$rse f& "$ ey'7 7We & no&7 sai! "$ ey' 7) ain4t h$ngry& e.act y'7 7Oh& get it& "$ ey& get it' 2ere=7 An! >a steppe! into the ho$se an! bro$ght o$t a han! of spareribs' 7) wasn4t ai%ing to eat none a yo$r st$ff&7 he sai!' 7) was :$s4 wa kin4 aro$n4& an4 ) tho$ght how yo$4! be goin4& an4 )4! %aybe say goo!*by'7

7Goin4 in a itt e whi e now&7 sai! >a' 79o$4! a %isse! $s if yo$4! co%e an ho$r ater' A packe! $p3see67 7A packe! $p'7 "$ ey ooke! at the oa!e! tr$ck' 7So%eti%es ) wisht )4! go an4 fin4 %y fo ks'7 "a aske!& 71i! yo$ hear fro% 4e% o$t in Ca ifornia67 70o&7 sai! "$ ey& 7) ain4t hear!' /$t ) ain4t been to ook in the post office' ) o$ghta go in so%eti%es'7 >a sai!& 7A & go !own& wake $p Gran%a& Gra%pa' Te 4e% to co%e an4 eat' We4re goin4 before ong'7 An! as A sa$ntere! towar! the barn& 7"$ ey& ya wanta s($ee5e in with $s an4 go6 We4! try to %ake roo% for ya'7 "$ ey took a bite of %eat fro% the e!ge of a rib bone an! chewe! it' 7So%eti%es ) think ) %ight' /$t ) know ) won4t&7 he sai!' 7) know perfect y we the as4 %in$te )4! r$n an4 hi!e ike a !a%n o 4 gra#eyar! ghos4'7 0oah sai!& 79o$ gonna !ie o$t in the fie 4 so%e !ay& "$ ey'7 7) know' ) tho$ght abo$t that' So%eti%es it see%s pretty one y& an4 so%eti%es it see%s a right& an4 so%eti%es it see%s goo!' )t !on4t %ake no !ifference' /$t if ya co%e acrost %y fo ks3that4s rea y what ) co%e to say3if ya co%e on any %y fo ks in Ca ifornia& te 4e% )4% we ' Te 4e% )4% !oin4 a right' 1on4t et on )4% i#in4 this way' Te 4e% )4 co%e to 4e% soon4s ) git the %oney'7 "a aske!& 7An4 wi ya67 70o&7 "$ ey sai! soft y' 70o& ) won4t' ) can4t go away' ) got to stay now' Ti%e back ) %ight of went' /$t not now' 8e a gits to thinkin4& an4 he gits to knowin4' ) ain4t ne#er goin4'7 The ight of the !awn was a itt e sharper now' )t pa e! the anterns a itt e' A ca%e back with Gra%pa str$gg ing an! i%ping by his si!e' 72e wasn4t s eepin4&7 A sai!' 72e was settin4 o$t back of the barn' They4s so%epin wrong with 4i%'7 Gra%pa4s eyes ha! !$ e!& an! there was none of the o ! %eanness in the%' 7Ain4t nothin4 the %atter with %e&7 he sai!' 7) :$s4 ain4t a*goin4'7 70ot goin467 >a !e%an!e!' 7What yo$ %ean yo$ ain4t a*goin46 Why& here we4re a packe! $p& rea!y' We got to go' We got no p ace to stay'7

7) ain4t sayin4 for yo$ to stay&7 sai! Gra%pa' 79o$ go right on a ong' "e 3)4% stayin4' ) gi#e her a goin4*o#er a night %os4 y' This here4s %y co$ntry' ) b4 ong here' An4 ) !on4t gi#e a go!!a%n if they4s oranges an4 grapes crow!in4 a fe a o$ta be! e#en' ) ain4t a*goin4' This co$ntry ain4t no goo!& b$t it4s %y co$ntry' 0o& yo$ a go ahea!' )4 :$s4 stay right here where ) b4 ong'7 They crow!e! near to hi%' >a sai!& 79o$ can4t& Gra%pa' This here an4 is goin4 $n!er the tractors' Who4! cook for yo$6 2ow4! yo$ i#e6 9o$ can4t stay here' Why& with nobo!y to take care of yo$& yo$4! star#e'7 Gra%pa crie!& 7Go!!a%n it& )4% a o 4 %an& b$t ) can sti take care a %yse f' 2ow4s "$ ey here get a ong6 ) can get a ong as goo! as hi%' ) te ya ) ain4t goin4& an4 ya can $%p it' Take Gran%a with ya if ya want& b$t ya ain4t takin4 %e& an4 that4s the en! of it'7 >a sai! he p ess y& 70ow isten to %e& Gra%pa' J$s4 isten to %e& :$s4 a %in$te'7 7Ain4t a*gonna isten' ) to 4 ya what )4% a*gonna !o'7 To% to$che! his father on the sho$ !er' 7>a& co%e in the ho$se' ) wanta te ya so%epin'7 An! as they %o#e! towar! the ho$se& he ca e!& 7"a3co%e here a %in$te& wi ya67 )n the kitchen one antern b$rne! an! the p ate of pork bones was sti pi e! high' To% sai!& 7Listen& ) know Gra%pa got the right to say he ain4t goin4& b$t he can4t stay' We know that'7 7S$re he can4t stay&7 sai! >a' 7We & ook' )f we got to catch hi% an4 tie hi% !own& we i4b e to h$rt hi%& an4 he4 git so %a! he4 h$rt hi%se f' 0ow we can4t arg$e with hi%' )f we co$ ! get hi% !r$nk it4! be a right' 9o$ got any whisky67 70o&7 sai! >a' 7There ain4t a !rop a4 whisky in the ho$se' An4 John got no whisky' 2e ne#er has none when he ain4t !rinkin4'7 "a sai!& 7To%& ) got a ha f bott e soothin4 sir$p ) got for Winfie 4 when he ha! the% earaches' Think that %ight work6 <se ta p$t Winfie 4 ta s eep when his earache was ba!'7 7"ight&7 sai! To%' 7Get it& "a' We4 gi#e her a try anyways' 7) throwe! it o$t on the trash pi e&7 sai! "a' She took the antern an! went o$t& an! in a %o%ent she ca%e back with a bott e ha f f$ of b ack %e!icine'

To% took it fro% her an! taste! it' 71on4t taste ba!&7 he sai!' 7"ake $p a c$p a b ack coffee& goo! an4 strong' Le4s see3says one teaspoon' /etter p$t in a ot& co$p a tab espoons'7 "a opene! the sto#e an! p$t a kett e insi!e& !own ne.t to the coa s& an! she %eas$re! water an! coffee into it' 72a#e to gi#e it to 4i% in a can&7 she sai!' 7We got the c$ps a packe!'7 To% an! his father went back o$tsi!e' 78e a got a right to say what he4s gonna !o' Say& who4s eatin4 spareribs67 sai! Gra%pa' 7We4#e et&7 sai! To%' 7"a4s fi.in4 yo$ a c$p a coffee an4 so%e pork'7 2e went into the ho$se& an! he !rank his coffee an! ate his pork' The gro$p o$tsi!e in the growing !awn watche! hi% ($iet y& thro$gh the !oor' They saw hi% yawn an! sway& an! they saw hi% p$t his ar%s on the tab e an! rest his hea! on his ar%s an! go to s eep' 72e was tar4! anyways&7 sai! To%' 7Lea#e hi% be'7 0ow they were rea!y' Gran%a& gi!!y an! #ag$e& saying& 7What4s a this6 What yo$ !oin4 now& so ear y67 /$t she was !resse! an! agreeab e' An! R$thie an! Winfie ! were awake& b$t ($iet with the press$re of tire!ness an! sti ha f !rea%ing' The ight was sifting rapi! y o#er the an!' An! the %o#e%ent of the fa%i y stoppe!' They stoo! abo$t& re $ctant to %ake the first acti#e %o#e to go' They were afrai!& now that the ti%e ha! co%e3afrai! in the sa%e way Gra%pa was afrai!' They saw the she! take shape against the ight& an! they saw the anterns pa e $nti they no onger cast their circ es of ye ow ight' The stars went o$t& few by few& towar! the west' An! sti the fa%i y stoo! abo$t ike !rea% wa kers& their eyes foc$se! panora%ica y& seeing no !etai & b$t the who e !awn& the who e an!& the who e te.t$re of the co$ntry at once' On y "$ ey Gra#es prow e! abo$t rest ess y& ooking thro$gh the bars into the tr$ck& th$%ping the spare tires h$ng on the back of the tr$ck' An! at ast "$ ey approache! To%' 79o$ goin4 o#er the State ine67 he aske!' 79o$ gonna break yo$r paro e67 An! To% shook hi%se f free of the n$%bness' 7Jes$s Christ& it4s near s$nrise&7 he sai! o$! y' 7We got to get goin4'7 An! the others ca%e o$t of their n$%bness an! %o#e! towar! the tr$ck' 7Co%e on&7 To% sai!' 7Le4s get Gra%pa on'7 >a an! <nc e John an! To% an! A went into the kitchen where Gra%pa s ept& his forehea!

!own on his ar%s& an! a ine of !rying coffee on the tab e' They took hi% $n!er the e bows an! ifte! hi% to his feet& an! he gr$%b e! an! c$rse! thick y& ike a !r$nken %an' O$t the !oor they booste! hi%& an! when they ca%e to the tr$ck To% an! A c i%be! $p& an! eaning o#er& hooke! their han!s $n!er his ar%s an! ifte! hi% gent y $p& an! ai! hi% on top of the oa!' A $ntie! the tarpa$ in& an! they ro e! hi% $n!er an! p$t a bo. $n!er the tarp besi!e hi%& so that the weight of the hea#y can#as wo$ ! not be $pon hi%' 7) got to get that ri!ge po e fi.e!&7 A sai!' 71o her tonight when we stop'7 Gra%pa gr$nte! an! fo$ght weak y against awakening& an! when he was fina y sett e! he went !eep y to s eep again' >a sai!& 7"a& yo$ an4 Gran%a set in with A for a whi e' We4 change aro$n4 so it4s easier& b$t yo$ start o$t that way'7 They got into the cab& an! then the rest swar%e! $p on top of the oa!& Connie an! Rose of Sharon& >a an! <nc e John& R$thie an! Winfie !& To% an! the preacher' 0oah stoo! on the gro$n!& ooking $p at the great oa! of the% sitting on top of the tr$ck' A wa ke! aro$n!& ooking $n!erneath at the springs' 72o y Jes$s&7 he sai!& 7the% springs is f at as he ' L$cky ) b ocke! $n!er4 e%'7 0oah sai!& 72ow abo$t the !ogs& >a67 7) forgot the !ogs&7 >a sai!' 2e whist e! shri y& an! one bo$ncing !og ran in& b$t on y one' 0oah ca$ght hi% an! threw hi% $p on the top& where he sat rigi! an! shi#ering at the height' 7Got to ea#e the other two&7 >a ca e!' 7"$ ey& wi yo$ ook after 4e% so%e6 See they !on4t star#e67 79eah&7 sai! "$ ey' 7)4 ike to ha#e a co$p e !ogs' 9eah= )4 take 4e%'7 7Take the% chickens& too&7 >a sai!' A got into the !ri#er4s seat' The starter whirre! an! ca$ght& an! whirre! again' An! then the oose roar of the si. cy in!ers an! a b $e s%oke behin!' 7So ong& "$ ey&7 A ca e!' An! the fa%i y ca e!& 7Goo!*by& "$ ey'7 A s ippe! in the ow gear an! et in the c $tch' The tr$ck sh$!!ere! an! straine! across the yar!' An! the secon! gear took ho !' They craw e! $p the hi & an! the re! !$st arose abo$t the%' 7Chr*ist& what a oa!=7 sai! A ' 7We ain4t %akin4 no ti%e on this trip'7

"a trie! to ook back& b$t the bo!y of the oa! c$t off her #iew' She straightene! her hea! an! peere! straight ahea! a ong the !irt roa!' An! a great weariness was in her eyes' The peop e on top of the oa! !i! ook back' They saw the ho$se an! the barn an! a itt e s%oke sti rising fro% the chi%ney' They saw the win!ows re!!ening $n!er the first co or of the s$n' They saw "$ ey stan!ing for orn y in the !ooryar! ooking after the%' An! then the hi c$t the% off' The cotton fie !s ine! the roa!' An! the tr$ck craw e! s ow y thro$gh the !$st towar! the highway an! the west' 11 THE HOUSES WERE LEFT #acant on the an!& an! the an! was #acant beca$se of this' On y the tractor she!s of corr$gate! iron& si #er an! g ea%ing& were a i#e+ an! they were a i#e with %eta an! gaso ine an! oi & the !isks of the p ows shining' The tractors ha! ights shining& for there is no !ay an! night for a tractor an! the !isks t$rn the earth in the !arkness an! they g itter in the !ay ight' An! when a horse stops work an! goes into the barn there is a ife an! a #ita ity eft& there is a breathing an! a war%th& an! the feet shift on the straw& an! the :aws c a%p on the hay& an! the ears an! the eyes are a i#e' There is a war%th of ife in the barn& an! the heat an! s%e of ife' /$t when the %otor of a tractor stops& it is as !ea! as the ore it ca%e fro%' The heat goes o$t of it ike the i#ing heat that ea#es a corpse' Then the corr$gate! iron !oors are c ose! an! the tractor %an !ri#es ho%e to town& perhaps twenty %i es away& an! he nee! not co%e back for weeks or %onths& for the tractor is !ea!' An! this is easy an! efficient' So easy that the won!er goes o$t of work& so efficient that the won!er goes o$t of an! an! the working of it& an! with the won!er the !eep $n!erstan!ing an! the re ation' An! in the tractor %an there grows the conte%pt that co%es on y to a stranger who has itt e $n!erstan!ing an! no re ation' 8or nitrates are not the an!& nor phosphates+ an! the ength of fiber in the cotton is not the an!' Carbon is not a %an& nor sa t nor water nor ca ci$%' 2e is a these& b$t he is %$ch %ore& %$ch %ore+ an! the an!

is so %$ch %ore than its ana ysis' The %an who is %ore than his che%istry& wa king on the earth& t$rning his p ow point for a stone& !ropping his han! es to s i!e o#er an o$tcropping& knee ing in the earth to eat his $nch+ that %an who is %ore than his e e%ents knows the an! that is %ore than its ana ysis' /$t the %achine %an& !ri#ing a !ea! tractor on an! he !oes not know an! o#e& $n!erstan!s on y che%istry+ an! he is conte%pt$o$s of the an! an! of hi%se f' When the corr$gate! iron !oors are sh$t& he goes ho%e& an! his ho%e is not the an!' THE DOORS of the e%pty ho$ses sw$ng open& an! !rifte! back an! forth in the win!' /an!s of itt e boys ca%e o$t fro% the towns to break the win!ows an! to pick o#er the !ebris& ooking for treas$res' An! here4s a knife with ha f the b a!e gone' That4s a goo! thing' An!3s%e s ike a rat !ie! here' An! ook what Whitey wrote on the wa ' 2e wrote that in the toi et in schoo & too& an4 teacher %a!e 4i% wash it off' When the fo ks first eft& an! the e#ening of the first !ay ca%e& the h$nting cats s o$che! in fro% the fie !s an! %ewe! on the porch' An! when no one ca%e o$t& the cats crept thro$gh the open !oors an! wa ke! %ewing thro$gh the e%pty roo%s' An! then they went back to the fie !s an! were wi ! cats fro% then on& h$nting gophers an! fie ! %ice& an! s eeping in !itches in the !ayti%e' When the night ca%e& the bats& which ha! stoppe! at the !oors for fear of ight& swoope! into the ho$ses an! sai e! thro$gh the e%pty roo%s& an! in a itt e whi e they staye! in !ark roo% corners !$ring the !ay& fo !e! their wings high& an! h$ng hea!*!own a%ong the rafters& an! the s%e of their !roppings was in the e%pty ho$ses' An! the %ice %o#e! in an! store! wee! see!s in corners& in in the backs of !rawers in the kitchens' An! wease s ca%e in to h$nt the %ice& an! the brown ow s f ew shrieking in an! o$t again' 0ow there ca%e a itt e shower' The wee!s sprang $p in front of the !oorstep& where they ha! not been a owe!& an! grass grew $p thro$gh the porch boar!s' The ho$ses were #acant& an! a #acant ho$se fa s ($ick y apart' Sp its starte! $p the sheathing fro% the r$ste! nai s' A

!$st sett e! on the f oors& an! on y %o$se an! wease an! cat tracks !ist$rbe! it' One night the win! oosene! a shing e an! f ippe! it to the gro$n!' The ne.t win! prie! into the ho e where the shing e ha! been& ifte! off three& an! the ne.t& a !o5en' The %i!!ay s$n b$rne! thro$gh the ho e an! threw a g aring spot on the f oor' The wi ! cats crept in fro% the fie !s at night& b$t they !i! not %ew at the !oorstep any %ore' They %o#e! ike sha!ows of a c o$! across the roo%& into the roo%s to h$nt the %ice' An! on win!y nights the !oors bange!& an! the ragge! c$rtains f $ttere! in the broken win!ows' 12 HIGHWAY 66 IS THE %ain %igrant roa!' CC3the ong concrete path across the co$ntry& wa#ing gent y $p an! !own on the %ap& fro% the "ississippi to /akersfie !3o#er the re! an!s an! the gray an!s& twisting $p into the %o$ntains& crossing the 1i#i!e an! !own into the bright an! terrib e !esert& an! across the !esert to the %o$ntains again& an! into the rich Ca ifornia #a eys' CC is the path of a peop e in f ight& ref$gees fro% !$st an! shrinking an!& fro% the th$n!er of tractors an! shrinking ownership& fro% the !esert4s s ow northwar! in#asion& fro% the twisting win!s that how $p o$t of fro% the f oo!s that bring no richness to the an! an! stea what itt e richness is there' 8ro% a of these the peop e are in f ight& an! they co%e into CC fro% the trib$tary si!e roa!s& fro% the wagon tracks an! the r$tte! co$ntry roa!s' CC is the %other roa!& the roa! of f ight' C arks#i e an! O5ark an! Gan /$ren an! 8ort S%ith on CE& an! there4s an en! of Arkansas' An! a the roa!s into Ok aho%a City& CC !own fro% T$ sa& @AB $p fro% "cA ester' I1 fro% Wichita 8a s so$th& fro% ,ni! north' ,!%on!& "cLo$!& >$rce ' CC o$t of Ok aho%a City+ , Reno an! C inton& going west on CC' 2y!ro& , k City& an! Te.o a+ an! there4s an en! to Ok aho%a' CC across the >anhan! e of' Sha%rock an! "cLean& Conway an! A%ari o& the ye ow' Wi !ora!o

an! Gega an! /oise& an! there4s an en! of' T$c$%cari an! Santa Rosa an! into the 0ew "e.ican %o$ntains to A b$($er($e& where the roa! co%es !own fro% Santa 8e' Then !own the gorge! Rio Gran!e to Las L$nas an! west again on CC to Ga $p& an! there4s the bor!er of 0ew "e.ico' An! now the high %o$ntains' 2o brook an! Wins ow an! 8 agstaff in the high %o$ntains of Ari5ona' Then the great p atea$ ro ing ike a gro$n! swe ' Ashfork an! ?ing%an an! stone %o$ntains again& where water %$st be ha$ e! an! so !' Then o$t of the broken s$n*rotte! %o$ntains of Ari5ona to the Co ora!o& with green ree!s on its banks& an! that4s the en! of Ari5ona' There4s Ca ifornia :$st o#er the ri#er& an! a pretty town to start it' 0ee! es& on the ri#er' /$t the ri#er is a stranger in this p ace' <p fro% 0ee! es an! o#er a b$rne! range& an! there4s the !esert' An! CC goes on o#er the terrib e !esert& where the !istance shi%%ers an! the b ack center %o$ntains hang $nbearab y in the !istance' At ast there4s /arstow& an! %ore !esert $nti at ast the %o$ntains rise $p again& the goo! %o$ntains& an! CC win!s thro$gh the%' Then s$!!en y a pass& an! be ow the bea$tif$ #a ey& be ow orchar!s an! #ineyar!s an! itt e ho$ses& an! in the !istance a city' An!& oh& %y Go!& it4s o#er' The peop e in f ight strea%e! o$t on CC& so%eti%es a sing e car& so%eti%es a itt e cara#an' A !ay they ro e! s ow y a ong the roa!& an! at night they stoppe! near water' )n the !ay ancient eaky ra!iators sent $p co $%ns of stea%& oose connecting ro!s ha%%ere! an! po$n!e!' An! the %en !ri#ing the tr$cks an! the o#er oa!e! cars istene! apprehensi#e y' 2ow far between towns6 )t is a terror between towns' )f so%ething breaks3we & if so%ething breaks we ca%p right here whi e Ji% wa ks to town an! gets a part an! wa ks back an!3how %$ch foo! we got6 Listen to the %otor' Listen to the whee s' Listen with yo$r ears an! with yo$r han!s on the steering whee + isten with the pa % of yo$r han! on the gear*shift e#er+ isten with yo$r feet on the f oor boar!s' Listen to the po$n!ing o ! :a opy with a yo$r senses& for a change of tone& a #ariation of rhyth% %ay %ean3a week here6 That ratt e3that4s tappets' 1on4t h$rt a bit' Tappets can ratt e ti Jes$s co%es again witho$t no

har%' /$t that th$!!ing as the car %o#es a ong3can4t hear that3:$st kin! of fee it' "aybe oi isn4t gettin4 so%ep ace' "aybe a bearin4s startin4 to go' Jes$s& if it4s a bearing& what4 we !o6 "oney4s goin4 fast' An! why4s the son*of*a*bitch heat $p so hot to!ay6 This ain4t no c i%b' Le4s ook' Go! A %ighty& the fan be t4s gone= 2ere& %ake a be t o$ta this itt e piece a rope' Le4s see how ong3there' )4 sp ice the en!s' 0ow take her s ow3s ow& ti we can get to a town' That rope be t won4t ast ong' 48 we can on4y get to Ca ifornia where the oranges grow before this here o 4 :$g b ows $p' 48 we on4y can' An! the tires3two ayers of fabric worn thro$gh' On4y a fo$r*p y tire' "ight get a h$n!re! %i es %ore o$ta her if we !on4t hit a rock an4 b ow her' Which4 we take3a h$n!er!& %aybe& %i es& or %aybe spoi the t$bes6 Which6 A h$n!er! %i es' We & that4s so%epin yo$ got to think abo$t' We got t$be patches' "aybe when she goes she4 on y spring a eak' 2ow abo$t %akin4 a boot6 "ight get fi#e h$n!er! %ore %i es' Le4s go on ti she b ows' We got to get a tire& b$t& Jes$s& they want a ot for a o 4 tire' They ook a fe a o#er' They know he got to go on' They know he can4t wait' An! the price goes $p' Take it or ea#e it' ) ain4t in b$siness for %y hea th' )4% here a*se in4 tires' ) ain4t gi#in4 4e% away' ) can4t he p what happens to yo$' ) got to think what happens to %e' 2ow far4s the ne.4 town6 ) seen forty*two cars a yo$ fe as go by yester!ay' Where yo$ a co%e fro%6 Where a of yo$ goin46 We & Ca ifornia4s a big State' )t ain4t that big' The who e <nite! States ain4t that big' )t ain4t that big' )t ain4t big eno$gh' There ain4t roo% eno$gh for yo$ an4 %e& for yo$r kin! an4 %y kin!& for rich an! poor together a in one co$ntry& for thie#es an! honest %en' 8or h$nger an! fat' Whyn4t yo$ go back where yo$ co%e fro%6 This is a free co$ntry' 8e a can go where he wants' That4s what you think= ,#er hear of the bor!er patro on the Ca ifornia ine6 >o ice fro% Los Ange es3stoppe! yo$ bastar!s& t$rne! yo$ back' Says& if yo$ can4t b$y no rea estate we !on4t want yo$' Says& got a

!ri#er4s icense6 Le4s see it' Tore it $p' Says yo$ can4t co%e in witho$t no !ri#er4s icense' )t4s a free co$ntry' We & try to get so%e free!o% to !o' 8e a says yo$4re :$s4 as free as yo$ got :ack to pay for it' )n Ca ifornia they got high wages' ) got a han4bi here te s abo$t it' /a oney= ) seen fo ks co%in4 back' So%ebo!y4s ki!!in4 yo$' 9o$ want that tire or !on4t ya6 Got to take it& b$t& Jes$s& %ister& it c$ts into o$r %oney= We ain4t got %$ch eft' We & ) ain4t no charity' Take her a ong' Got to& ) g$ess' Let4s ook her o#er' Open her $p& ook a4 the casing3 yo$ son*of*a*bitch& yo$ sai! the casing was goo!' She4s broke !a%n near thro$gh' The he she is' We 3by George= 2ow co%e ) !i!n4 see that6 9o$ !i! see it& yo$ son*of*a*bitch' 9o$ wanta charge $s fo$r b$cks for a b$ste! casing' )4! ike to take a sock at yo$' 0ow keep yo$r shirt on= ) !i!n4 see it& ) te yo$' 2ere3te ya what )4 !o' )4 gi#e ya this one for three*fifty' 9o$4 take a f ying :$%p at the %oon= We4 try to %ake the ne.4 town' Think we can %ake it on that tire6 Got to' )4 go on the ri% before )4! gi#e that son*of*a*bitch a !i%e' What !o ya think a g$y in b$siness is6 Like he says& he ain4t in it for his hea th' That4s what b$siness is' What4! yo$ think it was6 8e a4s got3See that sign 4 ongsi!e the roa! there6 Ser#ice C $b' L$ncheon T$es!ay& Co %a!o 2ote 6 We co%e& brother' That4s a Ser#ice C $b' 8e a ha! a story' Went to one of the% %eetings an4 to ! the story to a the% b$siness %en' Says& when ) was a ki! %y o 4 %an gi#e %e a ha tere! heifer an4 says take her !own an4 git her ser#ice!' An4 the fe a says& ) !one it& an4 e#er4 ti%e since then when ) hear a b$siness %an ta kin4 abo$t ser#ice& ) won!er who4s gettin4 screwe!' 8e a in b$siness got to ie an4 cheat& b$t he ca s it so%epin e se' That4s what4s i%portant' 9o$ go stea that tire an4 yo$4re a thief& b$t he trie! to stea yo$r fo$r !o ars for a b$ste! tire' They ca that so$n! b$siness' 1anny in the back seat wants a c$p a water'

2a#e to wait' Got no water here' Listen3that the rear en!6 Can4t te ' So$n! te egraphs thro$gh the fra%e' There goes a gasket' Got to go on' Listen to her whist e' 8in! a nice p ace to ca%p an4 )4 :erk the hea! off' /$t& Go! A %ighty& the foo!4s gettin4 ow& the %oney4s gettin4 ow' When we can4t b$y no %ore gas3 what then6 1anny in the back seat wants a c$p a water' Litt e fe a4s thirsty' Listen to that gasket whist e' Chee*rist= There she went' / owe! t$be an4 casing a to he ' 2a#e to fi. her' Sa#e that casing to %ake boots+ c$t 4e% o$t an4 stick 4e% insi!e a weak p ace' Cars p$ e! $p besi!e the roa!& engine hea!s off& tires %en!e!' Cars i%ping a ong CC ike wo$n!e! things& panting an! str$gg ing' Too hot& oose connections& oose bearings& ratt ing bo!ies' 1anny wants a c$p of water' >eop e in f ight a ong CC' An! the concrete roa! shone ike a %irror $n!er the s$n& an! in the !istance the heat %a!e it see% that there were poo s of water in the roa!' 1anny wants a c$p a water' 2e4 ha#e to wait& poor itt e fe a' 2e4s hot' 0e.4 ser#ice station' Ser,i+e station& ike the fe a says' Two h$n!re! an! fifty tho$san! peop e o#er the roa!' 8ifty tho$san! o ! cars3wo$n!e!& stea%ing' Wrecks a ong the roa!& aban!one!' We & what happene! to the%6 What happene! to the fo ks in that car6 1i! they wa k6 Where are they6 Where !oes the co$rage co%e fro%6 Where !oes the terrib e faith co%e fro%6 An! heres a story yo$ can har! y be ie#e& b$t it4s tr$e& an! it4s f$nny an! it4s bea$tif$ ' There was a fa%i y of twe #e an! they were force! off the an!' They ha! no car' They b$i t a trai er o$t of :$nk an! oa!e! it with their possessions' They p$ e! it to the si!e of CC an! waite!' An! pretty soon a se!an picke! the% $p' 8i#e of the% ro!e in the se!an an! se#en on the trai er& an! a !og on the trai er' They got to Ca ifornia in two :$%ps' The %an who p$ e! the% fe! the%' An! that4s tr$e' /$t

how can s$ch co$rage be& an! s$ch faith in their own species6 Gery few things wo$ ! teach s$ch faith' The peop e in f ight fro% the terror behin!3strange things happen to the%& so%e bitter y cr$e an! so%e so bea$tif$ that the faith is refire! fore#er' 13 THE ANCIENT OVERLOADED 2$!son creake! an! gr$nte! to the highway at Sa isaw an! t$rne! west& an! the s$n was b in!ing' /$t on the concrete roa! A b$i t $p his spee! beca$se the f attene! springs were not in !anger any %ore' 8ro% Sa isaw to Gore is twenty*one %i es an! the 2$!son was !oing thirty*fi#e %i es an ho$r' 8ro% Gore to Warner thirteen %i es+ Warner to Checotah fo$rteen %i es+ Checotah a ong :$%p to 2enrietta3thirty*fo$r %i es& b$t a rea town at the en! of it' 2enrietta to Cast e& nineteen %i es& an! the s$n was o#erhea!& an! the re! fie !s& heate! by the high s$n& #ibrate! the air' A & at the whee & his face p$rposef$ & his who e bo!y istening to the car& his rest ess eyes :$%ping fro% the roa! to the instr$%ent pane ' A was one with his engine& e#ery ner#e istening for weaknesses& for the th$%ps or s($ea s& h$%s an! chattering that in!icate a change that %ay ca$se a break!own' 2e ha! beco%e the so$ of the car' Gran%a& besi!e hi% on the seat& ha f s ept& an! whi%pere! in her s eep& opene! her eyes to peer ahea!& an! then !o5e! again' An! "a sat besi!e Gran%a& one e bow o$t the win!ow& an! the skin re!!ening $n!er the fierce s$n' "a ooke! ahea! too& b$t her eyes were f at an! !i! not see the roa! or the fie !s& the gas stations& the itt e eating she!s' She !i! not g ance at the% as the 2$!son went by' A shifte! hi%se f on the broken seat an! change! his grip on the steering whee ' An! he sighe!& 7"akes a racket& b$t ) think she4s awright' Go! knows what she4 !o if we got to c i%b a hi with the oa! we got' Got any hi s 4tween here an4 Ca ifornia& "a67 "a t$rne! her hea! s ow y an! her eyes ca%e to ife'

7See%s to %e they4s hi s&7 she sai!' 74Co$rse ) !$nno' /$t see%s to %e ) hear! they4s hi s an4 e#en %o$ntains' /ig ones'7 Gran%a !rew a ong whining sigh in her s eep' A sai!& 7We4 b$rn right $p if we got c i%bin4 to !o' 2a#e to throw o$t so%e a4 this st$ff' "aybe& we sho$ !n4 a brang that preacher'7 79o$4 be g a! a that preacher 4fore we4re thro$gh&7 sai! "a' 7That preacher4 he p $s'7 She ooke! ahea! at the g ea%ing roa! again' A steere! with one han! an! p$t the other on the #ibrating gear*shift e#er' 2e ha! !iffic$ ty in speaking' 2is %o$th for%e! the wor!s si ent y before he sai! the% a o$!' 7"a37 She ooke! s ow y aro$n! at hi%& her hea! swaying a itt e with the car4s %otion' 7"a& yo$ scare! a goin46 9o$ scare! a goin4 to a new p ace67 2er eyes grew tho$ghtf$ an! soft' 7A itt e&7 she sai!' 7On y it ain4t ike scare! so %$ch' )4% :$s4 a settin4 here waitin4' When so%epin happens that ) got to !o so%epin3)4 !o it'7 7Ain4t yo$ thinkin4 what4s it gonna be ike when we get there6 Ain4t yo$ scare! it won4t be nice ike we tho$ght67 70o&7 she sai! ($ick y' 70o& ) ain4t' 9o$ can4t !o that' ) can4t !o that' )t4s too %$ch3 i#in4 too %any i#es' <p ahea! they4s a tho$san4 i#es we %ight i#e& b$t when it co%es& it4 on4y be one' )f ) go ahea! on a of 4e%& it4s too %$ch' 9o$ got to i#e ahea! 4ca$se yo$4re so yo$ng& b$t3it4s :$s4 the roa! goin4 by for %e' An4 it4s :$s4 how soon they gonna wanta eat so%e %ore pork bones'7 2er face tightene!' 7That4s a ) can !o' ) can4t !o no %ore' A the rest4! get $pset if ) !one any %ore4n that' They a !epen4 on %e :$s4 thinkin4 abo$t that'7 Gran%a yawne! shri y an! opene! her eyes' She ooke! wi ! y abo$t' 7) got to get o$t& praise Gaw!&7 she sai!' 78irst c $%p a br$sh&7 sai! A ' 7They4s one $p ahea!'7 7/r$sh or no br$sh& ) got to git o$t& ) te ya'7 An! she began to whine& 7) got to git o$t' ) got to git o$t'7 A spee!e! $p& an! when he ca%e to the ow br$sh he p$ e! $p short' "a threw the !oor open an! ha f p$ e! the str$gg ing o ! a!y o$t besi!e the roa! an! into the b$shes' An! "a he ! her so Gran%a wo$ ! not fa when she s($atte!'

On top of the tr$ck the others stirre! to ife' Their faces were shining with s$nb$rn they co$ ! not escape' To% an! Casy an! 0oah an! <nc e John et the%se #es weari y !own' R$thie an! Winfie ! swar%e! !own the si!e*boar!s an! went off into the b$shes' Connie he pe! Rose of Sharon gent y !own' <n!er the can#as& Gra%pa was awake& his hea! sticking o$t& b$t his eyes were !r$gge! an! watery an! sti sense ess' 2e watche! the others& b$t there was itt e recognition in his watching' To% ca e! to hi%& 7Want to co%e !own& Gra%pa67 The o ! eyes t$rne! ist ess y to hi%' 70o&7 sai! Gra%pa' 8or a %o%ent the fierceness ca%e into his eyes' 7) ain4t a*goin4& ) te yo$' Gonna stay ike "$ ey'7 An! then he ost interest again' "a ca%e back& he ping Gran%a $p the bank to the highway' 7To%&7 she sai!' 7Get that pan a bones& $n!er the can#as in back' We got to eat so%epin'7 To% got the pan an! passe! it aro$n!& an! the fa%i y stoo! by the roa!si!e& gnawing the crisp partic es fro% the pork bones' 7S$re $cky we brang these a ong&7 sai! >a' 7Git so stiff $p there can4t har! y %o#e' Where4s the water67 7Ain4t it $p with yo$67 "a aske!' 7) set o$t that ga on :$g'7 >a c i%be! the si!es an! ooke! $n!er the can#as' 7)t ain4t here' We %$st a forgot it'7 Thirst set in instant y' Winfie ! %oane!& 7) wanta !rink' ) wanta !rink'7 The %en icke! their ips& s$!!en y conscio$s of their thirst' An! a itt e panic starte!' A fe t the fear growing' 7We4 get water first ser#ice station we co%e to' We nee! so%e gas too'7 The fa%i y swar%e! $p the tr$ck si!es+ "a he pe! Gran%a in an! got in besi!e her' A starte! the %otor an! they %o#e! on' Cast e to >a!en twenty*fi#e %i es an! the s$n passe! the 5enith an! starte! !own' An! the ra!iator cap began to :igg e $p an! !own an! stea% starte! to whish o$t' 0ear >a!en there was a shack besi!e the roa! an! two gas p$%ps in front of it+ an! besi!e a fence& a water fa$cet an! a hose' A !ro#e in an! nose! the 2$!son $p to the hose' As they p$ e! in& a sto$t %an& re! of face an! ar%s& got $p fro% a chair behin! the gas p$%ps an! %o#e! towar! the%' 2e wore brown cor!$roys& an!

s$spen!ers an! a po o shirt+ an! he ha! a car!boar! s$n he %et& painte! si #er& on his hea!' The sweat bea!e! on his nose an! $n!er his eyes an! for%e! strea%s in the wrink es of his neck' 2e stro e! towar! the tr$ck& ooking tr$c$ ent an! stern' 79o$ fo ks ai% to b$y anything6 Gaso ine or st$ff67 he aske!' A was o$t a rea!y& $nscrewing the stea%ing ra!iator cap with the tips of his fingers& :erking his han! away to escape the sp$rt when the cap sho$ ! co%e oose' 70ee! so%e gas& %ister'7 7Got any %oney67 7S$re' Think we4re beggin467 The tr$c$ ence eft the fat %an4s face' 7We & that4s a right& fo ks' 2e4p yo$rse f to water'7 An! he hastene! to e.p ain' 7Roa! is f$ a peop e& co%e in& $se water& !irty $p the toi et& an4 then& by Go!& they4 stea st$ff an4 !on4t b$y nothin4' Got no %oney to b$y with' Co%e beggin4 a ga on gas to %o#e on'7 To% !roppe! angri y to the gro$n! an! %o#e! towar! the fat %an' 7We4re payin4 o$r way&7 he sai! fierce y' 79o$ got no ca to gi#e $s a goin4*o#er' We ain4t aske! yo$ for nothin4'7 7) ain4t&7 the fat %an sai! ($ick y' The sweat began to soak thro$gh his short*s ee#e! po o shirt' 7J$s4 he4p yo$rse f to water& an! go $se the toi et if yo$ want'7 Winfie ! ha! got the hose' 2e !rank fro% the en! an! then t$rne! the strea% o#er his hea! an! face an! e%erge! !ripping' 7)t ain4t coo &7 he sai!' 7) !on4t know what the co$ntry4s co%in4 to&7 the fat %an contin$e!' 2is co%p aint ha! shifte! now an! he was no onger ta king to or abo$t the Joa!s' 78ifty*si.ty cars a fo ks go by e#er4 !ay& fo ks a %o#in4 west with ki!s an4 ho$seho 4 st$ff' Where they goin46 What they gonna !o67 71oin4 the sa%e as $s&7 sai! To%' 7Goin4 so%ep ace to i#e' Tryin4 to get a ong' That4s a '7 7We & ) !on4 know what the co$ntry4s co%in4 to' ) :$s4 !on4 know' 2ere4s %e tryin4 to get a ong& too' Think any the% big new cars stop here6 0o& sir= They go on to the% ye a*painte! co%pany stations in town' They !on4t stop no p ace ike this' "ost fo ks stops here ain4t got nothin'7

A f ippe! the ra!iator cap an! it :$%pe! into the air with a hea! of stea% behin! it& an! a ho ow b$bb ing so$n! ca%e o$t of the ra!iator' On top of the tr$ck& the s$ffering ho$n! !og craw e! ti%i! y to the e!ge of the oa! an! ooke! o#er& whi%pering& towar! the water' <nc e John c i%be! $p an! ifte! hi% !own by the scr$ff of the neck' 8or a %o%ent the !og staggere! on stiff egs& an! then he went to ap the %$! $n!er the fa$cet' )n the highway the cars whi55e! by& g istening in the heat& an! the hot win! of their going fanne! into the ser#ice*station yar!' A fi e! the ra!iator with the hose' 7)t ain4t that )4% tryin4 to git tra!e o$ta rich fo ks&7 the fat %an went on' 7)4% :$s4 tryin4 to git tra!e' Why& the fo ks that stops here begs gaso ine an4 they tra!es for gaso ine' ) co$ ! show yo$ in %y back roo% the st$ff they4 tra!e for gas an4 oi - be!s an4 baby b$ggies an4 pots an4 pans' One fa%i y tra!e! a !o their ki! ha! for a ga on' An4 what4% ) gonna !o with the st$ff& open a :$nk shop6 Why& one fe a wante! to gi%%e his shoes for a ga on' An4 if ) was that kin!a fe a ) bet ) co$ ! git 37 2e g ance! at "a an! stoppe!' Ji% Casy ha! wet his hea!& an! the !rops sti co$rse! !own his high forehea!& an! his %$sc e! neck was wet& an! his shirt was wet' 2e %o#e! o#er besi!e To%' 7)t ain4t the peop e4s fa$ t&7 he sai!' 72ow4! yo$ ike to se the be! yo$ s eep on for a tankf$ a gas67 7) know it ain4t their fa$ t' ,#er4 person ) ta ke! to is on the %o#e for a !a%n goo! reason' /$t what4s the co$ntry co%in4 to6 That4s what ) wanta know' What4s it co%in4 to6 8e a can4t %ake a i#in4 no %ore' 8o ks can4t %ake a i#in4 far%in4' ) ask yo$& what4s it co%in4 to6 ) can4t fig$re her o$t' ,#er4bo!y ) ask& they can4t fig$re her o$t' 8e a wants to tra!e his shoes so he can git a h$n!er! %i es on' ) can4t fig$re her o$t'7 2e took off his si #er hat an! wipe! his forehea! with his pa %' An! To% took off his cap an! wipe! his forehea! with it' 2e went to the hose an! wet the cap thro$gh an! s($ee5e! it an! p$t it on again' "a worke! a tin c$p o$t thro$gh the si!e bars of the tr$ck& an! she took water to Gran%a an! to Gra%pa on top of the oa!' She stoo! on the bars an! han!e! the c$p to Gra%pa& an! he wet his ips& an! then shook his hea! an! ref$se! %ore' The o ! eyes ooke! $p at "a in pain an! bewi !er%ent for a %o%ent before the awareness rece!e! again'

A starte! the %otor an! backe! the tr$ck to the gas p$%p' 78i her $p' She4 take abo$t se#en&7 sai! A ' 7We4 gi#e her si. so she !on4t spi none'7 The fat %an p$t the hose in the tank' 70o& sir&7 he sai!' 7) :$s4 !on4t know what the co$ntry4s co%in4 to' Re ief an4 a '7 Casy sai!& 7) been wa kin4 aro$n4 in the co$ntry' ,#er4bo!y4s askin4 that' What we co%in4 to6 See%s to %e we !on4t ne#er co%e to nothin4' A ways on the way' A ways goin4 an! goin4' Why !on4t fo ks think abo$t that6 They4s %o#e%ent now' >eop e %o#ing' We know why& an4 we know how' "o#in4 4ca$se they got to' That4s why fo ks a ways %o#e' "o#in4 4ca$se they want so%epin better4n what they got' An4 that4s the on4y way they4 e#er git it' Wantin4 it an4 nee!in4 it& they4 go o$t an4 git it' )t4s bein4 h$rt that %akes fo ks %a! to fightin4' ) been wa kin4 aro$n4 the co$ntry& an4 hearin4 fo ks ta k ike yo$'7 The fat %an p$%pe! the gaso ine an! the nee! e t$rne! on the p$%p !ia & recor!ing the a%o$nt' 79eah& b$t what4s it co%in4 to6 That4s what ) want ta know'7 To% broke in irritab y& 7We & yo$ ain4t ne#er gonna know' Casy tries to te ya an4 yo$ :est ast the sa%e thing o#er' ) seen fe as ike yo$ before' 9o$ ain4t askin4 nothin4+ yo$4re :$s4 singin4 a kin!a song' 4What we co%in4 to64 9o$ !on4 wanta know' Co$ntry4s %o#in4 aro$n4& goin4 p aces' They4s fo ks !yin4 a aro$n4' "aybe yo$4 !ie pretty soon& b$t yo$ won4t know nothin4' ) seen too %any fe as ike yo$' 9o$ !on4t want to know nothin4' J$st sing yo$rse f to s eep with a song34What we co%in4 to647 2e ooke! at the gas p$%p& r$ste! an! o !& an! at the shack behin! it& b$i t of o ! $%ber& the nai ho es of its first $se sti showing thro$gh the paint that ha! been bra#e& the bra#e ye ow paint that ha! trie! to i%itate the big co%pany stations in town' /$t the paint co$ !n4t co#er the o ! nai ho es an! the o ! cracks in the $%ber& an! the paint co$ ! not be renewe!' The i%itation was a fai $re an! the owner ha! known it was a fai $re' An! insi!e the open !oor of the shack To% saw the oi barre s& on y two of the%& an! the can!y co$nter with sta e can!ies an! icorice whips t$rning brown with age& an! cigarettes' 2e saw the broken chair an! the f y screen with a r$ste! ho e in it' An! the ittere! yar! that sho$ ! ha#e been gra#e e!& an! behin!& the corn fie ! !rying an!

!ying in the s$n' /esi!e the ho$se the itt e stock of $se! tires an! retrea!e! tires' An! he saw for the first ti%e the fat %an4s cheap washe! pants an! his cheap po o shirt an! his paper hat' 2e sai!& 7) !i!n4 %ean to so$n! off at ya& %ister' )t4s the heat' 9o$ ain4t got nothin4' >retty soon yo$4 be on the roa! yo$rse4f' An! it ain4t tractors4 p$t yo$ there' )t4s the% pretty ye a stations in town' 8o ks is %o#in4&7 he sai! asha%e! y' 7An4 yo$4 be %o#in4& %ister'7 The fat %an4s han! s owe! on the p$%p an! stoppe! whi e To% spoke' 2e ooke! worrie! y at To%' 72ow4! yo$ know67 he aske! he p ess y' 72ow4! yo$ know we was a rea!y ta kin4 abo$t packin4 $p an4 %o#in4 west67 Casy answere! hi%' 7)t4s e#er4bo!y&7 he sai!' 72ere4s %e that $se! to gi#e a %y fight against the !e#i 4ca$se ) figgere! the !e#i was the ene%y' /$t they4s so%epin worse4n the !e#i got ho ! a the co$ntry& an4 it ain4t gonna et go ti it4s choppe! oose' ,#er see one a the% Gi a %onsters take ho !& %ister6 Grabs ho !& an4 yo$ chop hi% in two an4 his hea! hangs on' Chop hi% at the neck an4 his hea! hangs on' Got to take a screw*!ri#er an4 pry his hea! apart to git hi% oose' An4 whi e he4s ayin4 there& poison is !rippin4 an4 !rippin4 into the ho e he4s %a!e with his teeth'7 2e stoppe! an! ooke! si!eways at To%' The fat %an stare! hope ess y straight ahea!' 2is han! starte! t$rning the crank s ow y' 7) !$nno what we4re co%in4 to&7 he sai! soft y' O#er by the water hose& Connie an! Rose of Sharon stoo! together& ta king secret y' Connie washe! the tin c$p an! fe t the water with his finger before he fi e! the c$p again' Rose of Sharon watche! the cars go by on the highway' Connie he ! o$t the c$p to her' 7This water ain4t coo & b$t it4s wet&7 he sai!' She ooke! at hi% an! s%i e! secret y' She was a secrets now she was pregnant& secrets an! itt e si ences that see%e! to ha#e %eanings' She was p ease! with herse f& an! she co%p aine! abo$t things that !i!n4t rea y %atter' An! she !e%an!e! ser#ices of Connie that were si y& an! both of the% knew they were si y' Connie was p ease! with her too& an! fi e! with won!er that she was pregnant' 2e ike! to think he was in on the secrets she ha!' When she s%i e! s y y& he s%i e! s y y too& an! they e.change! confi!ences in whispers' The wor ! ha! !rawn c ose aro$n!

the%& an! they were in the center of it& or rather Rose of Sharon was in the center of it with Connie %aking a s%a orbit abo$t her' ,#erything they sai! was a kin! of secret' She !rew her eyes fro% the highway' 7) ain4t #ery thirsty&7 she sai! !ainti y' 7/$t %aybe ) oug%t to !rink'7 An! he no!!e!& for he knew we what she %eant' She took the c$p an! rinse! her %o$th an! spat an! then !rank the c$pf$ of tepi! water' 7Want another67 he aske!' 7J$s4 a ha f'7 An! so he fi e! the c$p :$st ha f& an! ga#e it to her' A Linco n Fephyr& si #ery an! ow& whiske! by' She t$rne! to see where the others were an! saw the% c $stere! abo$t the tr$ck' Reass$re!& she sai!& 72ow4! yo$ ike to be goin4 a ong in that67 Connie sighe!& 7"aybe3after'7 They both knew what he %eant' 7An4 if they4s p enty work in Ca ifornia& we4 git o$r own car' /$t the%73he in!icate! the !isappearing Fephyr37the% kin! costs as %$ch as a goo! si5e ho$se' ) r$ther ha#e the ho$se'7 7) ike to ha#e the ho$se (#! one a the%&7 she sai!' 7/$t 4co$rse the ho$se wo$ ! be first beca$se37 An! they both knew what she %eant' They were terrib y e.cite! abo$t the pregnancy' 79o$ fee awright67 he aske!' 7Tar4!' J$s4 tar4! ri!in4 in the s$n'7 7We got to !o that or we won4t ne#er get to Ca ifornia'7 7) know&7 she sai!' The !og wan!ere!& sniffing& past the tr$ck& trotte! to the p$!! e $n!er the hose again an! appe! at the %$!!y water' An! then he %o#e! away& nose !own an! ears hanging' 2e sniffe! his way a%ong the !$sty wee!s besi!e the roa!& to the e!ge of the pa#e%ent' 2e raise! his hea! an! ooke! across& an! then starte! o#er' Rose of Sharon screa%e! shri y' A big swift car whiske! near& tires s($ea e!' The !og !o!ge! he p ess y& an! with a shriek& c$t off in the %i!! e& went $n!er the whee s' The big car s owe! for a %o%ent an! faces ooke! back& an! then it gathere! greater spee! an! !isappeare!' An! the !og& a b ot of b oo! an! tang e!& b$rst intestines& kicke! s ow y in the roa!' Rose of Sharon4s eyes were wi!e' 714yo$ think it4 h$rt67 she begge!' 7Think it4 h$rt67

Connie p$t his ar% aro$n! her' 7Co%e set !own&7 he sai!' 7)t wasn4t nothin4'7 7/$t ) fe t it h$rt' ) fe t it kin!a :ar when ) ye e!'7 7Co%e set !own' )t wasn4t nothin4' )t won4t h$rt'7 2e e! her to the si!e of the tr$ck away fro% the !ying !og an! sat her !own on the r$nning boar!' To% an! <nc e John wa ke! o$t to the %ess' The ast ($i#er was going o$t of the cr$she! bo!y' To% took it by the egs an! !ragge! it to the si!e of the roa!' <nc e John ooke! e%barrasse!& as tho$gh it were his fa$ t' 7) o$ght ta tie! hi% $p&7 he sai!' >a ooke! !own at the !og for a %o%ent an! then he t$rne! away' 7Le4s get o$ta here&7 he sai!' 7) !on4 know how we was gonna fee! 4i% anyways' J$st as we & %aybe'7 The fat %an ca%e fro% behin! the tr$ck' 7)4% sorry& fo ks&7 he sai!' 7A !og :$s4 !on4 ast no ti%e near a highway' ) ha! three !ogs r$n o#er in a year' 1on4t keep none& no %ore'7 An! he sai!& 71on4t yo$ fo ks worry none abo$t it' )4 take care of 4i%' /$ry 4i% o$t in the corn fie !'7 "a wa ke! o#er to Rose of Sharon& where she sat& sti sh$!!ering& on the r$nning boar!' 79o$ a right& Rosasharn67 she aske!' 79o$ fee in4 poor y67 7) seen that' Gi#e %e a start'7 7) hear! ya yip&7 sai! "a' 7Git yo$rse f ace! $p& now'7 79o$ s$ppose it %ight of h$rt67 70o&7 sai! "a' 7 48 yo$ go to greasin4 yo$rse f an4 fee in4 sorry& an4 t$ckin4 yo$rse f in a swa a4s nest& it %ight' Rise $p now& an4 he4p %e get Gran%a co%f4tab e' 8orget that baby for a %in$te' 2e4 take care a hisse f'7 7Where is Gran%a67 Rose of Sharon aske!' 7) !$nno' She4s aro$n4 here so%ewheres' "aybe in the o$tho$se'7 The gir went towar! the toi et& an! in a %o%ent she ca%e o$t& he ping Gran%a a ong' 7She went to s eep in there&7 sai! Rose of Sharon' Gran%a grinne!' 7)t4s nice in there&7 she sai!' 7They got a patent toi et in there an4 the water co%es !own' ) ike it in there&7 she sai! contente! y' 7Wo$ ! of took a goo! nap if ) wasn4t woke $p'7

7)t ain4t a nice p ace to s eep&7 sai! Rose of Sharon& an! she he pe! Gran%a into the car' Gran%a sett e! herse f happi y' 7"aybe it ain4t nice for p$rty& b$t it4s nice for nice&7 she sai!' To% sai!& 7Le4s go' We got to %ake %i es'7 >a whist e! shri y' 70ow where4! the% ki!s go67 2e whist e! again& p$tting his fingers in his %o$th' )n a %o%ent they broke fro% the corn fie !& R$thie ahea! an! Winfie ! trai ing her' 7,ggs=7 R$thie crie!' 7Look=7 A !o5en soft& grayish*white eggs were in her gr$bby han!' An! as she he ! $p her han!& her eyes fe $pon the !ea! !og besi!e the roa!' 7Oh=7 she sai!' R$thie an! Winfie ! wa ke! s ow y towar! the !og' They inspecte! hi%' >a ca e! to the%& 7Co%e on& yo$& 4 ess yo$ want to git eft'7 They t$rne! so e%n y an! wa ke! to the tr$ck' R$thie ooke! once %ore at the gray repti e eggs in her han!& an! then she threw the% away' They c i%be! $p the si!e of the tr$ck' 72is eyes was sti open&7 sai! R$thie in a h$she! tone' /$t Winfie ! g orie! in the scene' 2e sai! bo ! y& 72is g$ts was :$st strowe! a o#er3a o#er73he was si ent for a %o%ent37strowe!3a 3 o#er&7 he sai!& an! then he ro e! o#er ($ick y an! #o%ite! !own the si!e of the tr$ck' When he sat $p again his eyes were watery an! his nose r$nning' 7)t ain4t ike ki in4 pigs&7 he sai! in e.p anation' A ha! the hoo! of the 2$!son $p& an! he checke! the oi e#e ' 2e bro$ght a ga on can fro% the f oor of the front seat an! po$re! a ($antity of cheap b ack oi into the pipe an! checke! the e#e again' To% ca%e besi!e hi%' 7Want ) sho$ ! take her a piece67 he aske!' 7) ain4t tire!&7 sai! A ' 7We & yo$ !i!n4t get no s eep as4 night' ) took a snoo5e this %orning' Get $p there on top' )4 take her'7 7Awright&7 A sai! re $ctant y' 7/$t watch the oi ga$ge pretty c ose' Take her s ow' An4 ) been watchin4 for a short' Take a ook a the nee! e now an4 then' 48 she :$%ps to !ischarge it4s a short' An4 take her s ow& To%' She4s o#er oa!e!'7 To% a$ghe!' 7)4 watch her&7 he sai!' 79o$ can res4 easy'7 The fa%i y pi e! on top of the tr$ck again' "a sett e! herse f besi!e Gran%a in the seat& an! To% took his p ace an! starte! the %otor' 7S$re

is oose&7 he sai!& an! he p$t it in gear an! p$ e! away !own the highway' The %otor !rone! a ong stea!i y an! the s$n rece!e! !own the sky in front of the%' Gran%a s ept stea!i y& an! e#en "a !roppe! her hea! forwar! an! !o5e!' To% p$ e! his cap o#er his eyes to sh$t o$t the b in!ing s$n' >a!en to "eeker is thirteen %i es+ "eeker to 2arrah is fo$rteen %i es+ an! then Ok aho%a City3the big city' To% !ro#e straight on' "a wake! $p an! ooke! at the streets as they went thro$gh the city' An! the fa%i y& on top of the tr$ck& stare! abo$t at the stores& at the big ho$ses& at the office b$i !ings' An! then the b$i !ings grew s%a er an! the stores s%a er' The wrecking yar!s an! hot*!og stan!s& the o$t*city !ance ha s' R$thie an! Winfie ! saw it a & an! it e%barrasse! the% with its bigness an! its strangeness& an! it frightene! the% with the fine*c othe! peop e they saw' They !i! not speak of it to each other' Later3they wo$ !& b$t not now' They saw the oi !erricks in the town& on the e!ge of the town+ oi !erricks b ack& an! the s%e of oi an! gas in the air' /$t they !i!n4t e.c ai%' )t was so big an! so strange it frightene! the%' )n the street Rose of Sharon saw a %an in a ight s$it' 2e wore white shoes an! a f at straw hat' She to$che! Connie an! in!icate! the %an with her eyes& an! then Connie an! Rose of Sharon gigg e! soft y to the%se #es& an! the gigg es got the best of the%' They co#ere! their %o$ths' An! it fe t so goo! that they ooke! for other peop e to gigg e at' R$thie an! Winfie ! saw the% gigg ing an! it ooke! s$ch f$n that they trie! to !o it too3b$t they co$ !n4t' The gigg es wo$ !n4t co%e' /$t Connie an! Rose of Sharon were breath ess an! re! with stif ing a$ghter before they co$ ! stop' )t got so ba! that they ha! on y to ook at each other to start o#er again' The o$tskirts were wi!e sprea!' To% !ro#e s ow y an! caref$ y in the traffic& an! then they were on CC3the great western roa!& an! the s$n was sinking on the ine of the roa!' The win!shie ! was bright with !$st' To% p$ e! his cap ower o#er his eyes& so ow that he ha! to ti t his hea! back to see o$t at a ' Gran%a s ept on& the s$n on her c ose! eye i!s& an! the #eins on her te%p es were b $e& an! the itt e bright #eins on her

cheeks were wine*co ore!& an! the o ! brown %arks on her face t$rne! !arker' To% sai!& 7We stay on this roa! right straight thro$gh'7 "a ha! been si ent for a ong ti%e' 7"aybe we better fin4 a p ace to stop 4fore s$nset&7 she sai!' 7) got to get so%e pork a*boi in4 an4 so%e brea! %a!e' That takes ti%e'7 7S$re&7 To% agree!' 7We ain4t gonna %ake this trip in one :$%p' "ight4s we stretch o$rse #es'7 Ok aho%a City to /ethany is fo$rteen %i es' To% sai!& 7) think we better stop 4fore the s$n goes !own' A got to b$i ! that thing on the top' S$n4 ki the fo ks $p there'7 "a ha! been !o5ing again' 2er hea! :erke! $pright' 7Got to get so%e s$pper a*cookin4&7 she sai!' An! she sai!& 7To%& yo$r pa to 4 %e abo$t yo$ crossin4 the State ine*7 2e was a ong ti%e answering' 79eah6 What abo$t it& "a67 7We & )4% scairt abo$t it' )t4 %ake yo$ kin!a r$nnin4 away' "aybe they4 catch ya'7 To% he ! his han! o#er his eyes to protect hi%se f fro% the owering s$n' 71on4t yo$ worry&7 he sai!' 7) figgere! her o$t' They4s ots a fe as o$t on paro e an4 they4s %ore goin4 in a the ti%e' )f ) get ca$ght for anything e se o$t west& we & then they got %y pitcher an4 %y prints in Washington' They4 sen4 %e back' /$t if ) !on4t !o no cri%es& they won4t gi#e a !a%n'7 7We & )4% a*scairt abo$t it' So%eti%es yo$ !o a cri%e& an4 yo$ !on4t e#en know it4s ba!' "aybe they got cri%es in Ca ifornia we !on4t e#en know abo$t' "aybe yo$ gonna !o so%epin an4 it4s a right& an4 in Ca ifornia it ain4t a right'7 7/e :$s4 the sa%e if ) wasn4t on paro e&7 he sai!' 7On4y if ) get ca$ght ) get a bigger :o t4n other fo ks' 0ow yo$ ($it a*worryin4&7 he sai!' 7We got p enty to worry abo$t 4tho$t yo$ figgerin4 o$t things to worry abo$t'7 7) can4t he4p it&7 she sai!' 7"in$te yo$ cross the ine yo$ !one a cri%e'7 7We & that4s better4n stickin4 aro$n4 Sa isaw an4 star#in4 to !eath&7 he sai!' 7We better ook o$t for a p ace to stop'7 They went thro$gh /ethany an! o$t on the other si!e' )n a !itch& where a c$ #ert went $n!er the roa!& an o ! to$ring car was p$ e! off

the highway an! a itt e tent was pitche! besi!e it& an! s%oke ca%e o$t of a sto#e pipe thro$gh the tent' To% pointe! ahea!' 7There4s so%e fo ks ca%pin4' Looks ike as goo! a p ace as we seen'7 2e s owe! his %otor an! p$ e! to a stop besi!e the roa!' The hoo! of the o ! to$ring car was $p& an! a %i!! e*age! %an stoo! ooking !own at the %otor' 2e wore a cheap straw so%brero& a b $e shirt& an! a b ack& spotte! #est& an! his :eans were stiff an! shiny with !irt' 2is face was ean& the !eep cheek* ines great f$rrows !own his face so that his cheek bones an! chin stoo! o$t sharp y' 2e ooke! $p at the Joa! tr$ck an! his eyes were p$55 e! an! angry' To% eane! o$t of the win!ow' 7Any aw 4gainst fo ks stoppin4 here for the night67 The %an ha! seen on y the tr$ck' 2is eyes foc$se! !own on To%' 7) !$nno&7 he sai!' 7We on4y stoppe! here 4ca$se we co$ !n4t git no f$rther'7 7Any water here67 The %an pointe! to a ser#ice*station shack abo$t a ($arter of a %i e ahea!' 7They4s water there they4 et ya take a b$cket of'7 To% hesitate!' 7We & ya s4pose we co$ ! ca%p !own 4 ongsi!e67 The ean %an ooke! p$55 e!' 7We !on4t own it&7 he sai!' 7We on4y stoppe! here 4ca$se this go!!a%n o 4 trap wo$ !n4 go no f$rther'7 To% insiste!' 7Anyways yo$4re here an4 we ain4t' 9o$ got a right to say if yo$ wan4 neighbors or not'7 The appea to hospita ity ha! an instant effect' The ean face broke into a s%i e' 7Why& s$re& co%e on off the roa!' >ro$! to ha#e ya'7 An! he ca e!& 7Sairy& there4s so%e fo ks goin4 ta stay with $s' Co%e on o$t an4 say how !4ya !o' Sairy ain4t we &7 he a!!e!' The tent f aps opene! an! a wi5ene! wo%an ca%e o$t3a face wrink e! as a !rie! eaf an! eyes that see%e! to f a%e in her face& b ack eyes that see%e! to ook o$t of a we of horror' She was s%a an! sh$!!ering' She he ! herse f $pright by a tent f ap& an! the han! ho !ing onto the can#as was a ske eton co#ere! with wrink e! skin' When she spoke her #oice ha! a bea$tif$ ow ti%bre& soft an! %o!$ ate!& an! yet with ringing o#ertones' 7Te 4e% we co%e&7 she sai!' 7Te 4e% goo! an4 we co%e'7

To% !ro#e off the roa! an! bro$ght his tr$ck into the fie ! an! ine! it $p with the to$ring car' An! peop e boi e! !own fro% the tr$ck+ R$thie an! Winfie ! too ($ick y& so that their egs ga#e way an! they shrieke! at the pins an! nee! es that ran thro$gh their i%bs' "a went ($ick y to work' She $ntie! the three*ga on b$cket fro% the back of the tr$ck an! approache! the s($ea ing chi !ren' 70ow yo$ go git water3right !own there' Ask nice' Say& 4> ease& kin we git a b$cket a water64 an! say& 4Thank yo$'4 An4 carry it back together he pin4& an4 !on4t spi none' An4 if yo$ see stick woo! to b$rn& bring it on'7 The chi !ren sta%pe! away towar! the shack' /y the tent a itt e e%barrass%ent ha! set in& an! socia interco$rse ha! pa$se! before it starte!' >a sai!& 79o$ ain4t Ok aho%y fo ks67 An! A & who stoo! near the car& ooke! at the icense p ates' 7?ansas&7 he sai!' The ean %an sai!& 7Ga ena& or right abo$t there' Wi son& )#y Wi son'7 7We4re Joa!s&7 sai! >a' 7We co%e fro% right near Sa isaw'7 7We & we4re pro$! to %eet yo$ fo ks&7 sai! )#y Wi son' 7Sairy& these is Joa!s'7 7) knowe! yo$ wasn4t Ok aho%y fo ks' 9o$ ta k ($eer kin!a3that ain4t no b a%e& yo$ $n!erstan4'7 7,#er4bo!y says wor!s !ifferent&7 sai! )#y' 7Arkansas fo ks says 4e% !ifferent& an! Ok aho%y fo ks says 4e% !ifferent' An! we seen a a!y fro% "assach$setts& an4 she sai! 4e% !ifferentest of a ' Co$ !n4 har! y %ake o$t what she was sayin4'7 0oah an! <nc e John an! the preacher began to $n oa! the tr$ck' They he pe! Gra%pa !own an! sat hi% on the gro$n! an! he sat i%p y& staring ahea! of hi%' 79o$ sick& Gra%pa67 0oah aske!' 79o$ go!!a%n right&7 sai! Gra%pa weak y' 7Sicker4n he '7 Sairy Wi son wa ke! s ow y an! caref$ y towar! hi%' 72ow4! yo$ ike ta co%e in o$r tent67 she aske!' 79o$ kin ay !own on o$r %attress an4 rest'7 2e ooke! $p at her& !rawn by her soft #oice' 7Co%e on now&7 she sai!' 79o$4 git so%e rest' We4 he4p yo$ o#er'7 Witho$t warning Gra%pa began to cry' 2is chin wa#ere! an! his o ! ips tightene! o#er his %o$th an! he sobbe! hoarse y' "a r$she! o#er to

hi% an! p$t her ar%s aro$n! hi%' She ifte! hi% to his feet& her broa! back straining& an! she ha f ifte!& ha f he pe! hi% into the tent' <nc e John sai!& 72e %$st be goo! an4 sick' 2e ain4t ne#er !one that before' 0e#er seen hi% b $bberin4 in %y ife'7 2e :$%pe! $p on the tr$ck an! tosse! a %attress !own' "a ca%e o$t of the tent an! went to Casy' 79o$ been aro$n4 sick peop e&7 she sai!' 7Gra%pa4s sick' Won4t yo$ go take a ook at hi%67 Casy wa ke! ($ick y to the tent an! went insi!e' A !o$b e %attress was on the gro$n!& the b ankets sprea! neat y+ an! a itt e tin sto#e stoo! on iron egs& an! the fire in it b$rne! $ne#en y' A b$cket of water& a woo!en bo. of s$pp ies& an! a bo. for a tab e& that was a ' The ight of the setting s$n ca%e pink y thro$gh the tent wa s' Sairy Wi son kne t on the gro$n!& besi!e the %attress& an! Gra%pa ay on his back' 2is eyes were open& staring $pwar!& an! his cheeks were f $she!' 2e breathe! hea#i y' Casy took the skinny o ! wrist in his fingers' 78ee ing kin!a tire!& Gra%pa67 he aske!' The staring eyes %o#e! towar! his #oice b$t !i! not fin! hi%' The ips practice! a speech b$t !i! not speak it' Casy fe t the p$ se an! he !roppe! the wrist an! p$t his han! on Gra%pa4s forehea!' A str$gg e began in the o ! %an4s bo!y& his egs %o#e! rest ess y an! his han!s stirre!' 2e sai! a who e string of b $rre! so$n!s that were not wor!s& an! his face was re! $n!er the spiky white whiskers' Sairy Wi son spoke soft y to Casy' 7?now what4s wrong67 2e ooke! $p at the wrink e! face an! the b$rning eyes' 71o yo$67 7)3think so'7 7What67 Casy aske!' 7"ight be wrong' ) wo$ !n4 ike to say'7 Casy ooke! back at the twitching re! face' 7Wo$ ! yo$ say3%aybe3 he4s workin4 $p a stroke67 7)4! say that&7 sai! Sairy' 7) seen it three ti%es before'7 8ro% o$tsi!e ca%e the so$n!s of ca%p*%aking& woo! chopping& an! the ratt e of pans' "a ooke! thro$gh the f aps' 7Gran%a wants to co%e in' Wo$ ! she better67 The preacher sai!& 7She4 :$st fret if she !on4t'7 7Think he4s awright67 "a aske!'

Casy shook his hea! s ow y' "a ooke! ($ick y !own at the str$gg ing o ! face with b oo! po$n!ing thro$gh it' She !rew o$tsi!e an! her #oice ca%e thro$gh' 72e4s awright& Gran%a' 2e4s :$s4 takin4 a itt e res4'7 An! Gran%a answere! s$ ki y& 7We & ) want ta see hi%' 2e4s a tricky !e#i ' 2e wo$ !n4t ne#er et ya know'7 An! she ca%e sc$rrying thro$gh the f aps' She stoo! o#er the %attresses an! ooke! !own' 7What4s the %atter4th yo$67 she !e%an!e! of Gra%pa' An! again his eyes reache! towar! her #oice an! his ips writhe!' 72e4s s$ kin4&7 sai! Gran%a' 7) to 4 yo$ he was tricky' 2e was gonna sneak away this %ornin4 so he wo$ !n4t ha#e to co%e' An4 then his hip got a*h$rtin4&7 she sai! !isg$ste! y' 72e4s :$s4 s$ kin4' ) seen hi% when he wo$ !n4t ta k to nobo!y before'7 Casy sai! gent y& 72e ain4t s$ kin4& Gran%a' 2e4s sick'7 7Oh=7 She ooke! !own at the o ! %an again' 7Sick ba!& yo$ think67 7>$rty ba!& Gran%a'7 8or a %o%ent she hesitate! $ncertain y' 7We &7 she sai! ($ick y& 7why ain4t yo$ prayin46 9o$4re a preacher& ain4t yo$67 Casy4s strong fingers b $n!ere! o#er to Gra%pa4s wrist an! c aspe! aro$n! it' 7) to 4 yo$& Gran%a' ) ain4t a preacher no %ore'7 7>ray anyway&7 she or!ere!' 79o$ know a the st$ff by heart'7 7) can4t&7 sai! Casy' 7) !on4t know what to pray for or who to pray to'7 Gran%a4s eyes wan!ere! away an! ca%e to rest on Sairy' 72e won4t pray&7 she sai!' 714) e#er te ya how R$thie praye! when she was a itt e skinner6 Says& 40ow ) ay %e !own to s eep' ) pray the Lor! %y so$ to keep' An4 when she got there the c$pboar! was bare& an4 so the poor !og got none' A%en'4 That4s :$s4 what she !one'7 The sha!ow of so%eone wa king between the tent an! the s$n crosse! the can#as' Gra%pa see%e! to be str$gg ing+ a his %$sc es twitche!' An! s$!!en y he :arre! as tho$gh $n!er a hea#y b ow' 2e ay sti an! his breath was stoppe!' Casy ooke! !own at the o ! %an4s face an! saw that it was t$rning a b ackish p$rp e' Sairy to$che! Casy4s sho$ !er' She whispere!& 72is tong$e& his tong$e& his tong$e'7 Casy no!!e!' 7Get in front a Gran%a'7 2e prie! the tight :aws apart an! reache! into the o ! %an4s throat for the tong$e' An! as he ifte! it c ear& a ratt ing breath ca%e o$t& an! a sobbing breath was in!rawn'

Casy fo$n! a stick on the gro$n! an! he ! !own the tong$e with it& an! the $ne#en breath ratt e! in an! o$t' Gran%a hoppe! abo$t ike a chicken' 7>ray&7 she sai!' 7>ray& yo$' >ray& ) te ya'7 Sairy trie! to ho ! her back' 7>ray& go!!a%n yo$=7 Gran%a crie!' Casy ooke! $p at her for a %o%ent' The rasping breath ca%e o$!er an! %ore $ne#en y' 7O$r 8ather who art in 2ea#en& ha owe! be Thy na%e37 7G ory=7 sho$te! Gran%a' 7Thy king!o% co%e& Thy wi be !one3on earth3as it is in 2ea#en'7 7A%en'7 A ong gasping sigh ca%e fro% the open %o$th& an! then a crying re ease of air' 7Gi#e $s this !ay3o$r !ai y brea!3an! forgi#e $s37 The breathing ha! stoppe!' Casy ooke! !own into Gra%pa4s eyes an! they were c ear an! !eep an! penetrating& an! there was a knowing serene ook in the%' 72a e $:ah=7 sai! Gran%a' 7Go on'7 7A%en&7 sai! Casy' Gran%a was sti then' An! o$tsi!e the tent a the noise ha! stoppe!' A car whishe! by on the highway' Casy sti kne t on the f oor besi!e the %attress' The peop e o$tsi!e were istening& stan!ing ($iet y intent on the so$n!s of !ying' Sairy took Gran%a by the ar% an! e! her o$tsi!e& an! Gran%a %o#e! with !ignity an! he ! her hea! high' She wa ke! for the fa%i y an! he ! her hea! straight for the fa%i y' Sairy took her to a %attress ying on the gro$n! an! sat her !own on it' An! Gran%a ooke! straight ahea!& pro$! y& for she was on show now' The tent was sti & an! at ast Casy sprea! the tent f aps with his han!s an! steppe! o$t' >a aske! soft y& 7What was it67 7Stroke&7 sai! Casy' 7A goo! ($ick stroke'7 Life began to %o#e again' The s$n to$che! the hori5on an! f attene! o#er it' An! a ong the highway there ca%e a ong ine of h$ge freight tr$cks with re! si!es' They r$%b e! a ong& p$tting a itt e earth($ake in the gro$n!& an! the stan!ing e.ha$st pipes sp$ttere! b $e s%oke fro% the 1iese oi ' One %an !ro#e each tr$ck& an! his re ief %an s ept in a

b$nk high $p against the cei ing' /$t the tr$cks ne#er stoppe!+ they th$n!ere! !ay an! night an! the gro$n! shook $n!er their hea#y %arch' The fa%i y beca%e a $nit' >a s($atte! !own on the gro$n!& an! <nc e John besi!e hi%' >a was the hea! of the fa%i y now' "a stoo! behin! hi%' 0oah an! To% an! A s($atte!& an! the preacher sat !own& an! then rec ine! on his e bow' Connie an! Rose of Sharon wa ke! at a !istance' 0ow R$thie an! Winfie !& c attering $p with a b$cket of water he ! between the%& fe t the change& an! they s owe! $p an! set !own the b$cket an! %o#e! ($iet y to stan! with "a' Gran%a sat pro$! y& co ! y& $nti the gro$p was for%e!& $nti no one ooke! at her& an! then she ay !own an! co#ere! her face with her ar%' The re! s$n set an! eft a shining twi ight on the an!& so that faces were bright in the e#ening an! eyes shone in ref ection of the sky' The e#ening picke! $p ight where it co$ !' >a sai!& 7)t was in "r' Wi son4s tent'7 <nc e John no!!e!' 72e oane! his tent'7 78ine frien! y fo ks&7 >a sai! soft y' Wi son stoo! by his broken car& an! Sairy ha! gone to the %attress to sit besi!e Gran%a& b$t Sairy was caref$ not to to$ch her' >a ca e!& 7"r' Wi son=7 The %an sc$ffe! near an! s($atte! !own& an! Sairy ca%e an! stoo! besi!e hi%' >a sai!& 7We4re thankf$ to yo$ fo ks'7 7We4re pro$! to he p&7 sai! Wi son' 7We4re beho !en to yo$&7 sai! >a' 7There4s no beho !en in a ti%e of !ying&7 sai! Wi son& an! Sairy echoe! hi%& 70e#er no beho !en'7 A sai!& 7)4 fi. yo$r car3%e an4 To% wi '7 An! A ooke! pro$! that he co$ ! ret$rn the fa%i y4s ob igation' 7We co$ ! $se so%e he p'7 Wi son a!%itte! the retiring of the ob igation' >a sai!& 7We got to figger what to !o' They4s aws' 9o$ got to report a !eath& an4 when yo$ !o that& they either take forty !o ars for the $n!ertaker or they take hi% for a pa$per'7 <nc e John broke in& 7We ne#er !i! ha#e no pa$pers'7

To% sai!& 7"aybe we got to earn' We ne#er got boote! off no an! before& neither'7 7We !one it c ean&7 sai! >a' 7There can4t no b a%e be ai! on $s' We ne#er took nothin4 we co$ !n4 pay+ we ne#er s$ffere! no %an4s charity' When To% here got in tro$b e we co$ ! ho ! $p o$r hea!s' 2e on y !one what any %an wo$ ! a !one'7 7Then what4 we !o67 <nc e John aske!' 7We go in ike the aw says an4 they4 co%e o$t for hi%' We on4y got a h$n!re! an4 fifty !o ars' They take forty to b$ry Gra%pa an4 we won4t get to Ca ifornia3or e se they4 b$ry hi% a pa$per'7 The %en stirre! resti#e y& an! they st$!ie! the !arkening gro$n! in front of their knees' >a sai! soft y& 7Gra%pa b$rie! his pa with his own han!& !one it in !ignity& an4 shape! the gra#e nice with his own sho#e ' That was a ti%e when a %an ha! the right to be b$rie! by his own son an4 a son ha! the right to b$ry his own father'7 7The aw says !ifferent now&7 sai! <nc e John' 7So%eti%es the aw can4t be fo er4! no way&7 sai! >a' 70ot in !ecency& anyways' They4s ots a ti%es yo$ can4t' When 8 oy! was oose an4 goin4 wi !& aw sai! we got to gi#e hi% $p3an4 nobo!y gi#e hi% $p' So%eti%es a fe a got to sift the aw' )4% sayin4 now ) got the right to b$ry %y own pa' Anybo!y got so%epin to say67 The preacher rose high on his e bow' 7Law changes&7 he sai!& 7b$t 4got to4s4 go on' 9o$ got the right to !o what yo$ got to !o'7 >a t$rne! to <nc e John' 7)t4s yo$r right too& John' 9o$ got any wor! against67 70o wor! against&7 sai! <nc e John' 7On4y it4s ike hi!in4 hi% in the night' Gra%pa4s way was t4co%e o$t a*shootin4'7 >a sai! asha%e! y& 7We can4t !o ike Gra%pa !one' We got to get to Ca ifornia 4fore o$r %oney gi#es o$t'7 To% broke in& 7So%eti%es fe as workin4 !ig $p a %an an4 then they raise he an4 figger he been ki e!' The go#4%ent4s got %ore interest in a !ea! %an than a i#e one' They4 go he *scrapin4 tryin4 to fin4 o$t who he was an! how he !ie!' ) offer we p$t a note of writin4 in a bott e an4 ay it with Gra%pa& te in4 who he is an4 how he !ie!& an4 why he4s b$rie! here'7

>a no!!e! agree%ent' 7Tha4s goo!' Wrote o$t in a nice han4' /e not so oneso%e too& knowin4 his na%e is there with 4i%& not :$s4 a o ! fe a oneso%e $n!ergro$n!' Any %ore st$ff to say67 The circ e was si ent' >a t$rne! his hea! to "a' 79o$4 ay 4i% o$t67 7)4 ay 4i% o$t&7 sai! "a' 7/$t who4s to get s$pper67 Sairy Wi son sai!& 7)4 get s$pper' 9o$ go right ahea!' "e an4 that big gir of yo$rn'7 7We s$re thank yo$&7 sai! "a' 70oah& yo$ get into the% kegs an4 bring o$t so%e nice pork' Sa t won4t be !eep in it yet& b$t it4 be right nice eatin4'7 7We got a ha f sack a potatoes&7 sai! Sairy' "a sai!& 7Gi%%e two ha f*!o ars'7 >a !$g in his pocket an! ga#e her the si #er' She fo$n! the basin& fi e! it f$ of water& an! went into the tent' )t was near y !ark in there' Sairy ca%e in an! ighte! a can! e an! st$ck it $pright on a bo. an! then she went o$t' 8or a %o%ent "a ooke! !own at the !ea! o ! %an' An! then in pity she tore a strip fro% her own apron an! tie! $p his :aw' She straightene! his i%bs& fo !e! his han!s o#er his chest' She he ! his eye i!s !own an! ai! a si #er piece on each one' She b$ttone! his shirt an! washe! his face' Sairy ooke! in& saying& 7Can ) gi#e yo$ any he p67 "a ooke! s ow y $p' 7Co%e in&7 she sai!' 7) ike to ta k to ya'7 7That4s a goo! big gir yo$ got&7 sai! Sairy' 7She4s right in pee in4 potatoes' What can ) !o to he p67 7) was gonna wash Gra%pa a o#er&7 sai! "a& 7b$t he got no other c o4es to p$t on' An4 4co$rse yo$r ($i t4s spoi t' Can4t ne#er get the s%e a !eath fro% a ($i t' ) seen a !og grow an4 shake at a %attress %y %a !ie! on& an4 that was two years ater' We4 !rop 4i% in yo$r ($i t' We4 %ake it $p to yo$' We got a ($i t for yo$'7 Sairy sai!& 79o$ sho$ !n4 ta k ike that' We4re pro$! to he p' ) ain4t fe t so3safe in a ong ti%e' >eop e nee!s3to he p'7 "a no!!e!' 7They !o&7 she sai!' She ooke! ong into the o ! whiskery face& with its bo$n! :aw an! si #er eyes shining in the can! e ight' 72e ain4t gonna ook nat$ra ' We4 wrop hi% $p'7 7The o 4 a!y took it goo!'7

7Why& she4s so o !&7 sai! "a& 7%aybe she !on4t e#en right y know what happene!' "aybe she won4t rea y know for ($ite a whi e' /esi!es& $s fo ks takes a pri!e ho !in4 in' "y pa $se! to say& 4Anybo!y can break !own' )t takes a %an not to'4 We a ways try to ho ! in'7 She fo !e! the ($i t neat y abo$t Gra%pa4s egs an! aro$n! his sho$ !ers' She bro$ght the corner of the ($i t o#er his hea! ike a cow an! p$ e! it !own o#er his face' Sairy han!e! her ha f*a*!o5en big safety pins& an! she pinne! the ($i t neat y an! tight y abo$t the ong package' An! at ast she stoo! $p' 7)t won4t be ba! b$rying&7 she sai!' 7We got a preacher to see hi% in& an4 his fo ks is a aro$n4'7 S$!!en y she swaye! a itt e& an! Sairy went to her an! stea!ie! her' 7)t4s s eep37 "a sai! in a sha%e! tone' 70o& )4% awright' We been so b$sy gettin4 rea!y& yo$ see'7 7Co%e o$t in the air&7 Sairy sai!' 79eah& )4% a !one here'7 Sairy b ew o$t the can! e an! the two went o$t' A bright fire b$rne! in the botto% of the itt e g$ ch' An! To%& with sticks an! wire& ha! %a!e s$pports fro% which two kett es h$ng an! b$bb e! f$rio$s y& an! goo! stea% po$re! o$t $n!er the i!s' Rose of Sharon kne t on the gro$n! o$t of range of the b$rning heat& an! she ha! a ong spoon in her han!' She saw "a co%e o$t of the tent& an! she stoo! $p an! went to her' 7"a&7 she sai!' 7) got to ask'7 7Scare! again67 "a aske!' 7Why& yo$ can4t get thro$gh nine %onths witho$t sorrow'7 7/$t wi it3h$rt the baby67 "a sai!& 7They $se! to be a sayin4& 4A chi e born o$ta sorrow4 be a happy chi e'4 )sn4t that so& "is4 Wi son67 7) hear! it ike that&7 sai! Sairy' 7An4 ) hear! the other- 4/orn o$ta too %$ch :oy4 be a !o ef$ boy'47 7)4% a :$%py insi!e&7 sai! Rose of Sharon' 7We & we ain4t none of $s :$%pin4 for f$n&7 sai! "a' 79o$ :es4 keep watchin4 the pots'7 On the e!ge of the ring of fire ight the %en ha! gathere!' 8or too s they ha! a sho#e an! a %attock' >a %arke! o$t the gro$n!3eight feet ong an! three feet wi!e' The work went on in re ays' >a choppe! the

earth with the %attock an! then <nc e John sho#e e! it o$t' A choppe! an! To% sho#e e!' 0oah choppe! an! Connie sho#e e!' An! the ho e !ro#e !own& for the work ne#er !i%inishe! in spee!' The sho#e s of !irt f ew o$t of the ho e in ($ick sp$rts' When To% was sho$ !er !eep in the rectang$ ar pit& he sai!& 72ow !eep& >a67 7Goo! an4 !eep' A co$p e feet %ore' 9o$ get o$t now& To%& an! get that paper wrote'7 To% booste! hi%se f o$t of the ho e an! 0oah took his p ace' To% went to "a& where she ten!e! the fire' 7We got any paper an4 pen& "a67 "a shook her hea! s ow y& 70o*o' That4s one thing we !i!n4 bring'7 She ooke! towar! Sairy' An! the itt e wo%an wa ke! ($ick y to her tent' She bro$ght back a /ib e an! a ha f penci ' 72ere&7 she sai!' 7They4s a c ear page in front' <se that an4 tear it o$t'7 She han!e! book an! penci to To%' To% sat !own in the fire ight' 2e s($inte! his eyes in concentration& an! at ast wrote s ow y an! caref$ y on the en! paper in big c ear etters- 7This here is Wi ia% Ja%es Joa!& !ye! of a stroke& o ! o ! %an' 2is fokes b$re! hi% becaws they got no %oney to pay for f$ner s' 0obo!y ki t hi%' J$s a stroke an! he !ye!'7 2e stoppe!' 7"a& isten to this here'7 2e rea! it s ow y to her' 7Why& that so$n4s nice&7 she sai!' 7Can4t yo$ stick on so%epin fro% Script$re so it4 be re igio$s6 Open $p an4 git a sayin4& so%epin o$ta Script$re'7 7Got to be short&7 sai! To%' 7) ain4t got %$ch roo% ef4 on the page'7 Sairy sai!& 72ow 4bo$t 4Go! ha#e %ercy on his so$ 467 70o&7 sai! To%' 7So$n!s too %$ch ike he was h$ng' )4 copy so%epin'7 2e t$rne! the pages an! rea!& %$%b ing his ips& saying the wor!s $n!er his breath' 72ere4s a goo! short one&7 he sai!' 74An4 Lot sai! $nto the%& Oh& not so& %y Lor!'47 71on4t %ean nothin4&7 sai! "a' 7Long4s yo$4re gonna p$t one !own& it %ight4s we %ean so%epin'7 Sairy sai!& 7T$rn to >sa %s& o#er f$rther' 9o$ kin a ways get so%epin o$ta >sa %s'7

To% f ippe! the pages an! ooke! !own the #erses' 70ow here is one&7 he sai!' 7This here4s a nice one& :$st b owe! f$ a re igion- 4/ esse! is he whose transgression is forgi#en& whose sin is co#ere!'4 2ow4s that67 7That4s rea nice&7 sai! "a' 7>$t that one in'7 To% wrote it caref$ y' "a rinse! an! wipe! a fr$it :ar an! To% screwe! the i! !own tight on it' 7"aybe the preacher o$ght to wrote it&7 he sai!' "a sai!& 70o& the preacher wan4t no kin'7 She took the :ar fro% hi% an! went into the !ark tent' She $npinne! the co#ering an! s ippe! the fr$it :ar in $n!er the thin co ! han!s an! pinne! the co%forter tight again' An! then she went back to the fire' The %en ca%e fro% the gra#e& their faces shining with perspiration' 7Awright&7 sai! >a' 2e an! John an! 0oah an! A went into the tent& an! they ca%e o$t carrying the ong& pinne! b$n! e between the%' They carrie! it to the gra#e' >a eape! into the ho e an! recei#e! the b$n! e in his ar%s an! ai! it gent y !own' <nc e John p$t o$t a han! an! he pe! >a o$t of the ho e' >a aske!& 72ow abo$t Gran%a67 7)4 see&7 "a sai!' She wa ke! to the %attress an! ooke! !own at the o ! wo%an for a %o%ent' Then she went back to the gra#e' 7S eepin4&7 she sai!' 7"aybe she4! ho ! it against %e& b$t ) ain4t a*gonna wake her $p' She4s tar4!'7 >a sai!& 7Where at4s the preacher6 We o$ghta ha#e a prayer'7 To% sai!& 7) seen hi% wa kin4 !own the roa!' 2e !on4t ike to pray no %ore'7 71on4t ike to pray67 70o&7 sai! To%' 72e ain4t a preacher no %ore' 2e figgers it ain4t right to foo peop e actin4 ike a preacher when he ain4t a preacher' ) bet he went away so nobo!y wo$ !n4 ast hi%'7 Casy ha! co%e ($iet y near& an! he hear! To% speaking' 7) !i!n4 r$n away&7 he sai!' 7)4 he4p yo$ fo ks& b$t ) won4t foo ya'7 >a sai!& 7Won4t yo$ say a few wor!s6 Ain4t none of o$r fo ks e#er been b$rie! witho$t a few wor!s'7 7)4 say 4e%&7 sai! the preacher' Connie e! Rose of Sharon to the gra#esi!e& she re $ctant' 79o$ got to&7 Connie sai!' 7)t ain4t !ecent not to' )t4 :$s4 be a itt e'7

The fire ight fe on the gro$pe! peop e& showing their faces an! their eyes& !win! ing on their !ark c othes' A the hats were off now' The ight !ance!& :erking o#er the peop e' Casy sai!& 7)t4 be a short one'7 2e bowe! his hea!& an! the others fo owe! his ea!' Casy sai! so e%n y& 7This here o 4 %an :$s4 i#e! a ife an4 :$s4 !ie! o$t of it' ) !on4t know whether he was goo! or ba!& b$t that !on4t %atter %$ch' 2e was a i#e& an4 that4s what %atters' An4 now he4s !ea!& an4 that !on4t %atter' 2ear! a fe a te a poe% one ti%e& an4 he says& 4A that i#es is ho y'4 Got to thinkin4& an4 p$rty soon it %eans %ore than the wor!s says' An4 ) wo$ !n4 pray for a o 4 fe a that4s !ea!' 2e4s awright' 2e got a :ob to !o& b$t it4s a ai! o$t for 4i% an4 there4s on4y one way to !o it' /$t $s& we got a :ob to !o& an4 they4s a tho$san4 ways& an4 we !on4 know which one to take' An4 if ) was to pray& it4! be for the fo ks that !on4 know which way to t$rn' Gra%pa here& he got the easy straight' An4 now co#er 4i% $p an! et 4i% get to his work'7 2e raise! his hea!' >a sai!& 7A%en&7 an! the others %$ttere!& 7A;%en'7 Then >a took the sho#e & ha f fi e! it with !irt& an! sprea! it gent y into the b ack ho e' 2e han!e! the sho#e to <nc e John& an! John !roppe! in a sho#e f$ ' Then the sho#e went fro% han! to han! $nti e#ery %an ha! his t$rn' When a ha! taken their !$ty an! their right& >a attacke! the %o$n! of oose !irt an! h$rrie! y fi e! the ho e' The wo%en %o#e! back to the fire to see to s$pper' R$thie an! Winfie ! watche!& absorbe!' R$thie sai! so e%n y& 7Gra%pa4s !own $n!er there'7 An! Winfie ! ooke! at her with horrifie! eyes' An! then he ran away to the fire an! sat on the gro$n! an! sobbe! to hi%se f' >a ha f fi e! the ho e& an! then he stoo! panting with the effort whi e <nc e John finishe! it' An! John was shaping $p the %o$n! when To% stoppe! hi%' 7Listen&7 To% sai!' 748 we ea#e a gra#e& they4 ha#e it open in no ti%e' We got to hi!e it' Le#e her off an4 we4 strew !ry grass' We got to !o that'7 >a sai!& 7) !i!n4 think a that' )t ain4t right to ea#e a gra#e $n%o$n!e!'7 7Can4t he4p it&7 sai! To%' 7They4! !ig 4i% right $p& an4 we4! get it for breakin4 the aw' 9o$ know what ) get if ) break the aw'7

79eah&7 >a sai!' 7) forgot that'7 2e took the sho#e fro% John an! e#e e! the gra#e' 7She4 sink& co%e winter&7 he sai!' 7Can4t he4p that&7 sai! To%' 7We4 be a ong ways off by winter' Tro%p her in goo!& an4 we4 strew st$ff o#er her'7 WHEN THE PORK an! potatoes were !one the fa%i ies sat abo$t on the gro$n! an! ate& an! they were ($iet& staring into the fire' Wi son& tearing a s ab of %eat with his teeth& sighe! with content%ent' 70ice eatin4 pig&7 he sai!' 7We &7 >a e.p aine!& 7we ha! a co$p e shoats& an4 we tho$ght we %ight4s we eat 4e%' Can4t get nothin4 for 4e%' When we get kin!a $se4 ta %o#in4 an4 "a can set $p brea!& why& it4 be pretty nice& seein4 the co$ntry an4 two kags a4 pork right in the tr$ck' 2ow ong yo$ fo ks been on the roa!67 Wi son c eare! his teeth with his tong$e an! swa owe!' 7We ain4t been $cky&7 he sai!' 7We been three weeks fro% ho%e'7 7Why& Go! Aw%ighty& we ai% to be in Ca ifornia in ten !ays or ess'7 A broke in& 7) !$nno& >a' With that oa! we4re packin4& we %aybe ain4t ne#er gonna get there' 0ot if they4s %o$ntains to go o#er'7 They were si ent abo$t the fire' Their faces were t$rne! !ownwar! an! their hair an! forehea!s showe! in the fire ight' Abo#e the itt e !o%e of the fire ight the s$%%er stars shone thin y& an! the heat of the !ay was gra!$a y with!rawing' On her %attress& away fro% the fire& Gran%a whi%pere! soft y ike a p$ppy' The hea!s of a t$rne! in her !irection' "a sai!& 7Rosasharn& ike a goo! gir go ay !own with Gran%a' She nee!s so%ebo!y now' She4s knowin4& now'7 Rose of Sharon got to her feet an! wa ke! to the %attress an! ay besi!e the o ! wo%an& an! the %$r%$r of their soft #oices !rifte! to the fire' Rose of Sharon an! Gran%a whispere! together on the %attress' 0oah sai!& 78$nny thing is3 osin4 Gra%pa ain4t %a!e %e fee no !ifferent than ) !one before' ) ain4t no sa!!er than ) was'7 7)t4s :$st the sa%e thing&7 Casy sai!' 7Gra%pa an4 the o ! p ace& they was :$s4 the sa%e thing'7

A sai!& 7)t4s a go!!a%n sha%e' 2e been ta kin4 what he4s gonna !o& how he gonna s($ee5e grapes o#er his hea! an4 et the :$ice r$n in his whiskers& an4 a st$ff ike that'7 Casy sai!& 72e was foo in4& a the ti%e' ) think he knowe! it' An4 Gra%pa !i!n4 !ie tonight' 2e !ie! the %in$te yo$ took 4i% off the p ace'7 79o$ s$re a that67 >a crie!' 7Why& no' Oh& he was breathin4&7 Casy went on& 7b$t he was !ea!' 2e was that p ace& an4 he knowe! it'7 <nc e John sai!& 71i! yo$ know he was a*!yin467 79eah&7 sai! Casy' 7) knowe! it'7 John ga5e! at hi%& an! a horror grew in his face' 7An4 yo$ !i!n4 te nobo!y67 7What goo!67 Casy aske!' 7We3we %ight of !i! so%epin'7 7What67 7) !on4 know& b$t37 70o&7 Casy sai!& 7yo$ co$ !n4 a !one nothin4' 9o$r way was fi.e! an4 Gra%pa !i!n4 ha#e no part in it' 2e !i!n4 s$ffer none' 0ot after f$st thing this %ornin4' 2e4s :$s4 stayin4 with the an4' 2e co$ !n4 ea#e it'7 <nc e John sighe! !eep y' Wi son sai!& 7We ha!!a ea#e %y brother Wi '7 The hea!s t$rne! towar! hi%' 72i% an4 %e ha! forties si!e by si!e' 2e4s o !er4n %e' 0either one e#er !ro#e a car' We & we went in an4 we so 4 e#er4thing' Wi & he bo$ght a car& an4 they gi#e hi% a ki! to show 4i% how to $se it' So the afternoon 4fore we4re gonna start& Wi an4 A$nt "innie go a* practicin4' Wi he co%es to a ben! in the roa! an4 he ye s 4Whoa4 an4 yanks back& an4 he goes thro$gh a fence' An4 he ye s 4Whoa& yo$ bastar!4 an4 tro%ps !own on the gas an4 goes o#er into a g$ ch' An4 there he was' 1i!n4t ha#e nothin4 %ore to se an4 !i!n4t ha#e no car' /$t it were his own !a%n fa$ t& praise Go!' 2e4s so !a%n %a! he won4t co%e a ong with $s& :$s4 set there a*c$ssin4 an4 a*c$ssin4'7 7What4s he gonna !o67 7) !$nno' 2e4s too %a! to figger' An4 we co$ !n4 wait' On4y ha! eighty* fi#e !o ars to go on' We co$ !n4 set an4 c$t it $p& b$t we et it $p

anyways' 1i!n4 go a h$n!er! %i e when a tooth in the rear en! b$st& an4 cost thirty !o ars to get her fi.4& an4 then we got to get a tire& an4 then a spark p $g cracke!& an4 Sairy got sick' 2a! ta stop ten !ays' An4 now the go!!a%n car is b$st again& an4 %oney4s gettin4 ow' ) !$nno when we4 e#er get to Ca ifornia' 48 ) co$ ! on4y fi. a car& b$t ) !on4 know nothin4 abo$t cars'7 A aske! i%portant y& 7What4s the %atter67 7We & she :$s4 won4t r$n' Starts an4 farts an4 stops' )n a %in$te she4 start again& an4 then 4fore yo$ can git her goin4& she peters o$t again'7 7R$ns a %in$te an4 then !ies67 79es& sir' An4 ) can4t keep her a*goin4 no %atter how %$ch gas ) gi#e her' Got worse an4 worse& an4 now ) cain4t get her a*%o#in4 a*ta '7 A was #ery pro$! an! #ery %at$re& then' 7) think yo$ got a p $gge! gas ine' )4 b ow her o$t for ya'7 An! >a was pro$! too' 72e4s a goo! han! with a car&7 >a sai!' 7We & )4 s$re thank ya for a han4' ) s$re wi ' "akes a fe a kin!a fee 3 ike a itt e ki!& when he can4t fi. nothin4' When we get to Ca ifornia ) ai% to get %e a nice car' "aybe she won4t break !own'7 >a sai!& 7When we get there' Gettin4 there4s the tro$b e'7 7Oh& b$t she4s worth it&7 sai! Wi son' 7Why& ) seen han4bi s how they nee! fo ks to pick fr$it& an4 goo! wages' Why& :$s4 think how it4s gonna be& $n!er the% sha!y trees a*pickin4 fr$it an4 takin4 a bite e#er4 once in a whi e' Why& he & they !on4t care how %$ch yo$ eat 4ca$se they got so %$ch' An4 with the% goo! wages& %aybe a fe a can get hisse f a itt e piece a an! an4 work o$t for e.tra cash' Why& he & in a co$p e years ) bet a fe a co$ ! ha#e a p ace of his own'7 >a sai!& 7We seen the% han4bi s' ) got one right here'7 2e took o$t his p$rse an! fro% it took a fo !e! orange han!bi ' )n b ack type it sai!& 7>ea >ickers Wante! in Ca ifornia' Goo! Wages A Season' IBB >ickers Wante!'7 Wi son ooke! at it c$rio$s y' 7Why& that4s the one ) seen' The #ery sa%e one' 9o$ s4pose3%aybe they got a eight h$n!er! awrea!y67 >a sai!& 7This is :$s4 one itt e part a Ca ifornia' Why& that4s the secon4 biggest State we got' S4pose they !i! get a the% eight h$n!er!' They4s

p enty p aces e se' ) rather pick fr$it anyways' Like yo$ says& $n!er the% trees an4 pickin4 fr$it3why& e#en the ki!s4! ike to !o that'7 S$!!en y A got $p an! wa ke! to the Wi sons4 to$ring car' 2e ooke! in for a %o%ent an! then ca%e back an! sat !own' 79o$ can4t fi. her tonight&7 Wi son sai!' 7) know' )4 get to her in the %orning'7 To% ha! watche! his yo$ng brother caref$ y' 7) was thinkin4 so%epin ike that %yse f&7 he sai!' 0oah aske!& 7What yo$ two fe as ta kin4 abo$t67 To% an! A went si ent& each waiting for the other' 79o$ te 4e%&7 A sai! fina y' 7We & %aybe it4s no goo!& an4 %aybe it ain4t the sa%e thing A 4s thinking' 2ere she is& anyways' We got a o#er oa!& b$t "r' an! "is4 Wi son ain4t' )f so%e of $s fo ks co$ ! ri!e with the% an4 take so%e a their ight st$ff in the tr$ck& we wo$ !n4t break no springs an4 we co$ ! git $p hi s' An4 %e an4 A both knows abo$t a car& so we co$ ! keep that car a*ro in4' We4! keep together on the roa! an4 it4! be goo! for e#er4bo!y'7 Wi son :$%pe! $p' 7Why& s$re' Why& we4! be pro$!' We certain4y wo$ !' 9o$ hear that& Sairy67 7)t4s a nice thing&7 sai! Sairy' 7Wo$ !n4 be a b$r!en on yo$ fo ks67 70o& by Go!&7 sai! >a' 7Wo$ !n4t be no b$r!en at a ' 9o$4! be he pin4 $s'7 Wi son sett e! back $neasi y' 7We & ) !$nno'7 7What4s a %atter& !on4 yo$ wanta67 7We & ya see3) on4y got 4bo$t thirty !o ars ef4& an4 ) won4t be no b$r!en'7 "a sai!& 79o$ won4t be no b$r!en' ,ach4 he p each& an4 we4 a git to Ca ifornia' Sairy Wi son he4pe! ay Gra%pa o$t&7 an! she stoppe!' The re ationship was p ain' A crie!& 7That car4 take si. easy' Say %e to !ri#e& an4 Rosasharn an4 Connie an! Gran%a' Then we take the big ight st$ff an4 pi e her on the tr$ck' An4 we4 tra!e off e#er4 so often'7 2e spoke o$! y& for a oa! of worry was ifte! fro% hi%'

They s%i e! shy y an! ooke! !own at the gro$n!' >a fingere! the !$sty earth with his fingertips' 2e sai!& 7"a fa#ors a white ho$se with oranges growin4 aro$n!' They4s a big pitcher on a ca en!ar she seen'7 Sairy sai!& 7)f ) get sick again& yo$ got to go on an4 get there' We ain4t a*goin4 to b$r!en'7 "a ooke! caref$ y at Sairy& an! she see%e! to see for the first ti%e the pain*tor%ente! eyes an! the face that was ha$nte! an! shrinking with pain' An! "a sai!& 7We gonna see yo$ get thro$gh' 9o$ sai! yo$rse f& yo$ can4t et he p go $nwante!'7 She st$!ie! her wrink e! han!s in the fire ight' 7We got to get so%e s eep tonight'7 She stoo! $p' 7Gra%pa3it4s ike he4s !ea! a year&7 "a sai!' The fa%i ies %o#e! a5i y to their s eep& yawning $.$rio$s y' "a s oshe! the tin p ates off a itt e an! r$bbe! the grease free with a f o$r sack' The fire !ie! !own an! the stars !escen!e!' 8ew passenger cars went by on the highway now& b$t the transport tr$cks th$n!ere! by at inter#a s an! p$t itt e earth($akes in the gro$n!' )n the !itch the cars were har! y #isib e $n!er the star ight' A tie! !og how e! at the ser#ice station !own the roa!' The fa%i ies were ($iet an! s eeping& an! the fie ! %ice grew bo ! an! sca%pere! abo$t a%ong the %attresses' On y Sairy Wi son was awake' She stare! into the sky an! brace! her bo!y fir% y against pain' 14 THE WESTERN LAND& ner#o$s $n!er the beginning change' The Western States& ner#o$s as horses before a th$n!er stor%' The great owners& ner#o$s& sensing a change& knowing nothing of the nat$re of the change' The great owners& striking at the i%%e!iate thing& the wi!ening go#ern%ent& the growing abor $nity+ striking at new at p ans+ not knowing these things are res$ ts& not ca$ses' Res$ ts& not ca$ses+ res$ ts& not ca$ses' The ca$ses ie !eep an! si%p e3the ca$ses are a h$nger in a sto%ach& %$ tip ie! a %i ion ti%es+ a h$nger in a sing e so$ & h$nger for :oy an! so%e sec$rity& %$ tip ie! a %i ion ti%es+ %$sc es an! %in! aching to grow& to work& to create& %$ tip ie! a %i ion ti%es' The ast

c ear !efinite f$nction of %an3%$sc es aching to work& %in!s aching to create beyon! the sing e nee!3this is %an' To b$i ! a wa & to b$i ! a ho$se& a !a%& an! in the wa an! ho$se an! !a% to p$t so%ething of "anse f& an! to "anse f take back so%ething of the wa & the ho$se& the !a%+ to take har! %$sc es fro% the ifting& to take the c ear ines an! for% fro% concei#ing' 8or %an& $n ike any other thing organic or inorganic in the $ni#erse& grows beyon! his work& wa ks $p the stairs of his concepts& e%erges ahea! of his acco%p ish%ents' This yo$ %ay say of %an3when theories change an! crash& when schoo s& phi osophies& when narrow !ark a eys of tho$ght& nationa & re igio$s& econo%ic& grow an! !isintegrate& %an reaches& st$%b es forwar!& painf$ y& %istaken y so%eti%es' 2a#ing steppe! forwar!& he %ay s ip back& b$t on y ha f a step& ne#er the f$ step back' This yo$ %ay say an! know it an! know it' This yo$ %ay know when the bo%bs p $%%et o$t of the b ack p anes on the %arket p ace& when prisoners are st$ck ike pigs& when the cr$she! bo!ies !rain fi thi y in the !$st' 9o$ %ay know it in this way' )f the step were not being taken& if the st$%b ing*forwar! ache were not a i#e& the bo%bs wo$ ! not fa & the throats wo$ ! not be c$t' 8ear the ti%e when the bo%bs stop fa ing whi e the bo%bers i#e3for e#ery bo%b is proof that the spirit has not !ie!' An! fear the ti%e when the strikes stop whi e the great owners i#e3for e#ery itt e beaten strike is proof that the step is being taken' An! this yo$ can know3fear the ti%e when "anse f wi not s$ffer an! !ie for a concept& for this one ($a ity is the fo$n!ation of "anse f& an! this one ($a ity is %an& !istincti#e in the $ni#erse' THE WESTERN STATES ner#o$s $n!er the beginning change' an! Ok aho%a& ?ansas an! Arkansas& 0ew "e.ico& Ari5ona& Ca ifornia' A sing e fa%i y %o#e! fro% the an!' >a borrowe! %oney fro% the bank& an! now the bank wants the an!' The an! co%pany3that4s the bank when it has an!3wants tractors& not fa%i ies on the an!' )s a tractor ba!6 )s the power that t$rns the ong f$rrows wrong6 )f this tractor were o$rs it wo$ ! be goo!3not %ine& b$t o$rs' )f o$r tractor t$rne! the ong f$rrows of o$r an!& it wo$ ! be goo!' 0ot %y an!& b$t

o$rs' We co$ ! o#e that tractor then as we ha#e o#e! this an! when it was o$rs' /$t this tractor !oes two things3it t$rns the an! an! t$rns $s off the an!' There is itt e !ifference between this tractor an! a tank' The peop e are !ri#en& inti%i!ate!& h$rt by both' We %$st think abo$t this' One %an& one fa%i y !ri#en fro% the an!+ this r$sty car creaking a ong the highway to the west' ) ost %y an!& a sing e tractor took %y an!' ) a% a one an! ) a% bewi !ere!' An! in the night one fa%i y ca%ps in a !itch an! another fa%i y p$ s in an! the tents co%e o$t' The two %en s($at on their ha%s an! the wo%en an! chi !ren isten' 2ere is the no!e& yo$ who hate change an! fear re#o $tion' ?eep these two s($atting %en apart+ %ake the% hate& fear& s$spect each other' 2ere is the an age of the thing yo$ fear' This is the 5ygote' 8or here 7) ost %y an!7 is change!+ a ce is sp it an! fro% its sp itting grows the thing yo$ hate37We ost our an!'7 The !anger is here& for two %en are not as one y an! perp e.e! as one' An! fro% this first 7we7 there grows a sti %ore !angero$s thing- 7) ha#e a itt e foo!7 p $s 7) ha#e none'7 )f fro% this prob e% the s$% is 7We ha#e a itt e foo!&7 the thing is on its way& the %o#e%ent has !irection' On y a itt e %$ tip ication now& an! this an!& this tractor are o$rs' The two %en s($atting in a !itch& the itt e fire& the si!e*%eat stewing in a sing e pot& the si ent& stone*eye! wo%en+ behin!& the chi !ren istening with their so$ s to wor!s their %in!s !o not $n!erstan!' The night !raws !own' The baby has a co !' 2ere& take this b anket' )t4s woo ' )t was %y %other4s b anket3take it for the baby' This is the thing to bo%b' This is the beginning3fro% 7)7 to 7we'7 )f yo$ who own the things peop e %$st ha#e co$ ! $n!erstan! this& yo$ %ight preser#e yo$rse f' )f yo$ co$ ! separate ca$ses fro% res$ ts& if yo$ co$ ! know that >aine& "ar.& Jefferson& Lenin& were res$ ts& not ca$ses& yo$ %ight s$r#i#e' /$t that yo$ cannot know' 8or the ($a ity of owning free5es yo$ fore#er into 7)&7 an! c$ts yo$ off fore#er fro% the 7we'7 The Western States are ner#o$s $n!er the beginning change' 0ee! is the sti%$ $s to concept& concept to action' A ha f*%i ion peop e %o#ing o#er the co$ntry+ a %i ion %ore& resti#e to %o#e+ ten %i ion %ore fee ing the first ner#o$sness'

An! tractors t$rning the %$ tip e f$rrows in the #acant an!' 15 ALONG 66 THE HA!"URGER stan!s3A J S$sy4s > ace3Car 4s L$nch3Joe J "innie3Wi 4s ,ats' /oar!*an!*bat shacks' Two gaso ine p$%ps in front& a screen !oor& a ong bar& stoo s& an! a foot rai ' 0ear the !oor three s ot %achines& showing thro$gh g ass the wea th in nicke s three bars wi bring' An! besi!e the%& the nicke phonograph with recor!s pi e! $p ike pies& rea!y to swing o$t to the t$rntab e an! p ay !ance %$sic& 7Ti*pi*ti*pi*tin&7 7Thanks for the "e%ory&7 /ing Crosby& /enny Goo!%an' At one en! of the co$nter a co#ere! case+ can!y co$gh !rops& caffeine s$ phate ca e! S eep ess& 0o*1o5e+ can!y& cigarettes& ra5or b a!es& aspirin& /ro%o*Se t5er& A ka*Se t5er' The wa s !ecorate! with posters& bathing gir s& b on!es with big breasts an! s en!er hips an! wa.en faces& in white bathing s$its& an! ho !ing a bott e of Coca* Co a an! s%i ing3see what yo$ get with a Coca*Co a' Long bar& an! sa ts& peppers& %$star! pots& an! paper napkins' /eer taps behin! the co$nter& an! in back the coffee $rns& shiny an! stea%ing with g ass ga$ges showing the coffee e#e ' An! pies in wire cages an! oranges in pyra%i!s of fo$r' An! itt e pi es of >ost Toasties& corn f akes& stacke! $p in !esigns' The signs on car!s& picke! o$t with shining %ica- >ies Like "other <se! to "ake' Cre!it "akes ,ne%ies' Let4s /e 8rien!s' La!ies "ay S%oke /$t /e Caref$ Where 9o$ Lay 9o$r /$tts' ,at 2ere an! ?eep 9o$r Wife for a >et' ))T9W9/A16 1own at one en! the cooking p ates& pots of stew& potatoes& pot roast& roast beef& gray roast pork waiting to be s ice!' "innie or S$sy or "ae& %i!! e*aging behin! the co$nter& hair c$r e! an! ro$ge an! pow!er on a sweating face' Taking or!ers in a soft ow #oice& ca ing the% to the cook with a screech ike a peacock' "opping the co$nter with circ$ ar strokes& po ishing the big shining coffee $rns' The cook is Joe or Car or A & hot in a white coat an! apron& bea!y sweat on white forehea!& be ow the white cook4s cap+ %oo!y& rare y speaking&

ooking $p for a %o%ent at each new entry' Wiping the gri!! e& s apping !own the ha%b$rger' 2e repeats "ae4s or!ers gent y& scrapes the gri!! e& wipes it !own with b$r ap' "oo!y an! si ent' "ae is the contact& s%i ing& irritate!& near to o$tbreak+ s%i ing whi e her eyes ook on past3$n ess for tr$ck !ri#ers' There4s the backbone of the :oint' Where the tr$cks stop& that4s where the c$sto%ers co%e' Can4t foo tr$ck !ri#ers& they know' They bring the c$sto%er' They know' Gi#e 4e% a sta e c$p a coffee an4 they4re off the :oint' Treat 4e% right an4 they co%e back' "ae rea y s%i es with a her %ight at tr$ck !ri#ers' She bri! es a itt e& her back hair so that her breasts wi ift with her raise! ar%s& passes the ti%e of !ay an! in!icates great things& great ti%es& great :okes' A ne#er speaks' 2e is no contact' So%eti%es he s%i es a itt e at a :oke& b$t he ne#er a$ghs' So%eti%es he ooks $p at the #i#acio$sness in "ae4s #oice& an! then he scrapes the gri!! e with a spat$ a& scrapes the grease into an iron tro$gh aro$n! the p ate' 2e presses !own a hissing ha%b$rger with his spat$ a' 2e ays the sp it b$ns on the p ate to toast an! heat' 2e gathers $p stray onions fro% the p ate an! heaps the% on the %eat an! presses the% in with the spat$ a' 2e p$ts ha f the b$n on top of the %eat& paints the other ha f with %e te! b$tter& with thin pick e re ish' 2o !ing the b$n on the %eat& he s ips the spat$ a $n!er the thin pa! of %eat& f ips it o#er& ays the b$ttere! ha f on top& an! !rops the ha%b$rger on a s%a p ate' H$arter of a !i pick e& two b ack o i#es besi!e the san!wich' A ski%s the p ate !own the co$nter ike a ($oit' An! he scrapes his gri!! e with the spat$ a an! ooks %oo!i y at the stew kett e' Cars whisking by on CC' License p ates' "ass'& Tenn'& R')'& 0'9'& Gt'& Ohio' Going west' 8ine cars& cr$ising at si.ty*fi#e' There goes one of the% Cor!s' Looks ike a coffin on whee s' /$t& Jes$s& how they tra#e = See that La Sa e6 "e for that' ) ain4t a hog' ) go for a La Sa e' 48 ya goin4 big& what4s a %atter with a Ca!46 J$s4 a itt e bigger& itt e faster' )4! take a Fephyr %yse f' 9o$ ain4t ri!in4 no fort$ne& b$t yo$ got c ass an4 spee!' Gi#e %e a Fephyr'

We & sir& yo$ %ay get a a$gh o$ta this3)4 take /$ick*>$ick' That4s goo! eno$gh' /$t& he & that costs in the Fephyr c ass an4 it ain4t got the sap' ) !on4 care' ) !on4 want nothin4 to !o with nothin4 of 2enry 8or!4s' ) !on4 ike 4e%' 0e#er !i!' Got a brother worke! in the p ant' O$ghta hear hi% te ' We & a Fephyr got sap' The big cars on the highway' Lang$i!& heat*ra!! e! a!ies& s%a n$c e$ses abo$t who% re#o #e a tho$san! acco$ter%ents- crea%s& oint%ents to grease the%se #es& co oring %atter in phia s3b ack& pink& re!& white& green& si #er3to change the co or of hair& eyes& ips& nai s& brows& ashes& i!s' Oi s& see!s& an! pi s to %ake the bowe s %o#e' A bag of bott es& syringes& pi s& pow!ers& f $i!s& :e ies to %ake their se.$a interco$rse safe& o!or ess& an! $npro!$cti#e' An! this apart fro% c othes' What a he of a n$isance= Lines of weariness aro$n! the eyes& ines of !iscontent !own fro% the %o$th& breasts ying hea#i y in itt e ha%%ocks& sto%ach an! thighs straining against cases of r$bber' An! the %o$ths panting& the eyes s$ en& !is iking s$n an! win! an! earth& resenting foo! an! weariness& hating ti%e that rare y %akes the% bea$tif$ an! a ways %akes the% o !' /esi!e the%& itt e pot*be ie! %en in ight s$its an! pana%a hats+ c ean& pink %en with p$55 e!& worrie! eyes& with rest ess eyes' Worrie! beca$se for%$ as !o not work o$t+ h$ngry for sec$rity an! yet sensing its !isappearance fro% the earth' )n their ape s the insignia of o!ges an! ser#ice c $bs& p aces where they can go an!& by a weight of n$%bers of itt e worrie! %en& reass$re the%se #es that b$siness is nob e an! not the c$rio$s rit$a i5e! thie#ery they know it is+ that b$siness %en are inte igent in spite of the recor!s of their st$pi!ity+ that they are kin! an! charitab e in spite of the princip es of so$n! b$siness+ that their i#es are rich instea! of the thin tireso%e ro$tines they know+ an! that a ti%e is co%ing when they wi not be afrai! any %ore' An! these two& going to Ca ifornia+ going to sit in the obby of the /e#er y*Wi shire 2ote an! watch peop e they en#y go by& to ook at %o$ntains3%o$ntains& %in! yo$& an! great trees3he with his worrie!

eyes an! she thinking how the s$n wi !ry her skin' Going to ook at the >acific Ocean& an! )4 bet a h$n!re! tho$san! !o ars to nothing at a & he wi say& 7)t isn4t as big as ) tho$ght it wo$ ! be'7 An! she wi en#y p $%p yo$ng bo!ies on the beach' Going to Ca ifornia rea y to go ho%e again' To say& 7So*an!*So was at the tab e ne.t to $s at the Troca!ero' She4s rea y a %ess& b$t she !oes wear nice c othes'7 An! he& 7) ta ke! to goo! so$n! b$siness%en o$t there' They !on4t see a chance ti we get ri! of that fe ow in the White 2o$se'7 An!& 7) got it fro% a %an in the know3she has syphi is& yo$ know' She was in that Warner pict$re' "an sai! she4s s ept her way into pict$res' We & she got what she was ooking for'7 /$t the worrie! eyes are ne#er ca %& an! the po$ting %o$th is ne#er g a!' The big car cr$ising a ong at si.ty' ) want a co ! !rink' We & there4s so%ething $p ahea!' Want to stop6 1o yo$ think it wo$ ! be c ean6 C ean as yo$4re going to fin! in this Go!*forsaken co$ntry' We & %aybe the bott e! so!a wi be a right' The great car s($ea s an! p$ s to a stop' The fat worrie! %an he ps his wife o$t' "ae ooks at an! past the% as they enter' A ooks $p fro% his gri!! e& an! !own again' "ae knows' They4 !rink a fi#e*cent so!a an! crab that it ain4t co ! eno$gh' The wo%an wi $se si. paper napkins an! !rop the% on the f oor' The %an wi choke an! try to p$t the b a%e on "ae' The wo%an wi sniff as tho$gh she s%e e! rotting %eat an! they wi go o$t again an! te fore#er afterwar! that the peop e in the West are s$ en' An! "ae& when she is a one with A & has a na%e for the%' She ca s the% shithee s' Tr$ck !ri#ers' That4s the st$ff' 2ere4s a big transport co%in4' 2ope they stop+ take away the taste of the% shithee s' When ) worke! in that hote in A b$($er($e& A & the way they stea 3e#er4 !arn thing' An4 the bigger the car they got& the %ore they stea 3towe s& si #er& soap !ishes' ) can4t figger it' An! A & %orose y& Where ya think they get the% big cars an! st$ff6 /orn with 4e%6 9o$ won4t ne#er ha#e nothin4'

The transport tr$ck& a !ri#er an! re ief' 2ow 4bo$t stoppin4 for a c$p a Ja#a6 ) know this !$%p' 2ow4s the sche!$ e6 Oh& we4re ahea!' >$ $p& then' They4s a o 4 war horse in here that4s a kick' Goo! Ja#a& too' The tr$ck p$ s $p' Two %en in khaki ri!ing tro$sers& boots& short :ackets& an! shiny*#isore! %i itary caps' Screen !oor3s a%' 24ya& "ae6 We & if it ain4t /ig /i the Rat= When4! yo$ get back on this r$n6 Week ago' The other %an p$ts a nicke in the phonograph& watches the !isk s ip free an! the t$rntab e rise $p $n!er it' /ing Crosby4s #oice3go !en' 7Thanks for the %e%ory& of s$nb$rn at the shore39o$ %ight ha#e been a hea!ache& b$t yo$ ne#er were a bore37 An! the tr$ck !ri#er sings for "ae4s ears& yo$ %ight ha#e been a ha!!ock b$t yo$ ne#er was a whore3 "ae a$ghs' Who4s ya frien4& /i 6 0ew on this r$n& ain4t he6 The other p$ts a nicke in the s ot %achine& wins fo$r s $gs& an! p$ts the% back' Wa ks to the co$nter' We & what4s it gonna be6 Oh& c$p a Ja#a' ?in!a pie ya got6 /anana crea%& pineapp e crea%& choco ate crea%3an4 app e' "ake it app e' Wait3?in! is that big thick one6 "ae ifts it o$t an! sniffs it' /anana crea%' C$t off a h$nk+ %ake it a big h$nk' "an at the s ot %achine says& Two a aro$n!' Two it is' Seen any new etchin4s ate y& /i 6 We & here4s one' 0ow& yo$ be caref$ front of a a!y' Oh& this ain4t ba!' Litt e ki! co%es in ate ta schoo ' Teacher says& 7Why ya ate67 ?i! says& 72a! a take a heifer !own3get 4er bre!'7 Teacher says& 7Co$ !n4t yo$r o 4 %an !o it67 ?i! says& 7S$re he co$ !& b$t not as goo! as the b$ '7 "ae s($eaks with a$ghter& harsh screeching a$ghter' A & s icing onions caref$ y on a boar!& ooks $p an! s%i es& an! then ooks !own

again' Tr$ck !ri#ers& that4s the st$ff' Gonna ea#e a ($arter each for "ae' 8ifteen cents for pie an4 coffee an4 a !i%e for "ae' An4 they ain4t tryin4 to %ake her& neither' Sitting together on the stoo s& spoons sticking $p o$t of the coffee %$gs' >assing the ti%e of !ay' An! A & r$bbing !own his gri!! e& istening b$t %aking no co%%ent' /ing Crosby4s #oice stops' The t$rntab e !rops !own an! the recor! swings into its p ace in the pi e' The p$rp e ight goes off' The nicke & which has ca$se! a this %echanis% to work& has ca$se! Crosby to sing an! an orchestra to p ay 3this nicke !rops fro% between the contact points into the bo. where the profits go' The nicke & $n ike %ost %oney& has act$a y !one a :ob of work& has been physica y responsib e for a reaction' Stea% sp$rts fro% the #a #e of the coffee $rn' The co%pressor of the ice %achine ch$gs soft y for a ti%e an! then stops' The e ectric fan in the corner wa#es its hea! s ow y back an! forth& sweeping the roo% with a war% bree5e' On the highway& on CC& the cars whi5 by' 7They was a "assach$setts car stoppe! a whi e ago&7 sai! "ae' /ig /i graspe! his c$p aro$n! the top so that the spoon st$ck $p between his first an! secon! fingers' 2e !rew in a snort of air with the coffee& to coo it' 79o$ o$ght to be o$t on CC' Cars fro% a o#er the co$ntry' A hea!in4 west' 0e#er seen so %any before' S$re so%e honeys on the roa!'7 7We seen a wreck this %ornin4&7 his co%panion sai!' 7/ig car' /ig Ca!4& a specia :ob an! a honey& ow& crea%*co or& specia :ob' 2it a tr$ck' 8o !e! the ra!iator right back into the !ri#er' "$st a been !oin4 ninety' Steerin4 whee went right on thro$gh the g$y an4 ef4 hi% a*wigg in4 ike a frog on a hook' >each of a car' A honey' 9o$ can ha#e her for pean$ts now' 1ri#in4 a one& the g$y was'7 A ooke! $p fro% his work' 72$rt the tr$ck67 7Oh& Jes$s Christ= Wasn4t a tr$ck' One of the% c$t*!own cars f$ a sto#es an4 pans an4 %attresses an4 ki!s an4 chickens' Goin4 west& yo$ know' This g$y co%e by $s !oin4 ninety3r4are! $p on two whee s :$st to pass $s& an4 a car4s co%in4 so he c$ts in an4 whangs this here tr$ck' 1ro#e ike he4s b in4 !r$nk' Jes$s& the air was f$ of be! c othes an4 chickens an4 ki!s' ?i e! one ki!' 0e#er seen s$ch a %ess' We p$ e! $p' O 4 %an

that4s !ri#in4 the tr$ck& he :$s4 stan4s there ookin4 at that !ea! ki!' Can4t get a wor! o$t of 4i%' J$s4 r$%*!$%b' Go! A %ighty& the roa! is f$ a the% fa%i ies goin4 west' 0e#er seen so %any' Gets worse a a ti%e' Won!er where the he they a co%e fro%67 7Won!er where they a go to&7 sai! "ae' 7Co%e here for gas so%eti%es& b$t they !on4t har! y ne#er b$y nothin4 e se' >eop e says they stea ' We ain4t got nothin4 ayin4 aro$n!' They ne#er sto e nothin4 fro% $s'7 /ig /i & %$nching his pie& ooke! $p the roa! thro$gh the screene! win!ow' 7/etter tie yo$r st$ff !own' ) think yo$ got so%e of 4e% co%in4 now'7 A 19@C 0ash se!an p$ e! weari y off the highway' The back seat was pi e! near y to the cei ing with sacks& with pots an! pans& an! on the #ery top& right $p against the cei ing& two boys ro!e' On the top of the car& a %attress an! a fo !e! tent+ tent po es tie! a ong the r$nning boar!' The car p$ e! $p to the gas p$%ps' A !ark*haire!& hatchet*face! %an got s ow y o$t' An! the two boys s i! !own fro% the oa! an! hit the gro$n!' "ae wa ke! aro$n! the co$nter an! stoo! in the !oor' The %an was !resse! in gray woo tro$sers an! a b $e shirt& !ark b $e with sweat on the back an! $n!er the ar%s' The boys in o#era s an! nothing e se& ragge! patche! o#era s' Their hair was ight& an! it stoo! $p e#en y a o#er their hea!s& for it ha! been roache!' Their faces were streake! with !$st' They went !irect y to the %$! p$!! e $n!er the hose an! !$g their toes into the %$!' The %an aske!& 7Can we git so%e water& %a4a%67 A ook of annoyance crosse! "ae4s face' 7S$re& go ahea!'7 She sai! soft y o#er her sho$ !er& 7)4 keep %y eye on the hose'7 She watche! whi e the %an s ow y $nscrewe! the ra!iator cap an! ran the hose in' A wo%an in the car& a f a.en*haire! wo%an& sai!& 7See if yo$ can4t git it here'7 The %an t$rne! off the hose an! screwe! on the cap again' The itt e boys took the hose fro% hi% an! they $pen!e! it an! !rank thirsti y' The %an took off his !ark& staine! hat an! stoo! with a c$rio$s h$%i ity

in front of the screen' 7Co$ ! yo$ see yo$r way to se $s a oaf of brea!& %a4a%67 "ae sai!& 7This ain4t a grocery store' We got brea! to %ake san4wi!ges'7 7) know& %a4a%'7 2is h$%i ity was insistent' 7We nee! brea! an! there ain4t nothin4 for ($ite a piece& they say'7 748 we se brea! we gonna r$n o$t'7 "ae4s tone was fa tering' 7We4re h$ngry&7 the %an sai!' 7Whyn4t yo$ b$y a san4wi!ge6 We got nice san4wi!ges& ha%b$rgs'7 7We4! s$re a!%ire to !o that& %a4a%' /$t we can4t' We got to %ake a !i%e !o a of $s'7 An! he sai! e%barrasse! y& 7We ain4t got b$t a itt e'7 "ae sai!& 79o$ can4t get no oaf a brea! for a !i%e' We on y got fifteen*cent oafs'7 8ro% behin! her A grow e!& 7Go! A %ighty& "ae& gi#e 4e% brea!'7 7We4 r$n o$t 4fore the brea! tr$ck co%es'7 7R$n o$t& then& go!!a%n it&7 sai! A ' An! he ooke! s$ en y !own at the potato sa a! he was' "ae shr$gge! her p $%p sho$ !ers an! ooke! to the tr$ck !ri#ers to show the% what she was $p against' She he ! the screen !oor open an! the %an ca%e in& bringing a s%e of sweat with hi%' The boys e!ge! in behin! hi% an! they went i%%e!iate y to the can!y case an! stare! in3not with cra#ing or with hope or e#en with !esire& b$t :$st with a kin! of won!er that s$ch things co$ ! be' They were a ike in si5e an! their faces were a ike' One scratche! his !$sty ank e with the toe nai s of his other foot' The other whispere! so%e soft %essage an! then they straightene! their ar%s so that their c enche! fists in the o#era pockets showe! thro$gh the thin b $e c oth' "ae opene! a !rawer an! took o$t a ong wa.paper*wrappe! oaf' 7This here is a fifteen*cent oaf'7 The %an p$t his hat back on his hea!' 2e answere! with inf e.ib e h$%i ity& 7Won4t yo$3can4t yo$ see yo$r way to c$t off ten cents4 worth67 A sai! snar ing y& 7Go!!a%n it& "ae' Gi#e 4e% the oaf'7

The %an t$rne! towar! A ' 70o& we want ta b$y ten cents4 worth of it' We got it figgere! awf$ c ose& %ister& to get to Ca ifornia'7 "ae sai! resigne! y& 79o$ can ha#e this for ten cents'7 7That4! be robbin4 yo$& %a4a%'7 7Go ahea!3A says to take it'7 She p$she! the wa.papere! oaf across the co$nter' The %an took a !eep eather po$ch fro% his rear pocket& $ntie! the strings& an! sprea! it open' )t was hea#y with si #er an! with greasy bi s' 7"ay so$n4 f$nny to be so tight&7 he apo ogi5e!' 7We got a tho$san4 %i es to go& an4 we !on4t know if we4 %ake it'7 2e !$g in the po$ch with a forefinger& ocate! a !i%e& an! pinche! in for it' When he p$t it !own on the co$nter he ha! a penny with it' 2e was abo$t to !rop the penny back into the po$ch when his eye fe on the boys fro5en before the can!y co$nter' 2e %o#e! s ow y !own to the%' 2e pointe! in the case at big ong sticks of stripe! pepper%int' 7)s the% penny can!y& %a4a%67 "ae %o#e! !own an! ooke! in' 7Which ones67 7There& the% stripy ones'7 The itt e boys raise! their eyes to her face an! they stoppe! breathing+ their %o$ths were part y opene!& their ha f*nake! bo!ies were rigi!' 7Oh3the%' We & no3the%4s two for a penny'7 7We & gi%%e two then& %a4a%'7 2e p ace! the copper cent caref$ y on the co$nter' The boys e! their he ! breath soft y' "ae he ! the big sticks o$t' 7Take 4e%&7 sai! the %an' They reache! ti%i! y& each took a stick& an! they he ! the% !own at their si!es an! !i! not ook at the%' /$t they ooke! at each other& an! their %o$th corners s%i e! rigi! y with e%barrass%ent' 7Thank yo$& %a4a%'7 The %an picke! $p the brea! an! went o$t the !oor& an! the itt e boys %arche! stiff y behin! hi%& the re!*stripe! sticks he ! tight y against their egs' They eape! ike chip%$nks o#er the front seat an! onto the top of the oa!& an! they b$rrowe! back o$t of sight ike chip%$nks' The %an got in an! starte! his car& an! with a roaring %otor an! a c o$! of b $e oi y s%oke the ancient 0ash c i%be! $p on the highway an! went on its way to the west'

8ro% insi!e the resta$rant the tr$ck !ri#ers an! "ae an! A stare! after the%' /ig /i whee e! back' 7The% wasn4t two*for*a*cent can!y&7 he sai!' 7What4s that to yo$67 "ae sai! fierce y' 7The% was nicke apiece can!y&7 sai! /i ' 7We got to get goin4&7 sai! the other %an' 7We4re !roppin4 ti%e'7 They reache! in their pockets' /i p$t a coin on the co$nter an! the other %an ooke! at it an! reache! again an! p$t !own a coin' They sw$ng aro$n! an! wa ke! to the !oor' 7So ong&7 sai! /i ' "ae ca e!& 72ey= Wait a %in$te' 9o$ got change'7 79o$ go to he &7 sai! /i & an! the screen !oor s a%%e!' "ae watche! the% get into the great tr$ck& watche! it $%ber off in ow gear& an! hear! the shift $p the whining gears to cr$ising ratio' 7A 37 she sai! soft y' 2e ooke! $p fro% the ha%b$rger he was patting thin an! stacking between wa.e! papers' 7What ya want67 7Look there'7 She pointe! at the coins besi!e the c$ps3two ha f* !o ars' A wa ke! near an! ooke!& an! then he went back to work' 7Tr$ck !ri#ers&7 "ae sai! re#erent y& 7an4 after the% shithee s'7 8 ies str$ck the screen with itt e b$%ps an! !rone! away' The co%pressor ch$gge! for a ti%e an! then stoppe!' On CC the traffic whi55e! by& tr$cks an! fine strea% ine! cars an! :a opies+ an! they went by with a #icio$s whi5' "ae took !own the p ates an! scrape! the pie cr$sts into a b$cket' She fo$n! her !a%p c oth an! wipe! the co$nter with circ$ ar sweeps' An! her eyes were on the highway& where ife whi55e! by' A wipe! his han!s on his apron' 2e ooke! at a paper pinne! to the wa o#er the gri!! e' Three ines of %arks in co $%ns on the paper' A co$nte! the ongest ine' 2e wa ke! a ong the co$nter to the cash register& rang 70o Sa e&7 an! took o$t a han!f$ of nicke s' 7What ya !oin467 "ae aske!' 70$%ber three4s rea!y to pay off&7 sai! A ' 2e went on the thir! s ot %achine an! p aye! his nicke s in& an! on the fifth spin of the whee s the three bars ca%e $p an! the :ackpot !$%pe! o$t into the c$p' A

gathere! $p the big han!f$ of coins an! went back of the co$nter' 2e !roppe! the% in the !rawer an! s a%%e! the cash register' Then he went back to his p ace an! crosse! o$t the ine of !ots' 70$%ber three gets %ore p ay4n the others&7 he sai!' 7"aybe ) o$ght to shift 4e% aro$n!'7 2e ifte! a i! an! stirre! the s ow y si%%ering stew' 7) won!er what they4 !o in Ca ifornia67 sai! "ae' 7Who67 7The% fo ks that was :$st in'7 7Christ knows&7 sai! A ' 7S4pose they4 get work67 72ow the he wo$ ! ) know67 sai! A ' She stare! eastwar! a ong the highway' 72ere co%es a transport& !o$b e' Won!er if they stop6 2ope they !o'7 An! as the h$ge tr$ck ca%e hea#i y !own fro% the highway an! parke!& "ae sei5e! her c oth an! wipe! the who e ength of the co$nter' An! she took a few swipes at the g ea%ing coffee $rn too& an! t$rne! $p the bott e*gas $n!er the $rn' A bro$ght o$t a han!f$ of itt e t$rnips an! starte! to pee the%' "ae4s face was gay when the !oor opene! an! the two $nifor%e! tr$ck !ri#ers entere!' 72i& sister=7 7) won4t be a sister to no %an&7 sai! "ae' They a$ghe! an! "ae a$ghe!' 7What4 it be& boys67 7Oh& a c$p a Ja#a' What kin!a pie ya got67 7>ineapp e crea% an4 banana crea% an4 choco ate crea% an4 app e'7 7Gi#e %e app e' 0o& wait3what4s that big thick one67 "ae picke! $p the pie an! s%e e! it' 7>ineapp e crea%&7 she sai!' 7We & chop o$t a h$nk a that'7 The cars whi55e! #icio$s y by on CC' 16 JOADS AND WILSONS craw e! westwar! as a $nit- , Reno an! /ri!geport& C inton& , k City& Sayre& an! Te.o a' There4s the bor!er& an! Ok aho%a was behin!' An! this !ay the cars craw e! on an! on& thro$gh

the >anhan! e of' Sha%rock an! A anree!& Groo% an! 9arne ' They went thro$gh A%ari o in the e#ening& !ro#e too ong& an! ca%pe! when it was !$sk' They were tire! an! !$sty an! hot' Gran%a ha! con#$ sions fro% the heat& an! she was weak when they stoppe!' That night A sto e a fence rai an! %a!e a ri!ge po e on the tr$ck& brace! at both en!s' That night they ate nothing b$t pan bisc$its& co ! an! har!& he ! o#er fro% breakfast' They f oppe! !own on the %attresses an! s ept in their c othes' The Wi sons !i!n4t e#en p$t $p their tent' Joa!s an! Wi sons were in f ight across the >anhan! e& the ro ing gray co$ntry& ine! an! c$t with o ! f oo! scars' They were in f ight o$t of Ok aho%a an! across' The an! t$rt es craw e! thro$gh the !$st an! the s$n whippe! the earth& an! in the e#ening the heat went o$t of the sky an! the earth sent $p a wa#e of heat fro% itse f' Two !ays the fa%i ies were in f ight& b$t on the thir! the an! was too h$ge for the% an! they sett e! into a new techni($e of i#ing+ the highway beca%e their ho%e an! %o#e%ent their %e!i$% of e.pression' Litt e by itt e they sett e! into the new ife' R$thie an! Winfie ! first& then A & then Connie an! Rose of Sharon& an!& ast& the o !er ones' The an! ro e! ike great stationary gro$n! swe s' Wi !ora!o an! Gega an! /oise an! G enrio' That4s the en! of' 0ew "e.ico an! the %o$ntains' )n the far !istance& wa#e! $p against the sky& the %o$ntains stoo!' An! the whee s of the cars creake! aro$n!& an! the engines were hot& an! the stea% sp$rte! aro$n! the ra!iator caps' They craw e! to the >ecos ri#er& an! crosse! at Santa Rosa' An! they went on for twenty %i es' AL JOAD !ro#e the to$ring car& an! his %other sat besi!e hi%& an! Rose of Sharon besi!e her' Ahea! the tr$ck craw e!' The hot air fo !e! in wa#es o#er the an!& an! the %o$ntains shi#ere! in the heat' A !ro#e ist ess y& h$nche! back in the seat& his han! hooke! easi y o#er the cross*bar of the steering whee + his gray hat& peake! an! p$ e! to an incre!ib y cocky shape& was ow o#er one eye+ an! as he !ro#e& he t$rne! an! spat o$t the si!e now an! then'

"a& besi!e hi%& ha! fo !e! her han!s in her ap& ha! retire! into a resistance against weariness' She sat oose y& etting the %o#e%ent of the car sway her bo!y an! her hea!' She s($inte! her eyes ahea! at the %o$ntains' Rose of Sharon was brace! against the %o#e%ent of the car& her feet p$she! tight against the f oor& an! her right e bow hooke! o#er the !oor' An! her p $%p face was tight against the %o#e%ent& an! her hea! :igg e! sharp y beca$se her neck %$sc es were tight' She trie! to arch her who e bo!y as a rigi! container to preser#e her fet$s fro% shock' She t$rne! her hea! towar! her %other' 7"a&7 she sai!' "a4s eyes ighte! $p an! she !rew her attention towar! Rose of Sharon' 2er eyes went o#er the tight& tire!& p $%p face& an! she s%i e!' 7"a&7 the gir sai!& 7when we get there& a yo$ gonna pick fr$it an4 kin!a i#e in the co$ntry& ain4t yo$67 "a s%i e! a itt e satirica y' 7We ain4t there yet&7 she sai!' 7We !on4t know what it4s ike' We got to see'7 7"e an4 Connie !on4t want to i#e in the co$ntry no %ore&7 the gir sai!' 7We got it a p anne! $p what we gonna !o'7 8or a %o%ent a itt e worry ca%e on "a4s face' 7Ain4t yo$ gonna stay with $s3with the fa%i y67 she aske!' 7We & we ta ke! a abo$t it& %e an4 Connie' "a& we wanna i#e in a town'7 She went on e.cite! y' 7Connie gonna get a :ob in a store or %aybe a fact4ry' An4 he4s gonna st$!y at ho%e& %aybe ra!io& so he can git to be a e.pert an4 %aybe ater ha#e his own store' An4 we4 go to pitchers whene#er' An4 Connie says )4% gonna ha#e a do+tor when the baby4s born+ an4 he says we4 see how ti%es is& an4 %aybe )4 go to a hospi!! e' An4 we4 ha#e a car& itt e car' An4 after he st$!ies at night& why3it4 be nice& an4 he tore a page o$ta &ester# Lo,e Stories& an4 he4s gonna sen! off for a co$rse& 4ca$se it !on4t cost nothin4 to sen! off' Says right on that c ipping' ) seen it' An4 why3they e#en get yo$ a :ob when yo$ take that co$rse3ra!ios& it is3nice c ean work& an! a f$t$re' An4 we4 i#e in town an4 go to pitchers whene#er an43we & )4% gonna ha#e a 4 ectric iron& an4 the baby4 ha#e a new st$ff' Connie says a new st$ff3white an43We & yo$ seen in the cata og$e a the st$ff they got for a baby' "aybe right at first whi e Connie4s st$!yin4 at ho%e it won4t be easy& b$t3we & when the baby co%es& %aybe he4 be a !one st$!yin4 an4 we4 ha#e a p ace&

itt e bit of a p ace' We !on4t want nothin4 fancy& b$t we want it nice for the baby37 2er face g owe! with e.cite%ent' 7An4 ) tho$ght3we & ) tho$ght %aybe we co$ ! a go in town& an4 when Connie gets his store3 %aybe A co$ ! work for hi%'7 "a4s eyes ha! ne#er eft the f $shing face' "a watche! the str$ct$re grow an! fo owe! it' 7We !on4 want yo$ to go 4way fro% $s&7 she sai!' 7)t ain4t goo! for fo ks to break $p'7 A snorte!& 7"e work for Connie6 2ow abo$t Connie co%es a*workin4 for %e6 2e thinks he4s the on4y son*of*a*bitch can st$!y at night67 "a s$!!en y see%e! to know it was a a !rea%' She t$rne! her hea! forwar! again an! her bo!y re a.e!& b$t the itt e s%i e staye! aro$n! her eyes' 7) won!er how Gran%a fee s to!ay&7 she sai!' A grew tense o#er the whee ' A itt e ratt e ha! !e#e ope! in the engine' 2e spee!e! $p an! the ratt e increase!' 2e retar!e! his spark an! istene!& an! then he spee!e! $p for a %o%ent an! istene!' The ratt e increase! to a %eta ic po$n!ing' A b ew his horn an! p$ e! the car to the si!e of the roa!' Ahea! the tr$ck p$ e! $p an! then backe! s ow y' Three cars race! by& westwar!& an! each one b ew its horn an! the ast !ri#er eane! o$t an! ye e!& 7Where the he ya think yo$4re stoppin467 To% backe! the tr$ck c ose& an! then he got o$t an! wa ke! to the to$ring car' 8ro% the back of the oa!e! tr$ck hea!s ooke! !own' A retar!e! his spark an! istene! to his i! ing %otor' To% aske!& 7What4s a %atter& A 67 A spee!e! the %otor' 7Listen to her'7 The ratt ing po$n! was o$!er now' To% istene!' 7>$t $p yo$r spark an4 i! e&7 he sai!' 2e opene! the hoo! an! p$t his hea! insi!e' 70ow spee! her'7 2e istene! for a %o%ent an! then c ose! the hoo!' 7We & ) g$ess yo$4re right& A &7 he sai!' 7Con*ro! bearing& ain4t it67 7So$n!s ike it&7 sai! To%' 7) kep4 p enty oi in&7 A co%p aine!'

7We & it :$s4 !i!n4 get to her' 1rier4n a bitch %onkey now' We & there ain4t nothin4 to !o b$t tear her o$t' Look& )4 p$ ahea! an4 fin! a f at p ace to stop' 9o$ co%e ahea! s ow' 1on4t knock the pan o$t of her'7 Wi son aske!& 7)s it ba!67 7>$rty ba!&7 sai! To%& an! wa ke! back to the tr$ck an! %o#e! s ow y ahea!' A e.p aine!& 7) !on4t know what %a!e her go o$t' ) gi#e her p enty of oi '7 A knew the b a%e was on hi%' 2e fe t his fai $re' "a sai!& 7)t ain4t yo$r fa$ t' 9o$ !one e#er4thing right'7 An! then she aske! a itt e ti%i! y& 7)s it terrib e ba!67 7We & it4s har! to get at& an4 we got to get a new con*ro! or e se so%e babbitt in this one'7 2e sighe! !eep y' 7) s$re a% g a! To%4s here' ) ne#er fitte! no bearing' 2ope to Jes$s To% !i!'7 A h$ge re! bi boar! stoo! besi!e the roa! ahea!& an! it threw a great ob ong sha!ow' To% e!ge! the tr$ck off the roa! an! across the sha ow roa!si!e !itch& an! he p$ e! $p in the sha!ow' 2e got o$t an! waite! $nti A ca%e $p' 70ow go easy&7 he ca e!' 7Take her s ow or yo$4 break a spring too'7 A 4s face went re! with anger' 2e thrott e! !own his %otor' 7Go!!a%n it&7 he ye e!& 7) !i!n4t b$rn that bearin4 o$t= What !4ya %ean& )4 b$st a spring too67 To% grinne!' 7?eep a fo$r feet on the gro$n4&7 he sai!' 7) !i!n4 %ean nothin4' J$st take her easy o#er this !itch'7 A gr$%b e! as he inche! the to$ring car !own& an! $p the other si!e' 71on4t yo$ go gi#in4 nobo!y no i!ear ) b$rne! o$t that bearin4'7 The engine c attere! o$! y now' A p$ e! into the sha!e an! sh$t !own the %otor' To% ifte! the hoo! an! brace! it' 7Can4t e#en start on her before she coo s off&7 he sai!' The fa%i y pi e! !own fro% the cars an! c $stere! abo$t the to$ring car' >a aske!& 72ow ba!67 An! he s($atte! on his ha%s' To% t$rne! to A ' 7,#er fitte! one67 70o&7 sai! A & 7) ne#er' 4Co$rse ) ha! pans off'7 To% sai!& 7We & we got to tear the pan off an4 get the ro! o$t& an4 we got to get a new part an4 hone her an4 shi% her an4 fit her' Goo! !ay4s

:ob' Got to go back to that as4 p ace for a part& Santa Rosa' A b$($er($e4s abo$t se#enty*fi#e %i es on3Oh& Jes$s& to%orra4s S$n!ay= We can4t get nothin4 to%orra'7 The fa%i y stoo! si ent y' R$thie crept c ose an! peere! into the open hoo!& hoping to see the broken part' To% went on soft y& 7To%orra4s S$n!ay' "on!ay we4 get the thing an4 prob4 y won4t get her fitte! 4fore T$es!ay' We ain4t got the too s to %ake it easy' Gonna be a :ob'7 The sha!ow of a b$55ar! s i! across the earth& an! the fa%i y a ooke! $p at the sai ing b ack bir!' >a sai!& 7What )4% scairt of is we4 r$n o$ta %oney so we can4t git there 4t a ' 2ere4s a $s eatin4& an4 got to b$y gas an4 oi ' 48 we r$n o$ta %oney& ) !on4 know what we gonna !o'7 Wi son sai!& 7See%s ike it4s %y fa$ t' This here go!!a%n wreck4s gi#e %e tro$b e right a ong' 9o$ fo ks been nice to $s' 0ow yo$ :$s4 pack $p an4 get a ong' "e an4 Sairy4 stay& an4 we4 figger so%e way' We !on4t ai% to p$t yo$ fo ks o$t none'7 >a sai! s ow y' 7We ain4t a*gonna !o it' We got a %ost a kin bon!' Gra%pa& he !ie! in yo$r tent'7 Sairy sai! tire! y& 7We been nothin4 b$t tro$b e& nothin4 b$t tro$b e'7 To% s ow y %a!e a cigarette& an! inspecte! it an! ighte! it' 2e took off his r$ine! cap an! wipe! his forehea!' 7) got an i!ear&7 he sai!' 7"aybe nobo!y gonna ike it& b$t here she is- The nearer to Ca ifornia o$r fo ks get& the ($icker they4s gonna be %oney ro in4 in' 0ow this here car4 go twicet as fast as that tr$ck' 0ow here4s %y i!ea' 9o$ take o$t so%e a that st$ff in the tr$ck& an4 then a yo$ fo ks b$t %e an4 the preacher get in an4 %o#e on' "e an4 Casy4 stop here an4 fi. this here car an4 then we !ri#e on& !ay an4 night& an4 we4 catch $p& or if we !on4t %eet on the roa!& yo$4 be a*workin4 anyways' An4 if yo$ break !own& why& :$s4 ca%p 4 ongsi!e the roa! ti we co%e' 9o$ can4t be no worse off& an4 if yo$ get thro$gh& why& yo$4 be a*workin4& an4 st$ff4 be easy' Casy can gi#e %e a if4 with this here car& an4 we4 co%e a*sai in4'7 The gathere! fa%i y consi!ere! it' <nc e John !roppe! to his ha%s besi!e >a' A sai!& 7Won4t ya nee! %e to gi#e ya a han4 with that con*ro!67 79o$ sai! yo$r own se4f yo$ ne#er fi.e! one'7

7That4s right&7 A agree!' 7A ya got to ha#e is a strong back' "aybe the preacher !on4 wanta stay'7 7We 3whoe#er3) !on4 care&7 sai! To%' >a scratche! the !ry earth with his forefinger' 7) kin! a got a notion To%4s right&7 he sai!' 7)t ain4t goin4 ta !o no goo! a of $s stayin4 here' We can get fifty& a h$n!er! %i es on 4fore !ark'7 "a sai! worrie! y& 72ow yo$ gonna fin! $s67 7We4 be on the sa%e roa!&7 sai! To%' 7Si.ty*si. right on thro$gh' Co%e to a p ace na%e4 /akersfie 4' Seen it on the %ap ) got' 9o$ go straight on there'7 79eah& b$t when we get to Ca ifornia an4 sprea! o$t si!eways off this roa!367 71on4t yo$ worry&7 To% reass$re! her' 7We4re gonna fin! ya' Ca ifornia ain4t the who e wor !'7 7Looks ike an awf$ big p ace on the %ap&7 sai! "a' >a appea e! for a!#ice' 7John& yo$ see any reason why not67 70o&7 sai! John' 7"r' Wi son& it4s yo$r car' 9o$ got any ob:ections if %y boy her an4 brings her on67 7) !on4t see none&7 sai! Wi son' 7See%s ike yo$ fo ks !one e#er4thing for $s awrea!y' 1on4 see why ) cain4t gi#e yo$r boy a han4'7 79o$ can be workin4& ayin4 in a itt e %oney& if we !on4 ketch $p with ya&7 sai! To%' 7An4 s$ppose we a :$s4 ay aro$n4 here' There ain4t no water here& an4 we can4t %o#e this here car' /$t s4pose yo$ a git o$t there an4 git to work' Why& yo$4! ha#e %oney& an4 %aybe a ho$se to i#e in' 2ow abo$t it& Casy6 Wanna stay with %e an4 gi%%e a if467 7) wanna !o what4s bes4 for yo$ fo ks&7 sai! Casy' 79o$ took %e in& carrie! %e a ong' )4 !o whate#er'7 7We & yo$4 ay on yo$r back an4 get grease in yo$r face if yo$ stay here&7 To% sai!' 7S$its %e awright'7 >a sai!& 7We & if that4s the way she4s gonna go& we better get a*sho#in4' We can %aybe s($ee5e in a h$n!er! %i es 4fore we stop'7 "a steppe! in front of hi%' 7) ain4t a*gonna go'7

7What yo$ %ean& yo$ ain4t gonna go6 9o$ got to go' 9o$ got to ook after the fa%i y'7 >a was a%a5e! at the re#o t' "a steppe! to the to$ring car an! reache! in on the f oor of the back seat' She bro$ght o$t a :ack han! e an! ba ance! it in her han! easi y' 7) ain4t a*gonna go&7 she sai!' 7) te yo$& yo$ got to go' We %a!e $p o$r %in!'7 An! now "a4s %o$th set har!' She sai! soft y& 7On4y way yo$ gonna get %e to go is wh$p %e'7 She %o#e! the :ack han! e gent y again' 7An4 )4 sha%e yo$& >a' ) won4t take no wh$ppin4& cryin4 an4 a*beggin4' )4 ight into yo$' An4 yo$ ain4t so s$re yo$ can wh$p %e anyways' An4 if ya !o get %e& ) swear to Go! )4 wait ti yo$ got yo$r back t$rne!& or yo$4re settin4 !own& an4 )4 knock yo$ be y*$p with a b$cket' ) swear to 2o y Jes$s4 sake ) wi '7 >a ooke! he p ess y abo$t the gro$p' 7She sassy&7 he sai!' 7) ne#er seen her so sassy'7 R$thie gigg e! shri y' The :ack han! e f icke! h$ngri y back an! forth in "a4s han!' 7Co%e on&7 sai! "a' 79o$ %a!e $p yo$r %in!' Co%e on an4 wh$p %e' J$s4 try it' /$t ) ain4t a*goin4+ or if ) !o& yo$ ain4t gonna get no s eep& 4ca$se )4 wait an4 )4 wait& an4 :$s4 the %in$te yo$ take s eep in yo$r eyes& )4 s ap ya with a stick a sto#e woo!'7 7So go!!a%n sassy&7 >a %$r%$re!' 7An4 she ain4t yo$ng& neither'7 The who e gro$p watche! the re#o t' They watche! >a& waiting for hi% to break into f$ry' They watche! his a. han!s to see the fists for%' An! >a4s anger !i! not rise& an! his han!s h$ng i%p y at his si!es' An! in a %o%ent the gro$p knew that "a ha! won' An! "a knew it too' To% sai!& 7"a& what4s eatin4 on yo$6 What ya wanna !o this*a*way for6 What4s the %atter4th yo$ anyways6 9o$ gone :ohnrabbit on $s67 "a4s face softene!& b$t her eyes were sti fierce' 79o$ !one this 4tho$t thinkin4 %$ch&7 "a sai!' 7What we got ef4 in the wor 46 0othin4 b$t $s' 0othin4 b$t the fo ks' We co%e o$t an4 Gra%pa he reache! for the sho#e *she f right off' An4 now& right off& yo$ wanna b$st $p the fo ks37 To% crie!& 7"a& we gonna catch $p with ya' We wasn4t gonna be gone ong'7 "a wa#e! the :ack han! e' 7S4pose we was ca%pe!& an! yo$ went on by' S4pose we got on thro$gh& how4! we know where to ea#e the wor!&

an4 how4! yo$ know where to ask67 She sai!& 7We got a bitter roa!' Gran%a4s sick' She4s $p there on the tr$ck a*pawin4 for a sho#e herse f' She4s :$s4 tar4! o$t' We got a ong bitter roa! ahea!'7 <nc e John sai!& 7/$t we co$ ! be %akin4 so%e %oney' We co$ ! ha#e a itt e bit sa#e! $p& co%e ti%e the other fo ks got there'7 The eyes of the who e fa%i y shifte! back to "a' She was the power' She ha! taken contro ' 7The %oney we4! %ake wo$ !n4t !o no goo!&7 she sai!' 7A we got is the fa%i y $nbroke' Like a b$nch a cows& when the obos are ranging& stick a together' ) ain4t scare! whi e we4re a here& a that4s a i#e& b$t ) ain4t gonna see $s b$st $p' The Wi sons here is with $s& an4 the preacher is with $s' ) can4t say nothin4 if they want to go& b$t )4% a*goin4 cat*wi ! with this here piece a bar*arn if %y own fo ks b$sts $p'7 2er tone was co ! an! fina ' To% sai! soothing y& 7"a& we can4t a ca%p here' Ain4t no water here' Ain4t e#en %$ch sha!e here' Gran%a& she nee!s sha!e'7 7A right&7 sai! "a' 7We4 go a ong' We4 stop first p ace they4s water an4 sha!e' An43the tr$ck4 co%e back an4 take yo$ in town to get yo$r part& an4 it4 bring yo$ back' 9o$ ain4t goin4 wa kin4 a ong in the s$n& an4 ) ain4t ha#in4 yo$ o$t a a one& so if yo$ get picke! $p there ain4t nobo!y of yo$r fo ks to he4p ya'7 To% !rew his ips o#er his teeth an! then snappe! the% open' 2e sprea! his han!s he p ess y an! et the% f op against his si!es' 7>a&7 he sai!& 7if yo$ was to r$sh her one si!e an4 %e the other an4 then the res4 pi e on& an4 Gran%a :$%p !own on top& %aybe we can get "a 4tho$t %ore4n two*three of $s gets ki e! with that there :ack han! e' /$t if yo$ ain4t wi in4 to get yo$r hea! s%ashe!& ) g$ess "a4s went an4 fi e! her f $sh' Jes$s Christ& one person with their %in! %a!e $p can sho#e a ot of fo ks aro$n4= 9o$ win& "a' >$t away that :ack han! e 4fore yo$ h$rt so%ebo!y'7 "a ooke! in astonish%ent at the bar of iron' 2er han! tre%b e!' She !roppe! her weapon on the gro$n!& an! To%& with e aborate care& picke! it $p an! p$t it back in the car' 2e sai!& 7>a& yo$ :$s4 got set back on yo$r hee s' A & yo$ !ri#e the fo ks on an4 get 4e% ca%pe!& an4 then yo$ bring the tr$ck back here' "e an4 the preacher4 get the pan off' Then& if we can %ake it& we4 r$n in Santa Rosa an4 try an4 get a con*ro!' "aybe

we can& seein4 it4s Sat4!y night' Get :$%pin4 now so we can go' Le%%e ha#e the %onkey wrench an4 p iers o$ta the tr$ck'7 2e reache! $n!er the car an! fe t the greasy pan' 7Oh& yeah& e%%e ha#e a can& that o 4 b$cket& to catch the oi ' Got to sa#e that'7 A han!e! o#er the b$cket an! To% set it $n!er the car an! oosene! the oi cap with a pair of p iers' The b ack oi f owe! !own his ar% whi e he $nscrewe! the cap with his fingers& an! then the b ack strea% ran si ent y into the b$cket' A ha! oa!e! the fa%i y on the tr$ck by the ti%e the b$cket was ha f f$ ' To%& his face a rea!y s%$!ge! with oi & ooke! o$t between the whee s' 7Get back fast=7 he ca e!' An! he was oosening the pan bo ts as the tr$ck %o#e! gent y across the sha ow !itch an! craw e! away' To% t$rne! each bo t a sing e t$rn& oosening the% e#en y to spare the gasket' The preacher kne t besi!e the whee s' 7What can ) !o67 70othin4& not right now' Soon4s the oi 4s o$t an4 ) get these here bo ts oose& yo$ can he4p %e !rop the pan off'7 2e s($ir%e! away $n!er the car& oosening the bo ts with a wrench an! t$rning the% o$t with his fingers' 2e eft the bo ts on each en! oose y threa!e! to keep the pan fro% !ropping' 7Gro$n!4s sti hot $n!er here&7 To% sai!' An! then& 7Say& Casy& yo$ been awf$ go!!a%n ($iet the as4 few !ays' Why& Jes$s= When ) first co%e $p with yo$& yo$ was %akin4 a speech e#er4 ha f*ho$r or so' An4 here yo$ ain4t sai! ten wor!s the as4 co$p e !ays' What4s a %atter3gettin4 so$r67 Casy was stretche! o$t on his sto%ach& ooking $n!er the car' 2is chin& brist y with sparse whiskers& reste! on the back of one han!' 2is hat was p$she! back so that it co#ere! the back of his neck' 7) !one eno$gh ta kin4 when ) was a preacher to as4 the rest a %y ife&7 he sai!' 79eah& b$t yo$ !one so%e ta kin4 sence& too'7 7)4% a worrie! $p&7 Casy sai!' 7) !i!n4 e#en know it when ) was a* preachin4 aro$n4& b$t ) was !oin4 consi!4ab e to%*cattin4 aro$n4' )f ) ain4t gonna preach no %ore& ) got to get %arrie!' Why& To%%y& )4% a* $stin4 after the f esh'7 7"e too&7 sai! To%' 7Say& the !ay ) co%e o$ta "cA ester ) was s%okin4' ) r$n %e !own a gir & a hoor gir & ike she was a rabbit' ) won4t te ya what happene!' ) wo$ !n4t te nobo!y what happene!'7

Casy a$ghe!' 7) know what happene!' ) went a*fastin4 into the wi !erness one ti%e& an4 when ) co%e o$t the sa%e !a%n thing happene! to %e'7 72e it !i!=7 sai! To%' 7We & ) sa#e! %y %oney anyway& an4 ) gi#e that gir a r$n' Tho$ght ) was n$ts' ) sho$ ! a pai! her& b$t ) on4y got fi#e b$cks to %y na%e' She sai! she !i!n4t want no %oney' 2ere& ro in $n!er here an4 grab a*ho t' )4 tap her oose' Then yo$ t$rn o$t that bo t an4 ) t$rn o$t %y en!& an4 we et her !own easy' Caref$ that gasket' See& she co%es off in one piece' They4s on4y fo$r cy in!ers to these here o 4 1o!ges' ) took one !own one ti%e' Got %ain bearings big as a canta o$pe' 0ow3 et her !own3ho ! it' Reach $p an4 p$ !own that gasket where it4s st$ck3easy now' There=7 The greasy pan ay on the gro$n! between the%& an! a itt e oi sti ay in the we s' To% reache! into one of the front we s an! picke! o$t so%e broken pieces of babbitt' 7There she is&7 he sai!' 2e t$rne! the babbitt in his fingers' 7Shaft4s $p' Look in back an4 get the crank' T$rn her o#er ti ) te yo$'7 Casy got to his feet an! fo$n! the crank an! fitte! it' 7Rea!y67 7Reach3now easy3 itt e %ore3 itt e %ore3right there'7 Casy knee e! !own an! ooke! $n!er again' To% ratt e! the connecting*ro! bearing against the shaft' 7There she is'7 7What ya s4pose !one it67 Casy aske!' 7Oh& he & ) !on4 know= This b$ggy been on the roa! thirteen years' Says si.ty*tho$san! %i es on the spee!o%eter' That %eans a h$n!er! an4 si.ty& an4 Go! knows how %any ti%es they t$rne! the n$%bers back' Gets hot3%aybe so%ebo!y et the oi get ow3:$s4 went o$t'7 2e p$ e! the cotter*pins an! p$t his wrench on a bearing bo t' 2e straine! an! the wrench s ippe!' A ong gash appeare! on the back of his han!' To% ooke! at it3the b oo! f owe! e#en y fro% the wo$n! an! %et the oi an! !rippe! into the pan' 7That4s too ba!&7 Casy sai!' 7Want ) sho$ ! !o that an4 yo$ wrap $p yo$r han467 72e & no= ) ne#er fi.e! no car in %y ife 4tho$t c$ttin4 %yse f' 0ow it4s !one ) !on4t ha#e to worry no %ore'7 2e fitte! the wrench again' 7Wisht ) ha! a crescent wrench&7 he sai!& an! he ha%%ere! the wrench with the b$tt of his han! $nti the bo ts oosene!' 2e took the% o$t an! ai!

the% with the pan bo ts in the pan& an! the cotter*pins with the%' 2e oosene! the bearing bo ts an! p$ e! o$t the piston' 2e p$t piston an! connecting*ro! in the pan' 7There& by Go!=7 2e s($ir%e! free fro% $n!er the car an! p$ e! the pan o$t with hi%' 2e wipe! his han! on a piece of g$nny sacking an! inspecte! the c$t' 7/ ee!in4 ike a son*of*a* bitch&7 he sai!' 7We & ) can stop that'7 2e $rinate! on the gro$n!& picke! $p a han!f$ of the res$ ting %$!& an! p astere! it o#er the wo$n!' On y for a %o%ent !i! the b oo! oo5e o$t& an! then it stoppe!' 7/est !a%n thing in the wor 4 to stop b ee!in4&7 he sai!' 72an4f$ a spi!er web4 !o it too&7 sai! Casy' 7) know& b$t there ain4t no spi!er web& an4 yo$ can a ways get piss'7 To% sat on the r$nning boar! an! inspecte! the broken bearing' 70ow if we can on4y fin! a 4@D 1o!ge an4 get a $se! con*ro! an4 so%e shi%s& %aybe we4 %ake her a right' A %$st a gone a he of a ong ways'7 The sha!ow of the bi boar! was si.ty feet o$t by now' The afternoon engthene! away' Casy sat !own on the r$nning boar! an! ooke! westwar!' 7We gonna be in high %o$ntains pretty soon&7 he sai!& an! he was si ent for a few %o%ents' Then& 7To%=7 79eah67 7To%& ) been watchin4 the cars on the roa!& the% we passe! an4 the% that passe! $s' ) been keepin4 track'7 7Track a what67 7To%& they4s h$n!er!s a fa%i ies ike $s a a*goin4 west' ) watche!' There ain4t none of 4e% goin4 east3h$n!er!s of 4e%' 1i! yo$ notice that67 79eah& ) notice!'7 7Why3it4s ike3it4s ike they was r$nnin4 away fro% so !iers' )t4s ike a who e co$ntry is %o#in4'7 79eah&7 To% sai!' 7They is a who e co$ntry %o#in4' We4re %o#in4 too'7 7We 3s4pose a these here fo ks an4 e#er4bo!y3s4pose they can4t get no :obs o$t there67 7Go!!a%n it=7 To% crie!' 72ow4! ) know6 )4% :$s4 p$ttin4 one foot in front a the other' ) !one it at "ac for fo$r years& :$s4 %archin4 in ce an4 o$t ce an4 in %ess an4 o$t %ess' Jes$s Christ& ) tho$ght it4! be so%epin !ifferent when ) co%e o$t= Co$ !n4t think a nothin4 in there& e se yo$ go

stir happy& an4 now can4t think a nothin4'7 2e t$rne! on Casy' 7This here bearing went o$t' We !i!n4 know it was goin4 so we !i!n4 worry none' 0ow she4s o$t an4 we4 fi. her' An4 by Christ that goes for the rest of it= ) ain4t gonna worry' ) can4t !o it' This here itt e piece of iron an4 babbitt' See it6 9a see it6 We & that4s the on y go!!a%n thing in the wor ! ) got on %y %in!' ) won!er where the he A is'7 Casy sai!& 70ow ook& To%' Oh& what the he = So go!!a%n har! to say anything'7 To% ifte! the %$! pack fro% his han! an! threw it on the gro$n!' The e!ge of the wo$n! was ine! with !irt' 2e g ance! o#er to the preacher' 79o$4re fi.in4 to %ake a speech&7 To% sai!' 7We & go ahea!' ) ike speeches' War!en $se! to %ake speeches a the ti%e' 1i!n4t !o $s no har% an4 he got a he of a bang o$t of it= What yo$ tryin4 to ro o$t67 Casy picke! the backs of his ong knotty fingers' 7They4s st$ff goin4 on an! they4s fo ks !oin4 things' The% peop e ayin4 one foot !own in front of the other& ike yo$ says& they ain4t thinkin4 where they4re goin4& ike yo$ says3b$t they4re a ayin4 4e% !own the sa%e !irection& :$s4 the sa%e' An4 if ya isten& yo$4 hear a %o#in4& an4 a sneakin4& an4 a r$st in4& an43an4 a res4 essness' They4s st$ff goin4 on that the fo ks !oin4 it !on4t know nothin4 abo$t3yet' They4s gonna co%e so%epin o$ta a these fo ks goin4 wes43o$ta a their far%s ef4 one y' They4s gonna co%e a thing that4s gonna change the who e co$ntry'7 To% sai!& 7)4% sti ayin4 %y !ogs !own one at a ti%e'7 79eah& b$t when a fence co%es $p at ya& ya gonna c i%b that fence'7 7) c i%b fences when ) got fences to c i%b&7 sai! To%' Casy sighe!' 7)t4s the bes4 way' ) gotta agree' /$t they4s !ifferent kin!a fences' They4s fo ks ike %e that c i%bs fences that ain4t e#en strang $p yet3an4 can4t he4p it'7 7Ain4t that A a*co%in467 To% aske!' 79eah' Looks ike'7 To% stoo! $p an! wrappe! the connecting*ro! an! both ha #es of the bearing in the piece of sack' 7Wanta %ake s$re ) get the sa%e&7 he sai!' The tr$ck p$ e! a ongsi!e the roa! an! A eane! o$t the win!ow' To% sai!& 79o$ was a he of a ong ti%e' 2ow far4! yo$ go67 A sighe!' 7Got the ro! o$t67

79eah'7 To% he ! $p the sack' 7/abbitt :$s4 broke !own'7 7We & it wasn4t no fa$ t of %ine&7 sai! A ' 70o' Where4! yo$ take the fo ks67 7We ha! a %ess&7 A sai!' 7Gran%a got to be erin4& an4 that set Rosasharn off an4 she be ere! so%e' Got her hea! $n!er a %attress an4 be ere!' /$t Gran%a& she was :$st ayin4 back her :aw an4 bayin4 ike a %oon ight ho$n4 !og' See%s ike Gran%a ain4t got no sense no %ore' Like a itt e baby' 1on4 speak to nobo!y& !on4 see% to reco4ni5e nobo!y' J$s4 ta ks on ike she4s ta kin4 to Gra%pa'7 7Where4! ya ea#e 4e%67 To% insiste!' 7We & we co%e to a ca%p' Got sha!e an4 got water in pipes' Costs ha f a !o ar a !ay to stay there' /$t e#er4bo!y4s so go!!a%n tire! an4 wore o$t an4 %is4ab e& they staye! there' "a says they got to 4ca$se Gran%a4s so tire! an4 wore o$t' Got Wi son4s tent $p an4 got o$r tarp for a tent' ) think Gran%a gone n$ts'7 To% ooke! towar! the owering s$n' 7Casy&7 he sai!& 7so%ebo!y got to stay with this car or she4 get strippe!' 9o$ :$s4 as soon67 7S$re' )4 stay'7 A took a paper bag fro% the seat' 7This here4s so%e brea! an4 %eat "a sent& an4 ) got a :$g a water here'7 7She !on4t forget nobo!y&7 sai! Casy' To% got in besi!e A ' 7Look&7 he sai!' 7We4 get back :$s4 as soon4s we can' /$t we can4t te how ong'7 7)4 be here'7 7Awright' 1on4t %ake no speeches to yo$rse f' Get goin4& A '7 The tr$ck %o#e! off in the ate afternoon' 72e4s a nice fe a&7 To% sai!' 72e thinks abo$t st$ff a the ti%e'7 7We & he 3if yo$ been a preacher& ) g$ess yo$ got to' >a4s a %a! abo$t it costs fifty cents :$s4 to ca%p $n!er a tree' 2e can4t see that noways' Settin4 a*c$ssin4' Says ne.4 thing they4 se ya a itt e tank a air' /$t "a says they gotta be near sha!e an4 water 4ca$se a Gran%a'7 The tr$ck ratt e! a ong the highway& an! now that it was $n oa!e!& e#ery part of it ratt e! an! c ashe!' The si!e*boar! of the be!& the c$t bo!y' )t ro!e har! an! ight' A p$t it $p to thirty*eight %i es an ho$r an! the

engine c attere! hea#i y an! a b $e s%oke of b$rning oi !rifte! $p thro$gh the f oor boar!s' 7C$t her !own so%e&7 To% sai!' 79o$ gonna b$rn her right !own to the h$b caps' What4s eatin4 on Gran%a67 7) !on4t know' 4"e%ber the as4 co$p e !ays she4s been airy*nary& sayin4 nothin4 to nobo!y6 We & she4s ye in4 an4 ta kin4 p enty now& on4y she4s ta kin4 to Gra%pa' 9e in4 at hi%' ?in!a scary& too' 9o$ can a %os4 see 4i% a*settin4 there grinnin4 at her the way he a ways !one& a*fingerin4 hisse f an4 grinnin4' See%s ike she sees hi% a*settin4 there& too' She4s :$s4 gi#in4 hi% he ' Say& >a& he gi#e %e twenty !o ars to han! yo$' 2e !on4 know how %$ch yo$ gonna nee!' ,#er see "a stan! $p to 4i% ike she !one to!ay67 70ot ) re%e%ber' ) s$re !i! pick a nice ti%e to get paro e!' ) figgere! ) was gonna ay aro$n4 an4 get $p ate an4 eat a ot when ) co%e ho%e' ) was goin4 o$t an! !ance& an4 ) was gonna go to%*cattin43an4 here ) ain4t ha! ti%e to !o none of the% things'7 A sai!& 7) forgot' "a gi#e %e a ot a st$ff to te yo$' She says !on4t !rink nothin4& an4 !on4 get in no arg$%ents& an4 !on4t fight nobo!y' 4Ca$se she says she4s scairt yo$4 get sent back'7 7She got p enty to get worke! $p abo$t 4tho$t %e gi#in4 her no tro$b e&7 sai! To%' 7We & we co$ ! get a co$p e beers& can4t we6 )4% :$s4 a*ra#in4 for a beer'7 7) !$nno&7 sai! To%' 7>a4! crap a itter of i5ar!s if we b$y beers'7 7We & ook& To%' ) got si. !o ars' 9o$ an4 %e co$ ! get a co$p e pints an4 go !own the ine' 0obo!y !on4t know ) got that si. b$cks' Christ& we co$ ! ha#e a he of a ti%e for o$rse #es'7 7?eep ya :ack&7 To% sai!' 7When we get o$t to the coast yo$ an4 %e4 take her an4 we4 raise he ' "aybe when we4re workin437 2e t$rne! in the seat' 7) !i!n4 think yo$ was a fe a to go !own the ine' ) figgere! yo$ was ta kin4 4e% o$t of it'7 7We & he & ) !on4t know nobo!y here' )f )4% gonna ri!e aro$n4 %$ch& )4% gonna get %arrie!' )4% gonna ha#e %e a he of a ti%e when we get to Ca ifornia'7 72ope so&7 sai! To%'

79o$ ain4t s$re a nothin4 no %ore'7 70o& ) ain4t s$re a nothin4'7 7When ya ki e! that fe a3!i!3!i! ya e#er !rea% abo$t it or anything6 1i! it worry ya67 70o'7 7We & !i!n4 ya ne#er think abo$t it67 7S$re' ) was sorry 4ca$se he was !ea!'7 79a !i!n4t take no b a%e to yo$rse f67 70o' ) !one %y ti%e& an4 ) !one %y own ti%e'7 7Was it3awf$ ba!3there67 To% sai! ner#o$s y& 7Look& A ' ) !one %y ti%e& an4 now it4s !one' ) !on4 wanna !o it o#er an4 o#er' There4s the ri#er $p ahea!& an4 there4s the town' Let4s :$s4 try an4 get a con*ro! an4 the he with the res4 of it'7 7"a4s awf$ partia to yo$&7 sai! A ' 7She %o$rne! when yo$ was gone' 1one it a to herse f' ?in!a cryin4 !own insi!e of her throat' We co$ ! te what she was thinkin4 abo$t& tho$gh'7 To% p$ e! his cap !own ow o#er his eyes' 70ow ook here& A ' S4pose we ta k 4bo$t so%e other st$ff'7 7) was :$s4 te in4 ya what "a !one'7 7) know3) know' /$t3) r$ther not' ) r$ther :$s43 ay one foot !own in front a the other'7 A re apse! into an ins$ ate! si ence' 7) was :$s4 tryin4 to te ya&7 he sai!& after a %o%ent' To% ooke! at hi%& an! A kept his eyes straight ahea!' The ightene! tr$ck bo$nce! noisi y a ong' To%4s ong ips !rew $p fro% his teeth an! he a$ghe! soft y' 7) know yo$ was& A ' "aybe )4% kin!a stir*n$ts' )4 te ya abo$t it so%eti%e %aybe' 9a see& it4s :$s4 so%epin yo$ wanta know' ?in!a interestin4' /$t ) got a kin! a f$nny i!ear the bes4 thing4! be if ) forget abo$t it for a whi e' "aybe in a itt e whi e it won4t be that way' Right now when ) think abo$t it %y g$ts gets a !roopy an4 nasty fee in4' Look here& A & )4 te ya one thing3the :ai ho$se is :$s4 a kin! a way a !ri#in4 a g$y s ow y n$ts' See6 An4 they go n$ts& an4 yo$ see 4e% an4 hear 4e%& an4 pretty soon yo$ !on4 know if yo$4re n$ts or not' When they get to screa%in4 in the night so%eti%es yo$ think it4s yo$ !oin4 the screa%in43an4 so%eti%es it is'7

A sai!& 7Oh= ) won4t ta k abo$t it no %ore& To%'7 7Thirty !ays is a right&7 To% sai!' 7An4 a h$n!er! an4 eighty !ays is a right' /$t o#er a year3) !$nno' There4s so%epin abo$t it that ain4t ike nothin4 e se in the wor 4' So%epin screwy abo$t it& so%epin screwy abo$t the who e i!ea a ockin4 peop e $p' Oh& the he with it= ) !on4 wanna ta k abo$t it' Look a the s$n a*f ashin4 on the% win!as'7 The tr$ck !ro#e to the ser#ice*station be t& an! there on the right*han! si!e of the roa! was a wrecking yar!3an acre ot s$rro$n!e! by a high barbe!*wire fence& a corr$gate! iron she! in front with $se! tires pi e! $p by the !oors& an! price*%arke!' /ehin! the she! there was a itt e shack b$i t of scrap& scrap $%ber an! pieces of tin' The win!ows were win!shie !s b$i t into the wa s' )n the grassy ot the wrecks ay& cars with twiste!& sto#e*in noses& wo$n!e! cars ying on their si!es with the whee s gone' ,ngines r$sting on the gro$n! an! against the she!' A great pi e of :$nk+ fen!ers an! tr$ck si!es& whee s an! a. es+ o#er the who e ot a spirit of !ecay& of %o ! an! r$st+ twiste! iron& ha f*g$tte! engines& a %ass of !ere icts' A !ro#e the tr$ck $p on the oi y gro$n! in front of the she!' To% got o$t an! ooke! into the !ark !oorway' 71on4t see nobo!y&7 he sai!& an! he ca e!& 7Anybo!y here67 7Jes$s& ) hope they got a 4@D 1o!ge'7 /ehin! the she! a !oor bange!' A specter of a %an ca%e thro$gh the !ark she!' Thin& !irty& oi y skin tight against stringy %$sc es' One eye was gone& an! the raw& $nco#ere! socket s($ir%e! with eye %$sc es when his goo! eye %o#e!' 2is :eans an! shirt were thick an! shiny with o ! grease& an! his han!s cracke! an! ine! an! c$t' 2is hea#y& po$ting $n!er ip h$ng o$t s$ en y' To% aske!& 79o$ the boss67 The one eye g are!' 7) work for the boss&7 he sai! s$ en y' 7Whatcha want67 7Got a wrecke! 4@D 1o!ge6 We nee! a con*ro!'7 7) !on4t know' )f the boss was here he co$ ! te ya3b$t he ain4t here' 2e4s went ho%e'7 7Can we ook an4 see 67

The %an b ew his nose into the pa % of his han! an! wipe! his han! on his tro$sers' 79o$ fro% hereabo$ts67 7Co%e fro% east3goin4 west'7 7Look aro$n4 then' /$rn the go!!a%n p ace !own& for a ) care'7 7Looks ike yo$ !on4t o#e yo$r boss none'7 The %an sha%b e! c ose& his one eye f ashing' 7) hate 4i%&7 he sai! soft y' 7) hate the son*of*a*bitch= Gone ho%e now' Gone ho%e to his ho$se'7 The wor!s fe st$%b ing o$t' 72e got a way3he got a way a* pickin4 a fe a an4 a*tearin4 a fe a' 2e3the son*of*a*bitch' Got a gir nineteen& p$rty' Says to %e& 42ow4! ya ike to %arry her64 Says that right to %e' An4 tonight3says& 4They4s a !ance+ how4! ya ike to go64 "e& he says it to %e=7 Tears for%e! in his eyes an! tears !rippe! fro% the corner of the re! eye socket' 7So%e !ay& by Go!3so%e !ay )4% gonna ha#e a pipe wrench in %y pocket' When he says the% things he ooks at %y eye' An4 )4% gonna& )4% gonna :$s4 take his hea! right !own off his neck with that wrench& itt e piece at a ti%e'7 2e pante! with his f$ry' 7Litt e piece at a ti%e& right !own off4n his neck'7 The s$n !isappeare! behin! the %o$ntains' A ooke! into the ot at the wrecke! cars' 7O#er there& ook& To%= That there ooks ike a 4@D or 4@C'7 To% t$rne! to the one*eye! %an' 7"in! if we ook67 72e & no= Take any go!!a%n thing yo$ want'7 They wa ke!& threa!ing their way a%ong the !ea! a$to%obi es& to a r$sting se!an& resting on f at tires' 7S$re it4s a 4@D&7 A crie!' 7Can we yank off the pan& %ister67 To% knee e! !own an! ooke! $n!er the car' 7>an4s off awrea!y' One ro!4s been took' Looks ike one gone'7 2e wrigg e! $n!er the car' 7Get a crank an4 t$rn her o#er& A '7 2e worke! the ro! against the shaft' 7>$rty %$ch fro5e with grease'7 A t$rne! the crank s ow y' 7,asy&7 To% ca e!' 2e picke! a sp inter of woo! fro% the gro$n! an! scrape! the cake of grease fro% the bearing an! the bearing bo ts' 72ow is she for tight67 A aske!' 7We & she4s a itt e oose& b$t not ba!'7 7We & how is she for wore67

7Got p enty shi%' Ain4t been a took $p' 9eah& she4s O'?' T$rn her o#er easy now' Get her !own& easy3there= R$n o#er the tr$ck an4 get so%e too s'7 The one*eye! %an sai!& 7)4 get yo$ a bo. a too s'7 2e sh$ff e! off a%ong the r$sty cars an! in a %o%ent he ca%e back with a tin bo. of too s' To% !$g o$t a socket wrench an! han!e! it to A ' 79o$ take her off' 1on4 ose no shi%s an4 !on4 et the bo ts get away& an4 keep track a the cotter*pins' 2$rry $p' The ight4s gettin4 !i%'7 A craw e! $n!er the car' 7We o$ghta get $s a set a socket wrenches&7 he ca e!' 7Can4t get in no p ace with a %onkey wrench'7 79e o$t if yo$ want a han!&7 To% sai!' The one*eye! %an stoo! he p ess y by' 7)4 he p ya if ya want&7 he sai!' 7?now what that son*of*a*bitch !one6 2e co%e by an4 he got on white pants' An4 he says& 4Co%e on& e4s go o$t to %y yacht'4 /y Go!& )4 whang hi% so%e !ay=7 2e breathe! hea#i y' 7) ain4t been o$t with a wo%an sence ) os4 %y eye' An4 he says st$ff ike that'7 An! big tears c$t channe s in the !irt besi!e his nose' To% sai! i%patient y& 7Whyn4t yo$ ro on6 Got no g$ar!s to keep ya here'7 79eah& that4s easy to say' Ain4t so easy to get a :ob3not for a one*eye4 %an'7 To% t$rne! on hi%' 70ow ook*a*here& fe a' 9o$ got that eye wi!e open' An4 ya !irty& ya stink' 9a :$s4 askin4 for it' 9a ike it' Lets ya fee sorry for yase f' 4Co$rse ya can4t get no wo%an with that e%pty eye f appin4 aro$n4' >$t so%epin o#er it an4 wash ya face' 9o$ ain4t hittin4 nobo!y with no pipe wrench'7 7) te ya& a one*eye4 fe a got a har! row'7 the %an sai!' 7Can4t see st$ff the way other fe as can' Can4t see how far off a thing is' ,#er4thing4s :$s4 f at'7 To% sai!& 79a f$ a crap' Why& ) knowe! a one* egge! whore one ti%e' Think she was takin4 two*bits in a a ey6 0o& by Go!= She4s gettin4 ha f a !o ar e.tra' She says& 42ow %any one* egge! wo%en yo$ s ep4 with6 0one=4 she says' 4O'?'&4 she says' 49o$ got so%epin pretty specia here& an4 it4s gonna cos4 ya ha f a b$ck e.try4' An4 by Go!& she was gettin4 4e%& too& an4 the fe as co%in4 o$t thinkin4 they4re pretty $cky' She says she4s

goo! $ck' An4 ) knowe! a h$%p*back in3in a p ace ) was' "ake his who e i#in4 ettin4 fo ks r$b his h$%p for $ck' Jes$s Christ& an4 a yo$ got is one eye gone'7 The %an sai! st$%b ing y& 7We & Jes$s& ya see so%ebo!y e!ge away fro% ya& an4 it gets into ya'7 7Co#er it $p then& go!!a%n it' 9a stickin4 it o$t ike a cow4s ass' 9a ike to fee sorry for yase f' There ain4t nothin4 the %atter with yo$' /$y yase f so%e white pants' 9a gettin4 !r$nk an4 cryin4 in ya be!& ) bet' 0ee! any he p& A 67 70o&7 sai! A ' 7) got this here bearin4 oose' J$s4 tryin4 to work the piston !own'7 71on4 bang yase f&7 sai! To%' The one*eye! %an sai! soft y& 7Think3so%ebo!y4! ike3%e67 7Why& s$re&7 sai! To%' 7Te 4e% ya !ong4s growe! sence yo$ os4 yo$r eye'7 7Where at yo$ fe as goin467 7Ca ifornia' Who e fa%i y' Gonna get work o$t there'7 7We & ya think a fe a ike %e co$ ! get work6 / ack patch on %y eye67 7Why not6 9o$ ain4t no cripp e'7 7We 3co$ ! ) catch a ri!e with yo$ fe as67 7Christ& no' We4re so go!!a%n f$ now we can4t %o#e' 9o$ get o$t so%e other way' 8i. $p one a these here wrecks an4 go o$t by yase f'7 7"aybe ) wi & by Go!&7 sai! the one*eye! %an' There was a c ash of %eta ' 7) got her&7 A ca e!' 7We & bring her o$t& et4s ook at her'7 A han!e! hi% the piston an! connecting*ro! an! the ower ha f of the bearing' To% wipe! the babbitt s$rface an! sighte! a ong it si!eways' 7Looks O'?' to %e&7 he sai!' 7Say& by Go!& if we ha! a ight we co$ ! get this here in tonight'7 7Say& To%&7 A sai!& 7) been thinkin4' We got no ring c a%ps' Gonna be a :ob gettin4 the% rings in& specia y $n!erneath'7 To% sai!& 79a know& a fe a to 4 %e one ti%e ya wrap so%e fine brass wire aro$n4 the ring to ho 4 her'7 79eah& b$t how ya gonna get the wire off67 79a !on4t get her off' She %e ts off an4 !on4t h$rt nothin4'7

7Copper wire4! be better'7 7)t ain4t strong eno$gh&7 sai! To%' 2e t$rne! to the one*eye! %an' 7Got any fine brass wire67 7) !$nno' ) think they4s a spoo so%ewheres' Where !4ya think a fe a co$ ! get one a the% patches one*eye4 fe as wear67 7) !on4 know&7 sai! To%' 7Le4s see if yo$ can fin4 that wire'7 )n the iron she! they !$g thro$gh $nti they fo$n! the spoo ' To% set the ro! in a #ise an! caref$ y wrappe! the wire aro$n! the piston rings& forcing the% !eep into their s ots& an! where the wire was twiste! he ha%%ere! it f at+ an! then he t$rne! the piston an! tappe! the wire a aro$n! $nti it c eare! the piston wa ' 2e ran his finger $p an! !own to %ake s$re that the rings an! wire were f $sh with the wa ' )t was getting !ark in the she!' The one*eye! %an bro$ght a f ash ight an! shone its bea% on the work' 7There she is=7 sai! To%' 7Say3what4 ya take for that ight67 7We & it ain4t %$ch goo!' Got fifteen cents4 a new batteries' 9o$ can ha#e her for3oh& thirty*fi#e cents'7 7O'?' An4 what we owe ya for this here con*ro! an4 piston67 The one*eye! %an r$bbe! his forehea! with a kn$ck e& an! a ine of !irt pee e! off' 7We & sir& ) :$s4 !$nno' )f the boss was here& he4! go to a parts book an4 he4! fin! o$t how %$ch is a new one& an4 whi e yo$ was workin4& he4! be fin!in4 o$t how ba! yo$4re h$ng $p& an4 how %$ch :ack ya got& an4 then he4!3we & say it4s eight b$cks in the part book3he4! %ake a price a fi#e b$cks' An4 if yo$ p$t $p a s($awk& yo$4! get it for three' 9o$ say it4s a %e& b$t& by Go!& he4s a son*of*a*bitch' 8iggers how ba! ya nee! it' ) seen hi% git %ore for a ring gear than he gi#e for the who e car'7 79eah= /$t how %$ch a% ) gonna gi#e yo$ for this here67 74/o$t a b$ck& ) g$ess'7 7Awright& an4 )4 gi#e ya a ($arter for this here socket wrench' "ake it twice as easy'7 2e han!e! o#er the si #er' 7Thank ya' An4 co#er $p that go!!a%n eye'7 To% an! A got into the tr$ck' )t was !eep !ark' A starte! the %otor an! t$rne! on the ights' 7So ong&7 To% ca e!' 7See ya %aybe in Ca ifornia'7 They t$rne! across the highway an! starte! back'

The one*eye! %an watche! the% go& an! then he went thro$gh the iron she! to his shack behin!' )t was !ark insi!e' 2e fe t his way to the %attress on the f oor& an! he stretche! o$t an! crie! in his be!& an! the cars whi55ing by on the highway on y strengthene! the wa s of his one iness' To% sai!& 7)f yo$4! to 4 %e we4! get this here thing an4 get her in tonight& )4! a sai! yo$ was n$ts'7 7We4 get her in awright&7 sai! A ' 79o$ got to !o her& tho$gh' )4! be scare! )4! get her too tight an4 she4! b$rn o$t& or too oose an4 she4! ha%%er o$t'7 7)4 stick her in&7 sai! To%' 7)f she goes o$t again& she goes o$t' ) got nothin4 to ose'7 A peere! into the !$sk' The ights %a!e no i%pression on the g oo%+ b$t ahea!& the eyes of a h$nting cat f ashe! green in ref ection of the ights' 79o$ s$re gi#e that fe a he &7 A sai!' 7S$re !i! te hi% where to ay !own his !ogs'7 7We & go!!a%n it& he was askin4 for it= J$s4 a pattin4 hisse f 4ca$se he got one eye& p$ttin4 a the b a%e on his eye' 2e4s a a5y& !irty son*of*a* bitch' "aybe he can snap o$t of it if he knowe! peop e was wise to hi%'7 A sai!& 7To%& it wasn4t nothin4 ) !one b$rne! o$t that bearin4'7 To% was si ent for a %o%ent& then& 7)4% gonna take a fa o$ta yo$& A ' 9o$ :$s4 scrabb in4 ass o#er tit& fear so%ebo!y gonna pin so%e b a%e on yo$' ) know what4s a %atter' 9o$ng fe a& a f$ a piss an4 #inegar' Wanta be a he of a g$y a the ti%e' /$t& go!!a%n it& A & !on4 keep ya g$ar! $p when nobo!y ain4t sparrin4 with ya' 9o$ gonna be a right'7 A !i! not answer hi%' 2e ooke! straight ahea!' The tr$ck ratt e! an! bange! o#er the roa!' A cat whippe! o$t fro% the si!e of the roa! an! A swer#e! to hit it& b$t the whee s %isse! an! the cat eape! into the grass' 70ear y got hi%&7 sai! A ' 7Say& To%' 9o$ hear! Connie ta kin4 how he4s gonna st$!y nights6 ) been thinkin4 %aybe )4! st$!y nights too' 9o$ know& ra!io or te e#ision or 1iese engines' 8e a %ight get starte! that* a*way'7 7"ight&7 sai! To%' 78in! o$t how %$ch they gonna sock ya for the essons& first' An4 figger o$t if yo$4re gonna st$!y 4e%' There was fe as

takin4 the% %ai essons in "cA ester' ) ne#er knowe! one of 4e% that finishe! $p' Got sick of it an4 eft 4e% s i!e'7 7Go! Aw%ighty& we forgot to get so%epin to eat'7 7We & "a sent !own p enty+ preacher co$ !n4 eat it a ' /e so%e ef4' ) won!er how ong it4 take $s to get to Ca ifornia'7 7Christ& ) !on4 know' J$s4 p $g away at her'7 They fe into si ence& an! the !ark ca%e an! the stars were sharp an! white' CASY GOT OUT of the back seat of the 1o!ge an! stro e! to the si!e of the roa! when the tr$ck p$ e! $p' 7) ne#er e.pecte! yo$ so soon&7 he sai!' To% gathere! the parts in the piece of sacking on the f oor' 7We was $cky&7 he sai!' 7Got a f ash ight& too' Gonna fi. her right $p'7 79o$ forgot to take yo$r !inner&7 sai! Casy' 7)4 get it when ) finish' 2ere& A & p$ off the roa! a itt e %ore an4 co%e ho 4 the ight for %e'7 2e went !irect y to the 1o!ge an! craw e! $n!er on his back' A craw e! $n!er on his be y an! !irecte! the bea% of the f ash ight' 70ot in %y eyes' There& p$t her $p'7 To% worke! the piston $p into the cy in!er& twisting an! t$rning' The brass wire ca$ght a itt e on the cy in!er wa ' With a ($ick p$sh he force! it past the rings' 7L$cky she4s oose or the co%pression4! stop her' ) think she4s gonna work a right'7 72ope that wire !on4t c og the rings&7 sai! A ' 7We & that4s why ) ha%%ere! her f at' She won4t ro off' ) think she4 :$s4 %e t o$t an4 %aybe gi#e the wa s a brass p ate'7 7Think she %ight score the wa s67 To% a$ghe!' 7Jes$s Christ& the% wa s can take it' She4s !rinkin4 oi ike a gopher ho e awrea!y' Litt e %ore ain4t gonna h$rt none'7 2e worke! the ro! !own o#er the shaft an! teste! the ower ha f' 7She4 take so%e shi%'7 2e sai!& 7Casy=7 79eah'7 7)4% takin4 $p this here bearing now' Get o$t to that crank an4 t$rn her o#er s ow when ) te ya'7 2e tightene! the bo ts' 70ow' O#er s ow=7 An!

as the ang$ ar shaft t$rne!& he worke! the bearing against it' 7Too %$ch shi%&7 To% sai!' 72o ! it& Casy'7 2e took o$t the bo ts an! re%o#e! thin shi%s fro% each si!e an! p$t the bo ts back' 7Try her again& Casy=7 An! he worke! the ro! again' 7She4s a it*t e bit oose yet' Won!er if she4! be too tight if ) took o$t %ore shi%' )4 try her'7 Again he re%o#e! the bo ts an! took o$t another pair of the thin strips' 70ow try her& Casy'7 7That ooks goo!&7 sai! A ' To% ca e!& 7She any har!er to t$rn& Casy67 70o& ) !on4t think so'7 7We & ) think she4s sn$g here' ) hope to Go! she is' Can4t hone no babbitt witho$t too s' This here socket wrench %akes her a he of a ot easier'7 A sai!& 7/oss a that yar! gonna be p$rty %a! when he ooks for that si5e socket an4 she ain4t there'7 7That4s his screwin4&7 sai! To%' 7We !i!n4 stea her'7 2e tappe! the cotter*pins in an! bent the en!s o$t' 7) think that4s goo!' Look& Casy& yo$ ho ! the ight whi e %e an4 A get this here pan $p'7 Casy kne t !own an! took the f ash ight' 2e kept the bea% on the working han!s as they patte! the gasket gent y in p ace an! ine! the ho es with the pan bo ts' The two %en straine! at the weight of the pan& ca$ght the en! bo ts& an! then set in the others+ an! when they were a engage!& To% took the% $p itt e by itt e $nti the pan sett e! e#en y in against the gasket& an! he tightene! har! against the n$ts' 7) g$ess that4s her&7 To% sai!' 2e tightene! the oi tap& ooke! caref$ y $p at the pan& an! took the ight an! searche! the gro$n!' 7There she is' Le4s get the oi back in her'7 They craw e! o$t an! po$re! the b$cket of oi back in the crank case' To% inspecte! the gasket for eaks' 7O'?'& A ' T$rn her o#er&7 he sai!' A got into the car an! steppe! on the starter' The %otor ca$ght with a roar' / $e s%oke po$re! fro% the e.ha$st pipe' 7Thrott e !own=7 To% sho$te!' 7She4 b$rn oi ti that wire goes' Gettin4 thinner now'7 An! as the %otor t$rne! o#er& he istene! caref$ y' 7>$t $p the spark an4 et her i! e'7 2e istene! again' 7O'?'& A ' T$rn her off' ) think we !one her' Where4s that %eat now67 79o$ %ake a !arn goo! %echanic&7 A sai!'

7Why not6 ) worke! in the shop a year' We4 take her goo! an4 s ow for a co$p e h$n!er! %i es' Gi#e her a chance to work in'7 They wipe! their grease*co#ere! han!s on b$nches of wee!s an! fina y r$bbe! the% on their tro$sers' They fe h$ngri y on the boi e! pork an! swigge! the water fro% the bott e' 7) ike! to star#e!&7 sai! A ' 7What we gonna !o now& go on to the ca%p67 7) !$nno&7 sai! To%' 7"aybe they4! charge $s a e.try ha f*b$ck' Le4s go on an4 ta k to the fo ks3te 4e% we4re fi.e!' Then if they wanta sock $s e.try3we4 %o#e on' The fo ks4 wanta know' Jes$s& )4% g a! "a stoppe! $s this afternoon' Look aro$n! with the ight& A ' See we !on4t ea#e nothin4' Get that socket wrench in' We %ay nee! her again'7 A searche! the gro$n! with the f ash ight' 71on4t see nothin4'7 7A right' )4 !ri#e her' 9o$ bring the tr$ck& A '7 To% starte! the engine' The preacher got in the car' To% %o#e! s ow y& keeping the engine at a ow spee!& an! A fo owe! in the tr$ck' 2e crosse! the sha ow !itch& craw ing in ow gear' To% sai!& 7These here 1o!ges can p$ a ho$se in ow gear' She4s s$re ratio4! !own' Goo! thing for $s3) wanta break that bearin4 in easy'7 On the highway the 1o!ge %o#e! a ong s ow y' The 1@*#o t hea! ights threw a short b ob of ye owish ight on the pa#e%ent' Casy t$rne! to To%' 78$nny how yo$ fe as can fi. a car' J$s4 ight right in an4 fi. her' ) co$ !n4t fi. no car& not e#en now when ) seen yo$ !o it'7 7Got to grow into her when yo$4re a itt e ki!&7 To% sai!' 7)t ain4t :$s4 knowin4' )t4s %ore4n that' ?i!s now can tear !own a car 4tho$t e#en thinkin4 abo$t it'7 A :ackrabbit got ca$ght in the ights an! he bo$nce! a ong ahea!& cr$ising easi y& his great ears f opping with e#ery :$%p' 0ow an! then he trie! to break off the roa!& b$t the wa of !arkness thr$st hi% back' 8ar ahea! bright hea! ights appeare! an! bore !own on the%' The rabbit hesitate!& fa tere!& then t$rne! an! bo te! towar! the esser ights of the 1o!ge' There was a s%a soft :o t as he went $n!er the whee s' The onco%ing car swishe! by' 7We s$re s($ashe! hi%&7 sai! Casy'

To% sai!& 7So%e fe as ike to hit 4e%' Gi#es %e a itt e shakes e#er4 ti%e' Car so$n!s O'?' The% rings %$st a broke oose by now' She ain4t s%okin4 so ba!'7 79o$ !one a nice :ob&7 sai! Casy' A s%a woo!en ho$se !o%inate! the ca%p gro$n!& an! on the porch of the ho$se a gaso ine antern hisse! an! threw its white g are in a great circ e' 2a f a !o5en tents were pitche! near the ho$se& an! cars stoo! besi!e the tents' Cooking for the night was o#er& b$t the coa s of the ca%pfires sti g owe! on the gro$n! by the ca%ping p aces' A gro$p of %en ha! gathere! to the porch where the antern b$rne!& an! their faces were strong an! %$sc e! $n!er the harsh white ight& ight that threw b ack sha!ows of their hats o#er their forehea!s an! eyes an! %a!e their chins see% to :$t o$t' They sat on the steps& an! so%e stoo! on the gro$n!& resting their e bows on the porch f oor' The proprietor& a s$ en anky %an& sat in a chair on the porch' 2e eane! back against the wa & an! he !r$%%e! his fingers on his knee' )nsi!e the ho$se a kerosene a%p b$rne!& b$t its thin ight was b aste! by the hissing g are of the gaso ine antern' The gathering of %en s$rro$n!e! the proprietor' To% !ro#e the 1o!ge to the si!e of the roa! an! parke!' A !ro#e thro$gh the gate in the tr$ck' 70o nee! to take her in&7 To% sai!' 2e got o$t an! wa ke! thro$gh the gate to the white g are of the antern' The proprietor !roppe! his front chair egs to the f oor an! eane! forwar!' 79o$ %en wanta ca%p here67 70o&7 sai! To%' 7We got fo ks here' 2i& >a'7 >a& seate! on the botto% step& sai!& 7Tho$ght yo$ was gonna be a week' Get her fi.e!67 7We was pig $cky&7 sai! To%' 7Got a part 4fore !ark' We can get goin4 f$st thing in the %ornin4'7 7That4s a pretty nice thing&7 sai! >a' 7"a4s worrie!' 9a Gran%a4s off her ch$%p'7 79eah& A to 4 %e' She any better now67 7We & anyways she4s a*s eepin4'7 The proprietor sai!& 7)f yo$ wanta p$ in here an4 ca%p it4 cost yo$ fo$r bits' Get a p ace to ca%p an4 water an4 woo!' An4 nobo!y won4t bother yo$'7

7What the he &7 sai! To%' 7We can s eep in the !itch right besi!e the roa!& an4 it won4t cost nothin4'7 The owner !r$%%e! his knee with his fingers' 71ep$ty sheriff co%es on by in the night' "ight %ake it to$gh for ya' Got a aw against s eepin4 o$t in this State' Got a aw abo$t #agrants'7 7)f ) pay yo$ a ha f a !o ar ) ain4t a #agrant& h$h67 7That4s right'7 To%4s eyes g owe! angri y' 71ep$ty sheriff ain4t yo$r brother*4n* aw by any chance67 The owner eane! forwar!' 70o& he ain4t' An4 the ti%e ain4t co%e yet when $s oca fo ks got to take no ta k fro% yo$ go!!a%n b$%s& neither'7 7)t !on4t tro$b e yo$ none to take o$r fo$r bits' An4 when4! we get to be b$%s6 We ain4t aske! ya for nothin4' A of $s b$%s& h$h6 We & we ain4t askin4 no nicke s fro% yo$ for the chance to ay !own an4 rest'7 The %en on the porch were rigi!& %otion ess& ($iet' ,.pression was gone fro% their faces+ an! their eyes& in the sha!ows $n!er their hats& %o#e! secret y $p to the face of the proprietor' >a grow e!& 7Co%e off it& To%'7 7S$re& )4 co%e off it'7 The circ e of %en were ($iet& sitting on the steps& eaning on the high porch' Their eyes g ittere! $n!er the harsh ight of the gas antern' Their faces were har! in the har! ight& an! they were #ery sti ' On y their eyes %o#e! fro% speaker to speaker& an! their faces were e.pression ess an! ($iet' A a%p b$g s a%%e! into the antern an! broke itse f& an! fe into the !arkness' )n one of the tents a chi ! wai e! in co%p aint& an! a wo%an4s soft #oice soothe! it an! then broke into a ow song& 7Jes$s o#es yo$ in the night' S eep goo!& s eep goo!' Jes$s watches in the night' S eep& oh& s eep& oh'7 The antern hisse! on the porch' The owner scratche! in the G of his open shirt& where a tang e of white chest hair showe!' 2e was watchf$ an! ringe! with tro$b e' 2e watche! the %en in the circ e& watche! for so%e e.pression' An! they %a!e no %o#e'

To% was si ent for a ong ti%e' 2is !ark eyes ooke! s ow y $p at the proprietor' 7) !on4t wanta %ake no tro$b e&7 he sai!' 7)t4s a har! thing to be na%e! a b$%' ) ain4t afrai!&7 he sai! soft y' 7)4 go for yo$ an4 yo$r !ep$ty with %y %itts3here now& or :$%p Jes$s' /$t there ain4t no goo! in it'7 The %en stirre!& change! positions& an! their g ittering eyes %o#e! s ow y $pwar! to the %o$th of the proprietor& an! their eyes watche! for his ips to %o#e' 2e was reass$re!' 2e fe t that he ha! won& b$t not !ecisi#e y eno$gh to charge in' 7Ain4t yo$ got ha f a b$ck67 he aske!' 79eah& ) got it' /$t )4% gonna nee! it' ) can4t set it o$t :$s4 for s eepin4'7 7We & we a got to %ake a i#in4'7 79eah&7 To% sai!' 7On4y ) wisht they was so%e way to %ake her 4tho$t takin4 her away fro% so%ebo!y e se'7 The %en shifte! again' An! >a sai!& 7We4 get %o#in4 s%art ear y' Look& %ister' We pai!' This here fe a is part a o$r fo ks' Can4t he stay6 We pai!'7 72a f a !o ar a car&7 sai! the proprietor' 7We & he ain4t got no car' Car4s o$t in the roa!'7 72e ca%e in a car&7 sai! the proprietor' 7,#er4bo!y4! ea#e their car o$t there an4 co%e in an4 $se %y p ace for nothin4'7 To% sai!& 7We4 !ri#e a ong the roa!' "eet ya in the %orning' We4 watch for ya' A can stay an4 <nc e John can co%e with $s37 2e ooke! at the proprietor' 7That awright with yo$67 2e %a!e a ($ick !ecision& with a concession in it' 7)f the sa%e n$%ber stays that co%e an4 pai!3that4s awright'7 To% bro$ght o$t his bag of tobacco& a i%p gray rag by now& with a itt e !a%p tobacco !$st in the botto% of it' 2e %a!e a ean cigarette an! tosse! the bag away' 7We4 go a ong pretty soon&7 he sai!' >a spoke genera y to the circ e' 7)t4s !irt har! for fo ks to tear $p an4 go' 8o ks ike $s that ha! o$r p ace' We ain4t shif4 ess' Ti we got tractore! off& we was peop e with a far%'7 A yo$ng thin %an& with eyebrows s$nb$rne! ye ow& t$rne! his hea! s ow y' 7Croppin467 he aske!' 7S$re we was sharecroppin4' <se4 ta own the p ace'7 The yo$ng %an face! forwar! again' 7Sa%e as $s&7 he sai!'

7L$cky for $s it ain4t gonna as4 ong&7 sai! >a' 7We4 get o$t west an4 we4 get work an4 we4 get a piece a growin4 an! with water'7 0ear the e!ge of the porch a ragge! %an stoo!' 2is b ack coat !rippe! torn strea%ers' The knees were gone fro% his !$ngarees' 2is face was b ack with !$st& an! ine! where sweat ha! washe! thro$gh' 2e sw$ng his hea! towar! >a' 79o$ fo ks %$st ha#e a nice itt e pot a %oney'7 70o& we ain4t got no %oney&7 >a sai!' 7/$t they4s p enty of $s to work& an4 we4re a goo! %en' Get goo! wages o$t there an4 we4 p$t 4e% together' We4 %ake o$t'7 The ragge! %an stare! whi e >a spoke& an! then he a$ghe!& an! his a$ghter t$rne! to a high whinnying gigg e' The circ e of faces t$rne! to hi%' The gigg ing got o$t of contro an! t$rne! into co$ghing' 2is eyes were re! an! watering when he fina y contro e! the spas%s' 79o$ goin4 o$t there3oh& Christ=7 The gigg ing starte! again' 79o$ goin4 o$t an4 get 3goo! wages3oh& Christ=7 2e stoppe! an! sai! s y y& 7>ickin4 oranges %aybe6 Gonna pick peaches67 >a4s tone was !ignifie!' 7We gonna take what they got' They got ots a st$ff to work in'7 The ragge! %an gigg e! $n!er his breath' To% t$rne! irritab y' 7What4s so go!!a%n f$nny abo$t that67 The ragge! %an sh$t his %o$th an! ooke! s$ en y at the porch boar!s' 79o$ fo ks a goin4 to Ca ifornia& ) bet'7 7) to 4 yo$ that&7 sai! >a' 79o$ !i!n4 g$ess nothin4'7 The ragge! %an sai! s ow y& 7"e3)4% co%in4 back' ) been there'7 The faces t$rne! ($ick y towar! hi%' The %en were rigi!' The hiss of the antern !roppe! to a sigh an! the proprietor owere! the front chair egs to the porch& stoo! $p& an! p$%pe! the antern $nti the hiss was sharp an! high again' 2e went back to his chair& b$t he !i! not ti t back again' The ragge! %an t$rne! towar! the faces' 7)4% goin4 back to star#e' ) r$ther star#e a o#er at oncet'7 >a sai!& 7What the he yo$ ta kin4 abo$t6 ) got a han4bi says they got goo! wages& an4 itt e whi e ago ) seen a thing in the paper says they nee! fo ks to pick fr$it'7 The ragge! %an t$rne! to >a' 79o$ got any p ace to go& back ho%e67 70o&7 sai! >a' 7We4re o$t' They p$t a tractor past the ho$se'7 79o$ wo$ !n4 go back then67

74Co$rse not'7 7Then ) ain4t gonna fret yo$&7 sai! the ragge! %an' 74Co$rse yo$ ain4t gonna fret %e' ) got a han4bi says they nee! %en' 1on4t %ake no sense if they !on4t nee! %en' Costs %oney for the% bi s' They wo$ !n4 p$t 4e% o$t if they !i!n4 nee! %en'7 7) !on4 wanna fret yo$'7 >a sai! angri y& 79o$ !one so%e :ackassin4' 9o$ ain4t gonna sh$t $p now' "y han4bi says they nee! %en' 9o$ a$gh an4 say they !on4t' 0ow& which one4s a iar67 The ragge! %an ooke! !own into >a4s angry eyes' 2e ooke! sorry' 72an4bi 4s right&7 he sai!' 7They nee! %en'7 7Then why the he yo$ stirrin4 $s $p a$ghin467 74Ca$se yo$ !on4t know what kin! a %en they nee!'7 7What yo$ ta kin4 abo$t67 The ragge! %an reache! a !ecision' 7Look7& he sai!' 72ow %any %en they say they want on yo$r han4bi 67 7,ight h$n!er!& an4 that4s in one itt e p ace'7 7Orange co or han4bi 67 7Why3yes'7 7Gi#e the na%e a the fe a3says so an! so& abor contractor67 >a reache! in his pocket an! bro$ght o$t the fo !e! han!bi ' 7That4s right' 2ow4! yo$ know67 7Look&7 sai! the %an' 7)t !on4t %ake no sense' This fe a wants eight h$n!er! %en' So he prints $p fi#e tho$san! of the% things an4 %aybe twenty tho$san4 peop e sees 4e%' An4 %aybe two*three tho$san4 fo ks gets %o#in4 acco$nt a this here han4bi ' 8o ks that4s cra5y with worry'7 7/$t it !on4t %ake no sense=7 >a crie!' 70ot ti yo$ see the fe a that p$t o$t this here bi ' 9o$4 see hi%& or so%ebo!y that4s workin4 for hi%' 9o$4 be a*ca%pin4 by a !itch& yo$ an4 fifty other fa%b ies' An4 he4 ook in yo$r tent an4 see if yo$ got anything ef4 to eat' An4 if yo$ got nothin4& he says& 4Wanna :ob64 An4 yo$4 say& 4) s$re !o& %ister' )4 s$re thank yo$ for a chance to !o so%e work'4 An4 he4 say& 4) can $se yo$'4 An4 yo$4 say& 4When !o ) start64 An4 he4 te yo$ where to go& an4 what ti%e& an4 then he4 go on' "aybe he nee!s two h$n!er! %en& so he ta ks to fi#e h$n!er!& an4 they te other fo ks& an4

when yo$ get to the p ace& they4s a tho$san4 %en' This here fe a says& 4)4% payin4 twenty cents an ho$r'4 An4 %aybe ha f a the %en wa k off' /$t they4s sti fi#e h$n!er! that4s so go!!a%n h$ngry they4 work for nothin4 b$t bisc$its' We & this here fe a4s got a contract to pick the% peaches or3chop that cotton' 9o$ see now6 The %ore fe as he can get& an4 the h$ngrier& ess he4s gonna pay' An4 he4 get a fe a with ki!s if he can& 4ca$se3he & ) says ) wasn4t gonna fret ya'7 The circ e of faces ooke! co ! y at hi%' The eyes teste! his wor!s' The ragge! %an grew se f* conscio$s' 7) says ) wasn4t gonna fret ya& an4 here )4% a*!oin4 it' 9o$ gonna go on' 9o$ ain4t goin4 back'7 The si ence h$ng on the porch' An! the ight hisse!& an! a ha o of %oths sw$ng aro$n! an! aro$n! the antern' The ragge! %an went on ner#o$s y& 7Le%%e te ya what to !o when ya %eet that fe a says he got work' Le%%e te ya' Ast hi% what he4s gonna pay' Ast hi% to write !own what he4s gonna pay' Ast hi% that' ) te yo$ %en yo$4re gonna get foo e! if yo$ !on4t'7 The proprietor eane! forwar! in his chair& the better to see the ragge! !irty %an' 2e scratche! a%ong the gray hairs on his chest' 2e sai! co ! y& 79o$ s$re yo$ ain4t one of these here tro$b e%akers6 9o$ s$re yo$ ain4t a abor faker67 An! the ragge! %an crie!& 7) swear to Go! ) ain4t=7 7They4s p enty of 4e%&7 the proprietor sai!' 7Goin4 aro$n4 stirrin4 $p tro$b e' Gettin4 fo ks %a!' Chise in4 in' They4s p enty of 4e%' Ti%e4s gonna co%e when we string 4e% a $p& a the% tro$b e%akers' We gonna r$n 4e% o$ta the co$ntry' "an wants to work& O'?' )f he !on4t3 the he with hi%' We ain4t gonna et hi% stir $p tro$b e'7 The ragge! %an !rew hi%se f $p' 7) trie! to te yo$ fo ks&7 he sai!' 7So%epin it took %e a year to fin! o$t' Took two ki!s !ea!& took %y wife !ea! to show %e' /$t ) can4t te yo$' ) sho$ ! of knew that' 0obo!y co$ !n4t te %e& neither' ) can4t te ya abo$t the% itt e fe as ayin4 in the tent with their be ies p$ffe! o$t an4 :$s4 skin on their bones& an4 shi#erin4 an4 whinin4 ike p$ps& an4 %e r$nnin4 aro$n4 tryin4 to get work3 not for %oney& not for wages=7 he sho$te!' 7Jes$s Christ& :$s4 for a c$p a f o$r an4 a spoon a ar!' An4 then the coroner co%e' 4The% chi !ren !ie! a heart fai $re&4 he sai!' >$t it on his paper' Shi#erin4& they was& an4 their be ies st$ck o$t ike a pig b a!!er'7

The circ e was ($iet& an! %o$ths were open a itt e' The %en breathe! sha ow y& an! watche!' The ragge! %an ooke! aro$n! at the circ e& an! then he t$rne! an! wa ke! ($ick y away into the !arkness' The !ark swa owe! hi%& b$t his !ragging footsteps co$ ! be hear! a ong ti%e after he ha! gone& footsteps a ong the roa!+ an! a car ca%e by on the highway& an! its ights showe! the ragge! %an sh$ff ing a ong the roa!& his hea! hanging !own an! his han!s in the b ack coat pockets' The %en were $neasy' One sai!& 7We 3gettin4 ate' Got to get to s eep'7 The proprietor sai!& 7>rob4 y shif4 ess' They4s so go!!a%n %any shif4 ess fe as on the roa! now'7 An! then he was ($iet' An! he tippe! his chair back against the wa again an! fingere! his throat' To% sai!& 7G$ess )4 go see "a for a %in$te& an4 then we4 sho#e a ong a piece'7 The Joa! %en %o#e! away' >a sai!& 7S4pose he4s te in4 the tr$th3that fe a67 The preacher answere!& 72e4s te in4 the tr$th& awright' The tr$th for hi%' 2e wasn4t %akin4 nothin4 $p'7 72ow abo$t $s67 To% !e%an!e!' 7)s that the tr$th for $s67 7) !on4 know&7 sai! Casy' 7) !on4 know&7 sai! >a' They wa ke! to the tent& tarpa$ in sprea! o#er a rope' An! it was !ark insi!e& an! ($iet' When they ca%e near& a grayish %ass stirre! near the !oor an! arose to person height' "a ca%e o$t to %eet the%' 7A s eepin4&7 she sai!' 7Gran%a fina y !o5e! off'7 Then she saw it was To%' 72ow4! yo$ get here67 she !e%an!e!$s y' 79o$ ain4t ha! no tro$b e67 7Got her fi.e!&7 sai! To%' 7We4re rea!y to go when the rest is'7 7Thank the !ear Go! for that&7 "a sai!' 7)4% :$st a*twitterin4 to go on' Wanta get where it4s rich an4 green' Wanta get there ($ick'7 >a c eare! his throat' 78e a was :$s4 sayin437 To% grabbe! his ar% an! yanke! it' 78$nny what he says&7 To% sai!' 7Says they4s ots a fo ks on the way'7 "a peere! thro$gh the !arkness at the%' )nsi!e the tent R$thie co$ghe! an! snorte! in her s eep' 7) washe! 4e% $p&7 "a sai!' 78$st

water we got eno$gh of to gi#e 4e% a goin4*o#er' Lef4 the b$ckets o$t for yo$ fe as to wash too' Can4t keep nothin4 c ean on the roa!'7 7,#er4bo!y in67 >a aske!' 7A b$t Connie an4 Rosasharn' They went off to s eep in the open' Says it4s too war% in $n!er co#er'7 >a obser#e! ($er$ o$s y& 7That Rosasharn is gettin4 awf$ scary an4 ni%sy*%i%sy'7 7)t4s her first&7 sai! "a' 72er an4 Connie sets a ot a store by it' 9o$ !one the sa%e thing'7 7We4 go now&7 To% sai!' 7>$ off the roa! a itt e piece ahea!' Watch o$t for $s ef we !on4t see yo$' /e off right*han4 si!e'7 7A 4s stayin467 79eah' Lea#e <nc e John co%e with $s' 40ight& "a'7 They wa ke! away thro$gh the s eeping ca%p' )n front of one tent a ow fitf$ fire b$rne! an! a wo%an watche! a kett e that cooke! ear y breakfast' The s%e of the cooking beans was strong an! fine' 7Like to ha#e a p ate a the%&7 To% sai! po ite y as they went by' The wo%an s%i e!' 7They ain4t !one or yo$4! be we co%e&7 she sai!' 7Co%e aro$n4 in the !aybreak'7 7Thank yo$& %a4a%&7 To% sai!' 2e an! Casy an! <nc e John wa ke! by the porch' The proprietor sti sat in his chair& an! the antern hisse! an! f are!' 2e t$rne! his hea! as the three went by' 79a r$nnin4 o$ta gas&7 To% sai!' 7We & ti%e to c ose $p anyways'7 70o %ore ha f*b$cks ro in4 !own the roa!& ) g$ess&7 To% sai!' The chair egs hit the f oor' 71on4t yo$ go a*sassin4 %e' ) 4%e%ber yo$' 9o$4re one of these here tro$b e%akers'7 71a%n right&7 sai! To%' 7)4% bo she#isky'7 7They4s too !a%n %any of yo$ kin!a g$ys aro$n4'7 To% a$ghe! as they went o$t the gate an! c i%be! into the 1o!ge' 2e picke! $p a c o! an! threw it at the ight' They hear! it hit the ho$se an! saw the proprietor spring to his feet an! peer into the !arkness' To% starte! the car an! p$ e! into the roa!' An! he istene! c ose y to the %otor as it t$rne! o#er& istene! for knocks' The roa! sprea! !i% y $n!er the weak ights of the car'

17 THE CARS OF THE %igrant peop e craw e! o$t of the si!e roa!s onto the great cross*co$ntry highway& an! they took the %igrant way to the West' )n the !ay ight they sc$tt e! ike b$gs to the westwar!+ an! as the !ark ca$ght the%& they c $stere! ike b$gs near to she ter an! to water' An! beca$se they were one y an! perp e.e!& beca$se they ha! a co%e fro% a p ace of sa!ness an! worry an! !efeat& an! beca$se they were a going to a new %ysterio$s p ace& they h$!! e! together+ they ta ke! together+ they share! their i#es& their foo!& an! the things they hope! for in the new co$ntry' Th$s it %ight be that one fa%i y ca%pe! near a spring& an! another ca%pe! for the spring an! for co%pany& an! a thir! beca$se two fa%i ies ha! pioneere! the p ace an! fo$n! it goo!' An! when the s$n went !own& perhaps twenty fa%i ies an! twenty cars were there' )n the e#ening a strange thing happene!- the twenty fa%i ies beca%e one fa%i y& the chi !ren were the chi !ren of a ' The oss of ho%e beca%e one oss& an! the go !en ti%e in the West was one !rea%' An! it %ight be that a sick chi ! threw !espair into the hearts of twenty fa%i ies& of a h$n!re! peop e+ that a birth there in a tent kept a h$n!re! peop e ($iet an! awestr$ck thro$gh the night an! fi e! a h$n!re! peop e with the birth*:oy in the %orning' A fa%i y which the night before ha! been ost an! fearf$ %ight search its goo!s to fin! a present for a new baby' )n the e#ening& sitting abo$t the fires& the twenty were one' They grew to be $nits of the ca%ps& $nits of the e#enings an! the nights' A g$itar $nwrappe! fro% a b anket an! t$ne!3an! the songs& which were a of the peop e& were s$ng in the nights' "en sang the wor!s& an! wo%en h$%%e! the t$nes' ,#ery night a wor ! create!& co%p ete with f$rnit$re3frien!s %a!e an! ene%ies estab ishe!+ a wor ! co%p ete with braggarts an! with cowar!s& with ($iet %en& with h$%b e %en& with kin! y %en' ,#ery night re ationships that %ake a wor !& estab ishe!+ an! e#ery %orning the wor ! torn !own ike a circ$s' At first the fa%i ies were ti%i! in the b$i !ing an! t$%b ing wor !s& b$t gra!$a y the techni($e of b$i !ing wor !s beca%e their techni($e'

Then ea!ers e%erge!& then aws were %a!e& then co!es ca%e into being' An! as the wor !s %o#e! westwar! they were %ore co%p ete an! better f$rnishe!& for their b$i !ers were %ore e.perience! in b$i !ing the%' The fa%i ies earne! what rights %$st be obser#e!3the right of pri#acy in the tent+ the right to keep the past b ack hi!!en in the heart+ the right to ta k an! to isten+ the right to ref$se he p or to accept& to offer he p or to !ec ine it+ the right of son to co$rt an! !a$ghter to be co$rte!+ the right of the h$ngry to be fe!+ the rights of the pregnant an! the sick to transcen! a other rights' An! the fa%i ies earne!& a tho$gh no one to ! the%& what rights are %onstro$s an! %$st be !estroye!- the right to intr$!e $pon pri#acy& the right to be noisy whi e the ca%p s ept& the right of se!$ction or rape& the right of a!$ tery an! theft an! %$r!er' These rights were cr$she!& beca$se the itt e wor !s co$ ! not for e#en a night with s$ch rights a i#e' An! as the wor !s %o#e! westwar!& r$ es beca%e aws& a tho$gh no one to ! the fa%i ies' )t is $n awf$ to fo$ near the ca%p+ it is $n awf$ in any way to fo$ the !rinking water+ it is $n awf$ to eat goo! rich foo! near one who is h$ngry& $n ess he is aske! to share' An! with the aws& the p$nish%ents3an! there were on y two3a ($ick an! %$r!ero$s fight or ostracis%+ an! ostracis% was the worst' 8or if one broke the aws his na%e an! face went with hi%& an! he ha! no p ace in any wor !& no %atter where create!' )n the wor !s& socia con!$ct beca%e fi.e! an! rigi!& so that a %an %$st say 7Goo! %orning7 when aske! for it& so that a %an %ight ha#e a wi ing gir if he staye! with her& if he fathere! her chi !ren an! protecte! the%' /$t a %an %ight not ha#e one gir one night an! another the ne.t& for this wo$ ! en!anger the wor !s' The fa%i ies %o#e! westwar!& an! the techni($e of b$i !ing the wor !s i%pro#e! so that the peop e co$ ! be safe in their wor !s+ an! the for% was so fi.e! that a fa%i y acting in the r$ es knew it was safe in the r$ es' There grew $p go#ern%ent in the wor !s& with ea!ers& with e !ers' A %an who was wise fo$n! that his wis!o% was nee!e! in e#ery ca%p+ a

%an who was a foo co$ ! not change his fo y with his wor !' An! a kin! of ins$rance !e#e ope! in these nights' A %an with foo! fe! a h$ngry %an& an! th$s ins$re! hi%se f against h$nger' An! when a baby !ie! a pi e of si #er coins grew at the !oor f ap& for a baby %$st be we b$rie!& since it has ha! nothing e se of ife' An o ! %an %ay be eft in a potter4s fie !& b$t not a baby' A certain physica pattern is nee!e! for the b$i !ing of a wor !3water& a ri#er bank& a strea%& a spring& or e#en a fa$cet $ng$ar!e!' An! there is nee!e! eno$gh f at an! to pitch the tents& a itt e br$sh or woo! to b$i ! the fires' )f there is a garbage !$%p not too far off& a the better+ for there can be fo$n! e($ip%ent3sto#e tops& a c$r#e! fen!er to she ter the fire& an! cans to cook in an! to eat fro%' An! the wor !s were b$i t in the e#ening' The peop e& %o#ing in fro% the highways& %a!e the% with their tents an! their hearts an! their brains' )n the %orning the tents ca%e !own& the can#as was fo !e!& the tent po es tie! a ong the r$nning boar!& the be!s p$t in p ace on the cars& the pots in their p aces' An! as the fa%i ies %o#e! westwar!& the techni($e of b$i !ing $p a ho%e in the e#ening an! tearing it !own with the %orning ight beca%e fi.e!+ so that the fo !e! tent was packe! in one p ace& the cooking pots co$nte! in their bo.' An! as the cars %o#e! westwar!& each %e%ber of the fa%i y grew into his proper p ace& grew into his !$ties+ so that each %e%ber& o ! an! yo$ng& ha! his p ace in the car+ so that in the weary& hot e#enings& when the cars p$ e! into the ca%ping p aces& each %e%ber ha! his !$ty an! went to it witho$t instr$ction- chi !ren to gather woo!& to carry water+ %en to pitch the tents an! bring !own the be!s+ wo%en to cook the s$pper an! to watch whi e the fa%i y fe!' An! this was !one witho$t co%%an!' The fa%i ies& which ha! been $nits of which the bo$n!aries were a ho$se at night& a far% by !ay& change! their bo$n!aries' )n the ong hot ight& they were si ent in the cars %o#ing s ow y westwar!+ b$t at night they integrate! with any gro$p they fo$n!' Th$s they change! their socia ife3change! as in the who e $ni#erse on y %an can change' They were not far% %en any %ore& b$t %igrant %en' An! the tho$ght& the p anning& the ong staring si ence that ha!

gone o$t to the fie !s& went now to the roa!s& to the !istance& to the West' That %an whose %in! ha! been bo$n! with acres i#e! with narrow concrete %i es' An! his tho$ght an! his worry were not any %ore with rainfa & with win! an! !$st& with the thr$st of the crops' ,yes watche! the tires& ears istene! to the c attering %otors& an! %in!s str$gg e! with oi & with gaso ine& with the thinning r$bber between air an! roa!' Then a broken gear was trage!y' Then water in the e#ening was the yearning& an! foo! o#er the fire' Then hea th to go on was the nee! an! strength to go on& an! spirit to go on' The wi s thr$st westwar! ahea! of the%& an! fears that ha! once apprehen!e! !ro$ght or f oo! now ingere! with anything that %ight stop the westwar! craw ing' The ca%ps beca%e fi.e!3each a short !ay4s :o$rney fro% the ast' An! on the roa! the panic o#erca%e so%e of the fa%i ies& so that they !ro#e night an! !ay& stoppe! to s eep in the cars& an! !ro#e on to the West& f ying fro% the roa!& f ying fro% %o#e%ent' An! these $ste! so great y to be sett e! that they set their faces into the West an! !ro#e towar! it& forcing the c ashing engines o#er the roa!s' /$t %ost of the fa%i ies change! an! grew ($ick y into the new ife' An! when the s$n went !own3 Ti%e to ook o$t for a p ace to stop' An!3there4s so%e tents ahea!' The car p$ e! off the roa! an! stoppe!& an! beca$se others were there first& certain co$rtesies were necessary' An! the %an& the ea!er of the fa%i y& eane! fro% the car' Can we p$ $p here an4 s eep6 Why& s$re& be pro$! to ha#e yo$' What State yo$ fro%6 Co%e a the way fro% Arkansas' They4s Arkansas peop e !own that fo$rth tent' That so6 An! the great ($estion& 2ow4s the water6 We & she !on4t taste so goo!& b$t they4s p enty' We & thank ya' 0o thanks to %e'

/$t the co$rtesies ha! to be' The car $%bere! o#er the gro$n! to the en! tent& an! stoppe!' Then !own fro% the car the weary peop e c i%be!& an! stretche! stiff bo!ies' Then the new tent sprang $p+ the chi !ren went for water an! the o !er boys c$t br$sh or woo!' The fires starte! an! s$pper was p$t on to boi or to fry' ,ar y co%ers %o#e! o#er& an! States were e.change!& an! frien!s an! so%eti%es re ati#es !isco#ere!' Ok aho%a& h$h6 What co$nty6 Cherokee' Why& ) got fo ks there' ?now the A ens6 They4s A ens a o#er Cherokee' ?now the Wi ises6 Why& s$re' An! a new $nit was for%e!' The !$sk ca%e& b$t before the !ark was !own the new fa%i y was of the ca%p' A wor! ha! been passe! with e#ery fa%i y' They were known peop e3goo! peop e' ) knowe! the A ens a %y ife' Si%on A en& o 4 Si%on& ha! tro$b e with his first wife' She was part Cherokee' >$rty as3as a b ack co t' S$re& an4 yo$ng Si%on& he %arrie! a R$!o ph& !i!n4t he6 That4s what ) tho$ght' They went to i#e in ,ni! an4 !one we 3rea we ' On y A en that e#er !one we ' Got a garage' When the water was carrie! an! the woo! c$t& the chi !ren wa ke! shy y& ca$tio$s y a%ong the tents' An! they %a!e e aborate ac($aintanceship gest$res' A boy stoppe! near another boy an! st$!ie! a stone& picke! it $p& e.a%ine! it c ose y& spat on it& an! r$bbe! it c ean an! inspecte! it $nti he force! the other to !e%an!& What yo$ got there6 An! cas$a y& 0othin4' J$s4 a rock' We & what yo$ ookin4 at it ike that for6 Tho$ght ) seen go ! in it' 2ow4! yo$ know6 Go ! ain4t go !& it4s b ack in a rock' S$re& e#er4bo!y knows that' ) bet it4s foo 4s go !& an4 yo$ figgere! it was go !' That ain4t so& 4ca$se >a& he4s fo$n4 ots a go ! an4 he to 4 %e how to ook' 2ow4! yo$ ike to pick $p a big o 4 piece a go !6

Sa*a*ay= )4! git the bigges4 o ! son*a*bitchin4 piece a can!y yo$ e#er seen' ) ain4t et to swear& b$t ) !o& anyways' "e too' Le4s go to the spring' An! yo$ng gir s fo$n! each other an! boaste! shy y of their pop$ arity an! their prospects' The wo%en worke! o#er the fire& h$rrying to get foo! to the sto%achs of the fa%i y3pork if there was %oney in p enty& pork an! potatoes an! onions' 1$tch*o#en bisc$its or cornbrea!& an! p enty of gra#y to go o#er it' Si!e*%eat or chops an! a can of boi e! tea& b ack an! bitter' 8rie! !o$gh in !rippings if %oney was s i%& !o$gh frie! crisp an! brown an! the !rippings po$re! o#er it' Those fa%i ies which were #ery rich or #ery foo ish with their %oney ate canne! beans an! canne! peaches an! package! brea! an! bakery cake+ b$t they ate secret y& in their tents& for it wo$ ! not ha#e been goo! to eat s$ch fine things open y' ,#en so& chi !ren eating their frie! !o$gh s%e e! the war%ing beans an! were $nhappy abo$t it' When s$pper was o#er an! the !ishes !ippe! an! wipe!& the !ark ha! co%e& an! then the %en s($atte! !own to ta k' An! they ta ke! of the an! behin! the%' ) !on4t know what it4s co%ing to& they sai!' The co$ntry4s spoi t' )t4 co%e back tho$gh& on4y we won4t be there' "aybe& they tho$ght& %aybe we sinne! so%e way we !i!n4t know abo$t' 8e a says to %e& go#4%ent fe a& an4 he says& she4s g$ ie! $p on ya' Go#4%ent fe a' 2e says& if ya p owe! 4cross the conto$r& she won4t g$ y' 0e#er !i! ha#e no chance to try her' An4 the new s$per4 ain4t p owin4 4cross the conto$r' R$nnin4 a f$rrow fo$r %i es ong that ain4t stoppin4 or goin4 aro$n4 Jes$s Christ 2isse f' An! they spoke soft y of their ho%es- They was a itt e coo *ho$se $n!er the win4%i ' <se4 ta keep %i k in there ta crea% $p& an4 water%e ons' Go in there %i!!ay when she was hotter4n a heifer& an4 she4! be :$s4 as coo & as coo as yo$4! want' C$t open a %e on in there an4 she4! h$rt yo$r %o$th& she was so coo ' Water !rippin4 !own fro% the tank'

They spoke of their trage!ies- 2a! a brother Char ey& hair as ye a as corn& an4 hi% a growe! %an' > aye! the 4cor!een nice too' 2e was harrowin4 one !ay an4 he went $p to c ear his ines' We & a ratt esnake b$55e! an4 the% horses bo te! an4 the harrow went o#er Char ey& an4 the points !$g into his g$ts an4 his sto%ach& an4 they p$ e! his face off an43 Go! A %ighty= They spoke of the f$t$re- Won!er what it4s ike o$t there6 We & the pitchers s$re !o ook nice' ) seen one where it4s hot an4 fine& an4 wa n$t trees an4 berries+ an4 right behin!& c ose as a %$ e4s ass to his withers& they4s a ta $p %o$ntain co#ere! with snow' That was a pretty thing to see' )f we can get work it4 be fine' Won4t ha#e no co ! in the winter' ?i!s won4t free5e on the way to schoo ' )4% gonna take care %y ki!s !on4t %iss no %ore schoo ' ) can rea! goo!& b$t it ain4t no p eas$re to %e ike with a fe a that4s $se! to it' An! perhaps a %an bro$ght o$t his g$itar to the front of his tent' An! he sat on a bo. to p ay& an! e#eryone in the ca%p %o#e! s ow y in towar! hi%& !rawn in towar! hi%' "any %en can chor! a g$itar& b$t perhaps this %an was a picker' There yo$ ha#e so%ething3the !eep chor!s beating& beating& whi e the %e o!y r$ns on the strings ike itt e footsteps' 2ea#y har! fingers %arching on the frets' The %an p aye! an! the peop e %o#e! s ow y in on hi% $nti the circ e was c ose! an! tight& an! then he sang 7Ten*Cent Cotton an! 8orty*Cent "eat'7 An! the circ e sang soft y with hi%' An! he sang 7Why 1o 9o$ C$t 9o$r 2air& Gir s67 An! the circ e sang' 2e wai e! the song& 7)4% Lea#ing O ! that eerie song that was s$ng before the Spaniar!s ca%e& on y the wor!s were )n!ian then' An! now the gro$p was we !e! to one thing& one $nit& so that in the !ark the eyes of the peop e were inwar!& an! their %in!s p aye! in other ti%es& an! their sa!ness was ike rest& ike s eep' 2e sang the 7"cA ester / $es7 an! then& to %ake $p for it to the o !er peop e& he sang 7Jes$s Ca s "e to 2is Si!e'7 The chi !ren !rowse! with the %$sic an! went into the tents to s eep& an! the singing ca%e into their !rea%s' An! after a whi e the %an with the g$itar stoo! $p an! yawne!' Goo! night& fo ks& he sai!'

An! they %$r%$re!& Goo! night to yo$' An! each wishe! he co$ ! pick a g$itar& beca$se it is a gracio$s thing' Then the peop e went to their be!s& an! the ca%p was ($iet' An! the ow s coaste! o#erhea!& an! the coyotes gabb e! in the !istance& an! into the ca%p sk$nks wa ke!& ooking for bits of foo!3wa!! ing& arrogant sk$nks& afrai! of nothing' The night passe!& an! with the first streak of !awn the wo%en ca%e o$t of the tents& b$i t $p the fires& an! p$t the coffee to boi ' An! the %en ca%e o$t an! ta ke! soft y in the !awn' When yo$ cross the Co ora!o ri#er& there4s the !esert& they say' Look o$t for the !esert' See yo$ !on4t get h$ng $p' Take p enty water& case yo$ get h$ng $p' )4% gonna take her at night' "e too- She4 c$t the i#ing Jes$s o$ta yo$' The fa%i ies ate ($ick y& an! the !ishes were !ippe! an! wipe!' The tents ca%e !own' There was a r$sh to go' An! when the s$n arose& the ca%ping p ace was #acant& on y a itt e itter eft by the peop e' An! the ca%ping p ace was rea!y for a new wor ! in a new night' /$t a ong the highway the cars of the %igrant peop e craw e! o$t ike b$gs& an! the narrow concrete %i es stretche! ahea!' 18 THE JOAD FA!ILY !OVED s ow y westwar!& $p into the %o$ntains of 0ew "e.ico& past the pinnac es an! pyra%i!s of the $p an!' They c i%be! into the high co$ntry of Ari5ona& an! thro$gh a gap they ooke! !own on the >ainte! 1esert' A bor!er g$ar! stoppe! the%' 7Where yo$ going67 7To Ca ifornia&7 sai! To%' 72ow ong yo$ p an to be in Ari5ona67 70o onger4n we can get acrost her'7 7Got any p ants67 70o p ants'7

7) o$ght to ook yo$r st$ff o#er'7 7) te yo$ we ain4t got no p ants'7 The g$ar! p$t a itt e sticker on the win!shie !' 7O'?' Go ahea!& b$t yo$ better keep %o#in4'7 7S$re' We ai% to'7 They craw e! $p the s opes& an! the ow twiste! trees co#ere! the s opes' 2o brook& Joseph City& Wins ow' An! then the ta trees began& an! the cars spo$te! stea% an! abore! $p the s opes' An! there was 8 agstaff& an! that was the top of it a ' 1own fro% 8 agstaff o#er the great p atea$s& an! the roa! !isappeare! in the !istance ahea!' The water grew scarce& water was to be bo$ght& fi#e cents& ten cents& fifteen cents a ga on' The s$n !raine! the !ry rocky co$ntry& an! ahea! were :agge! broken peaks& the western wa of Ari5ona' An! now they were in f ight fro% the s$n an! the !ro$ght' They !ro#e a night& an! ca%e to the %o$ntains in the night' An! they craw e! the :agge! ra%parts in the night& an! their !i% ights f ickere! on the pa e stone wa s of the roa!' They passe! the s$%%it in the !ark an! ca%e s ow y !own in the ate night& thro$gh the shattere! stone !ebris of Oat%an+ an! when the !ay ight ca%e they saw the Co ora!o ri#er be ow the%' They !ro#e to Topock& p$ e! $p at the bri!ge whi e a g$ar! washe! off the win!shie ! sticker' Then across the bri!ge an! into the broken rock wi !erness' An! a tho$gh they were !ea! weary an! the %orning heat was growing& they stoppe!' >a ca e!& 7We4re there3we4re in Ca ifornia=7 They ooke! !$ y at the broken rock g aring $n!er the s$n& an! across the ri#er the terrib e ra%parts of Ari5ona' 7We got the !esert&7 sai! To%' 7We got to get to the water an! rest'7 The roa! r$ns para e to the ri#er& an! it was we into the %orning when the b$rning %otors ca%e to 0ee! es& where the ri#er r$ns swift y a%ong the ree!s' The Joa!s an! Wi sons !ro#e to the ri#er& an! they sat in the cars ooking at the o#e y water f owing by& an! the green ree!s :erking s ow y in the c$rrent' There was a itt e enca%p%ent by the ri#er& e e#en tents near the water& an! the swa%p grass on the gro$n!' An! To% eane! o$t of the tr$ck win!ow' 7"in! if we stop here a piece67

A sto$t wo%an& scr$bbing c othes in a b$cket& ooke! $p' 7We !on4t own it& %ister' Stop if yo$ want' They4 be a cop !own to ook yo$ o#er'7 An! she went back to her scr$bbing in the s$n' The two cars p$ e! to a c ear p ace on the swa%p grass' The tents were passe! !own& the Wi son tent set $p& the Joa! tarpa$ in stretche! o#er its rope' Winfie ! an! R$thie wa ke! s ow y !own thro$gh the wi ows to the ree!y p ace' R$thie sai!& with soft #ehe%ence& 7Ca ifornia' This here4s Ca ifornia an4 we4re right in it=7 Winfie ! broke a t$ e an! twiste! it free& an! he p$t the white p$ p in his %o$th an! chewe! it' They wa ke! into the water an! stoo! ($iet y& the water abo$t the ca #es of their egs' 7We got the !esert yet&7 R$thie sai!' 7What4s the !esert ike67 7) !on4t know' ) seen pitchers once says a !esert' They was bones e#er4p ace'7 7"an bones67 7So%e& ) g$ess& b$t %os4 y cow bones'7 7We gonna get to see the% bones67 7"aybe& ) !on4 know' Gonna go 4crost her at night' That4s what To% sai!' To% says we get the i#in4 Jes$s b$rne! o$ta $s if we go in !ay ight'7 78ee s nicet an4 coo &7 sai! Winfie !& an! he s($i!ge! his toes in the san! of the botto%' They hear! "a ca ing& 7R$thie= Winfie 4= 9o$ co%e back'7 They t$rne! an! wa ke! s ow y back thro$gh the ree!s an! the wi ows' The other tents were ($iet' 8or a %o%ent& when the cars ca%e $p& a few hea!s ha! st$ck o$t between the f aps& an! then were with!rawn' 0ow the fa%i y tents were $p an! the %en gathere! together' To% sai!& 7)4% gonna go !own an4 take a bath' That4s what )4% gonna !o3before ) s eep' 2ow4s Gran%a sence we got her in the tent67 71on4 know&7 sai! >a' 7Co$ !n4 see% to wake her $p'7 2e cocke! his hea! towar! the tent' A whining& babb ing #oice ca%e fro% $n!er the can#as' "a went ($ick y insi!e'

7She woke $p& awright&7 sai! 0oah' 7See%s ike a night she was a* croakin4 $p on the tr$ck' She4s a o$ta sense'7 To% sai!& 72e = She4s wore o$t' )f she !on4t get so%e res4 pretty soon& she ain4 gonna as4' She4s :es4 wore o$t' Anybo!y co%in4 with %e6 )4% gonna wash& an4 )4% gonna s eep in the sha!e3a !ay ong'7 2e %o#e! away& an! the other %en fo owe! hi%' They took off their c othes in the wi ows an! then they wa ke! into the water an! sat !own' 8or a ong ti%e they sat& ho !ing the%se #es with hee s !$g into the san!& an! on y their hea!s st$ck o$t of the water' 7Jes$s& ) nee!e! this&7 A sai!' 2e took a han!f$ of san! fro% the botto% an! scr$bbe! hi%se f with it' They ay in the water an! ooke! across at the sharp peaks ca e! 0ee! es& an! at the white rock %o$ntains of Ari5ona' 7We co%e thro$gh the%&7 >a sai! in won!er' <nc e John !$cke! his hea! $n!er the water' 7We & we4re here' This here4s Ca ifornia& an4 she !on4t ook so prospero$s'7 7Got the !esert yet&7 sai! To%' 7An4 ) hear she4s a son*of*a*bitch'7 0oah aske!& 7Gonna try her tonight67 7What ya think& >a67 To% aske!' 7We & ) !on4 know' 1o $s goo! to get a itt e res4& 4specia y Gran%a' /$t other ways& )4! kin!a ike to get acrost her an4 get sett e! into a :ob' On4y got 4bo$t forty !o ars eft' )4 fee better when we4re a workin4& an4 a itt e %oney co%in4 in'7 ,ach %an sat in the water an! fe t the t$g of the c$rrent' The preacher et his ar%s an! han!s f oat on the s$rface' The bo!ies were white to the neck an! wrists& an! b$rne! !ark brown on han!s an! faces& with G4s of brown at the co ar bones' They scratche! the%se #es with san!' An! 0oah sai! a5i y& 7Like to :$s4 stay here' Like to ay here fore#er' 0e#er get h$ngry an4 ne#er get sa!' Lay in the water a ife ong& a5y as a broo! sow in the %$!'7 An! To%& ooking at the ragge! peaks across the ri#er an! the 0ee! es !ownstrea%- 70e#er seen s$ch to$gh %o$ntains' This here4s a %$r!er co$ntry' This here4s the bones of a co$ntry' Won!er if we4 e#er get in a p ace where fo ks can i#e 4tho$t fightin4 har! scrabb e an4 rocks' ) seen pitchers of a co$ntry f at an4 green& an4 with itt e ho$ses ike "a says&

white' "a got her heart set on a white ho$se' Get to thinkin4 they ain4t no s$ch co$ntry' ) seen pitchers ike that'7 >a sai!& 7Wait ti we get to Ca ifornia' 9o$4 see nice co$ntry then'7 7Jes$s Christ& >a= This here is Ca ifornia'7 Two %en !resse! in :eans an! sweaty b $e shirts ca%e thro$gh the wi ows an! ooke! towar! the nake! %en' They ca e!& 72ow4s the swi%%in467 71$nno&7 sai! To%' 7We ain4t trie! none' S$re fee s goo! to set here& tho$gh'7 7"in! if we co%e in an4 set67 7She ain4t o$r ri#er' We4 en4 yo$ a itt e piece of her'7 The %en sh$cke! off their pants& pee e! their shirts& an! wa!e! o$t' The !$st coate! their egs to the knee& their feet were pa e an! soft with sweat' They sett e! a5i y into the water an! washe! ist ess y at their f anks' S$n*bitten& they were& a father an! a boy' They gr$nte! an! groane! with the water' >a aske! po ite y& 7Goin4 west67 70ope' We co%e fro% there' Goin4 back ho%e' We can4t %ake no i#in4 o$t there'7 7Where4s ho%e67 To% aske!' 7>anhan! e& co%e fro% near >a%pa'7 >a aske!& 7Can yo$ %ake a i#in4 there67 70ope' /$t at eas4 we can star#e to !eath with fo ks we know' Won4t ha#e a b$nch a fe as that hates $s to star#e with'7 >a sai!& 79a know& yo$4re the secon! fe a ta ke! ike that' What %akes 4e% hate yo$67 71$nno&7 sai! the %an' 2e c$ppe! his han!s f$ of water an! r$bbe! his face& snorting an! b$bb ing' 1$sty water ran o$t of his hair an! streake! his neck' 7) ike to hear so%e %ore 4bo$t this&7 sai! >a' 7"e too&7 To% a!!e!' 7Why these fo ks o$t west hate ya67 The %an ooke! sharp y at To%' 79o$ :$s4 goin4 wes467 7J$s4 on o$r way'7 79o$ ain4t ne#er been in Ca ifornia67 70o& we ain4t'7

7We & !on4 take %y wor!' Go see for yo$rse f'7 79eah&7 To% sai!& 7b$t a fe a kin! a ikes to know what he4s gettin4 into'7 7We & if yo$ tr$ y wanta know& )4% a fe a that4s aske! ($estions an4 gi#e her so%e tho$ght' She4s a nice co$ntry' /$t she was sto e a ong ti%e ago' 9o$ git acrost the !esert an4 co%e into the co$ntry aro$n4 /akersfie !' An4 yo$ ne#er seen s$ch p$rty co$ntry3a orchar!s& an4 grapes& p$rtiest co$ntry yo$ e#er seen' An4 yo$4 pass an4 f at an4 fine with water thirty feet !own& an! that an4s ayin4 fa ow' /$t yo$ can4t ha#e none of that an4' That4s a Lan4 an! Catt e Co%pany' An4 if they !on4t want ta work her& she ain4t gonna git worke!' 9o$ go in there an4 p ant yo$ a itt e corn& an4 yo$4 go to :ai =7 7Goo! an4& yo$ say6 An4 they ain4t workin4 her67 79es& sir' Goo! an4 an4 they ain4t= We & sir& that4 get yo$ a itt e %a!& b$t yo$ ain4t seen nothin4' >eop e gonna ha#e a ook in their eye' They gonna ook at yo$ an4 their face says& 4) !on4t ike yo$& yo$ son*of*a* bitch'4 Gonna be !ep$ty sheriffs& an4 they4 p$sh yo$ aro$n4' 9o$ ca%p on the roa!si!e& an4 they4 %o#e yo$ on' 9o$ gonna see in peop e4s face how they hate yo$' An43)4 te yo$ so%epin' They hate yo$ 4ca$se they4re scairt' They know a h$ngry fe a gonna get foo! e#en if he got to take it' They know that fa ow an4s a sin an4 so%ebo!y4 gonna take it' What the he = 9o$ ne#er been ca e! 4Okie4 yet'7 To% sai!& 7Okie6 What4s that67 7We & Okie $se4 ta %ean yo$ was fro% Ok aho%a' 0ow it %eans yo$4re a !irty son*of*a*bitch' Okie %eans yo$4re sc$%' 1on4t %ean nothing itse f& it4s the way they say it' /$t ) can4t te yo$ nothin4' 9o$ got to go there' ) hear there4s three h$n!er! tho$san4 of o$r peop e there3 an4 i#in4 ike hogs& 4ca$se e#er4thing in Ca ifornia is owne!' They ain4t nothin4 eft' An4 the% peop e that owns it is gonna hang on to it if they got ta ki e#er4bo!y in the wor 4 to !o it' An4 they4re scairt& an4 that %akes 4e% %a!' 9o$ got to see it' 9o$ got to hear it' >$rtiest go!!a%n co$ntry yo$ e#er seen& b$t they ain4t nice to yo$& the% fo ks' They4re so scairt an4 worrie! they ain4t e#en nice to each other'7 To% ooke! !own into the water& an! he !$g his hee s into the san!' 7S4pose a fe a got work an4 sa#e!& co$ !n4 he get a itt e an467

The o !er %an a$ghe! an! he ooke! at his boy& an! his si ent boy grinne! a %ost in tri$%ph' An! the %an sai!& 79o$ ain4t gonna get no stea!y work' Gonna scrabb e for yo$r !inner e#er4 !ay' An4 yo$ gonna !o her with peop e ookin4 %ean at yo$' >ick cotton& an4 yo$ gonna be s$re the sca es ain4t honest' So%e of 4e% is& an4 so%e of 4e% ain4t' /$t yo$ gonna think a the sca es is crooke!& an4 yo$ !on4t know which ones' Ain4t nothin4 yo$ can !o abo$t her anyways'7 >a aske! s ow y& 7Ain4t3ain4t it nice o$t there at a 67 7S$re& nice to ook at& b$t yo$ can4t ha#e none of it' They4s a gro#e of ye a oranges3an4 a g$y with a g$n that got the right to ki yo$ if yo$ to$ch one' They4s a fe a& newspaper fe a near the coast& got a %i ion acres37 Casy ooke! $p ($ick y& 7"i ion acres6 What in the wor 4 can he !o with a %i ion acres67 7) !$nno' 2e :$s4 got it' R$ns a few catt e' Got g$ar!s e#er4p ace to keep fo ks o$t' Ri!es aro$n4 in a b$ et*proof car' ) seen pitchers of hi%' 8at& sof4 fe a with itt e %ean eyes an4 a %o$th ike a ass*ho e' Scairt he4s gonna !ie' Got a %i ion acres an4 scairt of !yin4'7 Casy !e%an!e!& 7What in he can he !o with a %i ion acres6 What4s he want a %i ion acres for67 The %an took his whitening& p$ckering han!s o$t of the water an! sprea! the%& an! he tightene! his ower ip an! bent his hea! !own to one sho$ !er' 7) !$nno&7 he sai!' 7G$ess he4s cra5y' "$s4 be cra5y' Seen a pitcher of hi%' 2e ooks cra5y' Cra5y an4 %ean'7 7Say he4s scairt to !ie67 Casy aske!' 7That4s what ) hear!'7 7Scairt Go!4 get hi%67 7) !$nno' J$s4 scairt'7 7What4s he care67 >a sai!' 71on4t see% ike he4s ha#in4 no f$n'7 7Gra%pa wasn4t scairt&7 To% sai!' 7When Gra%pa was ha#in4 the %ost f$n& he co%es c ostest to gettin4 ki 4t' Ti%e Gra%pa an4 another fe a whange! into a b$nch a 0a#a:o in the night' They was ha#in4 the ti%e a their ife& an4 sa%e ti%e yo$ wo$ !n4 gi#e a gopher for their chance'7

Casy sai!& 7See%s ike that4s the way' 8e a ha#in4 f$n& he !on4t gi#e a !a%n+ b$t a fe a %ean an4 one y an4 o ! an4 !isappointe!3he4s scare! of !yin4=7 >a aske!& 7What4s he !isappointe! abo$t if he got a %i ion acres67 The preacher s%i e!& an! he ooke! p$55 e!' 2e sp ashe! a f oating water b$g away with his han!' 7)f he nee!s a %i ion acres to %ake hi% fee rich& see%s to %e he nee!s it 4ca$se he fee s awf$ poor insi!e hisse f& an! if he4s poor in hisse f& there ain4t no %i ion acres gonna %ake hi% fee rich& an4 %aybe he4s !isappointe! that nothin4 he can !o4 %ake hi% fee rich3not rich ike "is4 Wi son was when she gi#e her tent when Gra%pa !ie!' ) ain4t tryin4 to preach no ser%on& b$t ) ne#er seen nobo!y that4s b$sy as a prairie !og co ectin4 st$ff that wasn4t !isappointe!'7 2e grinne!' 71oes kin!a so$n4 ike a ser%on& !on4t it67 The s$n was f a%ing fierce y now' >a sai!& 7/etter scr$nch !own $n!er water' She4 b$rn the i#ing Jes$s o$ta yo$'7 An! he rec ine! an! et the gent y %o#ing water f ow aro$n! his neck' 7)f a fe a4s wi in4 to work har!& can4t he c$t her67 >a aske!' The %an sat $p an! face! hi%' 7Look& %ister' ) !on4 know e#er4thing' 9o$ %ight go o$t there an4 fa into a stea!y :ob& an4 )4! be a iar' An4 then& yo$ %ight ne#er get no work& an4 ) !i!n4 warn ya' ) can te ya %os4 of the fo ks is p$rty %is4ab e'7 2e ay back in the water' 7A fe a !on4 know e#er4thing&7 he sai!' >a t$rne! his hea! an! ooke! at <nc e John' 79o$ ne#er was a fe a to say %$ch&7 >a sai!' 7/$t )4 be go!!a%ne! if yo$ opene! yo$r %o$th twicet sence we ef4 ho%e' What yo$ think 4bo$t this here67 <nc e John scow e!' 7) !on4t think nothin4 abo$t it' We4re a*goin4 there& ain4t we6 0one of this here ta k gonna keep $s fro% goin4 there' When we get there& we4 get there' When we get a :ob we4 work& an4 when we !on4t get a :ob we4 set on o$r tai ' This here ta k ain4t gonna !o no goo! no way'7 To% ay back an! fi e! his %o$th with water& an! he sp$rte! it into the air an! he a$ghe!' 7<nc e John !on4t ta k %$ch& b$t he ta ks sense' 9es& by Go!= 2e ta ks sense' We goin4 on tonight& >a67 7"ight4s we ' "ight4s we get her o#er'7

7We & )4% goin4 $p in the br$sh an4 get so%e s eep then'7 To% stoo! $p an! wa!e! to the san!y shore' 2e s ippe! his c othes on his wet bo!y an! wince! $n!er the heat of the c oth' The others fo owe! hi%' )n the water& the %an an! his boy watche! the Joa!s !isappear' An! the boy sai!& 7Like to see 4e% in si. %onths' Jes$s=7 The %an wipe! his eye corners with his forefinger' 7) sho$ !n4 of !i! that&7 he sai!' 78e a a ways wants to be a wise g$y& wants to te fo ks st$ff'7 7We & Jes$s& >a= They aske! for it'7 79eah& ) know' /$t ike that fe a says& they4re a*goin4 anyways' 0othin4 won4t be change! fro% what ) to 4 4e%& 4cept they4 be %is4ab e 4fore they hafta'7 TO! WALKED in a%ong the wi ows& an! he craw e! into a ca#e of sha!e to ie !own' An! 0oah fo owe! hi%' 7Gonna s eep here&7 To% sai!' 7To%=7 79eah67 7To%& ) ain4t a*goin4 on'7 To% sat $p' 7What yo$ %ean67 7To%& ) ain4t a*gonna ea#e this here water' )4% a*gonna wa k on !own this here ri#er'7 79o$4re cra5y&7 To% sai!' 7Get %yse f a piece a ine' )4 catch fish' 8e a can4t star#e besi!e a nice ri#er'7 To% sai!& 72ow 4bo$t the fa%4 y6 2ow 4bo$t "a67 7) can4t he4p it' ) can4t ea#e this here water'7 0oah4s wi!e*set eyes were ha f c ose!' 79o$ know how it is& To%' 9o$ know how the fo ks are nice to %e' /$t they !on4t rea y care for %e'7 79o$4re cra5y'7 70o& ) ain4t' ) know how ) a%' ) know they4re sorry' /$t3We & ) ain4t a*goin4' 9o$ te "a3To%'7 70ow yo$ ook*a*here&7 To% began'

70o' )t ain4t no $se' ) was in that there water' An4 ) ain4t a*gonna ea#e her' )4% a*gonna go now& To%3!own the ri#er' )4 catch fish an4 st$ff& b$t ) can4t ea#e her' ) can4t'7 2e craw e! back o$t of the wi ow ca#e' 79o$ te "a& To%'7 2e wa ke! away' To% fo owe! hi% to the ri#er bank' 7Listen& yo$ go!!a%n foo 37 7)t ain4t no $se&7 0oah sai!' 7)4% sa!& b$t ) can4t he4p it' ) got to go'7 2e t$rne! abr$pt y an! wa ke! !ownstrea% a ong the shore' To% starte! to fo ow& an! then he stoppe!' 2e saw 0oah !isappear into the br$sh& an! then appear again& fo owing the e!ge of the ri#er' An! he watche! 0oah growing s%a er on the e!ge of the ri#er& $nti he !isappeare! into the wi ows at ast' An! To% took off his cap an! scratche! his hea!' 2e went back to his wi ow ca#e an! ay !own to s eep' UNDER THE SPREAD tarpa$ in Gran%a ay on a %attress& an! "a sat besi!e her' The air was stif ing y hot& an! the f ies b$55e! in the sha!e of the can#as' Gran%a was nake! $n!er a ong piece of pink c$rtain' She t$rne! her o ! hea! rest ess y fro% si!e to si!e& an! she %$ttere! an! choke!' "a sat on the gro$n! besi!e her& an! with a piece of car!boar! !ro#e the f ies away an! fanne! a strea% of %o#ing hot air o#er the tight o ! face' Rose of Sharon sat on the other si!e an! watche! her %other' Gran%a ca e! i%perio$s y& 7Wi = Wi = 9o$ co%e here& Wi '7 An! her eyes opene! an! she ooke! fierce y abo$t' 7To 4 hi% to co%e right here&7 she sai!' 7)4 catch hi%' )4 take the hair off4n hi%'7 She c ose! her eyes an! ro e! her hea! back an! forth an! %$ttere! thick y' "a fanne! with the car!boar!' Rose of Sharon ooke! he p ess y at the o ! wo%an' She sai! soft y& 7She4s awf$ sick'7 "a raise! her eyes to the gir 4s face' "a4s eyes were patient& b$t the ines of strain were on her forehea!' "a fanne! an! fanne! the air& an! her piece of car!boar! warne! off the f ies' 7When yo$4re yo$ng& Rosasharn& e#er4thing that happens is a thing a by itse f' )t4s a one y thing' ) know& ) 4%e%ber& Rosasharn'7 2er %o$th o#e! the na%e of her !a$ghter' 79o$4re gonna ha#e a baby& Rosasharn& an! that4s so%epin to

yo$ one y an! away' That4s gonna h$rt yo$& an4 the h$rt4 be one y h$rt& an4 this here tent is a one in the wor 4& Rosasharn'7 She whippe! the air for a %o%ent to !ri#e a b$55ing b ow f y on& an! the big shining f y circ e! the tent twice an! 5oo%e! o$t into the b in!ing s$n ight' An! "a went on& 7They4s a ti%e of change& an4 when that co%es& !yin4 is a piece of a !yin4& an! bearin4 is a piece of a bearin4& an bearin4 an4 !yin4 is two pieces of the sa%e thing' An4 then things ain4t one y any %ore' An4 then a h$rt !on4t h$rt so ba!& ca$se it ain4t a one y h$rt no %ore& Rosasharn' ) wisht ) co$ ! te yo$ so yo$4! know& b$t ) can4t'7 An! her #oice was so soft& so f$ of o#e& that tears crow!e! into Rose of Sharon4s eyes& an! f owe! o#er her eyes an! b in!e! her' 7Take an4 fan Gran%a&7 "a sai!& an! she han!e! the car!boar! to her !a$ghter' 7That4s a goo! thing to !o' ) wisht ) co$ ! te yo$ so yo$4! know'7 Gran%a& scow ing her brows !own o#er her c ose! eyes& b eate!& 7Wi = 9o$4re !irty= 9o$ ain4t ne#er gonna get c ean'7 2er itt e wrink e! c aws %o#e! $p an! scratche! her cheek' A re! ant ran $p the c$rtain c oth an! scra%b e! o#er the fo !s of oose skin on the o ! a!y4s neck' "a reache! ($ick y an! picke! it off& cr$she! it between th$%b an! forefinger& an! br$she! her fingers on her !ress' Rose of Sharon wa#e! the car!boar! fan' She ooke! $p at "a' 7She 367 An! the wor!s parche! in her throat' 7Wipe yo$r feet& Wi 3yo$ !irty pig=7 Gran%a crie!' "a sai!& 7) !$nno' "aybe if we can get her where it ain4t so hot& b$t ) !$nno' 1on4t worry yo$rse f& Rosasharn' Take yo$r breath in when yo$ nee! it& an4 et go when yo$ nee! to'7 A arge wo%an in a torn b ack !ress ooke! into the tent' 2er eyes were b eare! an! in!efinite& an! the skin sagge! to her :ow s an! h$ng !own in itt e f aps' 2er ips were oose& so that the $pper ip h$ng ike a c$rtain o#er her teeth& an! her ower ip& by its weight& fo !e! o$twar!& showing her ower g$%s' 7"ornin4& %a4a%&7 she sai!' 7"ornin4& an4 praise Go! for #ictory'7 "a ooke! aro$n!' 7"ornin4&7 she sai!' The wo%an stoope! into the tent an! bent her hea! o#er Gran%a' 7We heer! yo$ got a so$ here rea!y to :oin her Jes$s' >raise Go!=7

"a4s face tightene! an! her eyes grew sharp' 7She4s tar4!& that4s a &7 "a sai!' 7She4s wore o$t with the roa! an4 the heat' She4s :$s4 wore o$t' Get a itt e res4& an4 she4 be we '7 The wo%an eane! !own o#er Gran%a4s face& an! she see%e! a %ost to sniff' Then she t$rne! to "a an! no!!e! ($ick y& an! her ips :igg e! an! her :ow s ($i#ere!' 7A !ear so$ gonna :oin her Jes$s&7 she sai!' "a crie!& 7That ain4t so=7 The wo%an no!!e!& s ow y& this ti%e& an! p$t a p$ffy han! on Gran%a4s forehea!' "a reache! to snatch the han! away& an! ($ick y restraine! herse f' 79es& it4s so& sister&7 the wo%an sai!' 7We got si. in 2o iness in o$r tent' )4 go git 4e%& an4 we4 ho 4 a %eetin43a prayer an4 grace' Jeho#ites& a ' Si.& co$ntin4 %e' )4 go git 4e% o$t'7 "a stiffene!' 70o3no&7 she sai!' 70o& Gran%a4s tar4!' She co$ !n4t stan4 a %eetin4'7 The wo%an sai!& 7Co$ !n4t stan4 grace6 Co$ !n4 stan4 the sweet breath of Jes$s6 What yo$ ta kin4 abo$t& sister67 "a sai!& 70o& not here' She4s too tar4!'7 The wo%an ooke! reproachf$ y at "a' 7Ain4t yo$ be ie#ers& %a4a%67 7We a ways been 2o iness'7 "a sai!& 7b$t Gran%a4s tar4!& an4 we been a*goin4 a night' We won4t tro$b e yo$'7 7)t ain4t no tro$b e& an4 if it was& we4! want ta !o it for a so$ a*soarin4 to the La%b'7 "a arose to her knees' 7We thank ya&7 she sai! co ! y' 7We ain4t gonna ha#e no %eetin4 in this here tent'7 The wo%an ooke! at her for a ong ti%e' 7We & we ain4t a*gonna et a sister go away 4tho$t a itt e praisin4' We4 git the %eetin4 goin4 in o$r own tent& %a4a%' An4 we4 forgi#e ya for yo$r har! heart'7 "a sett e! back again an! t$rne! her face to Gran%a& an! her face was sti set an! har!' 7She4s tar4!&7 "a sai!' 7She4s on4y tar4!'7 Gran%a sw$ng her hea! back an! forth an! %$ttere! $n!er her breath' The wo%an wa ke! stiff y o$t of the tent' "a contin$e! to ook !own at the o ! face' Rose of Sharon fanne! her car!boar! an! %o#e! the hot air in a strea%' She sai!& 7"a=7 79eah67

7Whyn4t ya et 4e% ho 4 a %eetin467 7) !$nno&7 sai! "a' 7Jeho#ites is goo! peop e' They4re how ers an4 :$%pers' ) !$nno' So%epin :$s4 co%e o#er %e' ) !i!n4 think ) co$ ! stan4 it' )4! :$s4 f y a apart'7 8ro% so%e itt e !istance there ca%e the so$n! of the beginning %eeting& a sing*song chant of e.hortation' The wor!s were not c ear& on y the tone' The #oice rose an! fe & an! went higher at each rise' 0ow a response fi e! in the pa$se& an! the e.hortation went $p with a tone of tri$%ph& an! a grow of power ca%e into the #oice' )t swe e! an! pa$se!& an! a grow ca%e into the response' An! now gra!$a y the sentences of e.hortation shortene!& grew sharper& ike co%%an!s+ an! into the responses ca%e a co%p aining note' The rhyth% ($ickene!' "a e an! fe%a e #oices ha! been one tone& b$t now in the %i!! e of a response one wo%an4s #oice went $p an! $p in a wai ing cry& wi ! an! fierce& ike the cry of a beast+ an! a !eeper wo%an4s #oice rose $p besi!e it& a baying #oice& an! a %an4s #oice tra#e e! $p the sca e in the how of a wo f' The e.hortation stoppe!& an! on y the fera how ing ca%e fro% the tent& an! with it a th$!!ing so$n! on the earth' "a shi#ere!' Rose of Sharon4s breath was panting an! short& an! the chor$s of how s went on so ong it see%e! that $ngs %$st b$rst' "a sai!& 7"akes %e ner#o$s' So%epin happene! to %e'7 0ow the high #oice broke into hysteria& the gabb ing screa%s of a hyena& the th$!!ing beca%e o$!er' Goices cracke! an! broke& an! then the who e chor$s fe to a sobbing& gr$nting $n!ertone& an! the s ap of f esh an! the th$!!ings on the earth+ an! the sobbing change! to a itt e whining& ike that of a itter of p$ppies at a foo! !ish' Rose of Sharon crie! soft y with ner#o$sness' Gran%a kicke! the c$rtain off her egs& which ay ike gray& knotte! sticks' An! Gran%a whine! with the whining in the !istance' "a p$ e! the c$rtain back in p ace' An! then Gran%a sighe! !eep y an! her breathing grew stea!y an! easy& an! her c ose! eye i!s cease! their f icking' She s ept !eep y& an! snore! thro$gh her ha f*open %o$th' The whining fro% the !istance was softer an! softer $nti it co$ ! not be hear! at a any %ore'

Rose of Sharon ooke! at "a& an! her eyes were b ank with tears' 7)t !one goo!&7 sai! Rose of Sharon' 7)t !one Gran%a goo!' She4s a* s eepin4'7 "a4s hea! was !own& an! she was asha%e!' 7"aybe ) !one the% goo! peop e wrong' Gran%a is as eep'7 7Whyn4t yo$ ast o$r preacher if yo$ !one a sin67 the gir aske!' 7) wi 3b$t he4s a ($eer %an' "aybe it4s hi% %a!e %e te the% peop e they co$ !n4 co%e here' That preacher& he4s gettin4 ro$n4 to thinkin4 that what peop e !oes is right to !o'7 "a ooke! at her han!s an! then she sai!& 7Rosasharn& we got to s eep' 48 we4re gonna go tonight& we got to s eep'7 She stretche! o$t on the gro$n! besi!e the %attress' Rose of Sharon aske!& 72ow abo$t fannin4 Gran%a67 7She4s as eep now' 9o$ ay !own an4 rest'7 7) won!er where at Connie is67 the gir co%p aine!' 7) ain4t seen hi% aro$n! for a ong ti%e'7 "a sai!& 7Sh= Get so%e rest'7 7"a& Connie gonna st$!y nights an4 get to be so%epin'7 79eah' 9o$ to 4 %e abo$t that' Get so%e rest'7 The gir ay !own on the e!ge of Gran%a4s %attress' 7Connie4s got a new p an' 2e4s thinkin4 a a ti%e' When he gets a $p on 4 ectricity he gonna ha#e his own store& an4 then g$ess what we gonna ha#e67 7What67 7)ce3a the ice yo$ want' Gonna ha#e a ice bo.' ?eep it f$ ' St$ff !on4t spoi if yo$ got ice'7 7Connie4s thinkin4 a a ti%e&7 "a ch$ck e!' 7/etter get so%e rest now'7 Rose of Sharon c ose! her eyes' "a t$rne! o#er on her back an! crosse! her han!s $n!er her hea!' She istene! to Gran%a4s breathing an! to the gir 4s breathing' She %o#e! a han! to start a f y fro% her forehea!' The ca%p was ($iet in the b in!ing heat& b$t the noises of hot grass3of crickets& the h$% of f ies3were a tone that was c ose to si ence' "a sighe! !eep y an! then yawne! an! c ose! her eyes' )n her ha f*s eep she hear! footsteps approaching& b$t it was a %an4s #oice that starte! her awake'

7Who4s in here67 "a sat $p ($ick y' A brown*face! %an bent o#er an! ooke! in' 2e wore boots an! khaki pants an! a khaki shirt with epa$ ets' On a Sa% /rowne be t a pisto ho ster h$ng& an! a big si #er star was pinne! to his shirt at the eft breast' A oose*crowne! %i itary cap was on the back of his hea!' 2e beat on the tarpa$ in with his han!& an! the tight can#as #ibrate! ike a !r$%' 7Who4s in here67 he !e%an!e! again' "a aske!& 7What is it yo$ want& %ister67 7What yo$ think ) want6 ) want to know who4s in here'7 7Why& they4s :$s4 $s three in here' "e an4 Gran%a an4 %y gir '7 7Where4s yo$r %en67 7Why& they went !own to c ean $p' We was !ri#in4 a night'7 7Where4! yo$ co%e fro%67 7Right near Sa isaw& Ok aho%a'7 7We & yo$ can4t stay here'7 7We ai% to get o$t tonight an4 cross the !esert& %ister'7 7We & yo$ better' )f yo$4re here to%orra this ti%e )4 r$n yo$ in' We !on4t want none of yo$ sett in4 !own here'7 "a4s face b ackene! with anger' She got s ow y to her feet' She stoope! to the $tensi bo. an! picke! o$t the iron ski et' 7"ister&7 she sai!& 7yo$ got a tin b$tton an4 a g$n' Where ) co%e fro%& yo$ keep yo$r #oice !own'7 She a!#ance! on hi% with the ski et' 2e oosene! the g$n in the ho ster' 7Go ahea!&7 sai! "a' 7Scarin4 wo%en' )4% thankf$ the %en fo ks ain4t here' They4! tear ya to pieces' )n %y co$ntry yo$ watch yo$r tong$e'7 The %an took two steps backwar!' 7We & yo$ ain4t in yo$r co$ntry now' 9o$4re in Ca ifornia& an4 we !on4t want yo$ go!!a%n Okies sett in4 !own'7 "a4s a!#ance stoppe!' She ooke! p$55 e!' 7Okies67 she sai! soft y' 7Okies'7 79eah& Okies= An4 if yo$4re here when ) co%e to%orra& )4 r$n ya in'7 2e t$rne! an! wa ke! to the ne.t tent an! bange! on the can#as with his han!' 7Who4s in here67 he sai!'

"a went s ow y back $n!er the tarpa$ in' She p$t the ski et in the $tensi bo.' She sat !own s ow y' Rose of Sharon watche! her secret y' An! when she saw "a fighting with her face& Rose of Sharon c ose! her eyes an! preten!e! to be as eep' The s$n sank ow in the afternoon& b$t the heat !i! not see% to !ecrease' To% awakene! $n!er his wi ow& an! his %o$th was parche! an! his bo!y was wet with sweat& an! his hea! was !issatisfie! with his rest' 2e staggere! to his feet an! wa ke! towar! the water' 2e pee e! off his c othes an! wa!e! into the strea%' An! the %o%ent the water was abo$t hi%& his thirst was gone' 2e ay back in the sha ows an! his bo!y f oate!' 2e he ! hi%se f in p ace with his e bows in the san! an! ooke! at his toes& which bobbe! abo#e the s$rface' A pa e skinny itt e boy crept ike an ani%a thro$gh the ree!s an! s ippe! off his c othes' An! he s($ir%e! into the water ike a %$skrat& an! p$ e! hi%se f a ong ike a %$skrat& on y his eyes an! nose abo#e the s$rface' Then s$!!en y he saw To%4s hea! an! saw that To% was watching hi%' 2e stoppe! his ga%e an! sat $p' To% sai!& 72e o'7 74Lo=7 7Looks ike yo$ was p ayin4 %$skrat'7 7We & ) was'7 2e e!ge! gra!$a y away towar! the bank+ he %o#e! cas$a y& an! then he eape! o$t& gathere! his c othes with a sweep of his ar%s& an! was gone a%ong the wi ows' To% a$ghe! ($iet y' An! then he hear! his na%e ca e! shri y' 7To%& oh& To%=7 2e sat $p in the water an! whist e! thro$gh his teeth& a piercing whist e with a oop on the en!' The wi ows shook& an! R$thie stoo! ooking at hi%' 7"a wants yo$&7 she sai!' 7"a wants yo$ right away'7 7Awright'7 2e stoo! $p an! stro!e thro$gh the water to the shore+ an! R$thie ooke! with interest an! a%a5e%ent at his nake! bo!y' To%& seeing the !irection of her eyes& sai!& 7R$n on now' Git=7 An! R$thie ran' To% hear! her ca ing e.cite! y for Winfie ! as she went' 2e p$t the hot c othes on his coo & wet bo!y an! he wa ke! s ow y $p thro$gh the wi ows towar! the tent'

"a ha! starte! a fire of !ry wi ow twigs& an! she ha! a pan of water heating' She ooke! re ie#e! when she saw hi%' 7What4s a %atter& "a67 he aske!' 7) was scairt&7 she sai!' 7They was a po ice%an here' 2e says we can4t stay here' ) was scairt he ta ke! to yo$' ) was scairt yo$4! hit hi% if he ta ke! to yo$'7 To% sai!& 7What4! ) go an4 hit a po ice%an for67 "a s%i e!' 7We 3he ta ke! so ba!3) near y hit hi% %yse f'7 To% grabbe! her ar% an! shook her ro$gh y an! oose y& an! he a$ghe!' 2e sat !own on the gro$n!& sti a$ghing' 7"y Go!& "a' ) knowe! yo$ when yo$ was gent e' What4s co%e o#er yo$67 She ooke! serio$s' 7) !on4 know& To%'7 78$st yo$ stan4 $s off with a :ack han! e& an! now yo$ try to hit a cop'7 2e a$ghe! soft y& an! he reache! o$t an! patte! her bare foot ten!er y' 7A o 4 he *cat&7 he sai!' 7To%'7 79eah67 She hesitate! a ong ti%e' 7To%& this here po ice%an3he ca e! $s3 Okies' 2e says& 4We !on4 want yo$ go!!a%n Okies sett in4 !own'47 To% st$!ie! her& an! his han! sti reste! gent y on her bare foot' 78e a to 4 abo$t that&7 he sai!' 78e a to 4 how they say it'7 2e consi!ere!& 7"a& wo$ ! yo$ say ) was a ba! fe a6 O$ghta be ocke! $p3 ike that67 70o&7 she sai!' 79o$ been trie!30o' What yo$ ast %e for67 7We & ) !$nno' )4! a took a sock at that cop'7 "a s%i e! with a%$se%ent' 7"aybe ) o$ghta ast yo$ that& 4ca$se ) near y hit 4i% with a ski et'7 7"a& why4! he say we co$ !n4 stop here67 7J$s4 says they !on4 want no !a%n Okies sett in4 !own' Says he gonna r$n $s in if we4re here to%orra'7 7/$t we ain4t $se4 ta gettin4 sho#e! aro$n4 by no cops'7 7) to 4 hi% that&7 sai! "a' 72e says we ain4t ho%e now' We4re in Ca ifornia& an! they !o what they want'7 To% sai! $neasi y& 7"a& ) got so%epin to te ya' 0oah3he went on !own the ri#er' 2e ain4t a*goin4 on'7

)t took a %o%ent for "a to $n!erstan!' 7Why67 she aske! soft y' 7) !on4 know' Says he got to' Says he got to stay' Says for %e to te yo$'7 72ow4 he eat67 she !e%an!e!' 7) !on4 know' Says he4 catch fish'7 "a was si ent a ong ti%e' 78a%i y4s fa in4 apart&7 she sai!' 7) !on4 know' See%s ike ) can4t think no %ore' ) :$s4 can4t think' They4s too %$ch'7 To% sai! a%e y& 72e4 be awright& "a' 2e4s a f$nny kin! a fe a'7 "a t$rne! st$nne! eyes towar! the ri#er' 7) :$s4 can4t see% to think no %ore'7 To% ooke! !own the ine of tents an! he saw R$thie an! Winfie ! stan!ing in front of a tent in !ecoro$s con#ersation with so%eone insi!e' R$thie was twisting her skirt in her han!s& whi e Winfie ! !$g a ho e in the gro$n! with his toe' To% ca e!& 79o$& R$thie=7 She ooke! $p an! saw hi% an! trotte! towar! hi%& with Winfie ! behin! her' When she ca%e $p& To% sai!& 79o$ go get o$r fo ks' They4re s eepin4 !own the wi ows' Get 4e%' An4 yo$ Winfie 4' 9o$ te the Wi sons we4re gonna get ro in4 soon as we can'7 The chi !ren sp$n aro$n! an! charge! off' To% sai!& 7"a& how4s Gran%a now67 7We & she got a s eep to!ay' "aybe she4s better' She4s sti a*s eepin4'7 7Tha4s goo!' 2ow %$ch pork we got67 70ot #ery %$ch' H$arter hog'7 7We & we got to fi that other kag with water' Got to take water a ong'7 They co$ ! hear R$thie4s shri cries for the %en !own in the wi ows' "a sho#e! wi ow sticks in the fire an! %a!e it crack e $p abo$t the b ack pot' She sai!& 7) pray Go! we gonna get so%e res4' ) pray Jes$s we gonna ay !own in a nice p ace'7 The s$n sank towar! the bake! an! broken hi s to the west' The pot o#er the fire b$bb e! f$rio$s y' "a went $n!er the tarpa$ in an! ca%e o$t with an apronf$ of potatoes& an! she !roppe! the% into the boi ing water' 7) pray Go! we gonna be et to wash so%e c othes' We ain4t ne#er been !irty ike this' 1on4t e#en wash potatoes 4fore we boi 4e%' ) won!er why6 See%s ike the heart4s took o$t of $s'7

The %en ca%e trooping $p fro% the wi ows& an! their eyes were f$ of s eep& an! their faces were re! an! p$ffe! with !ayti%e s eep' >a sai!& 7What4s a %atter67 7We4re goin4&7 sai! To%' 7Cop says we got to go' "ight4s we get her o#er' Get a goo! start an4 %aybe we4 be thro$gh her' 0ear three h$n!er! %i es where we4re goin4'7 >a sai!& 7) tho$ght we was gonna get a rest'7 7We & we ain4t' We got to go' >a&7 To% sai!& 70oah& ain4t a*goin4' 2e wa ke! on !own the ri#er'7 7Ain4t goin46 What the he 4s the %atter with hi%67 An! then >a ca$ght hi%se f' 7"y fa$ t&7 he sai! %iserab y' 7That boy4s a %y fa$ t'7 70o'7 7) !on4t wanta ta k abo$t it no %ore&7 sai! >a' 7) can4t3%y fa$ t'7 7We & we got to go&7 sai! To%' Wi son wa ke! near for the ast wor!s' 7We can4t go& fo ks&7 he sai!' 7Sairy4s !one $p' She got to res4' She ain4t gonna git acrost that !esert a i#e'7 They were si ent at his wor!s+ then To% sai!& 7Cop says he4 r$n $s in if we4re here to%orra'7 Wi son shook his hea!' 2is eyes were g a5e! with worry& an! a pa eness showe! thro$gh his !ark skin' 7J$s4 hafta !o 4er& then' Sairy can4t go' )f they :ai $s& why& they4 hafta :ai $s' She got to res4 an4 get strong'7 >a sai!& 7"aybe we better wait an4 a go together'7 70o&7 Wi son sai!' 79o$ been nice to $s+ yo$ been kin4& b$t yo$ can4t stay here' 9o$ got to get on an4 get :obs an! work' We ain4t gonna et yo$ stay'7 >a sai! e.cite! y& 7/$t yo$ ain4t got nothing'7 Wi son s%i e!' 70e#er ha! nothin4 when yo$ took $s $p' This ain4t none of yo$r b$siness' 1on4t yo$ %ake %e git %ean' 9o$ got to go& or )4 get %ean an4 %a!'7 "a beckone! >a into the co#er of the tarpa$ in an! spoke soft y to hi%' Wi son t$rne! to Casy' 7Sairy want yo$ sho$ ! go see her'7

7S$re&7 sai! the preacher' 2e wa ke! to the Wi son tent& tiny an! gray& an! he s ippe! the f aps asi!e an! entere!' )t was !$sky an! hot insi!e' The %attress ay on the gro$n!& an! the e($ip%ent was scattere! abo$t& as it ha! been $n oa!e! in the %orning' Sairy ay on the %attress& her eyes wi!e an! bright' 2e stoo! an! ooke! !own at her& his arge hea! bent an! the stringy %$sc es of his neck tight a ong the si!es' An! he took off his hat an! he ! it in his han!' She sai!& 71i! %y %an te ya we co$ !n4 go on67 7That4s what he sai!'7 2er ow& bea$tif$ #oice went on& 7) wante! $s to go' ) knowe! ) wo$ !n4 i#e to the other si!e& b$t he4! be acrost anyways' /$t he won4t go' 2e !on4 know' 2e thinks it4s gonna be a right' 2e !on4 know'7 72e says he won4t go'7 7) know&7 she sai!& 7An4 he4s st$bborn' ) ast yo$ to co%e to say a prayer'7 7) ain4t a preacher&7 he sai! soft y' 7"y prayers ain4t no goo!'7 She %oistene! her ips' 7) was there when the o 4 %an !ie!' 9o$ sai! one then'7 7)t wasn4t no prayer'7 7)t was a prayer&7 she sai!' 7)t wasn4t no preacher4s prayer'7 7)t was a goo! prayer' ) want yo$ sho$ ! say one for %e'7 7) !on4 know what to say'7 She c ose! her eyes for a %in$te an! then opene! the% again' 7Then say one to yo$rse f' 1on4t $se no wor!s to it' That4! be awright'7 7) got no Go!&7 he sai!' 79o$ got a Go!' 1on4t %ake no !ifference if yo$ !on4 know what he ooks ike'7 The preacher bowe! his hea!' She watche! hi% apprehensi#e y' An! when he raise! his hea! again she ooke! re ie#e!' 7That4s goo!&7 she sai!' 7That4s what ) nee!e!' So%ebo!y c ose eno$gh3 to pray'7 2e shook his hea! as tho$gh to awaken hi%se f' 7) !on4 $n!erstan4 this here&7 he sai!' An! she rep ie!& 79es3yo$ know& !on4t yo$67

7) know&7 he sai!& 7) know& b$t ) !on4t $n!erstan4' "aybe yo$4 res4 a few !ays an4 then co%e on'7 She shook her hea! s ow y fro% si!e to si!e' 7)4% :$s4 pain co#ere! with skin' ) know what it is& b$t ) won4t te hi%' 2e4! be too sa!' 2e wo$ !n4 know what to !o anyways' "aybe in the night& when he4s a* s eepin43when he wake! $p& it won4t be so ba!'7 79o$ want ) sho$ ! stay with yo$ an4 not go on67 70o&7 she sai!' 70o' When ) was a itt e gir ) $se4 ta sing' 8o ks ro$n4 abo$t $se4 ta say ) s$ng as nice as Jenny Lin!' 8o ks $se4 ta co%e an4 isten when ) s$ng' An43when they stoo!3an4 %e a*singin4& why& %e an4 the% was together %ore4n yo$ co$ ! e#er know' ) was thankf$ ' There ain4t so %any fo ks can fee so f$ $p& so c ose& an4 the% fo ks stan!in4 there an4 %e a*singin4' Tho$ght %aybe )4! sing in theaters& b$t ) ne#er !one it' An4 )4% g a!' They wasn4t nothin4 got in between %e an4 the%' An43that4s why ) wante! yo$ to pray' ) wante! to fee that c ostness& oncet %ore' )t4s the sa%e thing& singin4 an4 prayin4& :$s4 the sa%e thing' ) wisht yo$ co$ ! a*heer! %e sing'7 2e ooke! !own at her& into her eyes' 7Goo!*by&7 he sai!' She shook her hea! s ow y back an! forth an! c ose! her ips tight' An! the preacher went o$t of the !$sky tent into the b in!ing ight' The %en were oa!ing $p the tr$ck' <nc e John on top& whi e the others passe! e($ip%ent $p to hi%' 2e stowe! it caref$ y& keeping the s$rface e#e ' "a e%ptie! the ($arter of a keg of sa t pork into a pan& an! To% an! A took both itt e barre s to the ri#er an! washe! the%' They tie! the% to the r$nning boar!s an! carrie! water in b$ckets to fi the%' Then o#er the tops they tie! can#as to keep the% fro% s opping the water o$t' On y the tarpa$ in an! Gran%a4s %attress were eft to p$t on' To% sai!& 7With the oa! we4 take& this o 4 wagon4 boi her hea! off' We got to ha#e p enty water'7 "a passe! the boi e! potatoes o$t an! bro$ght the ha f sack fro% the tent an! p$t it with the pan of pork' The fa%i y ate stan!ing& sh$ff ing their feet an! tossing the hot potatoes fro% han! to han! $nti they coo e!'

"a went to the Wi son tent an! staye! for ten %in$tes& an! then she ca%e o$t ($iet y' 7)t4s ti%e to go&7 she sai!' The %en went $n!er the tarpa$ in' Gran%a sti s ept& her %o$th wi!e open' They ifte! the who e %attress gent y an! passe! it $p on top of the tr$ck' Gran%a !rew $p her skinny egs an! frowne! in her s eep& b$t she !i! not awaken' <nc e John an! >a tie! the tarpa$ in o#er the cross*piece& %aking a itt e tight tent on top of the oa!' They ashe! it !own to the si!e*bars' An! then they were rea!y' >a took o$t his p$rse an! !$g two cr$she! bi s fro% it' 2e went to Wi son an! he ! the% o$t' 7We want yo$ sho$ ! take this& an473he pointe! to the pork an! potatoes37an4 that'7 Wi son h$ng his hea! an! shook it sharp y' 7) ain4t a*gonna !o it&7 he sai!' 79o$ ain4t got %$ch'7 7Got eno$gh to get there&7 sai! >a' 7We ain4t eft it a ' We4 ha#e work right off'7 7) ain4t a*gonna !o it&7 Wi son sai!' 7)4 git %ean if yo$ try'7 "a took the two bi s fro% >a4s han!' She fo !e! the% neat y an! p$t the% on the gro$n! an! p ace! the pork pan o#er the%' 7That4s where they4 be&7 she sai!' 7)f yo$ !on4 get 4e%& so%ebo!y e se wi '7 Wi son& his hea! sti !own& t$rne! an! went to his tent+ he steppe! insi!e an! the f aps fe behin! hi%' 8or a few %o%ents the fa%i y waite!& an! then& 7We got to go&7 sai! To%' 7)t4s near fo$r& ) bet'7 The fa%i y c i%be! on the tr$ck& "a on top& besi!e Gran%a' To% an! A an! >a in the seat& an! Winfie ! on >a4s ap' Connie an! Rose of Sharon %a!e a nest against the cab' The preacher an! <nc e John an! R$thie were in a tang e on the oa!' >a ca e!& 7Goo!*by& "ister an! "is4 Wi son'7 There was no answer fro% the tent' To% starte! the engine an! the tr$ck $%bere! away' An! as they craw e! $p the ro$gh roa! towar! 0ee! es an! the highway& "a ooke! back' Wi son stoo! in front of his tent& staring after the%& an! his hat was in his han!' The s$n fe f$ on his face' "a wa#e! her han! at hi%& b$t he !i! not respon!' To% kept the tr$ck in secon! gear o#er the ro$gh roa!& to protect the springs' At 0ee! es he !ro#e into a ser#ice station& checke! the worn

tires for air& checke! the spares tie! to the back' 2e ha! the gas tank fi e!& an! he bo$ght two fi#e*ga on cans of gaso ine an! a two*ga on can of oi ' 2e fi e! the ra!iator& begge! a %ap& an! st$!ie! it' The ser#ice*station boy& in his white $nifor%& see%e! $neasy $nti the bi was pai!' 2e sai!& 79o$ peop e s$re ha#e got ner#e'7 To% ooke! $p fro% the %ap' 7What yo$ %ean67 7We & crossin4 in a :a opy ike this'7 79o$ been acrost67 7S$re& p enty& b$t not in no wreck ike this'7 To% sai!& 7)f we broke !own %aybe so%ebo!y4! gi#e $s a han4'7 7We & %aybe' /$t fo ks are kin! of scare! to stop at night' )4! hate to be !oing it' Takes %ore ner#e than )4#e got'7 To% grinne!' 7)t !on4t take no ner#e to !o so%epin when there ain4t nothin4 e se yo$ can !o' We & thanks' We4 !rag on'7 An! he got in the tr$ck an! %o#e! away' The boy in white went into the iron b$i !ing where his he per abore! o#er a book of bi s' 7Jes$s& what a har!* ooking o$tfit=7 7The% Okies6 They4re a har!* ookin4'7 7Jes$s& )4! hate to start o$t in a :a opy ike that'7 7We & yo$ an! %e got sense' The% go!!a%n Okies got no sense an! no fee ing' They ain4t h$%an' A h$%an being wo$ !n4t i#e ike they !o' A h$%an being co$ !n4t stan! it to be so !irty an! %iserab e' They ain4t a he of a ot better than gori as'7 7J$st the sa%e )4% g a! ) ain4t crossing the !esert in no 2$!son S$per* Si.' She so$n!s ike a threshing %achine'7 The other boy ooke! !own at his book of bi s' An! a big !rop of sweat ro e! !own his finger an! fe on the pink bi s' 79o$ know& they !on4t ha#e %$ch tro$b e' They4re so go!!a%n !$%b they !on4t know it4s !angero$s' An!& Christ A %ighty& they !on4t know any better than what they got' Why worry67 7)4% not worrying' J$st tho$ght if it was %e& ) wo$ !n4t ike it'7 7That4s 4ca$se yo$ know better' They !on4t know any better'7 An! he wipe! the sweat fro% the pink bi with his s ee#e'

THE TRUCK took the roa! an! %o#e! $p the ong hi & thro$gh the broken& rotten rock' The engine boi e! #ery soon an! To% s owe! !own an! took it easy' <p the ong s ope& win!ing an! twisting thro$gh !ea! co$ntry& b$rne! white an! gray& an! no hint of ife in it' Once To% stoppe! for a few %o%ents to et the engine coo & an! then he tra#e e! on' They toppe! the pass whi e the s$n was sti $p& an! ooke! !own on the !esert3b ack cin!er %o$ntains in the !istance& an! the ye ow s$n ref ecte! on the gray !esert' The itt e star#e! b$shes& sage an! greasewoo!& threw bo ! sha!ows on the san! an! bits of rock' The g aring s$n was straight ahea!' To% he ! his han! before his eyes to see at a ' They passe! the crest an! coaste! !own to coo the engine' They coaste! !own the ong sweep to the f oor of the !esert& an! the fan t$rne! o#er to coo the water in the ra!iator' )n the !ri#er4s seat& To% an! A an! >a& an! Winfie ! on >a4s knee& ooke! into the bright !escen!ing s$n& an! their eyes were stony& an! their brown faces were !a%p with perspiration' The b$rnt an! an! the b ack& cin!ery hi s broke the e#en !istance an! %a!e it terrib e in the re!!ening ight of the setting s$n' A sai!& 7Jes$s& what a p ace' 2ow4! yo$ ike to wa k acrost her67 7>eop e !one it&7 sai! To%' 7Lots a peop e !one it+ an4 if they co$ !& we co$ !'7 7Lots %$st a !ie!&7 sai! A ' 7We & we ain4t co%e o$t e.ac4 y c ean'7 A was si ent for a whi e& an! the re!!ening !esert swept past' 7Think we4 e#er see the% Wi sons again67 A aske!' To% f icke! his eyes !own to the oi ga$ge' 7) got a h$nch nobo!y ain4t gonna see "is4 Wi son for ong' J$s4 a h$nch ) got'7 Winfie ! sai!& 7>a& ) wanta get o$t'7 To% ooke! o#er at hi%' 7"ight4s we et e#er4bo!y o$t 4fore we sett e !own to !ri#in4 tonight'7 2e s owe! the car an! bro$ght it to a stop' Winfie ! scra%b e! o$t an! $rinate! at the si!e of the roa!' To% eane! o$t' 7Anybo!y e se67 7We4re ho !in4 o$r water $p here&7 <nc e John ca e!' >a sai!& 7Winfie 4& yo$ craw $p on top' 9o$ p$t %y egs to s eep a* settin4 on 4e%'7 The itt e boy b$ttone! his o#era s an! obe!ient y

craw e! $p the back boar! an! on his han!s an! knees craw e! o#er Gran%a4s %attress an! forwar! to R$thie' The tr$ck %o#e! on into the e#ening& an! the e!ge of the s$n str$ck the ro$gh hori5on an! t$rne! the !esert re!' R$thie sai!& 7Wo$ !n4 ea#e yo$ set $p there& h$h67 7) !i!n4 want to' )t wasn4t so nice as here' Co$ !n4 ie !own'7 7We & !on4 yo$ bother %e& a*s($awkin4 an4 a*ta kin4&7 R$thie sai!& 74ca$se )4% goin4 to s eep& an4 when ) wake $p& we gonna be there= 4Ca$se To% sai! so= Gonna see% f$nny to see pretty co$ntry'7 The s$n went !own an! eft a great ha o in the sky' An! it grew #ery !ark $n!er the tarpa$ in& a ong ca#e with ight at each en!3a f at triang e of ight' Connie an! Rose of Sharon eane! back against the cab& an! the hot win! t$%b ing thro$gh the tent str$ck the backs of their hea!s& an! the tarpa$ in whippe! an! !r$%%e! abo#e the%' They spoke together in ow tones& pitche! to the !r$%%ing can#as& so that no one co$ ! hear the%' When Connie spoke he t$rne! his hea! an! spoke into her ear& an! she !i! the sa%e to hi%' She sai!& 7See%s ike we wasn4t ne#er gonna !o nothin4 b$t %o#e' )4% so tar4!'7 2e t$rne! his hea! to her ear' 7"aybe in the %ornin4' 2ow4! yo$ ike to be a one now67 )n the !$sk his han! %o#e! o$t an! stroke! her hip' She sai!& 71on4t' 9o$4 %ake %e cra5y as a oon' 1on4t !o that'7 An! she t$rne! her hea! to hear his response' 7"aybe3when e#er4bo!y4s as eep'7 7"aybe&7 she sai!' 7/$t wait ti they get to s eep' 9o$4 %ake %e cra5y& an4 %aybe they won4t get to s eep'7 7) can4t har! y stop&7 he sai!' 7) know' "e neither' Le4s ta k abo$t when we get there+ an4 yo$ %o#e away 4fore ) get cra5y'7 2e shifte! away a itt e' 7We & )4 get to st$!yin4 nights right off&7 he sai!' She sighe! !eep y' 7Gonna get one a the% books that te s abo$t it an4 c$t the co$pon& right off'7 72ow ong& yo$ think67 she aske!' 72ow ong what67 72ow ong 4fore yo$4 be %akin4 big %oney an4 we got ice67

7Can4t te &7 he sai! i%portant y' 7Can4t rea y right y te ' 8e a o$ghta be st$!ie! $p pretty goo! 4fore Christ%$s'7 7Soon4s yo$ get st$!ie! $p we co$ ! get ice an4 st$ff& ) g$ess'7 2e ch$ck e!' 7)t4s this here heat&7 he sai!' 7What yo$ gonna nee! ice ro$n4 Christ%$s for67 She gigg e!' 7Tha4s right' /$t )4! ike ice any ti%e' 0ow !on4t' 9o$4 get %e cra5y=7 The !$sk passe! into !ark an! the !esert stars ca%e o$t in the soft sky& stars stabbing an! sharp& with few points an! rays to the%& an! the sky was #e #et' An! the heat change!' Whi e the s$n was $p& it was a beating& f ai ing heat& b$t now the heat ca%e fro% be ow& fro% the earth itse f& an! the heat was thick an! %$ff ing' The ights of the tr$ck ca%e on& an! they i $%inate! a itt e b $r of highway ahea!& an! a strip of !esert on either si!e of the roa!' An! so%eti%es eyes g ea%e! in the ights far ahea!& b$t no ani%a showe! in the ights' )t was pitch !ark $n!er the can#as now' <nc e John an! the preacher were c$r e! in the %i!! e of the tr$ck& resting on their e bows& an! staring o$t the back triang e' They co$ ! see the two b$%ps that were "a an! Gran%a against the o$tsi!e' They co$ ! see "a %o#e occasiona y& an! her !ark ar% %o#ing against the o$tsi!e' <nc e John ta ke! to the preacher' 7Casy&7 he sai!& 7yo$4re a fe a o$ghta know what to !o'7 7What to !o abo$t what67 7) !$nno&7 sai! <nc e John' Casy sai!& 7We & that4s gonna %ake it easy for %e=7 7We & yo$ been a preacher'7 7Look& John& e#er4bo!y takes a crack at %e 4ca$se ) been a preacher' A preacher ain4t nothin4 b$t a %an'7 79eah& b$t3he4s3a "i#d of a %an& e se he wo$ !n4t be a preacher' ) wanna ast yo$3we & yo$ think a fe a co$ ! bring ba! $ck to fo ks67 7) !$nno&7 sai! Casy' 7) !$nno'7 7We 3see3) was %arrie!3fine& goo! gir ' An4 one night she got a pain in her sto%ach' An4 she says& 49o$ better get a !octor'4 An4 ) says& 42e & yo$ :$s4 et too %$ch'47 <nc e John p$t his han! on Casy4s knee an! he peere! thro$gh the !arkness at hi%' 7She ga#e %e a loo"' An4 she

groane! a night& an4 she !ie! the ne.t afternoon'7 The preacher %$%b e! so%ething' 79o$ see&7 John went on& 7) ki 4t her' An4 sence then ) trie! to %ake it $p3%os4 y to ki!s' An4 ) trie! to be goo!& an4 ) can4t' ) get !r$nk& an4 ) go wi !'7 7,#er4bo!y goes wi !&7 sai! Casy' 7) !o too'7 79eah& b$t yo$ ain4t got a sin on yo$r so$ ike %e'7 Casy sai! gent y& 7S$re ) got sins' ,#er4bo!y got sins' A sin is so%epin yo$ ain4t s$re abo$t' The% peop e that4s s$re abo$t e#er4thing an4 ain4t got no sin3we & with that kin! of a son*of*a*bitch& if ) was Go! )4! kick their ass right o$ta hea#en= ) co$ !n4 stan! 4e%=7 <nc e John sai!& 7) got a fee in4 )4% bringin4 ba! $ck to %y own fo ks' ) got a fee in4 ) o$ghta go away an4 et 4e% be' ) ain4t co%f4tab e bein4 ike this'7 Casy sai! ($ick y& 7) know this3a %an got to !o what he got to !o' ) can4t te yo$' ) can4t te yo$' ) !on4t think they4s $ck or ba! $ck' On4y one thing in this wor 4 )4% s$re of& an4 that4s )4% s$re nobo!y got a right to %ess with a fe a4s ife' 2e got to !o it a hisse f' 2e p hi%& %aybe& b$t not te hi% what to !o'7 <nc e John sai! !isappointe! y& 7Then yo$ !on4 know67 7) !on4 know'7 79o$ think it was a sin to et %y wife !ie ike that67 7We &7 sai! Casy& 7for anybo!y e se it was a %istake& b$t if yo$ think it was a sin3then it4s a sin' A fe a b$i !s his own sins right $p fro% the gro$n4'7 7) got to gi#e that goin4*o#er&7 sai! <nc e John& an! he ro e! on his back an! ay with his knees p$ e! $p' The tr$ck %o#e! on o#er the hot earth& an! the ho$rs passe!' R$thie an! Winfie ! went to s eep' Connie oosene! a b anket fro% the oa! an! co#ere! hi%se f an! Rose of Sharon with it& an! in the heat they str$gg e! together& an! he ! their breaths' An! after a ti%e Connie threw off the b anket an! the hot t$nne ing win! fe t coo on their wet bo!ies' On the back of the tr$ck "a ay on the %attress besi!e Gran%a& an! she co$ ! not see with her eyes& b$t she co$ ! fee the str$gg ing bo!y an! the str$gg ing heart+ an! the sobbing breath was in her ear' An! "a

sai! o#er an! o#er& 7A right' )t4s gonna be a right'7 An! she sai! hoarse y& 79o$ know the fa%i y got to get acrost' 9o$ know that'7 <nc e John ca e!& 79o$ a right67 )t was a %o%ent before she answere!' 7A right' G$ess ) !roppe! off to s eep'7 An! after a ti%e Gran%a was sti & an! "a ay rigi! besi!e her' The night ho$rs passe!& an! the !ark was in against the tr$ck' So%eti%es cars passe! the%& going west an! away+ an! so%eti%es great tr$cks ca%e $p o$t of the west an! r$%b e! eastwar!' An! the stars f owe! !own in a s ow casca!e o#er the western hori5on' )t was near %i!night when they neare! 1aggett& where the inspection station is' The roa! was f oo!* ighte! there& an! a sign i $%inate!& 7?,,> R)G2T A01 STO>'7 The officers oafe! in the office& b$t they ca%e o$t an! stoo! $n!er the ong co#ere! she! when To% p$ e! in' One officer p$t !own the icense n$%ber an! raise! the hoo!' To% aske!& 7What4s this here67 7Agric$ t$ra inspection' We got to ook o#er yo$r st$ff' Got any #egetab es or see!s67 70o&7 sai! To%' 7We & we got to ook o#er yo$r st$ff' 9o$ got to $n oa!'7 0ow "a c i%be! hea#i y !own fro% the tr$ck' 2er face was swo en an! her eyes were har!' 7Look& %ister' We got a sick o 4 a!y' We got to get her to a !octor' We can4t wait'7 She see%e! to fight with hysteria' 79o$ can4t %ake $s wait'7 79eah6 We & we got to ook yo$ o#er'7 7) swear we ain4t got anything=7 "a crie!' 7) swear it' An4 Gran%a4s awf$ sick'7 79o$ !on4t ook so goo! yo$rse f&7 the officer sai!' "a p$ e! herse f $p the back of the tr$ck& hoiste! herse f with h$ge strength' 7Look&7 she sai!' The officer shot a f ash ight bea% $p on the o ! shr$nken face' 7/y Go!& she is&7 he sai!' 79o$ swear yo$ got no see!s or fr$its or #egetab es& no corn& no oranges67 70o& no' ) swear it=7 7Then go ahea!' 9o$ can get a !octor in /arstow' That4s on y eight %i es' Go on ahea!'7

To% c i%be! in an! !ro#e on' The officer t$rne! to his co%panion' 7) co$ !n4 ho ! e%'7 7"aybe it was a b $ff&7 sai! the other' 7Oh& Jes$s& no= 9o$ sho$ ! of seen that o 4 wo%an4s face' That wasn4t no b $ff'7 To% increase! his spee! to /arstow& an! in the itt e town he stoppe!& got o$t& an! wa ke! aro$n! the tr$ck' "a eane! o$t' 7)t4s awright&7 she sai!' 7) !i!n4 wanta stop there& fear we wo$ !n4 get acrost'7 79eah= /$t how4s Gran%a67 7She4s awright3awright' 1ri#e on' We got to get acrost'7 To% shook his hea! an! wa ke! back' 7A &7 he sai!& 7)4% gonna fi her $p& an4 then yo$ !ri#e so%e'7 2e p$ e! to an a *night gas station an! fi e! the tank an! the ra!iator& an! fi e! the crank case' Then A s ippe! $n!er the whee an! To% took the o$tsi!e& with >a in the %i!! e' They !ro#e away into the !arkness an! the itt e hi s near /arstow were behin! the%' To% sai!& 7) !on4 know what4s got into "a' She4s f ighty as a !og with a f ea in his ear' Wo$ !n4 a took ong to ook o#er the st$ff' An4 she says Gran%a4s sick+ an4 now she says Gran%a4s awright' ) can4t figger her o$t' She ain4t right' S4pose she wore her brains o$t on the trip'7 >a sai!& 7"a4s a %ost ike she was when she was a gir ' She was a wi ! one then' She wasn4 scairt of nothin4' ) tho$ght ha#in4 a the ki!s an4 workin4 took it o$t a her& b$t ) g$ess it ain4t' Christ= When she got that :ack han! e back there& ) te yo$ ) wo$ !n4 wanna be the fe a took it away fro% her'7 7) !$nno what4s got into her&7 To% sai!' 7"aybe she4s :$s4 tar4! o$t'7 A sai!& 7) won4t be !oin4 no weepin4 an4 a*%oanin4 to get thro$gh' ) got this go!!a%n car on %y so$ '7 To% sai!& 7We & yo$ !one a !a%n goo! :ob a pickin4' We ain4t ha! har! y no tro$b e with her at a '7 A night they bore! thro$gh the hot !arkness& an! :ackrabbits sc$tt e! into the ights an! !ashe! away in ong :o ting eaps' An! the !awn ca%e $p behin! the% when the ights of "o:a#e were ahea!' An! the !awn showe! high %o$ntains to the west' They fi e! with water an! oi at "o:a#e an! craw e! into the %o$ntains& an! the !awn was abo$t the%'

To% sai!& 7Jes$s& the !esert4s past= >a& A & for Christ sakes= The !esert4s past=7 7)4% too go!!a%ne! tire! to care&7 sai! A ' 7Want %e to !ri#e67 70o& wait awhi e'7 They !ro#e thro$gh Tehachapi in the %orning g ow& an! the s$n ca%e $p behin! the%& an! then3s$!!en y they saw the great #a ey be ow the%' A :a%%e! on the brake an! stoppe! in the %i!! e of the roa!& an!& 7Jes$s Christ= Look=7 he sai!' The #ineyar!s& the orchar!s& the great f at #a ey& green an! bea$tif$ & the trees set in rows& an! the far% ho$ses' An! >a sai!& 7Go! A %ighty=7 The !istant cities& the itt e towns in the orchar! an!& an! the %orning s$n& go !en on the #a ey' A car honke! behin! the%' A p$ e! to the si!e of the roa! an! parke!' 7) want ta ook at her'7 The grain fie !s go !en in the %orning& an! the wi ow ines& the e$ca ypt$s trees in rows' >a sighe!& 7) ne#er knowe! they was anything ike her'7 The peach trees an! the wa n$t gro#es& an! the !ark green patches of oranges' An! re! roofs a%ong the trees& an! barns3rich barns' A got o$t an! stretche! his egs' 2e ca e!& 7"a3co%e ook' We4re there=7 R$thie an! Winfie ! scra%b e! !own fro% the car& an! then they stoo!& si ent an! awestr$ck& e%barrasse! before the great #a ey' The !istance was thinne! with ha5e& an! the an! grew softer an! softer in the !istance' A win!%i f ashe! in the s$n& an! its t$rning b a!es were ike a itt e he iograph& far away' R$thie an! Winfie ! ooke! at it& an! R$thie whispere!& 7)t4s Ca ifornia'7 Winfie ! %o#e! his ips si ent y o#er the sy ab es' 7There4s fr$it&7 he sai! a o$!' Casy an! <nc e John& Connie an! Rose of Sharon c i%be! !own' An! they stoo! si ent y' Rose of Sharon ha! starte! to br$sh her hair back& when she ca$ght sight of the #a ey an! her han! !roppe! s ow y to her si!e' To% sai!& 7Where4s "a6 ) want "a to see it' Look& "a= Co%e here& "a'7 "a was c i%bing s ow y& stiff y& !own the back boar!' To% ooke!

at her' 7"y Go!& "a& yo$ sick67 2er face was stiff an! p$tty* ike& an! her eyes see%e! to ha#e s$nk !eep into her hea!& an! the ri%s were re! with weariness' 2er feet to$che! the gro$n! an! she brace! herse f by ho !ing the tr$ck*si!e' 2er #oice was a croak' 79a say we4re acrost67 To% pointe! to the great #a ey' 7Look=7 She t$rne! her hea!& an! her %o$th opene! a itt e' 2er fingers went to her throat an! gathere! a itt e pinch of skin an! twiste! gent y' 7Thank Go!=7 she sai!' 7The fa%b y4s here'7 2er knees b$ck e! an! she sat !own on the r$nning boar!' 79o$ sick& "a67 70o& :$s4 tar4!'7 71i!n4 yo$ get no s eep67 70o'7 7Was Gran%a ba!67 "a ooke! !own at her han!s& ying together ike tire! o#ers in her ap' 7) wisht ) co$ ! wait an4 not te yo$' ) wisht it co$ ! be a 3nice'7 >a sai!& 7Then Gran%a4s ba!'7 "a raise! her eyes an! ooke! o#er the #a ey' 7Gran%a4s !ea!'7 They ooke! at her& a of the%& an! >a aske!& 7When67 7/efore they stoppe! $s as4 night'7 7So that4s why yo$ !i!n4 want 4e% to ook'7 7) was afrai! we wo$ !n4 get acrost&7 she sai!' 7) to 4 Gran%a we co$ !n4 he4p her' The fa%b y ha! ta get acrost' ) to 4 her& to 4 her when she was a*!yin4' We co$ !n4 stop in the !esert' There was the yo$ng ones 3an4 Rosasharn4s baby' ) to 4 her'7 She p$t $p her han!s an! co#ere! her face for a %o%ent' 7She can get b$rie! in a nice green p ace&7 "a sai! soft y' 7Trees aro$n4 an4 a nice p ace' She got to ay her hea! !own in Ca ifornia'7 The fa%i y ooke! at "a with a itt e terror at her strength' To% sai!& 7Jes$s Christ= 9o$ ayin4 there with her a night ong=7 7The fa%b y ha!!a get acrost&7 "a sai! %iserab y' To% %o#e! c ose to p$t his han! on her sho$ !er' 71on4 to$ch %e&7 she sai!' 7)4 ho 4 $p if yo$ !on4 to$ch %e' That4! get %e'7

>a sai!& 7We got to go on now' We got to go on !own'7 "a ooke! $p at hi%' 7Can3can ) set $p front6 ) !on4 wanna go back there no %ore3)4% tar4!' )4% awf$ tar4!'7 They c i%be! back on the oa!& an! they a#oi!e! the ong stiff fig$re co#ere! an! t$cke! in a co%forter& e#en the hea! co#ere! an! t$cke!' They %o#e! to their p aces an! trie! to keep their eyes fro% it3fro% the h$%p on the co%forter that wo$ ! be the nose& an! the steep c iff that wo$ ! be the :$t of the chin' They trie! to keep their eyes away& an! they co$ ! not' R$thie an! Winfie !& crow!e! in a forwar! corner as far away fro% the bo!y as they co$ ! get& stare! at the t$cke! fig$re' An! R$thie whispere!& 7Tha4s Gran%a& an4 she4s !ea!'7 Winfie ! no!!e! so e%n y' 7She ain4t breathin4 at a ' She4s awf$ !ea!'7 An! Rose of Sharon sai! soft y to Connie& 7She was a*!yin4 right when we37 72ow4! we know67 he reass$re! her' A c i%be! on the oa! to %ake roo% for "a in the seat' An! A swaggere! a itt e beca$se he was sorry' 2e p $%pe! !own besi!e Casy an! <nc e John' 7We & she was o 4' G$ess her ti%e was $p&7 A sai!' 7,#er4bo!y got to !ie'7 Casy an! <nc e John t$rne! eyes e.pression ess y on hi% an! ooke! at hi% as tho$gh he were a c$rio$s ta king b$sh' 7We & ain4t they67 he !e%an!e!' An! the eyes ooke! away& ea#ing A s$ en an! shaken' Casy sai! in won!er& 7A night ong& an4 she was a one'7 An! he sai!& 7John& there4s a wo%an so great with o#e3she scares %e' "akes %e afrai! an4 %ean'7 John aske!& 7Was it a sin6 )s they any part of it yo$ %ight ca a sin67 Casy t$rne! on hi% in astonish%ent& 7A sin6 0o& there ain4t no part of it that4s a sin'7 7) ain4t ne#er !one nothin4 that wasn4t part sin&7 sai! John& an! he ooke! at the ong wrappe! bo!y' To% an! "a an! >a got into the front seat' To% et the tr$ck ro an! starte! on co%pression' An! the hea#y tr$ck %o#e!& snorting an! :erking an! popping !own the hi ' The s$n was behin! the%& an! the

#a ey go !en an! green before the%' "a shook her hea! s ow y fro% si!e to si!e' 7)t4s p$rty&7 she sai!' 7) wisht they co$ ! of saw it'7 7) wisht so too&7 sai! >a' To% patte! the steering whee $n!er his han!' 7They was too o !&7 he sai!' 7They wo$ !n4t of saw nothin4 that4s here' Gra%pa wo$ ! a been a* seein4 the )n:$ns an4 the prairie co$ntry when he was a yo$ng fe a' An4 Gran%a wo$ ! a re%e%bere! an4 seen the first ho%e she i#e! in' They was too o 4' Who4s rea y seein4 it is R$thie an4 Winfie 4'7 >a sai!& 72ere4s To%%y ta kin4 ike a growe!*$p %an& ta kin4 ike a preacher a %os4'7 An! "a s%i e! sa! y' 72e is' To%%y4s growe! way $p3way $p so ) can4t get aho t of 4i% so%eti%es'7 They poppe! !own the %o$ntain& twisting an! ooping& osing the #a ey so%eti%es& an! then fin!ing it again' An! the hot breath of the #a ey ca%e $p to the%& with hot green s%e s on it& an! with resino$s sage an! tarwee! s%e s' The crickets crack e! a ong the roa!' A ratt esnake craw e! across the roa! an! To% hit it an! broke it an! eft it s($ir%ing' To% sai!& 7) g$ess we got to go to the coroner& where#er he is' We got to get her b$rie! !ecent' 2ow %$ch %oney %ight be ef4& >a67 74/o$t forty !o ars&7 sai! >a' To% a$ghe!' 7Jes$s& are we gonna start c ean= We s$re ain4t bringin4 nothin4 with $s'7 2e ch$ck e! a %o%ent& an! then his face straightene! ($ick y' 2e p$ e! the #isor of his cap !own ow o#er his eyes' An! the tr$ck ro e! !own the %o$ntain into the great #a ey'

19 ONCE CALIFORNIA "ELONGED to "e.ico an! its an! to "e.icans+ an! a hor!e of tattere! fe#erish A%ericans po$re! in' An! s$ch was their h$nger for an! that they took the an!3sto e S$tter4s an!& G$errero4s an!& took the grants an! broke the% $p an! grow e! an! ($arre e! o#er the%& those frantic h$ngry %en+ an! they g$ar!e!

with g$ns the an! they ha! sto en' They p$t $p ho$ses an! barns& they t$rne! the earth an! p ante! crops' An! these things were possession& an! possession was ownership' The "e.icans were weak an! f e!' They co$ ! not resist& beca$se they wante! nothing in the wor ! as frantica y as the A%ericans wante! an!' Then& with ti%e& the s($atters were no onger s($atters& b$t owners+ an! their chi !ren grew $p an! ha! chi !ren on the an!' An! the h$nger was gone fro% the%& the fera h$nger& the gnawing& tearing h$nger for an!& for water an! earth an! the goo! sky o#er it& for the green thr$sting grass& for the swe ing roots' They ha! these things so co%p ete y that they !i! not know abo$t the% any %ore' They ha! no %ore the sto%ach*tearing $st for a rich acre an! a shining b a!e to p ow it& for see! an! a win!%i beating its wings in the air' They arose in the !ark no %ore to hear the s eepy bir!s4 first chittering& an! the %orning win! aro$n! the ho$se whi e they waite! for the first ight to go o$t to the !ear acres' These things were ost& an! crops were reckone! in !o ars& an! an! was #a $e! by principa p $s interest& an! crops were bo$ght an! so ! before they were p ante!' Then crop fai $re& !ro$ght& an! f oo! were no onger itt e !eaths within ife& b$t si%p e osses of %oney' An! a their o#e was thinne! with %oney& an! a their fierceness !ribb e! away in interest $nti they were no onger far%ers at a & b$t itt e shopkeepers of crops& itt e %an$fact$rers who %$st se before they can %ake' Then those far%ers who were not goo! shopkeepers ost their an! to goo! shopkeepers' 0o %atter how c e#er& how o#ing a %an %ight be with earth an! growing things& he co$ ! not s$r#i#e if he were not a so a goo! shopkeeper' An! as ti%e went on& the b$siness %en ha! the far%s& an! the far%s grew arger& b$t there were fewer of the%' 0ow far%ing beca%e in!$stry& an! the owners fo owe! Ro%e& a tho$gh they !i! not know it' They i%porte! s a#es& a tho$gh they !i! not ca the% s a#es- Chinese& Japanese& "e.icans& 8i ipinos' They i#e on rice an! beans& the b$siness %en sai!' They !on4t nee! %$ch' They wo$ !n4t know what to !o with goo! wages' Why& ook how they i#e' Why& ook what they eat' An! if they get f$nny3!eport the%'

An! a the ti%e the far%s grew arger an! the owners fewer' An! there were pitif$ y few far%ers on the an! any %ore' An! the i%porte! serfs were beaten an! frightene! an! star#e! $nti so%e went ho%e again& an! so%e grew fierce an! were ki e! or !ri#en fro% the co$ntry' An! the far%s grew arger an! the owners fewer' An! the crops change!' 8r$it trees took the p ace of grain fie !s& an! #egetab es to fee! the wor ! sprea! o$t on the botto%s- ett$ce& ca$ if ower& artichokes& potatoes3stoop crops' A %an %ay stan! to $se a scythe& a p ow& pitchfork+ b$t he %$st craw ike a b$g between the rows of ett$ce& he %$st ben! his back an! p$ his ong bag between the cotton rows& he %$st go on his knees ike a penitent across a ca$ if ower patch' An! it ca%e abo$t that owners no onger worke! on their far%s' They far%e! on paper+ an! they forgot the an!& the s%e & the fee of it& an! re%e%bere! on y that they owne! it& re%e%bere! on y what they gaine! an! ost by it' An! so%e of the far%s grew so arge that one %an co$ ! not e#en concei#e of the% any %ore& so arge that it took batteries of bookkeepers to keep track of interest an! gain an! oss+ che%ists to test the soi & to rep enish+ straw bosses to see that the stooping %en were %o#ing a ong the rows as swift y as the %ateria of their bo!ies co$ ! stan!' Then s$ch a far%er rea y beca%e a storekeeper& an! kept a store' 2e pai! the %en& an! so ! the% foo!& an! took the %oney back' An! after a whi e he !i! not pay the %en at a & an! sa#e! bookkeeping' These far%s ga#e foo! on cre!it' A %an %ight work an! fee! hi%se f an! when the work was !one& %ight fin! that he owe! %oney to the co%pany' An! the owners not on y !i! not work the far%s any %ore& %any of the% ha! ne#er seen the far%s they owne!' An! then the !ispossesse! were !rawn west3fro% ?ansas& Ok aho%a& 0ew "e.ico+ fro% 0e#a!a an! Arkansas fa%i ies& tribes& !$ste! o$t& tractore! o$t' Car oa!s& cara#ans& ho%e ess an! h$ngry+ twenty tho$san! an! fifty tho$san! an! a h$n!re! tho$san! an! two h$n!re! tho$san!' They strea%e! o#er the %o$ntains& h$ngry an! rest ess3 rest ess as ants& sc$rrying to fin! work to !o3to ift& to p$sh& to p$ & to pick& to c$t3anything& any b$r!en to bear& for foo!' The ki!s are

h$ngry' We got no p ace to i#e' Like ants sc$rrying for work& for foo!& an! %ost of a for an!' We ain4t foreign' Se#en generations back A%ericans& an! beyon! that )rish& Scotch& ,ng ish& Ger%an' One of o$r fo ks in the Re#o $tion& an4 they was ots of o$r fo ks in the Ci#i War3both si!es' A%ericans' They were h$ngry& an! they were fierce' An! they ha! hope! to fin! a ho%e& an! they fo$n! on y hatre!' Okies3the owners hate! the% beca$se the owners knew they were soft an! the Okies strong& that they were fe! an! the Okies h$ngry+ an! perhaps the owners ha! hear! fro% their gran!fathers how easy it is to stea an! fro% a soft %an if yo$ are fierce an! h$ngry an! ar%e!' The owners hate! the%' An! in the towns& the storekeepers hate! the% beca$se they ha! no %oney to spen!' There is no shorter path to a storekeeper4s conte%pt& an! a his a!%irations are e.act y opposite' The town %en& itt e bankers& hate! Okies beca$se there was nothing to gain fro% the%' They ha! nothing' An! the aboring peop e hate! Okies beca$se a h$ngry %an %$st work& an! if he %$st work& if he has to work& the wage payer a$to%atica y gi#es hi% ess for his work+ an! then no one can get %ore' An! the !ispossesse!& the %igrants& f owe! into Ca ifornia& two h$n!re! an! fifty tho$san!& an! three h$n!re! tho$san!' /ehin! the% new tractors were going on the an! an! the tenants were being force! off' An! new wa#es were on the way& new wa#es of the !ispossesse! an! the ho%e ess& har!ene!& intent& an! !angero$s' An! whi e the Ca ifornians wante! %any things& acc$%$ ation& socia s$ccess& a%$se%ent& $.$ry& an! a c$rio$s banking sec$rity& the new barbarians wante! on y two things3 an! an! foo!+ an! to the% the two were one' An! whereas the wants of the Ca ifornians were neb$ o$s an! $n!efine!& the wants of the Okies were besi!e the roa!s& ying there to be seen an! co#ete!- the goo! fie !s with water to be !$g for& the goo! green fie !s& earth to cr$%b e e.peri%enta y in the han!& grass to s%e & oaten sta ks to chew $nti the sharp sweetness was in the throat' A %an %ight ook at a fa ow fie ! an! know& an! see in his %in! that his own ben!ing back an! his own straining ar%s wo$ ! bring the cabbages into the ight& an! the go !en eating corn& the t$rnips an! carrots'

An! a ho%e ess h$ngry %an& !ri#ing the roa!s with his wife besi!e hi% an! his thin chi !ren in the back seat& co$ ! ook at the fa ow fie !s which %ight pro!$ce foo! b$t not profit& an! that %an co$ ! know how a fa ow fie ! is a sin an! the $n$se! an! a cri%e against the thin chi !ren' An! s$ch a %an !ro#e a ong the roa!s an! knew te%ptation at e#ery fie !& an! knew the $st to take these fie !s an! %ake the% grow strength for his chi !ren an! a itt e co%fort for his wife' The te%ptation was before hi% a ways' The fie !s goa!e! hi%& an! the co%pany !itches with goo! water f owing were a goa! to hi%' An! in the so$th he saw the go !en oranges hanging on the trees& the itt e go !en oranges in the !ark green trees+ an! g$ar!s with shotg$ns patro ing the ines so a %an %ight not pick an orange for a thin chi !& oranges to be !$%pe! if the price was ow' 2e !ro#e his o ! car into a town' 2e sco$re! the far%s for work' Where can we s eep the night6 We & there4s 2oo#er#i e on the e!ge of the ri#er' There4s a who e raft of Okies there' 2e !ro#e his o ! car to 2oo#er#i e' 2e ne#er aske! again& for there was a 2oo#er#i e on the e!ge of e#ery town' The rag town ay c ose to water+ an! the ho$ses were tents& an! wee!* thatche! enc os$res& paper ho$ses& a great :$nk pi e' The %an !ro#e his fa%i y in an! beca%e a citi5en of 2oo#er#i e3a ways they were ca e! 2oo#er#i e' The %an p$t $p his own tent as near to water as he co$ ! get+ or if he ha! no tent& he went to the city !$%p an! bro$ght back cartons an! b$i t a ho$se of corr$gate! paper' An! when the rains ca%e the ho$se %e te! an! washe! away' 2e sett e! in 2oo#er#i e an! he sco$re! the co$ntrysi!e for work& an! the itt e %oney he ha! went for gaso ine to ook for work' )n the e#ening the %en gathere! an! ta ke! together' S($atting on their ha%s they ta ke! of the an! they ha! seen' There4s thirty tho$san4 acres& o$t west of here' Layin4 there' Jes$s& what ) co$ ! !o with that& with fi#e acres of that= Why& he & )4! ha#e e#er4thing to eat' 0otice one thing6 They ain4t no #egetab es nor chickens nor pigs at the far%s' They raise one thing3cotton& say& or peaches& or ett$ce' 40other

p ace4 be a chickens' They b$y the st$ff they co$ ! raise in the !ooryar!' Jes$s& what ) co$ ! !o with a co$p e pigs= We & it ain4t yo$rn& an4 it ain4t gonna be yo$rn' What we gonna !o6 The ki!s can4t grow $p this way' )n the ca%ps the wor! wo$ ! co%e whispering& There4s work at Shafter' An! the cars wo$ ! be oa!e! in the night& the highways crow!e!3a go ! r$sh for work' At Shafter the peop e wo$ ! pi e $p& fi#e ti%es too %any to !o the work' A go ! r$sh for work' They sto e away in the night& frantic for work' An! a ong the roa!s ay the te%ptations& the fie !s that co$ ! bear foo!' That4s owne!' That ain4t o$r4n' We & %aybe we co$ ! get a itt e piece of her' "aybe3a itt e piece' Right !own there3a patch' Ji%son wee! now' Christ& ) co$ ! git eno$gh potatoes off4n that itt e patch to fee! %y who e fa%i y= )t ain4t o$r4n' )t got to ha#e Ji%son wee!s' 0ow an! then a %an trie!+ crept on the an! an! c eare! a piece& trying ike a thief to stea a itt e richness fro% the earth' Secret gar!ens hi!!en in the wee!s' A package of carrot see!s an! a few t$rnips' > ante! potato skins& crept o$t in the e#ening secret y to hoe in the sto en earth' Lea#e the wee!s aro$n! the e!ge3then nobo!y can see what we4re a* !oin4' Lea#e so%e wee!s& big ta ones& in the %i!! e' Secret gar!ening in the e#enings& an! water carrie! in a r$sty can' An! then one !ay a !ep$ty sheriff- We & what yo$ think yo$4re !oin46 ) ain4t !oin4 no har%' ) ha! %y eye on yo$' This ain4t yo$r an!' 9o$4re trespassing' The an! ain4t p owe!& an4 ) ain4t h$rtin4 it none' 9o$ go!!a%ne! s($atters' >retty soon yo$4! think yo$ owne! it' 9o$4! be sore as he ' Think yo$ owne! it' Get off now' An! the itt e green carrot tops were kicke! off an! the t$rnip greens tra%p e!' An! then the Ji%son wee! %o#e! back in' /$t the cop was right' A crop raise!3why& that %akes ownership' Lan! hoe! an! the carrots eaten3a %an %ight fight for an! he4s taken foo! fro%' Get hi%

off ($ick= 2e4 think he owns it' 2e %ight e#en !ie fighting for the itt e p ot a%ong the Ji%son wee!s' 1i! ya see his face when we kicke! the% t$rnips o$t6 Why& he4! ki a fe a soon4s he4! ook at hi%' We got to keep these here peop e !own or they4 take the co$ntry' They4 take the co$ntry' O$t an!ers& foreigners' S$re& they ta k the sa%e ang$age& b$t they ain4t the sa%e' Look how they i#e' Think any of $s fo ks4! i#e ike that6 2e & no= )n the e#ening& s($atting an! ta king' An! an e.cite! %an- Whyn4t twenty of $s take a piece of an46 We got g$ns' Take it an4 say& 7>$t $s off if yo$ can'7 Whyn4t we !o that6 They4! :$s4 shoot $s ike rats' We & which4! yo$ r$ther be& !ea! or here6 <n!er gro$n4 or in a ho$se a %a!e of g$nny sacks6 Which4! yo$ r$ther for yo$r ki!s& !ea! now or !ea! in two years with what they ca %a n$trition6 ?now what we et a week6 /i e! nett es an4 frie! !o$gh= ?now where we got the f o$r for the !o$gh6 Swep4 the f oor of a' Ta king in the ca%ps& an! the !ep$ties& fat*asse! %en with g$ns s $ng on fat hips& swaggering thro$gh the ca%ps- Gi#e 4e% so%epin to think abo$t' Got to keep 4e% in ine or Christ on y knows what they4 !o= Why& Jes$s& they4re as !angero$s as niggers in the So$th= )f they e#er get together there ain4t nothin4 that4 stop 4e%' H$ote- )n Lawrence#i e a !ep$ty sheriff e#icte! a s($atter& an! the s($atter resiste!& %aking it necessary for the officer to $se force' The e e#en*year*o ! son of the s($atter shot an! ki e! the !ep$ty with a '@@ rif e' Ratt esnakes= 1on4t take chances with 4e%& an4 if they arg$e& shoot first' )f a ki!4 ki a cop& what4 the %en !o6 Thing is& get to$gher4n they are' Treat 4e% ro$gh' Scare 4e%' What if they won4t scare6 What if they stan! $p an! take it an! shoot back6 These %en were ar%e! when they were chi !ren' A g$n is an e.tension of the%se #es' What if they won4t scare6 What if so%e ti%e an ar%y of the% %arches on the an! as the Lo%bar!s !i! in )ta y& as the Ger%ans !i! on Ga$ an! the T$rks !i! on /y5anti$%6 They were an!* h$ngry& i *ar%e! hor!es too& an! the egions co$ ! not stop the%'

S a$ghter an! terror !i! not stop the%' 2ow can yo$ frighten a %an whose h$nger is not on y in his own cra%pe! sto%ach b$t in the wretche! be ies of his chi !ren6 9o$ can4t scare hi%3he has known a fear beyon! e#ery other' )n 2oo#er#i e the %en ta king- Gra%pa took his an4 fro% the )n:$ns' 0ow& this ain4t right' We4re a*ta kin4 here' This here yo$4re ta kin4 abo$t is stea in4' ) ain4t no thief' 0o6 9o$ sto e a bott e of %i k fro% a porch night before ast' An4 yo$ sto e so%e copper wire an! so ! it for a piece of %eat' 9eah& b$t the ki!s was h$ngry' )t4s stea in4& tho$gh' ?now how the 8airfie 4 ranch was got6 )4 te ya' )t was a go#4%ent an4& an4 co$ ! be took $p' O 4 8airfie 4& he went into San 8rancisco to the bars& an4 he got hi% three h$n!er! stew b$%s' The% b$%s took $p the an4' 8airfie 4 kep4 4e% in foo! an4 whisky& an4 then when they4! pro#e! the an4& o 4 8airfie 4 took it fro% 4e%' 2e $se! to say the an4 cost hi% a pint of rotg$t an acre' Wo$ ! yo$ say that was stea in46 We & it wasn4t right& b$t he ne#er went to :ai for it' 0o& he ne#er went to :ai for it' An4 the fe a that p$t a boat in a wagon an4 %a!e his report ike it was a $n!er water 4ca$se he went in a boat3 he ne#er went to :ai neither' An4 the fe as that bribe! congress%en an! the egis at$res ne#er went to :ai neither' A o#er the State& :abbering in the 2oo#er#i es' An! then the rai!s3the swoop of ar%e! !ep$ties on the s($atters4 ca%ps' Get o$t' 1epart%ent of 2ea th or!ers' This ca%p is a %enace to hea th' Where we gonna go6 That4s none of o$r b$siness' We got or!ers to get yo$ o$t of here' )n ha f an ho$r we set fire to the ca%p' They4s typhoi! !own the ine' 9o$ want ta sprea! it a o#er6 We got or!ers to get yo$ o$t of here' 0ow get= )n ha f an ho$r we b$rn the ca%p' )n ha f an ho$r the s%oke of paper ho$ses& of wee!*thatche! h$ts& rising to the sky& an! the peop e in their cars o#er the highways& ooking for another 2oo#er#i e'

An! in ?ansas an! Arkansas& in Ok aho%a an! an! 0ew "e.ico& the tractors %o#e! in an! p$she! the tenants o$t' Three h$n!re! tho$san! in Ca ifornia an! %ore co%ing' An! in Ca ifornia the roa!s f$ of frantic peop e r$nning ike ants to p$ & to p$sh& to ift& to work' 8or e#ery %an oa! to ift& fi#e pairs of ar%s e.ten!e! to ift it+ for e#ery sto%achf$ of foo! a#ai ab e& fi#e %o$ths open' An! the great owners& who %$st ose their an! in an $phea#a & the great owners with access to history& with eyes to rea! history an! to know the great fact- when property acc$%$ ates in too few han!s it is taken away' An! that co%panion fact- when a %a:ority of the peop e are h$ngry an! co ! they wi take by force what they nee!' An! the itt e screa%ing fact that so$n!s thro$gh a history- repression works on y to strengthen an! knit the represse!' The great owners ignore! the three cries of history' The an! fe into fewer han!s& the n$%ber of the !ispossesse! increase!& an! e#ery effort of the great owners was !irecte! at repression' The %oney was spent for ar%s& for gas to protect the great ho !ings& an! spies were sent to catch the %$r%$ring of re#o t so that it %ight be sta%pe! o$t' The changing econo%y was ignore!& p ans for the change ignore!+ an! on y %eans to !estroy re#o t were consi!ere!& whi e the ca$ses of re#o t went on' The tractors which throw %en o$t of work& the be t ines which carry oa!s& the %achines which pro!$ce& a were increase!+ an! %ore an! %ore fa%i ies sca%pere! on the highways& ooking for cr$%bs fro% the great ho !ings& $sting after the an! besi!e the roa!s' The great owners for%e! associations for protection an! they %et to !isc$ss ways to inti%i!ate& to ki & to gas' An! a ways they were in fear of a principa 3 three h$n!re! tho$san!3if they e#er %o#e $n!er a ea!er3the en!' Three h$n!re! tho$san!& h$ngry an! %iserab e+ if they e#er know the%se #es& the an! wi be theirs an! a the gas& a the rif es in the wor ! won4t stop the%' An! the great owners& who ha! beco%e thro$gh their ho !ings both %ore an! ess than %en& ran to their !estr$ction& an! $se! e#ery %eans that in the ong r$n wo$ ! !estroy the%' ,#ery itt e %eans& e#ery #io ence& e#ery rai! on a 2oo#er#i e& e#ery !ep$ty

swaggering thro$gh a ragge! ca%p p$t off the !ay a itt e an! ce%ente! the ine#itabi ity of the !ay' The %en s($atte! on their ha%s& sharp*face! %en& ean fro% h$nger an! har! fro% resisting it& s$ en eyes an! har! :aws' An! the rich an! was aro$n! the%' 14:a hear abo$t the ki! in the fo$rth tent !own6 0o& ) :$s4 co%e in' We & that ki!4s been a*cryin4 in his s eep an4 a*ro in4 in his s eep' The% fo ks tho$ght he got wor%s' So they gi#e hi% a b aster& an4 he !ie!' )t was what they ca b ack*tong$e the ki! ha!' Co%es fro% not gettin4 goo! things to eat' >oor itt e fe a' 9eah& b$t the% fo ks can4t b$ry hi%' Got to go to the co$nty stone orchar!' We & he ' An! han!s went into pockets an! itt e coins ca%e o$t' )n front of the tent a itt e heap of si #er grew' An! the fa%i y fo$n! it there' O$r peop e are goo! peop e+ o$r peop e are kin! peop e' >ray Go! so%e !ay kin! peop e won4t a be poor' >ray Go! so%e !ay a ki! can eat' An! the association of owners knew that so%e !ay the praying wo$ ! stop' An! there4s the en!' 2 THE FA!ILY ON TOP of the oa!& the chi !ren an! Connie an! Rose of Sharon an! the preacher were stiff an! cra%pe!' They ha! sat in the heat in front of the coroner4s office in /akersfie ! whi e >a an! "a an! <nc e John went in' Then a basket was bro$ght o$t an! the ong b$n! e ifte! !own fro% the tr$ck' An! they sat in the s$n whi e the e.a%ination went on& whi e the ca$se of !eath was fo$n! an! the certificate signe!'

A an! To% stro e! a ong the street an! ooke! in store win!ows an! watche! the strange peop e on the si!ewa ks' An! at ast >a an! "a an! <nc e John ca%e o$t& an! they were s$b!$e! an! ($iet' <nc e John c i%be! $p on the oa!' >a an! "a got in the seat' To% an! A stro e! back an! To% got $n!er the steering whee ' 2e sat there si ent y& waiting for so%e instr$ction' >a ooke! straight ahea!& his !ark hat p$ e! ow' "a r$bbe! the si!es of her %o$th with her fingers& an! her eyes were far away an! ost& !ea! with weariness' >a sighe! !eep y' 7They wasn4t nothin4 e se to !o&7 he sai!' 7) know&7 sai! "a' 7She wo$ ! a ike! a nice f$nera & tho$gh' She a ways wante! one'7 To% ooke! si!eways at the%' 7Co$nty67 he aske!' 79eah&7 >a shook his hea! ($ick y& as tho$gh to get back to so%e rea ity' 7We !i!n4 ha#e eno$gh' We co$ !n4 of !one it'7 2e t$rne! to "a' 79o$ ain4t to fee ba!' We co$ !n4 no %atter how har! we trie!& no %atter what we !one' We :$s4 !i!n4 ha#e it+ e%ba %ing& an4 a coffin an4 a preacher& an4 a p ot in a gra#eyar!' )t wo$ ! of took ten ti%es what we got' We !one the bes4 we co$ !'7 7) know&7 "a sai!' 7) :$s4 can4t get it o$ta %y hea! what store she set by a nice f$nera ' Got to forget it'7 She sighe! !eep y an! r$bbe! the si!e of her %o$th' 7That was a p$rty nice fe a in there' Awf$ bossy& b$t he was p$rty nice'7 79eah&7 >a sai!' 72e gi#e $s the straight ta k& awright'7 "a br$she! her hair back with her han!' 2er :aw tightene!' 7We got to git&7 she sai!' 7We got to fin! a p ace to stay' We got to get work an4 sett e !own' 0o $se a* ettin4 the itt e fe as go h$ngry' That wasn4t ne#er Gran%a4s way' She a ways et a goo! %ea at a f$nera '7 7Where we goin467 To% aske!' >a raise! his hat an! scratche! a%ong his hair' 7Ca%p&7 he sai!' 7We ain4t gonna spen4 what itt e4s ef4 ti we get work' 1ri#e o$t in the co$ntry'7 To% starte! the car an! they ro e! thro$gh the streets an! o$t towar! the co$ntry' An! by a bri!ge they saw a co ection of tents an! shacks' To% sai!& 7"ight4s we stop here' 8in! o$t what4s !oin4& an4 where at the

work is'7 2e !ro#e !own a steep !irt inc ine an! parke! on the e!ge of the enca%p%ent' There was no or!er in the ca%p+ itt e gray tents& shacks& cars were scattere! abo$t at ran!o%' The first ho$se was non!escript' The so$th wa was %a!e of three sheets of r$sty corr$gate! iron& the east wa a s($are of %o !y carpet tacke! between two boar!s& the north wa a strip of roofing paper an! a strip of tattere! can#as& an! the west wa si. pieces of g$nny sacking' O#er the s($are fra%e& on $ntri%%e! wi ow i%bs& grass ha! been pi e!& not thatche!& b$t heape! $p in a ow %o$n!' The entrance& on the g$nnysack si!e& was c $ttere! with e($ip%ent' A fi#e*ga on kerosene can ser#e! for a sto#e' )t was ai! on its si!e& with a section of r$sty sto#epipe thr$st in one en!' A wash boi er reste! on its si!e against the wa + an! a co ection of ay abo$t& to sit on& to eat on' A "o!e T 8or! se!an an! a two*whee trai er were parke! besi!e the shack& an! abo$t the ca%p there h$ng a s o#en y !espair' 0e.t to the shack there was a itt e tent& gray with weathering& b$t neat y& proper y set $p+ an! the in front of it were p ace! against the tent wa ' A sto#epipe st$ck o$t of the !oor f ap& an! the !irt in front of the tent ha! been swept an! sprink e!' A b$cketf$ of soaking c othes stoo! on a bo.' The ca%p was neat an! st$r!y' A "o!e A roa!ster an! a itt e ho%e*%a!e be! trai er stoo! besi!e the tent' An! ne.t there was a h$ge tent& ragge!& torn in strips an! the tears %en!e! with pieces of wire' The f aps were $p& an! insi!e fo$r wi!e %attresses ay on the gro$n!' A c othes ine str$ng a ong the si!e bore pink cotton !resses an! se#era pairs of o#era s' There were forty tents an! shacks& an! besi!e each habitation so%e kin! of a$to%obi e' 8ar !own the ine a few chi !ren stoo! an! stare! at the new y arri#e! tr$ck& an! they %o#e! towar! it& itt e boys in o#era s an! bare feet& their hair gray with !$st' To% stoppe! the tr$ck an! ooke! at >a' 7She ain4t #ery p$rty&7 he sai!' 7Want to go so%ewheres e se67 7Can4t go nowhere e se ti we know where we4re at&7 >a sai!' 7We got to ast abo$t work'7

To% opene! the !oor an! steppe! o$t' The fa%i y c i%be! !own fro% the oa! an! ooke! c$rio$s y at the ca%p' R$thie an! Winfie !& fro% the habit of the roa!& took !own the b$cket an! wa ke! towar! the wi ows& where there wo$ ! be water+ an! the ine of chi !ren parte! for the% an! c ose! after the%' The f aps of the first shack parte! an! a wo%an ooke! o$t' 2er gray hair was brai!e!& an! she wore a !irty& f owere! "other 2$bbar!' 2er face was wi5ene! an! !$ & !eep gray po$ches $n!er b ank eyes& an! a %o$th s ack an! oose' >a sai!& 7Can we :$s4 p$ $p anywheres an4 ca%p67 The hea! was with!rawn insi!e the shack' 8or a %o%ent there was ($iet an! then the f aps were p$she! asi!e an! a bear!e! %an in shirt s ee#es steppe! o$t' The wo%an ooke! o$t after hi%& b$t she !i! not co%e into the open' The bear!e! %an sai!& 72ow!y& fo ks&7 an! his rest ess !ark eyes :$%pe! to each %e%ber of the fa%i y& an! fro% the% to the tr$ck to the e($ip%ent' >a sai!& 7) :$s4 ast yo$r wo%an if it4s a right to set o$r st$ff anywheres'7 The bear!e! %an ooke! at >a intent y& as tho$gh he ha! sai! so%ething #ery wise that nee!e! tho$ght' 7Set !own anywheres& here in this p ace67 he aske!' 7S$re' Anybo!y own this p ace& that we got to see 4fore we can ca%p67 The bear!e! %an s($inte! one eye near y c ose! an! st$!ie! >a' 79o$ wanta ca%p here67 >a4s irritation arose' The gray wo%an peere! o$t of the b$r ap shack' 7What yo$ think )4% a*sayin467 >a sai!' 7We & if yo$ wanta ca%p here& why !on4t ya6 ) ain4t a*stoppin4 yo$'7 To% a$ghe!' 72e got it'7 >a gathere! his te%per' 7) :$s4 wante! to know !oes anybo!y own it6 1o we got to pay67 The bear!e! %an thr$st o$t his :aw' 7Who owns it67 he !e%an!e!' >a t$rne! away' 7The he with it&7 he sai!' The wo%an4s hea! poppe! back in the tent'

The bear!e! %an steppe! forwar! %enacing y' 7Who owns it67 he !e%an!e!' 7Who4s gonna kick $s o$ta here6 9o$ tell %e'7 To% steppe! in front of >a' 79o$ better go take a goo! ong s eep&7 he sai!' The bear!e! %an !roppe! his %o$th open an! p$t a !irty finger against his ower g$%s' 8or a %o%ent he contin$e! to ook wise y& spec$ ati#e y at To%& an! then he t$rne! on his hee s an! poppe! into the shack after the gray wo%an' To% t$rne! on >a' 7What the he was that67 he aske!' >a shr$gge! his sho$ !ers' 2e was ooking across the ca%p' )n front of a tent stoo! an o ! /$ick& an! the hea! was off' A yo$ng %an was grin!ing the #a #es& an! as he twiste! back an! forth& back an! forth& on the too & he ooke! $p at the Joa! tr$ck' They co$ ! see that he was a$ghing to hi%se f' When the bear!e! %an was gone& the yo$ng %an eft his work an! sa$ntere! o#er' 724are ya67 he sai!& an! his b $e eyes were shiny with a%$se%ent' 7) seen yo$ :$st %et the "ayor'7 7What the he 4s the %atter with 4i%67 To% !e%an!e!' The yo$ng %an ch$ck e!' 72e4s :$s4 n$ts ike yo$ an4 %e' "aybe he4s a itt e n$tser4n %e& ) !on4 know'7 >a sai!& 7) :$s4 ast hi% if we co$ ! ca%p here'7 The yo$ng %an wipe! his greasy han!s on his tro$sers' 7S$re' Why not6 9o$ fo ks :$s4 co%e acrost67 79eah&7 sai! To%' 7J$s4 got in this %ornin4'7 70e#er been in 2oo#er#i e before67 7Where4s 2oo#er#i e67 7This here4s her'7 7Oh=7 sai! To%' 7We :$s4 got in'7 Winfie ! an! R$thie ca%e back& carrying a b$cket of water between the%' "a sai!& 7Le4s get the ca%p $p' )4% t$ckere! o$t' "aybe we can a rest'7 >a an! <nc e John c i%be! $p on the tr$ck to $n oa! the can#as an! the be!s' To% sa$ntere! to the yo$ng %an& an! wa ke! besi!e hi% back to the car he ha! been working on' The #a #e*grin!ing brace ay on the e.pose! b ock& an! a itt e ye ow can of #a #e*grin!ing co%po$n! was we!ge! on

top of the #ac$$% tank' To% aske!& 7What the he was the %atter4th that o 4 fe a with the bear!67 The yo$ng %an picke! $p his brace an! went to work& twisting back an! forth& grin!ing #a #e against #a #e seat' 7The "ayor6 Chris4 knows' ) g$ess %aybe he4s b$ *si%p e'7 7What4s 4b$ *si%p e467 7) g$ess cops p$sh 4i% aro$n4 so %$ch he4s sti spinning'7 To% aske!& 7Why wo$ ! they p$sh a fe a ike that aro$n467' The yo$ng %an stoppe! his work an! ooke! in To%4s eyes' 7Chris4 knows&7 he sai!' 79o$ :$s4 co%e' "aybe yo$ can figger her o$t' So%e fe as says one thing& an4 so%e says another thing' /$t yo$ :$s4 ca%p in one p ace a itt e whi e& an4 yo$ see how ($ick a !ep$ty sheriff sho#es yo$ a ong'7 2e ifte! a #a #e an! s%eare! co%po$n! on the seat' 7/$t what the he for67 7) te ya ) !on4 know' So%e says they !on4 want $s to #ote+ keep $s %o#in4 so we can4t #ote' An4 so%e says so we can4t get on re ief' An4 so%e says if we set in one p ace we4! get organi5e!' ) !on4 know why' ) on4y know we get ro!e a the ti%e' 9o$ wait& yo$4 see'7 7We ain4t no b$%s&7 To% insiste!' 7We4re ookin4 for work' We4 take any kin! a work'7 The yo$ng %an pa$se! in fitting the brace to the #a #e s ot' 2e ooke! in a%a5e%ent at To%' 7Lookin4 for work67 he sai!' 7So yo$4re ookin4 for work' What ya think e#er4bo!y e se is ookin4 for6 1i4%on!s6 What yo$ think ) wore %y ass !own to a n$b ookin4 for67 2e twiste! the brace back an! forth' To% ooke! abo$t at the gri%y tents& the :$nk e($ip%ent& at the o ! cars& the $%py %attresses o$t in the s$n& at the b ackene! cans on fire* b ackene! ho es where the peop e cooke!' 2e aske! ($iet y& 7Ain4t they no work67 7) !on4 know' "$s4 be' Ain4t no crop right here now' Grapes to pick ater& an4 cotton to pick ater' We4re a*%o#in4 on& soon4s ) get these here #a #es gro$n4' "e an4 %y wife an4 %y ki!s' We hear! they was work $p north' We4re sho#in4 north& $p aro$n4 Sa inas'7 To% saw <nc e John an! >a an! the preacher hoisting the tarpa$ in on the tent po es an! "a on her knees insi!e& br$shing off the

%attresses on the gro$n!' A circ e of ($iet chi !ren stoo! to watch the new fa%i y get sett e!& ($iet chi !ren with bare feet an! !irty faces' To% sai!& 7/ack ho%e so%e fe as co%e thro$gh with han4bi s3orange ones' Says they nee! ots a peop e o$t here to work the crops'7 The yo$ng %an a$ghe!' 7They say they4s three h$n!er! tho$san4 $s fo ks here& an4 ) bet e#er4 !a%4 fa%4 y seen the% han4bi s'7 79eah& b$t if they !on4 nee! fo ks& what4! they go to the tro$b e p$ttin4 the% things o$t for67 7<se yo$r hea!& why !on4cha67 79eah& b$t ) wanta know'7 7Look&7 the yo$ng %an sai!' 7S4pose yo$ got a :ob a work& an4 there4s :$s4 one fe a wants the :ob' 9o$ got to pay 4i% what he asts' /$t s4pose they4s a h$n!er! %en'7 2e p$t !own his too ' 2is eyes har!ene! an! his #oice sharpene!' 7S4pose they4s a h$n!er! %en wants that :ob' S4pose the% %en got ki!s& an4 the% ki!s is h$ngry' S4pose a o$sy !i%e4 b$y a bo. a %$sh for the% ki!s' S4pose a nicke 4 b$y at eas4 so%epin for the% ki!s' An4 yo$ got a h$n!er! %en' J$s4 offer 4e% a nicke 3why& they4 ki each other fightin4 for that nicke ' ?now what they was payin4 as4 :ob ) ha!6 8ifteen cents an ho$r' Ten ho$rs for a !o ar an4 a ha f& an4 ya can4t stay on the p ace' Got to b$rn gaso ine gettin4 there'7 2e was panting with anger& an! his eyes b a5e! with hate' 7That4s why the% han4bi s was o$t' 9o$ can print a he of a ot of han4bi s with what ya sa#e payin4 fifteen cents an ho$r for fie 4 work'7 To% sai!& 7That4s stinkin4'7 The yo$ng %an a$ghe! harsh y' 79o$ stay o$t here a itt e whi e& an4 if yo$ s%e any roses& yo$ co%e et %e s%e & too'7 7/$t they is work&7 To% insiste!' 7Christ A %ighty& with a this st$ff a*growin4- orchar!s& grapes& #egetab es3) seen it' They got to ha#e %en' ) seen a that st$ff'7 A chi ! crie! in the tent besi!e the car' The yo$ng %an went into the tent an! his #oice ca%e soft y thro$gh the can#as' To% picke! $p the brace& fitte! it in the s ot of the #a #e& an! gro$n! away& his han! whipping back an! forth' The chi !4s crying stoppe!' The yo$ng %an ca%e o$t an! watche! To%' 79o$ can !o her&7 he sai!' 71a%n goo! thing' 9o$4 nee! to'7

72ow 4bo$t what ) sai!67 To% res$%e!' 7) seen a the st$ff growin4'7 The yo$ng %an s($atte! on his hee s' 7)4 te ya&7 he sai! ($iet y' 7They4s a big son*of*a*bitch of a peach orchar! ) worke! in' Takes nine %en a the year ro$n4'7 2e pa$se! i%pressi#e y' 7Takes three tho$san4 %en for two weeks when the% peaches is ripe' Got to ha#e 4e% or the% peaches4 rot' So what !o they !o6 They sen! o$t han4bi s a o#er he ' They nee! three tho$san4& an4 they get si. tho$san4' They get the% %en for what they wanta pay' )f ya !on4t wanta take what they pay& go!!a%n it& they4s a tho$san4 %en waitin4 for yo$r :ob' So ya pick& an4 ya pick& an4 then she4s !one' Who e part a the co$ntry4s peaches' A ripe together' When ya get 4e% picke!& e#er4 go!!a%n one is picke!' There ain4t another !a%n thing in that part a the co$ntry to !o' An4 the% owners !on4 want yo$ there no %ore' Three tho$san4 of yo$' The work4s !one' 9o$ %ight stea & yo$ %ight get !r$nk& yo$ %ight :$s4 raise he ' An4 besi!es& yo$ !on4 ook nice& i#in4 in o 4 tents+ an4 it4s a pretty co$ntry& b$t yo$ stink it $p' They !on4 want yo$ aro$n4' So they kick yo$ o$t& they %o#e yo$ a ong' That4s how it is'7 To%& ooking !own towar! the Joa! tent& saw his %other& hea#y an! s ow with weariness& b$i ! a itt e trash fire an! p$t the cooking pots o#er the f a%e' The circ e of chi !ren !rew c oser& an! the ca % wi!e eyes of the chi !ren watche! e#ery %o#e of "a4s han!s' An o !& o ! %an with a bent back ca%e ike a ba!ger o$t of a tent an! snoope! near& sniffing the air as he ca%e' 2e ace! his ar%s behin! hi% an! :oine! the chi !ren to watch "a' R$thie an! Winfie ! stoo! near to "a an! eye! the strangers be igerent y' To% sai! angri y& 7The% peaches got to be picke! right now& !on4t they6 J$s4 when they4re ripe67 74Co$rse they !o'7 7We & s4pose the% peop e got together an4 says& 4Let e% rot'4 Wo$ !n4 be ong 4fore the price went $p& by Go!=7 The yo$ng %an ooke! $p fro% the #a #es& ooke! sar!onica y at To%' 7We & yo$ figgere! o$t so%epin& !i!n4 yo$' Co%e right o$ta yo$r own hea!'7

7)4% tar4!&7 sai! To%' 71ro#e a night' ) !on4t wanta start no arg$%ent' An4 )4% so go!!a%n tar4! )4! arg$e easy' 1on4t be s%art with %e' )4% askin4 yo$'7 The yo$ng %an grinne!' 7) !i!n4 %ean it' 9o$ ain4t been here' 8o ks figgere! that o$t' An4 the fo ks with the peach orchar! figgere! her o$t too' Look& if the fo ks gets together& they4s a ea!er3got to be3fe a that !oes the ta kin4' We & first ti%e this fe a opens his %o$th they grab 4i% an4 stick 4i% in :ai ' An4 if they4s another ea!er pops $p& why& they stick !i in :ai '7 To% sai!& 7We & a fe a eats in :ai anyways'7 72is ki!s !on4t' 2ow4! yo$ ike to be in an4 yo$r ki!s star#in4 to !eath67 79eah&7 sai! To% s ow y' 79eah'7 7An4 here4s another thing' ,#er hear a4 the b ack ist67 7What4s that67 7We & yo$ :$s4 open yo$r trap abo$t $s fo ks gettin4 together& an4 yo$4 see' They take yo$r pitcher an4 sen! it a o#er' Then yo$ can4t get work nowhere' An4 if yo$ got ki!s*7 To% took off his cap& an! twiste! it in his han!s' 7So we take what we can get& h$h& or we star#e+ an4 if we ye p we star#e'7 The yo$ng %an %a!e a sweeping circ e with his han!& an! his han! took in the ragge! tents an! the r$sty cars' To% ooke! !own at his %other again& where she sat scraping potatoes' An! the chi !ren ha! !rawn c oser' 2e sai!& 7) ain4t gonna take it' Go!!a%n it& ) an4 %y fo ks ain4t no sheep' )4 kick the he o$ta so%ebo!y'7 7Like a cop67 7Like anybo!y'7 79o$4re n$ts&7 sai! the yo$ng %an' 7They4 pick yo$ right off' 9o$ got no na%e& no property' They4 fin! yo$ in a !itch& with the b oo! !rie! on yo$r %o$th an4 yo$r nose' /e one itt e ine in the paper3know what it4 say6 4Gagrant fo$n4 !ea!'4 An4 that4s a ' 9o$4 see a ot of the% itt e ines& 4Gagrant fo$n4 !ea!'47 To% sai!& 7They4 be so%ebo!y e se fo$n4 !ea! right 4 ongsi!e of this here #agrant'7

79o$4re n$ts&7 sai! the yo$ng %an' 7Won4t be no goo! in that'7 7We & what yo$ !oin4 abo$t it67 2e ooke! into the grease*streake! face' An! a #ei !rew !own o#er the eyes of the yo$ng %an' 70othin4' Where yo$ fro%67 7<s6 Right near Sa isaw& Ok aho%a'7 7J$s4 get in67 7J$s4 to!ay'7 7Gonna be aro$n4 here ong67 71on4t know' We4 stay where#er we can get work' Why67 70othin4'7 An! the #ei ca%e !own again' 7Got to s eep $p&7 sai! To%' 7To%orra we4 go o$t ookin4 for work'7 79o$ kin try'7 To% t$rne! away an! %o#e! towar! the Joa! tent' The yo$ng %an took $p the can of #a #e co%po$n! an! !$g his finger into it' 72i=7 he ca e!' To% t$rne!' 7What yo$ want67 7) want ta te ya'7 2e %otione! with his finger& on which a b ob of co%po$n! st$ck' 7) :$s4 want ta te ya' 1on4 go ookin4 for no tro$b e' 4"e%ber how that b$ *si%p e g$y ooke!67 78e a in the tent $p there67 79eah3 ooke! !$%b3no sense67 7What abo$t hi%67 7We & when the cops co%e in& an4 they co%e in a a ti%e& that4s how yo$ want ta be' 1$%b3!on4t know nothin4' 1on4 $n!erstan4 nothin4' That4s how the cops ike $s' 1on4t hit no cops' That4s :$s4 s$ici!e' /e b$ *si%p e'7 7Let the% go!!a%n cops r$n o#er %e& an4 %e !o nothin467 70o& ooka here' )4 co%e for ya tonight' "aybe )4% wrong' There4s stoo s aro$n4 a a ti%e' )4% takin4 a chancet& an4 ) got a ki!& too' /$t )4 co%e for ya' An4 if ya see a cop& why& yo$4re a go!!a%n !$%b Okie& see67 7That4s awright if we4re !oin4 anythin4&7 sai! To%' 71on4 yo$ worry' We4re !oin4 so%epin4& on4y we ain4t stickin4 o$r necks o$t' A ki! star#es ($ick' Two*three !ays for a ki!'7 2e went back to his :ob& sprea! the co%po$n! on a #a #e seat& an! his han! :erke! rapi! y back an! forth on the brace& an! his face was !$ an! !$%b'

To% stro e! s ow y back to his ca%p' 7/$ *si%p e&7 he sai! $n!er his breath' >a an! <nc e John ca%e towar! the ca%p& their ar%s oa!e! with !ry wi ow sticks& an! they threw the% !own by the fire an! s($atte! on their ha%s' 7Got her picke! o#er pretty goo!&7 sai! >a' 72a! ta go a ong ways for woo!'7 2e ooke! $p at the circ e of staring chi !ren' 7Lor! Go! A %ighty=7 he sai!' 7Where4! yo$ co%e fro%67 A of the chi !ren ooke! se f*conscio$s y at their feet' 7G$ess they s%e e! the cookin4&7 sai! "a' 7Winfie 4& get o$t fro% $n!er foot'7 She p$she! hi% o$t of her way' 7Got ta %ake $s $p a itt e stew&7 she sai!' 7We ain4t et nothin4 cooke! right sence we co%e fro% ho%e' >a& yo$ go $p to the store there an4 get so%e neck %eat' "ake a nice stew here'7 >a stoo! $p an! sa$ntere! away' A ha! the hoo! of the car $p& an! he ooke! !own at the greasy engine' 2e ooke! $p when To% approache!' 79o$ s$re ook happy as a b$55ar!&7 A sai!' 7)4% :$s4 gay as a toa! in spring rain&7 sai! To%' 7Looka the engine&7 A pointe!' 7>$rty goo!& h$h67 To% peere! in' 7Looks awright to %e'7 7Awright6 Jes$s& she4s won!erf$ ' She ain4t shot no oi nor nothin4'7 2e $nscrewe! a spark p $g an! st$ck his forefinger in the ho e' 7Cr$ste! $p so%e& b$t she4s !ry'7 To% sai!& 79o$ !one a nice :ob a pickin4' That what ya want %e to say67 7We & ) s$re was scairt the who e way& figgerin4 she4! b$st !own an4 it4! be %y fa$ t'7 70o& yo$ !one goo!' /etter get her in shape& 4ca$se to%orra we4re goin4 o$t ookin4 for work'7 7She4 ro &7 sai! A ' 71on4t yo$ worry none abo$t that'7 2e took o$t a pocket knife an! scrape! the points of the spark p $g' To% wa ke! aro$n! the si!e of the tent& an! he fo$n! Casy sitting on the earth& wise y regar!ing one bare foot' To% sat !own hea#i y besi!e hi%' 7Think she4s gonna work67 7What67 aske! Casy' 7The% toes of yo$rn'7

7Oh= J$s4 settin4 here a*thinkin4'7 79o$ a ways get goo! an4 co%f4tab e for it&7 sai! To%' Casy wagg e! his big toe $p an! his secon! toe !own& an! he s%i e! ($iet y' 72ar! eno$gh for a fe a to think 4tho$t kinkin4 hisse f $p to !o it'7 7Ain4t hear! a peep o$ta yo$ for !ays&7 sai! To%' 7Thinkin4 a the ti%e67 79eah& thinkin4 a the ti%e'7 To% took off his c oth cap& !irty now& an! r$ino$s& the #isor pointe! as a bir!4s beak' 2e t$rne! the sweat ban! o$t an! re%o#e! a ong strip of fo !e! newspaper' 7Sweat so %$ch she4s shrank&7 he sai!' 2e ooke! at Casy4s wa#ing toes' 7Co$ ! ya co%e !own fro% yo$r thinkin4 an4 isten a %in$te67 Casy t$rne! his hea! on the sta k* ike neck' 7Listen a the ti%e' That4s why ) been thinkin4' Listen to peop e a*ta kin4& an4 p$rty soon ) hear the way fo ks are fee in4' Goin4 on a the ti%e' ) hear 4e% an4 fee 4e%+ an4 they4re beating their wings ike a bir! in a attic' Gonna b$st their wings on a !$sty win!a tryin4 ta get o$t'7 To% regar!e! hi% with wi!ene! eyes& an! then he t$rne! an! ooke! at a gray tent twenty feet away' Washe! :eans an! shirts an! a !ress h$ng to !ry on the tent g$ys' 2e sai! soft y& 7That was abo$t what ) was gonna te ya' An4 yo$ seen awrea!y'7 7) seen&7 Casy agree!' 7They4s a ar%y of $s witho$t no harness'7 2e bowe! his hea! an! ran his e.ten!e! han! s ow y $p his forehea! an! into his hair' 7A a ong ) seen it&7 he sai!' 7,#er4 p ace we stoppe! ) seen it' 8o ks h$ngry for si!e*%eat& an4 when they get it& they ain4t fe!' An4 when they4! get so h$ngry they co$ !n4 stan4 it no %ore& why& they4! ast %e to pray for 4e%& an4 so%eti%es ) !one it'7 2e c aspe! his han!s aro$n! !rawn*$p knees an! p$ e! his egs in' 7) $se4 ta think that4! c$t 4er&7 he sai!' 7<se4 ta rip off a prayer an4 a the tro$b es4! stick to that prayer ike f ies on f ypaper& an4 the prayer4! go a*sai in4 off& a*takin4 the% tro$b es a ong' /$t !on4 work no %ore'7 To% sai!& 7>rayer ne#er bro$ght in no si!e*%eat' Takes a shoat to bring in pork'7

79eah&7 Casy sai!' 7An4 A %ighty Go! ne#er raise! no wages' These here fo ks want to i#e !ecent an! bring $p their ki!s !ecent' An4 when they4re o ! they wanta set in the !oor an4 watch the !owning s$n' An4 when they4re yo$ng they wanta !ance an4 sing an4 ay together' They wanta eat an4 get !r$nk an! work' An4 that4s it3they wanta :$s4 f ing their go!!a%n %$sc es aro$n4 an4 get tire!' Christ= What4% ) ta kin4 abo$t67 7) !$nno&7 sai! To%' 7So$n!s kin!a nice' When ya think yo$ can get ta work an4 ($it thinkin4 a spe 6 We got to get work' "oney4s 4bo$t gone' >a gi#es fi#e !o ars to get a painte! piece of boar! st$ck $p o#er Gran%a' We ain4t got %$ch ef4'7 A ean brown %ongre !og ca%e sniffing aro$n! the si!e of the tent' 2e was ner#o$s an! f e.e! to r$n' 2e sniffe! c ose before he was aware of the two %en& an! then ooking $p he saw the%& eape! si!eways& an! f e!& ears back& bony tai c a%pe! protecti#e y' Casy watche! hi% go& !o!ging aro$n! a tent to get o$t of sight' Casy sighe!' 7) ain4t !oin4 nobo!y no goo!&7 he sai!' 7"e or nobo!y e se' ) was thinkin4 )4! go off a one by %yse f' )4% a*eatin4 yo$r foo! an4 a*takin4 $p roo%' An4 ) ain4t gi#e yo$ nothin4' "aybe ) co$ ! get a stea!y :ob an4 %aybe pay back so%e a the st$ff yo$4#e gi#e %e'7 To% opene! his %o$th an! thr$st his ower :aw forwar!& an! he tappe! his ower teeth with a !rie! piece of %$star! sta k' 2is eyes stare! o#er the ca%p& o#er the gray tents an! the shacks of wee! an! tin an! paper' 7Wisht ) ha! a sack a 1$rha%&7 he sai!' 7) ain4t ha! a s%oke in a he of a ti%e' <se4 ta get tobacco in "cA ester' A %ost wisht ) was back'7 2e tappe! his teeth again an! s$!!en y he t$rne! on the preacher' 7,#er been in a :ai ho$se67 70o&7 sai! Casy' 70e#er been'7 71on4t go away right yet&7 sai! To%' 70ot right yet'7 7H$icker ) get ookin4 for work3($icker )4% gonna fin! so%e'7 To% st$!ie! hi% with ha f*sh$t eyes an! he p$t on his cap again' 7Look&7 he sai!& 7this ain4t no an4 of %i k an4 honey ike the preachers say' They4s a %ean thing here' The fo ks here is scare! of $s peop e co%in4 west+ an4 so they get cops o$t tryin4 to scare $s back'7 79eah&7 sai! Casy' 7) know' What yo$ ask abo$t %e bein4 in :ai for67

To% sai! s ow y& 7When yo$4re in :ai 3yo$ get to kin!a3sensin4 st$ff' G$ys ain4t et to ta k a he of a ot together3two %aybe& b$t not a crow!' An4 so yo$ get kin!a sensy' )f so%epin4s gonna b$st3if say a fe a4s goin4 stir*b$gs an4 take a crack at a g$ar! with a %op han! e3why& yo$ know it 4fore it happens' An4 if they4s gonna be a break or a riot& nobo!y !on4t ha#e to te ya' 9o$4re sensy abo$t it' 9o$ know'7 79eah67 7Stick aro$n4'7 sai! To%' 7Stick aro$n4 ti to%orra anyways' So%epin4s gonna co%e $p' ) was ta kin4 to a ki! $p the roa!' An4 he4s bein4 :$s4 as sneaky an4 wise as a !og coyote& b$t he4s too wise' 1og coyote a*%in!in4 his own b$siness an4 innocent an4 sweet& :$s4 ha#in4 f$n an4 no har%3we & they4s a hen roost c ost by'7 Casy watche! hi% intent y& starte! to ask a ($estion& an! then sh$t his %o$th tight y' 2e wagg e! his toes s ow y an!& re easing his knees& p$she! o$t his foot so he co$ ! see it' 79eah&7 he sai!& 7) won4t go right yet'7 To% sai!& 7When a b$nch of fo ks& nice ($iet fo ks& !on4t know nothin4 abo$t nothin43so%epin4s goin4 on'7 7)4 stay&7 sai! Casy' 7An4 to%orra we4 go o$t in the tr$ck an4 ook for work'7 79eah=7 sai! Casy& an! he wa#e! his toes $p an! !own an! st$!ie! the% gra#e y' To% sett e! back on his e bow an! c ose! his eyes' )nsi!e the tent he co$ ! hear the %$r%$r of Rose of Sharon4s #oice an! Connie4s answering' The tarpa$ in %a!e a !ark sha!ow an! the we!ge*shape! ight at each en! was har! an! sharp' Rose of Sharon ay on a %attress an! Connie s($atte! besi!e her' 7) o$ghta he p "a&7 Rose of Sharon sai!' 7) trie!& b$t e#er4 ti%e ) stirre! abo$t ) throwe! $p'7 Connie4s eyes were s$ en' 7)f )4! of knowe! it wo$ ! be ike this ) wo$ !n4 of ca%e' )4! a st$!ie! nights 4bo$t tractors back ho%e an4 got %e a three*!o ar :ob' 8e a can i#e awf$ nice on three !o ars a !ay& an4 go to the pitcher show e#er4 night& too'7 Rose of Sharon ooke! apprehensi#e' 79o$4re gonna st$!y nights 4bo$t ra!ios&7 she sai!' 2e was ong in answering' 7Ain4t yo$67 she !e%an!e!' 79eah& s$re' Soon4s ) get on %y feet' Get a itt e %oney'7

She ro e! $p on her e bow' 79o$ ain4t gi#in4 it $p=7 70o3no34co$rse not' /$t3) !i!n4 know they was p aces ike this we got to i#e in'7 The gir 4s eyes har!ene!' 79o$ got to&7 she sai! ($iet y' 7S$re' S$re& ) know' Got to get on %y feet' Get a itt e %oney' Wo$ ! a been better %aybe to stay ho%e an4 st$!y 4bo$t tractors' Three !o ars a !ay they get& an4 pick $p e.tra %oney& too'7 Rose of Sharon4s eyes were ca c$ ating' When he ooke! !own at her he saw in her eyes a %eas$ring of hi%& a ca c$ ation of hi%' 7/$t )4% gonna st$!y&7 he sai!' 7Soon4s ) get on %y feet'7 She sai! fierce y& 7We got to ha#e a ho$se 4fore the baby co%es' We ain4t gonna ha#e this baby in no tent'7 7S$re&7 he sai!' 7Soon4s ) get on %y feet'7 2e went o$t of the tent an! ooke! !own at "a& cro$che! o#er the br$sh fire' Rose of Sharon ro e! on her back an! stare! at the top of the tent' An! then she p$t her th$%b in her %o$th for a gag an! she crie! si ent y' "a kne t besi!e the fire& breaking twigs to keep the f a%e $p $n!er the stew kett e' The fire f are! an! !roppe! an! f are! an! !roppe!' The chi !ren& fifteen of the%& stoo! si ent y an! watche!' An! when the s%e of the cooking stew ca%e to their noses& their noses crink e! s ight y' The s$n ight g istene! on hair tawny with !$st' The chi !ren were e%barrasse! to be there& b$t they !i! not go' "a ta ke! ($iet y to a itt e gir who stoo! insi!e the $sting circ e' She was o !er than the rest' She stoo! on one foot& caressing the back of her eg with a bare instep' 2er ar%s were c aspe! behin! her' She watche! "a with stea!y s%a gray eyes' She s$ggeste!& 7) co$ ! break $p so%e bresh if yo$ want %e& %a4a%'7 "a ooke! $p fro% her work' 79o$ want ta get ast to eat& h$h67 79es& %a4a%&7 the gir sai! stea!i y' "a s ippe! the twigs $n!er the pot an! the f a%e %a!e a p$ttering so$n!' 71i!n4 yo$ ha#e no breakfast67 70o& %a4a%' They ain4t no work hereabo$ts' >a4s in tryin4 to se so%e st$ff to git gas so4s we can get 4 ong'7 "a ooke! $p' 71i!n4 none of these here ha#e no breakfast67

The circ e of chi !ren shifte! ner#o$s y an! ooke! away fro% the boi ing kett e' One s%a boy sai! boastf$ y& 7) !i!3%e an4 %y brother !i!3an4 the% two !i!& 4ca$se ) seen 4e%' We et goo!' We4re a*goin4 so$th tonight'7 "a s%i e!' 7Then yo$ ain4t h$ngry' They ain4t eno$gh here to go aro$n!'7 The s%a boy4s ip st$ck o$t' 7We et goo!&7 he sai!& an! he t$rne! an! ran an! !i#e! into a tent' "a ooke! after hi% so ong that the o !est gir re%in!e! her' 7The fire4s !own& %a4a%' ) can keep it $p if yo$ want'7 R$thie an! Winfie ! stoo! insi!e the circ e& co%porting the%se #es with proper frigi!ity an! !ignity' They were a oof& an! at the sa%e ti%e possessi#e' R$thie t$rne! co ! an! angry eyes on the itt e gir ' R$thie s($atte! !own to break $p the twigs for "a' "a ifte! the kett e i! an! stirre! the stew with a stick' 7)4% s$re g a! so%e of yo$ ain4t h$ngry' That itt e fe a ain4t& anyways'7 The gir sneere!' 7Oh& hi%= 2e was a*braggin4' 2igh an4 %ighty' )f he !on4t ha#e no s$pper3know what he !one6 Las4 night& co%e o$t an4 say they got chicken to eat' We & sir& ) ooke! in whi st they was a*eatin4 an4 it was frie! !o$gh :$s4 ike e#er4bo!y e se'7 7Oh=7 An! "a ooke! !own towar! the tent where the s%a boy ha! gone' She ooke! back at the itt e gir ' 72ow ong yo$ been in Ca ifornia67 she aske!' 7Oh& 4bo$t si. %onths' We i#e! in a go#4%ent ca%p a whi e& an4 then we went north& an4 when we co%e back it was f$ $p' That4s a nice p ace to i#e& yo$ bet'7 7Where4s that67 "a aske!' An! she took the sticks fro% R$thie4s han! an! fe! the fire' R$thie g are! with hatre! at the o !er gir ' 7O#er by Wee!patch' Got nice toi ets an4 baths& an4 yo$ kin wash c othes in a t$b& an4 they4s water right han!y& goo! !rinkin4 water+ an4 nights the fo ks p ay %$sic an4 Sat4!y night they gi#e a !ance' Oh& yo$ ne#er seen anything so nice' Got a p ace for ki!s to p ay& an4 the% toi ets with paper' >$ !own a itt e :igger an4 the water co%es right in the toi et& an4 they ain4t no cops et to co%e ook in yo$r tent any ti%e they

want& an4 the fe a r$ns the ca%p is so po ite& co%es a*#isitin4 an4 ta ks an4 ain4t high an4 %ighty' ) wisht we co$ ! go i#e there again'7 "a sai!& 7) ne#er hear! abo$t it' ) s$re co$ ! $se a wash t$b& ) te yo$'7 The gir went on e.cite! y& 7Why& Go! Aw%ighty& they got hot water right in pipes& an4 yo$ get in $n!er a shower bath an4 it4s war%' 9o$ ne#er seen s$ch a p ace'7 "a sai!& 7A f$ now& ya say67 79eah' Las4 ti%e we ast it was'7 7"$s4 cost a ot&7 sai! "a' 7We & it costs& b$t if yo$ ain4t got the %oney& they et yo$ work it o$t3 co$p e ho$rs a week& c eanin4 $p& an4 garbage cans' St$ff ike that' An4 nights they4s %$sic an4 fo ks ta ks together an4 hot water right in the pipes' 9o$ ne#er see nothin4 so nice'7 "a sai!& 7) s$re wisht we co$ ! go there'7 R$thie ha! stoo! a she co$ !' She b $rte! fierce y& 7Gran%a !ie! right on top a the tr$ck'7 The gir ooke! ($estioning y at her' 7We & she !i!&7 R$thie sai!' 7An4 the cor4ner got her'7 She c ose! her ips tight y an! broke $p a itt e pi e of sticks' Winfie ! b inke! at the bo !ness of the attack' 7Right on the tr$ck&7 he echoe!' 7Cor4ner st$ck her in a big basket'7 "a sai!& 79o$ sh$sh now& both of yo$& or yo$ got to go away'7 An! she fe! twigs into the fire' 1own the ine A ha! stro e! to watch the #a #e*grin!ing :ob' 7Looks ike yo$4re 4bo$t thro$gh&7 he sai!' 7Two %ore'7 7)s they any gir s in this here ca%p67 7) got a wife&7 sai! the yo$ng %an' 7) got no ti%e for gir s'7 7) a ways got ti%e for gir s&7 sai! A ' 7) got no ti%e for nothin4 e se'7 79o$ get a itt e h$ngry an4 yo$4 change'7 A a$ghe!' 7"aybe' /$t ) ain4t ne#er change! that notion yet'7 78e a ) ta ke! to whi e ago& he4s with yo$& ain4t he67 79eah= "y brother To%' /etter not foo with hi%' 2e ki e! a fe a'7 71i!6 What for67 78ight' 8e a got a knife in To%' To% b$ste! 4i% with a sho#e '7

71i!& h$h6 What4! the aw !o67 7Let 4i% off 4ca$se it was a fight&7 sai! A ' 72e !on4t ook ike a ($arre er'7 7Oh& he ain4t' /$t To% !on4t take nothin4 fro% nobo!y'7 A 4s #oice was #ery pro$!' 7To%& he4s ($iet' /$t3 ook o$t=7 7We 3) ta ke! to 4i%' 2e !i!n4 so$n4 %ean'7 72e ain4t' J$s4 as nice as pie ti he4s ro$se!& an4 then3 ook o$t'7 The yo$ng %an gro$n! at the ast #a #e' 7Like %e to he4p yo$ get the% #a #es set an4 the hea! on67 7S$re& if yo$ got nothin4 e se to !o'7 7O$ghta get so%e s eep&7 sai! A ' 7/$t& he & ) can4t keep %y han4s o$t of a tore*!own car' J$s4 got to git in'7 7We & )4! a!%ire to git a han!&7 sai! the yo$ng %an' 7"y na%e4s 8 oy! ?now es'7 7)4% A Joa!'7 7>ro$! to %eet ya'7 7"e too&7 sai! A ' 7Gonna $se the sa%e gasket67 7Got to&7 sai! 8 oy!' A took o$t his pocket knife an! scrape! at the b ock' 7Jes$s=7 he sai!' 7They ain4t nothin4 ) o#e ike the g$ts of a engine'7 72ow 4bo$t gir s67 79eah& gir s too= Wisht ) co$ ! tear !own a Ro s an4 p$t her back' ) ooke! $n!er the hoo! of a Ca!4 1C one ti%e an4& Go! Aw%ighty& yo$ ne#er seen nothin4 so sweet in yo$r ife= )n Sa isaw3an4 here4s this 1C a* stan!in4 in front of a resta$rant& so ) ifts the hoo!' An4 a g$y co%es o$t an4 says& 4What the he yo$ !oin464 ) says& 4J$s4 ookin4' Ain4t she swe 64 An4 he :$s4 stan!s there' ) !on4t think he e#er ooke! in her before' J$s4 stan!s there' Rich fe a in a straw hat' Got a stripe4 shirt on& an4 eye g asses' We !on4 say nothin4' J$s4 ook' An4 p$rty soon he says& 42ow4! yo$ ike to !ri#e her647 8 oy! sai!& 7The he =7 7S$re342ow4! yo$ ike to !ri#e her64 We & he & ) got on :eans3a !irty' ) says& 4)4! get her !irty'4 4Co%e on=4 he says' 4J$s4 take her ro$n4 the b ock'4 We & sir& ) set in that seat an4 ) took her ro$n4 the b ock eight ti%es& an4& oh& %y Go! A %ighty=7

70ice67 8 oy! aske!' 7Oh& Jes$s=7 sai! A ' 7)f ) co$ ! of tore her !own& why3)4! a gi#e3 anythin4'7 8 oy! s owe! his :erking ar%' 2e ifte! the ast #a #e fro% its seat an! ooke! at it' 79o$ better git $se4 ta a :a opy&7 he sai!& 74ca$se yo$ ain4t goin4 a !ri#e no 1C'7 2e p$t his brace !own on the r$nning boar! an! took $p a chise to scrape the cr$st fro% the b ock' Two stocky wo%en& bare*hea!e! an! bare*foote!& went by carrying a b$cket of %i ky water between the%' They i%pe! against the weight of the b$cket& an! neither one ooke! $p fro% the gro$n!' The s$n was ha f !own in afternoon' A sai!& 79o$ !on4t ike nothin4 %$ch'7 8 oy! scrape! har!er with the chise ' 7) been here si. %onths&7 he sai!' 7) been scrabb in4 o#er this here State tryin4 to work har! eno$gh an! %o#e fast eno$gh to get %eat an4 potatoes for %e an4 %y wife an4 %y ki!s' )4#e r$n %yse f ike a :ackrabbit an43) can4t ($ite %ake her' There :$st ain4t ($ite eno$gh to eat no %atter what ) !o' )4% gettin4 tire!& that4s a ' )4% gettin4 tire! way past where s eep rests %e' An4 ) :$s4 !on4 know what to !o'7 7Ain4t there no stea!y work for a fe a67 A aske!' 70o& they ain4t no stea!y work'7 With his chise he p$she! the cr$st off the b ock& an! he wipe! the !$ %eta with a greasy rag' A r$sty to$ring car !ro#e !own into the ca%p an! there were fo$r %en in it& %en with brown har! faces' The car !ro#e s ow y thro$gh the ca%p' 8 oy! ca e! to the%& 7Any $ck67 The car stoppe!' The !ri#er sai!& 7We co#ere! a he of a ot of gro$n!' They ain4t a han!4s work in this here co$ntry' We gotta %o#e'7 7Where to67 A ca e!' 7Go! knows' We worke! this here p ace o#er'7 2e et in his c $tch an! %o#e! s ow y !own the ca%p' A ooke! after the%' 7Wo$ !n4 it be better if one fe a went a one6 Then if they was one piece of work& a fe a4! get it'7 8 oy! p$t !own the chise an! s%i e! so$r y' 79o$ ain4t earne!&7 he sai!' 7Takes gas to get ro$n4 the co$ntry' Gas costs fifteen cents a ga on' The% fo$r fe as can4t take fo$r cars' So each of 4e% p$ts in a !i%e an4 they get gas' 9o$ got to earn'7

7A =7 A ooke! !own at Winfie ! stan!ing i%portant y besi!e hi%' 7A & "a4s !ishin4 $p stew' She says co%e git it'7 A wipe! his han!s on his tro$sers' 7We ain4t et to!ay&7 he sai! to 8 oy!' 7)4 co%e gi#e yo$ a han4 when ) eat'7 70o nee! 4 ess yo$ want ta'7 7S$re& )4 !o it'7 2e fo owe! Winfie ! towar! the Joa! ca%p' )t was crow!e! now' The strange chi !ren stoo! c ose to the stew pot& so c ose that "a br$she! the% with her e bows as she worke!' To% an! <nc e John stoo! besi!e her' "a sai! he p ess y& 7) !$nno what to !o' ) got to fee! the fa%b y' What4% ) gonna !o with these here67 The chi !ren stoo! stiff y an! ooke! at her' Their faces were b ank& rigi!& an! their eyes went %echanica y fro% the pot to the tin p ate she he !' Their eyes fo owe! the spoon fro% pot to p ate& an! when she passe! the stea%ing p ate $p to <nc e John& their eyes fo owe! it $p' <nc e John !$g his spoon into the stew& an! the banke! eyes rose $p with the spoon' A piece of potato went into John4s %o$th an! the banke! eyes were on his face& watching to see how he wo$ ! react' Wo$ ! it be goo!6 Wo$ ! he ike it6 An! then <nc e John see%e! to see the% for the first ti%e' 2e chewe! s ow y' 79o$ take this here&7 he sai! to To%' 7) ain4t h$ngry'7 79o$ ain4t et to!ay&7 To% sai!' 7) know& b$t ) got a sto%ickache' ) ain4t h$ngry'7 To% sai! ($iet y& 79o$ take that p ate insi!e the tent an4 yo$ eat it'7 7) ain4t h$ngry&7 John insiste!' 7)4! sti see 4e% insi!e the tent'7 To% t$rne! on the chi !ren' 79o$ git&7 he sai!' 7Go on now& git'7 The bank of eyes eft the stew an! reste! won!ering on his face' 7Go on now& git' 9o$ ain4t !oin4 no goo!' There ain4t eno$gh for yo$'7 "a a! e! stew into the tin p ates& #ery itt e stew& an! she ai! the p ates on the gro$n!' 7) can4t sen! 4e% away&7 she sai!' 7) !on4t know what to !o' Take yo$r p ates an4 go insi!e' )4 et 4e% ha#e what4s ef4' 2ere& take a p ate in to Rosasharn'7 She s%i e! $p at the chi !ren' 7Look&7 she sai!& 7yo$ itt e fe as go an4 get yo$ each a f at stick an4 )4 p$t what4s ef4 for yo$' /$t they ain4t to be no fightin4'7 The gro$p broke $p with a !ea! y& si ent swiftness' Chi !ren ran to fin! sticks& they ran to

their own tents an! bro$ght spoons' /efore "a ha! finishe! with the p ates they were back& si ent an! wo fish' "a shook her hea!' 7) !$nno what to !o' ) can4t rob the fa%b y' ) got to fee! the fa%b y' R$thie& Winfie 4& A &7 she crie! fierce y' 7Take yo$r p ates' 2$rry $p' Git in the tent ($ick'7 She ooke! apo ogetica y at the waiting chi !ren' 7There ain4t eno$gh&7 she sai! h$%b y' 7)4% a*gonna set this here kett e o$t& an4 yo$4 a get a itt e tas4& b$t it ain4t gonna !o yo$ no goo!'7 She fa tere!& 7) can4t he4p it' Can4t keep it fro% yo$'7 She ifte! the pot an! set it !own on the gro$n!' 70ow wait' )t4s too hot&7 she sai!& an! she went into the tent ($ick y so she wo$ ! not see' 2er fa%i y sat on the gro$n!& each with his p ate+ an! o$tsi!e they co$ ! hear the chi !ren !igging into the pot with their sticks an! their spoons an! their pieces of r$sty tin' A %o$n! of chi !ren s%othere! the pot fro% sight' They !i! not ta k& !i! not fight or arg$e+ b$t there was a ($iet intentness in a of the%& a woo!en fierceness' "a t$rne! her back so she co$ !n4t see' 7We can4t !o that no %ore&7 she sai!' 7We got to eat a one'7 There was the so$n! of scraping at the kett e& an! then the %o$n! of chi !ren broke an! the chi !ren wa ke! away an! eft the scrape! kett e on the gro$n!' "a ooke! at the e%pty p ates' 71i!n4 none of yo$ get nowhere near eno$gh'7 >a got $p an! eft the tent witho$t answering' The preacher s%i e! to hi%se f an! ay back on the gro$n!& han!s c aspe! behin! his hea!' A got to his feet' 7Got to he p a fe a with a car'7 "a gathere! the p ates an! took the% o$tsi!e to wash' 7R$thie&7 she ca e!& 7Winfie 4' Go get %e a b$cket a water right off'7 She han!e! the% the b$cket an! they tr$!ge! off towar! the ri#er' A strong broa! wo%an wa ke! near' 2er !ress was streake! with !$st an! sp otche! with car oi ' 2er chin was he ! high with pri!e' She stoo! a short !istance away an! regar!e! "a be igerent y' At ast she approache!' 7Afternoon&7 she sai! co ! y' 7Afternoon&7 sai! "a& an! she got $p fro% her knees an! p$she! a bo. forwar!' 7Won4t yo$ set !own67 The wo%an wa ke! near' 70o& ) won4t set !own'7 "a ooke! ($estioning y at her' 7Can ) he4p yo$ in any way67

The wo%an set her han!s on her hips' 79o$ kin he4p %e by %in!in4 yo$r own chi !ren an4 ettin4 %ine a one'7 "a4s eyes opene! wi!e' 7) ain4t !one nothin437 she began' The wo%an scow e! at her' 7"y itt e fe a co%e back s%e in4 of stew' 9o$ gi#e it to 4i%' 2e to 4 %e' 1on4 yo$ go a*boastin4 an4 a*braggin4 4bo$t ha#in4 stew' 1on4 yo$ !o it' ) got 4n$f tro$b es 4tho$t that' Co%e in ta %e& he !i!& an4 says& 4Whyn4t we ha#e stew647 2er #oice shook with f$ry' "a %o#e! c ose' 7Set !own&7 she sai!' 7Set !own an4 ta k a piece'7 70o& ) ain4t gonna set !own' )4% tryin4 to fee! %y fo ks& an4 yo$ co%e a ong with yo$r stew'7 7Set !own&7 "a sai!' 7That was 4bo$t the as4 stew we4re gonna ha#e ti we get work' S4pose yo$ was cookin4 a stew an4 a b$nch of itt e fe as stoo! aro$n4 %oonin4& what4! yo$ !o6 We !i!n4t ha#e eno$gh& b$t yo$ can4t keep it when they ook at ya ike that'7 The wo%an4s han!s !roppe! fro% her hips' 8or a %o%ent her eyes ($estione! "a& an! then she t$rne! an! wa ke! ($ick y away& an! she went into a tent an! p$ e! the f aps !own behin! her' "a stare! after her& an! then she !roppe! to her knees again besi!e the stack of tin !ishes' A h$rrie! near' 7To%&7 he ca e!' 7"a& is To% insi!e67 To% st$ck his hea! o$t' 7What yo$ want67 7Co%e on with %e&7 A sai! e.cite! y' They wa ke! away together' 7What4s a %atter with yo$67 To% aske!' 79o$4 fin! o$t' J$s4 wait'7 2e e! To% to the torn*!own car& 7This here4s 8 oy! ?now es&7 he sai!' 79eah& ) ta ke! to hi%' 2ow ya67 7J$s4 gettin4 her in shape&7 8 oy! sai!' To% ran his finger o#er the top of the b ock' 7What kin!a b$gs is craw in4 on yo$& A 67 78 oy! :$s4 to 4 %e' Te 4e%& 8 oy!'7 8 oy! sai!& 7"aybe ) sho$ !n4& b$t3yeah& )4 te ya' 8e a co%e thro$gh an4 he says they4s gonna be work $p north'7 7<p north67 79eah3p ace ca e! Santa C ara Ga ey& way to he an4 gone $p north'7 79eah6 ?in!a work67

7>r$ne pickin4& an4 pears an4 cannery work' Says it4s p$rty near rea!y'7 72ow far67 To% !e%an!e!' 7Oh& Christ knows' "aybe two h$n!re! %i es'7 7That4s a he of a ong ways&7 sai! To%' 72ow we know they4s gonna be work when we get there67 7We & we !on4 know&7 sai! 8 oy!' 7/$t they ain4t nothin4 here& an4 this fe a says he got a etter fro% his brother& an4 he4s on his way' 2e says not to te nobo!y& they4 be too %any' We o$ghta get o$t in the night' O$ghta get there an! get so%e work ine! $p'7 To% st$!ie! hi%' 7Why we gotta sneak away67 7We & if e#er4bo!y gets there& ain4t gonna be work for nobo!y'7 7)t4s a he of a ong way&7 To% sai!' 8 oy! so$n!e! h$rt' 7)4% :$s4 gi#in4 yo$ the tip' 9o$ !on4 ha#e to take it' 9o$r brother here he4pe! %e& an4 )4% gi#in4 yo$ the tip'7 79o$ s$re there ain4t no work here67 7Look& ) been sco$rin4 aro$n4 for three weeks a o#er he & an4 ) ain4t ha! a bit a work& not a sing e han4*ho t' 48 yo$ wanta ook aro$n4 an4 b$rn $p gas ookin4& why& go ahea!' ) ain4t beggin4 yo$' "ore that goes& the ess chance ) got'7 To% sai!& 7) ain4t fin!in4 fa$ t' )t4s :$s4 s$ch a he of a ong ways' An4 we kin!a hope! we co$ ! get work here an4 rent a ho$se to i#e in'7 8 oy! sai! patient y& 7) know ya :$s4 got here' They4s st$ff ya got to earn' )f yo$4! et %e te ya& it4! sa#e ya so%epin' )f ya !on4 et %e te ya& then ya got to earn the har! way' 9o$ ain4t gonna sett e !own ca$se they ain4t no work to sett e ya' An4 yo$r be y ain4t gonna et ya sett e !own' 0ow3that4s straight'7 7Wisht ) co$ ! ook aro$n4 first&7 To% sai! $neasi y' A se!an !ro#e thro$gh the ca%p an! p$ e! $p at the ne.t tent' A %an in o#era s an! a b $e shirt c i%be! o$t' 8 oy! ca e! to hi%& 7Any $ck67 7There ain4t a han4*t$rn of work in the who e !arn co$ntry& not ti cotton pickin4'7 An! he went into the ragge! tent' 7See67 sai! 8 oy!' 79eah& ) see' /$t two h$n!er! %i es& Jes$s=7 7We & yo$ ain4t sett in4 !own no p ace for a whi e' "ight4s we %ake $p yo$r %in! to that'7

7We better go&7 A sai!' To% aske!& 7When is they gonna be work aro$n4 here67 7We & in a %onth the cotton4 start' )f yo$ got p enty %oney yo$ can wait for the cotton'7 To% sai!& 7"a ain4t a*gonna wanta %o#e' She4s a tar4! o$t'7 8 oy! shr$gge! his sho$ !ers' 7) ain4t a*tryin4 to p$sh ya north' S$it yase f' ) :$s4 to 4 ya what ) hear!'7 2e picke! the oi y gasket fro% the r$nning boar! an! fitte! it caref$ y on the b ock an! presse! it !own' 70ow&7 he sai! to A & 7 4f yo$ want to gi#e %e a han4 with that engine hea!'7 To% watche! whi e they set the hea#y hea! gent y !own o#er the hea! bo ts an! !roppe! it e#en y' 72a#e to ta k abo$t it'7 he sai!' 8 oy! sai!& 7) !on4t want nobo!y b$t yo$r fo ks to know abo$t it' J$s4 yo$' An4 ) wo$ !n4t of to 4 yo$ if ya brother !i!n4 he4p %e o$t here'7 To% sai!& 7We & ) s$re thank ya for te in4 $s' We got to figger it o$t' "aybe we4 go'7 A sai!& 7/y Go!& ) think )4 go if the res4 goes or not' )4 hitch there'7 7An4 ea#e the fa%b y67 To% aske!' 7S$re' )4! co%e back with %y :eans p $%b f$ a :ack' Why not67 7"a ain4t gonna ike no s$ch thing&7 To% sai!' 7An4 >a& he ain4t gonna ike it neither'7 8 oy! set the n$ts an! screwe! the% !own as far as he co$ ! with his fingers' 7"e an4 %y wife co%e o$t with o$r fo ks&7 he sai!' 7/ack ho%e we wo$ !n4 of tho$ght of goin4 away' Wo$ !n4 of tho$ght of it' /$t& he & we was a $p north a piece an! ) co%e !own here& an4 they %o#e! on& an4 now Go! knows where they are' /een ookin4 an4 askin4 abo$t 4e% e#er since'7 2e fitte! his wrench to the enginehea! bo ts an! t$rne! the% !own e#en y& one t$rn to each n$t& aro$n! an! aro$n! the series' To% s($atte! !own besi!e the car an! s($inte! his eyes $p the ine of tents' A itt e st$bb e was beaten into the earth between the tents' 70o& sir&7 he sai!& 7"a ain4t gonna ike yo$ goin4 off'7 7We & see%s to %e a one fe a got %ore chance of work'7 7"aybe& b$t "a ain4t gonna ike it at a '7 Two cars oa!e! with !isconso ate %en !ro#e !own into the ca%p' 8 oy! ifte! his eyes& b$t he !i!n4t ask the% abo$t their $ck' Their !$sty

faces were sa! an! resistant' The s$n was sinking now& an! the ye ow s$n ight fe on the 2oo#er#i e an! on the wi ows behin! it' The chi !ren began to co%e o$t of the tents& to wan!er abo$t the ca%p' An! fro% the tents the wo%en ca%e an! b$i t their itt e fires' The %en gathere! in s($atting gro$ps an! ta ke! together' A new Che#ro et co$pe t$rne! off the highway an! hea!e! !own into the ca%p' )t p$ e! to the center of the ca%p& To% sai!& 7Who4s this6 They !on4t be ong here'7 8 oy! sai!& 7) !$nno3cops& %aybe'7 The car !oor opene! an! a %an got o$t an! stoo! besi!e the car' 2is co%panion re%aine! seate!' 0ow a the s($atting %en ooke! at the newco%ers an! the con#ersation was sti ' An! the wo%en b$i !ing their fires ooke! secret y at the shiny car' The chi !ren %o#e! c oser with e aborate circ$ito$sness& e!ging inwar! in ong c$r#es' 8 oy! p$t !own his wrench' To% stoo! $p' A wipe! his han! on his tro$sers' The three stro e! towar! the Che#ro et' The %an who ha! got o$t of the car was !resse! in khaki tro$sers an! a f anne shirt' 2e wore a f at*bri%%e! Stetson hat' A sheaf of papers was he ! in his shirt pocket by a itt e fence of fo$ntain pens an! ye ow penci s+ an! fro% his hip pocket protr$!e! a notebook with %eta co#ers' 2e %o#e! to one of the gro$ps of s($atting %en& an! they ooke! $p at hi%& s$spicio$s an! ($iet' They watche! hi% an! !i! not %o#e+ the whites of their eyes showe! beneath the irises& for they !i! not raise their hea!s to ook' To% an! A an! 8 oy! stro e! cas$a y near' The %an sai!& 79o$ %en want to work67 Sti they ooke! ($iet y& s$spicio$s y' An! %en fro% a o#er the ca%p %o#e! near' One of the s($atting %en spoke at ast' 7S$re we wanta work' Where4s at4s work67 7T$ are Co$nty' 8r$it4s opening $p' 0ee! a ot of pickers'7 8 oy! spoke $p' 79o$ !oin4 the hiring67 7We & )4% contracting the an!'7 The %en were in a co%pact gro$p now' An o#era e! %an took off his b ack hat an! co%be! back his ong b ack hair with his fingers' 7What yo$ payin467 he aske!' 7We & can4t te e.act y& yet' 4/o$t thirty cents& ) g$ess'7

7Why can4t yo$ te 6 9o$ took the contract& !i!n4 yo$67 7That4s tr$e&7 the khaki %an sai!' 7/$t it4s keye! to the price' "ight be a itt e %ore& %ight be a itt e ess'7 8 oy! steppe! o$t ahea!' 2e sai! ($iet y& 7)4 go& %ister' 9o$4re a contractor& an4 yo$ got a icense' 9o$ :$s4 show yo$r icense& an4 then yo$ gi#e $s an or!er to go to work& an4 where& an4 when& an4 how %$ch we4 get& an4 yo$ sign that& an4 we4 a go'7 The contractor t$rne!& scow ing' 79o$ te ing %e how to r$n %y own b$siness67 8 oy! sai!& 748 we4re workin4 for yo$& it4s o$r b$siness too'7 7We & yo$ ain4t te ing %e what to !o' ) to ! yo$ ) nee! %en'7 8 oy! sai! angri y& 79o$ !i!n4 say how %any %en& an4 yo$ !i!n4 say what yo$4! pay'7 7Go!!a%n it& ) !on4t know yet'7 7)f yo$ !on4 know& yo$ got no right to hire %en'7 7) got a right to r$n %y own b$siness %y own way' )f yo$ %en want to sit here on yo$r ass& O'?' )4% o$t getting %en for T$ are Co$nty' Going to nee! a ot of %en'7 8 oy! t$rne! to the crow! of %en' They were stan!ing $p now& ooking ($iet y fro% one speaker to the other' 8 oy! sai!& 7Twicet now )4#e fe for that' "aybe he nee!s a tho$san4 %en' 2e4 get fi#e tho$san4 there& an4 he4 pay fifteen cents an ho$r' An4 yo$ poor bastar!s4 ha#e to take it 4ca$se yo$4 be h$ngry' 48 he wants to hire %en& et hi% hire 4e% an4 write o$t an4 say what he4s gonna pay' Ast ta see his icense' 2e ain4t a owe! to contract %en witho$t a icense'7 The contractor t$rne! to the Che#ro et an! ca e!& 7Joe=7 2is co%panion ooke! o$t an! then sw$ng the car !oor open an! steppe! o$t' 2e wore ri!ing breeches an! ace! boots' A hea#y pisto ho ster h$ng on a cartri!ge be t aro$n! his waist' On his brown shirt a !ep$ty sheriff4s star was pinne!' 2e wa ke! hea#i y o#er' 2is face was set to a thin s%i e' 7What yo$ want67 The ho ster s i! back an! forth on his hip' 7,#er see this g$y before& Joe67 The !ep$ty aske!& 7Which one67 7This fe a'7 The contractor pointe! to 8 oy!' 7What4! he !o67 The !ep$ty s%i e! at 8 oy!'

72e4s ta kin4 re!& agitating tro$b e'7 72%*%*%'7 The !ep$ty %o#e! s ow y aro$n! to see 8 oy!4s profi e& an! the co or s ow y f owe! $p 8 oy!4s face' 79o$ see67 8 oy! crie!' 7)f this g$y4s on the e#e & wo$ ! he bring a cop a ong67 7,#er see 4i% before67 the contractor insiste!' 72%%& see%s ike ) ha#e' Las4 week when that $se!*car ot was b$ste! into' See%s ike ) seen this fe a hangin4 aro$n4' 9ep= )4! swear it4s the sa%e fe a'7 S$!!en y the s%i e eft his face' 7Get in that car&7 he sai!& an! he $nhooke! the strap that co#ere! the b$tt of his a$to%atic' To% sai!& 79o$ got nothin4 on hi%'7 The !ep$ty sw$ng aro$n!' 748 yo$4! ike to go in too& yo$ :$s4 open yo$r trap once %ore' They was two fe as hangin4 aro$n! that ot'7 7) wasn4t e#en in the State as4 week&7 To% sai!' 7We & %aybe yo$4re wante! so%ep ace e se' 9o$ keep yo$r trap sh$t'7 The contractor t$rne! back to the %en' 79o$ fe as !on4t want ta isten to these go!!a%n re!s' Tro$b e%akers3they4 get yo$ in tro$b e' 0ow ) can $se a of yo$ in T$ are Co$nty'7 The %en !i!n4t answer' The !ep$ty t$rne! back to the%' 7"ight be a goo! i!ear to go&7 he sai!' The thin s%i e was back on his face' 7/oar! of 2ea th says we got to c ean o$t this ca%p' An4 if it gets aro$n! that yo$ got re!s o$t here3 why& so%ebo!y %ight git h$rt' /e a goo! i!ear if a yo$ fe as %o#e! on to T$ are' They isn4t a thing to !o aro$n4 here' That4s :$s4 a frien! y way a te ing yo$' /e a b$nch a g$ys !own here& %aybe with pick han! es& if yo$ ain4t gone'7 The contractor sai!& 7) to ! yo$ ) nee! %en' )f yo$ !on4t want to work 3we & that4s yo$r b$siness'7 The !ep$ty s%i e!' 7)f they !on4t want to work& they ain4t a p ace for 4e% in this co$nty' We4 f oat 4e% ($ick'7 8 oy! stoo! stiff y besi!e the !ep$ty& an! 8 oy!4s th$%bs were hooke! o#er his be t' To% sto e a ook at hi%& an! then stare! at the gro$n!' 7That4s a &7 the contractor sai!' 7There4s %en nee!e! in T$ are Co$nty+ p enty of work'7

To% ooke! s ow y $p at 8 oy!4s han!s& an! he saw the strings at the wrists stan!ing o$t $n!er the skin' To%4s own han!s ca%e $p& an! his th$%bs hooke! o#er his be t' 79eah& that4s a ' ) !on4t want one of yo$ here by to%orra %orning'7 The contractor steppe! into the Che#ro et' 70ow& yo$&7 the !ep$ty sai! to 8 oy!& 7yo$ get in that car'7 2e reache! a arge han! $p an! took ho ! of 8 oy!4s eft ar%' 8 oy! sp$n an! sw$ng with one %o#e%ent' 2is fist sp ashe! into the arge face& an! in the sa%e %otion he was away& !o!ging !own the ine of tents' The !ep$ty staggere! an! To% p$t o$t his foot for hi% to trip o#er' The !ep$ty fe hea#i y an! ro e!& reaching for his g$n' 8 oy! !o!ge! in an! o$t of sight !own the ine' The !ep$ty fire! fro% the gro$n!' A wo%an in front of a tent screa%e! an! then ooke! at a han! which ha! no kn$ck es' The fingers h$ng on strings against her pa %& an! the torn f esh was white an! b oo! ess' 8ar !own the ine 8 oy! ca%e in sight& sprinting for the wi ows' The !ep$ty& sitting on the gro$n!& raise! his g$n again an! then& s$!!en y& fro% the gro$p of %en& the Re#eren! Casy steppe!' 2e kicke! the !ep$ty in the neck an! then stoo! back as the hea#y %an cr$%p e! into $nconscio$sness' The %otor of the Che#ro et roare! an! it streake! away& ch$rning the !$st' )t %o$nte! to the highway an! shot away' )n front of her tent& the wo%an sti ooke! at her shattere! han!' Litt e !rop ets of b oo! began to oo5e fro% the wo$n!' An! a ch$ck ing hysteria began in her throat& a whining a$gh that grew o$!er an! higher with each breath' The !ep$ty ay on his si!e& his %o$th open against the !$st' To% picke! $p his a$to%atic& p$ e! o$t the %aga5ine an! threw it into the br$sh& an! he e:ecte! the i#e she fro% the cha%ber' 78e a ike that ain4t got no right to a g$n&7 he sai!+ an! he !roppe! the a$to%atic to the gro$n!' A crow! ha! co ecte! aro$n! the wo%an with the broken han!& an! her hysteria increase!& a screa%ing ($a ity ca%e into her a$ghter' Casy %o#e! c ose to To%' 79o$ got to git o$t&7 he sai!' 79o$ go !own in the wi as an4 wait' 2e !i!n4 see %e kick 4i%& b$t he seen yo$ stick o$t yo$r foot'7 7) !on4 want ta go&7 To% sai!'

Casy p$t his hea! c ose' 2e whispere!& 7They4 fingerprint yo$' 9o$ broke paro e' They4 sen! yo$ back'7 To% !rew in his breath ($iet y' 7Jes$s= ) forgot'7 7Go ($ick&7 Casy sai!' 748ore he co%es to'7 7Like to ha#e his g$n&7 To% sai!' 70o' Lea#e it' )f it4s awright to co%e back& )4 gi#e ya fo$r high whist es'7 To% stro e! away cas$a y& b$t as soon as he was away fro% the gro$p he h$rrie! his steps& an! he !isappeare! a%ong the wi ows that ine! the ri#er' A steppe! o#er to the fa en !ep$ty' 7Jes$s&7 he sai! a!%iring y& 7yo$ s$re f agge! 4i% !own=7 The crow! of %en ha! contin$e! to stare at the $nconscio$s %an' An! now in the great !istance a siren screa%e! $p the sca e an! !roppe!& an! it screa%e! again& nearer this ti%e' )nstant y the %en were ner#o$s' They shifte! their feet for a %o%ent an! then they %o#e! away& each one to his own tent' On y A an! the preacher re%aine!' Casy t$rne! to A ' 7Get o$t&7 he sai!' 7Go on& get o$t3to the tent' 9o$ !on4t know nothin4'7 79eah6 2ow 4bo$t yo$67 Casy grinne! at hi%' 7So%ebo!y got to take the b a%e' ) got no ki!s' They4 :$s4 p$t %e in :ai & an4 ) ain4t !oin4 nothin4 b$t set aro$n4'7 A sai!& 7Ain4t no reason for37 7Go on now&7 Casy sai! sharp y' 79o$ get o$tta this'7 A brist e!' 7) ain4t takin4 or!ers'7 Casy sai! soft y& 7)f yo$ %ess in this yo$r who e fa%b y& a yo$r fo ks& gonna get in tro$b e' ) !on4 care abo$t yo$' /$t yo$r %a an! yo$r pa& they4 get in tro$b e' "aybe they4 sen! To% back to "cA ester'7 A consi!ere! it for a %o%ent' 7O'?'&7 he sai!' 7) think yo$4re a !a%n foo & tho$gh'7 7S$re&7 sai! Casy' 7Why not67 The siren screa%e! again an! again& an! a ways it ca%e c oser' Casy kne t besi!e the !ep$ty an! t$rne! hi% o#er' The %an groane! an! f $ttere! his eyes& an! he trie! to see' Casy wipe! the !$st off his ips'

The fa%i ies were in the tents now& an! the f aps were !own& an! the setting s$n %a!e the air re! an! the gray tents bron5e' Tires s($ea e! on the highway an! an open car ca%e swift y into the ca%p' 8o$r %en& ar%e! with rif es& pi e! o$t' Casy stoo! $p an! wa ke! to the%' 7What the he 4s goin4 on here67 Casy sai!& 7) knocke! o$t yo$r %an there'7 One of the ar%e! %en went to the !ep$ty' 2e was conscio$s now& trying weak y to sit $p' 70ow what happene! here67 7We &7 Casy sai!& 7he got to$gh an4 ) hit 4i%& an! he starte! shootin43 hit a wo%an !own the ine' So ) hit 4i% again'7 7We & what4! yo$ !o in the first p ace67 7) ta ke! back&7 sai! Casy' 7Get in that car'7 7S$re&7 sai! Casy& an! he c i%be! into the back seat an! sat !own' Two %en he pe! the h$rt !ep$ty to his feet' 2e fe t his neck ginger y' Casy sai!& 7They4s a wo%an !own the row ike to b ee! to !eath fro% his ba! shootin4'7 7We4 see abo$t that ater' Joe& is this the fe a that hit yo$67 The !a5e! %an stare! sick y at Casy' 71on4t ook ike hi%'7 7)t was %e& a right&7 Casy sai!' 79o$ got s%art with the wrong fe a'7 Joe shook his hea! s ow y' 79o$ !on4t ook ike the right fe a to %e' /y Go!& )4% gonna be sick=7 Casy sai!& 7)4 go 4tho$t no tro$b e' 9o$ better see how ba! that wo%an4s h$rt'7 7Where4s she67 7That tent o#er there'7 The ea!er of the !ep$ties wa ke! to the tent& rif e in han!' 2e spoke thro$gh the tent wa s& an! then went insi!e' )n a %o%ent he ca%e o$t an! wa ke! back' An! he sai!& a itt e pro$! y& 7Jes$s& what a %ess a 'ED !oes %ake= They got a to$rni($et on' We4 sen! a !octor o$t'7 Two !ep$ties sat on either si!e of Casy' The ea!er so$n!e! his horn' There was no %o#e%ent in the ca%p' The f aps were !own tight& an! the peop e in their tents' The engine starte! an! the car sw$ng aro$n! an!

p$ e! o$t of the ca%p' /etween his g$ar!s Casy sat pro$! y& his hea! $p an! the stringy %$sc es of his neck pro%inent' On his ips there was a faint s%i e an! on his face a c$rio$s ook of con($est' When the !ep$ties ha! gone& the peop e ca%e o$t of the tents' The s$n was !own now& an! the gent e b $e e#ening ight was in the ca%p' To the east the %o$ntains were sti ye ow with s$n ight' The wo%en went back to the fires that ha! !ie!' The %en co ecte! to s($at together an! to ta k soft y' A craw e! fro% $n!er the Joa! tarpa$ in an! wa ke! towar! the wi ows to whist e for To%' "a ca%e o$t an! b$i t her itt e fire of twigs' 7>a&7 she sai!& 7we ain4t goin4 to ha#e %$ch' We et so ate'7 >a an! <nc e John st$ck c ose to the ca%p& watching "a pee ing potatoes an! s icing the% raw into a frying pan of !eep grease' >a sai!& 70ow what the he %a!e the preacher !o that67 R$thie an! Winfie ! crept c ose an! cro$che! !own to hear the ta k' <nc e John scratche! the earth !eep y with a ong r$sty nai ' 72e knowe! abo$t sin' ) ast hi% abo$t sin& an4 he to 4 %e+ b$t ) !on4 know if he4s right' 2e says a fe a4s sinne! if he thinks he4s sinne!'7 <nc e John4s eyes were tire! an! sa!' 7) been secret a %y !ays&7 he sai!' 7) !one things ) ne#er to 4 abo$t'7 "a t$rne! fro% the fire' 71on4 go te in4& John&7 she sai!' 7Te 4e% to Go!' 1on4 go b$r!enin4 other peop e with yo$r sins' That ain4t !ecent'7 7They4re a*eatin4 on %e&7 sai! John' 7We & !on4 te 4e%' Go !own the ri#er an4 stick yo$r hea! $n!er an4 whisper 4e% in the strea%'7 >a no!!e! his hea! s ow y at "a4s wor!s' 7She4s right&7 he sai!' 7)t gi#es a fe a re ief to te & b$t it :$s4 sprea!s o$t his sin'7 <nc e John ooke! $p to the s$n*go ! %o$ntains& an! the %o$ntains were ref ecte! in his eyes' 7) wisht ) co$ ! r$n it !own&7 he sai!' 7/$t ) can4t' She4s a*bitin4 in %y g$ts'7 /ehin! hi% Rose of Sharon %o#e! !i55i y o$t of the tent' 7Where4s Connie67 she aske! irritab y' 7) ain4t seen Connie for a ong ti%e' Where4! he go67 7) ain4t seen hi%&7 sai! "a' 7)f ) see 4i%& )4 te 4i% yo$ want 4i%'7 7) ain4t fee in4 goo!&7 sai! Rose of Sharon' 7Connie sho$ !n4 of eft %e'7

"a ooke! $p to the gir 4s swo en face' 79o$ been a*cryin4&7 she sai!' The tears starte! fresh y in Rose of Sharon4s eyes' "a went on fir% y& 79o$ git aho t on yase f' They4s a ot of $s here' 9o$ git aho t on yase f' Co%e here now an4 pee so%e potatoes' 9o$4re fee in4 sorry for yase f'7 The gir starte! to go back in the tent' She trie! to a#oi! "a4s stern eyes& b$t they co%pe e! her an! she ca%e s ow y towar! the fire' 72e sho$ !n4 of went away&7 she sai!& b$t the tears were gone' 79o$ got to work&7 "a sai!' 7Set in the tent an4 yo$4 get fee in4 sorry abo$t yase f' ) ain4t ha! ti%e to take yo$ in han4' ) wi now' 9o$ take this here knife an4 get to the% potatoes'7 The gir kne t !own an! obeye!' She sai! fierce y& 7Wait4 ) see 4i%' )4 te 4i%'7 "a s%i e! s ow y' 72e %ight s%ack yo$' 9o$ got it co%in4 with whinin4 aro$n4 an4 can!yin4 yase f' )f he s%acks so%e sense in yo$ )4 b ess 4i%'7 The gir 4s eyes b a5e! with resent%ent& b$t she was si ent' <nc e John p$she! his r$sty nai !eep into the gro$n! with his broa! th$%b' 7) got to te &7 he sai!' >a sai!& 7We & te then& go!!a%n it= Who4! ya ki 67 <nc e John !$g with his th$%bs into the watch pocket of his b $e :eans an! scoope! o$t a fo !e! !irty bi ' 2e sprea! it o$t an! showe! it' 78i4 !o ars&7 he sai!' 7Stea her67 >a aske!' 70o& ) ha! her' ?ept her o$t'7 7She was yo$rn& wasn4t she67 79eah& b$t ) !i!n4t ha#e no right to keep her o$t'7 7) !on4t see %$ch sin in that&7 "a sai!' 7)t4s yo$rn'7 <nc e John sai! s ow y& 7)t ain4t on y the keepin4 her o$t' ) kep4 her o$t to get !r$nk' ) knowe! they was gonna co%e a ti%e when ) got to get !r$nk& when )4! get to h$rtin4 insi!e so ) got to get !r$nk' 8iggere! ti%e wasn4 yet& an4 then3the preacher went an4 gi#e 4i%se f $p to sa#e To%'7 >a no!!e! his hea! $p an! !own an! cocke! his hea! to hear' R$thie %o#e! c oser& ike a p$ppy& craw ing $p on her e bows& an! Winfie ! fo owe! her' Rose of Sharon !$g at a !eep eye in a potato with the point of her knife' The e#ening ight !eepene! an! beca%e %ore b $e'

"a sai!& in a sharp %atter*of*fact tone& 7) !on4 see why hi% sa#in4 To% got to get yo$ !r$nk'7 John sai! sa! y& 7Can4t say her' ) fee awf$ ' 2e !one her so easy' J$s4 steppe! $p there an4 says& 4) !one her'4 An4 they took 4i% away' An4 )4% a* gonna get !r$nk'7 >a sti no!!e! his hea!' 7) !on4t see why yo$ got to te &7 he sai!' 7)f it was %e& )4! :$s4 go off an4 get !r$nk if ) ha! to'7 7Co%e a ti%e when ) co$ ! a !i! so%epin an4 took the big sin off %y so$ &7 <nc e John sai! sa! y' 7An4 ) s ippe! $p' ) !i!n4 :$%p on her& an43 an4 she got away' Lookie=7 he sai!& 79o$ got the %oney' Gi%%e two !o ars'7 >a reache! re $ctant y into his pocket an! bro$ght o$t the eather po$ch' 79o$ ain4t gonna nee! no se#en !o ars to get !r$nk' 9o$ !on4t nee! to !rink cha%pagny water'7 <nc e John he ! o$t his bi ' 79o$ take this here an4 gi%%e two !o ars' ) can get goo! an4 !r$nk for two !o ars' ) !on4 want no sin of waste on %e' )4 spen! whate#er ) got' A ways !o'7 >a took the !irty bi an! ga#e <nc e John two si #er !o ars' 7There ya are&7 he sai!' 7A fe a got to !o what he got to !o' 0obo!y !on4 know eno$gh to te 4i%'7 <nc e John took the coins' 79o$ ain4t gonna be %a!6 9o$ know ) got to67 7Christ& yes&7 sai! >a' 79o$ know what yo$ got to !o'7 7) wo$ !n4 be ab e to get thro$gh this night no other way&7 he sai!' 2e t$rne! to "a' 79o$ ain4t gonna ho ! her o#er %e67 "a !i!n4t ook $p' 70o&7 she sai! soft y' 70o3yo$ go 4 ong'7 2e stoo! $p an! wa ke! for orn y away in the e#ening' 2e wa ke! $p to the concrete highway an! across the pa#e%ent to the grocery store' )n front of the screen !oor he took off his hat& !roppe! it into the !$st& an! gro$n! it with his hee in se f*abase%ent' An! he eft his b ack hat there& broken an! !irty' 2e entere! the store an! wa ke! to the she #es where the whisky bott es stoo! behin! wire netting' >a an! "a an! the chi !ren watche! <nc e John %o#e away' Rose of Sharon kept her eyes resentf$ y on the potatoes'

7>oor John&7 "a sai!' 7) won!ere! if it wo$ ! a !one any goo! if3no3 ) g$ess not' ) ne#er seen a %an so !ro#e'7 R$thie t$rne! on her si!e in the !$st' She p$t her hea! c ose to Winfie !4s hea! an! p$ e! his ear against her %o$th' She whispere!& 7)4% gonna get !r$nk'7 Winfie ! snorte! an! pinche! his %o$th tight' The two chi !ren craw e! away& ho !ing their breath& their faces p$rp e with the press$re of their gigg es' They craw e! aro$n! the tent an! eape! $p an! ran s($ea ing away fro% the tent' They ran to the wi ows& an! once concea e!& they shrieke! with a$ghter' R$thie crosse! her eyes an! oosene! her :oints+ she staggere! abo$t& tripping oose y with her tong$e hanging o$t' 7)4% !r$nk&7 she sai!' 7Look&7 Winfie ! crie!' 7Looka %e& here4s %e& an4 )4% <nc e John'7 2e f appe! his ar%s an! p$ffe!& he whir e! $nti he was !i55y' 70o&7 sai! R$thie' 72ere4s the way' 2ere4s the way' I! <nc e John' )4% awf$ !r$nk'7 A an! To% wa ke! ($iet y thro$gh the wi ows& an! they ca%e on the chi !ren staggering cra5i y abo$t' The !$sk was thick now' To% stoppe! an! peere!' 7Ain4t that R$thie an4 Winfie 46 What the he 4s the %atter with 4e%67 They wa ke! nearer' 79o$ cra5y67 To% aske!' The chi !ren stoppe!& e%barrasse!' 7We was3:$s4 p ayin4&7 R$thie sai!' 7)t4s a cra5y way to p ay&7 sai! A ' R$thie sai! pert y& 7)t ain4t no cra5ier4n a ot of things'7 A wa ke! on' 2e sai! to To%& 7R$thie4s workin4 $p a kick in the pants' She been workin4 it $p a ong ti%e' 4/o$t !$e for it'7 R$thie %$she! her face at his back& p$ e! o$t her %o$th with her forefinger& s obbere! her tong$e at hi%& o$trage! hi% in e#ery way she knew& b$t A !i! not t$rn back to ook at her' She ooke! at Winfie ! again to start the ga%e& b$t it ha! been spoi e!' They both knew it' 7Le4s go !own the water an4 !$ck o$r hea!s&7 Winfie ! s$ggeste!' They wa ke! !own thro$gh the wi ows& an! they were angry at A ' A an! To% went ($iet y in the !$sk' To% sai!& 7Casy sho$ !n4 of !i! it' ) %ight of knew& tho$gh' 2e was ta kin4 how he ain4t !one nothin4 for $s' 2e4s a f$nny fe a& A ' A the ti%e thinkin4'7

7Co%es fro% bein4 a preacher&7 A sai!' 7They get a %esse! $p with st$ff'7 7Where ya s4pose Connie was a*goin467 7Goin4 to take a crap& ) g$ess'7 7We & he was goin4 a he of a ong way'7 They wa ke! a%ong the tents& keeping c ose to the wa s' At 8 oy!4s tent a soft hai stoppe! the%' They ca%e near to the tent f ap an! s($atte! !own' 8 oy! raise! the can#as a itt e' 79o$ gettin4 o$t67 To% sai!& 7) !on4 know' Think we better67 8 oy! a$ghe! so$r y' 79o$ hear! what the b$ sai!' They4 b$rn ya o$t if ya !on4t' 48 yo$ think that g$y4s gonna take a beatin4 4tho$t gettin4 back& yo$4re n$ts' The poo *roo% boys4 be !own here tonight to b$rn $s o$t'7 7G$ess we better git& then&7 To% sai!' 7Where yo$ a*goin467 7Why& $p north& ike ) sai!'7 A sai!& 7Look& a fe a to 4 %e 4bo$t a go#4%ent ca%p near here' Where4s it at67 7Oh& ) think that4s f$ $p'7 7We & where4s it at67 7Go so$th on 99 4bo$t twe #e*fo$rteen %i es& an4 t$rn east to Wee!patch' )t4s right near there' /$t ) think she4s f$ $p'7 78e a says it4s nice&7 A sai!' 7S$re& she4s nice' Treat ya ike a %an 4stea! of a !og' Ain4t no cops there' /$t she4s f$ $p'7 To% sai!& 7What ) can4t $n!erstan4s why that cop was so %ean' See%e! ike he was ai%in4 for tro$b e+ see%e! ike he4s pokin4 a fe a to %ake tro$b e'7 8 oy! sai!& 7) !on4 know abo$t here& b$t $p north ) knowe! one a the% fe as& an4 he was a nice fe a' 2e to 4 %e $p there the !ep$ties got to take g$ys in' Sheriff gets se#enty*fi#e cents a !ay for each prisoner& an4 he fee!s 4e% for a ($arter' )f he ain4t got prisoners& he !on4 %ake no profit' This fe a says he !i!n4 pick $p nobo!y for a week& an4 the sheriff to 4 4i% he better bring in g$ys or gi#e $p his b$tton' This fe a to!ay s$re ooks ike he4s o$t to %ake a pinch one way or another'7 7We got to get on&7 sai! To%' 7So ong& 8 oy!'7

7So ong' >rob4 y see yo$' 2ope so'7 7Goo!*by&7 sai! A ' They wa ke! thro$gh the !ark gray ca%p to the Joa! tent' The frying pan of potatoes was hissing an! spitting o#er the fire' "a %o#e! the thick s ices abo$t with a spoon' >a sat near by& h$gging his knees' Rose of Sharon was sitting $n!er the tarpa$ in' 7)t4s To%=7 "a crie!' 7Thank Go!'7 7We got to get o$ta here&7 sai! To%' 7What4s the %atter now67 7We & 8 oy! says they4 b$rn the ca%p tonight'7 7What the he for67 >a aske!' 7We ain4t !one nothin4'7 70othin4 4cept beat $p a cop&7 sai! To%' 7We & we ne#er !one it'7 78ro% what that cop sai!& they wanta p$sh $s a ong'7 Rose of Sharon !e%an!e!& 79o$ seen Connie67 79eah&7 sai! A ' 7Way to he an4 gone $p the ri#er' 2e4s goin4 so$th'7 7Was3was he goin4 away67 7) !on4 know'7 "a t$rne! on the gir ' 7Rosasharn& yo$ been ta kin4 an4 actin4 f$nny' What4! Connie say to yo$67 Rose of Sharon sai! s$ en y& 7Sai! it wo$ ! a been a goo! thing if he staye! ho%e an4 st$!ie! $p tractors'7 They were #ery ($iet' Rose of Sharon ooke! at the fire an! her eyes g istene! in the fire ight' The potatoes hisse! sharp y in the frying pan' The gir sniff e! an! wipe! her nose with the back of her han!' >a sai!& 7Connie wasn4 no goo!' ) seen that a ong ti%e' 1i!n4 ha#e no g$ts& :$s4 too big for his o#era s'7 Rose of Sharon got $p an! went into the tent' She ay !own on the %attress an! ro e! o#er on her sto%ach an! b$rie! her hea! in her crosse! ar%s' 7Wo$ !n4 !o no goo! to catch 4i%& ) g$ess&7 A sai!' >a rep ie!& 70o' )f he ain4t no goo!& we !on4 want hi%'7 "a ooke! into the tent& where Rose of Sharon ay on her %attress' "a sai!& 7Sh' 1on4 say that'7

7We & he ain4t no goo!&7 >a insiste!' 7A the ti%e a*sayin4 what he4s a* gonna !o' 0e#er !oin4 nothin4' ) !i!n4 want ta say nothin4 whi e he4s here' /$t now he4s r$n o$t37 7Sh=7 "a sai! soft y' 7Why& for Christ4s sake6 Why !o ) got to shh6 2e r$n o$t& !i!n4 he67 "a t$rne! o#er the potatoes with her spoon& an! the grease boi e! an! spat' She fe! twigs to the fire& an! the f a%es ace! $p an! ighte! the tent' "a sai!& 7Rosasharn gonna ha#e a itt e fe a an4 that baby is ha f Connie' )t ain4t goo! for a baby to grow $p with fo ks a*sayin4 his pa ain4t no goo!'7 7/etter4n yin4 abo$t it&7 sai! >a' 70o& it ain4t&7 "a interr$pte!' 7"ake o$t ike he4s !ea!' 9o$ wo$ !n4 say no ba! things abo$t Connie if he4s !ea!'7 To% broke in& 72ey& what is this6 We ain4t s$re Connie4s gone for goo!' We got no ti%e for ta kin4' We got to eat an4 get on o$r way'7 7On o$r way6 We :$s4 co%e here'7 "a peere! at hi% thro$gh the fire ighte! !arkness' 2e e.p aine! caref$ y& 7They gonna b$rn the ca%p tonight& "a' 0ow yo$ know ) ain4t got it in %e to stan4 by an4 see o$r st$ff b$rn $p& nor >a ain4t got it in hi%& nor <nc e John' We4! co%e $p a*fightin4& an4 ) :$s4 can4t affor! to be took in an4 %$gge!' ) near y got it to!ay& if the preacher ha!n4 :$%pe! in'7 "a ha! been t$rning the frying potatoes in the hot grease' 0ow she took her !ecision' 7Co%e on=7 she crie!' 7Le4s eat this st$ff' We got to go ($ick'7 She set o$t the tin p ates' >a sai!& 72ow 4bo$t John67 7Where is <nc e John67 To% aske!' >a an! "a were si ent for a %o%ent& an! then >a sai!& 72e went to get !r$nk'7 7Jes$s=7 To% sai!' 7What a ti%e he picke! o$t= Where4! he go67 7) !on4 know&7 sai! >a' To% stoo! $p' 7Look&7 he sai!& 7yo$ a eat an4 get the st$ff oa!e!' )4 go ook for <nc e John' 2e4! of went to the store 4crost the roa!'7 To% wa ke! ($ick y away' The itt e cooking fires b$rne! in front of the tents an! the shacks& an! the ight fe on the faces of ragge! %en

an! wo%en& on cro$che! chi !ren' )n a few tents the ight of kerosene a%ps shone thro$gh the can#as an! p ace! sha!ows of peop e h$ge y on the c oth' To% wa ke! $p the !$sty roa! an! crosse! the concrete highway to the itt e grocery store' 2e stoo! in front of the screen !oor an! ooke! in' The proprietor& a itt e gray %an with an $nke%pt %$stache an! watery eyes& eane! on the co$nter rea!ing a newspaper' 2is thin ar%s were bare an! he wore a ong white apron' 2eape! aro$n! an! in back of hi% were %o$n!s& pyra%i!s& wa s of canne! goo!s' 2e ooke! $p when To% ca%e in& an! his eyes narrowe! as tho$gh he ai%e! a shotg$n' 7Goo! e#ening&7 he sai!' 7R$n o$t of so%ething67 7R$n o$t of %y $nc e&7 sai! To%' 7Or he r$n o$t& or so%ething'7 The gray %an ooke! p$55 e! an! worrie! at the sa%e ti%e' 2e to$che! the tip of his nose ten!er y an! wagg e! it aro$n! to stop an itch' 7See%s ike yo$ peop e a ways ost so%ebo!y&7 he sai!' 7Ten ti%es a !ay or %ore so%ebo!y co%es in here an4 says& 4)f yo$ see a %an na%e! so an4 so& an4 ooks ike so an4 so& wi yo$ te 4i% we went $p north64 So%epin ike that a the ti%e'7 To% a$ghe!' 7We & if yo$ see a yo$ng snot*nose na%e4 Connie& ooks a itt e bit ike a coyote& te 4i% to go to he ' We4#e went so$th' /$t he ain4t the fe a )4% ookin4 for' 1i! a fe a 4bo$t si.ty years o 4& b ack pants& sort of grayish hair& co%e in here an4 get so%e whisky67 The eyes of the gray %an brightene!' 70ow he s$re !i!' ) ne#er seen anything ike it' 2e stoo! o$t front an4 he !roppe! his hat an4 steppe! on it' 2ere& ) got his hat here'7 2e bro$ght the !$sty broken hat fro% $n!er the co$nter' To% took it fro% hi%' 7That4s hi%& a right'7 7We & sir& he got co$p e pints of whisky an4 he !i!n4 say a thing' 2e p$ e! the cork an4 tippe! $p the bott e' ) ain4t got a icense to !rink here' ) says& 4Look& yo$ can4t !rink here' 9o$ got to go o$tsi!e'4 We & sir= 2e :es4 steppe! o$tsi!e the !oor& an4 ) bet he !i!n4t ti t $p that pint %ore4n fo$r ti%es ti it was e%pty' 2e throwe! it away an4 he eane! in the !oor' ,yes kin!a !$ ' 2e says& 4Thank yo$& sir&4 an4 he went on' ) ne#er seen no !rinkin4 ike that in %y ife'7

7Went on6 Which way6 ) got to get hi%'7 7We & it so happens ) can te yo$' ) ne#er seen s$ch !rinkin4& so ) ooke! o$t after hi%' 2e went north+ an4 then a car co%e a ong an4 ighte! hi% $p& an4 he went !own the bank' Legs was beginnin4 to b$ck e a itt e' 2e got the other pint open awrea!y' 2e won4t be far3not the way he was goin4'7 To% sai!& 7Thank ya' ) got to fin! hi%'7 79o$ want ta take his hat67 79eah= 9eah= 2e4 nee! it' We & thank ya'7 7What4s the %atter with hi%67 the gray %an aske!' 72e wasn4 takin4 p eas$re in his !rink'7 7Oh& he4s kin!a3%oo!y' We & goo! night' An4 if yo$ see that s($irt Connie& te 4i% we4#e went so$th'7 7) got so %any peop e to ook o$t for an4 te st$ff to& ) can4t e#er re%e%ber 4e% a '7 71on4t p$t yo$rse f o$t too %$ch&7 To% sai!' 2e went o$t the screen !oor carrying <nc e John4s !$sty b ack hat' 2e crosse! the concrete roa! an! wa ke! a ong the e!ge of it' /e ow hi% in the s$nken fie !& the 2oo#er#i e ay+ an! the itt e fires f ickere! an! the anterns shone thro$gh the tents' So%ewhere in the ca%p a g$itar so$n!e!& s ow chor!s& str$ck witho$t any se($ence& practice chor!s' To% stoppe! an! istene!& an! then he %o#e! s ow y a ong the si!e of the roa!& an! e#ery few steps he stoppe! to isten again' 2e ha! gone a ($arter of a %i e before he hear! what he istene! for' 1own be ow the e%bank%ent the so$n! of a thick& t$ne ess #oice& singing !rab y' To% cocke! his hea!& the better to hear' An! the !$ #oice sang& 7)4#e gi#e %y heart to Jes$s& so Jes$s take %e ho%e' )4#e gi#e %y so$ to Jes$s& so Jes$s is %y ho%e'7 The song trai e! off to a %$r%$r& an! then stoppe!' To% h$rrie! !own fro% the e%bank%ent& towar! the song' After a whi e he stoppe!

an! istene! again' An! the #oice was c ose this ti%e& the sa%e s ow& t$ne ess singing& 7Oh& the night that "aggie !ie!& she ca e! %e to her si!e& an4 gi#e to %e the% o 4 re! f anne !rawers that "aggie wore' They was baggy at the knees37 To% %o#e! ca$tio$s y forwar!' 2e saw the b ack for% sitting on the gro$n!& an! he sto e near an! sat !own' <nc e John ti te! the pint an! the i($or g$rg e! o$t of the neck of the bott e' To% sai! ($iet y& 72ey& wait= Where !o ) co%e in67 <nc e John t$rne! his hea!' 7Who yo$67 79o$ forgot %e awrea!y6 9o$ ha! fo$r !rinks to %y one'7 70o& To%' 1on4t try foo %e' )4% a a one here' 9o$ ain4t been here'7 7We & )4% s$re here now' 2ow 4bo$t gi#in4 %e a snort67 <nc e John raise! the pint again an! the whisky g$rg e!' 2e shook the bott e' )t was e%pty' 70o %ore&7 he sai!' 7Wanta !ie so ba!' Wanta !ie awf$ ' 1ie a itt e bit' Got to' Like s eepin4' 1ie a itt e bit' So tar4!' Tar4!' "aybe3!on4 wake $p no %ore'7 2is #oice croone! off' 7Gonna wear a crown3a go !en crown'7 To% sai!& 7Listen here to %e& <nc e John' We4re gonna %o#e on' 9o$ co%e a ong& an4 yo$ can go right to s eep $p on the oa!'7 John shook his hea!' 70o' Go on' Ain4t goin4' Gonna res4 here' 0o goo! goin4 back' 0o goo! to nobo!y3:$s4 a*!raggin4 %y sins ike !irty !rawers 4%ongst nice fo ks' 0o' Ain4t goin4'7 7Co%e on' We can4t go 4 ess yo$ go'7 7Go ri4 4 ong' ) ain4t no goo!' ) ain4t no goo!' J$s4 a*!raggin4 %y sins& a* !irtyin4 e#er4bo!y'7 79o$ got no %ore sin4n anybo!y e se'7 John p$t his hea! c ose& an! he winke! one eye wise y' To% co$ ! see his face !i% y in the star ight' 70obo!y !on4 know %y sins& nobo!y b$t Jes$s' 2e knows'7

To% got !own on his knees' 2e p$t his han! on <nc e John4s forehea!& an! it was hot an! !ry' John br$she! his han! away c $%si y' 7Co%e on&7 To% p ea!e!' 7Co%e on now& <nc e John'7 7Ain4t goin4 go' J$s4 tar4!' Gon4 res4 ri4 here' Ri4 here'7 To% was #ery c ose' 2e p$t his fist against the point of <nc e John4s chin' 2e %a!e a s%a practice arc twice& for !istance+ an! then& with his sho$ !er in the swing& he hit the chin a !e icate perfect b ow' John4s chin snappe! $p an! he fe backwar!s an! trie! to sit $p again' /$t To% was knee ing o#er hi% an! as John got one e bow $p To% hit hi% again' <nc e John ay sti on the gro$n!' To% stoo! $p an!& ben!ing& he ifte! the oose sagging bo!y an! booste! it o#er his sho$ !er' 2e staggere! $n!er the oose weight' John4s hanging han!s tappe! hi% on the back as he went& s ow y& p$ffing $p the bank to the highway' Once a car ca%e by an! ighte! hi% with the i%p %an o#er his sho$ !er' The car s owe! for a %o%ent an! then roare! away' To% was panting when he ca%e back to the 2oo#er#i e& !own fro% the roa! an! to the Joa! tr$ck' John was co%ing to+ he str$gg e! weak y' To% set hi% gent y !own on the gro$n!' Ca%p ha! been broken whi e he was gone' A passe! the b$n! es $p on the tr$ck' The tarpa$ in ay rea!y to bin! o#er the oa!' A sai!& 72e s$re got a ($ick start'7 To% apo ogi5e!' 7) ha! to hit 4i% a itt e to %ake 4i% co%e' >oor fe a'7 71i!n4 h$rt 4i%67 "a aske!' 71on4 think so' 2e4s a*co%in4 o$t of it'7 <nc e John was weak y sick on the gro$n!' 2is spas%s of #o%iting ca%e in itt e gasps' "a sai!& 7) ef4 a p ate a potatoes for yo$& To%'7 To% ch$ck e!' 7) ain4t :$st in the %oo! right now'7 >a ca e!& 7Awright& A ' S ing $p the tarp'7 The tr$ck was oa!e! an! rea!y' <nc e John ha! gone to s eep' To% an! A booste! an! p$ e! hi% $p on the oa! whi e Winfie ! %a!e a #o%iting noise behin! the tr$ck an! R$thie p $gge! her %o$th with her han! to keep fro% s($ea ing' 7Awrea!y&7 >a sai!'

To% aske!& 7Where4s Rosasharn67 7O#er there&7 sai! "a' 7Co%e on& Rosasharn' We4re a*goin4'7 The gir sat sti & her chin s$nk on her breast' To% wa ke! o#er to her' 7Co%e on&7 he sai!' 7) ain4t a*goin4'7 She !i! not raise her hea!' 79o$ got to go'7 7) want Connie' ) ain4t a*goin4 ti he co%es back'7 Three cars p$ e! o$t of the ca%p& $p the roa! to the highway& o ! cars oa!e! with the ca%ps an! the peop e' They c anke! $p the highway an! ro e! away& their !i% ights g ancing a ong the roa!' To% sai!& 7Connie4 fin! $s' ) ef4 wor! $p at the store where we4! be' 2e4 fin! $s'7 "a ca%e $p an! stoo! besi!e hi%' 7Co%e on& Rosasharn' Co%e on& honey&7 she sai! gent y' 7) wanta wait'7 7We can4t wait'7 "a eane! !own an! took the gir by the ar% an! he pe! her to her feet' 72e4 fin! $s&7 To% sai!' 71on4 yo$ worry' 2e4 fin! $s'7 They wa ke! on either si!e of the gir ' 7"aybe he went to get the% books to st$!y $p&7 sai! Rose of Sharon' 7"aybe he was a*gonna s$rprise $s'7 "a sai!& 7"aybe that4s :$s4 what he !one'7 They e! her to the tr$ck an! he pe! her $p on top of the oa!& an! she craw e! $n!er the tarpa$ in an! !isappeare! into the !ark ca#e' 0ow the bear!e! %an fro% the wee! shack ca%e ti%i! y to the tr$ck' 2e waite! abo$t& his han!s c $tche! behin! his back' 79o$ gonna ea#e any st$ff a fe a co$ ! $se67 he aske! at ast' >a sai!& 7Can4t think of nothin4' We ain4t got nothin4 to ea#e'7 To% aske!& 7Ain4t ya gettin4 o$t67 8or a ong ti%e the bear!e! %an stare! at hi%' 70o&7 he sai! at ast' 7/$t they4 b$rn ya o$t'7 The $nstea!y eyes !roppe! to the gro$n!' 7) know' They !one it before'7 7We & why the he !on4t ya get o$t67

The bewi !ere! eyes ooke! $p for a %o%ent& an! then !own again& an! the !ying fire ight was ref ecte! re! y' 7) !on4 know' Takes so ong to git st$ff together'7 79o$ won4t ha#e nothin4 if they b$rn ya o$t'7 7) know' 9o$ ain4t ea#in4 nothin4 a fe a co$ ! $se67 7C eane! o$t& s ick&7 sai! >a' The bear!e! %an #ag$e y wan!ere! away' 7What4s a %atter with hi%67 >a !e%an!e!' 7Cop*happy&7 sai! To%' 78e a was sayin43he4s b$ *si%p e' /een beat o#er the hea! too %$ch'7 A secon! itt e cara#an !ro#e past the ca%p an! c i%be! to the roa! an! %o#e! away' 7Co%e on& >a' Let4s go' Look here& >a' 9o$ an4 %e an4 A ri!e in the seat' "a can get on the oa!' 0o& "a& yo$ ri!e in the %i!! e& A 73To% reache! $n!er the seat an! bro$ght o$t a %onkey wrench37A & yo$ get $p behin!' Take this here' J$s4 in case' )f anybo!y tries to c i%b $p3 et 4i% ha#e it'7 A took the wrench an! c i%be! $p the back boar!& an! he sett e! hi%se f cross* egge!& the wrench in his han!' To% p$ e! the iron :ack han! e fro% $n!er the seat an! ai! it on the f oor& $n!er the brake pe!a ' 7Awright&7 he sai!' 7Get in the %i!! e& "a'7 >a sai!& 7) ain4t got nothin4 in %y han4'7 79o$ can reach o#er an4 get the :ack han! e&7 sai! To%' 7) hope to Jes$s yo$ !on4 nee! it'7 2e steppe! on the starter an! the c anking f ywhee t$rne! o#er& the engine ca$ght an! !ie!& an! ca$ght again' To% t$rne! on the ights an! %o#e! o$t of the ca%p in ow gear' The !i% ights fingere! the roa! ner#o$s y' They c i%be! $p to the highway an! t$rne! so$th' To% sai!& 7They co%es a ti%e when a %an gets %a!'7 "a broke in& 7To%3yo$ to 4 %e3yo$ pro%ise! %e yo$ wasn4t ike that' 9o$ pro%ise!'7 7) know& "a' )4% a*tryin4' /$t the% !ep$ties31i! yo$ e#er see a !ep$ty that !i!n4 ha#e a fat ass6 An4 they wagg e their ass an4 f op their g$n aro$n4' "a&7 he sai!& 7if it was the aw they was workin4 with& why& we co$ ! take it' /$t it (i#!t the aw' They4re a*workin4 away at o$r spirits' They4re a*tryin4 to %ake $s cringe an4 craw ike a whippe! bitch' They tryin4 to break $s' Why& Jes$s Christ& "a& they co%es a ti%e when

the on4y way a fe a can keep his !ecency is by takin4 a sock at a cop' They4re workin4 on o$r !ecency'7 "a sai!& 79o$ pro%ise!& To%' That4s how >retty /oy 8 oy! !one' ) knowe! his %a' They h$rt hi%'7 7)4% a*tryin4& "a' 2onest to Go!& ) a%' 9o$ !on4 want %e to craw ike a beat bitch& with %y be y on the gro$n4& !o yo$67 7)4% a*prayin4' 9o$ got to keep c ear& To%' The fa%b y4s breakin4 $p' 9o$ got to keep c ear'7 7)4 try& "a' /$t when one a the% fat asses gets to workin4 %e o#er& ) got a big :ob tryin4' )f it was the aw& it4! be !ifferent' /$t b$rnin4 the ca%p ain4t the aw'7 The car :o te! a ong' Ahea!& a itt e row of re! anterns stretche! across the highway' 71eto$r& ) g$ess&7 To% sai!' 2e s owe! the car an! stoppe! it& an! i%%e!iate y a crow! of %en swar%e! abo$t the tr$ck' They were ar%e! with pick han! es an! shotg$ns' They wore trench he %ets an! so%e A%erican Legion caps' One %an eane! in the win!ow& an! the war% s%e of whisky prece!e! hi%' 7Where yo$ think yo$4re goin467 2e thr$st a re! face near to To%4s face' To% stiffene!' 2is han! crept !own to the f oor an! fe t for the :ack han! e' "a ca$ght his ar% an! he ! it powerf$ y' To% sai!& 7We 37 an! then his #oice took on a ser#i e whine' 7We4re strangers here&7 he sai!' 7We hear! abo$t they4s work in a p ace ca e! T$ are'7 7We & go!!a%n it& yo$4re goin4 the wrong way' We ain4t gonna ha#e no go!!a%n Okies in this town'7 To%4s sho$ !ers an! ar%s were rigi!& an! a shi#er went thro$gh hi%' "a c $ng to his ar%' The front of the tr$ck was s$rro$n!e! by the ar%e! %en' So%e of the%& to %ake a %i itary appearance& wore t$nics an! Sa% /rowne be ts' To% whine!& 7Which way is it at& %ister67 79o$ t$rn right aro$n! an4 hea! north' An4 !on4t co%e back ti the cotton4s rea!y'7 To% shi#ere! a o#er' 79es& sir&7 he sai!' 2e p$t the car in re#erse& backe! aro$n! an! t$rne!' 2e hea!e! back the way he ha! co%e' "a

re ease! his ar% an! patte! hi% soft y' An! To% trie! to restrain his har! s%othere! sobbing' 71on4 yo$ %in!'7 "a sai!' 71on4 yo$ %in!'7 To% b ew his nose o$t the win!ow an! wipe! his eyes on his s ee#e' 7The sons*of*bitches37 79o$ !one goo!&7 "a sai! ten!er y' 79o$ !one :$s4 goo!'7 To% swer#e! into a si!e !irt roa!& ran a h$n!re! yar!s& an! t$rne! off his ights an! %otor' 2e got o$t of the car& carrying the :ack han! e' 7Where yo$ goin467 "a !e%an!e!' 7J$s4 gonna ook' We ain4t goin4 north'7 The re! anterns %o#e! $p the highway' To% watche! the% cross the entrance of the !irt roa! an! contin$e on' )n a few %o%ents there ca%e the so$n!s of sho$ts an! screa%s& an! then a f aring ight arose fro% the !irection of the 2oo#er#i e' The ight grew an! sprea!& an! fro% the !istance ca%e a crack ing so$n!' To% got in the tr$ck again' 2e t$rne! aro$n! an! ran $p the !irt roa! witho$t ights' At the highway he t$rne! so$th again& an! he t$rne! on his ights' "a aske! ti%i! y& 7Where we goin4& To%67 7Goin4 so$th&7 he sai!' 7We co$ !n4 et the% bastar!s p$sh $s aro$n4' We co$ !n4' Try to get aro$n4 the town 4tho$t goin4 thro$gh it'7 79eah& b$t where we goin467 >a spoke for the first ti%e' 7That4s what ) want ta know'7 7Gonna ook for that go#4%ent ca%p&7 To% sai!' 7A fe a sai! they !on4 et no !ep$ties in there' "a3) got to get away fro% 4e%' )4% scairt )4 ki one'7 7,asy& To%'7 "a soothe! hi%' 7,asy& To%%y' 9o$ !one goo! once' 9o$ can !o it again'7 79eah& an4 after a whi e ) won4t ha#e no !ecency ef4'7 7,asy&7 she sai!' 79o$ got to ha#e patience' Why& To%3$s peop e wi go on i#in4 when a the% peop e is gone' Why& To%& we4re the peop e that i#e' They ain4t gonna wipe $s o$t' Why& we4re the peop e3we go on'7 7We take a beatin4 a the ti%e'7

7) know'7 "a ch$ck e!' 7"aybe that %akes $s to$gh' Rich fe as co%e $p an4 they !ie& an4 their ki!s ain4t no goo!& an4 they !ie o$t' /$t& To%& we keep a*co%in4' 1on4 yo$ fret none& To%' A !ifferent ti%e4s co%in4'7 72ow !o yo$ know67 7) !on4 know how'7 They entere! the town an! To% t$rne! !own a si!e street to a#oi! the center' /y the street ights he ooke! at his %other' 2er face was ($iet an! a c$rio$s ook was in her eyes& eyes ike the ti%e ess eyes of a stat$e' To% p$t o$t his right han! an! to$che! her on the sho$ !er' 2e ha! to' An! then he with!rew his han!' 70e#er hear! yo$ ta k so %$ch in %y ife&7 he sai!' 7Wasn4t ne#er so %$ch reason&7 she sai!' 2e !ro#e thro$gh the si!e streets an! c eare! the town& an! then he crosse! back' At an intersection the sign sai! 799'7 2e t$rne! so$th on it' 7We & anyways they ne#er sho#e! $s north&7 he sai!' 7We sti go where we want& e#en if we got to craw for the right'7 The !i% ights fe t a ong the broa! b ack highway ahea!' 21 THE !OVING# $UESTING peop e were %igrants now' Those fa%i ies who ha! i#e! on a itt e piece of an!& who ha! i#e! an! !ie! on forty acres& ha! eaten or star#e! on the pro!$ce of forty acres& ha! now the who e West to ro#e in' An! they sca%pere! abo$t& ooking for work+ an! the highways were strea%s of peop e& an! the !itch banks were ines of peop e' /ehin! the% %ore were co%ing' The great highways strea%e! with %o#ing peop e' There in the "i!! e3an! So$thwest ha! i#e! a si%p e agrarian fo k who ha! not change! with in!$stry& who ha! not far%e! with %achines or known the power an! !anger of %achines in pri#ate han!s' They ha! not grown $p in the para! of in!$stry' Their senses were sti sharp to the ri!ic$ o$sness of the in!$stria ife'

An! then s$!!en y the %achines p$she! the% o$t an! they swar%e! on the highways' The %o#e%ent change! the%+ the highways& the ca%ps a ong the roa!& the fear of h$nger an! the h$nger itse f& change! the%' The chi !ren witho$t !inner change! the%& the en! ess %o#ing change! the%' They were %igrants' An! the hosti ity change! the%& we !e! the%& $nite! the%3hosti ity that %a!e the itt e towns gro$p an! ar% as tho$gh to repe an in#a!er& s($a!s with pick han! es& c erks an! storekeepers with shotg$ns& g$ar!ing the wor ! against their own peop e' )n the West there was panic when the %igrants %$ tip ie! on the highways' "en of property were terrifie! for their property' "en who ha! ne#er been h$ngry saw the eyes of the h$ngry' "en who ha! ne#er wante! anything #ery %$ch saw the f are of want in the eyes of the %igrants' An! the %en of the towns an! of the soft s$b$rban co$ntry gathere! to !efen! the%se #es+ an! they reass$re! the%se #es that they were goo! an! the in#a!ers ba!& as a %an %$st !o before he fights' They sai!& These go!!a%ne! Okies are !irty an! ignorant' They4re !egenerate& se.$a %aniacs' Those go!!a%ne! Okies are thie#es' They4 stea anything' They4#e got no sense of property rights' An! the atter was tr$e& for how can a %an witho$t property know the ache of ownership6 An! the !efen!ing peop e sai!& They bring !isease& they4re fi thy' We can4t ha#e the% in the schoo s' They4re strangers' 2ow4! yo$ ike to ha#e yo$r sister go o$t with one of 4e%6 The oca peop e whippe! the%se #es into a %o ! of cr$e ty' Then they for%e! $nits& s($a!s& an! ar%e! the%3ar%e! the% with c $bs& with gas& with g$ns' We own the co$ntry' We can4t et these Okies get o$t of han!' An! the %en who were ar%e! !i! not own the an!& b$t they tho$ght they !i!' An! the c erks who !ri e! at night owne! nothing& an! the itt e storekeepers possesse! on y a !rawerf$ of !ebts' /$t e#en a !ebt is so%ething& e#en a :ob is so%ething' The c erk tho$ght& ) get fifteen !o ars a week' S4pose a go!!a%n Okie wo$ ! work for twe #e6 An! the itt e storekeeper tho$ght& 2ow co$ ! ) co%pete with a !ebt ess %an6 An! the %igrants strea%e! in on the highways an! their h$nger was in their eyes& an! their nee! was in their eyes' They ha! no arg$%ent& no

syste%& nothing b$t their n$%bers an! their nee!s' When there was work for a %an& ten %en fo$ght for it3fo$ght with a ow wage' )f that fe a4 work for thirty cents& )4 work for twenty*fi#e' )f he4 take twenty*fi#e& )4 !o it for twenty' 0o& %e& )4% h$ngry' )4 work for fifteen' )4 work for foo!' The ki!s' 9o$ o$ght to see the%' Litt e boi s& ike& co%in4 o$t& an4 they can4t r$n aro$n4' Gi#e 4e% so%e win!fa fr$it& an4 they b oate! $p' "e& )4 work for a itt e piece of %eat' An! this was goo!& for wages went !own an! prices staye! $p' The great owners were g a! an! they sent o$t %ore han!bi s to bring %ore peop e in' An! wages went !own an! prices staye! $p' An! pretty soon now we4 ha#e serfs again' An! now the great owners an! the co%panies in#ente! a new %etho!' A great owner bo$ght a cannery' An! when the peaches an! the pears were ripe he c$t the price of fr$it be ow the cost of raising it' An! as cannery owner he pai! hi%se f a ow price for the fr$it an! kept the price of canne! goo!s $p an! took his profit' An! the itt e far%ers who owne! no canneries ost their far%s& an! they were taken by the great owners& the banks& an! the co%panies who a so owne! the canneries' As ti%e went on& there were fewer far%s' The itt e far%ers %o#e! into town for a whi e an! e.ha$ste! their cre!it& e.ha$ste! their frien!s& their re ati#es' An! then they too went on the highways' An! the roa!s were crow!e! with %en ra#eno$s for work& %$r!ero$s for work' An! the co%panies& the banks worke! at their own !oo% an! they !i! not know it' The fie !s were fr$itf$ & an! star#ing %en %o#e! on the roa!s' The granaries were f$ an! the chi !ren of the poor grew $p rachitic& an! the p$st$ es of pe agra swe e! on their si!es' The great co%panies !i! not know that the ine between h$nger an! anger is a thin ine' An! %oney that %ight ha#e gone to wages went for gas& for g$ns& for agents an! spies& for b ack ists& for !ri ing' On the highways the peop e %o#e! ike ants an! searche! for work& for foo!' An! the anger began to fer%ent' 22

IT WAS LATE WHEN To% Joa! !ro#e a ong a co$ntry roa! ooking for the Wee!patch ca%p' There were few ights in the co$ntrysi!e' On y a sky g are behin! showe! the !irection of /akersfie !' The tr$ck :igg e! s ow y a ong an! h$nting cats eft the roa! ahea! of it' At a crossroa! there was a itt e c $ster of white woo!en b$i !ings' "a was s eeping in the seat an! >a ha! been si ent an! with!rawn for a ong ti%e' To% sai!& 7) !on4 know where she is' "aybe we4 wait ti !ay ight an4 ast so%ebo!y'7 2e stoppe! at a bo$ e#ar! signa an! another car stoppe! at the crossing' To% eane! o$t' 72ey& %ister' ?now where the big ca%p is at67 7Straight ahea!'7 To% p$ e! across into the opposite roa!' A few h$n!re! yar!s& an! then he stoppe!' A high wire fence face! the roa!& an! a wi!e*gate! !ri#eway t$rne! in' A itt e way insi!e the gate there was a s%a ho$se with a ight in the win!ow' To% t$rne! in' The who e tr$ck eape! into the air an! crashe! !own again' 7Jes$s=7 To% sai!' 7) !i!n4 e#en see that h$%p'7 A watch%an stoo! $p fro% the porch an! wa ke! to the car' 2e eane! on the si!e' 79o$ hit her too fast&7 he sai!' 70e.t ti%e yo$4 take it easy'7 7What is it& for Go!4s sake67 The watch%an a$ghe!' 7We & a ot of ki!s p ay in here' 9o$ te fo ks to go s ow an! they4re iab e to forget' /$t et 4e% hit that h$%p once an! they !on4t forget'7 7Oh= 9eah' 2ope ) !i!n4 break nothin4' Say3yo$ got any roo% here for $s67 7Got one ca%p' 2ow %any of yo$67 To% co$nte! on his fingers' 7"e an4 >a an4 "a& A an4 Rosasharn an4 <nc e John an4 R$thie an4 Winfie 4' The% ast is ki!s'7 7We & ) g$ess we can fi. yo$' Got any ca%ping st$ff67 7Got a big tarp an4 be!s'7 The watch%an steppe! $p on the r$nning boar!' 71ri#e !own the en! of that ine an4 t$rn right' 9o$4 be in 0$%ber 8o$r Sanitary <nit'7 7What4s that67 7Toi ets an! showers an! wash t$bs'7

"a !e%an!e!& 79o$ got wash t$bs3r$nning water67 7S$re'7 7Oh= >raise Go!&7 sai! "a' To% !ro#e !own the ong !ark row of tents' )n the sanitary b$i !ing a ow ight b$rne!' 7>$ in here&7 the watch%an sai!' 7)t4s a nice p ace' 8o ks that ha! it :$st %o#e! o$t'7 To% stoppe! the car' 7Right there67 79eah' 0ow yo$ et the others $n oa! whi e ) sign yo$ $p' Get to s eep' The ca%p co%%ittee4 ca on yo$ in the %orning an! get yo$ fi.e! $p'7 To%4s eyes !rew !own' 7Cops67 he aske!' The watch%an a$ghe!' 70o cops' We got o$r own cops' 8o ks here e ect their own cops' Co%e a ong'7 A !roppe! off the tr$ck an! wa ke! aro$n!' 7Gonna stay here67 79eah&7 sai! To%' 79o$ an4 >a $n oa! whi e ) go to the office'7 7/e kin!a ($iet&7 the watch%an sai!' 7They4s a ot of fo ks s eeping'7 To% fo owe! thro$gh the !ark an! c i%be! the office steps an! entere! a tiny roo% containing an o ! !esk an! a chair' The g$ar! sat !own at the !esk an! took o$t a for%' 70a%e67 7To% Joa!'7 7That yo$r father67 79eah'7 72is na%e67 7To% Joa!& too'7 The ($estions went on' Where fro%& how ong in the State& what work !one' The watch%an ooke! $p' 7)4% not nosy' We got to ha#e this st$ff'7 7S$re&7 sai! To%' 70ow3got any %oney67 7Litt e bit'7 79o$ ain4t !estit$te67 7Got a itt e' Why67 7We & the ca%p site costs a !o ar a week& b$t yo$ can work it o$t& carrying garbage& keeping the ca%p c ean3st$ff ike that'7 7We4 work it o$t&7 sai! To%'

79o$4 see the co%%ittee to%orrow' They4 show yo$ how to $se the ca%p an! te yo$ the r$ es'7 To% sai!& 7Say3what is this6 What co%%ittee is this& anyways67 The watch%an sett e! hi%se f back' 7Works pretty nice' There4s fi#e sanitary $nits' ,ach one e ects a Centra Co%%ittee %an' 0ow that co%%ittee %akes the aws' What they say goes'7 7S4pose they get to$gh&7 To% sai!' 7We & yo$ can #ote 4e% o$t :$s4 as ($ick as yo$ #ote 4e% in' They4#e !one a fine :ob' Te yo$ what they !i!3yo$ know the 2o y Ro er preachers a the ti%e fo ow the peop e aro$n!& preachin4 an4 takin4 $p co ections6 We & they wante! to preach in this ca%p' An! a ot of the o !er fo ks wante! the%' So it was $p to the Centra Co%%ittee' They went into %eeting an! here4s how they fi.e! it' They say& 4Any preacher can preach in this ca%p' 0obo!y can take $p a co ection in this ca%p'4 An! it was kin!a sa! for the o ! fo ks& 4ca$se there hasn4t been a preacher in since'7 To% a$ghe! an! then he aske!& 79o$ %ean to say the fe as that r$ns the ca%p is :$s4 fe as3ca%pin4 here67 7S$re' An! it works'7 79o$ sai! abo$t cops37 7Centra Co%%ittee keeps or!er an4 %akes r$ es' Then there4s the a!ies' They4 ca on yo$r %a' They keep care of ki!s an4 ook after the sanitary $nits' )f yo$r %a isn4t working& she4 ook after ki!s for the ones that is working& an4 when she gets a :ob3why& there4 be others' They sew& an! a n$rse co%es o$t an4 teaches 4e%' A kin!s of things ike that'7 79o$ %ean to say they ain4t no cops67 70o& sir' 0o cop can co%e in here witho$t a warrant'7 7We & s4pose a fe a is :$s4 %ean& or !r$nk an4 ($arre so%e' What then67 The watch%an stabbe! the b otter with a penci ' 7We & the first ti%e the Centra Co%%ittee warns hi%' An! the secon! ti%e they rea y warn hi%' The thir! ti%e they kick hi% o$t of the ca%p'7 7Go! A %ighty& ) can4t har! y be ie#e it= Tonight the !ep$ties an4 the% fe as with the itt e caps& they b$rne! the ca%p o$t by the ri#er'7

7They !on4t get in here&7 the watch%an sai!' 7So%e nights the boys patro the fences& 4specia y !ance nights'7 71ance nights6 Jes$s Christ=7 7We got the best !ances in the co$nty e#ery Sat$r!ay night'7 7We & for Christ4s sake= Why ain4t they %ore p aces ike this67 The watch%an ooke! s$ en' 79o$4 ha#e to fin! that o$t yo$rse f' Go get so%e s eep'7 7Goo! night&7 sai! To%' 7"a4s gonna ike this p ace' She ain4t been treate! !ecent for a ong ti%e'7 7Goo! night&7 the watch%an sai!' 7Get so%e s eep' This ca%p wakes $p ear y'7 To% wa ke! !own the street between the rows of tents' 2is eyes grew $se! to the star ight' 2e saw that the rows were straight an! that there was no itter abo$t the tents' The gro$n! of the street ha! been swept an! sprink e!' 8ro% the tents ca%e the snores of s eeping peop e' The who e ca%p b$55e! an! snorte!' To% wa ke! s ow y' 2e neare! 0$%ber 8o$r Sanitary <nit an! he ooke! at it c$rio$s y& an $npainte! b$i !ing& ow an! ro$gh' <n!er a roof& b$t open at the si!es& the rows of wash trays' 2e saw the Joa! tr$ck stan!ing near by& an! went ($iet y towar! it' The tarpa$ in was pitche! an! the ca%p was ($iet' As he !rew near a fig$re %o#e! fro% the sha!ow of the tr$ck an! ca%e towar! hi%' "a sai! soft y& 7That yo$& To%67 79eah'7 7Sh=7 she sai!' 7They4re a as eep' They was tar4! o$t'7 79o$ o$ght to be as eep too&7 To% sai!' 7We & ) wante! to see ya' )s it awright67 7)t4s nice&7 To% sai!' 7) ain4t gonna te ya' They4 te ya in the %ornin4' 9a gonna ike it'7 She whispere!& 7) hear! they got hot water'7 79eah' 0ow& yo$ get to s eep' ) !on4 know when yo$ s ep4 as4'7 She begge!& 7What ain4t yo$ a*gonna te %e67 7) ain4t' 9o$ get to s eep'7 S$!!en y she see%e! gir ish' 72ow can ) s eep if ) got to think abo$t what yo$ ain4t gonna te %e67

70o& yo$ !on4t&7 To% sai!' 78irst thing in the %ornin4 yo$ get on yo$r other !ress an4 then3yo$4 fin! o$t'7 7) can4t s eep with nothin4 ike that hangin4 o#er %e'7 79o$ got to&7 To% ch$ck e! happi y' 79o$ :$s4 got to'7 7Goo! night&7 she sai! soft y+ an! she bent !own an! s ippe! $n!er the !ark tarpa$ in' To% c i%be! $p o#er the tai *boar! of the tr$ck' 2e ay !own on his back on the woo!en f oor an! he pi owe! his hea! on his crosse! han!s& an! his forear%s presse! against his ears' The night grew coo er' To% b$ttone! his coat o#er his chest an! sett e! back again' The stars were c ear an! sharp o#er his hea!' IT WAS STILL DARK when he awakene!' A s%a c ashing noise bro$ght hi% $p fro% s eep' To% istene! an! hear! again the s($eak of iron on iron' 2e %o#e! stiff y an! shi#ere! in the %orning air' The ca%p sti s ept' To% stoo! $p an! ooke! o#er the si!e of the tr$ck' The eastern %o$ntains were b $e*b ack& an! as he watche!& the ight stoo! $p faint y behin! the%& co ore! at the %o$ntain ri%s with a washe! re!& then growing co !er& grayer& !arker& as it went $p o#erhea!& $nti at a p ace near the western hori5on it %erge! with p$re night' 1own in the #a ey the earth was the a#en!er*gray of !awn' The c ash of iron so$n!e! again' To% ooke! !own the ine of tents& on y a itt e ighter gray than the gro$n!' /esi!e a tent he saw a f ash of orange fire seeping fro% the cracks in an o ! iron sto#e' Gray s%oke sp$rte! $p fro% a st$bby s%oke pipe' To% c i%be! o#er the tr$ck si!e an! !roppe! to the gro$n!' 2e %o#e! s ow y towar! the sto#e' 2e saw a gir working abo$t the sto#e& saw that she carrie! a baby on her crooke! ar%& an! that the baby was n$rsing& its hea! $p $n!er the gir 4s shirtwaist' An! the gir %o#e! abo$t& poking the fire& shifting the r$sty sto#e i!s to %ake a better !raft& opening the o#en !oor+ an! a the ti%e the baby s$cke!& an! the %other shifte! it !eft y fro% ar% to ar%' The baby !i!n4t interfere with her work or with the ($ick gracef$ ness of her %o#e%ents' An! the orange

fire icke! o$t of the sto#e cracks an! threw f ickering ref ections on the tent' To% %o#e! c oser' 2e s%e e! frying bacon an! baking brea!' 8ro% the east the ight grew swift y' To% ca%e near to the sto#e an! stretche! o$t his han!s to it' The gir ooke! at hi% an! no!!e!& so that her two brai!s :erke!' 7Goo! %ornin4&7 she sai!& an! she t$rne! the bacon in the pan' The tent f ap :erke! $p an! a yo$ng %an ca%e o$t an! an o !er %an fo owe! hi%' They were !resse! in new b $e !$ngarees an! in !$ngaree coats& stiff with fi er& the brass b$ttons shining' They were sharp*face! %en& an! they ooke! %$ch a ike' The yo$ng %an ha! a !ark st$bb e bear! an! the o !er %an a white st$bb e bear!' Their hea!s an! faces were wet& their hair !rippe!& water stoo! in !rops on their stiff bear!s' Their cheeks shone with !a%pness' Together they stoo! ooking ($iet y into the ightening east' They yawne! together an! watche! the ight on the hi ri%s' An! then they t$rne! an! saw To%' 7"ornin4&7 the o !er %an sai!& an! his face was neither frien! y nor $nfrien! y' 7"ornin4&7 sai! To%' An!& 7"ornin4&7 sai! the yo$nger %an' The water s ow y !rie! on their faces' They ca%e to the sto#e an! war%e! their han!s at it' The gir kept to her work' Once she set the baby !own an! tie! her brai!s together in back with a string& an! the two brai!s :erke! an! sw$ng as she worke!' She set tin c$ps on a big packing bo.& set tin p ates an! kni#es an! forks o$t' Then she scoope! bacon fro% the !eep grease an! ai! it on a tin p atter& an! the bacon cricke! an! r$st e! as it grew crisp' She opene! the r$sty o#en !oor an! took o$t a s($are pan f$ of big high bisc$its' When the s%e of the bisc$its str$ck the air both of the %en inha e! !eep y' The yo$nger sai!& 7?ee*rist=7 soft y' 0ow the o !er %an sai! to To%& 72a! yo$r breakfast67 7We & no& ) ain4t' /$t %y fo ks is o#er there' They ain4t $p' 0ee! the s eep'7 7We & set !own with $s& then' We got p enty3thank Go!=7

7Why& thank ya&7 To% sai!' 7S%e s so !arn goo! ) co$ !n4 say no'7 71on4t she67 the yo$nger %an aske!' 7,#er s%e anything so goo! in ya ife67 They %arche! to the packing bo. an! s($atte! aro$n! it' 7Workin4 aro$n! here67 the yo$ng %an aske!' 7Ai% to&7 sai! To%' 7We :$s4 got in as4 night' Ain4t ha! no chance to ook aro$n4'7 7We ha! twe #e !ays4 work&7 the yo$ng %an sai!' The gir & working by the sto#e& sai!& 7They e#en got new c othes'7 /oth %en ooke! !own at their stiff b $e c othes& an! they s%i e! a itt e shy y' The gir set o$t the p atter of bacon an! the brown& high bisc$its an! a bow of bacon gra#y an! a pot of coffee& an! then she s($atte! !own by the bo. too' The baby sti n$rse!& its hea! $p $n!er the gir 4s shirtwaist' They fi e! their p ates& po$re! bacon gra#y o#er the bisc$its& an! s$gare! their coffee' The o !er %an fi e! his %o$th f$ & an! he chewe! an! chewe! an! g$ pe! an! swa owe!' 7Go! A %ighty& it4s goo!=7 he sai!& an! he fi e! his %o$th again' The yo$nger %an sai!& 7We been eatin4 goo! for twe #e !ays now' 0e#er %isse! a %ea in twe #e !ays3none of $s' Workin4 an4 gettin4 o$r pay an4 eatin4'7 2e fe to again& a %ost frantica y& an! refi e! his p ate' They !rank the sca !ing coffee an! threw the gro$n!s to the earth an! fi e! their c$ps again' There was co or in the ight now& a re!!ish g ea%' The father an! son stoppe! eating' They were facing to the east an! their faces were ighte! by the !awn' The i%age of the %o$ntain an! the ight co%ing o#er it were ref ecte! in their eyes' An! then they threw the gro$n!s fro% their c$ps to the earth& an! they stoo! $p together' 7Got to git goin4&7 the o !er %an sai!' The yo$nger t$rne! to To%' 7Lookie&7 he sai!' 7We4re ayin4 so%e pipe' 48 yo$ want to wa k o#er with $s& %aybe we co$ ! get yo$ on'7 To% sai!& 7We & that4s %ighty nice of yo$' An4 ) s$re thank ya for the breakfast'7 7G a! to ha#e yo$&7 the o !er %an sai!' 7We4 try to git yo$ workin4 if yo$ want'7

79a go!!a%n right ) want&7 To% sai!' 7J$s4 wait a %in$te' )4 te %y fo ks'7 2e h$rrie! to the Joa! tent an! bent o#er an! ooke! insi!e' )n the g oo% $n!er the tarpa$ in he saw the $%ps of s eeping fig$res' /$t a itt e %o#e%ent starte! a%ong the be!c othes' R$thie ca%e wrigg ing o$t ike a snake& her hair !own o#er her eyes an! her !ress wrink e! an! twiste!' She craw e! caref$ y o$t an! stoo! $p' 2er gray eyes were c ear an! ca % fro% s eep& an! %ischief was not in the%' To% %o#e! off fro% the tent an! beckone! her to fo ow& an! when he t$rne!& she ooke! $p at hi%' 7Lor! Go!& yo$4re growin4 $p&7 he sai!' She ooke! away in s$!!en e%barrass%ent' 7Listen here&7 To% sai!' 71on4t yo$ wake nobo!y $p& b$t when they get $p& yo$ te 4e% ) got a chancet at a :ob& an4 )4% a*goin4 for it' Te "a ) et breakfas4 with so%e neighbors' 9o$ hear that67 R$thie no!!e! an! t$rne! her hea! away& an! her eyes were itt e gir 4s eyes' 71on4t yo$ wake 4e% $p&7 To% ca$tione!' 2e h$rrie! back to his new frien!s' An! R$thie ca$tio$s y approache! the sanitary $nit an! peeke! in the open !oorway' The two %en were waiting when To% ca%e back' The yo$ng wo%an ha! !ragge! a %attress o$t an! p$t the baby on it whi e she c eane! $p the !ishes' To% sai!& 7) wante! to te %y fo ks where*at ) was' They wasn4t awake'7 The three wa ke! !own the street between the tents' The ca%p ha! beg$n to co%e to ife' At the new fires the wo%en worke!& s icing %eat& knea!ing the !o$gh for the %orning4s brea!' An! the %en were stirring abo$t the tents an! abo$t the a$to%obi es' The sky was rosy now' )n front of the office a ean o ! %an rake! the gro$n! caref$ y' 2e so !ragge! his rake that the tine %arks were straight an! !eep' 79o$4re o$t ear y& >a&7 the yo$ng %an sai! as they went by' 79ep& yep' Got to %ake $p %y rent'7 7Rent& he =7 the yo$ng %an sai!' 72e was !r$nk ast Sat4!y night' S$ng in his tent a night' Co%%ittee gi#e hi% work for it'7 They wa ke! a ong the e!ge of the oi e! roa!+ a row of wa n$t trees grew besi!e the way' The s$n sho#e! its e!ge o#er the %o$ntains'

To% sai!& 7See%s f$nny' )4#e et yo$r foo!& an4 ) ain4t to 4 yo$ %y na%e 3nor yo$ ain4t %entione! yo$rs' )4% To% Joa!'7 The o !er %an ooke! at hi%& an! then he s%i e! a itt e' 79o$ ain4t been o$t here ong67 72e & no= J$s4 a co$p e !ays'7 7) knowe! it' 8$nny& yo$ git o$ta the habit a %entionin4 yo$r na%e' They4s so go!!a%n %any' Jist fe as' We & sir3)4% Ti%othy Wa ace& an4 this here4s %y boy Wi kie'7 7>ro$! to know ya&7 To% sai!' 79o$ been o$t here ong67 7Ten %onths&7 Wi kie sai!' 7Got here right on the tai a the f oo!s as4 year' Jes$s= We ha! ( ti%e& ( ti%e= Go!!a%n near star#e4 to !eath'7 Their feet ratt e! on the oi e! roa!' A tr$ck oa! of %en went by& an! each %an was s$nk into hi%se f' ,ach %an brace! hi%se f in the tr$ck be! an! scow e! !own' 7Goin4 o$t for the Gas Co%pany&7 Ti%othy sai!' 7They got a nice :ob of it'7 7) co$ ! of took o$r tr$ck&7 To% s$ggeste!' 70o'7 Ti%othy eane! !own an! picke! $p a green wa n$t' 2e teste! it with his th$%b an! then shie! it at a b ackbir! sitting on a fence wire' The bir! f ew $p& et the n$t sai $n!er it& an! then sett e! back on the wire an! s%oothe! its shining b ack feathers with its beak' To% aske!& 7Ain4t yo$ got no car67 /oth Wa aces were si ent& an! To%& ooking at their faces& saw that they were asha%e!' Wi kie sai!& 7> ace we work at is on4y a %i e $p the roa!'7 Ti%othy sai! angri y& 70o& we ain4t got no car' We so 4 o$r car' 2a! to' R$n o$ta foo!& r$n o$ta e#er4thing' Co$ !n4 git no :ob' 8e as co%e aro$n4 e#er4 week& b$yin4 cars' Co%e aro$n4& an4 if yo$4re h$ngry& why& they4 b$y yo$r car' An4 if yo$4re h$ngry eno$gh& they !on4t hafta pay nothin4 for it' An43we was h$ngry eno$gh' Gi#e $s ten !o ars for her'7 2e spat into the roa!' Wi kie sai! ($iet y& 7) was in /akersfie 4 as4 week' ) seen her3a*settin4 in a $se4*car ot3settin4 right there& an4 se#enty*fi#e !o ars was the sign on her'7

7We ha! to&7 Ti%othy sai!' 7)t was either $s et 4e% stea o$r car or $s stea so%epin fro% the%' We ain4t ha! to stea yet& b$t& go!!a%n it& we been c ose=7 To% sai!& 79o$ know& 4fore we ef4 ho%e& we hear! they was p enty work o$t here' Seen han4bi s& askin4 fo ks to co%e o$t'7 79eah&7 Ti%othy sai!' 7We seen 4e% too' An4 they ain4t %$ch work' An4 wages is co%in4 !own a a ti%e' ) git so go!!a%n tire! :$s4 figgerin4 how to eat'7 79o$ got work now&7 To% s$ggeste!' 79eah& b$t it ain4t gonna as4 ong' Workin4 for a nice fe a' Got a itt e p ace' Works 4 ongsi!e of $s' /$t& he 3it ain4t gonna as4 no ti%e'7 To% sai!& 7Why in the he yo$ gonna git %e on6 )4 %ake it shorter' What yo$ c$ttin4 yo$r own throat for67 Ti%othy shook his hea! s ow y' 7) !$nno' Got no sense& ) g$ess' We figgere! to get $s each a hat' Can4t !o it& ) g$ess' There4s the p ace& off to the right there' 0ice :ob& too' Gettin4 thirty cents an ho$r' 0ice frien4 y fe a to work for'7 They t$rne! off the highway an! wa ke! !own a gra#e e! roa!& thro$gh a s%a kitchen orchar!+ an! behin! the trees they ca%e to a s%a white far% ho$se& a few sha!e trees& an! a barn+ behin! the barn a #ineyar! an! a fie ! of cotton' As the three %en wa ke! past the ho$se a screen !oor bange!& an! a stocky s$nb$rne! %an ca%e !own the back steps' 2e wore a paper s$n he %et& an! he ro e! $p his s ee#es as he ca%e across the yar!' 2is hea#y s$nb$rne! eyebrows were !rawn !own in a scow ' 2is cheeks were s$nb$rne! a beef re!' 7"ornin4& "r' Tho%as&7 Ti%othy sai!' 7"orning'7 The %an spoke irritab y' Ti%othy sai!& 7This here4s To% Joa!' We won!ere! if yo$ co$ ! see yo$r way to p$t hi% on67 Tho%as scow e! at To%' An! then he a$ghe! short y& an! his brows sti scow e!' 7Oh& s$re= )4 p$t hi% on' )4 p$t e#erybo!y on' "aybe )4 get a h$n!re! %en on'7 7We :$s4 tho$ght37 Ti%othy began apo ogetica y'

Tho%as interr$pte! hi%' 79es& ) been thinkin4 too'7 2e sw$ng aro$n! an! face! the%' 7)4#e got so%e things to te yo$' ) been paying yo$ thirty cents an ho$r3that right67 7Why& s$re& "r' Tho%as3b$t37 7An! ) been getting thirty cents4 worth of work'7 2is hea#y har! han!s c aspe! each other' 7We try to gi#e a goo! !ay of work'7 7We & go!!a%n it& this %orning yo$4re getting twenty*fi#e cents an ho$r& an! yo$ take it or ea#e it'7 The re!ness of his face !eepene! with anger' Ti%othy sai!& 7We4#e gi#e yo$ goo! work' 9o$ sai! so yo$rse f'7 7) know it' /$t it see%s ike ) ain4t hiring %y own %en any %ore'7 2e swa owe!' 7Look&7 he sai!' 7) got si.ty*fi#e acres here' 1i! yo$ e#er hear of the 8ar%ers4 Association67 7Why& s$re'7 7We & ) be ong to it' We ha! a %eeting ast night' 0ow& !o yo$ know who r$ns the 8ar%ers Association6 )4 te yo$' The /ank of the West' That bank owns %ost of this #a ey& an! it4s got paper on e#erything it !on4t own' So ast night the %e%ber fro% the bank to ! %e& he sai!& 49o$4re paying thirty cents an ho$r' 9o$4! better c$t it !own to twenty* fi#e'4 ) sai!& 4)4#e got goo! %en' They4re worth thirty'4 An! he says& 4)t isn4t that&4 he says' 4The wage is twenty*fi#e now' )f yo$ pay thirty& it4 on y ca$se $nrest' An! by the way&4 he says& 4yo$ going to nee! the $s$a a%o$nt for a crop oan ne.t year647 Tho%as stoppe!' 2is breath was panting thro$gh his ips' 79o$ see6 The rate is twenty*fi#e cents3an! ike it'7 7We !one goo! work&7 Ti%othy sai! he p ess y' 7Ain4t yo$ got it yet6 "r' /ank hires two tho$san! %en an4 ) hire three' )4#e got paper to %eet' 0ow if yo$ can fig$re so%e way o$t& by Christ& )4 take it= They got %e'7 Ti%othy shook his hea!' 7) !on4 know what to say'7 79o$ wait here'7 Tho%as wa ke! ($ick y to the ho$se' The !oor s a%%e! after hi%' )n a %o%ent he was back& an! he carrie! a newspaper in his han!' 71i! yo$ see this6 2ere& )4 rea! it- 4Citi5ens& angere! at re! agitators& b$rn s($atters4 ca%p' Last night a ban! of

citi5ens& inf$riate! at the agitation going on in a oca s($atters4 ca%p& b$rne! the tents to the gro$n! an! warne! agitators to get o$t of the co$nty'47 To% began& 7Why& )37 an! then he c ose! his %o$th an! was si ent' Tho%as fo !e! the paper caref$ y an! p$t it in his pocket' 2e ha! hi%se f in contro again' 2e sai! ($iet y& 7Those %en were sent o$t by the Association' 0ow )4% gi#ing 4e% away' An! if they e#er fin! o$t ) to !& ) won4t ha#e a far% ne.t year'7 7) :$s4 !on4t know what to say&7 Ti%othy sai!' 7)f they was agitators& ) can see why they was %a!'7 Tho%as sai!& 7) watche! it a ong ti%e' There4s a ways re! agitators :$st before a pay c$t' A ways' Go!!a%n it& they got %e trappe!' 0ow& what are yo$ going to !o6 Twenty*fi#e cents67 Ti%othy ooke! at the gro$n!' 7)4 work&7 he sai!' 7"e too&7 sai! Wi kie' To% sai!& 7See%s ike ) wa ke! into so%epin' S$re& )4 work' ) got to work'7 Tho%as p$ e! a ban!anna o$t of his hip pocket an! wipe! his %o$th an! chin' 7) !on4t know how ong it can go on' ) !on4t know how yo$ %en can fee! a fa%i y on what yo$ get now'7 7We can whi e we work&7 Wi kie sai!' 7)t4s when we !on4t git work'7 Tho%as ooke! at his watch' 7We & et4s go o$t an! !ig so%e !itch' /y Go!&7 he sai!& 7)4% a*gonna te yo$' 9o$ fe as i#e in that go#ern%ent ca%p& !on4t yo$67 Ti%othy stiffene!' 79es& sir'7 7An! yo$ ha#e !ances e#ery Sat$r!ay night67 Wi kie s%i e!' 7We s$re !o'7 7We & ook o$t ne.t Sat$r!ay night'7 S$!!en y Ti%othy straightene!' 2e steppe! c ose' 7What yo$ %ean6 ) be ong to the Centra Co%%ittee' ) got to know'7 Tho%as ooke! apprehensi#e' 71on4t yo$ e#er te ) to !'7 7What is it67 Ti%othy !e%an!e!' 7We & the Association !on4t ike the go#ern%ent ca%ps' Can4t get a !ep$ty in there' The peop e %ake their own aws& ) hear& an! yo$ can4t

arrest a %an witho$t a warrant' 0ow if there was a big fight an! %aybe shooting3a b$nch of !ep$ties co$ ! go in an! c ean o$t the ca%p'7 Ti%othy ha! change!' 2is sho$ !ers were straight an! his eyes co !' 7What yo$ %ean67 71on4t yo$ e#er te where yo$ hear!&7 Tho%as sai! $neasi y' 7There4s going to be a fight in the ca%p Sat$r!ay night' An! there4s going to be !ep$ties rea!y to go in'7 To% !e%an!e!& 7Why& for Go!4s sake6 Those fo ks ain4t bothering nobo!y'7 7)4 te yo$ why&7 Tho%as sai!' 7Those fo ks in the ca%p are getting $se! to being treate! ike h$%ans' When they go back to the s($atters4 ca%ps they4 be har! to han! e'7 2e wipe! his face again' 7Go on o$t to work now' Jes$s& ) hope ) ha#en4t ta ke! %yse f o$t of %y far%' /$t ) ike yo$ peop e'7 Ti%othy steppe! in front of hi% an! p$t o$t a har! ean han!& an! Tho%as took it' 70obo!y won4t know who to 4' We thank yo$' They won4t be no fight'7 7Go on to work&7 Tho%as sai!' 7An! it4s twenty*fi#e cents an ho$r'7 7We4 take it&7 Wi kie sai!& 7fro% yo$'7 Tho%as wa ke! away towar! the ho$se' 7)4 be o$t in a piece&7 he sai!' 79o$ %en get to work'7 The screen !oor s a%%e! behin! hi%' The three %en wa ke! o$t past the itt e white*washe! barn& an! a ong a fie ! e!ge' They ca%e to a ong narrow !itch with sections of concrete pipe ying besi!e it' 72ere4s where we4re a*workin4&7 Wi kie sai!' 2is father opene! the barn an! passe! o$t two picks an! three sho#e s' An! he sai! to To%& 72ere4s yo$r bea$ty'7 To% hefte! the pick' 7J$%ping Jes$s= )f she !on4t fee goo!=7 7Wait4 abo$t 4 e#en o4c ock&7 Wi kie s$ggeste!' 7See how goo! she fee s then'7 They wa ke! to the en! of the !itch' To% took off his coat an! !roppe! it on the !irt pi e' 2e p$she! $p his cap an! steppe! into the !itch' Then he spat on his han!s' The pick arose into the air an! f ashe! !own' To% gr$nte! soft y' The pick rose an! fe & an! the gr$nt ca%e at the %o%ent it sank into the gro$n! an! oosene! the soi '

Wi kie sai!& 79es& sir& >a& we got here a first*gra!e %$ckstick %an' This here boy been %arrie! to that there itt e !igger'7 To% sai!& 7) p$t in ti%e K$%phL' 9es& sir& ) s$re !i! K$%phL' >$t in %y years K$%ph=L' ?in!a ike the fee K$%ph=L7 The soi oosene! ahea! of hi%' The s$n c eare! the fr$it trees now an! the grape ea#es were go !en green on the #ines' Si. feet a ong an! To% steppe! asi!e an! wipe! his forehea!' Wi kie ca%e behin! hi%' The sho#e rose an! fe an! the !irt f ew o$t to the pi e besi!e the engthening !itch' 7) hear! abo$t this here Centra Co%%ittee&7 sai! To%' 7So yo$4re one of 4e%'7 79es& sir&7 Ti%othy rep ie!' 7An! it4s a responsibi ity' A the% peop e' We4re !oin4 o$r best' An4 the peop e in the ca%p a*!oin4 their best' ) wisht the% big far%ers wo$ !n4 p ag$e $s so' ) wisht they wo$ !n4'7 To% c i%be! back into the !itch an! Wi kie stoo! asi!e' To% sai!& 72ow 4bo$t this fight K$%ph=L at the !ance& he to 4 abo$t K$%phL6 What they wanta !o that for67 Ti%othy fo owe! behin! Wi kie& an! Ti%othy4s sho#e be#e e! the botto% of the !itch an! s%oothe! it rea!y for the pipe' 7See%s ike they got to !ri#e $s&7 Ti%othy sai!' 7They4re scairt we4 organi5e& ) g$ess' An4 %aybe they4re right' This here ca%p is a organi5ation' >eop e there ook o$t for theirse #es' Got the nicest strang ban! in these parts' Got a itt e charge acco$nt in the store for fo ks that4s h$ngry' 8i4 !o ars3yo$ can git that %$ch foo! an4 the ca%p4 stan4 goo!' We ain4t ne#er ha! no tro$b e with the aw' ) g$ess the big far%ers is scairt of that' Can4t throw $s in :ai 3why& it scares 4e%' 8igger %aybe if we can go#e4n o$rse #es& %aybe we4 !o other things'7 To% steppe! c ear of the !itch an! wipe! the sweat o$t of his eyes' 79o$ hear what that paper sai! 4bo$t agitators $p north a /akersfie 467 7S$re&7 sai! Wi kie' 7They !o that a a ti%e'7 7We & ) was there' They wasn4t no agitators' What they ca re!s' What the he is these re!s anyways67 Ti%othy scrape! a itt e hi e#e in the botto% of the !itch' The s$n %a!e his white brist e bear! shine' 7They4s a ot of fe as wanta know what re!s is'7 2e a$ghe!' 7One of o$r boys fo$n4 o$t'7 2e patte! the pi e! earth gent y with his sho#e ' 78e a na%e! 2ines3got 4bo$t thirty

tho$san! acres& peaches an! grapes3got a cannery an4 a winery' We & he4s a a ti%e ta kin4 abo$t 4the% go!!a%n re!s'4 4Go!!a%n re!s is !ri#in4 the co$ntry to r$in&4 he says& an4 4We got to !ri#e these here re! bastar!s o$t'4 We & they were a yo$ng fe a :$s4 co%e o$t west here& an4 he4s istenin4 one !ay' 2e kin!a scratche! his hea! an4 he says& 4"r' 2ines& ) ain4t been here ong' What is these go!!a%n re!s64 We & sir& 2ines says& 4A re! is any son*of*a*bitch that wants thirty cents an ho$r when we4re payin4 twenty*fi#e=4 We & this yo$ng fe a he thinks abo$t her& an4 he scratches his hea!& an4 he says& 4We & Jes$s& "r' 2ines' ) ain4t a son*of*a*bitch& b$t if that4s what a re! is3why& ) want thirty cents an ho$r' ,#er4bo!y !oes' 2e & "r' 2ines& we4re a re!s'47 Ti%othy !ro#e his sho#e a ong the !itch botto%& an! the so i! earth shone where the sho#e c$t it' To% a$ghe!' 7"e too& ) g$ess'7 2is pick arce! $p an! !ro#e !own& an! the earth cracke! $n!er it' The sweat ro e! !own his forehea! an! !own the si!es of his nose& an! it g istene! on his neck' 71a%n it&7 he sai!& 7a pick is a nice too K$%phL& if yo$ !on4 fight it K$%phL' 9o$ an4 the pick K$%phL workin4 together K$%phL'7 )n ine& the three %en worke!& an! the !itch inche! a ong& an! the s$n shone hot y !own on the% in the growing %orning' When To% eft her& R$thie ga5e! in at the !oor of the sanitary $nit for a whi e' 2er co$rage was not strong witho$t Winfie ! to boast for' She p$t a bare foot in on the concrete f oor& an! then with!rew it' 1own the ine a wo%an ca%e o$t of a tent an! starte! a fire in a tin ca%p sto#e' R$thie took a few steps in that !irection& b$t she co$ ! not ea#e' She crept to the entrance of the Joa! tent an! ooke! in' On one si!e& ying on the gro$n!& ay <nc e John& his %o$th open an! his snores b$bb ing spitti y in his throat' "a an! >a were co#ere! with a co%fort& their hea!s in& away fro% the ight' A was on the far si!e fro% <nc e John& an! his ar% was f $ng o#er his eyes' 0ear the front of the tent Rose of Sharon an! Winfie ! ay& an! there was the space where R$thie ha! been& besi!e Winfie !' She s($atte! !own an! peere! in' 2er eyes re%aine! on Winfie !4s tow hea!+ an! as she ooke!& the itt e boy opene! his eyes an! stare! o$t at her& an! his eyes were so e%n' R$thie p$t her finger to her ips an! beckone! with her other han!' Winfie !

ro e! his eyes o#er to Rose of Sharon' 2er pink f $she! face was near to hi%& an! her %o$th was open a itt e' Winfie ! caref$ y oosene! the b anket an! s ippe! o$t' 2e crept o$t of the tent ca$tio$s y an! :oine! R$thie' 72ow ong yo$ been $p67 he whispere!' She e! hi% away with e aborate ca$tion& an! when they were safe& she sai!& 7) ne#er been to be!' ) was $p a night'7 79o$ was not&7 Winfie ! sai!' 79o$4re a !irty iar'7 7Awright&7 she sai!' 7)f )4% a iar ) ain4t gonna te yo$ nothin4 that happene!' ) ain4t gonna te how the fe a got ki e! with a stab knife an4 how they was a bear co%e in an4 took off a itt e chi e'7 7They wasn4t no bear&7 Winfie ! sai! $neasi y' 2e br$she! $p his hair with his fingers an! he p$ e! !own his o#era s at the crotch' 7A right3they wasn4t no bear&7 she sai! sarcastica y' 7An4 they ain4t no white things %a!e o$ta !ish*st$ff& ike in the cata og$es'7 Winfie ! regar!e! her gra#e y' 2e pointe! to the sanitary $nit' 7)n there67 he aske!' 7)4% a !irty iar&7 R$thie sai!' 7)t ain4t gonna !o %e no goo! to te st$ff to yo$'7 7Le4s go ook&7 Winfie ! sai!' 7) a rea!y been&7 R$thie sai!' 7) a rea!y set on 4e%' ) e#en pee4! in one'7 79o$ ne#er neither&7 sai! Winfie !' They went to the $nit b$i !ing& an! that ti%e R$thie was not afrai!' /o ! y she e! the way into the b$i !ing' The toi ets ine! one si!e of the arge roo%& an! each toi et ha! its co%part%ent with a !oor in front of it' The porce ain was g ea%ing white' 2an! basins ine! another wa & whi e on the thir! wa were fo$r shower co%part%ents' 7There&7 sai! R$thie' 7The%4s the toi ets' ) seen 4e% in the cata og$e'7 The chi !ren !rew near to one of the toi ets' R$thie& in a b$rst of bra#a!o& booste! her skirt an! sat !own' 7) to 4 yo$ ) been here&7 she sai!' An! to pro#e it& there was a tink e of water in the bow ' Winfie ! was e%barrasse!' 2is han! twiste! the f $shing e#er' There was a roar of water& R$thie eape! into the air an! :$%pe! away' She an! Winfie ! stoo! in the %i!! e of the roo% an! ooke! at the toi et' The hiss of water contin$e! in it'

79o$ !one it&7 R$thie sai!' 79o$ went an4 broke it' ) seen yo$'7 7) ne#er' 2onest ) ne#er'7 7) seen yo$&7 R$thie sai!' 79o$ :$s4 ain4t to be tr$ste! with no nice st$ff'7 Winfie ! s$nk his chin' 2e ooke! $p at R$thie an! his eyes fi e! with tears' 2is chin ($i#ere!' An! R$thie was instant y contrite' 70e#er yo$ %in!&7 she sai!' 7) won4t te on yo$' We4 preten! ike she was a rea!y broke' We4 preten! we ain4t e#en been in here'7 She e! hi% o$t of the b$i !ing' The s$n ippe! o#er the %o$ntain by now& shone on the corr$gate!* iron roofs of the fi#e sanitary $nits& shone on the gray tents an! on the swept gro$n! of the streets between the tents' An! the ca%p was waking $p' The fires were b$rning in ca%p sto#es& in the sto#es %a!e of kerosene cans an! of sheets of %eta ' The s%e of s%oke was in the air' Tent f aps were thrown back an! peop e %o#e! abo$t in the streets' )n front of the Joa! tent "a stoo! ooking $p an! !own the street' She saw the chi !ren an! ca%e o#er to the%' 7) was worryin4&7 "a sai!' 7) !i!n4 know where yo$ was'7 7We was :$s4 ookin4&7 R$thie sai!' 7We & where4s To%6 9o$ seen hi%67 R$thie beca%e i%portant' 79es& %a4a%' To%& he got %e $p an4 he to 4 %e what to te yo$'7 She pa$se! to et her i%portance be apparent' 7We 3what67 "a !e%an!e!' 72e sai! te yo$37 She pa$se! again an! ooke! to see that Winfie ! appreciate! her position' "a raise! her han!& the back of it towar! R$thie' 7What67 72e got work&7 sai! R$thie ($ick y' 7Went o$t to work'7 She ooke! apprehensi#e y at "a4s raise! han!' The han! sank !own again& an! then it reache! o$t for R$thie' "a e%brace! R$thie4s sho$ !ers in a ($ick con#$ si#e h$g& an! then re ease! her' R$thie stare! at the gro$n! in e%barrass%ent& an! change! the s$b:ect' 7They got toi ets o#er there&7 she sai!' 7White ones'7 79o$ been in there67 "a !e%an!e!' 7"e an4 Winfie 4&7 she sai!+ an! then& treachero$s y& 7Winfie 4& he b$st a toi et'7

Winfie ! t$rne! re!' 2e g are! at R$thie' 7She pee4! in one&7 he sai! #icio$s y' "a was apprehensi#e' 70ow what !i! yo$ !o6 9o$ show %e'7 She force! the% to the !oor an! insi!e' 70ow what4! yo$ !o67 R$thie pointe!' 7)t was a*hissin4 an! a*swishin4' Stoppe! now'7 7Show %e what yo$ !one&7 "a !e%an!e!' Winfie ! went re $ctant y to the toi et' 7) !i!n4 p$sh it har!&7 he sai!' 7) :$s4 ha! aho t of this here& an437 The swish of water ca%e again' 2e eape! away' "a threw back her hea! an! a$ghe!& whi e R$thie an! Winfie ! regar!e! her resentf$ y' 7Tha4s the way she works&7 "a sai!' 7) seen the% before' When yo$ finish& yo$ p$sh that'7 The sha%e of their ignorance was too great for the chi !ren' They went o$t the !oor& an! they wa ke! !own the street to stare at a arge fa%i y eating breakfast' "a watche! the% o$t of the !oor' An! then she ooke! abo$t the roo%' She went to the shower c osets an! ooke! in' She wa ke! to the wash basins an! ran her finger o#er the white porce ain' She t$rne! the water on a itt e an! he ! her finger in the strea%& an! :erke! her han! away when the water ca%e hot' 8or a %o%ent she regar!e! the basin& an! then& setting the p $g& she fi e! the bow a itt e fro% the hot fa$cet& a itt e fro% the co !' An! then she washe! her han!s in the war% water& an! she washe! her face' She was br$shing water thro$gh her hair with her fingers when a step so$n!e! on the concrete f oor behin! her' "a sw$ng aro$n!' An e !er y %an stoo! ooking at her with an e.pression of righteo$s shock' 2e sai! harsh y& 72ow yo$ co%e in here67 "a g$ pe!& an! she fe t the water !ripping fro% her chin& an! soaking thro$gh her !ress' 7) !i!n4 know&7 she sai! apo ogetica y' 7) tho$ght this here was for fo ks to $se'7 The e !er y %an frowne! on her' 78or %en fo ks&7 he sai! stern y' 2e wa ke! to the !oor an! pointe! to a sign on it- ",0' 7There&7 he sai!' 7That pro#es it' 1i!n4 yo$ see that67 70o&7 "a sai! in sha%e& 7) ne#er seen it' Ain4t they a p ace where ) can go67

The %an4s anger !eparte!' 79o$ :$s4 co%e67 he aske! %ore kin! y' 7"i!! e of the night&7 sai! "a' 7Then yo$ ain4t ta ke! to the Co%%ittee67 7What co%%ittee67 7Why& the La!ies4 Co%%ittee'7 70o& ) ain4t'7 2e sai! pro$! y& 7The Co%%ittee4 ca on yo$ p$rty soon an4 fi. yo$ $p' We take care of fo ks that :$s4 co%e in' 0ow& if yo$ want a a!ies4 toi et& yo$ :$s4 go on the other si!e of the b$i !ing' That si!e4s yo$rn'7 "a sai! $neasi y& 79a say a a!ies4 co%%ittee3co%in4 to %y tent67 2e no!!e! his hea!' 7>$rty soon& ) g$ess'7 7Thank ya&7 sai! "a' She h$rrie! o$t& an! ha f ran to the tent' 7>a&7 she ca e!' 7John& git $p= 9o$& A ' Git $p an4 git washe!'7 Start e! s eepy eyes ooke! o$t at her' 7A of yo$&7 "a crie!' 79o$ git $p an4 git yo$r face washe!' An4 co%b yo$r hair'7 <nc e John ooke! pa e an! sick' There was a re! br$ise! p ace on his chin' >a !e%an!e!& 7What4s the %atter67 7The Co%%ittee&7 "a crie!' 7They4s a co%%ittee3a a!ies4 co%%ittee a*co%in4 to #isit' Git $p now& an4 git washe!' An4 whi e we was a*s eepin4 an4 a*snorin4& To%4s went o$t an4 got work' Git $p& now'7 They ca%e s eepi y o$t of the tent' <nc e John staggere! a itt e& an! his face was paine!' 7Git o#er to that ho$se an! wash $p&7 "a or!ere!' 7We got to get breakf$s4 an4 be rea!y for the Co%%ittee'7 She went to a itt e pi e of sp it woo! in the ca%p ot' She starte! a fire an! p$t $p her cooking irons' 7>one&7 she sai! to herse f' 7>one an4 gra#y' That4s ($ick' Got to be ($ick'7 She ta ke! on to herse f& an! R$thie an! Winfie ! stoo! by& won!ering' The s%oke of the %orning fires arose a o#er the ca%p& an! the %$tter of ta k ca%e fro% a si!es' Rose of Sharon& $nke%pt an! s eepy*eye!& craw e! o$t of the tent' "a t$rne! fro% the corn%ea she was %eas$ring in fistf$ s' She ooke! at the gir 4s wrink e! !irty !ress& at her fri55 e! $nco%be! hair' 79o$ got to c ean $p&7 she sai! brisk y' 7Go right o#er an! c ean $p' 9o$ got a c ean

!ress' ) washe! it' Git yo$r hair co%be!' Git the see!s o$t a yo$r eyes'7 "a was e.cite!' Rose of Sharon sai! s$ en y& 7) !on4 fee goo!- ) wisht Connie wo$ ! co%e' ) !on4t fee ike !oin4 nothin4 4tho$t Connie'7 "a t$rne! f$ aro$n! on her' The ye ow corn%ea c $ng to her han!s an! wrists' 7Rosasharn&7 she sai! stern y& 7yo$ git $pright' 9o$ :$s4 been %opin4 eno$gh' They4s a a!ies4 co%%ittee a*co%in4& an4 the fa%b y ain4t gonna be frawny when they get here'7 7/$t ) !on4 fee goo!'7 "a a!#ance! on her& %ea y han!s he ! o$t' 7Git&7 "a sai!' 7They4s ti%es when how yo$ fee got to be kep4 to yo$rse f'7 7)4% a goin4 to #o%it&7 Rose of Sharon whine!' 7We & go an4 #o%it' 4Co$rse yo$4re gonna #o%it' ,#er4bo!y !oes' Git it o#er an4 then yo$ c ean $p& an4 yo$ wash yo$r egs an4 p$t on the% shoes of yo$rn'7 She t$rne! back to her work' 7An4 brai! yo$r hair&7 she sai!' A frying pan of grease sp$ttere! o#er the fire& an! it sp ashe! an! hisse! when "a !roppe! the pone in with a spoon' She %i.e! f o$r with grease in a kett e an! a!!e! water an! sa t an! stirre! the gra#y' The coffee began to t$rn o#er in the ga on can& an! the s%e of coffee rose fro% it' >a wan!ere! back fro% the sanitary $nit& an! "a ooke! critica y $p' >a sai!& 79a say To%4s got work67 79es& sir' Went o$t 4fore we was awake' 0ow ook in that bo. an4 get yo$ so%e c ean o#erha s an4 a shirt' An4 >a& )4% awf$ b$sy' 9o$ git in R$thie an4 Winfie 4s ears' They4s hot water' Wi yo$ !o that6 Scro$nge aro$n4 in their ears goo!& an4 their necks' Get4 e% re! an4 shinin4'7 70e#er seen yo$ so b$bb y&7 >a sai!' "a crie!& 7This here4s the ti%e the fa%b y got to get !ecent' Co%in4 acrost they wasn4t no chancet' /$t now we can' Th4ow yo$r !irty o#erha s in the tent an4 )4 wash4 e% o$t'7 >a went insi!e the tent& an! in a %o%ent he ca%e o$t with pa e b $e& washe! o#era s an! shirt on' An! he e! the sa! an! start e! chi !ren towar! the sanitary $nit' "a ca e! after hi%& 7Scro$nge aro$n4 goo! in their ears'7

<nc e John ca%e to the !oor of the %en4s si!e an! ooke! o$t& an! then he went back an! sat on the toi et a ong ti%e an! he ! his aching hea! in his han!s' "a ha! taken $p a pan oa! of brown pone an! was !ropping spoons of !o$gh in the grease for a secon! pan when a sha!ow fe on the gro$n! besi!e her' She ooke! o#er her sho$ !er' A itt e %an !resse! a in white stoo! behin! her3a %an with a thin& brown& ine! face an! %erry eyes' 2e was ean as a picket' 2is white c ean c othes were fraye! at the sea%s' 2e s%i e! at "a' 7Goo! %orning&7 he sai!' "a ooke! at his white c othes an! her face har!ene! with s$spicion' 7"ornin4&7 she sai!' 7Are yo$ "rs' Joa!67 79es'7 7We & )4% Ji% Raw ey' )4% ca%p %anager' J$st !roppe! by to see if e#erything4s a right' Got e#erything yo$ nee!67 "a st$!ie! hi% s$spicio$s y' 79es&7 she sai!' Raw ey sai!& 7) was as eep when yo$ ca%e ast night' L$cky we ha! a p ace for yo$'7 2is #oice was war%' "a sai! si%p y& 7)t4s nice' 4Specia y the% wash t$bs'7 79o$ wait ti the wo%en get to washing' >retty soon now' 9o$ ne#er hear! s$ch a f$ss' Like a %eeting' ?now what they !i! yester!ay& "rs' Joa!6 They ha! a chor$s' Singing a hy%n t$ne an! r$bbing the c othes a in ti%e' That was so%ething to hear& ) te yo$'7 The s$spicion was going o$t of "a4s face' 7"$st a been nice' 9o$4re the boss67 70o'7 he sai!' 7The peop e here worke! %e o$t of a :ob' They keep the ca%p c ean& they keep or!er& they !o e#erything' ) ne#er saw s$ch peop e' They4re %aking c othes in the %eeting ha ' An! they4re %aking toys' 0e#er saw s$ch peop e'7 "a ooke! !own at her !irty !ress' 7We ain4t c ean yet&7 she sai!' 79o$ :$s4 can4t keep c ean a*tra#e in4'7 71on4t ) know it&7 he sai!' 2e sniffe! the air' 7Say3is that yo$r coffee s%e s so goo!67

"a s%i e!' 71oes s%e nice& !on4t it6 O$tsi!e it a ways s%e s nice'7 An! she sai! pro$! y& 7We4! take it in honor 4f yo$4! ha#e so%e breakf$s4 with $s'7 2e ca%e to the fire an! s($atte! on his ha%s& an! the ast of "a4s resistance went !own' 7We4! be pro$! to ha#e ya&7 she sai!' 7We ain4t got %$ch that4s nice& b$t yo$4re we co%e'7 The itt e %an grinne! at her' 7) ha! %y breakfast' /$t )4! s$re ike a c$p of that coffee' S%e s so goo!'7 7Why3why& s$re'7 71on4t h$rry yo$rse f'7 "a po$re! a tin c$p of coffee fro% the ga on can' She sai!& 7We ain4t got s$gar yet' "aybe we4 get so%e to!ay' )f yo$ nee! s$gar& it won4t taste goo!'7 70e#er $se s$gar&7 he sai!' 7Spoi s the taste of goo! coffee'7 7We & ) ike a itt e s$gar&7 sai! "a' She ooke! at hi% s$!!en y an! c ose y& to see how he ha! co%e so c ose so ($ick y' She ooke! for %oti#e on his face& an! fo$n! nothing b$t frien! iness' Then she ooke! at the fraye! sea%s on his white coat& an! she was reass$re!' 2e sippe! the coffee' 7) g$ess the a!ies4 be here to see yo$ this %orning'7 7We ain4t c ean&7 "a sai!' 7They sho$ !n4t be co%in4 ti we get c eane! $p a itt e'7 7/$t they know how it is&7 the %anager sai!' 7They ca%e in the sa%e way' 0o& sir' The co%%ittees are goo! in this ca%p beca$se they !o know'7 2e finishe! his coffee an! stoo! $p' 7We & ) got to go on' Anything yo$ want& why& co%e o#er to the office' )4% there a the ti%e' Gran! coffee' Thank yo$'7 2e p$t the c$p on the bo. with the others& wa#e! his han!& an! wa ke! !own the ine of tents' An! "a hear! hi% speaking to the peop e as he went' "a p$t !own her hea! an! she fo$ght with a !esire to cry' >a ca%e back ea!ing the chi !ren& their eyes sti wet with pain at the ear*scro$nging' They were s$b!$e! an! shining' The s$nb$rne! skin on Winfie !4s nose was scr$bbe! off' 7There&7 >a sai!' 7Got !irt an4 two ayers a skin' 2a! to a %ost ick 4e% to %ake 4e% stan4 sti '7

"a praise! the%' 7They ook nice&7 she sai!' 72e4p yase f to pone an4 gra#y' We got to get st$ff o$ta the way an4 the tent in or!er'7 >a ser#e! p ates for the chi !ren an! for hi%se f' 7Won!er where To% got work67 7) !$nno'7 7We & if he can& we can'7 A ca%e e.cite! y to the tent' 7What a p ace=7 he sai!' 2e he pe! hi%se f an! po$re! coffee' 7?now what a fe a4s !oin46 2e4s b$i !in4 a ho$se trai er' Right o#er there& back a the% tents' Got be!s an4 a sto#e3 e#er4thing' J$s4 i#e in her' /y Go!& that4s the way to i#e= Right where yo$ stop3tha4s where yo$ i#e'7 "a sai!& 7) r$ther ha#e a itt e ho$se' Soon4s we can& ) want a itt e ho$se'7 >a sai!& 7A 3after we4#e et& yo$ an4 %e an4 <nc e John4 take the tr$ck an4 go o$t ookin4 for work'7 7S$re&7 sai! A ' 7) ike to get a :ob in a garage if they4s any :obs' Tha4s what ) rea y ike' An4 get %e a itt e o 4 c$t*!own 8or!' >aint her ye a an4 go a*kyoo! in4 aro$n4' Seen a p$rty gir !own the roa!' Gi#e her a big wink& too' >$rty as he & too'7 >a sai! stern y& 79o$ better get yo$ so%e work 4fore yo$ go a*to%* cattin4'7 <nc e John ca%e o$t of the toi et an! %o#e! s ow y near' "a frowne! at hi%' 79o$ ain4t washe!37 she began& an! then she saw how sick an! weak an! sa! he ooke!' 79o$ go on in the tent an4 ay !own&7 she sai!' 79o$ ain4t we '7 2e shook his hea!' 70o'7 he sai!' 7) sinne!& an4 ) got to take %y p$nish%ent'7 2e s($atte! !own !isconso ate y an! po$re! hi%se f a c$p of coffee' "a took the ast pones fro% the pan' She sai! cas$a y& 7The %anager of the ca%p co%e an4 set an4 ha! a c$p of coffee'7 >a ooke! o#er s ow y' 79eah6 What4s he want awrea!y67 7J$s4 co%e to pass the ti%e&7 "a sai! !ainti y' 7J$s4 set !own an4 ha! coffee' Sai! he !i!n4 get goo! coffee so often& an4 s%e t o$r4n'7 7What4! he want67 >a !e%an!e! again'

71i!n4 want nothin4' Co%e to see how we was gettin4 on'7 7) !on4 be ie#e it&7 >a sai!' 72e4s probab y a*snootin4 an4 a*s%e in4 aro$n4'7 72e was not=7 "a crie! angri y' 7) can te a fe a that4s snootin4 aro$n4 ($ick as the ne.4 person'7 >a tosse! his coffee gro$n!s o$t of his c$p' 79o$ got to ($it that&7 "a sai!' 7This here4s a c ean p ace'7 79o$ see she !on4t get so go!!a%n c ean a fe a can4t i#e in her&7 >a sai! :ea o$s y' 72$rry $p& A ' We4re goin4 o$t ookin4 for a :ob'7 A wipe! his %o$th with his han!' 7)4% rea!y&7 he sai!' >a t$rne! to <nc e John' 79o$ a*co%in467 79es& )4% a*co%in4'7 79o$ !on4t ook so goo!'7 7) ain4t so goo!& b$t )4% co%in4'7 A got in the tr$ck' 72a#e to get gas&7 he sai!' 2e starte! the engine' >a an! <nc e John c i%be! in besi!e hi% an! the tr$ck %o#e! away !own the street' "a watche! the% go' An! then she took a b$cket an! went to the wash trays $n!er the open part of the sanitary $nit' She fi e! her b$cket with hot water an! carrie! it back to her ca%p' An! she was washing the !ishes in the b$cket when Rose of Sharon ca%e back' 7) p$t yo$r st$ff on a p ate&7 "a sai!' An! then she ooke! c ose y at the gir ' 2er hair was !ripping an! co%be!& an! her skin was bright an! pink' She ha! p$t on the b $e !ress printe! with itt e white f owers' On her feet she wore the hee e! s ippers of her we!!ing' She b $she! $n!er "a4s ga5e' 79o$ ha! a bath&7 "a sai!' Rose of Sharon spoke h$ski y' 7) was in there when a a!y co%e in an4 !one it' ?now what yo$ !o6 9o$ get in a itt e sta * ike& an4 yo$ t$rn han! es& an4 water co%es a*f oo!in4 !own on yo$3hot water or co 4 water& :$s4 ike yo$ want it3an4 ) !one it=7 7)4% a*goin4 to %yse f&7 "a crie!' 7J$s4 soon as ) get finish4 here' 9o$ show %e how'7 7)4% a*gonna !o it e#er4 !ay&7 the gir sai!' 7An4 that a!y3she seen %e& an4 she seen abo$t the baby& an43know what she sai!6 Sai! they4s a n$rse co%es e#er4 week' An4 )4% to go see that n$rse an4 she4 te %e :$s4

what to !o so4s the baby4 be strong' Says a the a!ies here !o that' An4 )4% a*gonna !o it'7 The wor!s b$bb e! o$t' 7An43know what36 Las4 week they was a baby borne! an4 the who e ca%p gi#e a party& an4 they gi#e c othes& an4 they gi#e st$ff for the baby3e#en gi#e a baby b$ggy3 wicker one' Wasn4t new& b$t they gi#e it a coat a pink paint& an4 it was :$s4 ike new' An4 they gi#e the baby a na%e& an4 ha! a cake' Oh& Lor!=7 She s$bsi!e!& breathing hea#i y' "a sai!& 7>raise Go!& we co%e ho%e to o$r own peop e' )4% a*gonna ha#e a bath'7 7Oh& it4s nice&7 the gir sai!' "a wipe! the tin !ishes an! stacke! the%' She sai!& 7We4re Joa!s' We !on4t ook $p to nobo!y' Gra%pa4s gra%pa& he fit in the Re#o $tion' We was far% peop e ti the !ebt' An! then3the% peop e' They !one so%epin to $s' ,#er4 ti%e they co%e see%e! ike they was a*whippin4 %e 3a of $s' An4 in 0ee! es& that po ice' 2e !one so%epin to %e& %a!e %e fee %ean' "a!e %e fee asha%e!' An4 now ) ain4t asha%e!' These fo ks is o$r fo ks3is o$r fo ks' An4 that %anager& he co%e an4 set an4 !rank coffee& an4 he says& 4"rs' Joa!4 this& an4 4"rs' Joa!4 that3an4 42ow yo$ gettin4 on& "rs' Joa!647 She stoppe! an! sighe!& 7Why& ) fee ike peop e again'7 She stacke! the ast !ish' She went into the tent an! !$g thro$gh the c othes bo. for her shoes an! a c ean !ress' An! she fo$n! a itt e paper package with her earrings in it' As she went past Rose of Sharon& she sai!& 7)f the% a!ies co%es& yo$ te 4e% )4 be right back'7 She !isappeare! aro$n! the si!e of the sanitary $nit' Rose of Sharon sat !own hea#i y on a bo. an! regar!e! her we!!ing shoes& b ack patent eather an! tai ore! b ack bows' She wipe! the toes with her finger an! wipe! her finger on the insi!e of her skirt' Leaning !own p$t a press$re on her growing ab!o%en' She sat $p straight an! to$che! herse f with e.p oring fingers& an! she s%i e! a itt e as she !i! it' A ong the roa! a stocky wo%an wa ke!& carrying an app e bo. of !irty c othes towar! the wash t$bs' 2er face was brown with s$n& an! her eyes were b ack an! intense' She wore a great apron& %a!e fro% a cotton bag& o#er her gingha% !ress& an! %en4s brown o.for!s were on her feet'

She saw that Rose of Sharon caresse! herse f& an! she saw the itt e s%i e on the gir 4s face' 7So=7 she crie!& an! she a$ghe! with p eas$re' 7What yo$ think it4s gonna be67 Rose of Sharon b $she! an! ooke! !own at the gro$n!& an! then peeke! $p& an! the itt e shiny b ack eyes of the wo%an took her in' 7) !on4t know&7 she %$%b e!' The wo%an p oppe! the app e bo. on the gro$n!' 7Got a i#e t$%or&7 she sai!& an! she cack e! ike a happy hen' 7Which4! yo$ r$ther67 she !e%an!e!' 7) !$nno3boy& ) g$ess' S$re3boy'7 79o$ :$s4 co%e in& !i!n4 ya67 7Las4 night3 ate'7 7Gonna stay67 7) !on4 know' 48 we can get work& g$ess we wi '7 A sha!ow crosse! the wo%an4s face& an! the itt e b ack eyes grew fierce' 748 yo$ can git work' That4s what we a say'7 7"y brother got a :ob a rea!y this %ornin4'7 71i!& h$h6 "aybe yo$4re $cky' Look o$t for $ck' 9o$ can4t tr$s4 $ck'7 She steppe! c ose' 79o$ can on y git one kin! a $ck' Cain4t ha#e %ore' 9o$ be a goo! gir &7 she sai! fierce y' 79o$ be goo!' )f yo$ got sin on yo$ 3yo$ better watch o$t for that there baby'7 She s($atte! !own in front of Rose of Sharon' 7They4s scan!a o$s things goes on in this here ca%p&7 she sai! !ark y' 7,#er4 Sat4!y night they4s !ancin4& an4 not on y s($ar4 !ancin4& neither' They4s so%e !oes c $tch*an4*h$g !ancin4= ) seen4 e%'7 Rose of Sharon sai! g$ar!e! y& 7) ike !ancin4& s($ar4 !ancin4'7 An! she a!!e! #irt$o$s y& 7) ne#er !one that other kin!'7 The brown wo%an no!!e! her hea! !is%a y& 7We & so%e !oes' An4 the Lor! ain4t ettin4 it get by& neither+ an4 !on4 yo$ think 2e is'7 70o& %a4a%&7 the gir sai! soft y' The wo%an p$t one brown wrink e! han! on Rose of Sharon4s knee& an! the gir f inche! $n!er the to$ch' 79o$ et %e warn yo$ now' They ain4t b$t a few !eep !own Jes$s* o#ers ef4' ,#er4 Sat4!y night when that there strang ban4 starts $p an4 sho$ ! be a*p ayin4 hy%no!y& they4re a* ree in43yes& sir& a*ree in4' ) seen 4e%' Won4t go near& %yse f& nor ) !on4

et %y kin go near' They4s c $tch*an4*h$g& ) te ya'7 She pa$se! for e%phasis an! then sai!& in a hoarse whisper& 7They !o %ore' They gi#e a stage p ay'7 She backe! away an! cocke! her hea! to see how Rose of Sharon wo$ ! take s$ch a re#e ation' 7Actors67 the gir sai! in awe' 70o& sir=7 the wo%an e.p o!e!' 70ot (+tors& not the% a rea!y !a%n4 peop e' O$r own kin!a fo ks' O$r own peop e' An4 they was itt e chi !ren !i!n4 know no better& in it& an4 they was preten!in4 to be st$ff they wasn4t' ) !i!n4 go near' /$t ) hearn 4e% ta kin4 what they was a* !oin4' The !e#i was :$s4 a*str$ttin4 thro$gh this here ca%p'7 Rose of Sharon istene!& her eyes an! %o$th open' 7Oncet in schoo we gi#e a Chris4 chi e p ay3Christ%$s'7 7We 3) ain4t sayin4 that4s ba! or goo!' They4s goo! fo ks thinks a Chris4 chi e is awright' /$t3we & ) wo$ !n4 care to co%e right o$t f at an4 say so' /$t this here wasn4 no Chris4 chi e' This here was sin an4 !e $sion an4 !e#i st$ff' Str$ttin4 an4 para!in4 an4 speakin4 ike they4re so%ebo!y they ain4t' An4 !ancin4 an4 c $tchin4 an4 a*h$ggin4'7 Rose of Sharon sighe!' 7An4 not :$s4 a few& neither&7 the brown wo%an went on' 7Gettin4 so4s yo$ can a %os4 co$nt the !eep*!own a%b*b oo! fo ks on yo$r toes' An4 !on4 yo$ think the% sinners is p$ttin4 nothin4 o#er on Go!& neither' 0o& sir& 2e4s a*cha kin4 4e% $p sin by sin& an4 2e4s !rawin4 2is ine an4 a!!in4 4e% $p sin by sin' Go!4s a*watchin4& an4 )4% a*watchin4' 2e4s awrea!y s%oke! two of 4e% o$t'7 Rose of Sharon pante!& 72as67 The brown wo%an4s #oice was rising in intensity' 7) seen it' Gir a* carryin4 a itt e one& :es4 ike yo$' An4 she p ay*acte!& an4 she h$g*!ance!' An!73the #oice grew b eak an! o%ino$s37she thinne! o$t an! she skinnie! o$t& an43she !roppe! that baby& !ea!'7 7Oh& %y=7 The gir was pa e' 71ea! an! b oo!y' 4Co$rse nobo!y wo$ !n4 speak to her no %ore' She ha! a go away' Can4t tech sin 4tho$t catchin4 it' 0o& sir' An4 they was another& !one the sa%e thing' An4 she skinnie! o$t& an43know what6 One night she was gone' An4 two !ays& she4s back' Says she was #isitin4' /$t3she ain4t got no baby' ?now what ) think6 ) think the %anager& he

took her away to !rop her baby' 2e !on4 be ie#e in sin' To 4 %e hisse f' Says the sin is bein4 h$ngry' Says the sin is bein4 co !' Says3) te ya& he to 4 %e hisse f3can4t see Go! in the% things' Says the% gir s skinnie! o$t 4ca$se they !i!n4 git 4no$gh foo!' We & ) fi.e! hi% $p'7 She rose to her feet an! steppe! back' 2er eyes were sharp' She pointe! a rigi! forefinger in Rose of Sharon4s face' 7) says& 4Git back=4 ) says' ) says& 4) knowe! the !e#i was ra%pagin4 in this here ca%p' 0ow ) know who the !e#i is' Git back& Satan&4 ) says' An4& by Chris4 he got back= Tre%b in4 he was& an4 sneaky' Says& 4> ease=4 Says& 4> ease !on4 %ake the fo ks $nhappy'4 ) says& 4<nhappy6 2ow 4bo$t their so$ 6 2ow 4bo$t the% !ea! babies an4 the% poor sinners r$int 4co$nt of p ay*actin464 2e :es4 ooke!& an4 he gi#e a sick grin an4 went away' 2e knowe! when he %et a rea testifier to the Lor!' ) says& 4)4% a*he pin4 Jes$s watch the goin4s*on' An4 yo$ an4 the% other sinners ain4t gittin4 away with it'47 She picke! $p her bo. of !irty c othes' 79o$ take hee!' ) warne! yo$' 9o$ take hee! a that pore chi e in yo$r be y an4 keep o$ta sin'7 An! she stro!e away titanica y& an! her eyes shone with #irt$e' Rose of Sharon watche! her go& an! then she p$t her hea! !own on her han!s an! whi%pere! into her pa %s' A soft #oice so$n!e! besi!e her' She ooke! $p& asha%e!' )t was the itt e white*c a! %anager' 71on4t worry&7 he sai!' 71on4t yo$ worry'7 2er eyes b in!e! with tears' 7/$t ) !one it&7 she crie!' 7) h$g*!ance!' ) !i!n4 te her' ) !one it in Sa isaw' "e an4 Connie'7 71on4t worry&7 he sai!' 7She says )4 !rop the baby'7 7) know she !oes' ) kin! of keep %y eye on her' She4s a goo! wo%an& b$t she %akes peop e $nhappy'7 Rose of Sharon sniff e! wet y' 7She knowe! two gir s os4 their baby right in this here ca%p'7 The %anager s($atte! !own in front of her' 7Look=7 he sai!' 7Listen to %e' ) know the% too' They were too h$ngry an! too tire!' An! they worke! too har!' An! they ro!e on a tr$ck o#er b$%ps' They were sick' )t wasn4t their fa$ t'7 7/$t she sai!37 71on4t worry' That wo%an ikes to %ake tro$b e'7

7/$t she says yo$ was the !e#i '7 7) know she !oes' That4s beca$se ) won4t et her %ake peop e %iserab e'7 2e patte! her sho$ !er' 71on4t yo$ worry' She !oesn4t know'7 An! he wa ke! ($ick y away' Rose of Sharon ooke! after hi%+ his ean sho$ !ers :erke! as he wa ke!' She was sti watching his s ight fig$re when "a ca%e back& c ean an! pink& her hair co%be! an! wet& an! gathere! in a knot' She wore her fig$re! !ress an! the o ! cracke! shoes+ an! the itt e earrings h$ng in her ears' 7) !one it&7 she sai!' 7) stoo! in there an4 et war% water co%e a* f oo!in4 an4 a*f owin4 !own o#er %e' An4 they was a a!y says yo$ can !o it e#er4 !ay if yo$ want' An43the% a!ies4 co%%ittee co%e yet67 7<h*$h=7 sai! the gir ' 7An4 yo$ :es4 set there an4 !i!n4 re!! $p the ca%p none=7 "a gathere! $p the tin !ishes as she spoke' 7We got to get in shape&7 she sai!' 7Co%e on& stir= Get that sack an! kin!a sweep a ong the gro$n4'7 She picke! $p the e($ip%ent& p$t the pans in their bo. an! the bo. in the tent' 7Get the% be!s neat&7 she or!ere!' 7) te ya ) ain4t ne#er fe t nothin4 so nice as that water'7 Rose of Sharon ist ess y fo owe! or!ers' 79a think Connie4 be back to!ay67 7"aybe3%aybe not' Can4t te '7 79o$ s$re he knows where*at to co%e67 7S$re'7 7"a3ya !on4 think3they co$ ! a ki e! hi% when they b$rne!367 70ot hi%&7 "a sai! confi!ent y' 72e can tra#e when he wants3 :ackrabbit*($ick an4 fo.*sneaky'7 7) wisht he4! co%e'7 72e4 co%e when he co%es'7 7"a37 7) wisht yo$4! get to work'7 7We & !o yo$ think !ancin4 an4 p ay*actin4 is sins an4 %ake %e !rop the baby67 "a stoppe! her work an! p$t her han!s on her hips' 70ow what yo$ ta kin4 abo$t6 9o$ ain4t !one no p ay*actin4'7

7We & so%e fo ks here !one it& an4 one gir & she !roppe! her baby3 !ea!3an4 b oo!y& ike it was a :$!g%ent'7 "a stare! at her' 7Who to 4 yo$67 7La!y that co%e by' An4 that itt e fe a in white c othes& he co%e by an4 he says that ain4t what !one it'7 "a frowne!' 7Rosasharn&7 she sai!& 7yo$ stop pickin4 at yo$rse f' 9o$4re :est a*teasin4 yo$rse f $p to cry' ) !on4 know what4s co%e at yo$' O$r fo ks ain4t ne#er !i! that' They took what co%e to 4e% !ry*eye!' ) bet it4s that Connie gi#e yo$ a the% notions' 2e was :es4 too big for his o#erha s'7 An! she sai! stern y& 7Rosasharn& yo$4re :est one person& an4 they4s a ot of other fo ks' 9o$ git to yo$r proper p ace' ) knowe! peop e b$i t theirse f $p with sin ti they figgere! they was big %ean sh$cks in the sight a the Lor!'7 7/$t& "a37 70o' Jes4 sh$t $p an4 git to work' 9o$ ain4t big eno$gh or %ean eno$gh to worry Go! %$ch' An4 )4% gonna gi#e yo$ the back a %y han4 if yo$ !on4t stop this pickin4 at yo$rse f'7 She swept the ashes into the fire ho e an! br$she! the stones on its e!ge' She saw the co%%ittee co%ing a ong the roa!' 7Git workin4&7 she sai!' 72ere4s the a!ies co%in4' Git a*workin4 now& so4s ) can be pro$!'7 She !i!n4t ook again& b$t she was conscio$s of the approach of the co%%ittee' There co$ ! be no !o$bt that it was the co%%ittee+ three a!ies& washe!& !resse! in their best c othes- a ean wo%an with stringy hair an! stee *ri%%e! g asses& a s%a sto$t a!y with c$r y gray hair an! a s%a sweet %o$th& an! a %a%%oth a!y& big of hock an! b$ttock& big of breast& %$sc e! ike a !ray*horse& powerf$ an! s$re' An! the co%%ittee wa ke! !own the roa! with !ignity' "a %anage! to ha#e her back t$rne! when they arri#e!' They stoppe!& whee e!& stoo! in a ine' An! the great wo%an boo%e!& 7"ornin4& "is4 Joa!& ain4t it67 "a whir e! aro$n! as tho$gh she ha! been ca$ght off g$ar!' 7Why& yes3yes' 2ow4! yo$ know %y na%e67 7We4re the co%%ittee&7 the big wo%an sai!' 7La!ies4 Co%%ittee of Sanitary <nit 0$%ber 8o$r' We got yo$r na%e in the office'7

"a f $stere!& 7We ain4t in #ery goo! shape yet' )4! be pro$! to ha#e yo$ a!ies co%e an4 set whi e ) %ake $p so%e coffee'7 The p $%p co%%ittee wo%an sai!& 7Gi#e o$r na%es& Jessie' "ention o$r na%es to "is4 Joa!' Jessie4s the Chair&7 she e.p aine!' Jessie sai! for%a y& 7"is4 Joa!& this here4s Annie Litt efie ! an4 , a S$%%ers& an4 )4% Jessie /$ itt'7 7)4% pro$! to %ake yo$r ac($aintance&7 "a sai!' 7Won4t yo$ set !own6 They ain4t nothin4 to set on yet&7 she a!!e!' 7/$t )4 %ake $p so%e coffee'7 7Oh& no&7 sai! Annie for%a y' 71on4t p$t yase f o$t' We :es4 co%e to ca an4 see how yo$ was& an4 try to %ake yo$ fee at ho%e'7 Jessie /$ itt sai! stern y& 7Annie& )4 thank yo$ to re%e%ber )4% Chair'7 7Oh= S$re& s$re' /$t ne.t week ) a%'7 7We & yo$ wait4 ne.t week then' We change e#er4 week&7 she e.p aine! to "a' 7S$re yo$ wo$ !n4 ike a itt e coffee67 "a aske! he p ess y' 70o& thank yo$'7 Jessie took charge' 7We gonna show yo$ 4bo$t the sanitary $nit f$st& an4 then if yo$ wanta& we4 sign yo$ $p in the La!ies4 C $b an4 gi#e yo$ !$ty' 4Co$rse yo$ !on4 ha#e to :oin'7 71oes3!oes it cost %$ch67 71on4t cost nothing b$t work' An4 when yo$4re knowe!& %aybe yo$ can be 4 ecte! to this co%%ittee&7 Annie interr$pte!' 7Jessie& here& is on the co%%ittee for the who e ca%p' She4s a big co%%ittee a!y'7 Jessie s%i e! with pri!e' 74Lecte! $nani%o$s&7 she sai!' 7We & "is4 Joa!& ) g$ess it4s ti%e we to 4 yo$ 4bo$t how the ca%p r$ns'7 "a sai!& 7This here4s %y gir & Rosasharn'7 72ow !o&7 they sai!' 7/etter co%e 4 ong too'7 The h$ge Jessie spoke& an! her %anner was f$ of !ignity an! kin!ness& an! her speech was rehearse!' 79o$ sho$ !n4 think we4re a*b$ttin4 into yo$r b$siness& "is4 Joa!' This here ca%p got a ot of st$ff e#er4bo!y $ses' An4 we got r$ es we %a!e o$rse f' 0ow we4re a*goin4 to the $nit' That there& e#er4bo!y $ses& an4 e#er4bo!y got to take care of it'7 They stro e! to the $nroofe! section

where the wash trays were& twenty of the%' ,ight were in $se& the wo%en ben!ing o#er& scr$bbing the c othes& an! the pi es of wr$ng*o$t c othes were heape! on the c ean concrete f oor' 70ow yo$ can $se these here any ti%e yo$ want&7 Jessie sai!' 7The on4y thing is& yo$ got to ea#e 4e% c ean'7 The wo%en who were washing ooke! $p with interest' Jessie sai! o$! y& 7This here4s "is4 Joa! an4 Rosasharn& co%e to i#e'7 They greete! "a in a chor$s an! "a %a!e a !$%py itt e bow at the% an! sai!& 7>ro$! to %eet ya'7 Jessie e! the co%%ittee into the toi et an! shower roo%' 7) been here awrea!y&7 "a sai!' 7) e#en took a bath'7 7That4s what they4re for&7 Jessie sai!' 7An4 they4s the sa%e r$ e' 9o$ got to ea#e 4e% c ean' ,#er4 week they4s a new co%%ittee to swab o$t oncet a !ay' "aybe yo$ git on that co%%ittee' 9o$ got to bring yo$r own soap'7 7We got to get so%e soap&7 "a sai!' 7We4re a o$t'7 Jessie4s #oice beca%e a %ost re#erentia ' 79o$ e#er $se! this here kin!67 she aske!& an! pointe! to the toi ets' 79es& %a4a%' Right this %ornin4'7 Jessie sighe!' 7That4s goo!'7 , a S$%%ers sai!& 7Jes4 ast week37 Jessie interr$pte! stern y& 7"is4 S$%%ers3)4 te '7 , a ga#e gro$n!' 7Oh& awright'7 Jessie sai!& 7Las4 week& when yo$ was Chair& yo$ !one it a ' )4 thank yo$ to keep o$t this week'7 7We & te what that a!y !one&7 , a sai!' 7We &7 sai! Jessie& 7it ain4t this co%%ittee4s b$siness to go a*babb in4& b$t ) won4t pass no na%es' La!y co%e in as4 week& an4 she got in here 4fore the co%%ittee got to her& an4 she ha! her o 4 %an4s pants in the toi et& an4 she says& 4)t4s too ow& an4 it ain4t big eno$gh' /$st yo$r back o#er her&4 she says' 4Why co$ !n4 they stick her higher647 The co%%ittee s%i e! s$perior s%i es' , a broke in& 7Says& 4Can4t p$t 4no$gh in at oncet'47 An! , a weathere! Jessie4s stern g ance'

Jessie sai!& 7We got o$r tro$b es with toi et paper' R$ e says yo$ can4t take none away fro% here'7 She c icke! her tong$e sharp y' 7Who e ca%p chips in for toi et paper'7 8or a %o%ent she was si ent& an! then she confesse!& 70$%ber 8o$r is $sin4 %ore than any other' So%ebo!y4s a*stea in4 it' Co%e $p in genera a!ies4 %eetin4' 4La!ies4 si!e& <nit 0$%ber 8o$r is $sin4 too %$ch'4 Co%e right $p in %eetin4=7 "a was fo owing the con#ersation breath ess y' 7Stea in4 it3what for67 7We &7 sai! Jessie& 7we ha! tro$b e before' Las4 ti%e they was three itt e gir s c$ttin4 paper !o s o$t of it' We & we ca$ght the%' /$t this ti%e we !on4t know' 2ar! y p$t a ro o$t 4fore it4s gone' Co%e right $p in %eetin4' One a!y says we o$ghta ha#e a itt e be that rings e#er4 ti%e the ro t$rns oncet' Then we co$ ! co$nt how %any e#er4bo!y takes'7 She shook her hea!' 7) :es4 !on4 know&7 she sai!' 7) been worrie! a week' So%ebo!y4s a*stea in4 toi et paper fro% <nit 8o$r'7 8ro% the !oorway ca%e a whining #oice& 7"is4 /$ itt'7 The co%%ittee t$rne!' 7"is4 /$ itt& ) hearn what yo$ says'7 A f $she!& perspiring wo%an stoo! in the !oorway' 7) co$ !n4 git $p in %eetin4& "is4 /$ itt' ) :es4 co$ !n4' They4! a* a$ghe! or so%epin'7 7What yo$ ta kin4 abo$t67 Jessie a!#ance!' 7We & we*a 3%aybe3it4s $s' /$t we ain4t a*stea in4& "is4 /$ itt'7 Jessie a!#ance! on her& an! the perspiration bea!e! o$t on the f $stery confessor' 7We can4t he4p it& "is4 /$ itt'7 70ow yo$ te what yo$4re te in4&7 Jessie sai!' 7This here $nit4s s$ffere! a sha%e 4bo$t that toi et paper'7 7A week& "is4 /$ itt' We co$ !n4 he4p it' 9o$ know ) got fi#e gir s'7 7What they been a*!oin4 with it67 Jessie !e%an!e! o%ino$s y' 7Jes4 $sin4 it' 2ones4& :es4 $sin4 it'7 7They ain4t got the right= 8o$r*fi#e sheets is eno$gh' What4s the %atter4th 4e%67 The confessor b eate!& 7Skitters' A fi#e of 4e%' We been ow on %oney' They et green grapes' They a fi#e got the how in4 skitters' R$n o$t e#er4 ten %in$tes'7 She !efen!e! the%& 7/$t they ain4t stea in4 it'7 Jessie sighe!' 79o$ sho$ ! a to 4&7 she sai!' 79o$ got to te ' 2ere4s <nit 8o$r s$fferin4 sha%e 4ca$se yo$ ne#er to 4' Anybo!y can git the skitters'7

The %eek #oice whine!& 7) :es4 can4t keep 4e% fro% eatin4 the% green grapes' An4 they4re a*gettin4 worse a a ti%e'7 , a S$%%ers b$rst o$t& 7The Ai!' She o$ghta git the Ai!'7 7, a S$%%ers&7 Jessie sai!& 7)4% a*te in4 yo$ for the as4 ti%e& yo$ ain4t the Chair'7 She t$rne! back to the ra!! e! itt e wo%an' 7Ain4t yo$ got no %oney& "is4 Joyce67 She ooke! asha%e! y !own' 70o& b$t we %ight git work any ti%e'7 70ow yo$ ho 4 $p yo$r hea!&7 Jessie sai!' 7That ain4t no cri%e' 9o$ :es4 wa t5 right o#er t4 the Wee!patch store an4 git yo$ so%e groceries' The ca%p got twenty !o ars4 cre!it there' 9o$ git yo$rse f fi4 !o ars4 worth' An4 yo$ kin pay it back to the Centra Co%%ittee when yo$ git work' "is4 Joyce& yo$ knowe! that&7 she sai! stern y' 72ow co%e yo$ et yo$r gir s git h$ngry67 7We ain4t ne#er took no charity&7 "rs' Joyce sai!' 7This ain4t charity& an4 yo$ know it&7 Jessie rage!' 7We ha! a that o$t' They ain4t no charity in this here ca%p' We won4t ha#e no charity' 0ow yo$ wa t5 right o#er an4 git yo$ so%e groceries& an4 yo$ bring the s ip to %e'7 "rs' Joyce sai! ti%i! y& 7S4pose we can4t ne#er pay6 We ain4t ha! work for a ong ti%e'7 79o$4 pay if yo$ can' )f yo$ can4t& that ain4t none of o$r b$siness& an4 it ain4t yo$r b$siness' One fe a went away& an4 two %onths ater he sent back the %oney' 9o$ ain4t got the right to et yo$r gir s git h$ngry in this here ca%p'7 "rs' Joyce was cowe!' 79es& %a4a%&7 she sai!' 7Git yo$ so%e cheese for the% gir s&7 Jessie or!ere!' 7That4 take care a the% skitters'7 79es& %a4a%'7 An! "rs' Joyce sc$tt e! o$t of the !oor' Jessie t$rne! in anger on the co%%ittee' 7She got no right to be stiff* necke!' She got no right& not with o$r own peop e'7 Annie Litt efie ! sai!& 7She ain4t been here ong' "aybe she !on4t know' "aybe she4s took charity one ti%e*another' 0ow&7 Annie sai!& 7!on4t yo$ try to sh$t %e $p& Jessie' ) got a right to pass speech'7 She t$rne! ha f to "a' 7)f a bo!y4s e#er took charity& it %akes a b$rn that

!on4t co%e o$t' This ain4t charity& b$t if yo$ e#er took it& yo$ !on4t forget it' ) bet Jessie ain4t e#er !one it'7 70o& ) ain4t&7 sai! Jessie' 7We & ) !i!&7 Annie sai!' 7Las4 winter+ an4 we was a star#in43%e an4 >a an4 the itt e fe as' An4 it was a*rainin4' 8e a to 4 $s to go to the Sa #ation Ar%y'7 2er eyes grew fierce' 7We was h$ngry3they %a!e $s craw for o$r !inner' They took o$r !ignity' They3) hate 4e%= An43%aybe "is4 Joyce took charity' "aybe she !i!n4 know this ain4t charity' "is4 Joa!& we !on4t a ow nobo!y in this ca%p to b$i ! theirse f $p that*a*way' We !on4t a ow nobo!y to gi#e nothing to another person' They can gi#e it to the ca%p& an4 the ca%p can pass it o$t' We won4t ha#e no charity=7 2er #oice was fierce an! hoarse' 7) hate 4e%&7 she sai!' 7) ain4t ne#er seen %y %an beat before& b$t the%3the% Sa #ation Ar%y !one it to 4i%'7 Jessie no!!e!' 7) hear!&7 she sai! soft y' 7) hear!' We got to take "is4 Joa! aro$n'7 "a sai!& 7)t s$re is nice'7 7Le4s go to the sewin4 roo%&7 Annie s$ggeste!' 7Got two %achines' They4s a*($i tin4& an4 they4re %aking !resses' 9o$ %ight ike ta work o#er there'7 When the co%%ittee ca e! on "a& R$thie an! Winfie ! fa!e! i%perceptib y back o$t of reach' 7Whyn4t we go a ong an4 isten67 Winfie ! aske!' R$thie grippe! his ar%' 70o&7 she sai!' 7We got washe! for the% sons* a*bitches' ) ain4t goin4 with 4e%'7 Winfie ! sai!& 79o$ to 4 on %e 4bo$t the toi et' )4% a*gonna te what yo$ ca e! the% a!ies'7 A sha!ow of fear crosse! R$thie4s face' 71on4 !o it' ) to 4 4ca$se ) knowe! yo$ !i!n4 rea y break it'7 79o$ !i! not&7 sai! Winfie !' R$thie sai!& 7Le4s ook aro$n4'7 They stro e! !own the ine of tents& peering into each one& gawking se f*conscio$s y' At the en! of the $nit there was a e#e p ace on which a cro($et co$rt ha! been set $p' 2a f a !o5en chi !ren p aye! serio$s y' )n front of a tent an e !er y a!y sat on a bench an! watche!' R$thie an! Winfie ! broke into a trot' 7Lea#e $s p ay&7 R$thie crie!' 7Lea#e $s get in'7

The chi !ren ooke! $p' A pig*tai e! itt e gir sai!& 70e.4 ga%e yo$ kin'7 7) wanta p ay now&7 R$thie crie!' 7We & yo$ can4t' 0ot ti ne.4 ga%e'7 R$thie %o#e! %enacing y o$t on the co$rt' 7)4% a*gonna p ay'7 The pig*tai s grippe! her %a et tight y' R$thie sprang at her& s appe! her& p$she! her& an! wreste! the %a et fro% her han!s' 7) says ) was gonna p ay&7 she sai! tri$%phant y' The e !er y a!y stoo! $p an! wa ke! onto the co$rt' R$thie scow e! fierce y an! her han!s tightene! on the %a et' The a!y sai!& 7Let her p ay3 ike yo$ !one with Ra ph as4 week'7 The chi !ren ai! their %a ets on the gro$n! an! troope! si ent y off the co$rt' They stoo! at a !istance an! ooke! on with e.pression ess eyes' R$thie watche! the% go' Then she hit a ba an! ran after it' 7Co%e on& Winfie 4' Get a stick&7 she ca e!' An! then she ooke! in a%a5e%ent' Winfie ! ha! :oine! the watching chi !ren& an! he too ooke! at her with e.pression ess eyes' 1efiant y she hit the ba again' She kicke! $p a great !$st' She preten!e! to ha#e a goo! ti%e' An! the chi !ren stoo! an! watche!' R$thie ine! $p two ba s an! hit both of the%& an! she t$rne! her back on the watching eyes& an! then t$rne! back' S$!!en y she a!#ance! on the%& %a et in han!' 79o$ co%e an4 p ay&7 she !e%an!e!' They %o#e! si ent y back at her approach' 8or a %o%ent she stare! at the%& an! then she f $ng !own the %a et an! ran crying for ho%e' The chi !ren wa ke! back on the co$rt' >igtai s sai! to Winfie !& 79o$ can git in the ne.t ga%e'7 The watching a!y warne! the%& 7When she co%es back an4 wants to be !ecent& yo$ et her' 9o$ was %ean yo$rse f& A%y'7 The ga%e went on& whi e in the Joa! tent R$thie wept %iserab y' THE TRUCK %o#e! a ong the bea$tif$ roa!s& past orchar!s where the peaches were beginning to co or& past #ineyar!s with the c $sters pa e an! green& $n!er ines of wa n$t trees whose branches sprea! ha f across the roa!' At each entrance*gate A s owe!+ an! at each gate there was a sign- 70o he p wante!' 0o trespassing'7

A sai!& 7>a& they4s bo$n4 to be work when the% fr$its gets rea!y' 8$nny p ace3they te ya they ain4t no work 4fore yo$ ask 4e%'7 2e !ro#e s ow y on' >a sai!& 7"aybe we co$ ! go in anyways an4 ask if they know where they4s any work' "ight !o that'7 A %an in b $e o#era s an! a b $e shirt wa ke! a ong the e!ge of the roa!' A p$ e! $p besi!e hi%' 72ey& %ister&7 A sai!' 7?now where they4s any work67 The %an stoppe! an! grinne!& an! his %o$th was #acant of front teeth' 70o&7 he sai!' 71o yo$6 ) been wa kin4 a week& an4 ) can4t tree none'7 7Li#e in that go#4%ent ca%p67 A aske!' 79eah=7 7Co%e on& then' Git $p back& an4 we4 a ook'7 The %an c i%be! o#er the si!e*boar!s an! !roppe! in the be!' >a sai!& 7) ain4t got no h$nch we4 fin! work' G$ess we got to ook& tho$gh' We !on4t e#en know where*at to ook'7 7Sho$ !a ta ke! to the fe as in the ca%p&7 A sai!' 72ow yo$ fee in4& <nc e John67 7) ache&7 sai! <nc e John' 7) ache a o#er& an4 ) got it co%in4' ) o$ghta go away where ) won4t bring !own p$nish%ent on %y own fo ks'7 >a p$t his han! on John4s knee' 7Look here&7 he sai!& 7!on4 yo$ go away' We4re !roppin4 fo ks a the ti%e3Gra%pa an4 Gran%a !ea!& 0oah an4 Connie3r$n o$t& an4 the preacher3in :ai '7 7) got a h$nch we4 see that preacher agin&7 John sai!' A fingere! the ba on the gear*shift e#er' 79o$ !on4 fee goo! eno$gh to ha#e no h$nches&7 he sai!' 7The he with it' Le4s go back an4 ta k& an4 fin! o$t where they4s so%e work' We4re :$s4 h$ntin4 sk$nks $n!er water'7 2e stoppe! the tr$ck an! eane! o$t the win!ow an! ca e! back& 72ey= Lookie= We4re a*goin4 back to the ca%p an4 try an4 see where they4s work' They ain4t no $se b$rnin4 gas ike this'7 The %an eane! o#er the tr$ck si!e' 7S$its %e&7 he sai!' 7"y !ogs is wore c ean $p to the ank e' An4 ) ain4t e#en got a nibb e'7 A t$rne! aro$n! in the %i!! e of the roa! an! hea!e! back'

>a sai!& 7"a4s gonna be p$rty h$rt& 4specia y when To% got work so easy'7 7"aybe he ne#er got none&7 A sai!' 7"aybe he :$s4 went ookin4& too' ) wisht ) co$ ! get work in a garage' )4! earn that st$ff ($ick& an4 )4! ike it'7 >a gr$nte!& an! they !ro#e back towar! the ca%p in si ence' When the co%%ittee eft& "a sat !own on a bo. in front of the Joa! tent& an! she ooke! he p ess y at Rose of Sharon' 7We 37 she sai!& 7we 3) ain4t been so perke! $p in years' &(s#!t the% a!ies nice67 7) get to work in the n$rsery&7 Rose of Sharon sai!' 7They to 4 %e' ) can fin! o$t a how to !o for babies& an4 then )4 know'7 "a no!!e! in won!er' 7Wo$ !n4 it be nice if the %en*fo ks a got work67 she aske!' 7The% a*workin& an4 a itt e %oney co%in4 in67 2er eyes wan!ere! into space' 7The% a*workin4& an4 $s a*workin4 here& an4 a the% nice peop e' 8$st thing we get a itt e ahea! )4! get %e a itt e sto#e 3nice one' They !on4 cost %$ch' An4 then we4! get a tent& big eno$gh& an4 %aybe secon4*han4 springs for the be!s' An4 we4! $se this here tent :$s4 to eat $n!er' An4 Sat4!y night we4 go to the !ancin4' They says yo$ can in#ite fo ks if yo$ want' ) wisht we ha! so%e frien4s to in#ite' "aybe the %en4 know so%ebo!y to in#ite'7 Rose of Sharon peere! !own the roa!' 7That a!y that says )4 ose the baby37 she began' 70ow yo$ stop that&7 "a warne! her' Rose of Sharon sai! soft y& 7) seen her' She4s a*co%in4 here& ) think' 9eah= 2ere she co%es' "a& !on4t et her37 "a t$rne! an! ooke! at the approaching fig$re' 72ow!y&7 the wo%an sai!' 7)4% "is4 San!ry3Lisbeth San!ry' ) seen yo$r gir this %ornin4'7 72ow!y !o&7 sai! "a' 7Are yo$ happy in the Lor!67 7>retty happy&7 sai! "a' 7Are yo$ sa#e!67 7) been sa#e!'7 "a4s face was c ose! an! waiting' 7We & )4% g a!&7 Lisbeth sai!' 7The sinners is awf$ strong aro$n4 here' 9o$ co%e to an awf$ p ace' They4s wicketness a aro$n! abo$t' Wicket

peop e& wicket goin4s*on that a a%b4*b oo! Christian :es4 can4t har! y stan4' They4s sinners a aro$n! $s'7 "a co ore! a itt e& an! sh$t her %o$th tight y' 7See%s to %e they4s nice peop e here&7 she sai! short y' "rs' San!ry4s eyes stare!' 70ice=7 she crie!' 79o$ think they4re nice when they4s !ancin4 an4 h$ggin46 ) te ya& ya eterna so$ ain4t got a chancet in this here ca%p' Went o$t to a %eetin4 in Wee!patch as4 night' ?now what the preacher says6 2e says& 4They4s wicketness in that ca%p'4 2e says& 4The poor is tryin4 to be rich'4 2e says& 4They4s !ancin4 an4 h$ggin4 when they sho$ ! be wai in4 an4 %oanin4 in sin'4 That4s what he says' 4,#er4bo!y that ain4t here is a b ack sinner&4 he says' ) te yo$ it %a!e a person fee p$rty goo! to hear 4i%' An4 we knowe! we was safe' We ain4t !ance!'7 "a4s face was re!' She stoo! $p s ow y an! face! "rs' San!ry' 7Git=7 she sai!' 7Git o$t now& 4fore ) git to be a sinner a*te in4 yo$ where to go' Git to yo$r wai in4 an4 %oanin4'7 "rs' San!ry4s %o$th !roppe! open' She steppe! back' An! then she beca%e fierce' 7) tho$ght yo$ was Christians'7 7So we are&7 "a sai!' 70o& yo$ ain4t' 9o$4re he *b$rnin4 sinners& a of yo$= An4 )4 %ention it in %eetin4 too' ) can see yo$r b ack so$ a*b$rnin4' ) can see that innocent chi ! in that there gir 4s be y a*b$rnin4'7 A ow wai ing cry escape! fro% Rose of Sharon4s ips' "a stoope! !own an! picke! $p a stick of woo!' 7Git=7 she sai! co ! y' 71on4 yo$ ne#er co%e back' ) seen yo$r kin! before' 9o$4! take the itt e p eas$re& wo$ !n4 yo$67 "a a!#ance! on "rs' San!ry' 8or a %o%ent the wo%an backe! away an! then s$!!en y she threw back her hea! an! how e!' 2er eyes ro e! $p& her sho$ !ers an! ar%s f oppe! oose y at her si!e& an! a string of thick ropy sa i#a ran fro% the corner of her %o$th' She how e! again an! again& ong !eep ani%a how s' "en an! wo%en ran $p fro% the other tents& an! they stoo! near 3frightene! an! ($iet' S ow y the wo%an sank to her knees an! the how s sank to a sh$!!ering& b$bb ing %oan' She fe si!eways an! her

ar%s an! egs twitche!' The white eyeba s showe! $n!er the open eye i!s' A %an sai! soft y& 7The sperit' She got the sperit'7 "a stoo! ooking !own at the twitching for%' The itt e %anager stro e! $p cas$a y' 7Tro$b e67 he aske!' The crow! parte! to et hi% thro$gh' 2e ooke! !own at the wo%an' 7Too ba!&7 he sai!' 7Wi so%e of yo$ he p get her back to her tent67 The si ent peop e sh$ff e! their feet' Two %en bent o#er an! ifte! the wo%an& one he ! her $n!er the ar%s an! the other took her feet' They carrie! her away& an! the peop e %o#e! s ow y after the%' Rose of Sharon went $n!er the tarpa$ in an! ay !own an! co#ere! her face with a b anket' The %anager ooke! at "a& ooke! !own at the stick in her han!' 2e s%i e! tire! y' 71i! yo$ c o$t her67 he aske!' "a contin$e! to stare after the retreating peop e' She shook her hea! s ow y' 70o3b$t ) wo$ ! a' Twicet to!ay she worke! %y gir $p'7 The %anager sai!& 7Try not to hit her' She isn4t we ' She :$st isn4t we '7 An! he a!!e! soft y& 7) wish she4! go away& an! a her fa%i y' She brings %ore tro$b e on the ca%p than a the rest together'7 "a got herse f in han! again' 7)f she co%es back& ) %ight hit her' ) ain4t s$re' ) won4t et her worry %y gir no %ore'7 71on4t worry abo$t it& "rs' Joa!&7 he sai!' 79o$ won4t e#er see her again' She works o#er the newco%ers' She won4t e#er co%e back' She thinks yo$4re a sinner'7 7We & ) a%&7 sai! "a' 7S$re' ,#erybo!y is& b$t not the way she %eans' She isn4t we & "rs' Joa!'7 "a ooke! at hi% gratef$ y& an! she ca e!& 79o$ hear that& Rosasharn6 She ain4t we ' She4s cra5y'7 /$t the gir !i! not raise her hea!' "a sai!& 7)4% warnin4 yo$& %ister' )f she co%es back& ) ain4t to be tr$ste!' )4 hit her'7 2e s%i e! wry y' 7) know how yo$ fee &7 he sai!' 7/$t :$st try not to' That4s a ) ask3:$st try not to'7 2e wa ke! s ow y away towar! the tent where "rs' San!ry ha! been carrie!' "a went into the tent an! sat !own besi!e Rose of Sharon' 7Look $p&7 she sai!' The gir ay sti ' "a gent y ifte! the b anket fro% her

!a$ghter4s face' 7That wo%an4s kin!a cra5y&7 she sai!' 71on4t yo$ be ie#e none of the% things'7 Rose of Sharon whispere! in terror& 7When she sai! abo$t b$rnin4& )3 fe t b$rnin4'7 7That ain4t tr$e&7 sai! "a' 7)4% tar4! o$t&7 the gir whispere!' 7)4% tar4! a things happenin4' ) wanta s eep' ) wanta s eep'7 7We & yo$ s eep& then' This here4s a nice p ace' 9o$ can s eep'7 7/$t she %ight co%e back'7 7She won4t&7 sai! "a& 7)4% a*gonna set right o$tsi!e& an4 ) won4t et her co%e back' Res4 $p now& 4ca$se yo$ got to get to work in the n$4sery p$rty soon'7 "a str$gg e! to her feet an! went to sit in the entrance to the tent' She sat on a bo. an! p$t her e bows on her knees an! her chin in her c$ppe! han!s' She saw the %o#e%ent in the ca%p& hear! the #oices of the chi !ren& the ha%%ering of an iron ri%+ b$t her eyes were staring ahea! of her' >a& co%ing back a ong the roa!& fo$n! her there& an! he s($atte! near her' She ooke! s ow y o#er at hi%' 7Git work67 she aske!' 70o&7 he sai!& asha%e!' 7We ooke!'7 7Where4s A an! John an! the tr$ck67 7A 4s fi.in4 so%epin' 2a! ta borry so%e too s' 8e a says A got to fi. her there'7 "a sai! sa! y& 7This here4s a nice p ace' We co$ ! be happy here awhi e'7 7)f we co$ ! get work'7 79eah= )f yo$ co$ ! get work'7 2e fe t her sa!ness& an! st$!ie! her face' 7What yo$ a*%opin4 abo$t6 )f it4s sech a nice p ace why ha#e yo$ got to %ope67 She ga5e! at hi%& an! she c ose! her eyes s ow y' 78$nny& ain4t it' A the ti%e we was a*%o#in4 an4 sho#in4& ) ne#er tho$ght none' An4 now these here fo ks been nice to %e& been awf$ nice+ an4 what4s the first thing ) !o6 ) go right back o#er the sa! things3that night Gra%pa !ie! an4 we b$rie! hi%' ) was a f$ $p of the roa!& an! b$%pin4 an! %o#in4& an4 it wasn4t so ba!' /$t now ) co%e o$t here& an4 it4s worse now' An4

Gran%a3an4 0oah wa kin4 away ike that= Wa kin4 away :$s4 !own the ri#er' The% things was part of a & an4 now they co%e a*f ockin4 back' Gran%a a pa$per& an4 b$rie! a pa$per' That4s sharp now' That4s awf$ sharp' An4 0oah wa kin4 away !own the ri#er' 2e !on4 know what4s there' 2e :$s4 !on4 know' An4 we !on4 know' We ain4t ne#er gonna know if he4s a i#e or !ea!' 0e#er gonna know' An4 Connie sneakin4 away' ) !i!n4 gi#e 4e% brain roo% before& b$t now they4re a*f ockin4 back' An4 ) o$ghta be g a! 4ca$se we4re in a nice p ace'7 >a watche! her %o$th whi e she ta ke!' 2er eyes were c ose!' 7) can re%e%ber how the% %o$ntains was& sharp as o 4 teeth besi!e the ri#er where 0oah wa ke!' ) can re%e%ber how the st$bb e was on the gro$n4 where Gra%pa ie' ) can re%e%ber the choppin4 b ock back ho%e with a feather ca$ght on it& a criss*crosse! with c$ts& an4 b ack with chicken b oo!'7 >a4s #oice took on her tone' 7) seen the !$cks to!ay&7 he sai!' 7We!gin4 so$th3high $p' See%s ike they4re awf$ !inky' An4 ) seen the b ackbir!s a*settin4 on the wires& an4 the !o#es was on the fences'7 "a opene! her eyes an! ooke! at hi%' 2e went on& 7) seen a itt e whir win4& ike a %an a*spinnin4 acrost a fie 4' An4 the !$cks !ri#in4 on !own& we!gin4 on !own to the so$thwar!'7 "a s%i e!' 7Re%e%ber67 she sai!' 7Re%e%ber what we4! a ways say at ho%e6 4Winter4s a*co%in4 ear y&4 we sai!& when the !$cks f ew' A ways sai! that& an4 winter co%e when it was rea!y to co%e' /$t we a ways sai!& 4She4s a*co%in4 ear y'4 ) won!er what we %eant'7 7) seen the b ackbir!s on the wires&7 sai! >a' 7Settin4 so c ose together' An4 the !o#es' 0othin4 sets so sti as a !o#e3on the fence wires3%aybe two& si!e by si!e' An4 this itt e whir win43big as a %an& an4 !ancin4 off acrost a fie 4' A ways !i! ike the itt e fe as& big as a %an'7 7Wisht ) wo$ !n4t think how it is ho%e&7 sai! "a' 7)t ain4t o$r ho%e no %ore' Wisht )4! forget it' An4 0oah'7 72e wasn4t e#er right3) %ean3we & it was %y fa$ t'7 7) to 4 yo$ ne#er to say that' Wo$ !n4 a i#e! at a & %aybe'7 7/$t ) sho$ ! a knowe! %ore'7 70ow stop&7 sai! "a' 70oah was strange' "aybe he4 ha#e a nice ti%e by the ri#er' "aybe it4s better so' We can4t !o no worryin4' This here is a nice p ace& an4 %aybe yo$4 get work right off'7

>a pointe! at the sky' 7Look3%ore !$cks' /ig b$nch' An4 "a& 4Winter4s a*co%in4 ear y'47 She ch$ck e!' 7They4s things yo$ !o& an4 yo$ !on4 know why'7 72ere4s John&7 sai! >a' 7Co%e on an4 set& John'7 <nc e John :oine! the%' 2e s($atte! !own in front of "a' 7We !i!n4 get nowheres&7 he sai!' 7J$s4 r$n aro$n4' Say& A wants to see ya' Says he got to git a tire' On y one ayer a c oth ef4& he says'7 >a stoo! $p' 7) hope he can git her cheap' We ain4t got %$ch ef4' Where is A 67 71own there& to the ne.4 cross*street an4 t$rn right' Says gonna b ow o$t an4 spoi a t$be if we !on4 get a new one'7 >a stro e! away& an! his eyes fo owe! the giant G of !$cks !own the sky' <nc e John picke! a stone fro% the gro$n! an! !roppe! it fro% his pa % an! picke! it $p again' 2e !i! not ook at "a' 7They ain4t no work&7 he sai!' 79o$ !i!n4 ook a o#er&7 "a sai!' 70o& b$t they4s signs o$t'7 7We & To% %$sta got work' 2e ain4t been back'7 <nc e John s$ggeste!& 7"aybe he went away3 ike Connie& or ike 0oah'7 "a g ance! sharp y at hi%& an! then her eyes softene!' 7They4s things yo$ know&7 she sai!' 7They4s st$ff yo$4re s$re of' To%4s got work& an4 he4 co%e in this e#enin4' That4s tr$e'7 She s%i e! in satisfaction' 7Ain4t he a fine boy=7 she sai!' 7Ain4t he a goo! boy=7 The cars an! tr$cks began to co%e into the ca%p& an! the %en troope! by towar! the sanitary $nit' An! each %an carrie! c ean o#era s an! shirt in his han!' "a p$ e! herse f together' 7John& yo$ go fin! >a' Get to the store' ) want beans an4 s$gar an43a piece of fryin4 %eat an4 carrots an43te >a to get so%epin nice3anything3b$t nice3for tonight' Tonight3we4 ha#e 3so%epin nice'7 23

THE !IGRANT PEOPLE& sc$tt ing for work& scrabb ing to i#e& ooke! a ways for p eas$re& !$g for p eas$re& %an$fact$re! p eas$re& an! they were h$ngry for a%$se%ent' So%eti%es a%$se%ent ay in speech& an! they c i%be! $p their i#es with :okes' An! it ca%e abo$t in the ca%ps a ong the roa!s& on the !itch banks besi!e the strea%s& $n!er the syca%ores& that the story te er grew into being& so that the peop e gathere! in the ow fire ight to hear the gifte! ones' An! they istene! whi e the ta es were to !& an! their participation %a!e the stories great' ) was a recr$it against Geroni%o3 An! the peop e istene!& an! their ($iet eyes ref ecte! the !ying fire' The% )n:$ns was c$te3s ick as snakes& an4 ($iet when they wante!' Co$ ! go thro$gh !ry ea#es& an4 %ake no r$st e' Try to !o that so%eti%es' An! the peop e istene! an! re%e%bere! the crash of !ry ea#es $n!er their feet' Co%e the change of season an4 the c o$!s $p' Wrong ti%e' ,#er hear of the ar%y !oing anything right6 Gi#e the ar%y ten chances& an4 they4 st$%b e a ong' Took three regi%ents to ki a h$n!re! bra#es3a ways' An! the peop e istene!& an! their faces were ($iet with istening' The story te ers& gathering attention into their ta es& spoke in great rhyth%s& spoke in great wor!s beca$se the ta es were great& an! the isteners beca%e great thro$gh the%' They was a bra#e on a ri!ge& against the s$n' ?nowe! he stoo! o$t' Sprea! his ar%s an4 stoo!' 0ake! as %orning& an4 against the s$n' "aybe he was cra5y' ) !on4 know' Stoo! there& ar%s sprea! o$t+ ike a cross he ooke!' 8o$r h$n!er! yar!s' An4 the %en3we & they raise! their sights an4 they fe t the win! with their fingers+ an4 then they :$s4 ay there an4 co$ !n4 shoot' "aybe that )n:$n knowe! so%epin' ?nowe! we co$ !n4 shoot' Jes4 ai! there with the rif es cocke!& an4 !i!n4 e#en p$t 4e% to o$r sho$ !ers' Lookin4 at hi%' 2ea!ban!& one feather' Co$ ! see it& an4 nake! as the s$n' Long ti%e we ai! there an4 ooke!& an4 he ne#er %o#e!' An4 then the captain got %a!' 7Shoot& yo$ cra5y bastar!s& shoot=7 he ye s' An4 we :$s4 ai! there' 7)4 gi#e yo$ to a fi#e*co$nt& an4 then %ark yo$ !own&7 the captain says' We sir3we p$t $p o$r rif es s ow& an4 e#er4 %an hope! so%ebo!y4! shoot first' ) ain4t ne#er been so sa! in

%y ife' An4 ) ai! %y sights on his be y& 4ca$se yo$ can4t stop a )n:$n no other p ace3an43then' We & he :est p $nke! !own an4 ro e!' An4 we went $p' An4 he wasn4t big3he4! ooke! so gran!3$p there' A tore to pieces an4 itt e' ,#er see a cock pheasant& stiff an! bea$tif$ & e#er4 feather !rawe! an4 painte!& an4 e#en his eyes !rawe! in pretty6 An4 bang= 9o$ pick hi% $p3b oo!y an4 twiste!& an4 yo$ spoi e! so%epin better4n yo$+ an4 eatin4 hi% !on4t ne#er %ake it $p to yo$& 4ca$se yo$ spoi e! so%epin in yase f& an4 yo$ can4t ne#er fi. it $p' An! the peop e no!!e!& an! perhaps the fire sp$rte! a itt e ight an! showe! their eyes ooking in on the%se #es' Against the s$n& with his ar%s o$t' An4 he ooke! big3as Go!' An! perhaps a %an ba ance! twenty cents between foo! an! p eas$re& an! he went to a %o#ie in "arys#i e or T$ are& in Ceres or "o$ntain Giew' An! he ca%e back to the !itch ca%p with his %e%ory crow!e!' An! he to ! how it wasThey was this rich fe a& an4 he %akes ike he4s poor& an4 they4s this rich gir & an4 she p$rten!s ike she4s poor too& an4 they %eet in a ha%b$rg4 stan4' Why6 ) !on4t know why3that4s how it was' Why4! they p$rten! ike they4s poor6 We & they4re tire! of bein4 rich' 2orseshit= 9o$ want to hear this& or not6 We & go on then' S$re' ) wanta hear it& b$t if ) was rich& if ) was rich )4! git so %any pork chops3)4! cor! 4e% $p aro$n4 %e ike woo!& an4 )4! eat %y way o$t' Go on' We & they each think the other one4s poor' An4 they git arreste! an4 they git in :ai & an4 they !on4t git o$t 4ca$se the other one4! fin! o$t the first one is rich' An4 the :ai keeper& he4s %ean to 4e% 4ca$se he thinks they4re poor' O$ghta see how he ooks when he fin!s o$t' Jes4 near y faints& that4s a ' What they git in :ai for6

We & they git ca$ght at so%e kin! a ra!ica %eetin4 b$t they ain4t ra!ica s' They :es4 happen to be there' An4 they !on4t each one wanta %arry f$r %oney& ya see' So the sons*of*bitches start yin4 to each other right off' We & in the pitcher it was ike they was !oin4 goo!' They4re nice to peop e& yo$ see' ) was to a show oncet that was %e& an4 %ore4n %e+ an4 %y ife& an4 %ore4n %y ife& so e#er4thing was bigger' We & ) git eno$gh sorrow' ) ike to git away fro% it' S$re3if yo$ can be ie#e it' So they got %arrie!& an4 they fo$n4 o$t& an4 a the% peop e that4s treate! 4e% %ean' They was a fe a ha! been $ppity& an4 he near y fainte! when this fe a co%e in with a p $g hat on' Jes4 near y fainte!' An4 they was a newsree with the% Ger%an so !iers kickin4 $p their feet3f$nny as he ' An! a ways& if he ha! a itt e %oney& a %an co$ ! get !r$nk' The har! e!ges gone& an! the war%th' Then there was no one iness& for a %an co$ ! peop e his brain with frien!s& an! he co$ ! fin! his ene%ies an! !estroy the%' Sitting in a !itch& the earth grew soft $n!er hi%' 8ai $re !$ e! an! the f$t$re was no threat' An! h$nger !i! not sk$ k abo$t& b$t the wor ! was soft an! easy& an! a %an co$ ! reach the p ace he starte! for' The stars ca%e !own won!erf$ y c ose an! the sky was soft' 1eath was a frien!& an! s eep was !eath4s brother' The o ! ti%es ca%e back3a gir with pretty feet& who !ance! one ti%e at ho%e3a horse3a ong ti%e ago' A horse an! a sa!! e' An! the eather was car#e!' When was that6 O$ght to fin! a gir to ta k to' That4s nice' "ight ay with her& too' /$t war% here' An! the stars !own so c ose& an! sa!ness an! p eas$re so c ose together& rea y the sa%e thing' Like to stay !r$nk a the ti%e' Who says it4s ba!6 Who !ares to say it4s ba!6 >reachers3b$t they got their own kin!a !r$nkenness' Thin& barren wo%en& b$t they4re too %iserab e to know' Refor%ers3b$t they !on4t hit !eep eno$gh into i#ing to know' 0o3the stars are c ose an! !ear an! ) ha#e :oine! the brotherhoo! of the wor !s' An! e#erything4s ho y3e#erything& e#en %e'

A HAR!ONICA is easy to carry' Take it o$t of yo$r hip pocket& knock it against yo$r pa % to shake o$t the !irt an! pocket f$55 an! bits of tobacco' 0ow it4s rea!y' 9o$ can !o anything with a har%onica- thin ree!y sing e tone& or chor!s& or %e o!y with rhyth% chor!s' 9o$ can %o ! the %$sic with c$r#e! han!s& %aking it wai an! cry ike bagpipes& %aking it f$ an! ro$n! ike an organ& %aking it as sharp an! bitter as the ree! pipes of the hi s' An! yo$ can p ay an! p$t it back in yo$r pocket' )t is a ways with yo$& a ways in yo$r pocket' An! as yo$ p ay& yo$ earn new tricks& new ways to %o ! the tone with yo$r han!s& to pinch the tone with yo$r ips& an! no one teaches yo$' 9o$ fee aro$n!3 so%eti%es a one in the sha!e at noon& so%eti%es in the tent !oor after s$pper when the wo%en are washing $p' 9o$r foot taps gent y on the gro$n!' 9o$r eyebrows rise an! fa in rhyth%' An! if yo$ ose it or break it& why& it4s no great oss' 9o$ can b$y another for a ($arter' A g$itar is %ore precio$s' "$st earn this thing' 8ingers of the eft han! %$st ha#e ca o$s caps' Th$%b of the right han! a horn of ca o$s' Stretch the eft*han! fingers& stretch the% ike a spi!er4s egs to get the har! pa!s on the frets' This was %y father4s bo.' Wasn4t no bigger4n a b$g first ti%e he gi#e %e C chor!' An4 when ) earne! as goo! as hi%& he har! y ne#er p aye! no %ore' <se! to set in the !oor& an4 isten an4 tap his foot' )4% tryin4 for a break& an4 he4! scow %ean ti ) get her& an4 then he4! sett e back easy& an4 he4! no!' 7> ay&7 he4! say' 7> ay nice'7 )t4s a goo! bo.' See how the hea! is wore' They4s %any a %i ion songs wore !own that woo! an4 scoope! her o$t' So%e !ay she4 ca#e in ike a egg' /$t yo$ can4t patch her nor worry her no way or she4 ose tone' > ay her in the e#ening& an4 they4s a har%onica p ayer in the ne.4 tent' "akes it pretty nice together' The fi!! e is rare& har! to earn' 0o frets& no teacher' Jes4 isten to a o 4 %an an4 try to pick it $p' Won4t te how to !o$b e' Says it4s a secret' /$t ) watche!' 2ere4s how he !one it' Shri as a win!& the fi!! e& ($ick an! ner#o$s an! shri ' She ain4t %$ch of a fi!! e' Gi#e two !o ars for her' 8e a says they4s fi!! es fo$r h$n!re! years o !& an! they git %e ow ike whisky' Says they4 cost fifty*si.ty tho$san4 !o ars' ) !on4t know' So$n4s ike a ie'

2arsh o 4 bastar!& ain4t she6 Wanta !ance6 )4 r$b $p the bow with p enty rosin' "an= Then she4 s($awk' 2ear her a %i e' These three in the e#ening& har%onica an! fi!! e an! g$itar' > aying a ree an! tapping o$t the t$ne& an! the big !eep strings of the g$itar beating ike a heart& an! the har%onica4s sharp chor!s an! the skir an! s($ea of the fi!! e' >eop e ha#e to %o#e c ose' They can4t he p it' 7Chicken Ree 7 now& an! the feet tap an! a yo$ng ean b$ck takes three ($ick steps& an! his ar%s hang i%p' The s($are c oses $p an! the !ancing starts& feet on the bare gro$n!& beating !$ & strike with yo$r hee s' 2an!s 4ro$n! an! swing' 2air fa s !own& an! panting breaths' Lean to the si!e now' Look at that boy& ong egs oose& taps fo$r ti%es for e#er4 !a%n step' 0e#er seen a boy swing aro$n4 ike that' Look at hi% swing that Cherokee gir & re! in her cheeks an4 her toe points o$t' Look at her pant& ook at her hea#e' Think she4s tire!6 Think she4s win!e!6 We & she ain4t' boy got his hair in his eyes& %o$th4s wi!e open& can4t get air& b$t he pats fo$r ti%es for e#er4 !arn step& an4 he4 keep a4goin4 with the Cherokee gir ' The fi!! e s($eaks an! the g$itar bongs' "o$th*organ %an is re! in the face' boy an! the Cherokee gir & pantin4 ike !ogs an4 a*beatin4 the gro$n4' O 4 fo ks stan4 a*pattin4 their han4s' S%i in4 a itt e& tappin4 their feet' /ack ho%e3in the schoo ho$se& it was' The big %oon sai e! off to the westwar!' An4 we wa ke!& hi% an4 %e3a itt e ways' 1i!n4 ta k 4ca$se o$r throats was choke! $p' 1i!n4 ta k none at a ' An4 p$rty soon they was a haycock' Went right to it an! ai! !own there' Seein4 the boy an4 that gir a*steppin4 away into the !ark3think nobo!y seen 4e% go' Oh& Go!= ) wisht ) was a*goin4 with that boy' "oon4 be $p 4fore ong' ) seen that gir 4s o 4 %an %o#e o$t to stop 4e% an4 then he !i!n4' 2e knowe!' "ight as we stop the fa fro% co%in4& an! %ight as we stop the sap fro% %o#in4 in the trees' An4 the %oon4 be $p 4fore ong' > ay %ore3p ay the story songs37As ) Wa ke! thro$gh the Streets of Lare!o'7 The fire4s gone !own' /e a sha%e to b$i ! her $p' Litt e o 4 %oon4 be $p 4fore ong'

/esi!e an irrigation !itch a preacher abore! an! the peop e crie!' An! the preacher pace! ike a tiger& whipping the peop e with his #oice& an! they gro#e e! an! whine! on the gro$n!' 2e ca c$ ate! the%& ga$ge! the%& p aye! on the%& an! when they were a s($ir%ing on the gro$n! he stoope! !own an! of his great strength he picke! each one $p in his ar%s an! sho$te!' Take 4e%& Christ= an! threw each one in the water' An! when they were a in& waist !eep in the water& an! ooking with frightene! eyes at the %aster& he kne t !own on the bank an! he praye! for the%+ an! he praye! that a %en an! wo%en %ight gro#e an! whine on the gro$n!' "en an! wo%en& !ripping& c othes sticking tight& watche!+ then g$rg ing an! s oshing in their shoes they wa ke! back to the ca%p& to the tents& an! they ta ke! soft y in won!erWe been sa#e!& they sai!' We4re washe! white as snow' We won4t ne#er sin again' An! the chi !ren& frightene! an! wet& whispere! togetherWe been sa#e!' We won4t sin no %ore' Wisht ) knowe! what a the sins was& so ) co$ ! !o 4e%' THE !IGRANT PEOPLE ooke! h$%b y for p eas$re on the roa!s' 24 ON SATURDAY !ORNING the wash t$bs were crow!e!' The wo%en washe! !resses& pink gingha%s an! f owere! cottons& an! they h$ng the% in the s$n an! stretche! the c oth to s%ooth it' When afternoon ca%e the who e ca%p ($ickene! an! the peop e grew e.cite!' The chi !ren ca$ght the fe#er an! were %ore noisy than $s$a ' Abo$t %i!*afternoon chi ! bathing began& an! as each chi ! was ca$ght& s$b!$e!& an! washe!& the noise on the p aygro$n! gra!$a y s$bsi!e!' /efore fi#e& the chi !ren were scr$bbe! an! warne! abo$t getting !irty again+ an! they wa ke! abo$t& stiff in c ean c othes& %iserab e with caref$ ness'

At the big open*air !ance p atfor% a co%%ittee was b$sy' ,#ery bit of e ectric wire ha! been re($isitione!' The city !$%p ha! been #isite! for wire& e#ery too bo. ha! contrib$te! friction tape' An! now the patche!& sp ice! wire was str$ng o$t to the !ance f oor& with bott e necks as ins$ ators' This night the f oor wo$ ! be ighte! for the first ti%e' /y si. o4c ock the %en were back fro% work or fro% ooking for work& an! a new wa#e of bathing starte!' /y se#en& !inners were o#er& %en ha! on their best c othes- fresh y washe! o#era s& c ean b $e shirts& so%eti%es the !ecent b acks' The gir s were rea!y in their print !resses& stretche! an! c ean& their hair brai!e! an! ribbone!' The worrie! wo%en watche! the fa%i ies an! c eane! $p the e#ening !ishes' On the p atfor% the string ban! practice!& s$rro$n!e! by a !o$b e wa of chi !ren' The peop e were intent an! e.cite!' )n the tent of ,5ra 2$ston& chair%an& the Centra Co%%ittee of fi#e %en went into %eeting' 2$ston& a ta spare %an& win!*b ackene!& with eyes ike itt e b a!es& spoke to his co%%ittee& one %an fro% each sanitary $nit' 7)t4s go!!a%n $cky we got the wor! they was gonna try to b$st $p the !ance=7 he sai!' The t$bby itt e representati#e fro% <nit Three spoke $p' 7) think we o$ghta s($ash the he o$t of e%& an4 show 4e%'7 70o&7 sai! 2$ston' 7That4s what they want' 0o& sir' )f they can git a fight goin4& then they can r$n in the cops an4 say we ain4t or!er y' They trie! it before3other p aces'7 2e t$rne! to the sa! !ark boy fro% <nit Two' 7Got the fe as together to go ro$n4 the fences an4 see nobo!y sneaks in67 The sa! boy no!!e!' 79eah= Twe #e' To 4 4e% not to hit nobo!y' Jes4 p$sh 4e% o$t ag4in'7 2$ston sai!& 7Wi yo$ go o$t an4 fin! Wi ie ,aton6 2e4s chair%an a the entertain%ent& ain4t he67 79eah'7 7We & te 4i% we wanta see 4i%'7 The boy went o$t& an! he ret$rne! in a %o%ent with a stringy %an' Wi ie ,aton ha! a ong fragi e :aw an! !$st*co ore! hair' 2is ar%s an! egs were ong an! oose& an! he ha! the gray s$nb$rne! eyes of the

>anhan! e' 2e stoo! in the tent& grinning& an! his han!s pi#ote! rest ess y on his wrists' 2$ston sai!& 79o$ hear! abo$t tonight67 Wi ie grinne!' 79eah=7 71i! anything 4bo$t it67 79eah=7 7Te what yo$ !one'7 Wi ie ,aton grinne! happi y' 7We & sir& or!inary ent4tain%ent co%%ittee is fi#e' ) got twenty %ore3a goo! strong boys' They4re a* gonna be a*!ancin4 an4 a*keepin4 their eyes open an4 their ears open' 8irst sign3any ta k or arga%ent& they c ose in tight' Worke! her o$t p$rty nice' Can4t e#en see nothing' ?in!a %o#e o$t& an4 the fe a wi go o$t with 4e%'7 7Te 4e% they ain4t to h$rt the fe as'7 Wi ie a$ghe! g eef$ y' 7) to 4 4e%&7 he sai!' 7We te 4e% so they know'7 7They know' Got fi#e %en o$t to the gate ookin4 o#er the fo ks that co%es in' Try to spot 4e% 4fore they git starte!'7 2$ston stoo! $p' 2is stee *co ore! eyes were stern' 70ow yo$ ook here& Wi ie' We !on4t want the% fe as h$rt' They4s gonna be !ep$ties o$t by the front gate' )f yo$ b oo! 4e% $p& why3the% !ep$ties4 git yo$'7 7Got that there figgere! o$t&7 sai! Wi ie' 7Take 4e% o$t the back way& into the fie 4' So%e a the boys4 see they git on their way'7 7We & it so$ns4 awright&7 2$ston sai! worrie! y' 7/$t !on4t yo$ et nothing happen& Wi ie' 9o$4re responsib e' 1on4 yo$ h$rt the% fe as' 1on4 yo$ $se no stick nor no knife or arn& or nothing ike that'7 70o& sir&7 sai! Wi ie' 7We won4t %ark 4e%'7 2$ston was s$spicio$s' 7) wisht ) knowe! ) co$ ! tr$s4 yo$& Wi ie' )f yo$ got to sock 4e%& sock 4e% where they won4t b ee!'7 79es& sir=7 sai! Wi ie' 79o$ s$re of the fe as yo$ picke!67 79es& sir'7 7Awright' An4 if she gits o$ta han4& )4 be in the righthan4 corner& this way on the !ance f oor'7

Wi ie sa $te! in %ockery an! went o$t' 2$ston sai!& 7) !$nno' ) :es4 hope Wi ie4s boys !on4t ki nobo!y' What the he the !ep$ties want to h$rt the ca%p for6 Why can4t they et $s be67 The sa! boy fro% <nit Two sai!& 7) i#e! o$t at S$n an4 Lan4 an4 Catt e Co%pany4s p ace' 2onest to Go!& they got a cop for e#er4 ten peop e' Got one water fa$cet for 4bo$t two h$n!re! peop e'7 The t$bby %an sai!& 7Jes$s& Go!& Jere%y' 9o$ ain4t got to te %e' ) was there' They got a b ock of shacks3thirty*fi#e of 4e% in a row& an4 fifteen !eep' An4 they got ten crappers for the who e shebang' An4& Christ& yo$ co$ ! s%e 4e% a %i e' One of the% !ep$ties gi#e %e the ow!own' We was settin4 aro$n4& an4 he says& 4The% go!!a%n go#4%ent ca%ps&4 he says' 4Gi#e peop e hot water& an4 they gonna want hot water' Gi#e 4e% f $sh toi ets& an4 they gonna want 4e%'4 2e says& 49o$ gi#e the% go!!a%n Okies st$ff ike that an4 they4 want 4e%'4 An4 he says& 4They ho 4 re! %eetin4s in the% go#4%ent ca%ps' A figgerin4 how to git on re ief&4 he says'7 2$ston aske!' 71i!n4 nobo!y sock hi%67 70o' They was a itt e fe a& an4 he says& 4What yo$ %ean& re ief64 74) %ean re ief3what $s ta.payers p$ts in an4 yo$ go!!a%n Okies takes o$t'4 74We pay sa es ta. an4 gas ta. an4 tobacco ta.&4 this itt e g$y says' An4 he say& 48ar%ers get fo$r cents a cotton po$n4 fro% the go#4%ent3ain4t that re ief64 An4 he says& 4Rai roa!s an4 shippin4 co%panies !raw s$bsi!ies3ain4t that re ief64 74They4re !oin4 st$ff got to be !one&4 this !ep$ty says' 74We &4 the itt e g$y says& 4how4! yo$r go!!a%n crops get picke! if it wasn4t for $s647 The t$bby %an ooke! aro$n!' 7What4! the !ep$ty say67 2$ston aske!' 7We & the !ep$ty got %a!' An4 he says& 49o$ go!!a%n re!s is a the ti%e stirrin4 $p tro$b e&4 he says' 49o$ better co%e a ong with %e'4 So he takes this itt e g$y in& an4 they gi#e hi% si.ty !ays in :ai for #agrancy'7 72ow4! they !o that if he ha! a :ob67 aske! Ti%othy Wa ace'

The t$bby %an a$ghe!' 79o$ know better4n that&7 he sai!' 79o$ know a #agrant is anybo!y a cop !on4t ike' An4 that4s why they hate this here ca%p' 0o cops can get in' This here4s <nite! States& not Ca ifornia'7 2$ston sighe!' 7Wisht we co$ ! stay here' Got to be goin4 4fore ong' ) ike this here' 8o ks gits a ong nice+ an4& Go! Aw%ighty& why can4t they et $s !o it 4stea! of keepin4 $s %iserab e an4 p$ttin4 $s in :ai 6 ) swear to Go! they gonna p$sh $s into fightin4 if they !on4t ($it a*worryin4 $s'7 Then he ca %e! his #oice' 7We :es4 got to keep peacef$ &7 he re%in!e! hi%se f' 7The co%%ittee got no right to f y off4n the han! e'7 The t$bby %an fro% <nit Three sai!& 7Anybo!y that thinks this co%%ittee got a cheese an4 crackers o$ght to :es4 try her' They was a fight in %y $nit to!ay3wo%en' Got to ca in4 na%es& an4 then got to throwin4 garbage' La!ies4 Co%%ittee co$ !n4 han! e it& an4 they co%e to %e' Want %e to bring the fight in this here co%%ittee' ) to 4 4e% they got to han! e wo%en tro$b e theirse #es' This here co%%ittee ain4t gonna %ess with no garbage fights'7 2$ston no!!e!' 79o$ !one goo!&7 he sai!' An! now the !$sk was fa ing& an! as the !arkness !eepene! the practicing of the string ban! see%e! to grow o$!er' The ights f ashe! on an! two %en inspecte! the patche! wire to the !ance f oor' The chi !ren crow!e! thick y abo$t the %$sicians' A boy with a g$itar sang the 71own 2o%e / $es&7 chor!ing !e icate y for hi%se f& an! on his secon! chor$s three har%onicas an! a fi!! e :oine! hi%' 8ro% the tents the peop e strea%e! towar! the p atfor%& %en in their c ean b $e !eni% an! wo%en in their gingha%s' They ca%e near to the p atfor% an! then stoo! ($iet y waiting& their faces bright an! intent $n!er the ight' Aro$n! the reser#ation there was a high wire fence& an! a ong the fence& at inter#a s of fifty feet& the g$ar!s sat in the grass an! waite!' 0ow the cars of the g$ests began to arri#e& s%a far%ers an! their fa%i ies& %igrants fro% other ca%ps' An! as each g$est ca%e thro$gh the gate he %entione! the na%e of the ca%per who ha! in#ite! hi%' The string ban! took a ree t$ne $p an! p aye! o$! y& for they were not practicing any %ore' )n front of their tents the Jes$s* o#ers sat an! watche!& their faces har! an! conte%pt$o$s' They !i! not speak to one

another& they watche! for sin& an! their faces con!e%ne! the who e procee!ing' At the Joa! tent R$thie an! Winfie ! ha! bo te! what itt e !inner they ha!& an! then they starte! for the p atfor%' "a ca e! the% back& he ! $p their faces with a han! $n!er each chin& an! ooke! into their nostri s& p$ e! their ears an! ooke! insi!e& an! sent the% to the sanitary $nit to wash their han!s once %ore' They !o!ge! aro$n! the back of the b$i !ing an! bo te! for the p atfor%& to stan! a%ong the chi !ren& c ose*packe! abo$t the ban!' A finishe! his !inner an! spent ha f an ho$r sha#ing with To%4s ra5or' A ha! a tight*fitting woo s$it an! a stripe! shirt& an! he bathe! an! washe! an! co%be! his straight hair back' An! when the washroo% was #acant for a %o%ent& he s%i e! engaging y at hi%se f in the %irror& an! he t$rne! an! trie! to see hi%se f in profi e when he s%i e!' 2e s ippe! his p$rp e ar%*ban!s on an! p$t on his tight coat' An! he r$bbe! $p his ye ow shoes with a piece of toi et paper' A ate bather ca%e in& an! A h$rrie! o$t an! wa ke! reck ess y towar! the p atfor%& his eye pee e! for gir s' 0ear the !ance f oor he saw a pretty b on! gir sitting in front of a tent' 2e si! e! near an! threw open his coat to show his shirt' 7Gonna !ance tonight67 he aske!' The gir ooke! away an! !i! not answer' 7Can4t a fe a pass a wor! with yo$6 2ow 4bo$t yo$ an4 %e !ancin467 An! he sai! noncha ant y& 7) can wa t5'7 The gir raise! her eyes shy y& an! she sai!& 7That ain4t nothin43 anybo!y can wa t5'7 70ot ike %e&7 sai! A ' The %$sic s$rge!& an! he tappe! one foot in ti%e' 7Co%e on&7 he sai!' A #ery fat wo%an poke! her hea! o$t of the tent an! scow e! at hi%' 79o$ git a ong&7 she sai! fierce y' 7This here gir 4s spoke for' She4s a* gonna be %arrie!& an4 her %an4s a*co%in4 for her'7 A winke! rakish y at the gir & an! he trippe! on& striking his feet to the %$sic an! swaying his sho$ !ers an! swinging his ar%s' An! the gir ooke! after hi% intent y'

>a p$t !own his p ate an! stoo! $p' 7Co%e on& John&7 he sai!+ an! he e.p aine! to "a& 7We4re a*gonna ta k to so%e fe as abo$t gettin4 work'7 An! >a an! <nc e John wa ke! towar! the %anager4s ho$se' To% worke! a piece of store brea! into the stew gra#y on his p ate an! ate the brea!' 2e han!e! his p ate to "a& an! she p$t it in the b$cket of hot water an! washe! it& an! han!e! it to Rose of Sharon to wipe' 7Ain4t yo$ goin4 to the !ance67 "a aske!' 7S$re&7 sai! To%' 7)4% on a co%%ittee' We4re gonna entertain so%e fe as'7 7A rea!y on a co%%ittee67 "a sai!' 7) g$ess it4s 4ca$se yo$ got work'7 Rose of Sharon t$rne! to p$t the !ish away' To% pointe! at her' 7"y Go!& she4s a*gettin4 big&7 he sai!' Rose of Sharon b $she! an! took another !ish fro% "a' 7S$re she is&7 "a sai!' 7An4 she4s gettin4 prettier&7 sai! To%' The gir b $she! %ore !eep y an! h$ng her hea!' 79o$ stop it&7 she sai! soft y' 74Co$rse she is&7 sai! "a' 7Gir with a baby a ways gets prettier'7 To% a$ghe!' 7)f she keeps a*swe in4 ike this& she gonna nee! a whee barra to carry it'7 70ow yo$ stop&7 Rose of Sharon sai!& an! she went insi!e the tent& o$t of sight' "a ch$ck e!& 79o$ sho$ !n4 o$ght to worry her'7 7She ikes it&7 sai! To%' 7) know she ikes it& b$t it worries her& too' An! she4s a*%o$rnin4 for Connie'7 7We & she %ight4s we gi#e hi% $p' 2e4s prob4 y st$!yin4 to be >resi!ent of the <nite! States by now'7 71on4t worry her&7 "a sai!' 7She ain4t got no easy row to hoe'7 Wi ie ,aton %o#e! near& an! he grinne! an! sai!& 79o$ To% Joa!67 79eah'7 7We & )4% Chair%an the ,ntertain%ent Co%%ittee' We gonna nee! yo$' 8e a to 4 %e 4bo$t yo$'7 7S$re& )4 p ay with yo$&7 sai! To%' 7This here4s "a'7 72ow!y&7 sai! Wi ie'

7G a! to %eet ya'7 Wi ie sai!& 7Gonna p$t yo$ on the gate to start& an4 then on the f oor' Want ya to ook o#er the g$ys when they co%e in& an4 try to spot 4e%' 9o$4 be with another fe a' Then ater ) want ya to !ance an4 watch'7 79eah= ) can !o that awright&7 sai! To%' "a sai! apprehensi#e y& 7They ain4t no tro$b e67 70o& %a4a%&7 Wi ie sai!' 7They ain4t gonna be no tro$b e'7 70one at a &7 sai! To%' 7We & )4 co%e 4 ong' See yo$ at the !ance& "a'7 The two yo$ng %en wa ke! ($ick y away towar! the %ain gate' "a pi e! the washe! !ishes on a bo.' 7Co%e on o$t&7 she ca e!& an! when there was no answer& 7Rosasharn& yo$ co%e o$t'7 The gir steppe! fro% the tent& an! she went on with the !ish*wiping' 7To% was on4y :o yin4 ya'7 7) know' ) !i!n4t %in!+ on4y ) hate to ha#e fo ks ook at %e'7 7Ain4t no way to he4p that' 8o ks gonna ook' /$t it %akes fo ks happy to see a gir in a fa%b y way3%akes fo ks sort of gigg y an4 happy' Ain4t yo$ a*goin4 to the !ance67 7) was3b$t ) !on4 know' ) wisht Connie was here'7 2er #oice rose' 7"a& ) wisht he was here' ) can4t har! y stan4 it'7 "a ooke! c ose y at her' 7) know&7 she sai!' 7/$t& Rosasharn3!on4 sha%e yo$r fo ks'7 7) !on4 ai% to& "a'7 7We & !on4 yo$ sha%e $s' We got too %$ch on $s now& witho$t no sha%e'7 The gir 4s ip ($i#ere!' 7)3) ain4 goin4 to the !ance' ) co$ !n43"a3 he4p %e=7 She sat !own an! b$rie! her hea! in her han!s' "a wipe! her han!s on the !ish towe an! she s($atte! !own in front of her !a$ghter& an! she p$t her two han!s on Rose of Sharon4s hair' 79o$4re a goo! gir &7 she sai!' 79o$ a ways was a goo! gir ' )4 take care a yo$' 1on4t yo$ fret'7 She p$t an interest in her tone' 7?now what yo$ an4 %e4s gonna !o6 We4re a*goin4 to that !ance& an4 we4re a*gonna set there an watch' )f anybo!y says to co%e !ance3why& )4 say yo$ ain4t strong eno$gh' )4 say yo$4re poor y' An4 yo$ can hear the %$sic an4 a ike that'7 Rose of Sharon raise! her hea!' 79o$ won4t et %e !ance67

70o& ) won4t'7 7An4 !on4 et nobo!y to$ch %e'7 70o& ) won4t'7 The gir sighe!' She sai! !esperate y& 7) !on4 know what )4% a*gonna !o& "a' ) :$s4 !on4 know' ) !on4 know'7 "a patte! her knee' 7Look&7 she sai!' 7Look here at %e' )4% a*gonna te ya' )n a itt e whi e it ain4t gonna be so ba!' )n a itt e whi e' An4 that4s tr$e' 0ow co%e on' We4 go get washe! $p& an4 we4 p$t on o$r nice !ress an4 we4 set by the !ance'7 She e! Rose of Sharon towar! the sanitary $nit' >a an! <nc e John s($atte! with a gro$p of %en by the porch of the office' 7We near y got work to!ay&7 >a sai!' 7We was :$s4 a few %in$tes ate' They awrea!y got two fe as' An4& we & sir& it was a f$nny thing' They4s a straw boss there& an4 he says& 4We :$s4 got so%e two*bit %en' 4Co$rse we co$ ! $se twenty*cent %en' We can $se a ot of twenty*cent %en' 9o$ go to yo$r ca%p an4 say we4 p$t a ot a fe as on for twenty cents'47 The s($atting %en %o#e! ner#o$s y' A broa!*sho$ !ere! %an& his face co%p ete y in the sha!ow of a b ack hat& spatte! his knee with his pa %' 7) know it& go!!a%n it=7 he crie!' 7An4 they4 git %en' They4 git h$ngry %en' 9o$ can4t fee! yo$r fa%4 y on twenty cents an ho$r& b$t yo$4 take anything' They got yo$ goin4 an4 co%in4' They :es4 a$ction a :ob off' Jes$s Christ& pretty soon they4re gonna %ake $s pay to work'7 7We wo$ ! of took her&7 >a sai!' 7We ain4t ha! no :ob' We s$re wo$ ! a took her& b$t they was the% g$ys in there& an4 the way they ooke!& we was scairt to take her'7 / ack 2at sai!& 7Get cra5y thinkin4= ) been workin4 for a fe a& an4 he can4t pick his crop' Cost %ore :es4 to pick her than he can git for her& an4 he !on4 know what to !o'7 7See%s to %e37 >a stoppe!' The circ e was si ent for hi%' 7We 3) :$s4 tho$ght& if a fe a ha! an acre' We & %y wo%an she co$ ! raise a itt e tr$ck an4 a co$p e pigs an4 so%e chickens' An4 $s %en co$ ! get o$t an4 fin! work& an4 then go back' ?i!s co$ ! %aybe go to schoo ' 0e#er seen sech schoo s as o$t here'7 7O$r ki!s ain4t happy in the% schoo s&7 / ack 2at sai!'

7Why not6 They4re pretty nice& the% schoo s'7 7We & a ragge!y ki! with no shoes& an4 the% other ki!s with socks on& an4 nice pants& an4 the% a*ye in4 4Okie'4 "y boy went to schoo ' 2a! a fight e#er4 !ay' 1one goo!& too' To$gh itt e bastar!' ,#er4 !ay he got to fight' Co%e ho%e with his c othes tore an4 his nose b oo!y' An4 his %a4! wha e hi%' "a!e her stop that' 0o nee! e#er4bo!y beatin4 the he o$ta hi%& poor itt e fe a' Jes$s= 2e gi#e so%e a the% ki!s a goin4*o#er& tho$gh3the% nice*pants sons*a*bitches' ) !$nno' ) !$nno'7 >a !e%an!e!& 7We & what the he a% ) gonna !o6 We4re o$ta %oney' One of %y boys got a short :ob& b$t that won4t fee! $s' )4% a*gonna go an4 take twenty cents' ) got to'7 / ack 2at raise! his hea!& an! his brist e! chin showe! in the ight& an! his stringy neck where the whiskers ay f at ike f$r' 79eah=7 he sai! bitter y' 79o$4 !o that' An4 )4% a two*bit %an' 9o$4 take %y :ob for twenty cents' An4 then )4 git h$ngry an4 )4 take %y :ob back for fifteen' 9eah= 9o$ go right on an4 !o her'7 7We & what the he can ) !o67 >a !e%an!e!' 7) can4t star#e so4s yo$ can get two bits'7 / ack 2at !ippe! his hea! again& an! his chin went into the sha!ow' 7) !$nno&7 he sai!' 7) :es4 !$nno' )t4s ba! eno$gh to work twe #e ho$rs a !ay an4 co%e o$t :es4 a itt e bit h$ngry& b$t we got to fig$re a a ti%e& too' "y ki! ain4t gettin4 eno$gh to eat' ) can4t think a the ti%e& go!!a%n it= )t !ri#es a %an cra5y'7 The circ e of %en shifte! their feet ner#o$s y' TO! STOOD at the gate an! watche! the peop e co%ing in to the !ance' A f oo! ight shone !own into their faces' Wi ie ,aton sai!& 7Jes4 keep yo$r eyes open' )4% sen!in4 J$ e Gite a o#er' 2e4s ha f Cherokee' 0ice fe a' ?eep yo$r eyes open' An4 see if yo$ can pick o$t the ones'7 7O'?'&7 sai! To%' 2e watche! the far% fa%i ies co%e in& the gir s with brai!e! hair an! the boys po ishe! for the !ance' J$ e ca%e an! stoo! besi!e hi%' 7)4% with yo$&7 he sai!'

To% ooke! at the hawk nose an! the high brown cheek bones an! the s en!er rece!ing chin' 7They says yo$4re ha f )n:$n' 9o$ ook a )n:$n to %e'7 70o&7 sai! J$ e' 7Jes4 ha f' Wisht ) was a f$ *b oo!' )4! ha#e %y an4 on the reser#ation' The% f$ *b oo!s got it pretty nice& so%e of 4e%'7 7Look a the% peop e&7 To% sai!' The g$ests were %o#ing in thro$gh the gateway& fa%i ies fro% the far%s& %igrants fro% the !itch ca%ps' Chi !ren straining to be free an! ($iet parents ho !ing the% back' J$ e sai!& 7These here !ances !one f$nny things' O$r peop e got nothing& b$t :es4 beca$se they can ast their frien4s to co%e here to the !ance& sets 4e% $p an4 %akes 4e% pro$!' An4 the fo ks respects 4e% 4co$nt of these here !ances' 8e a got a itt e p ace where ) was a*workin4' 2e co%e to a !ance here' ) ast hi% %yse f& an4 he co%e' Says we got the on y !ecent !ance in the co$nty& where a %an can take his gir s an4 his wife' 2ey= Look'7 Three yo$ng %en were co%ing thro$gh the gate3yo$ng working %en in :eans' They wa ke! c ose together' The g$ar! at the gate ($estione! the%& an! they answere! an! passe! thro$gh' 7Look at 4e% caref$ &7 J$ e sai!' 2e %o#e! to the g$ar!' 7Who ast the% three67 he aske!' 78e a na%e! Jackson& <nit 8o$r'7 J$ e ca%e back to To%' 7) think the%4s o$r fe as'7 72ow ya know67 7) !$nno how' Jes4 got a fee in4' They4re kin!a scare!' 8o er 4e% an4 te Wi ie to ook 4e% o#er& an4 te Wi ie to check with Jackson& <nit 8o$r' Get hi% to see if they4re a right' )4 stay here'7 To% stro e! after the three yo$ng %en' They %o#e! towar! the !ance f oor an! took their positions ($iet y on the e!ge of the crow!' To% saw Wi ie near the ban! an! signa e! hi%' 7What cha want67 Wi ie aske!' 7The% three3see3there67 79eah'7 7They say a fe a na%e4 Jackson& <nit 8o$r& ast 4e%'7

Wi ie crane! his neck an! saw 2$ston an! ca e! hi% o#er' 7The% three fe as&7 he sai!' 7We better get Jackson& <nit 8o$r& an4 see if he ast 4e%'7 2$ston t$rne! on his hee an! wa ke! away+ an! in a few %o%ents he was back with a ean an! bony ?ansan' 7This here4s Jackson&7 2$ston sai!' 7Look& Jackson see the% three yo$ng fe as367 79eah'7 7We & !i! yo$ ast 4e%67 70o'7 7,#er see 4e% before67 Jackson peere! at the%' 7S$re' Worke! at Gregorio4s with 4e%'7 7So they knowe! yo$r na%e'7 7S$re' ) worke! right besi!e 4e%'7 7Awright&7 2$ston sai!' 71on4t yo$ go near 4e%' We ain4t gonna th4ow 4e% o$t if they4re nice' Thanks& "r' Jackson'7 7Goo! work&7 he sai! to To%' 7) g$ess the%4s the fe as'7 7J$ e picke! 4e% o$t&7 sai! To%' 72e & no won!er&7 sai! Wi ie' 72is )n:$n b oo! s%e e! 4e%' We & )4 point 4e% o$t to the boys'7 A si.teen*year*o ! boy ca%e r$nning thro$gh the crow!' 2e stoppe!& panting& in front of 2$ston' 7"ista 2$ston&7 he sai!' 7) been ike yo$ sai!' They4s a car with si. %en parke! !own by the e$c4 ypt$s trees& an4 they4s one with fo$r %en $p that north*si!e roa!' ) ast 4e% for a %atch' They got g$ns' ) seen 4e%'7 2$ston4s eyes grew har! an! cr$e ' 7Wi ie&7 he sai!& 7yo$ s$re yo$ got e#er4thing rea!y67 Wi ie grinne! happi y' 7S$re' ha#e& "r' 2$ston' Ain4t gonna be no tro$b e'7 7We & !on4t h$rt 4e%' 4"e%ber now' )f yo$ kin& ($iet an4 nice& ) kin!a ike to see 4e%' /e in %y tent'7 7)4 see what we kin !o&7 sai! Wi ie' 1ancing ha! not for%a y starte!& b$t now Wi ie c i%be! onto the p atfor%' 7Choose $p yo$r s($ares&7 he ca e!' The %$sic stoppe!' /oys an! gir s& yo$ng %en an! wo%en& ran abo$t $nti eight s($ares were rea!y on the big f oor& rea!y an! waiting' The gir s he ! their han!s in

front of the% an! s($ir%e! their fingers' The boys tappe! their feet rest ess y' Aro$n! the f oor the o ! fo ks sat& s%i ing s ight y& ho !ing the chi !ren back fro% the f oor' An! in the !istance the Jes$s* o#ers sat with har! con!e%ning faces an! watche! the sin' "a an! Rose of Sharon sat on a bench an! watche!' An! as each boy aske! Rose of Sharon as partner& "a sai!& 70o& she ain4t we '7 An! Rose of Sharon b $she! an! her eyes were bright' The ca er steppe! to the %i!! e of the f oor an! he ! $p his han!s' 7A rea!y6 Then et her go=7 The %$sic snar e! o$t 7Chicken Ree &7 shri an! c ear& fi!! e skir ing& har%onicas nasa an! sharp& an! the g$itars boo%ing on the bass strings' The ca er na%e! the t$rns& the s($ares %o#e!' An! they !ance! forwar! an! back& han!s 4ro$n!& swing yo$r a!y' The ca er& in a fren5y& tappe! his feet& str$tte! back an! forth& went thro$gh the fig$res as he ca e! the%' 7Swing yo$r a!ies an4 a !o ce !o' Join hans4 ro$n4 an4 away we go'7 The %$sic rose an! fe & an! the %o#ing shoes beating in ti%e on the p atfor% so$n!e! ike !r$%s' 7Swing to the right an a swing to ef4+ break& now3break3back to3back&7 the ca er sang the high #ibrant %onotone' 0ow the gir s4 hair ost the caref$ co%bing' 0ow perspiration stoo! o$t on the forehea!s of the boys' 0ow the e.perts showe! the tricky inter*steps' An! the o ! peop e on the e!ge of the f oor took $p the rhyth%& patte! their han!s soft y& an! tappe! their feet+ an! they s%i e! gent y an! then ca$ght one another4s eyes an! no!!e!' "a eane! her hea! c ose to Rose of Sharon4s ear' 7"aybe yo$ wo$ !n4 think it& b$t yo$r >a was as nice a !ancer as ) e#er seen& when he was yo$ng'7 An! "a s%i e!' 7"akes %e think of o 4 ti%es&7 she sai!' An! on the faces of the watchers the s%i es were of o ! ti%es' 7<p near "$skogee twenty years ago& they was a b in4 %an with a fi!! e37 7) seen a fe a oncet co$ ! s ap his hee s fo$r ti%es in one :$%p'7 7Swe!es $p in 1akota3know what they !o so%eti%es6 >$t pepper on the f oor' Gits $p the a!ies4 skirts an4 %akes 4e% p$rty i#e y3 i#e y as a fi y in season' Swe!es !o that so%eti%es'7

)n the !istance the Jes$s* o#ers watche! their resti#e chi !ren' 7Look on sin&7 they sai!' 7The% fo ks is ri!in4 to he on a poker' )t4s a sha%e the go! y got to see it'7 An! their chi !ren were si ent an! ner#o$s' 7One %ore ro$n4 an4 then a itt e res4&7 the ca er chante!' 72it her har!& 4ca$se we4re gonna stop soon'7 An! the gir s were !a%p an! f $she!& an! they !ance! with open %o$ths an! serio$s re#erent faces& an! the boys f $ng back their ong hair an! prance!& pointe! their toes& an! c icke! their hee s' )n an! o$t the s($ares %o#e!& crossing& backing& whir ing& an! the %$sic shri e!' Then s$!!en y it stoppe!' The !ancers stoo! sti & panting with fatig$e' An! the chi !ren broke fro% restraint& !ashe! on the f oor& chase! one another %a! y& ran& s i!& sto e caps& an! p$ e! hair' The !ancers sat !own& fanning the%se #es with their han!s' The %e%bers of the ban! got $p an! stretche! the%se #es an! sat !own again' An! the g$itar p ayers worke! soft y o#er their strings' 0ow Wi ie ca e!& 7Choose again for another s($are& if yo$ can'7 The !ancers scra%b e! to their feet an! new !ancers p $nge! forwar! for partners' To% stoo! near the three yo$ng %en' 2e saw the% force their way thro$gh& o$t on the f oor& towar! one of the for%ing s($ares' 2e wa#e! his han! at Wi ie& an! Wi ie spoke to the fi!! er' The fi!! er s($awke! his bow across the strings' Twenty yo$ng %en o$nge! s ow y across the f oor' The three reache! the s($are' An! one of the% sai!& 7)4 !ance with this here'7 A b on! boy ooke! $p in astonish%ent' 7She4s %y partner'7 7Listen& yo$ itt e son*of*a*bitch37 Off in the !arkness a shri whist e so$n!e!' The three were wa e! in now' An! each one fe t the grip of han!s' An! then the wa of %en %o#e! s ow y off the p atfor%' Wi ie ye pe!& 7Le4s go=7 The %$sic shri e! o$t& the ca er intone! the fig$res& the feet th$!!e! on the p atfor%' A to$ring car !ro#e to the entrance' The !ri#er ca e!& 7Open $p' We hear yo$ got a riot'7 The g$ar! kept his position' 7We got no riot' Listen to that %$sic' Who are yo$67 71ep$ty sheriffs'7

7Got a warrant67 7We !on4t nee! a warrant if there4s a riot'7 7We & we got no riots here&7 sai! the gate g$ar!' The %en in the car istene! to the %$sic an! the so$n! of the ca er& an! then the car p$ e! away an! parke! in a crossroa! an! waite!' )n the %o#ing s($a! each of the three yo$ng %en was pinione!& an! a han! was o#er each %o$th' When they reache! the !arkness the gro$p opene! $p' To% sai!& 7That s$re was !i! nice'7 2e he ! both ar%s of his #icti% fro% behin!' Wi ie ran o#er to the% fro% the !ance f oor' 70ice work&7 he sai!' 7On4y nee! si. now' 2$ston wants to see these here fe ers'7 2$ston hi%se f e%erge! fro% the !arkness' 7These the ones67 7S$re&7 sai! J$ e' 7Went right $p an4 starte! it' /$t they !i!n4 e#en swing once'7 7Let4s ook at 4e%'7 The prisoners were sw$ng aro$n! to face the%' Their hea!s were !own' 2$ston p$t a f ash ight bea% in each s$ en face' 7What !i! yo$ wanta !o it for67 he aske!' There was no answer' 7Who the he to 4 yo$ to !o it67 7Go!!arn it& we !i!n4 !o nothing' We was :es4 gonna !ance'7 70o& yo$ wasn4t&7 J$ e sai!' 79o$ was gonna sock that ki!'7 To% sai!& 7"r' 2$ston& :$s4 when these here fe as %o#e! in& so%ebo!y gi#e a whist e'7 79eah& ) know= The cops co%e right to the gate'7 2e t$rne! back' 7We ain4t gonna h$rt yo$' 0ow who to 4 yo$ to co%e b$s4 $p o$r !ance67 2e waite! for a rep y' 79o$4re o$r own fo ks&7 2$ston sai! sa! y' 79o$ be ong with $s' 2ow4! yo$ happen to co%e6 We know a abo$t it&7 he a!!e!' 7We & go!!a%n it& a fe a got to eat'7 7We & who sent yo$6 Who pai! yo$ to co%e67 7We ain4t been pai!'7 7An4 yo$ ain4t gonna be' 0o fight& no pay' Ain4t that right67 One of the pinione! %en sai!& 71o what yo$ want' We ain4t gonna te nothing'7

2$ston4s hea! sank !own for a %o%ent& an! then he sai! soft y& 7O'?' 1on4t te ' /$t ooka here' 1on4t knife yo$r own fo ks' We4re tryin4 to get a ong& ha#in4 f$n an4 keepin4 or!er' 1on4t tear a that !own' Jes4 think abo$t it' 9o$4re :es4 har%in4 yo$rse f' 7Awright& boys& p$t 4e% o#er the back fence' An4 !on4t h$rt 4e%' They !on4t know what they4re !oin4'7 The s($a! %o#e! s ow y towar! the rear of the ca%p& an! 2$ston ooke! after the%' J$ e sai!& 7Le4s :es4 take one goo! kick at 4e%'7 70o& yo$ !on4t=7 Wi ie crie!' 7) sai! we wo$ !n4'7 7Jes4 one nice itt e kick&7 J$ e p ea!e!' 7Jes4 oft 4e% o#er the fence'7 70o& sir&7 Wi ie insiste!' 7Listen yo$&7 he sai!& 7we4re ettin4 yo$ off this ti%e' /$t yo$ take back the wor!' )f4n e#er this here happens again& we4 :es4 natchera y kick the he o$ta whoe#er co%es+ we4 b$st e#er4 bone in their bo!y' 0ow yo$ te yo$r boys that' 2$ston says yo$4re o$r kin!a fo ks3%aybe' )4! hate to think of it'7 They neare! the fence' Two of the seate! g$ar!s stoo! $p an! %o#e! o#er' 7Got so%e fe as goin4 ho%e ear y&7 sai! Wi ie' The three %en c i%be! o#er the fence an! !isappeare! into the !arkness' An! the s($a! %o#e! ($ick y back towar! the !ance f oor' An! the %$sic of 7O 4 1an T$cker7 skir e! an! whine! fro% the string ban!' O#er near the office the %en sti s($atte! an! ta ke!& an! the shri %$sic ca%e to the%' >a sai!& 7They4s change a*co%in4' ) !on4 know what' "aybe we won4t i#e to see her' /$t she4s a*co%in4' They4s a res4 ess fee in4' 8e a can4t figger nothin4 o$t& he4s so ner#o$s'7 An! / ack 2at ifte! his hea! $p again& an! the ight fe on his brist y whiskers' 2e gathere! so%e itt e rocks fro% the gro$n! an! shot the% ike %arb es& with his th$%b' 7) !on4 know' She4s a*co%in4 awright& ike yo$ say' 8e a to 4 %e what happene! in Akron& Ohio' R$bber co%panies' They got %o$ntain peop e in 4ca$se they4! work cheap' An4 these here %o$ntain peop e $p an4 :oine! the $nion' We & sir& he :es4 poppe!' A the% storekeepers an! egioners an4 peop e ike that& they get !ri in4 an4 ye in4& 4Re!=4 An4 they gonna r$n the $nion right o$ta Akron' >reachers

git a*preachin4 abo$t it& an4 papers a*yow in4& an4 they4s pick han! es p$t o$t by the r$bber co%panies& an4 they4re a*b$yin4 gas' Jes$s& yo$4! think the% %o$ntain boys was reg4 ar !e#i s=7 2e stoppe! an! fo$n! so%e %ore rocks to shoot' 7We & sir3it was as4 "arch& an4 one S$n!ay fi#e tho$san4 of the% %o$ntain %en ha! a t$rkey shoot o$tsi!e a town' 8i#e tho$san4 of 4e% :es4 %arche! thro$gh town with their rif es' An4 they ha! their t$rkey shoot& an4 then they %arche! back' An4 that4s a they !one' We & sir& they ain4t been no tro$b e sence then' These here citi5ens co%%ittees gi#e back the pick han! es& an4 the storekeepers keep their stores& an4 nobo!y been c $bbe! nor tarre! an4 feathere! an4 nobo!y been ki e!'7 There was a ong si ence& an! then / ack 2at sai!& 7They4re gettin4 p$rty %ean o$t here' /$rne! that ca%p an4 beat $p fo ks' ) been thinkin4' A o$r fo ks got g$ns' ) been thinkin4 %aybe we o$ght to get $p a t$rkey shootin4 c $b an4 ha#e %eetin4s e#er4 S$n!ay'7 The %en ooke! $p at hi%& an! then !own at the gro$n!& an! their feet %o#e! rest ess y an! they shifte! their weight fro% one eg to the other' 25 THE SPRING IS "EAUTIFUL in Ca ifornia' Ga eys in which the fr$it b osso%s are fragrant pink an! white waters in a sha ow sea' Then the first ten!ri s of the grapes swe ing fro% the o ! gnar e! #ines& casca!e !own to co#er the tr$nks' The f$ green hi s are ro$n! an! soft as breasts' An! on the e#e #egetab e an!s are the %i e* ong rows of pa e green ett$ce an! the spin! y itt e ca$ if owers& the gray*green $nearth y artichoke p ants' An! then the ea#es break o$t on the trees& an! the peta s !rop fro% the fr$it trees an! carpet the earth with pink an! white' The centers of the b osso%s swe an! grow an! co or- cherries an! app es& peaches an! pears& figs which c ose the f ower in the fr$it' A Ca ifornia ($ickens with pro!$ce& an! the fr$it grows hea#y& an! the i%bs ben! gra!$a y $n!er the fr$it so that itt e cr$tches %$st be p ace! $n!er the% to s$pport the weight'

/ehin! the fr$itf$ ness are %en of $n!erstan!ing an! know e!ge& an! ski & %en who e.peri%ent with see!& en! ess y !e#e oping the techni($es for greater crops of p ants whose roots wi resist the %i ion ene%ies of the earth- the %o !s& the insects& the r$sts& the b ights' These %en work caref$ y an! en! ess y to perfect the see!& the roots' An! there are the %en of che%istry who spray the trees against pests& who s$ ph$r the grapes& who c$t o$t !isease an! rots& %i !ews an! sicknesses' 1octors of pre#enti#e %e!icine& %en at the bor!ers who ook for fr$it f ies& for Japanese beet e& %en who ($arantine the sick trees an! root the% o$t an! b$rn the%& %en of know e!ge' The %en who graft the yo$ng trees& the itt e #ines& are the c e#erest of a & for theirs is a s$rgeon4s :ob& as ten!er an! !e icate+ an! these %en %$st ha#e s$rgeons4 han!s an! s$rgeons4 hearts to s it the bark& to p ace the grafts& to bin! the wo$n!s an! co#er the% fro% the air' These are great %en' A ong the rows& the c$ ti#ators %o#e& tearing the spring grass an! t$rning it $n!er to %ake a ferti e earth& breaking the gro$n! to ho ! the water $p near the s$rface& ri!ging the gro$n! in itt e poo s for the irrigation& !estroying the wee! roots that %ay !rink the water away fro% the trees' An! a the ti%e the fr$it swe s an! the f owers break o$t in ong c $sters on the #ines' An! in the growing year the war%th grows an! the ea#es t$rn !ark green' The pr$nes engthen ike itt e green bir!4s eggs& an! the i%bs sag !own against the cr$tches $n!er the weight' An! the har! itt e pears take shape& an! the beginning of the f$55 co%es o$t on the peaches' Grape b osso%s she! their tiny peta s an! the har! itt e bea!s beco%e green b$ttons& an! the b$ttons grow hea#y' The %en who work in the fie !s& the owners of the itt e orchar!s& watch an! ca c$ ate' The year is hea#y with pro!$ce' An! the %en are pro$!& for of their know e!ge they can %ake the year hea#y' They ha#e transfor%e! the wor ! with their know e!ge' The short& ean wheat has been %a!e big an! pro!$cti#e' Litt e so$r app es ha#e grown arge an! sweet& an! that o ! grape that grew a%ong the trees an! fe! the bir!s its tiny fr$it has %othere! a tho$san! #arieties& re! an! b ack& green an! pa e pink& p$rp e an! ye ow+ an! each #ariety with its own f a#or' The %en who work in the e.peri%enta far%s ha#e %a!e new fr$its- nectarines an!

forty kin!s of p $%s& wa n$ts with paper she s' An! a ways they work& se ecting& grafting& changing& !ri#ing the%se #es& !ri#ing the earth to pro!$ce' An! first the cherries ripen' Cent an! a ha f a po$n!' 2e & we can4t pick 4e% for that' / ack cherries an! re! cherries& f$ an! sweet& an! the bir!s eat ha f of each cherry an! the ye ow:ackets b$55 into the ho es the bir!s %a!e' An! on the gro$n! the see!s !rop an! !ry with b ack shre!s hanging fro% the%' The p$rp e pr$nes soften an! sweeten' "y Go!& we can4t pick the% an! !ry an! s$ ph$r the%' We can4t pay wages& no %atter what wages' An! the p$rp e pr$nes carpet the gro$n!' An! first the skins wrink e a itt e an! swar%s of f ies co%e to feast& an! the #a ey is fi e! with the o!or of sweet !ecay' The %eat t$rns !ark an! the crop shri#e s on the gro$n!' An! the pears grow ye ow an! soft' 8i#e !o ars a ton' 8i#e !o ars for forty fifty*po$n! trees pr$ne! an! spraye!& orchar!s c$ ti#ate!3 pick the fr$it& p$t it in oa! the tr$cks& !e i#er the fr$it to the cannery3forty for fi#e !o ars' We can4t !o it' An! the ye ow fr$it fa s hea#i y to the gro$n! an! sp ashes on the gro$n!' The ye ow:ackets !ig into the soft %eat& an! there is a s%e of fer%ent an! rot' Then the grapes3we can4t %ake goo! wine' >eop e can4t b$y goo! wine' Rip the grapes fro% the #ines& goo! grapes& rotten grapes& wasp* st$ng grapes' >ress ste%s& press !irt an! rot' /$t there4s %i !ew an! for%ic aci! in the #ats' A!! s$ ph$r an! tannic aci!' The s%e fro% the fer%ent is not the rich o!or of wine& b$t the s%e of !ecay an! che%ica s' Oh& we ' )t has a coho in it& anyway' They can get !r$nk' The itt e far%ers watche! !ebt creep $p on the% ike the ti!e' They spraye! the trees an! so ! no crop& they pr$ne! an! grafte! an! co$ ! not pick the crop' An! the %en of know e!ge ha#e worke!& ha#e consi!ere!& an! the fr$it is rotting on the gro$n!& an! the !ecaying %ash in the wine #at is poisoning the air' An! taste the wine3no grape f a#or at a & :$st s$ ph$r an! tannic aci! an! a coho '

This itt e orchar! wi be a part of a great ho !ing ne.t year& for the !ebt wi ha#e choke! the owner' This #ineyar! wi be ong to the bank' On y the great owners can s$r#i#e& for they own the canneries& too' An! fo$r pears pee e! an! c$t in ha f& cooke! an! canne!& sti cost fifteen cents' An! the canne! pears !o not spoi ' They wi ast for years' The !ecay sprea!s o#er the State& an! the sweet s%e is a great sorrow on the an!' "en who can graft the trees an! %ake the see! ferti e an! big can fin! no way to et the h$ngry peop e eat their pro!$ce' "en who ha#e create! new fr$its in the wor ! cannot create a syste% whereby their fr$its %ay be eaten' An! the fai $re hangs o#er the State ike a great sorrow' The works of the roots of the #ines& of the trees& %$st be !estroye! to keep $p the price& an! this is the sa!!est& bitterest thing of a ' Car oa!s of oranges !$%pe! on the gro$n!' The peop e ca%e for %i es to take the fr$it& b$t this co$ ! not be' 2ow wo$ ! they b$y oranges at twenty cents a !o5en if they co$ ! !ri#e o$t an! pick the% $p6 An! %en with hoses s($irt kerosene on the oranges& an! they are angry at the cri%e& angry at the peop e who ha#e co%e to take the fr$it' A %i ion peop e h$ngry& nee!ing the fr$it3an! kerosene spraye! o#er the go !en %o$ntains' An! the s%e of rot fi s the co$ntry' /$rn coffee for f$e in the ships' /$rn corn to keep war%& it %akes a hot fire' 1$%p potatoes in the ri#ers an! p ace g$ar!s a ong the banks to keep the h$ngry peop e fro% fishing the% o$t' S a$ghter the pigs an! b$ry the%& an! et the p$trescence !rip !own into the earth' There is a cri%e here that goes beyon! !en$nciation' There is a sorrow here that weeping cannot sy%bo i5e' There is a fai $re here that topp es a o$r s$ccess' The ferti e earth& the straight tree rows& the st$r!y tr$nks& an! the ripe fr$it' An! chi !ren !ying of pe agra %$st !ie beca$se a profit cannot be taken fro% an orange' An! coroners %$st fi in the certificate3!ie! of %a n$trition3beca$se the foo! %$st rot& %$st be force! to rot' The peop e co%e with nets to fish for potatoes in the ri#er& an! the g$ar!s ho ! the% back+ they co%e in ratt ing cars to get the !$%pe! oranges& b$t the kerosene is spraye!' An! they stan! sti an! watch the

potatoes f oat by& isten to the screa%ing pigs being ki e! in a !itch an! co#ere! with ($ick* i%e& watch the %o$ntains of oranges s op !own to a p$trefying oo5e+ an! in the eyes of the peop e there is the fai $re+ an! in the eyes of the h$ngry there is a growing wrath' )n the so$ s of the peop e the grapes of wrath are fi ing an! growing hea#y& growing hea#y for the #intage'

26 IN THE WEEDPATCH CA!P& on an e#ening when the ong& barre! c o$!s h$ng o#er the set s$n an! inf a%e! their e!ges& the Joa! fa%i y ingere! after their s$pper' "a hesitate! before she starte! to !o the !ishes' 7We got to !o so%epin&7 she sai!' An! she pointe! at Winfie !' 7Look at 4i%&7 she sai!' An! when they stare! at the itt e boy& 72e4s a*:erkin4 an4 a*twistin4 in his s eep' Look$t his co or'7 The %e%bers of the fa%i y ooke! at the earth again in sha%e' 78rie! !o$gh&7 "a sai!' 7One %onth we been here' An4 To% ha! fi#e !ays4 work' An4 the rest of yo$ scrabb in4 o$t e#er4 !ay& an4 no work' An4 scairt to ta k' An4 the %oney gone' 9o$4re scairt to ta k it o$t' ,#er4 night yo$ :es4 eat& then yo$ get wan!erin4 away' Can4t bear to ta k it o$t' We & yo$ got to' Rosasharn ain4t far fro% !$e& an4 ook$t her co or' 9o$ got to ta k it o$t' 0ow !on4t none of yo$ get $p ti we figger so%epin o$t' One !ay4 %ore grease an4 two !ays4 f o$r& an4 ten potatoes' 9o$ set here an4 get b$sy=7 They ooke! at the gro$n!' >a c eane! his thick nai s with his pocket knife' <nc e John picke! at a sp inter on the bo. he sat on' To% pinche! his ower ip an! p$ e! it away fro% his teeth' 2e re ease! his ip an! sai! soft y& 7We been a* ookin4& "a' /een wa kin4 o$t sence we can4t $se the gas no %ore' /een goin4 in e#er4 gate& wa kin4 $p to e#er4 ho$se& e#en when we knowe! they wasn4t gonna be nothin4' >$ts a weight on ya' Goin4 o$t ookin4 for so%epin yo$ know yo$ ain4t gonna fin!'7

"a sai! fierce y& 79o$ ain4t got the right to get !isco$rage!' This here fa%b y4s goin4 $n!er' 9o$ :$s4 ain4t got the right'7 >a inspecte! his scrape! nai ' 7We gotta go&7 he sai!' 7We !i!n4 wanta go' )t4s nice here& an4 fo ks is nice here' We4re feare! we4 ha#e to go i#e in one a the% 2oo#er#i es'7 7We & if we got to& we got to' 8irst thing is& we got to eat'7 A broke in' 7) got a tankf$ a gas in the tr$ck' ) !i!n4 et nobo!y get into that'7 To% s%i e!' 7This here A got a ot of sense a ong with he4s ran!y* pan!y'7 70ow yo$ figger&7 "a sai!' 7) ain4t watchin4 this here fa%b y star#e no %ore' One !ay4 %ore grease' That4s what we got' Co%e ti%e for Rosasharn to ay in& she got to be fe! $p' 9o$ figger=7 7This here hot water an4 toi ets37 >a began' 7We & we can4t eat no toi ets'7 To% sai!& 7They was a fe a co%e by to!ay ookin4 for %en to go to "arys#i e' >ickin4 fr$it'7 7We & why !on4 we go to "arys#i e67 "a !e%an!e!' 7) !$nno&7 sai! To%' 71i!n4 see% right& so%ehow' 2e was so$s' Wo$ !n4 say how %$ch the pay was' Sai! he !i!n4 know e.act y'7 "a sai!& 7We4re a*goin4 to "arys#i e' ) !on4 care what the pay is' We4re a*goin4'7 7)t4s too far&7 sai! To%' 7We ain4t got the %oney for gaso ine' We co$ !n4 get there' "a& yo$ say we got to figger' ) ain4t !oin4 nothin4 b$t figger the who e ti%e'7 <nc e John sai!& 78e er says they4s cotton a*co%in4 in $p north& near a p ace ca e! T$ are' That ain4t #ery far& the fe er says'7 7We & we got to git goin4& an4 goin4 ($ick' ) ain4t a*settin4 here no onger& no %atter how nice'7 "a took $p her b$cket an! wa ke! towar! the sanitary $nit for hot water' 7"a gets to$gh&7 To% sai!' 7) seen her a*gettin4 %a! ($ite a piece now' She :$s4 boi s $p'7 >a sai! with re ief& 7We & she brang it into the open& anyways' ) been ayin4 at night a*b$rnin4 %y brains $p' 0ow we can ta k her o$t& anyways'7

"a ca%e back with her b$cket of stea%ing water' 7We &7 she !e%an!e!& 7figger anything o$t67 7J$s4 workin4 her o#er&7 sai! To%' 70ow s4pose we :$s4 %o#e $p north where that cotton4s at' We been o#er this here co$ntry' We know they ain4t nothin4 here' S4pose we pack $p an4 sho#e north' Then when the cotton4s rea!y& we4 be there' ) kin!a ike to get %y han4s aro$n4 so%e cotton' 9o$ got a f$ tank& A 67 7A %os434bo$t two inches !own'7 7Sho$ ! get $s $p to that p ace'7 "a poise! a !ish o#er the b$cket' 7We 67 she !e%an!e!' To% sai!' 79o$ win' We4 %o#e on& ) g$ess' 2$h& >a67 7G$ess we got to&7 >a sai!' "a g ance! at hi%' 7When67 7We 3no nee! waitin4' "ight4s we go in the %ornin4'7 7We got to go in the %ornin4' ) to 4 yo$ what4s ef4'7 70ow& "a& !on4t think ) !on4 wanta go' ) ain4t ha! a goo! g$tf$ to eat in two weeks' 4Co$rse ) fi e! $p& b$t ) !i!n4 take no goo! fro% it'7 "a p $nge! the !ish into the b$cket' 7We4 go in the %ornin4&7 she sai!' >a sniffe!' 7See%s ike ti%es is change!&7 he sai! sarcastica y' 7Ti%e was when a %an sai! what we4! !o' See%s ike wo%en is te in4 now' See%s ike it4s p$rty near ti%e to get o$t a stick'7 "a p$t the c ean !ripping tin !ish o$t on a bo.' She s%i e! !own at her work' 79o$ get yo$r stick& >a&7 she sai!' 7Ti%es when they4s foo! an4 a p ace to set& then %aybe yo$ can $se yo$r stick an4 keep yo$r skin who e' /$t yo$ ain4t a*!oin4 yo$r :ob& either a*thinkin4 or a*workin4' )f yo$ was& why& yo$ co$ ! $se yo$r stick& an4 wo%en fo ks4! sniff e their nose an4 creep*%o$se aro$n4' /$t yo$ :$s4 get yo$ a stick now an4 yo$ ain4t ickin4 no wo%an+ yo$4re a*fightin4& 4ca$se ) got a stick a ai! o$t too'7 >a grinne! with e%barrass%ent' 70ow it ain4t goo! to ha#e the itt e fe as hear yo$ ta kin4 ike that&7 he sai!' 79o$ get so%e bacon insi!e the itt e fe as 4fore yo$ co%e te in4 what e se is goo! for 4e%&7 sai! "a' >a got $p in !isg$st an! %o#e! away& an! <nc e John fo owe! hi%'

"a4s han!s were b$sy in the water& b$t she watche! the% go& an! she sai! pro$! y to To%& 72e4s a right' 2e ain4t beat' 2e4s ike as not to take a s%ack at %e'7 To% a$ghe!' 79o$ :$s4 a*trea!in4 hi% on67 7S$re&7 sai! "a' 7Take a %an& he can get worrie! an4 worrie!& an4 it eats o$t his i#er& an4 p$rty soon he4 :$s4 ay !own an! !ie with his heart et o$t' /$t if yo$ can take an4 %ake 4i% %a!& why& he4 be awright' >a& he !i!n4 say nothin4& b$t he4s %a! now' 2e4 show %e now' 2e4s awright'7 A got $p' 7)4% gonna wa k !own the row&7 he sai!' 7/etter see the tr$ck4s rea!y to go&7 To% warne! hi%' 7She4s rea!y'7 7)f she ain4t& )4 t$rn "a on ya'7 7She4s rea!y'7 A stro e! :a$nti y a ong the row of tents' To% sighe!' 7)4% a*gettin4 tire!& "a' 2ow 4bo$t %akin4 %e %a!67 79o$ got %ore sense& To%' ) !on4 nee! to %ake yo$ %a!' ) got to ean on yo$' The% others3they4re kin!a strangers& a b$t yo$' 9o$ won4t gi#e $p& To%'7 The :ob fe on hi%' 7) !on4 ike it&7 he sai!' 7) wanta go o$t ike A ' An4 ) wanta get %a! ike >a& an4 ) wanta get !r$nk ike <nc e John'7 "a shook her hea!' 79o$ can4t& To%' ) know' ) knowe! fro% the ti%e yo$ was a itt e fe a' 9o$ can4t' They4s so%e fo ks that4s :$st theirse f an4 nothin4 %ore' There4s A 3he4s :$s4 a yo$ng fe a after a gir ' 9o$ wasn4t ne#er ike that& To%'7 7S$re ) was&7 sai! To%' 7Sti a%'7 70o yo$ ain4t' ,#er4thing yo$ !o is %ore4n yo$' When they sent yo$ $p to prison ) knowe! it' 9o$4re spoke for'7 70ow& "a3c$t it o$t' )t ain4t tr$e' )t4s a in yo$r hea!'7 She stacke! the kni#es an! forks on top of the p ates' 7"aybe' "aybe it4s in %y hea!' Rosasharn& yo$ wipe $p these here an4 p$t 4e% away'7 The gir got breath ess y to her feet an! her swo en %i!! e h$ng o$t in front of her' She %o#e! s $ggish y to the bo. an! picke! $p a washe! !ish' To% sai!& 7Gettin4 so tightf$ it4s a*p$ in4 her eyes wi!e'7 71on4t yo$ go a*:o yin4&7 sai! "a' 7She4s !oin4 goo!' 9o$ go 4 ong an4 say goo4*by to anybo!y yo$ wan4'7

7O'?'&7 he sai!' 7)4% gonna see how far it is $p there'7 "a sai! to the gir & 72e ain4t sayin4 st$ff ike that to %ake yo$ fee ba!' Where4s R$thie an4 Winfie 467 7They sn$ck off after >a' ) seen 4e%'7 7We & ea#e 4e% go'7 Rose of Sharon %o#e! s $ggish y abo$t her work' "a inspecte! her ca$tio$s y' 79o$ fee in4 pretty goo!6 9o$r cheeks is kin!a saggy'7 7) ain4t ha! %i k ike they sai! ) o$ght'7 7) know' We :$s4 !i!n4 ha#e no %i k'7 Rose of Sharon sai! !$ y& 7,f Connie ha!n4 went away& we4! a ha! a itt e ho$se by now& with hi% st$!yin4 an4 a ' Wo$ ! a got %i k ike ) nee!' Wo$ ! a ha! a nice baby' This here baby ain4t gonna be no goo!' ) o$ght a ha! %i k'7 She reache! in her apron pocket an! p$t so%ething into her %o$th' "a sai!& 7) seen yo$ nibb in4 on so%epin' What yo$ eatin467 70othin4'7 7Co%e on& what yo$ nibb in4 on67 7J$s4 a piece of s ack i%e' 8o$n4 a big h$nk'7 7Why& that4s :$s4 ike eatin4 !irt'7 7) kin!a fee ike ) wan4 it'7 "a was si ent' She sprea! her knees an! tightene! her skirt' 7) know&7 she sai! at ast' 7) et coa oncet when ) was in a fa%b y way' ,t a big piece a coa ' Gran%a says ) sho$ !n4' 1on4 yo$ say that abo$t the baby' 9o$ got no right e#en to think it'7 7Got no h$sban4= Got no %i k=7 "a sai!& 7)f yo$ was a we gir & )4! take a whang at yo$' Right in the face'7 She got $p an! went insi!e the tent' She ca%e o$t an! stoo! in front of Rose of Sharon& an! she he ! o$t her han!' 7Look=7 The s%a go ! earrings were in her han!' 7These is for yo$'7 The gir 4s eyes brightene! for a %o%ent& an! then she ooke! asi!e' 7) ain4t pierce!'7 7We & )4% a*gonna pierce ya'7 "a h$rrie! back into the tent' She ca%e back with a car!boar! bo.' 2$rrie! y she threa!e! a nee! e& !o$b e! the threa! an! tie! a series of knots in it' She threa!e! a secon! nee! e an! knotte! the threa!' )n the bo. she fo$n! a piece of cork'

7)t4 h$rt' )t4 h$rt'7 "a steppe! to her& p$t the cork in back of the ear obe an! p$she! the nee! e thro$gh the ear& into the cork' The gir twitche!' 7)t sticks' )t4 h$rt'7 70o %ore4n that'7 79es& it wi '7 7We & then' Le4s see the other ear first'7 She p ace! the cork an! pierce! the other ear' 7)t4 h$rt'7 72$sh=7 sai! "a' 7)t4s a !one'7 Rose of Sharon ooke! at her in won!er' "a c ippe! the nee! es off an! p$ e! one knot of each threa! thro$gh the obes' 70ow&7 she sai!' 7,#er4 !ay we4 p$ one knot& an! in a co$p e weeks it4 be a we an4 yo$ can wear 4e%' 2ere3they4re yo$r4n now' 9o$ can keep 4e%'7 Rose of Sharon to$che! her ears ten!er y an! ooke! at the tiny spots of b oo! on her fingers' 7)t !i!n4 h$rt' J$s4 st$ck a itt e'7 79o$ o$ghta been pierce! ong ago&7 sai! "a' She ooke! at the gir 4s face& an! she s%i e! in tri$%ph' 70ow get the% !ishes a !one $p' 9o$r baby gonna be a goo! baby' Gery near et yo$ ha#e a baby witho$t yo$r ears was pierce!' /$t yo$4re safe now'7 71oes it %ean so%epin67 7Why& 4co$rse it !oes&7 sai! "a' 74Co$rse it !oes'7 AL STROLLED !own the street towar! the !ancing p atfor%' O$tsi!e a neat itt e tent he whist e! soft y& an! then %o#e! a ong the street' 2e wa ke! to the e!ge of the gro$n!s an! sat !own in the grass' The c o$!s o#er the west ha! ost the re! e!ging now& an! the cores were b ack' A scratche! his egs an! ooke! towar! the e#ening sky' )n a few %o%ents a b on! gir wa ke! near+ she was pretty an! sharp* feat$re!' She sat !own in the grass besi!e hi% an! !i! not speak' A p$t his han! on her waist an! wa ke! his fingers aro$n!' 71on4t&7 she sai!' 79o$ tick e'7 7We4re goin4 away to%orra&7 sai! A '

She ooke! at hi%& start e!' 7To%orra6 Where67 7<p north&7 he sai! ight y' 7We & we4re gonna git %arrie!& ain4t we67 7S$re& so%eti%e'7 79o$ sai! p$rty soon=7 she crie! angri y' 7We & soon is when soon co%es'7 79o$ pro%ise!'7 2e wa ke! his fingers aro$n! farther' 7Git away&7 she crie!' 79o$ sai! we was'7 7We & s$re we are'7 7An4 now yo$4re goin4 away'7 A !e%an!e!& 7What4s the %atter with yo$6 9o$ in a fa%b y way67 70o& ) ain4t'7 A a$ghe!' 7) :$s4 been wastin4 %y ti%e& h$h67 2er chin shot o$t' She :$%pe! to her feet' 79o$ git away fro% %e& A Joa!' ) !on4 wanta see yo$ no %ore'7 7Aw& co%e on' What4s the %atter67 79o$ think yo$4re :$s43he on whee s'7 70ow wait a %in$te'7 79o$ think ) got to go o$t with yo$' We & ) !on4t= ) got ots of chances'7 70ow wait a %in$te'7 70o& sir3yo$ git away'7 A $nge! s$!!en y& ca$ght her by the ank e& an! trippe! her' 2e grabbe! her when she fe an! he ! her an! p$t his han! o#er her angry %o$th' She trie! to bite his pa %& b$t he c$ppe! it o$t o#er her %o$th& an! he he ! her !own with his other ar%' An! in a %o%ent she ay sti & an! in another %o%ent they were gigg ing together in the !ry grass' 7Why& we4 be a*co%in4 back p$rty soon&7 sai! A ' 7An4 )4 ha#e a pocketf$ a :ack' We4 go !own to 2o ywoo! an4 see the pitchers'7 She was ying on her back' A bent o#er her' An! he saw the bright e#ening star ref ecte! in her eyes& an! he saw the b ack c o$! ref ecte! in her eyes' 7We4 go on the train&7 he sai!' 72ow ong ya think it4 be67 she aske!' 7Oh& %aybe a %onth&7 he sai!'

THE EVENING DARK ca%e !own an! >a an! <nc e John s($atte! with the hea!s of fa%i ies o$t by the office' They st$!ie! the night an! the f$t$re' The itt e %anager& in his white c othes& fraye! an! c ean& reste! his e bows on the porch rai ' 2is face was !rawn an! tire!' 2$ston ooke! $p at hi%' 79o$ better get so%e s eep& %ister'7 7) g$ess ) o$ght' /aby born ast night in <nit Three' )4% getting to be a goo! %i!wife'7 78e a o$ghta know&7 sai! 2$ston' 7"arrie! fe a got to know'7 >a sai!& 7We4re a*gittin4 o$t in the %ornin4'7 79eah6 Which way yo$ goin467 7Tho$ght we4! go $p north a whi e' Try to get in the first cotton' We ain4t ha! work' We4re o$ta foo!'7 7?now if they4s any work67 2$ston aske!' 70o& b$t we4re s$re they ain4t none here'7 7They wi be& a itt e ater&7 2$ston sai!' 7We4 ho ! on'7 7We hate to go&7 sai! >a' 78o ks been so nice here3an4 the toi ets an4 a ' /$t we got to eat' Got a tank of gas' That4 get $s a itt e piece $p the roa!' We ha! a bath e#er4 !ay here' 0e#er was so c ean in %y ife' 8$nny thing3$se ta be ) on4y got a bath e#er4 week an4 ) ne#er see%e! to stink' /$t now if ) !on4 get one e#er4 !ay ) stink' Won!er if takin4 a bath so often %akes that67 7"aybe yo$ co$ !n4t s%e yo$rse f before&7 the %anager sai!' 7"aybe' ) wisht we co$ ! stay'7 The itt e %anager he ! his te%p es between his pa %s' 7) think there4s going to be another baby tonight&7 he sai!' 7We gonna ha#e one in o$r fa%b y 4fore ong&7 sai! >a' 7) wisht we co$ ! ha#e it here' ) s$re wisht we co$ !'7 TO! AND WILLIE AND JULE the ha f*bree! sat on the e!ge of the !ance f oor an! sw$ng their feet' 7) got a sack of 1$rha%&7 J$ e sai!' 7Like a s%oke67 7) s$re wo$ !&7 sai! To%' 7Ain4t ha! a s%oke for a he of a ti%e'7 2e ro e! the brown cigarette caref$ y& to keep !own the oss of tobacco'

7We & sir& we4 be sorry to see yo$ go&7 sai! Wi ie' 79o$ fo ks is goo! fo ks'7 To% ighte! his cigarette' 7) been thinkin4 abo$t it a ot' Jes$s Christ& ) wisht we co$ ! sett e !own'7 J$ e took back his 1$rha%' 7)t ain4t nice&7 he sai!' 7) got a itt e gir ' Tho$ght when ) co%e o$t here she4! get so%e schoo in4' /$t he & we ain4t in one p ace har! y ong eno$gh' Jes4 gits goin4 an4 we got to !rag on'7 7) hope we !on4t get in no %ore 2oo#er#i es&7 sai! To%' 7) was rea y scairt& there'7 71ep$ties p$sh yo$ aro$n467 7) was scairt )4! ki so%ebo!y&7 sai! To%' 7Was on4y there a itt e whi e& b$t ) was a*stewin4 aro$n4 the who e ti%e' 1epity co%e in an4 picke! $p a frien4& :$s4 beca$se he ta ke! o$ta t$rn' ) was :$s4 stewin4 a the ti%e'7 7,#er been in a strike67 Wi ie aske!' 70o'7 7We & ) been a*thinkin4 a ot' Why !on4 the% !epities get in here an4 raise he ike e#er4 p ace e se6 Think that itt e g$y in the office is a* stoppin4 4e%6 0o& sir'7 7We & what is67 J$ e aske!' 7)4 te ya' )t4s 4ca$se we4re a*workin4 together' 1epity can4t pick on one fe a in this ca%p' 2e4s pickin4 on the who e !arn ca%p' An4 he !on4t !are' A we got to !o is gi#e a ye an4 they4s two h$n!er! %en o$t' 8e a organi5in4 for the $nion was a*ta kin4 o$t on the roa!' 2e says we co$ ! !o that any p ace' J$s4 stick together' They ain4t raisin4 he with no two h$n!er! %en' They4re pickin4 on one %an'7 79eah&7 sai! J$ e& 7an4 s$ppose yo$ got a $nion6 9o$ got to ha#e ea!ers' They4 :$s4 pick $p yo$r ea!ers& an4 where4s yo$r $nion67 7We &7 sai! Wi ie& 7we got to fig$re her o$t so%e ti%e' ) been o$t here a year& an4 wages is goin4 right on !own' 8e a can4t fee! his fa%4 y on his work now& an4 it4s gettin4 worse a the ti%e' )t ain4t gonna !o no goo! to set aro$n4 an4 star#e' ) !on4 know what to !o' )f a fe a owns a tea% a horses& he !on4t raise no he if he got to fee! 4e% when they ain4t

workin4' /$t if a fe a got %en workin4 for hi%& he :$s4 !on4t gi#e a !a%n' 2orses is a he of a ot %ore worth than %en' ) !on4 $n!erstan4 it'7 7Gets so ) !on4 wanta think abo$t it&7 sai! J$ e' 7An4 ) got to think abo$t it' ) got this here itt e gir ' 9o$ know how p$rty she is' One week they gi#e her a pri5e in this ca%p 4ca$se she4s so p$rty' We & what4s gonna happen to her6 She4s gettin4 spin! y' ) ain4t gonna stan4 it' She4s so p$rty' )4% gonna b$st o$t'7 72ow67 Wi ie aske!' 7What yo$ gonna !o3stea so%e st$ff an4 git in :ai 6 ?i so%ebo!y an4 git h$ng67 7) !on4 know&7 sai! J$ e' 7Gits %e n$ts thinkin4 abo$t it' Gits %e c ear n$ts'7 7)4% a*gonna %iss the% !ances&7 To% sai!' 7The% was so%e of the nicest !ances ) e#er seen' We & )4% gonna t$rn in' So ong' )4 be seein4 yo$ so%ep ace'7 2e shook han!s' 7S$re wi &7 sai! J$ e' 7We & so ong'7 To% %o#e! away into the !arkness' IN THE DARKNESS of the Joa! tent R$thie an! Winfie ! ay on their %attress& an! "a ay besi!e the%' R$thie whispere!& 7"a=7 79eah6 Ain4t yo$ as eep yet67 7"a3they gonna ha#e cro($et where we4re goin467 7) !on4 know' Get so%e s eep' We want to get an ear y start'7 7We & ) wisht we4! stay here where we4re s$re we got cro($et'7 7Sh=7 sai! "a' 7"a& Winfie 4 hit a ki! tonight'7 72e sho$ !n4 of'7 7) know' ) to 4 4i%& b$t he hit the ki! right in the nose an4 Jes$s& how the b oo! r$n !own=7 71on4 ta k ike that' )t ain4t a nice way to ta k'7 Winfie ! t$rne! o#er' 7That ki! says we was Okies&7 he sai! in an o$trage! #oice' 72e says he wasn4t no Okie 4ca$se he co%e fro% Oregon' Says we was go!!a%n Okies' ) socke! hi%'7 7Sh= 9o$ sho$ !n4' 2e can4t h$rt yo$ ca in4 na%es'7 7We & ) won4t et 4i%&7 Winfie ! sai! fierce y'

7Sh= Get so%e s eep'7 R$thie sai!& 79o$ o$ghta seen the b oo! r$n !own3a o#er his c othes'7 "a reache! a han! fro% $n!er the b anket an! snappe! R$thie on the cheek with her finger' The itt e gir went rigi! for a %o%ent& an! then !isso #e! into sniff ing& ($iet crying' IN THE SANITARY UNIT >a an! <nc e John sat in a!:oining co%part%ents' 7"ight4s we get in a goo! as4 one&7 sai! >a' 7)t4s s$re nice' 4"e%ber how the itt e fe as was so scairt when they f $she! 4e% the first ti%e67 7) wasn4t so easy %yse f&7 sai! <nc e John' 2e p$ e! his o#era s neat y $p aro$n! his knees' 7)4% gettin4 ba!&7 he sai!' 7) fee sin'7 79o$ can4t sin none&7 sai! >a' 79o$ ain4t got no %oney' J$s4 sit tight' Cos4 yo$ at eas4 two b$cks to sin& an4 we ain4t got two b$cks a%ongst $s'7 79eah= /$t )4% a*thinkin4 sin'7 7Awright' 9o$ can think sin for nothin4'7 7)t4s :$s4 as ba!&7 sai! <nc e John' 7)t4s a who e he of a ot cheaper&7 sai! >a' 71on4t yo$ go %akin4 ight of sin'7 7) ain4t' 9o$ :$s4 go ahea!' 9o$ a ways gets sinf$ :$s4 when he 4s a* poppin4'7 7) know it&7 sai! <nc e John' 7A ways was that way' ) ne#er to 4 ha f the st$ff ) !one'7 7We & keep it to yase f'7 7These here nice toi ets gets %e sinf$ '7 7Go o$t in the b$shes then' Co%e on& p$ $p ya pants an4 e4s get so%e s eep'7 >a p$ e! his o#era straps in p ace an! snappe! the b$ck e' 2e f $she! the toi et an! watche! tho$ghtf$ y whi e the water whir e! in the bow '

IT WAS STILL DARK when "a ro$se! her ca%p' The ow night ights shone thro$gh the open !oors of the sanitary $nits' 8ro% the tents a ong the roa! ca%e the assorte! snores of the ca%pers' "a sai!& 7Co%e on& ro o$t' We got to be on o$r way' 1ay4s not far off'7 She raise! the screechy sha!e of the antern an! ighte! the wick' 7Co%e on& a of yo$'7 The f oor of the tent s($ir%e! into s ow action' / ankets an! co%forts were thrown back an! s eepy eyes s($inte! b in! y at the ight' "a s ippe! on her !ress o#er the $n!erc othes she wore to be!' 7We got no coffee&7 she sai!' 7) got a few bisc$its' We can eat 4e% on the roa!' J$s4 get $p now& an4 we4 oa! the tr$ck' Co%e on now' 1on4t %ake no noise' 1on4 wanta wake the neighbors'7 )t was a few %o%ents before they were f$ y aro$se!' 70ow !on4 yo$ get away&7 "a warne! the chi !ren' The fa%i y !resse!' The %en p$ e! !own the tarpa$ in an! oa!e! $p the tr$ck' 7"ake it nice an4 f at&7 "a warne! the%' They pi e! the %attress on top of the oa! an! bo$n! the tarpa$ in in p ace o#er its ri!ge po e' 7Awright& "a&7 sai! To%' 7She4s rea!y'7 "a he ! a p ate of co ! bisc$its in her han!' 7Awright' 2ere' ,ach take one' )t4s a we got'7 R$thie an! Winfie ! grabbe! their bisc$its an! c i%be! $p on the oa!' They co#ere! the%se #es with a b anket an! went back to s eep& sti ho !ing the co ! har! bisc$its in their han!s' To% got into the !ri#er4s seat an! steppe! on the starter' )t b$55e! a itt e& an! then stoppe!' 7Go!!a%n yo$& A =7 To% crie!' 79o$ et the battery r$n !own'7 A b $stere!& 72ow the he was ) gonna keep her $p if ) ain4t got gas to r$n her67 To% ch$ck e! s$!!en y' 7We & ) !on4 know how& b$t it4s yo$r fa$ t' 9o$ got to crank her'7 7) te yo$ it ain4t %y fa$ t'7 To% got o$t an! fo$n! the crank $n!er the seat' 7)t4s %y fa$ t&7 he sai!' 7Gi%%e that crank'7 A sei5e! it' 7>$ !own the spark so she !on4t take %y ar% off'7

7O'?' Twist her tai '7 A abore! at the crank& aro$n! an! aro$n!' The engine ca$ght& sp $ttere!& an! roare! as To% choke! the car !e icate y' 2e raise! the spark an! re!$ce! the thrott e' "a c i%be! in besi!e hi%' 7We woke $p e#er4bo!y in the ca%p&7 she sai!' 7They4 go to s eep again'7 A c i%be! in on the other si!e' 7>a 4n4 <nc e John got $p top&7 he sai!' 7Goin4 to s eep again'7 To% !ro#e towar! the %ain gate' The watch%an ca%e o$t of the office an! p aye! his f ash ight on the tr$ck' 7Wait a %in$te'7 7What ya want67 79o$ checkin4 o$t67 7S$re'7 7We & ) got to cross yo$ off'7 7O'?'7 7?now which way yo$4re goin467 7We & we4re gonna try $p north'7 7We & goo! $ck&7 sai! the watch%an' 7Sa%e to yo$' So ong'7 The tr$ck e!ge! s ow y o#er the big h$%p an! into the roa!' To% retrace! the roa! he ha! !ri#en before& past Wee!patch an! west $nti he ca%e to 99& then north on the great pa#e! roa!& towar! /akersfie !' )t was growing ight when he ca%e into the o$tskirts of the city' To% sai!& 7,#er4 p ace yo$ ook is resta$rants' An4 the% p aces a got coffee' Lookit that a *nighter there' /et they got ten ga ons a coffee in there& a hot=7 7Aw& sh$t $p&7 sai! A ' To% grinne! o#er at hi%' 7We & ) see yo$ got yase f a gir right off'7 7We & what of it67 72e4s %ean this %ornin4& "a' 2e ain4t goo! co%pany'7 A sai! irritab y& 7)4% goin4 o$t on %y own p$rty soon' 8e a can %ake his way a ot easier if he ain4t got a fa%b y'7 To% sai!& 79o$4! ha#e yase f a fa%b y in nine %onths' ) seen yo$ p ayin4 aro$n4'7

79a cra5y&7 sai! A ' 7)4! get %yse f a :ob in a garage an4 )4! eat in resta$rants37 7An4 yo$4! ha#e a wife an4 ki! in nine %onths'7 7) te ya ) wo$ !n4'7 To% sai!& 79o$4re a wise g$y& A ' 9o$ gonna take so%e beatin4 o#er the hea!'7 7Who4s gonna !o it67 7They4 a ways be g$ys to !o it&7 sai! To%' 79o$ think :$s4 beca$se yo$37 70ow yo$ :$s4 stop that&7 "a broke in' 7) !one it&7 sai! To%' 7) was a*ba!gerin4 hi%' ) !i!n4 %ean no har%& A ' ) !i!n4 know yo$ ike! that gir so %$ch'7 7) !on4t ike no gir s %$ch'7 7Awright& then& yo$ !on4t' 9o$ ain4t gonna get no arg$%ent o$t of %e'7 The tr$ck ca%e to the e!ge of the city' 7Look at the% hot!og stan4s3 h$n!er!s of 4e%&7 sai! To%' "a sai!& 7To%= ) got a !o ar p$t away' 9o$ wan4 coffee ba! eno$gh to spen4 it67 70o& "a' )4% :$s4 foo in4'7 79o$ can ha#e it if yo$ wan4 it ba! eno$gh'7 7) wo$ !n4 take it'7 A sai!& 7Then sh$t $p abo$t coffee'7 To% was si ent for a ti%e' 7See%s ike ) got %y foot in it a the ti%e&7 he sai!' 7There4s the roa! we r$n $p that night'7 7) hope we !on4t ne#er ha#e nothin4 ike that again&7 sai! "a' 7That was a ba! night'7 7) !i!n4 ike it none either'7 The s$n rose on their right& an! the great sha!ow of the tr$ck ran besi!e the%& f icking o#er the fence posts besi!e the roa!' They ran on past the reb$i t 2oo#er#i e' 7Look&7 sai! To%' 7They got new peop e there' Looks ike the sa%e p ace'7 A ca%e s ow y o$t of his s$ enness' 78e a to 4 %e so%e a the% peop e been b$rne! o$t fifteen*twenty ti%es' Says they :$s4 go hi!e !own the wi ows an4 then they co%e o$t an4 b$i ! 4e% another wee! shack' J$s4

ike gophers' Got so $se4 to it they !on4t e#en get %a! no %ore& this fe a says' They :$s4 figger it4s ike ba! weather'7 7S$re was ba! weather for %e that night&7 sai! To%' They %o#e! $p the wi!e highway' An! the s$n4s war%th %a!e the% shi#er' 7Gettin4 snappy in the %ornin4&7 sai! To%' 7Winter4s on the way' ) :$s4 hope we can get so%e %oney 4fore it co%es' Tent ain4t gonna be nice in the winter'7 "a sighe!& an! then she straightene! her hea!' 7To%&7 she sai!& 7we gotta ha#e a ho$se in the winter' ) te ya we got to' R$thie4s awright& b$t Winfie 4 ain4t so strong' We got to ha#e a ho$se when the rains co%e' ) hear! it :$s4 rains cats aro$n4 here'7 7We4 get a ho$se& "a' 9o$ res4 easy' 9o$ gonna ha#e a ho$se'7 7J$s4 so4s it4s got a roof an4 a f oor' J$s4 to keep the itt e fe as off4n the gro$n4'7 7We4 try& "a'7 7) !on4 wanna worry ya now'7 7We4 try& "a'7 7) :$s4 get panicky so%eti%es&7 she sai!' 7) :$s4 ose %y sp$nk'7 7) ne#er seen yo$ when yo$ ost it'7 70ights ) !o& so%eti%es'7 There ca%e a harsh hissing fro% the front of the tr$ck' To% grabbe! the whee tight an! he thr$st the brake !own to the f oor' The tr$ck b$%pe! to a stop' To% sighe!' 7We & there she is'7 2e eane! back in the seat' A eape! o$t an! ran to the right front tire' 7Great big nai &7 he ca e!' 7We got any tire patch67 70o&7 sai! A ' 7<se! it a $p' Got patch& b$t no g $e st$ff'7 To% t$rne! an! s%i e! sa! y at "a' 79o$ sho$ !n4 a to 4 abo$t that !o ar&7 he sai!' 7We4! a fi.e! her so%e way'7 2e got o$t of the car an! went to the f at tire' A pointe! to a big nai protr$!ing fro% the f at casing' 7There she is=7 7)f they4s one nai in the co$nty& we r$n o#er it'7 7)s it ba!67 "a ca e!' 70o& not ba!& b$t we got to fi. her'7

The fa%i y pi e! !own fro% the top of the tr$ck' 7>$nct$re67 >a aske!& an! then he saw the tire an! was si ent' To% %o#e! "a fro% the seat an! got the can of tire patch fro% $n!erneath the c$shion' 2e $nro e! the r$bber patch an! took o$t the t$be of ce%ent& s($ee5e! it gent y' 7She4s a %os4 !ry&7 he sai!' 7"aybe they4s eno$gh' Awright& A ' / ock the back whee s' Le4s get her :acke! $p'7 To% an! A worke! we together' They p$t stones behin! the whee s& p$t the :ack $n!er the front a. e& an! ifte! the weight off the i%p casing' They rippe! off the casing' They fo$n! the ho e& !ippe! a rag in the gas tank an! washe! the t$be aro$n! the ho e' An! then& whi e A he ! the t$be tight o#er his knee& To% tore the ce%ent t$be in two an! sprea! the itt e f $i! thin y on the r$bber with his pocket knife' 2e scrape! the g$% !e icate y' 70ow et her !ry whi e ) c$t a patch'7 2e tri%%e! an! be#e e! the e!ge of the b $e patch' A he ! the t$be tight whi e To% p$t the patch ten!er y in p ace' 7There= 0ow bring her to the r$nning boar! whi e ) tap her with a ha%%er'7 2e po$n!e! the patch caref$ y& then stretche! the t$be an! watche! the e!ges of the patch' 7There she is= She4s gonna ho !' Stick her on the ri% an4 we4 p$%p her $p' Looks ike yo$ keep yo$r b$ck& "a'7 A sai!& 7) wisht we ha! a spare' We got to get $s a spare& To%& on a ri% an4 a p$%pe! $p' Then we can fi. a p$nct$re at night'7 7When we get %oney for a spare we4 get $s so%e coffee an4 si!e*%eat instea!&7 To% sai!' The ight %orning traffic b$55e! by on the highway& an! the s$n grew war% an! bright' A win!& gent e an! sighing& b ew in p$ffs fro% the so$thwest& an! the %o$ntains on both si!es of the great #a ey were in!istinct in a pear y %ist' To% was p$%ping at the tire when a roa!ster& co%ing fro% the north& stoppe! on the other si!e of the roa!' A brown*face! %an !resse! in a ight gray b$siness s$it got o$t an! wa ke! across to the tr$ck' 2e was barehea!e!' 2e s%i e!& an! his teeth were #ery white against his brown skin' 2e wore a %assi#e go ! we!!ing ring on the thir! finger of his eft han!' A itt e go ! footba h$ng on a s en!er chain across his #est' 7"orning&7 he sai! p easant y'

To% stoppe! p$%ping an! ooke! $p' 7"ornin4'7 The %an ran his fingers thro$gh his coarse& short& graying hair' 79o$ peop e ooking for work67 7We s$re are& %ister' Lookin4 e#en $n!er boar!s'7 7Can yo$ pick peaches67 7We ne#er !one it&7 >a sai!' 7We can !o anything&7 To% sai! h$rrie! y' 7We can pick anything there is'7 The %an fingere! his go ! footba ' 7We & there4s p enty of work for yo$ abo$t forty %i es north'7 7We4! s$re a!%ire to get it&7 sai! To%' 79o$ te $s how to get there& an4 we4 go a* opin4'7 7We & yo$ go north to >i. ey& that4s thirty*fi#e or si. %i es& an! yo$ t$rn east' Go abo$t si. %i es' Ask anybo!y where the 2ooper ranch is' 9o$4 fin! p enty of work there'7 7We s$re wi '7 7?now where there4s other peop e ooking for work67 7S$re&7 sai! To%' 71own at the Wee!patch ca%p they4s p enty ookin4 for work'7 7)4 take a r$n !own there' We can $se ($ite a few' Re%e%ber now& t$rn east at >i. ey an! keep straight east to the 2ooper ranch'7 7S$re&7 sai! To%' 7An4 we thank ya& %ister' We nee! work awf$ ba!'7 7A right' Get a ong as soon as yo$ can'7 2e wa ke! back across the roa!& c i%be! into his open roa!ster& an! !ro#e away so$th' To% threw his weight on the p$%p' 7Twenty apiece&7 he ca e!' 7One3 two3three3fo$r37 At twenty A took the p$%p& an! then >a an! then <nc e John' The tire fi e! o$t an! grew p $%p an! s%ooth' Three ti%es aro$n!& the p$%p went' 7Let 4er !own an4 e4s see&7 sai! To%' A re ease! the :ack an! owere! the car' 7Got p enty&7 he sai!' 7"aybe a itt e too %$ch'7 They threw the too s into the car' 7Co%e on& e4s go&7 To% ca e!' 7We4re gonna get so%e work at ast'7 "a got in the %i!! e again' A !ro#e this ti%e' 70ow take her easy' 1on4t b$rn her $p& A '7

They !ro#e on thro$gh the s$nny %orning fie !s' The %ist ifte! fro% the hi tops an! they were c ear an! brown& with b ack*p$rp e creases' The wi ! !o#es f ew $p fro% the fences as the tr$ck passe!' A $nconscio$s y increase! his spee!' 7,asy&7 To% warne! hi%' 7She4 b ow $p if yo$ crow! her' We got to get there' "ight e#en get in so%e work to!ay'7 "a sai! e.cite! y& 7With fo$r %en a*workin4 %aybe ) can get so%e cre!it right off' 8$st thing )4 get is coffee& 4ca$se yo$ been wanting that& an4 then so%e f o$r an4 bakin4 pow!er an4 so%e %eat' /etter not get no si!e*%eat right off' Sa#e that for ater' "aybe Sat4!y' An4 soap' Got to get soap' Won!er where we4 stay'7 She babb e! on' 7An4 %i k' )4 get so%e %i k 4ca$se Rosasharn& she o$ght to ha#e %i k' The a!y n$rse says that'7 A snake wrigg e! across the war% highway' A 5ippe! o#er an! ran it !own an! ca%e back to his own ane' 7Gopher snake&7 sai! To%' 79o$ o$ghtn4t to !one that'7 7) hate 4e%&7 sai! A gai y' 72ate a kin!s' Gi#e %e the sto%ach* ($ake'7 The forenoon traffic on the highway increase!& sa es%en in shiny co$pes with the insignia of their co%panies painte! on the !oors& re! an! white gaso ine tr$cks !ragging c inking chains behin! the%& great s($are*!oore! #ans fro% who esa e grocery ho$ses& !e i#ering pro!$ce' The co$ntry was rich a ong the roa!si!e' There were orchar!s& hea#y eafe! in their pri%e& an! #ineyar!s with the ong green craw ers carpeting the gro$n! between the rows' There were %e on patches an! grain fie !s' White ho$ses stoo! in the greenery& roses growing o#er the%' An! the s$n was go ! an! war%' )n the front seat of the tr$ck "a an! To% an! A were o#erco%e with happiness' 7) ain4t rea y fe t so goo! for a ong ti%e&7 "a sai!' 7 48 we pick p enty peaches we %ight get a ho$se& pay rent e#en& for a co$p e %onths' We got to ha#e a ho$se'7 A sai!& 7)4% a*gonna sa#e $p' )4 sa#e $p an4 then )4% a*goin4 in a town an4 get %e a :ob in a garage' Li#e in a roo% an4 eat in resta$rants' Go to the %o#in4 pitchers e#er4 !a%n night' 1on4 cost %$ch' Cowboy pitchers'7 2is han!s tightene! on the whee '

The ra!iator b$bb e! an! hisse! stea%' 71i! yo$ fi her $p67 To% aske!' 79eah' Win!4s kin!a behin! $s' That4s what %akes her boi '7 7)t4s a awf$ nice !ay&7 To% sai!' 7<se4 ta work there in "cA ester an4 think a the things )4! !o' )4! go in a straight ine way to he an4 gone an4 ne#er stop nowheres' See%s ike a ong ti%e ago' See%s ike it4s years ago ) was in' They was a g$ar! %a!e it to$gh' ) was gonna ay for 4i%' G$ess that4s what %akes %e %a! at cops' See%s ike e#er4 cop got his face' 2e $se4 ta get re! in the face' Looke! ike a pig' 2a! a brother o$t west& they sai!' <se4 ta get fe as paro e! to his brother& an4 then they ha! to work for nothin4' )f they raise! a stink& they4! get sent back for breakin4 paro e' That4s what the fe ers sai!'7 71on4 think abo$t it&7 "a begge! hi%' 7)4% a*gonna ay in a ot a st$ff to eat' Lot a f o$r an4 ar!'7 7"ight4s we think abo$t it&7 sai! To%' 7Try to sh$t it o$t& an4 it4 whang back at %e' They was a screwba ' 0e#er to 4 yo$ 4bo$t hi%' Looke! ike 2appy 2oo igan' 2ar% ess kin!a fe a' A ways was gonna %ake a break' 8e as a ca e! hi% 2oo igan'7 To% a$ghe! to hi%se f' 71on4 think abo$t it&7 "a begge!' 7Go on&7 sai! A ' 7Te abo$t the fe a'7 7)t !on4t h$rt nothin4& "a&7 To% sai!' 7This fe a was a ways gonna break o$t' "ake a p an& he wo$ !+ b$t he co$ !n4 keep it to hisse f an4 p$rty soon e#er4bo!y knowe! it& e#en the war!en' 2e4! %ake his break an4 they4! take 4i% by the han4 an4 ea! 4i% back' We & one ti%e he !rawe! a p an where he4s goin4 o#er' 4Co$rse he showe! it aro$n4& an4 e#er4bo!y kep4 sti ' An4 he hi! o$t& an4 e#er4bo!y kep4 sti ' So he4s got hi%se f a rope so%ewheres& an4 he goes o#er the wa ' They4s si. g$ar!s o$tsi!e with a great big sack& an4 2oo igan co%es ($iet !own the rope an4 they :$s4 ho 4 the sack o$t an4 he goes right insi!e' They tie $p the %o$th an4 take 4i% back insi!e' 8e as a$ghe! so har! they ike to !ie!' /$t it b$ste! 2oo igan4s spirit' 2e :$s4 crie! an4 crie!& an4 %ope! aro$n4 an4 got sick' 2$rt his fee in4s so ba!' C$t his wrists with a pin an4 b e! to !eath 4ca$se his fee in4s was h$rt' 0o har% in 4i% at a ' They4s a kin!s a screwba s in stir'7

71on4 ta k abo$t it&7 "a sai!' 7) knowe! >$rty /oy 8 oy!4s %a' 2e wan4t a ba! boy' J$s4 got !ro#e in a corner'7 The s$n %o#e! $p towar! noon an! the sha!ow of the tr$ck grew ean an! %o#e! in $n!er the whee s' 7"$s4 be >i. ey $p the roa!&7 A sai!' 7Seen a sign a itt e back'7 They !ro#e into the itt e town an! t$rne! eastwar! on a narrower roa!' An! the orchar!s ine! the way an! %a!e an ais e' 72ope we can fin! her easy&7 To% sai!' "a sai!& 7That fe a sai! the 2ooper ranch' Sai! anybo!y4! te $s' 2ope they4s a store near by' "ight get so%e cre!it& with fo$r %en workin4' ) co$ ! get a rea nice s$pper if they4! gi%%e so%e cre!it' "ake $p a big stew %aybe'7 7An4 coffee&7 sai! To%' 7"ight e#en get %e a sack a 1$rha%' ) ain4t ha! no tobacca of %y own for a ong ti%e'7 8ar ahea! the roa! was b ocke! with cars& an! a ine of white %otorcyc es was !rawn $p a ong the roa!si!e' 7"$s4 be a wreck&7 To% sai!' As they !rew near& a State po ice%an& in boots an! Sa% /rowne be t& steppe! aro$n! the ast parke! car' 2e he ! $p his han! an! A p$ e! to a stop' The po ice%an eane! confi!entia y on the si!e of the car' 7Where yo$ going67 A sai!& 78e a sai! they was work pickin4 peaches $p this way'7 7Want to work& !o yo$67 71a%n right&7 sai! To%' 7O'?' Wait here a %in$te'7 2e %o#e! to the si!e of the roa! an! ca e! ahea!' 7One %ore' That4s si. cars rea!y' /etter take this batch thro$gh'7 To% ca e!& 72ey= What4s the %atter67 The patro %an o$nge! back' 7Got a itt e tro$b e $p ahea!' 1on4t yo$ worry' 9o$4 get thro$gh' J$st fo ow the ine'7 There ca%e the sp attering b ast of %otorcyc es starting' The ine of cars %o#e! on& with the Joa! tr$ck ast' Two %otorcyc es e! the way& an! two fo owe!' To% sai! $neasi y& 7) won!er what4s a %atter'7 7"aybe the roa!4s o$t&7 A s$ggeste!' 71on4 nee! fo$r cops to ea! $s' ) !on4 ike it'7

The %otorcyc es ahea! spee!e! $p' The ine of o ! cars spee!e! $p' A h$rrie! to keep in back of the ast car' 7These here is o$r own peop e& a of 4e%&7 To% sai!' 7) !on4 ike this'7 S$!!en y the ea!ing po ice%en t$rne! off the roa! into a wi!e gra#e e! entrance' The o ! cars whippe! after the%' The %otorcyc es roare! their %otors' To% saw a ine of %en stan!ing in the !itch besi!e the roa!& saw their %o$ths open as tho$gh they were ye ing& saw their shaking fists an! their f$rio$s faces' A sto$t wo%an ran towar! the cars& b$t a roaring %otorcyc e stoo! in her way' A high wire gate sw$ng open' The si. o ! cars %o#e! thro$gh an! the gate c ose! behin! the%' The fo$r %otorcyc es t$rne! an! spe! back in the !irection fro% which they ha! co%e' An! now that the %otors were gone& the !istant ye ing of the %en in the !itch co$ ! be hear!' Two %en stoo! besi!e the gra#e e! roa!' ,ach one carrie! a shotg$n' One ca e!& 7Go on& go on' What the he are yo$ waiting for67 The si. cars %o#e! ahea!& t$rne! a ben! an! ca%e s$!!en y on the peach ca%p' There were fifty itt e s($are& f at*roofe! each with a !oor an! a win!ow& an! the who e gro$p in a s($are' A water tank stoo! high on one e!ge of the ca%p' An! a itt e grocery store stoo! on the other si!e' At the en! of each row of s($are ho$ses stoo! two %en ar%e! with shotg$ns an! wearing big si #er stars pinne! to their shirts' The si. cars stoppe!' Two bookkeepers %o#e! fro% car to car' 7Want to work67 To% answere!& 7S$re& b$t what is this67 7That4s not yo$r affair' Want to work67 7S$re we !o'7 70a%e67 7Joa!'7 72ow %any %en67 78o$r'7 7Wo%en67 7Two'7 7?i!s67 7Two'7

7Can a of yo$ work67 7Why3) g$ess so'7 7O'?' 8in! ho$se si.ty*three' Wages fi#e cents a bo.' 0o br$ise! fr$it' A right& %o#e a ong now' Go to work right away'7 The cars %o#e! on' On the !oor of each s($are re! ho$se a n$%ber was painte!' 7Si.ty&7 To% sai!' 7There4s si.ty' "$st be !own that way' There& si.ty*one& si.ty*two3There she is'7 A parke! the tr$ck c ose to the !oor of the itt e ho$se' The fa%i y ca%e !own fro% the top of the tr$ck an! ooke! abo$t in bewi !er%ent' Two !ep$ties approache!' They ooke! c ose y into each face' 70a%e67 7Joa!&7 To% sai! i%patient y' 7Say& what is this here67 One of the !ep$ties took o$t a ong ist' 70ot here' ,#er see these here6 Look at the icense' 0ope' Ain4t got it' G$ess they4re O'?'7 70ow yo$ ook here' We !on4t want no tro$b e with yo$' Jes4 !o yo$r work an! %in! yo$r own b$siness an! yo$4 be a right'7 The two t$rne! abr$pt y an! wa ke! away' At the en! of the !$sty street they sat !own on two an! their position co%%an!e! the ength of the street' To% stare! after the%' 7They s$re !o wanta %ake $s fee at ho%e'7 "a opene! the !oor of the ho$se an! steppe! insi!e' The f oor was sp ashe! with grease' )n the one roo% stoo! a r$sty tin sto#e an! nothing %ore' The tin sto#e reste! on fo$r bricks an! its r$sty sto#epipe went $p thro$gh the roof' The roo% s%e e! of sweat an! grease' Rose of Sharon stoo! besi!e "a' 7We gonna i#e here67 "a was si ent for a %o%ent' 7Why s$re&7 she sai! at ast' 7)t ain4t so ba! once we wash it o$t' Get her %oppe!'7 7) ike the tent better&7 the gir sai!' 7This got a f oor&7 "a s$ggeste!' 7This here wo$ !n4 eak when it rains'7 She t$rne! to the !oor' 7"ight as we $n oa!&7 she sai!' The %en $n oa!e! the tr$ck si ent y' A fear ha! fa en on the%' The great s($are of was si ent' A wo%an went by in the street& b$t she !i! not ook at the%' 2er hea! was s$nk an! her !irty gingha% !ress was fraye! at the botto% in itt e f ags'

The pa ha! fa en on R$thie an! Winfie !' They !i! not !ash away to inspect the p ace' They staye! c ose to the tr$ck& c ose to the fa%i y' They ooke! for orn y $p an! !own the !$sty street' Winfie ! fo$n! a piece of ba ing wire an! he bent it back an! forth $nti it broke' 2e %a!e a itt e crank of the shortest piece an! t$rne! it aro$n! an! aro$n! in his han!s' To% an! >a were carrying the %attresses into the ho$se when a c erk appeare!' 2e wore khaki tro$sers an! a b $e shirt an! a b ack necktie' 2e wore si #er*bo$n! eyeg asses& an! his eyes& thro$gh the thick enses& were weak an! re!& an! the p$pi s were staring itt e b$ 4s eyes' 2e eane! forwar! to ook at To%' 7) want to get yo$ checke! !own&7 he sai!' 72ow %any of yo$ going to work67 To% sai!& 7They4s fo$r %en' )s this here har! work67 7>icking peaches&7 the c erk sai!' 7>iece work' Gi#e fi#e cents a bo.'7 7Ain4t no reason why the itt e fe as can4t he p67 7S$re not& if they4re caref$ '7 "a stoo! in the !oorway' 7Soon4s ) get sett e! !own )4 co%e o$t an4 he p' We got nothin4 to eat& %ister' 1o we get pai! right off67 7We & no& not %oney right off' /$t yo$ can get cre!it at the store for what yo$ got co%ing'7 7Co%e on& et4s h$rry&7 To% sai!' 7) want ta get so%e %eat an4 brea! in %e tonight' Where !o we go& %ister67 7)4% going o$t there now' Co%e with %e'7 To% an! >a an! A an! <nc e John wa ke! with hi% !own the !$sty street an! into the orchar!& in a%ong the peach trees' The narrow ea#es were beginning to t$rn a pa e ye ow' The peaches were itt e g obes of go ! an! re! on the branches' A%ong the trees were pi es of e%pty' The pickers sc$rrie! abo$t& fi ing their b$ckets fro% the branches& p$tting the peaches in the carrying the to the checking station+ an! at the stations& where the pi es of fi e! waite! for the tr$cks& c erks waite! to check against the na%es of the pickers' 72ere4s fo$r %ore&7 the g$i!e sai! to a c erk' 7O'?' ,#er picke! before67

70e#er !i!&7 sai! To%' 7We & pick caref$ ' 0o br$ise! fr$it& no win!fa s' /r$ise yo$r fr$it an4 we won4t check 4e%' There4s so%e b$ckets'7 To% picke! $p a three*ga on b$cket an! ooke! at it' 78$ a ho es on the botto%'7 7S$re&7 sai! the near*sighte! c erk' 7That keeps peop e fro% stea ing the%' A right3!own in that section' Get going'7 The fo$r Joa!s took their b$ckets an! went into the orchar!' 7They !on4t waste no ti%e&7 To% sai!' 7Christ Aw%ighty&7 A sai!' 7) r$ther work in a garage'7 >a ha! fo owe! !oci e y into the fie !' 2e t$rne! s$!!en y on A ' 70ow yo$ :$s4 ($it it&7 he sai!' 79o$ been a*hankerin4 an4 a*co%p ainin4 an4 a*b$ b owin4' 9o$ get to work' 9o$ ain4t so big ) can4t ick yo$ yet'7 A 4s face t$rne! re! with anger' 2e starte! to b $ster' To% %o#e! near to hi%' 7Co%e on& A &7 he sai! ($iet y' 7/rea! an4 %eat' We got to get 4e%'7 They reache! for the fr$it an! !roppe! the% in the b$ckets' To% ran at his work' One b$cket f$ & two b$ckets' 2e !$%pe! the% in a bo.' Three b$ckets' The bo. was f$ ' 7) :$s4 %a!e a nicke &7 he ca e!' 2e picke! $p the bo. an! wa ke! h$rrie! y to the station' 72ere4s a nicke 4s worth&7 he sai! to the checker' The %an ooke! into the bo.& t$rne! o#er a peach or two' 7>$t it o#er there' That4s o$t&7 he sai!' 7) to ! yo$ not to br$ise the%' 1$%pe! 4e% o$ta the b$cket& !i!n4t yo$6 We & e#ery !a%n peach is br$ise!' Can4t check that one' >$t 4e% in easy or yo$4re working for nothing'7 7Why3go!!a%n it37 70ow go easy' ) warne! yo$ before yo$ starte!'7 To%4s eyes !roope! s$ en y' 7O'?'7 he sai!' 7O'?'7 2e went ($ick y back to the others' 7"ight4s we !$%p what yo$ got&7 he sai!' 79o$rs is the sa%e as %ine' Won4t take 4e%'7 70ow& what the he =7 A began' 7Got to pick easier' Can4t !rop 4e% in the b$cket' Got to ay 4e% in'7 They starte! again& an! this ti%e they han! e! the fr$it gent y' The fi e! %ore s ow y' 7We co$ ! figger so%epin o$t& ) bet&7 To% sai!' 7)f R$thie an4 Winfie 4 or Rosasharn :$s4 p$t 4e% in the we co$ !

work o$t a syste%'7 2e carrie! his newest bo. to the station' 7)s this here worth a nicke 67 The checker ooke! the% o#er& !$g !own se#era ayers' 7That4s better&7 he sai!' 2e checke! the bo. in' 7J$st take it easy'7 To% h$rrie! back' 7) got a nicke &7 he ca e!' 7) got a nicke ' On4y got to !o that there twenty ti%es for a !o ar'7 They worke! on stea!i y thro$gh the afternoon' R$thie an! Winfie ! fo$n! the% after a whi e' 79o$ got to work&7 >a to ! the%' 79o$ got to p$t the peaches caref$ in the bo.' 2ere& now& one at a ti%e'7 The chi !ren s($atte! !own an! picke! the peaches o$t of the e.tra b$cket& an! a ine of b$ckets stoo! rea!y for the%' To% carrie! the f$ to the station' 7That4s se#en&7 he sai!' 7That4s eight' 8orty cents we got' Get a nice piece of %eat for forty cents'7 The afternoon passe!' R$thie trie! to go away' 7)4% tar4!&7 she whine!' 7) got to rest'7 79o$ got to stay right where yo$4re at&7 sai! >a' <nc e John picke! s ow y' 2e fi e! one b$cket to two of To%4s' 2is pace !i!n4t change' )n %i!*afternoon "a ca%e tr$!ging o$t' 7) wo$ ! a co%e before& b$t Rosasharn fainte!&7 she sai!' 7Jes4 fainte! away'7 79o$ been eatin4 peaches&7 she sai! to the chi !ren' 7We & they4 b ast yo$ o$t'7 "a4s st$bby bo!y %o#e! ($ick y' She aban!one! her b$cket ($ick y an! picke! into her apron' When the s$n went !own they ha! picke! twenty' To% set the twentieth bo. !own' 7A b$ck&7 he sai!' 72ow ong !o we work67 7Work ti !ark& ong as yo$ can see'7 7We & can we get cre!it now6 "a o$ghta go in an4 b$y so%e st$ff to eat'7 7S$re' )4 gi#e yo$ a s ip for a !o ar now'7 2e wrote on a strip of paper an! han!e! it to To%' 2e took it to "a' 72ere yo$ are' 9o$ can get a !o ar4s worth of st$ff at the store'7 "a p$t !own her b$cket an! straightene! her sho$ !ers' 7Gets yo$& the first ti%e& !on4t it67

7S$re' We4 a get $se! to it right off' Ro on in an4 get so%e foo!'7 "a sai!& 7What4 yo$ ike to eat67 7"eat&7 sai! To%' 7"eat an4 brea! an4 a big pot a coffee with s$gar in' Great big pieces a %eat'7 R$thie wai e!& 7"a& we4re tar4!'7 7/etter co%e a ong in& then'7 7They was tar4! when they starte!&7 >a sai!' 7Wi ! as rabbits they4re a* gettin4' Ain4t gonna be no goo! at a 4 ess we can pin 4e% !own'7 7Soon4s we get set !own& they4 go to schoo &7 sai! "a' She tr$!ge! away& an! R$thie an! Winfie ! ti%i! y fo owe! her' 7We got to work e#er4 !ay67 Winfie ! aske!' "a stoppe! an! waite!' She took his han! an! wa ke! a ong ho !ing it' 7)t ain4t har! work&7 she sai!' 7/e goo! for yo$' An4 yo$4re he pin4 $s' )f we a work& p$rty soon we4 i#e in a nice ho$se' We a got to he p'7 7/$t ) got so tar4!'7 7) know' ) got tar4! too' ,#er4bo!y gets wore o$t' Got to think abo$t other st$ff' Think abo$t when yo$4 go to schoo '7 7) !on4t wanta go to no schoo ' R$thie !on4t& neither' The% ki!s that goes to schoo & we seen 4e%& "a' Snots= Ca s $s Okies' We seen 4e%' ) ain4t a*goin4'7 "a ooke! pitying y !own on his straw hair' 71on4 gi#e $s no tro$b e right now&7 she begge!' 7Soon4s we get on o$r feet& yo$ can be ba!' /$t not now' We got too %$ch& now'7 7) et si. of the% peaches&7 R$thie sai!' 7We & yo$4 ha#e the skitters' An4 it ain4t c ose to no toi et where we are'7 The co%pany4s store was a arge she! of corr$gate! iron' )t ha! no !isp ay win!ow' "a opene! the screen !oor an! went in' A tiny %an stoo! behin! the co$nter' 2e was co%p ete y ba !& an! his hea! was b $e*white' Large& brown eye*brows co#ere! his eyes in s$ch a high arch that his face see%e! s$rprise! an! a itt e frightene!' 2is nose was ong an! thin& an! c$r#e! ike a bir!4s beak& an! his nostri s were b ocke! with ight brown hair' O#er the s ee#es of his b $e shirt he wore b ack sateen s ee#e protectors' 2e was eaning on his e bows on the co$nter when "a entere!'

7Afternoon&7 she sai!' 2e inspecte! her with interest' The arch o#er his eyes beca%e higher' 72ow!y'7 7) got a s ip here for a !o ar'7 79o$ can get a !o ar4s worth&7 he sai!& an! he gigg e! shri y' 79es& sir' A !o ar4s worth' One !o ar4s worth'7 2e %o#e! his han! at the stock' 7Any of it'7 2e p$ e! his s ee#e protectors $p neat y' 7Tho$ght )4! get a piece of %eat'7 7Got a kin!s&7 he sai!' 72a%b$rg& ike to ha#e so%e ha%b$rg6 Twenty cents a po$n!& ha%b$rg'7 7Ain4t that awf$ high6 See%s to %e ha%b$rg was fifteen as4 ti%e ) got so%e'7 7We &7 he gigg e! soft y& 7yes& it4s high& an4 sa%e ti%e it ain4t high' Ti%e yo$ go on in town for a co$p e po$n4s of ha%b$rg& it4 cos4 yo$ 4bo$t a ga on of gas' So yo$ see it ain4t rea y high here& 4ca$se yo$ got no ga on a gas'7 "a sai! stern y& 7)t !i!n4 cos4 yo$ no ga on a gas to get it o$t here'7 2e a$ghe! !e ighte! y' 79o$4re ookin4 at it bass*ackwar!s&7 he sai!' 7We ain4t a*b$yin4 it& we4re a*se in4 it' )f we was b$yin4 it& why& that4! be !ifferent'7 "a p$t two fingers to her %o$th an! frowne! with tho$ght' 7)t ooks a f$ a fat an4 grist e'7 7) ain4t g$aranteein4 she won4t cook !own&7 the storekeeper sai!' 7) ain4t g$aranteein4 )4! eat her %yse f+ b$t they4s ots of st$ff ) wo$ !n4 !o'7 "a ooke! $p at hi% fierce y for a %o%ent' She contro e! her #oice' 7Ain4t yo$ got so%e cheaper kin! a %eat67 7So$p bones&7 he sai!' 7Ten cents a po$n!'7 7/$t the%4s :$s4 bones'7 7The%4s :es4 bones&7 he sai!' 7"ake nice so$p' Jes4 bones'7 7Got any boi in4 beef67 7Oh& yeah= S$re' That4s two bits a po$n4'7 7"aybe ) can4t get no %eat&7 "a sai!' 7/$t they want %eat' They sai! they wante! %eat'7

7,#er4bo!y wants %eat3nee!s %eat' That ha%b$rg is p$rty nice st$ff' <se the grease that co%es o$t a her for gra#y' >$rty nice' 0o waste' 1on4t throw no bone away'7 72ow3how %$ch is si!e*%eat67 7We & now yo$4re gettin4 into fancy st$ff' Christ%as st$ff' Thanksgi#in4 st$ff' Thirty*fi#e cents a po$n4' ) co$ ! se yo$ t$rkey cheaper& if ) ha! so%e t$rkey'7 "a sighe!' 7Gi#e %e two po$n!s ha%b$rg'7 79es& %a4a%'7 2e scoope! the pa e %eat on a piece of wa.e! paper' 7An4 what e se67 7We & so%e brea!'7 7Right here' 8ine big oaf& fifteen cents'7 7That there4s a twe #e*cent oaf'7 7S$re& it is' Go right in town an4 get her for twe #e cents' Ga on a gas' What e se can ) se yo$& potatoes67 79es& potatoes'7 78i#e po$n!s for a ($arter'7 "a %o#e! %enacing y towar! hi%' 7) hear! eno$gh fro% yo$' ) know what they cost in town'7 The itt e %an c a%pe! his %o$th tight' 7Then go git 4e% in town'7 "a ooke! at her kn$ck es' 7What is this67 she aske! soft y' 79o$ own this here store67 70o' ) :$s4 work here'7 7Any reason yo$ got to %ake f$n6 That he p yo$ any67 She regar!e! her shiny wrink e! han!s' The itt e %an was si ent' 7Who owns this here store67 72ooper Ranches& )ncorporate!& %a4a%'7 7An4 they set the prices67 79es& %a4a%'7 She ooke! $p& s%i ing a itt e' 7,#er4bo!y co%es in ta ks ike %e& is %a!67 2e hesitate! for a %o%ent' 79es& %a4a%'7 7An4 that4s why yo$ %ake f$n67 7What cha %ean67

71oin4 a !irty thing ike this' Sha%es ya& !on4t it6 Got to act f ip& h$h67 2er #oice was gent e' The c erk watche! her& fascinate!' 2e !i!n4t answer' 7That4s how it is&7 "a sai! fina y' 78orty cents for %eat& fifteen for brea!& ($arter for potatoes' That4s eighty cents' Coffee67 7Twenty cents the cheapest& %a4a%'7 7An4 that4s the !o ar' Se#en of $s workin4& an4 that4s s$pper'7 She st$!ie! her han!' 7Wrap 4e% $p&7 she sai! ($ick y' 79es& %a4a%&7 he sai!' 7Thanks'7 2e p$t the potatoes in a bag an! fo !e! the top caref$ y !own' 2is eyes s ippe! to "a& an! then hi! in his work again' She watche! hi%& an! she s%i e! a itt e' 72ow4! yo$ get a :ob ike this67 she aske!' 7A fe a got to eat&7 he began+ an! then& be igerent y& 7A fe a got a right to eat'7 7What fe a67 "a aske!' 2e p ace! the fo$r packages on the co$nter' 7"eat&7 he sai!' 7>otatoes& brea!& coffee' One !o ar& e#en'7 She han!e! hi% her s ip of paper an! watche! whi e he entere! the na%e an! the a%o$nt in a e!ger' 7There&7 he sai!' 70ow we4re a e#en'7 "a picke! $p her bags' 7Say&7 she sai!' 7We got no s$gar for the coffee' "y boy To%& he wants s$gar' Look=7 she sai!' 7They4re a*workin4 o$t there' 9o$ et %e ha#e so%e s$gar an4 )4 bring the s ip in ater'7 The itt e %an ooke! away3took his eyes as far fro% "a as he co$ !' 7) can4t !o it&7 he sai! soft y' 7That4s the r$ e' ) can4t' )4! get in tro$b e' )4! get canne!'7 7/$t they4re a*workin4 o$t in the fie ! now' They got %ore4n a !i%e co%in4' Gi%%e ten cents of s$gar' To%& he wante! s$gar in his coffee' Spoke abo$t it'7 7) can4t !o it& %a4a%' That4s the r$ e' 0o s ip& no groceries' The %anager& he ta ks abo$t that a the ti%e' 0o& ) can4t !o it' 0o& ) can4t' They4! catch %e' They a ways catch fe as' A ways' ) can4t'7 78or a !i%e67 78or anything& %a4a%'7 2e ooke! p ea!ing y at her' An! then his face ost its fear' 2e took ten cents fro% his pocket an! rang it $p in the cash register' 7There&7 he sai! with re ief' 2e p$ e! a itt e bag fro% $n!er the co$nter& whippe! it open an! scoope! so%e s$gar into it& weighe!

the bag& an! a!!e! a itt e %ore s$gar' 7There yo$ are&7 he sai!' 70ow it4s a right' 9o$ bring in yo$r s ip an4 )4 get %y !i%e back'7 "a st$!ie! hi%' 2er han! went b in! y o$t an! p$t the itt e bag of s$gar on the pi e in her ar%' 7Thanks to yo$&7 she sai! ($iet y' She starte! for the !oor& an! when she reache! it& she t$rne! abo$t' 7)4% earnin4 one thing goo!&7 she sai!' 7Learnin4 it a a ti%e& e#er4 !ay' )f yo$4re in tro$b e or h$rt or nee!3go to poor peop e' They4re the on y ones that4 he p3the on y ones'7 The screen !oor s a%%e! behin! her' The itt e %an eane! his e bows on the co$nter an! ooke! after her with his s$rprise! eyes' A p $%p tortoise she cat eape! $p on the co$nter an! sta ke! a5i y near to hi%' )t r$bbe! si!eways against his ar%s& an! he reache! o$t with his han! an! p$ e! it against his cheek' The cat p$rre! o$! y& an! the tip of its tai :erke! back an! forth' TO! AND AL AND PA an! <nc e John wa ke! in fro% the orchar! when the !$sk was !eep' Their feet were a itt e hea#y against the roa!' 79o$ wo$ !n4 think :$s4 reachin4 $p an4 pickin4! get yo$ in the back&7 >a sai!' 7/e awright in a co$p e !ays&7 sai! To%' 7Say& >a& after we eat )4% a* gonna wa k o$t an4 see what a that f$ss is o$tsi!e the gate' )t4s been a* workin4 on %e' Wanta co%e67 70o&7 sai! >a' 7) ike to ha#e a itt e whi e to :$s4 work an4 not think abo$t nothin4' See%s ike ) :$s4 been beatin4 %y brains to !eath for a he of a ong ti%e' 0o& )4% gonna set awhi e& an4 then go to be!'7 72ow 4bo$t yo$& A 67 A ooke! away' 7G$ess )4 ook aro$n4 in here& first'7 he sai!' 7We & ) know <nc e John won4t co%e' G$ess )4 go her a one' Got %e a c$rio$s'7 >a sai!& 7)4 get a he of a ot c$rio$ser 4fore )4 !o anything abo$t it3 with a the% cops o$t there'7 7"aybe they ain4t there at night&7 To% s$ggeste!' 7We & ) ain4t gonna fin! o$t' An4 yo$ better not te "a where yo$4re a* goin4' She4 :$s4 s($irt her hea! off worryin4'7 To% t$rne! to A ' 7Ain4t yo$ c$rio$s67

7G$ess )4 :es4 ook aro$n4 this here ca%p&7 A sai!' 7Lookin4 for gir s& h$h67 7"in!in4 %y own b$siness&7 A sai! aci! y' 7)4% sti a*goin4&7 sai! To%' They e%erge! fro% the orchar! into the !$sty street between the re! shacks' The ow ye ow ight of kerosene anterns shone fro% so%e of the !oorways& an! insi!e& in the ha f*g oo%& the b ack shapes of peop e %o#e! abo$t' At the en! of the street a g$ar! sti sat& his shotg$n resting against his knee' To% pa$se! as he passe! the g$ar!' 7Got a p ace where a fe a can get a bath& %ister67 The g$ar! st$!ie! hi% in the ha f* ight' At ast he sai!& 7See that water tank67 79eah'7 7We & there4s a hose o#er there'7 7Any war% water67 7Say& who in he yo$ think yo$ are& J' >' "organ67 70o&7 sai! To%' 70o& ) s$re !on4t' Goo! night& %ister'7 The g$ar! gr$nte! conte%pt$o$s y' 72ot water& for Christ4s sake' /e wantin4 t$bs ne.t'7 2e stare! g $% y after the fo$r Joa!s' A secon! g$ar! ca%e aro$n! the en! ho$se' 74S4%atter& "ack67 7Why& the% go!!a%n Okies' 4)s they war% water64 he says'7 The secon! g$ar! reste! his g$n b$tt on the gro$n!' 7)t4s the% go#4%ent ca%ps&7 he sai!' 7) bet that fe a been in a go#4%ent ca%p' We ain4t gonna ha#e no peace ti we wipe the% ca%ps o$t' They4 be wantin4 c ean sheets& first thing we know'7 "ack aske!& 72ow is it o$t at the %ain gate3hear anything67 7We & they was o$t there ye in4 a !ay' State po ice got it in han!' They4re r$nnin4 the he o$ta the% s%art g$ys' ) hear! they4s a ong ean son*of*a*bitch spark*p $ggin4 the thing' 8e a says they4 get hi% tonight& an4 then she4 go to pieces'7 7We won4t ha#e no :ob if it co%es too easy&7 "ack sai!' 7We4 ha#e a :ob& a right' These go!!a%n Okies= 9o$ got to watch 4e% a the ti%e' Things get a itt e ($iet& we can a ways stir 4e% $p a itt e'7

72a#e tro$b e when they c$t the rate here& ) g$ess'7 7We s$re wi ' 0o& yo$ nee!n4 worry abo$t $s ha#in4 work3not whi e 2ooper4s sn$bbin4 c ose'7 The fire roare! in the Joa! ho$se' 2a%b$rger patties sp ashe! an! hisse! in the grease& an! the potatoes b$bb e!' The ho$se was f$ of s%oke& an! the ye ow antern ight threw hea#y b ack sha!ows on the wa s' "a worke! ($ick y abo$t the fire whi e Rose of Sharon sat on a bo. resting her hea#y ab!o%en on her knees' 78ee in4 better now67 "a aske!' 7S%e a cookin4 gets %e' )4% h$ngry& too'7 7Go set in the !oor&7 "a sai!' 7) got to ha#e that bo. to break $p anyways'7 The %en troope! in' 7"eat& by Go!=7 sai! To%' 7An! coffee' ) s%e her' Jes$s& )4% h$ngry= ) et a ot of peaches& b$t they !i!n4 !o no goo!' Where can we wash& "a67 7Go !own to the water tank' Wash !own there' ) :$s4 sent R$thie an4 Winfie 4 to wash'7 The %en went o$t again' 7Go on now& Rosasharn&7 "a or!ere!' 7,ither yo$ set in the !oor or e se on the be!' ) got to break that bo. $p'7 The gir he pe! herse f $p with her han!s' She %o#e! hea#i y to one of the %attresses an! sat !own on it' R$thie an! Winfie ! ca%e in ($iet y& trying by si ence an! by keeping c ose to the wa to re%ain obsc$re' "a ooke! o#er at the%' 7) got a fee in4 yo$ itt e fe as is $cky they ain4t %$ch ight&7 she sai!' She po$nce! at Winfie ! an! fe t his hair' 7We & yo$ got wet& anyway& b$t ) bet yo$ ain4t c ean'7 7They wasn4t no soap&7 Winfie ! co%p aine!' 70o& that4s right' ) co$ !n4 b$y no soap' 0ot to!ay' "aybe we can get soap to%orra'7 She went back to the sto#e& ai! o$t the p ates& an! began to ser#e the s$pper' Two patties apiece an! a big potato' She p ace! three s ices of brea! on each p ate' When the %eat was a o$t of the frying pan she po$re! a itt e of the grease on each p ate' The %en ca%e in again& their faces !ripping an! their hair shining with water' 7Lea#e %e at her&7 To% crie!' They took the p ates' They ate si ent y& wo fish y& an! wipe! $p the grease with the brea!' The chi !ren retire! into the corner of the roo%&

p$t their p ates on the f oor& an! kne t in front of the foo! ike itt e ani%a s' To% swa owe! the ast of his brea!' 7Got any %ore& "a67 70o&7 she sai!' 7That4s a ' 9o$ %a!e a !o ar& an4 that4s a !o ar4s worth'7 7That67 7They charge e.try o$t here' We got to go in town when we can'7 7) ain4t f$ &7 sai! To%' 7We & to%orra yo$4 get in a f$ !ay' To%orra night3we4 ha#e p enty'7 A wipe! his %o$th on his s ee#e' 7G$ess )4 take a ook aro$n!&7 he sai!' 7Wait& )4 go with yo$'7 To% fo owe! hi% o$tsi!e' )n the !arkness To% went c ose to his brother' 7S$re yo$ !on4 wanta co%e with %e67 70o' )4% gonna ook aro$n4 ike ) sai!'7 7O'?'&7 sai! To%' 2e t$rne! away an! stro e! !own the street' The s%oke fro% the ho$ses h$ng ow to the gro$n!& an! the anterns threw their pict$res of !oorways an! win!ows into the street' On the !oorsteps peop e sat an! ooke! o$t into the !arkness' To% co$ ! see their hea!s t$rn as their eyes fo owe! hi% !own the street' At the street en! the !irt roa! contin$e! across a st$bb e fie !& an! the b ack $%ps of haycocks were #isib e in the star ight' A thin b a!e of %oon was ow in the sky towar! the west& an! the ong c o$! of the %i ky way trai e! c ear y o#erhea!' To%4s feet so$n!e! soft y on the !$sty roa!& a !ark patch against the ye ow st$bb e' 2e p$t his han!s in his pockets an! tr$!ge! a ong towar! the %ain gate' An e%bank%ent ca%e c ose to the roa!' To% co$ ! hear the whisper of water against the grasses in the irrigation !itch' 2e c i%be! $p the bank an! ooke! !own on the !ark water& an! saw the stretche! ref ections of the stars' The State Roa! was ahea!' Car ights swooping past showe! where it was' To% set o$t again towar! it' 2e co$ ! see the high wire gate in the star ight' A fig$re stirre! besi!e the roa!' A #oice sai!& 72e o3who is it67 To% stoppe! an! stoo! sti ' 7Who are yo$67 A %an stoo! $p an! wa ke! near' To% co$ ! see the g$n in his han!' Then a f ash ight p aye! on his face' 7Where yo$ think yo$4re going67

7We & ) tho$ght )4! take a wa k' Any aw against it67 79o$ better wa k so%e other way'7 To% aske!& 7Can4t ) e#en get o$t of here67 70ot tonight yo$ can4t' Want to wa k back& or sha ) whist e so%e he p an4 take yo$67 72e &7 sai! To%& 7it ain4t nothin4 to %e' )f it4s gonna ca$se a %ess& ) !on4t gi#e a !arn' S$re& )4 go back'7 The !ark fig$re re a.e!' The f ash went off' 79a see& it4s for yo$r own goo!' The% cra5y pickets %ight get yo$'7 7What pickets67 7The% go!!a%n re!s'7 7Oh&7 sai! To%' 7) !i!n4 know 4bo$t the%'7 79o$ seen 4e% when yo$ co%e& !i!n4 yo$67 7We & ) seen a b$nch a g$ys& b$t they was so %any cops ) !i!n4 know' Tho$ght it was a acci!ent'7 7We & yo$ better git a ong back'7 7That4s O'?' with %e& %ister'7 2e sw$ng abo$t an! starte! back' 2e wa ke! ($iet y a ong the roa! a h$n!re! yar!s& an! then he stoppe! an! istene!' The twittering ca of a raccoon so$n!e! near the irrigation !itch an!& #ery far away& the angry how of a tie! !og' To% sat !own besi!e the roa! an! istene!' 2e hear! the high soft a$ghter of a night hawk an! the stea thy %o#e%ent of a creeping ani%a in the st$bb e' 2e inspecte! the sky ine in both !irections& !ark fra%es both ways& nothing to show against' 0ow he stoo! $p an! wa ke! s ow y to the right of the roa!& off into the st$bb e fie !& an! he wa ke! bent !own& near y as ow as the haycocks' 2e %o#e! s ow y an! stoppe! occasiona y to isten' At ast he ca%e to the wire fence& fi#e stran!s of ta$t barbe! wire' /esi!e the fence he ay on his back& %o#e! his hea! $n!er the owest stran!& he ! the wire $p with his han!s an! s i! hi%se f $n!er& p$shing against the gro$n! with his feet' 2e was abo$t to get $p when a gro$p of %en wa ke! by on the e!ge of the highway' To% waite! $nti they were far ahea! before he stoo! $p an! fo owe! the%' 2e watche! the si!e of the roa! for tents' A few a$to%obi es went by' A strea% c$t across the fie !s& an! the highway crosse! it on a s%a concrete bri!ge' To% ooke! o#er the si!e of the

bri!ge' )n the botto% of the !eep ra#ine he saw a tent an! a antern was b$rning insi!e' 2e watche! it for a %o%ent& saw the sha!ows of peop e against the can#as wa s' To% c i%be! a fence an! %o#e! !own into the ra#ine thro$gh br$sh an! !warf wi ows+ an! in the botto%& besi!e a tiny strea%& he fo$n! a trai ' A %an sat on a bo. in front of the tent' 7,#enin4&7 To% sai!' 7Who are yo$67 7We 3) g$ess& we 3)4% :$s4 goin4 past'7 7?now anybo!y here67 70o' ) te yo$ ) was :$s4 goin4 past'7 A hea! st$ck o$t of the tent' A #oice sai!& 7What4s the %atter67 7Casy=7 To% crie!' 7Casy= 8or Chris4 sake& what yo$ !oin4 here67 7Why& %y Go!& it4s To% Joa!= Co%e on in& To%%y' Co%e on in'7 7?now hi%& !o ya67 the %an in front aske!' 7?now hi%6 Christ& yes' ?nowe! hi% for years' ) co%e west with hi%' Co%e on in& To%'7 2e c $tche! To%4s e bow an! p$ e! hi% into the tent' Three other %en sat on the gro$n!& an! in the center of the tent a antern b$rne!' The %en ooke! $p s$spicio$s y' A !ark*face!& scow ing %an he ! o$t his han!' 7G a! to %eet ya&7 he sai!' 7) hear! what Casy sai!' This the fe a yo$ was te in4 abo$t67 7S$re' This is hi%' We & for Go!4s sake= Where4s yo$r fo ks6 What yo$ !oin4 here67 7We &7 sai! To%& 7we hear! they was work this*a*way' An4 we co%e& an4 a b$nch a State cops r$n $s into this here ranch an4 we been a*pickin4 peaches a afternoon' ) seen a b$nch a fe as ye in4' They wo$ !n4 te %e nothin4& so ) co%e o$t here to see what4s goin4 on' 2ow4n he 4! yo$ get here& Casy67 The preacher eane! forwar! an! the ye ow antern ight fe on his high pa e forehea!' 7Jai ho$se is a kin!a f$nny p ace&7 he sai!' 72ere4s %e& been a*goin4 into the wi !erness ike Jes$s to try fin! o$t so%epin' A %ost got her so%eti%es& too' /$t it4s in the :ai ho$se ) rea y got her'7 2is eyes were sharp an! %erry' 7Great big o 4 ce & an4 she4s f$ a a ti%e' 0ew g$ys co%e in& an! g$ys go o$t' An4 4co$rse ) ta ke! to a of 4e%'7

74Co$rse yo$ !i!&7 sai! To%' 7A ways ta k' )f yo$ was $p on the ga ows yo$4! be passin4 the ti%e a !ay with the hang%an' 0e#er seen sech a ta ker'7 The %en in the tent ch$ck e!' A wi5ene! itt e %an with a wrink e! face s appe! his knee' 7Ta ks a the ti%e&7 he sai!' 78o ks kin!a ikes to hear 4i%& tho$gh'7 7<se4 ta be a preacher&7 sai! To%' 71i! he te that67 7S$re& he to !'7 Casy grinne!' 7We & sir&7 he went on& 7) begin gettin4 at things' So%e of the% fe as in the tank was !r$nks& b$t %ost y they was there 4ca$se they sto e st$ff+ an4 %ost y it was st$ff they nee!e! an4 co$ !n4 get no other way' 9a see67 he aske!' 70o&7 sai! To%' 7We & they was nice fe as& ya see' What %a!e 4e% ba! was they nee!e! st$ff' An4 ) begin to see& then' )t4s nee! that %akes a the tro$b e' ) ain4t got it worke! o$t' We & one !ay they gi#e $s so%e beans that was so$r' One fe a starte! ye in4& an4 nothin4 happene!' 2e ye e! his hea! off' Tr$sty co%e a ong an4 ooke! in an4 went on' Then another fe a ye e!' We & sir& then we a got ye in4' An! we a got on the sa%e tone& an4 ) te ya& it :$s4 see%e! ike that tank b$ ge! an4 gi#e an! swe e! $p' /y Go!= Then so%epin happene!= They co%e a*r$nnin4& an! they gi#e $s so%e other st$ff to eat3gi#e it to $s' 9a see67 70o&7 sai! To%' Casy p$t his chin !own on his han!s' 7"aybe ) can4t te yo$&7 he sai!' 7"aybe yo$ got to fin! o$t' Where4s yo$r cap67 7) co%e witho$t it'7 72ow4s yo$r sister67 72e & she4s big as a cow' ) bet she got twins' Gonna nee! whee s $n!er her sto%ach' Got to ho !in4 it with her han4s& now' 9o$ ain4 to 4 %e what4s goin4 on'7 The wi5ene! %an sai!& 7We str$ck' This here4s a strike'7 7We & fi4 cents a bo. ain4t %$ch& b$t a fe a can eat'7 78i4 cents67 the wi5ene! %an crie!' 78i4 cents= They payin4 yo$ fi4 cents67 7S$re' We %a!e a b$ck an4 a ha f'7

A hea#y si ence fe in the tent' Casy stare! o$t the entrance& into the !ark night' 7Lookie& To%&7 he sai! at ast' 7We co%e to work there' They says it4s gonna be fi4 cents' They was a he of a ot of $s' We got there an4 they says they4re payin4 two an4 a ha f cents' A fe a can4t e#en eat on that& an4 if he got ki!s3So we says we won4t take it' So they !r$# $s off' An4 a the cops in the wor 4 co%e !own on $s' 0ow they4re payin4 yo$ fi#e' When they b$st this here strike3ya think they4 pay fi#e67 7) !$nno&7 To% sai!' 7>ayin4 fi#e now'7 7Lookie&7 sai! Casy' 7We trie! to ca%p together& an4 they !r$# $s ike pigs' Scattere! $s' /eat the he o$ta fe as' 1r$# $s ike pigs' They r$n yo$ in ike pigs& too' We can4t as4 %$ch onger' So%e peop e ain4t et for two !ays' 9o$ goin4 back tonight67 7Ai% to&7 sai! To%' 7We 3te the fo ks in there how it is& To%' Te 4e% they4re star#in4 $s an4 stabbin4 theirse f in the back' 4Ca$se s$re as cowf ops she4 !rop to two an4 a ha f :$s4 as soon as they c ear $s o$t'7 7)4 te 4e%&7 sai! To%' 7) !on4 know how' 0e#er seen so %any g$ys with g$ns' 1on4 know if they4 e#en et a fe a ta k' An4 fo ks !on4 pass no ti%e of !ay' They :$s4 hang !own their hea!s an4 won4t e#en gi#e a fe a a how!y'7 7Try an4 te 4e%& To%' They4 get two an4 a ha f& :$s4 the %in$te we4re gone' 9o$ know what two an4 a ha f is3that4s one ton of peaches picke! an4 carrie! for a !o ar'7 2e !roppe! his hea!' 70o3yo$ can4t !o it' 9o$ can4t get yo$r foo! for that' Can4t eat for that'7 7)4 try to get to te the fo ks'7 72ow4s yo$r %a67 7>$rty goo!' She ike! that go#4%ent ca%p' /aths an4 hot water'7 79eah3) hear!'7 7)t was pretty nice there' Co$ !n4 fin! no work& tho$gh' 2a! a ea#e'7 7)4! ike to go to one&7 sai! Casy' 7Like to see it' 8e a says they ain4t no cops'7 78o ks is their own cops'7 Casy ooke! $p e.cite! y' 7An4 was they any tro$b e6 8ightin4& stea in4& !rinkin467 70o&7 sai! To%'

7We & if a fe a went ba!3what then6 What4! they !o67 7>$t 4i% o$ta the ca%p'7 7/$t they wasn4 %any67 72e & no&7 sai! To%' 7We was there a %onth& an4 on4y one'7 Casy4s eyes shone with e.cite%ent' 2e t$rne! to the other %en' 79a see67 he crie!' 7) to 4 yo$' Cops ca$se %ore tro$b e than they stop' Look& To%' Try an4 get the fo ks in there to co%e on o$t' They can !o it in a co$p e !ays' The% peaches is ripe' Te 4e%'7 7They won4t&7 sai! To%' 7They4re a*gettin4 fi#e& an4 they !on4 gi#e a !a%n abo$t nothin4 e se'7 7/$t :$s4 the %in$te they ain4t strikebreakin4 they won4t get no fi#e'7 7) !on4 think they4 swa a that' 8i#e they4re a*gettin4' Tha4s a they care abo$t'7 7We & te 4e% anyways'7 7>a wo$ !n4 !o it&7 To% sai!' 7) know 4i%' 2e4! say it wasn4t none of his b$siness'7 79es&7 Casy sai! !isconso ate y' 7) g$ess that4s right' 2a#e to take a beatin4 fore he4 know'7 7We was o$ta foo!&7 To% sai!' 7Tonight we ha! %eat' 0ot %$ch& b$t we ha! it' Think >a4s gonna gi#e $p his %eat on acco$nt a other fe as6 An4 Rosasharn o$ghta get %i k' Think "a4s gonna wanta star#e that baby :$s4 4ca$se a b$nch a fe as is ye in4 o$tsi!e a gate67 Casy sai! sa! y& 7) wisht they co$ ! see it' ) wisht they co$ ! see the on4y way they can !epen4 on their %eat3Oh& the he = Get tar4! so%eti%es' Go!*awf$ tar4!' ) knowe! a fe a' /rang 4i% in whi e ) was in the :ai ho$se' /een tryin4 to start a $nion' Got one starte!' An4 then the% #igi antes b$st it $p' An4 know what6 The% #ery fo ks he been tryin4 to he p tosse! hi% o$t' Wo$ !n4 ha#e nothin4 to !o with 4i%' Scare! they4! get saw in his co%p4ny' Say& 4Git o$t' 9o$4re a !anger on $s'4 We & sir& it h$rt his fee in4s p$rty ba!' /$t then he says& 4)t ain4t so ba! if yo$ know'4 2e says& 48rench Re#o $tion3a the% fe as that figgere! her o$t got their hea!s choppe! off' A ways that way&4 he says' 4J$s4 as nat$ra as rain' 9o$ !i!n4 !o it for f$n no way' 1oin4 it 4ca$se yo$ ha#e to' 4Ca$se it4s yo$' Look a Washington&4 he says' 48it the Re#o $tion&

an4 after& the% sons*a*bitches t$rne! on hi%' An4 Linco n the sa%e' Sa%e fo ks ye in4 to ki 4e%' 0at$ra as rain'47 71on4t so$n4 ike no f$n&7 sai! To%' 70o& it !on4t' This fe a in :ai & he says& 4Anyways& yo$ !o what yo$ can' An4&4 he says& 4the on4y thing yo$ got to ook at is that e#er4 ti%e they4s a itt e step fo4war!& she %ay s ip back a itt e& b$t she ne#er s ips c ear back' 9o$ can pro#e that&4 he says& 4an4 that %akes the who e thing right' An4 that %eans they wasn4t no waste e#en if it see%e! ike they was'47 7Ta kin4&7 sai! To%' 7A ways ta kin4' Take %y brother A ' 2e4s o$t ookin4 for a gir ' 2e !on4t care 4bo$t nothin4 e se' Co$p e !ays he4 get hi% a gir ' Think abo$t it a !ay an4 !o it a night' 2e !on4t gi#e a !a%n 4bo$t steps $p or !own or si!eways'7 7S$re&7 sai! Casy' 7S$re' 2e4s :$s4 !oin4 what he4s got to !o' A of $s ike that'7 The %an seate! o$tsi!e p$ e! the tent f ap wi!e' 7Go!!a%n it& ) !on4 ike it&7 he sai!' Casy ooke! o$t at hi%' 7What4s the %atter67 7) !on4 know' ) :$s4 itch a o#er' 0er#o$s as a cat'7 7We & what4s the %atter67 7) !on4 know' See%s ike ) hear so%epin& an4 then ) isten an4 they ain4t nothin4 to hear'7 79o$4re :$s4 :$%py&7 the wi5ene! %an sai!' 2e got $p an! went o$tsi!e' An! in a secon! he ooke! into the tent' 7They4s a great big o 4 b ack c o$! a*sai in4 o#er' /et she4s got th$n!er' That4s what4s itchin4 hi% 34 ectricity'7 2e !$cke! o$t again' The other two %en stoo! $p fro% the gro$n! an! went o$tsi!e' Casy sai! soft y& 7A of 4e%4s itchy' The% cops been sayin4 how they4re gonna beat the he o$ta $s an4 r$n $s o$ta the co$nty' They figger )4% a ea!er 4ca$se ) ta k so %$ch'7 The wi5ene! face ooke! in again' 7Casy& t$rn o$t that antern an4 co%e o$tsi!e' They4s so%epin'7 Casy t$rne! the screw' The f a%e !rew !own into the s ots an! poppe! an! went o$t' Casy grope! o$tsi!e an! To% fo owe! hi%' 7What is it67 Casy aske! soft y' 7) !$nno' Listen=7

There was a wa of frog so$n!s that %erge! with si ence' A high& shri whist e of crickets' /$t thro$gh this backgro$n! ca%e other so$n!s3 faint footsteps fro% the roa!& a cr$nch of c o!s $p on the bank& a itt e swish of br$sh !own the strea%' 7Can4t rea y te if yo$ hear it' 8oo s yo$' Get ner#o$s&7 Casy reass$re! the%' 7We4re a ner#o$s' Can4t rea y te ' 9o$ hear it& To%67 7) hear it&7 sai! To%' 79eah& ) hear it' ) think they4s g$ys co%in4 fro% e#er4 which way' We better get o$ta here'7 The wi5ene! %an whispere!& 7<n!er the bri!ge span3o$t that way' 2ate to ea#e %y tent'7 7Le4s go&7 sai! Casy' They %o#e! ($iet y a ong the e!ge of the strea%' The b ack span was a ca#e before the%' Casy bent o#er an! %o#e! thro$gh' To% behin!' Their feet s ippe! into the water' Thirty feet they %o#e!& an! their breathing echoe! fro% the c$r#e! cei ing' Then they ca%e o$t on the other si!e an! straightene! $p' A sharp ca & 7There they are=7 Two f ash ight bea%s fe on the %en& ca$ght the%& b in!e! the%' 7Stan! where yo$ are'7 The #oices ca%e o$t of the !arkness' 7That4s hi%' That shiny bastar!' That4s hi%'7 Casy stare! b in! y at the ight' 2e breathe! hea#i y' 7Listen&7 he sai!' 79o$ fe as !on4 know what yo$4re !oin4' 9o$4re he pin4 to star#e ki!s'7 7Sh$t $p& yo$ re! son*of*a*bitch'7 A short hea#y %an steppe! into the ight' 2e carrie! a new white pick han! e' Casy went on& 79o$ !on4 know what yo$4re a*!oin4'7 The hea#y %an sw$ng with the pick han! e' Casy !o!ge! !own into the swing' The hea#y c $b crashe! into the si!e of his hea! with a !$ cr$nch of bone& an! Casy fe si!eways o$t of the ight' 7Jes$s& George' ) think yo$ ki e! hi%'7 7>$t the ight on hi%&7 sai! George' 7Ser#e the son*of*a*bitch right'7 The f ash ight bea% !roppe!& searche! an! fo$n! Casy4s cr$she! hea!' To% ooke! !own at the preacher' The ight crosse! the hea#y %an4s egs an! the white new pick han! e' To% eape! si ent y' 2e wrenche! the c $b free' The first ti%e he knew he ha! %isse! an! str$ck a sho$ !er& b$t the secon! ti%e his cr$shing b ow fo$n! the hea!& an! as

the hea#y %an sank !own& three %ore b ows fo$n! his hea!' The ights !ance! abo$t' There were sho$ts& the so$n! of r$nning feet& crashing thro$gh br$sh' To% stoo! o#er the prostrate %an' An! then a c $b reache! his hea!& a g ancing b ow' 2e fe t the stroke ike an e ectric shock' An! then he was r$nning a ong the strea%& ben!ing ow' 2e hear! the sp ash of footsteps fo owing hi%' S$!!en y he t$rne! an! s($ir%e! $p into the br$sh& !eep into a poison*oak thicket' An! he ay sti ' The footsteps ca%e near& the ight bea%s g ance! a ong the strea% botto%' To% wrigg e! $p thro$gh the thicket to the top' 2e e%erge! in an orchar!' An! sti he co$ ! hear the ca s& the p$rs$it in the strea% botto%' 2e bent ow an! ran o#er the c$ ti#ate! earth+ the c o!s s ippe! an! ro e! $n!er his feet' Ahea! he saw the b$shes that bo$n!e! the fie !& b$shes a ong the e!ges of an irrigation !itch' 2e s ippe! thro$gh the fence& e!ge! in a%ong #ines an! b ackberry b$shes' An! then he ay sti & panting hoarse y' 2e fe t his n$%b face an! nose' The nose was cr$she!& an! a trick e of b oo! !rippe! fro% his chin' 2e ay sti on his sto%ach $nti his %in! ca%e back' An! then he craw e! s ow y o#er the e!ge of the !itch' 2e bathe! his face in the coo water& tore off the tai of his b $e shirt an! !ippe! it an! he ! it against his torn cheek an! nose' The water st$ng an! b$rne!' The b ack c o$! ha! crosse! the sky& a b ob of !ark against the stars' The night was ($iet again' To% steppe! into the water an! fe t the botto% !rop fro% $n!er his feet' 2e threshe! the two strokes across the !itch an! p$ e! hi%se f hea#i y $p the other bank' 2is c othes c $ng to hi%' 2e %o#e! an! %a!e a s opping noise+ his shoes s($ishe!' Then he sat !own& took off his shoes an! e%ptie! the%' 2e wr$ng the botto%s of his tro$sers& took off his coat an! s($ee5e! the water fro% it' A ong the highway he saw the !ancing bea%s of the f ash ights& searching the !itches' To% p$t on his shoes an! %o#e! ca$tio$s y across the st$bb e fie !' The s($ishing noise no onger ca%e fro% his shoes' 2e went by instinct towar! the other si!e of the st$bb e fie !& an! at ast he ca%e to the roa!' Gery ca$tio$s y he approache! the s($are of ho$ses' Once a g$ar!& thinking he hear! a noise& ca e!& 7Who4s there67

To% !roppe! an! fro5e to the gro$n!& an! the f ash ight bea% passe! o#er hi%' 2e crept si ent y to the !oor of the Joa! ho$se' The !oor s($a e! on its hinges' An! "a4s #oice& ca % an! stea!y an! wi!e awake7What4s that67 7"e& To%'7 7We & yo$ better get so%e s eep' A ain4t in yet'7 72e %$st a fo$n4 a gir '7 7Go on to s eep&7 she sai! soft y' 7O#er $n!er the win!ow'7 2e fo$n! his p ace an! took off his c othes to the skin' 2e ay shi#ering $n!er his b anket' An! his torn face awakene! fro% its n$%bness& an! his who e hea! throbbe!' )t was an ho$r %ore before A ca%e in' 2e %o#e! ca$tio$s y near an! steppe! on To%4s wet c othes' 7Sh=7 sai! To%' A whispere!& 79o$ awake6 2ow4! yo$ get wet67 7Sh&7 sai! To%' 7Te yo$ in the %ornin4'7 >a t$rne! on his back& an! his snoring fi e! the roo% with gasps an! snorts' 79o$4re co 4&7 A sai!' 7Sh' Go to s eep'7 The itt e s($are of the win!ow showe! gray against the b ack of the roo%' To% !i! not s eep' The ner#es of his wo$n!e! face ca%e back to ife an! throbbe!& an! his cheek bone ache!& an! his broken nose b$ ge! an! p$ se! with pain that see%e! to toss hi% abo$t& to shake hi%' 2e watche! the itt e s($are win!ow& saw the stars s i!e !own o#er it an! !rop fro% sight' At inter#a s he hear! the footsteps of the watch%en' At ast the roosters crowe!& far away& an! gra!$a y the win!ow ightene!' To% to$che! his swo en face with his fingertips& an! at his %o#e%ent A groane! an! %$r%$re! in his s eep' The !awn ca%e fina y' )n the ho$ses& packe! together& there was a so$n! of %o#e%ent& a crash of breaking sticks& a itt e c atter of pans' )n the graying g oo% "a sat $p s$!!en y' To% co$ ! see her face& swo en with s eep' She ooke! at the win!ow& for a ong %o%ent' An! then she threw the b anket off an! fo$n! her !ress' Sti sitting !own& she p$t it o#er her hea! an! he ! her ar%s $p an! et the !ress s i!e !own to her

waist' She stoo! $p an! p$ e! the !ress !own aro$n! her ank es' Then in bare feet& she steppe! caref$ y to the win!ow an! ooke! o$t& an! whi e she stare! at the growing ight& her ($ick fingers $nbrai!e! her hair an! s%oothe! the stran!s an! brai!e! the% $p again' Then she c aspe! her han!s in front of her an! stoo! %otion ess for a %o%ent' 2er face was ighte! sharp y by the win!ow' She t$rne!& steppe! caref$ y a%ong the %attresses& an! fo$n! the antern' The sha!e screeche! $p& an! she ighte! the wick' >a ro e! o#er an! b inke! at her' She sai!& 7>a& yo$ got %ore %oney67 72$h6 9eah' >aper wrote for si.ty cents'7 7We & git $p an4 go b$y so%e f o$r an4 ar!' H$ick& now'7 >a yawne!' 7"aybe the store ain4t open'7 7"ake 4e% open it' Got to get so%epin in yo$ fe as' 9o$ got to get o$t to work'7 >a str$gg e! into his o#era s an! p$t on his r$sty coat' 2e went s $ggish y o$t the !oor& yawning an! stretching' The chi !ren awakene! an! watche! fro% $n!er their b anket& ike %ice' >a e ight fi e! the roo% now& b$t co or ess ight& before the s$n' "a g ance! at the %attresses' <nc e John was awake' A s ept hea#i y' 2er eyes %o#e! to To%' 8or a %o%ent she peere! at hi%& an! then she %o#e! ($ick y to hi%' 2is face was p$ffe! an! b $e& an! the b oo! was !rie! b ack on his ips an! chin' The e!ges of the torn cheek were gathere! an! tight' 7To%&7 she whispere!& 7what4s the %atter67 7Sh=7 he sai!' 71on4t ta k o$!' ) got in a fight'7 7To%=7 7) co$ !n4 he p it& "a'7 She kne t !own besi!e hi%' 79o$ in tro$b e67 2e was a ong ti%e answering' 79eah&7 he sai!' 7)n tro$b e' ) can4t go o$t to work' ) got to hi!e'7 The chi !ren craw e! near on their han!s an! knees& staring gree!i y' 7What4s the %atter4th hi%& "a67 72$sh=7 "a sai!' 7Go wash $p'7 7We got no soap'7 7We & $se water'7

7What4s the %atter4th To%67 70ow yo$ h$sh' An4 !on4t yo$ te nobo!y'7 They backe! away an! s($atte! !own against the far wa & knowing they wo$ ! not be inspecte!' "a aske!& 7)s it ba!67 70ose b$ste!'7 7) %ean the tro$b e67 79eah' /a!'7 A opene! his eyes an! ooke! at To%' 7We & for Chris4 sake= What was yo$ in67 7What4s a %atter67 <nc e John aske!' >a c $%pe! in' 7They was open a right'7 2e p$t a tiny bag of f o$r an! his package of ar! on the f oor besi!e the sto#e' 74S4a %atter67 he aske!' To% brace! hi%se f on one e bow for a %o%ent& an! then he ay back' 7Jes$s& )4% weak' )4% gonna te ya once' So )4 te a of ya' 2ow 4bo$t the ki!s67 "a ooke! at the%& h$!! e! against the wa ' 7Go wash ya face'7 70o&7 To% sai!& 7They got to hear' They got to know' They %ight b ab if they !on4t know'7 7What the he is this67 >a !e%an!e!' 7)4% a*gonna te ' Las4 night ) went o$t to see what a the ye in4 was abo$t' An4 ) co%e on Casy'7 7The preacher67 79eah& >a' The preacher& on4y he was a* ea!in4 the strike' They co%e for hi%'7 >a !e%an!e!& 7Who co%e for hi%67 7) !$nno' Sa%e kin!a g$ys that t$rne! $s back on the roa! that night' 2a! pick han! es'7 2e pa$se!' 7They ki e! 4i%' /$ste! his hea!' ) was stan!in4 there' ) went n$ts' Grabbe! the pick han! e'7 2e ooke! b eak y back at the night& the !arkness& the f ash ights& as he spoke' 7)3) c $bbe! a g$y'7 "a4s breath ca$ght in her throat' >a stiffene!' 7?i 4i%67 he aske! soft y' 7)3!on4t know' ) was n$ts' Trie! to'7

"a aske!' 7Was yo$ saw67 7) !$nno' ) !$nno' ) g$ess so' They ha! the ights on $s'7 8or a %o%ent "a stare! into his eyes' 7>a&7 she sai!& 7break $p so%e' We got to get breakfas4' 9o$ got to go to work' R$thie& Winfie 4' )f anybo!y asts yo$3To% is sick3yo$ hear6 )f yo$ te 3he4 3get sent to :ai ' 9o$ hear67 79es& %a4a%'7 7?eep yo$r eye on 4e%& John' 1on4 et 4e% ta k to nobo!y'7 She b$i t the fire as >a broke the that ha! he ! the goo!s' She %a!e her !o$gh& p$t a pot of coffee to boi ' The ight woo! ca$ght an! roare! its f a%e in the chi%ney' >a finishe! breaking the' 2e ca%e near to To%' 7Casy3he was a goo! %an' What4! he wanta %ess with that st$ff for67 To% sai! !$ y& 7They co%e to work for fi4 cents a bo.'7 7That4s what we4re a*gettin4'7 79eah' What we was a*!oin4 was breakin4 strike' They gi#e the% fe as two an4 a ha f cents'7 79o$ can4t eat on that'7 7) know&7 To% sai! weari y' 7That4s why they str$ck' We & ) think they b$st the strike as4 night' We4 %aybe be gettin4 two an4 a ha f cents to!ay'7 7Why& the sons*a*bitches37 79eah= >a' 9o$ see6 Casy was sti a3goo! %an' Go!!a%n it& ) can4t get that pitcher o$ta %y hea!' 2i% ayin4 there3hea! :$s4 cr$she! f at an4 oo5in4' Jes$s=7 2e co#ere! his eyes with his han!' 7We & what we gonna !o67 <nc e John aske!' A was stan!ing $p now' 7We & by Go!& ) know what )4% gonna !o' )4% gonna get o$t of it'7 70o& yo$ ain4t& A &7 To% sai!' 7We nee! yo$ now' )4% the one' )4% a !anger now' Soon4s ) get on %y feet ) got to go'7 "a worke! at the sto#e' 2er hea! was ha f t$rne! to hear' She p$t grease in the frying pan& an! when it whispere! with heat& she spoone! the !o$gh into it' To% went on& 79o$ got to stay& A ' 9o$ got to take care a the tr$ck'7 7We & ) !on4 ike it'7

7Can4t he p it& A ' )t4s yo$r fo ks' 9o$ can he p 4e%' )4% a !anger to 4e%'7 A gr$%b e! angri y' 7) !on4 know why ) ain4t et to get %e a :ob in a garage'7 7Later& %aybe'7 To% ooke! past hi%& an! he saw Rose of Sharon ying on the %attress' 2er eyes were h$ge3opene! wi!e' 71on4t worry&7 he ca e! to her' 71on4t yo$ worry' Gonna get yo$ so%e %i k to!ay'7 She b inke! s ow y& an! !i!n4t answer hi%' >a sai!& 7We got to know& To%' Think ya ki e! this fe a67 7) !on4 know' )t was !ark' An4 so%ebo!y s%acke! %e' ) !on4 know' ) hope so' ) hope ) ki e! the bastar!'7 7To%=7 "a ca e!' 71on4 ta k ike that'7 8ro% the street ca%e the so$n! of %any cars %o#ing s ow y' >a steppe! to the win!ow an! ooke! o$t' 7They4s a who e s ew a new peop e co%in4 in&7 he sai!' 7) g$ess they b$st the strike awright&7 sai! To%' 7) g$ess yo$4 start at two an4 a ha f cents'7 7/$t a fe a co$ ! work at a r$n& an4 sti he co$ !n4 eat'7 7) know&7 sai! To%' 7,at win4fa peaches' That4 keep ya $p'7 "a t$rne! the !o$gh an! stirre! the coffee' 7Listen to %e&7 she sai!' 7)4% gettin4 corn%ea to!ay' We4re a*gonna eat corn%ea %$sh' An4 soon4s we get eno$gh for gas& we4re %o#in4 away' This ain4t a goo! p ace' An4 ) ain4t gonna ha#e To% o$t a one' 0o& sir'7 79a can4t !o that& "a' ) te yo$ )4% :$s4 a !anger to ya'7 2er chin was set' 7That4s what we4 !o' 2ere& co%e eat this here& an4 then get o$t to work' )4 co%e o$t soon4s ) get washe! $p' We got to %ake so%e %oney'7 They ate the frie! !o$gh so hot that it si55 e! in their %o$ths' An! they tosse! the coffee !own an! fi e! their c$ps an! !rank %ore coffee' <nc e John shook his hea! o#er his p ate' 71on4t ook ike we4re a* gonna get shet of this here' ) bet it4s %y sin'7 7Oh& sh$t $p=7 >a crie!' 7We ain4t got ti%e for yo$r sin now' Co%e on now' Le4s get o$t to her' ?i!s& yo$ co%e he4p' "a4s right' We got to go o$ta here'7

When they were gone& "a took a p ate an! a c$p to To%' 7/etter eat a itt e so%epin'7 7) can4t& "a' )4% so !arn sore ) co$ !n4 chew'7 79o$ better try'7 70o& ) can4t& "a'7 She sat !own on the e!ge of his %attress' 79o$ got to te %e&7 she sai!' 7) got to figger how it was' ) got to keep straight' What was Casy a* !oin46 Why4! they ki 4i%67 72e was :$s4 stan!in4 there with the ights on 4i%'7 7What4! he say6 Can ya 4%e%ber what he says67 To% sai!& 7S$re' Casy sai!& 49o$ got no right to star#e peop e'4 An4 then this hea#y fe a ca e! hi% a re! son*of*a*bitch' An4 Casy says& 49o$ !on4 know what yo$4re a*!oin4'4 An4 then this g$y s%ashe! 4i%'7 "a ooke! !own' She twiste! her han!s together' 7Tha4s what he sai! 349o$ !on4 know what yo$4re !oin467 79eah=7 "a sai!& 7) wisht Gran%a co$ ! a hear!'7 7"a3) !i!n4 know what ) was a*!oin4& no %ore4n when yo$ take a breath' ) !i!n4 e#en know ) was gonna !o it'7 7)t4s awright' ) wisht yo$ !i!n4 !o it' ) wisht yo$ wasn4 there' /$t yo$ !one what yo$ ha! to !o' ) can4t rea! no fa$ t on yo$'7 She went to the sto#e an! !ippe! a c oth in the heating !ishwater' 72ere&7 she sai!' 7>$t that there on yo$r face'7 2e ai! the war% c oth o#er his nose an! cheek& an! wince! at the heat' 7"a& )4% a*gonna go away tonight' ) can4t go p$ttin4 this on yo$ fo ks'7 "a sai! angri y& 7To%= They4s a who e ot ) !on4 $n4erstan4' /$t goin4 away ain4t gonna ease $s' )t4s gonna bear $s !own'7 An! she went on& 7They was the ti%e when we was on the an4' They was a bo$n!ary to $s then' O 4 fo ks !ie! off& an4 itt e fe as co%e& an4 we was a ways one thing 3we was the fa%b y3kin!a who e an! c ear' An4 now we ain4t c ear no %ore' ) can4t get straight' They ain4t nothin4 keeps $s c ear' A 3he4s a hankerin4 an4 a*:ibbitin4 to go off on his own' An4 <nc e John is :$s4 a* !raggin4 a ong' >a4s ost his p ace' 2e ain4t the hea! no %ore' We4re crackin4 $p& To%' There ain4t no fa%b y now' An4 Rosasharn37 She

ooke! aro$n! an! fo$n! the gir 4s wi!e eyes' 7She gonna ha#e her baby an4 they won4t be no fa%b y' ) !on4 know' ) been a*tryin4 to keep her goin4' Winfie 43what4s he gonna be& this*a*way6 Gettin4 wi !& an4 R$thie too3 ike ani%a s' Got nothin4 to tr$s4' 1on4 go& To%' Stay an4 he p'7 7O'?'&7 he sai! tire! y' 7O'?'& ) sho$ !n4& tho$gh' ) know it'7 "a went to her !ishpan an! washe! the tin p ates an! !rie! the%' 79o$ !i!n4 s eep'7 70o'7 7We & yo$ s eep' ) seen yo$r c othes was wet' )4 hang 4e% by the sto#e to !ry'7 She finishe! her work' 7)4% goin4 now' )4 pick' Rosasharn& if anybo!y co%es& To%4s sick& yo$ hear6 1on4 et nobo!y in' 9o$ hear67 Rose of Sharon no!!e!' 7We4 co%e back at noon' Get so%e s eep& To%' "aybe we can get o$ta here tonight'7 She %o#e! swift y to hi%' 7To%& yo$ ain4t gonna s ip o$t67 70o& "a'7 79o$ s$re6 9o$ won4t go67 70o& "a' )4 be here'7 7Awright' 4"e%ber& Rosasharn'7 She went o$t an! c ose! the !oor fir% y behin! her' To% ay sti 3an! then a wa#e of s eep ifte! hi% to the e!ge of $nconscio$sness an! !roppe! hi% s ow y back an! ifte! hi% again' 79o$3To%=7 72$h6 9eah=7 2e starte! awake' 2e ooke! o#er at Rose of Sharon' 2er eyes were b a5ing with resent%ent' 7What yo$ want67 79o$ ki e! a fe a=7 79eah' 0ot so o$!= 9o$ wanta ro$se so%ebo!y67 7What !a ) care67 she crie!' 7That a!y to 4 %e' She says what sin4s gonna !o' She to 4 %e' What chance ) got to ha#e a nice baby6 Connie4s gone& an4 ) ain4t gettin4 goo! foo!' ) ain4t gettin4 %i k'7 2er #oice rose hysterica y' 7An4 now yo$ ki a fe a' What chance that baby got to get bore right6 ) know3gonna be a freak3a freak= ) ne#er !one no !ancin4'7 To% got $p' 7Sh=7 he sai!' 79o$4re gonna get fo ks in here'7 7) !on4 care' )4 ha#e a freak= ) !i!n4 !ance no h$g*!ance'7 2e went near to her' 7/e ($iet'7

79o$ get away fro% %e' )t ain4t the first fe a yo$ ki e!& neither'7 2er face was growing re! with hysteria' 2er wor!s b $rre!' 7) !on4 wanta ook at yo$'7 She co#ere! her hea! with her b anket' To% hear! the choke!& s%othere! cries' 2e bit his ower ip an! st$!ie! the f oor' An! then he went to >a4s be!' <n!er the e!ge of the %attress the rif e ay& a e#er*action Winchester '3I& ong an! hea#y' To% picke! it $p an! !roppe! the e#er to see that a cartri!ge was in the cha%ber' 2e teste! the ha%%er on ha f*cock' An! then he went back to his %attress' 2e ai! the rif e on the f oor besi!e hi%& stock $p an! barre pointing !own' Rose of Sharon4s #oice thinne! to a whi%per' To% ay !own again an! co#ere! hi%se f& co#ere! his br$ise! cheek with the b anket an! %a!e a itt e t$nne to breathe thro$gh' 2e sighe!& 7Jes$s& oh& Jes$s=7 O$tsi!e a gro$p of cars went by& an! #oices so$n!e!' 72ow %any %en67 7Jes4 $s3three' Whatcha payin467 79o$ go to ho$se twenty*fi#e' 0$%ber4s right on the !oor'7 7O'?'& %ister' Whatcha payin467 7Two an! a ha f cents'7 7Why& go!!a%n it& a %an can4t %ake his !inner=7 7That4s what we4re payin4' There4s two h$n!re! %en co%ing fro% the So$th that4 be g a! to get it'7 7/$t& Jes$s& %ister=7 7Go on now' ,ither take it or go on a ong' ) got no ti%e to arg$e'7 7/$t37 7Look' ) !i!n4 set the price' )4% :$st checking yo$ in' )f yo$ want it& take it' )f yo$ !on4t& t$rn right aro$n! an! go a ong'7 7Twenty*fi#e& yo$ say67 79es& twenty*fi#e'7 TO! DO%ED ON HIS !ATTRESS' A stea thy so$n! in the roo% awakene! hi%' 2is han! crept to the rif e an! tightene! on the grip' 2e !rew back the co#ers fro% his face' Rose of Sharon was stan!ing besi!e his %attress'

7What yo$ want67 To% !e%an!e!' 79o$ s eep&7 she sai!' 79o$ :$s4 s eep off' )4 watch the !oor' They won4t nobo!y get in'7 2e st$!ie! her face for a %o%ent' 7O'?'&7 he sai!& an! he co#ere! his face with the b anket again' IN THE "EGINNING !$sk "a ca%e back to the ho$se' She pa$se! on the !oorstep an! knocke! an! sai!& 7)t4s %e&7 so that To% wo$ ! not be worrie!' She opene! the !oor an! entere!& carrying a bag' To% awakene! an! sat $p on his %attress' 2is wo$n! ha! !rie! an! tightene! so that the $nbroken skin was shiny' 2is eft eye was !rawn near y sh$t' 7Anybo!y co%e whi e we was gone67 "a aske!' 70o&7 he sai!' 70obo!y' ) see they !roppe! the price'7 72ow4! yo$ know67 7) hear! fo ks ta kin4 o$tsi!e'7 Rose of Sharon ooke! !$ y $p at "a' To% pointe! at her with his th$%b' 7She raise! he & "a' Thinks a the tro$b e is ai%e! right s%ack at her' )f )4% gonna get her $pset ike that ) o$ghta go 4 ong'7 "a t$rne! on Rose of Sharon' 7What yo$ !oin467 The gir sai! resentf$ y& 72ow4% ) gonna ha#e a nice baby with st$ff ike this67 "a sai!& 72$sh= 9o$ h$sh now' ) know how yo$4re a*fee in4& an4 ) know yo$ can4t he4p it& b$t :$s4 keep yo$r %o$th sh$t'7 She t$rne! back to To%' 71on4t pay her no %in!& To%' )t4s awf$ har!& an4 ) 4%e%ber how it is' ,#er4thing is a*shootin4 right at yo$ when yo$4re gonna ha#e a baby& an4 e#er4thing anybo!y says is a ins$ t& an4 e#er4thing against yo$' 1on4t pay no %in!' She can4t he4p it' )t4s :$s4 the way she fee s'7 7) !on4 wanta h$rt her'7 72$sh= J$s4 !on4 ta k'7 She set her bag !own on the co ! sto#e' 71i!n4 har! y %ake nothin4&7 she sai!' 7) to 4 yo$& we4re gonna get o$ta here' To%& try an4 wrass e %e so%e woo!' 0o3yo$ can4t' 2ere& we got on4y

this one bo. ef4' /reak it $p' ) to 4 the other fe as to pick $p so%e sticks on the way back' Gonna ha#e %$sh an4 a itt e s$gar on'7 To% got $p an! sta%pe! the ast bo. to s%a pieces' "a caref$ y b$i t her fire in one en! of the sto#e& conser#ing the f a%e $n!er one sto#e ho e' She fi e! a kett e with water an! p$t it o#er the f a%e' The kett e ratt e! o#er the !irect fire& ratt e! an! whee5e!' 72ow was it pickin4 to!ay67 To% aske!' "a !ippe! a c$p into her bag of corn%ea ' 7) !on4 wanta ta k abo$t it' ) was thinkin4 to!ay how they $se4 to be :okes' ) !on4 ike it& To%' We !on4 :oke no %ore' When they4s a :oke& it4s a %ean bitter :oke& an4 they ain4t no f$n in it' 8e a says to!ay& 41epression is o#er' ) seen a :ackrabbit& an4 they wasn4t nobo!y after hi%'4 An4 another fe a says& 4That ain4t the reason' Can4t affor! to ki :ackrabbits no %ore' Catch 4e% an! %i k 4e% an4 t$rn 4e% oose' One yo$ seen prob4 y gone !ry'4 That4s how ) %ean' Ain4t rea y f$nny& not f$nny ike that ti%e <nc e John con#erte! an )n:$n an4 brang hi% ho%e& an4 that )n:$n et his way c ean to the botto% of the bean bin& an4 then backs i! with <nc e John4s whisky' To%& p$t a rag with co 4 water on yo$r face'7 The !$sk !eepene!' "a ighte! the antern an! h$ng it on a nai ' She fe! the fire an! po$re! corn%ea gra!$a y into the hot water' 7Rosasharn&7 she sai!& 7can yo$ stir the %$sh67 O$tsi!e there was a patter of r$nning feet' The !oor b$rst open an! bange! against the wa ' R$thie r$she! in' 7"a=7 she crie!' 7"a' Winfie 4 got a fit=7 7Where6 Te %e=7 R$thie pante!& 7Go white an4 fe !own' ,t so %any peaches he skittere! hisse f a !ay' J$s4 fe !own' White=7 7Take %e=7 "a !e%an!e!' 7Rosasharn& yo$ watch that %$sh'7 She went o$t with R$thie' She ran hea#i y $p the street behin! the itt e gir ' Three %en wa ke! towar! her in the !$sk& an! the center %an carrie! Winfie ! in his ar%s' "a ran $p to the%' 72e4s %ine&7 she crie!' 7Gi#e 4i% to %e'7 7)4 carry 4i% for yo$& %a4a%'7 70o& here& gi#e 4i% to %e'7 She hoiste! the itt e boy an! t$rne! back+ an! then she re%e%bere! herse f' 7) s$re thank ya&7 she sai! to the %en'

7We co%e& %a4a%' The itt e fe a4s p$rty weak' Looks ike he got wor%s'7 "a h$rrie! back& an! Winfie ! was i%p an! re a.e! in her ar%s' "a carrie! hi% into the ho$se an! kne t !own an! ai! hi% on a %attress' 7Te %e' What4s the %atter67 she !e%an!e!' 2e opene! his eyes !i55i y an! shook his hea! an! c ose! his eyes again' R$thie sai!& 7) to 4 ya& "a' 2e skittere! a !ay' ,#er4 itt e whi e' ,t too %any peaches'7 "a fe t his hea!' 72e ain4t fe#ere!' /$t he4s white an! !rawe! o$t'7 To% ca%e near an! he ! the antern !own' 7) know&7 he sai!' 72e4s h$ngere!' Got no strength' Get hi% a can a %i k an4 %ake hi% !rink it' "ake 4i% take %i k on his %$sh'7 7Winfie 4&7 "a sai!' 7Te how ya fee '7 71i55y&7 sai! Winfie !& 7:$s4 a whir in4 !i55y'7 79o$ ne#er seen s$ch skitters&7 R$thie sai! i%portant y' >a an! <nc e John an! A ca%e into the ho$se' Their ar%s were f$ of sticks an! bits of br$sh' They !roppe! their oa!s by the sto#e' 70ow what67 >a !e%an!e!' 7)t4s Winfie 4' 2e nee!s so%e %i k'7 7Christ Aw%ighty= We a nee! st$ff=7 "a sai!& 72ow %$ch4! we %ake to!ay67 71o ar forty*two'7 7We & yo$ go right o#er4n get a can a %i k for Winfie 4'7 70ow why4! he ha#e to get sick67 7) !on4t know why& b$t he is' 0ow yo$ git=7 >a went gr$%b ing o$t the !oor' 79o$ stirrin4 that %$sh67 79eah'7 Rose of Sharon spee!e! $p the stirring to pro#e it' A co%p aine!& 7Go! Aw%ighty& "a= )s %$sh a we get after workin4 ti !ark67 7A & yo$ know we got to git' Take a we got for gas' 9o$ know'7 7/$t& Go! Aw%ighty& "a= A fe a nee!s %eat if he4s gonna work'7 7J$s4 yo$ sit ($iet&7 she sai!' 7We got to take the bigges4 thing an4 wh$p it f$st' An4 yo$ know what that thing is'7 To% aske!& 7)s it abo$t %e67

7We4 ta k when we4#e et&7 sai! "a' 7A & we got eno$gh gas to go a ways& ain4t we67 74/o$t a ($arter tank&7 sai! A ' 7) wisht yo$4! te %e&7 To% sai!' 7After' J$s4 wait'7 7?eep*a*stirrin4 that %$sh& yo$' 2ere& e%%e p$t on so%e coffee' 9o$ can ha#e s$gar on yo$r %$sh or in yo$r coffee' They ain4t eno$gh for both'7 >a ca%e back with one ta can of %i k' 74Le#en cents&7 he sai! !isg$ste! y' 72ere=7 "a took the can an! stabbe! it open' She et the thick strea% o$t into a c$p& an! han!e! it to To%' 7Gi#e that to Winfie 4'7 To% kne t besi!e the %attress' 72ere& !rink this'7 7) can4t' )4! sick it a $p' Lea#e %e be'7 To% stoo! $p' 72e can4t take it now& "a' Wait a itt e'7 "a took the c$p an! set it on the win!ow e!ge' 71on4t none of yo$ to$ch that&7 she warne!' 7That4s for Winfie 4'7 7) ain4t ha! no %i k&7 Rose of Sharon sai! s$ en y' 7) o$ghta ha#e so%e'7 7) know& b$t yo$4re sti on yo$r feet' This here itt e fe a4s !own' )s that %$sh goo! an4 thick67 79eah' Can4t har! y stir it no %ore'7 7Awright& e4s eat' 0ow here4s the s$gar' They4s abo$t one spoon each' 2a#e it on ya %$sh or in ya coffee'7 To% sai!& 7) kin!a ike sa t an4 pepper on %$sh'7 7Sa t her if yo$ ike&7 "a sai!' 7The pepper4s o$t'7 The were a gone' The fa%i y sat on the %attresses to eat their %$sh' They ser#e! the%se #es again an! again& $nti the pot was near y e%pty' 7Sa#e so%e for Winfie 4&7 "a sai!' Winfie ! sat $p an! !rank his %i k& an! instant y he was ra#eno$s' 2e p$t the %$sh pot between his egs an! ate what was eft an! scrape! at the cr$st on the si!es' "a po$re! the rest of the canne! %i k in a c$p an! sneake! it to Rose of Sharon to !rink secret y in a corner' She po$re! the hot b ack coffee into the c$ps an! passe! the% aro$n!' 70ow wi yo$ te what4s goin4 on67 To% aske!' 7) wanta hear'7

>a sai! $neasi y& 7) wisht R$thie an4 Winfie 4 !i!n4 hafta hear' Can4t they go o$tsi!e67 "a sai!& 70o' They got to act growe! $p& e#en if they ain4t' They4s no he p for it' R$thie3yo$ an4 Winfie 4 ain4t e#er to say what yo$ hear& e se yo$4 :$s4 break $s to pieces'7 7We won4t&7 R$thie sai!' 7We4re growe! $p'7 7We & :$s4 be ($iet& then'7 The c$ps of coffee were on the f oor' The short thick f a%e of the antern& ike a st$bby b$tterf y4s wing& cast a ye ow g oo% on the wa s' 70ow te &7 sai! To%' "a sai!& 7>a& yo$ te '7 <nc e John s$ppe! his coffee' >a sai!& 7We & they !roppe! the price ike yo$ sai!' An4 they was a who e s ew a new pickers so go!!a%n h$ngry they4! pick for a oaf a brea!' Go for a peach& an4 so%ebo!y4! get it first' Gonna get the who e crop picke! right off' 8e as r$nnin4 to a new tree' ) seen fights3one fe a c ai%s it4s his tree& 4nother fe a wants to pick off4n it' /rang these here fo ks fro% as far4s , Centro' 2$ngrier4n he ' Work a !ay for a piece a brea!' ) says to the checker& 4We can4t work for two an4 a ha f cents a bo.&4 an4 he says& 4Go on& then& ($it' These fe as can'4 ) says& 4Soon4s they get fe! $p they won4t'4 An4 he says& 42e & we4 ha#e these here peaches in 4fore they get fe! $p'47 >a stoppe!' 7She was a !e#i &7 sai! <nc e John' 7They say they4s two h$n!er! %ore %en co%in4 in tonight'7 To% sai!& 79eah= /$t how abo$t the other67 >a was si ent for a whi e' 7To%&7 he sai!& 7 ooks ike yo$ !one it'7 7) kin!a tho$ght so' Co$ !n4 see' 8e t ike it'7 7See%s ike the peop e ain4t ta kin4 4bo$t %$ch e se&7 sai! <nc e John' 7They got posses o$t& an4 they4s fe as ta kin4 $p a ynchin434co$rse when they catch the fe a'7 To% ooke! o#er at the wi!e*eye! chi !ren' They se !o% b inke! their eyes' )t was as tho$gh they were afrai! so%ething %ight happen in the sp it secon! of !arkness' To% sai!& 7We 3this fe a that !one it& he on4y !one it after they ki e! Casy'7 >a interr$pte!& 7That ain4t the way they4re te in4 it now' They4re sayin4 he !one it f$st'7

To%4s breath sighe! o$t& 7Ah*h=7 7They4re workin4 $p a fee in4 against $s fo ks' That4s what ) hear!' A the% !r$%*corpse fe as an4 o!ges an4 a that' Say they4re gonna get this here fe a'7 7They know what he ooks ike67 To% aske!' 7We 3not e.act y3b$t the way ) hear! it& they think he got hit' They think3he4 ha#e37 To% p$t his han! $p s ow y an! to$che! his br$ise! cheek' "a crie!& 7)t ain4t so& what they say=7 7,asy& "a&7 To% sai!' 7They got it co !' Anything the% !r$%*corpse fe as say is right if it4s against $s'7 "a peere! thro$gh the i ight& an! she watche! To%4s face& an! partic$ ar y his ips' 79o$ pro%ise!&7 she sai!' 7"a& )3%aybe this fe a o$ghta go away' )f3this fe a !one so%epin wrong& %aybe he4! think& 4O'?' Le4s get the hangin4 o#er' ) !one wrong an4 ) got to take it'4 /$t this fe a !i!n4 !o nothin4 wrong' 2e !on4 fee no worse4n if he ki e! a sk$nk'7 R$thie broke in& 7"a& %e an4 Winfie 4 knows' 2e !on4 ha#e to go this* fe a4in4 for $s'7 To% ch$ck e!' 7We & this fe a !on4 want no hangin4& 4ca$se he4! !o it again' An4 sa%e ti%e& he !on4t ai% to bring tro$b e !own on his fo ks' "a3) got to go'7 "a co#ere! her %o$th with her fingers an! co$ghe! to c ear her throat' 79o$ can4t&7 she sai!' 7They wo$ !n4 be no way to hi!e o$t' 9o$ co$ !n4 tr$s4 nobo!y' /$t yo$ can tr$s4 $s' We can hi!e yo$& an4 we can see yo$ get to eat whi e yo$r face gets we '7 7/$t& "a37 She got to her feet' 79o$ ain4t goin4' We4re a*takin4 yo$' A & yo$ back the tr$ck against the !oor' 0ow& ) got it figgere! o$t' We4 p$t one %attress on the botto%& an4 then To% gets ($ick there& an4 we take another %attress an4 sort of fo ! it so it %akes a ca#e& an4 he4s in the ca#e+ an! then we sort of wa it in' 2e can breathe o$t the en!& ya see' 1on4t arg$e' That4s what we4 !o'7 >a co%p aine!& 7See%s ike the %an ain4t got no say no %ore' She4s :$s4 a he er' Co%e ti%e we get sett e! !own& )4% a*gonna s%ack her'7

7Co%e that ti%e& yo$ can&7 sai! "a' 7Ro$st $p& A ' )t4s !ark eno$gh'7 A went o$tsi!e to the tr$ck' 2e st$!ie! the %atter an! backe! $p near the steps' "a sai!& 7H$ick now' Git that %attress in=7 >a an! <nc e John f $ng it o#er the en! gate' 70ow that one'7 They tosse! the secon! %attress $p' 70ow3To%& yo$ :$%p $p there an4 git $n!er' 2$rry $p'7 To% c i%be! ($ick y& an! !roppe!' 2e straightene! one %attress an! p$ e! the secon! on top of hi%' >a bent it $pwar!s& stoo! it si!es $p& so that the arch co#ere! To%' 2e co$ ! see o$t between the si!e*boar!s of the tr$ck' >a an! A an! <nc e John oa!e! ($ick y& pi e! the b ankets on top of To%4s ca#e& stoo! the b$ckets against the si!es& sprea! the ast %attress behin!' >ots an! pans& e.tra c othes& went in oose& for their ha! been b$rne!' They were near y finishe! oa!ing when a g$ar! %o#e! near& carrying his shotg$n across his crooke! ar%' 7What4s goin4 on here67 he aske!' 7We4re goin4 o$t&7 sai! >a' 7What for67 7We 3we got a :ob offere!3goo! :ob'7 79eah6 Where4s it at67 7Why3!own by Wee!patch'7 7Let4s ha#e a ook at yo$'7 2e t$rne! a f ash ight in >a4s face& in <nc e John4s& an! in A 4s' 7Wasn4t there another fe a with yo$67 A sai!& 79o$ %ean that hitch*hiker6 Litt e short fe a with a pa e face67 79eah' ) g$ess that4s what he ooke! ike'7 7We :$s4 picke! hi% $p on the way in' 2e went away this %ornin4 when the rate !roppe!'7 7What !i! he ook ike again67 7Short fe a' >a e face'7 7Was he br$ise! $p this %ornin467 7) !i!n4 see nothin4&7 sai! A ' 7)s the gas p$%p open67 79eah& ti eight'7 7Git in&7 A crie!' 7)f we4re gonna get to Wee!patch 4fore %ornin4 we gotta ra% on' Gettin4 in front& "a67

70o& )4 set in back&7 she sai!' 7>a& yo$ set back here too' Let Rosasharn set in front with A 4 an4 <nc e John'7 7Gi#e %e the work s ip& >a&7 sai! A ' 7)4 get gas an4 change if ) can'7 The g$ar! watche! the% p$ a ong the street an! t$rn eft to the gaso ine p$%ps' 7>$t in two&7 sai! A ' 79o$ ain4t goin4 far'7 70o& not far' Can ) get change on this here work s ip67 7We 3) ain4t s$ppose! to'7 7Look& %ister&7 A sai!' 7We got a goo! :ob offere! if we get there tonight' )f we !on4t& we %iss o$t' /e a goo! fe a'7 7We & O'?' 9o$ sign her o#er to %e'7 A got o$t an! wa ke! aro$n! the nose of the 2$!son' 7S$re ) wi &7 he sai!' 2e $nscrewe! the water cap an! fi e! the ra!iator' 7Two& yo$ say67 79eah& two'7 7Which way yo$ goin467 7So$th' We got a :ob'7 79eah6 Jobs is scarce3reg4 ar :obs'7 7We got a frien4&7 A sai!' 7Job4s a waitin4 for $s' We & so ong'7 The tr$ck sw$ng aro$n! an! b$%pe! o#er the !irt street into the roa!' The feeb e hea! ight :igg e! o#er the way& an! the right hea! ight b inke! on an! off fro% a ba! connection' At e#ery :o t the oose pots an! pans in the tr$ck*be! :ang e! an! crashe!' Rose of Sharon %oane! soft y' 78ee ba!67 <nc e John aske!' 79eah= 8ee ba! a a ti%e' Wisht ) co$ ! set sti in a nice p ace' Wisht we was ho%e an4 ne#er co%e' Connie wo$ !n4 a went away if we was ho%e' 2e wo$ ! a st$!ie! $p an4 got so%ep ace'7 0either A nor <nc e John answere! her' They were e%barrasse! abo$t Connie' At the white painte! gate to the ranch a g$ar! ca%e to the si!e of the tr$ck' 7Goin4 o$t for goo!67 79eah&7 sai! A ' 7Goin4 north' Got a :ob'7 The g$ar! t$rne! his f ash ight on the tr$ck& t$rne! it $p into the tent' "a an! >a ooke! stoni y !own into the g are' 7O'?'7 The g$ar! sw$ng

the gate open' The tr$ck t$rne! eft an! %o#e! towar! 1B1& the great north*so$th highway' 7?now where we4re a*goin467 <nc e John aske!' 70o&7 sai! A ' 7J$s4 goin4& an4 gettin4 go!!a%n sick of it'7 7) ain4t so t$r4b e far fro% %y ti%e&7 Rose of Sharon sai! threatening y' 7They better be a nice p ace for %e'7 The night air was co ! with the first sting of frost' /esi!e the roa! the ea#es were beginning to !rop fro% the fr$it trees' On the oa!& "a sat with her back against the tr$ck si!e& an! >a sat opposite& facing her' "a ca e!& 79o$ a right& To%67 2is %$ff e! #oice ca%e back& 7?in!a tight in here' We a thro$gh the ranch67 79o$ be caref$ &7 sai! "a' 7"ight git stoppe!'7 To% ifte! $p one si!e of his ca#e' )n the !i%ness of the tr$ck the pots :ang e!' 7) can p$ her !own ($ick'7 he sai!' 74Si!es& ) !on4 ike gettin4 trappe! in here'7 2e reste! $p on his e bow' 7/y Go!& she4s gettin4 co !& ain4t she67 7They4s c o$!s $p&7 sai! >a' 78e a says it4s gonna be an ear y winter'7 7S($irre s a*b$i !in4 high& or grass see!s67 To% aske!' 7/y Go!& yo$ can te weather fro% anythin4' ) bet yo$ co$ ! fin! a fe a co$ ! te weather fro% a o ! pair of $n!er!rawers'7 7) !$nno&7 >a sai!' 7See%s ike it4s gittin4 on winter to %e' 8e a4! ha#e to i#e here a ong ti%e to know'7 7Which way we a*goin467 To% aske!' 7) !$nno' A & he t$rne! off ef4' See%s ike he4s goin4 back the way we co%e'7 To% sai!& 7) can4t figger what4s best' See%s ike if we get on the %ain highway they4 be %ore cops' With %y face this*a*way& they4! pick %e right $p' "aybe we o$ghta keep to back roa!s'7 "a sai!& 72a%%er on the back' Get A to stop'7 To% po$n!e! the front boar! with his fist+ the tr$ck p$ e! to a stop on the si!e of the roa!' A got o$t an! wa ke! to the back' R$thie an! Winfie ! peeke! o$t fro% $n!er their b anket' 7What ya want67 A !e%an!e!'

"a sai!& 7We got to figger what to !o' "aybe we better keep on the back roa!s' To% says so'7 7)t4s %y face&7 To% a!!e!' 7Anybo!y4! know' Any cop4! know %e'7 7We & which way yo$ wanta go6 ) figgere! north' We been so$th'7 79eah&7 sai! To%& 7b$t keep on back roa!s'7 A aske!& 72ow 4bo$t p$ in4 off an4 catchin4 so%e s eep& goin4 on to%orra67 "a sai! ($ick y' 70ot yet' Le4s get so%e !istance f$st'7 7O'?'7 A got back in his seat an! !ro#e on' R$thie an! Winfie ! co#ere! $p their hea!s again' "a ca e!& 7)s Winfie 4 a right67 7S$re& he4s awright&7 R$thie sai!' 72e been s eepin4'7 "a eane! back against the tr$ck si!e' 7Gi#es ya a f$nny fee in4 to be h$nte! ike' )4% gittin4 %ean'7 7,#er4bo!y4s gittin4 %ean&7 sai! >a' 7,#er4bo!y' 9o$ seen that fight to!ay' 8e a changes' 1own that go#4%ent ca%p we wasn4 %ean'7 A t$rne! right on a gra#e e! roa!& an! the ye ow ights sh$!!ere! o#er the gro$n!' The fr$it trees were gone now& an! cotton p ants took their p ace' They !ro#e on for twenty %i es thro$gh the cotton& t$rning& ang ing on the co$ntry roa!s' The roa! para e e! a b$shy creek an! t$rne! o#er a concrete bri!ge an! fo owe! the strea% on the other si!e' An! then& on the e!ge of the creek the ights showe! a ong ine of re! whee ess+ an! a big sign on the e!ge of the roa! sai!& 7Cotton >ickers Wante!'7 A s owe! !own' To% peere! between the si!e*bars of the tr$ck' A ($arter of a %i e past the To% ha%%ere! on the car again' A stoppe! besi!e the roa! an! got o$t again' 70ow what ya want67 7Sh$t off the engine an4 c i%b $p here&7 To% sai!' A got into the seat& !ro#e off into the !itch& c$t ights an! engine' 2e c i%be! o#er the tai gate' 7Awright&7 he sai!' To% craw e! o#er the pots an! kne t in front of "a' 7Look&7 he sai!' 7)t says they want cotton pickers' ) seen that sign' 0ow ) been tryin4 to figger how )4% gonna stay with yo$& an4 not %ake no tro$b e' When %y face gets we & %aybe it4 be awright& b$t not now' 9a see the% cars back

there' We & the pickers i#e in the%' 0ow %aybe they4s work there' 2ow abo$t if yo$ get work there an4 i#e in one of the% cars67 72ow 4bo$t yo$67 "a !e%an!e!' 7We & yo$ seen that crick& a f$ a br$sh' We & ) co$ ! hi!e in that br$sh an4 keep o$ta sight' An4 at night yo$ co$ ! bring %e o$t so%epin to eat' ) seen a c$ #ert& itt e ways back' ) co$ ! %aybe s eep in there'7 >a sai!& 7/y Go!& )4! ike to get %y han!s on so%e cotton= There4s work ) $n4erstan4'7 7The% cars %ight be a p$rty p ace to stay&7 sai! "a' 70ice an4 !ry' 9o$ think they4s eno$gh br$sh to hi!e in& To%67 7S$re' ) been watchin4' ) co$ ! fi. $p a itt e p ace& hi!e away' Soon4s %y face gets we & )4! co%e o$t'7 79o$ gonna scar p$rty ba!&7 sai! "a' 72e = ,#er4bo!y4s got scars'7 7) picke! fo$r h$n!er! po$n4s oncet&7 >a sai!' 74Co$rse it was a goo! hea#y crop' )f we a pick& we co$ ! get so%e %oney'7 7Co$ ! get so%e %eat&7 sai! A ' 7What4 we !o right now67 7Go back there& an4 s eep in the tr$ck ti %ornin4&7 >a sai!' 7Git work in the %ornin4' ) can see the% bo s e#en in the !ark'7 72ow 4bo$t To%67 "a aske!' 70ow yo$ :$s4 forget %e& "a' )4 take %e a b anket' 9o$ ook o$t on the way back' They4s a nice c$ #ert' 9o$ can bring %e so%e brea! or potatoes& or %$sh& an4 :$st ea#e it there' )4 co%e get it'7 7We =7 7See%s ike goo! sense to %e&7 sai! >a' 7)t is goo! sense&7 To% insiste!' 7Soon4s %y face gets a itt e better& why )4 co%e o$t an4 go to pickin4'7 7We & awright&7 "a agree!' 7/$t !on4 yo$ take no chancet' 1on4 et nobo!y see yo$ for a whi e'7 To% craw e! to the back of the tr$ck' 7)4 :$s4 take this here b anket' 9o$ ook for that c$ #ert on the way back& "a'7 7Take care&7 she begge!' 79o$ take care'7 7S$re&7 sai! To%' 7S$re ) wi '7 2e c i%be! the tai boar!& steppe! !own the bank' 7Goo! night&7 he sai!'

"a watche! his fig$re b $r with the night an! !isappear into the b$shes besi!e the strea%' 71ear Jes$s& ) hope it4s awright&7 she sai!' A aske!& 79o$ want ) sho$ ! go back now67 79eah&7 sai! >a' 7Go s ow&7 sai! "a' 7) wanta be s$re an4 see that c$ #ert he sai! abo$t' ) got to see that'7 A backe! an! fi e! on the narrow roa!& $nti he ha! re#erse! his !irection' 2e !ro#e s ow y back to the ine of' The tr$ck ights showe! the cat*wa ks $p to the wi!e car !oors' The !oors were !ark' 0o one %o#e! in the night' A sh$t off his ights' 79o$ an! <nc e John c i%b $p back&7 he sai! to Rose of Sharon' 7)4 s eep in the seat here'7 <nc e John he pe! the hea#y gir to c i%b $p o#er the tai boar!' "a pi e! the pots in a s%a space' The fa%i y ay we!ge! c ose together in the back of the tr$ck' A baby crie!& in ong :erking cack es& in one of the' A !og trotte! o$t& sniffing an! snorting& an! %o#e! s ow y aro$n! the Joa! tr$ck' The tink e of %o#ing water ca%e fro% the strea%be!' 27 COTTON PICKERS WANTED3p acar!s on the roa!& han!bi s o$t& orange*co ore! han!bi s3Cotton >ickers Wante!' 2ere& $p this roa!& it says' The !ark green p ants stringy now& an! the hea#y bo s c $tche! in the po!' White cotton spi ing o$t ike popcorn' Like to get o$r han!s on the bo s' Ten!er y& with the fingertips' )4% a goo! picker' 2ere4s the %an& right here' ) ai% to pick so%e cotton' Got a bag6 We & no& ) ain4t' Cost ya a !o ar& the bag' Take it o$t o4 yo$r first h$n!er! an! fifty' ,ighty cents a h$n!er! first ti%e o#er the fie !' 0inety cents secon!

ti%e o#er' Get yo$r bag there' One !o ar' 48 yo$ ain4t got the b$ck& we4 take it o$t of yo$r first h$n!er! an! fifty' That4s fair& an! yo$ know it' S$re it4s fair' Goo! cotton bag& ast a season' An4 when she4s wore o$t& !raggin4& t$rn 4er aro$n4& $se the other en!' Sew $p the open en!' Open $p the wore en!' An! when both en!s is gone& why& that4s nice c oth= "akes a nice pair a s$%%er !rawers' "akes nightshirts' An! we & he 3 a cotton bag4s a nice thing' 2ang it aro$n! yo$r waist' Stra!! e it& !rag it between yo$r egs' She !rags ight at first' An! yo$r fingertips pick o$t the f $ff& an! the han!s go twisting into the sack between yo$r egs' ?i!s co%e a ong behin!+ got no bags for the ki!s3$se a g$nny sack or p$t it in yo$r o 4 %an4s bag' She hangs hea#y& so%e& now' Lean forwar!& hoist 4er a ong' )4% a goo! han! with cotton' 8inger*wise& bo *wise' Jes4 %o#e a ong ta kin4& an4 %aybe singin4 ti the bag gets hea#y' 8ingers go right to it' 8ingers know' ,yes see the work3an! !on4t see it' Ta kin4 across the rows3 They was a a!y back ho%e& won4t %ention no na%es3ha! a nigger ki! a of a s$!!en' 0obo!y knowe! before' 0e#er !i! h$nt o$t the nigger' Co$ !n4 ne#er ho ! $p her hea! no %ore' /$t ) starte! to te 3 she was a goo! picker' 0ow the bag is hea#y& boost it a ong' Set yo$r hips an! tow it a ong& ike a work horse' An! the ki!s pickin4 into the o ! %an4s sack' Goo! crop here' Gets thin in the ow p aces& thin an! stringy' 0e#er seen no cotton ike this here Ca ifornia cotton' Long fiber& bes4 !a%n cotton ) e#er seen' Spoi the an4 pretty soon' Like a fe a wants to b$y so%e cotton an431on4 b$y her& rent her' Then when she4s cottone! on !own& %o#e so%ep ace new' Lines of peop e %o#ing across the fie !s' 8ingerwise' )n($isiti#e fingers snick in an! o$t an! fin! the bo s' 2ar! y ha#e to ook' /et ) co$ ! pick cotton if ) was b in!' Got a fee in4 for a cotton bo ' >ick c ean& c ean as a whist e' Sack4s f$ now' Take her to the sca es' Arg$e' Sca e %an says yo$ got rocks to %ake weight' 2ow 4bo$t hi%6 2is sca es is fi.e!' So%eti%es he4s right& yo$ got rocks in the sack' So%eti%es yo$4re right& the sca es is crooke!' So%eti%es both+ rocks an4 crooke! sca es' A ways arg$e&

a ways fight' ?eeps yo$r hea! $p' An4 his hea! $p' What4s a few rocks6 J$s4 one& %aybe' H$arter po$n!6 A ways arg$e' /ack with the e%pty sack' Got o$r own book' "ark in the weight' Got to' )f they know yo$4re %arkin4& then they !on4t cheat' /$t Go! he4p ya if ya !on4 keep yo$r own weight' This is goo! work' ?i!s r$nnin4 aro$n4' 2ear! 4bo$t the cotton*pickin4 %achine6 9eah& ) hear!' Think it4 e#er co%e6 We & if it co%es3fe a says it4 p$t han4 pickin4 o$t' Co%e night' A tire!' Goo! pickin4& tho$gh' Got three !o ars& %e an4 the o 4 wo%an an4 the ki!s' The cars %o#e to the cotton fie !s' The cotton ca%ps set $p' The screene! high tr$cks an! trai ers are pi e! high with white f $ff' Cotton c ings to the fence wires& an! cotton ro s in itt e ba s a ong the roa! when the win! b ows' An! c ean white cotton& going to the gin' An! the big& $%py ba es stan!ing& going to the co%press' An! cotton c inging to yo$r c othes an! st$ck to yo$r whiskers' / ow yo$r nose& there4s cotton in yo$r nose' 2$nch a ong now& fi $p the bag 4fore !ark' Wise fingers seeking in the bo s' 2ips h$nching a ong& !ragging the bag' ?i!s are tire! now& in the e#enin4' They trip o#er their feet in the c$ ti#ate! earth' An! the s$n is going !own' Wisht it wo$ ! ast' )t ain4t %$ch %oney& Go! knows& b$t ) wisht it wo$ ! ast' On the highway the o ! cars pi ing in& !rawn by the han!bi s' Got a cotton bag6 0o' Cost ya a !o ar& then' )f they was on4y fifty of $s& we co$ ! stay awhi e& b$t they4s fi#e h$n!er!' She won4t ast har! y at a ' ) knowe! a fe a ne#er !i! git his bag pai! o$t' ,#er4 :ob he got a new bag& an4 e#er4 fie 4 was !one 4fore he got his weight'

Try for Go!4s sake ta sa#e a itt e %oney= Winter4s co%in4 fast' They ain4t no work at a in Ca ifornia in the winter' 8i $p the bag 4fore it4s !ark' ) seen that fe a p$t two c o!s in' We & he ' Why not6 )4% :$s4 ba ancin4 the crooke! sca es' 0ow here4s %y book& three h$n!er! an4 twe #e po$n4s' Right= Jes$s& he ne#er arg$e!= 2is sca es %$s4 be crooke!' We & that4s a nice !ay anyways' They say a tho$san4 %en are on their way to this fie !' We4 be fightin4 for a row to%orra' We4 be snatchin4 cotton& ($ick' Cotton >ickers Wante!' "ore %en picking& ($icker to the gin' 0ow into the cotton ca%p' Si!e*%eat tonight& by Go!= We got %oney for si!e*%eat= Stick o$t a han4 to the itt e fe a& he4s wore o$t' R$n in ahea! an4 git $s fo$r po$n4 of si!e*%eat' The o 4 wo%an4 %ake so%e nice bisc$its tonight& ef she ain4t too tire!' 28 THE "O&CARS# TWELVE of the%& stoo! en! to en! on a itt e f at besi!e the strea%' There were two rows of si. each& the whee s re%o#e!' <p to the big s i!ing !oors s atte! p anks ran for cat*wa ks' They %a!e goo! ho$ses& water*tight an! !raft ess& roo% for twenty*fo$r fa%i ies& one fa%i y in each en! of each car' 0o win!ows& b$t the wi!e !oors stoo! open' )n so%e of the cars a can#as h$ng !own in the center of the car& whi e in others on y the position of the !oor %a!e the bo$n!ary' The Joa!s ha! one en! of an en! car' So%e pre#io$s occ$pant ha! fitte! $p an oi can with a sto#epipe& ha! %a!e a ho e in the wa for the sto#epipe' ,#en with the wi!e !oor open& it was !ark in the en!s of the car' "a h$ng the tarpa$ in across the %i!! e of the car' 7)t4s nice&7 she sai!' 7)t4s a %ost nicer than anything we ha! 4cept the go#4%ent ca%p'7 ,ach night she $nro e! the %attresses on the f oor& an! each %orning ro e! the% $p again' An! e#ery !ay they went into the fie !s an! picke!

the cotton& an! e#ery night they ha! %eat' On a Sat$r!ay they !ro#e into T$ are& an! they bo$ght a tin sto#e an! new o#era s for A an! >a an! Winfie ! an! <nc e John& an! they bo$ght a !ress for "a an! ga#e "a4s best !ress to Rose of Sharon' 7She4s so big&7 "a sai!' 7J$s4 a waste of goo! %oney to get her a new !ress now'7 The Joa!s ha! been $cky' They got in ear y eno$gh to ha#e a p ace in the' 0ow the tents of the ate*co%ers fi e! the itt e f at& an! those who ha! the were o !*ti%ers& an! in a way aristocrats' The narrow strea% s ippe! by& o$t of the wi ows& an! back into the wi ows again' 8ro% each car a har!*beaten path went !own to the strea%' /etween the cars the c othes ines h$ng& an! e#ery !ay the ines were co#ere! with !rying c othes' )n the e#ening they wa ke! back fro% the fie !s& carrying their fo !e! cotton bags $n!er their ar%s' They went into the store which stoo! at the crossroa!s& an! there were %any pickers in the store& b$ying their s$pp ies' 72ow %$ch to!ay67 7We4re !oin4 fine' We %a!e three an! a ha f to!ay' Wisht she4! keep $p' The% ki!s is gettin4 to be goo! pickers' "a4s worke! 4e% $p a itt e bag for each' They co$ !n4 tow a growe!*$p bag' 1$%p into o$rs' "a!e bags o$ta a co$p e o ! shirts' Work fine'7 An! "a went to the %eat co$nter& her forefinger presse! against her ips& b owing on her finger& thinking !eep y&' 7"ight get so%e pork chops&7 she sai!' 72ow %$ch67 7Thirty cents a po$n!& %a4a%'7 7We & e%%e ha#e three po$n4s' An4 a nice piece a boi in4 beef' "y gir can cook it to%orra' An4 a bott e a %i k for %y gir ' She !otes on %i k' Gonna ha#e a baby' 0$rse* a!y to 4 her to eat ots a %i k' 0ow& e4s see& we got potatoes'7 >a ca%e c ose& carrying a can of sir$p in his han!s' 7"ight get this here&7 he sai!' 7"ight ha#e so%e hotcakes'7 "a frowne!' 7We 3we & yes' 2ere& we4 take this here' 0ow3we got p enty ar!'7

R$thie ca%e near& in her han!s two arge of Cracker Jack& in her eyes a broo!ing ($estion& which on a no! or a shake of "a4s hea! %ight beco%e trage!y or :oyo$s e.cite%ent' 7"a67 She he ! $p the :erke! the% $p an! !own to %ake the% attracti#e' 70ow yo$ p$t the% back37 The trage!y began to for% in R$thie4s eyes' >a sai!& 7They4re on4y a nicke apiece' The% itt e fe as worke! goo! to!ay'7 7We 37 The e.cite%ent began to stea into R$thie4s eyes' 7Awright'7 R$thie t$rne! an! f e!' 2a fway to the !oor she ca$ght Winfie ! an! r$she! hi% o$t the !oor& into the e#ening' <nc e John fingere! a pair of can#as g o#es with ye ow eather pa %s& trie! the% on an! took the% off an! ai! the% !own' 2e %o#e! gra!$a y to the i($or she #es& an! he stoo! st$!ying the abe s on the bott es' "a saw hi%& 7>a&7 she sai!& an! %otione! with her hea! towar! <nc e John' >a o$nge! o#er to hi%' 7Gettin4 thirsty& John67 70o& ) ain4t'7 7J$s4 wait ti cotton4s !one&7 sai! >a' 7Then yo$ can go on a he of a !r$nk'7 74Tain4t sweatin4 %e none&7 <nc e John sai!' 7)4% workin4 har! an4 s eepin4 goo!' 0o !rea%s nor nothin4'7 7J$s4 seen yo$ sort of !roo in4 o$t at the% bott es'7 7) !i!n4 har! y see 4e%' 8$nny thing' ) wanta b$y st$ff' St$ff ) !on4t nee!' Like to git one a the% safety ra5ors' Tho$ght )4! ike to ha#e so%e a the% g o#es o#er there' Awf$ cheap'7 7Can4t pick no cotton with g o#es&7 sai! >a' 7) know that' An4 ) !on4t nee! no safety ra5or& neither' St$ff settin4 o$t there& yo$ :$s4 fee ike b$yin4 it whether yo$ nee! it or not'7 "a ca e!& 7Co%e on' We got e#er4thing'7 She carrie! a bag' <nc e John an! >a each took a package' O$tsi!e R$thie an! Winfie ! were waiting& their eyes straine!& their cheeks p$ffe! an! f$ of Cracker Jack' 7Won4t eat no s$pper& ) bet&7 "a sai!' >eop e strea%e! towar! the ca%p' The tents were ighte!' S%oke po$re! fro% the sto#epipes' The Joa!s c i%be! $p their cat*wa k an! into their en! of the' Rose of Sharon sat on a bo. besi!e the

sto#e' She ha! a fire starte!& an! the tin sto#e was wine*co ore! with heat' 71i! ya get %i k67 she !e%an!e!' 79eah' Right here'7 7Gi#e it to %e' ) ain4t ha! any sence noon'7 7She thinks it4s ike %e!icine'7 7That n$rse* a!y says so'7 79o$ got potatoes rea!y67 7Right there3pee e!'7 7We4 fry 4e%&7 sai! "a' 7Got pork chops' C$t $p the% potatoes in the new fry pan' An! th4ow in a onion' 9o$ fe as go o$t an4 wash& an4 bring in a b$cket a water' Where4s R$thie an4 Winfie 46 They o$ghta wash' They each got Cracker Jack&7 "a to ! Rose of Sharon' 7,ach got a who e bo.'7 The %en went o$t to wash in the strea%' Rose of Sharon s ice! the potatoes into the frying pan an! stirre! the% abo$t with the knife point' S$!!en y the tarpa$ in was thr$st asi!e' A sto$t perspiring face ooke! in fro% the other en! of the car' 72ow4! yo$ a %ake o$t& "is4 Joa!67 "a sw$ng aro$n!' 7Why& e#enin4& "is4 Wainwright' We !one goo!' Three an4 a ha f' Three fifty*se#en& e.act'7 7We !one fo$r !o ars'7 7We &7 sai! "a' 74Co$rse they4s %ore of yo$'7 79eah' Jonas is growin4 $p' 2a#in4 pork chops& ) see'7 Winfie ! crept in thro$gh the !oor' 7"a=7 72$sh a %in$te' 9es& %y %en :$s4 o#es pork chops'7 7)4% cookin4 bacon&7 sai! "rs' Wainwright' 7Can yo$ s%e it cookin467 70o3can4t s%e it o#er these here onions in the potatoes'7 7She4s b$rnin4=7 "rs' Wainwright crie!& an! her hea! :erke! back' 7"a&7 Winfie ! sai!' 7What6 9o$ sick fro% Cracker Jack67 7"a3R$thie to 4'7 7To 4 what67 74/o$t To%'7 "a stare!' 7To 467 Then she kne t in front of hi%' 7Winfie 4& who4! she te 67

,%barrass%ent sei5e! Winfie !' 2e backe! away' 7We & she on4y to 4 a itt e bit'7 7Winfie 4= 0ow yo$ te what she sai!'7 7She3she !i!n4 eat a her Cracker Jack' She kep4 so%e& an4 she et :$s4 one piece at a ti%e& s ow& ike she a ways !one& an4 she says& 4/et yo$ wisht yo$ ha! so%e ef4'7 7Winfie 4=7 "a !e%an!e!' 79o$ te now'7 She ooke! back ner#o$s y at the c$rtain' 7Rosasharn& yo$ go o#er ta k to "is4 Wainwright so she !on4 isten'7 72ow 4bo$t these here potatoes67 7)4 watch 4e%' 0ow yo$ go' ) !on4 want her istenin4 at that c$rtain'7 The gir sh$ff e! hea#i y !own the car an! went aro$n! the si!e of the h$ng tarpa$ in' "a sai!& 70ow& Winfie 4& yo$ te '7 7Like ) sai!& she et :$s4 one itt e piece at a ti%e& an4 she b$st so%e in two so it4! as4 onger'7 7Go on& h$rry $p'7 7We & so%e ki!s co%e aro$n4& an4 4co$rse they trie! to get so%e& b$t R$thie& she :$s4 nibb e! an4 nibb e!& an4 wo$ !n4 gi#e 4e% none' So they got %a!' An4 one ki! grabbe! her Cracker Jack bo.'7 7Winfie 4& yo$ te ($ick abo$t the other'7 7) a%&7 he sai!' 7So R$thie got %a! an4 chase! 4e%& an4 she fit one& an4 then she fit another& an4 then one big gir $p an4 icke! her' 2it 4er a goo! one' So then R$thie crie!& an4 she sai! she4! git her big brother& an4 he4! ki that big gir ' An4 that big gir sai!& Oh& yeah6 We & she got a big brother too'7 Winfie ! was breath ess in his te ing' 7So then they fit& an4 that big gir hit R$thie a goo! one& an4 R$thie sai! her brother4! ki that big gir 4s brother' An4 that big gir sai! how abo$t if her brother ki 4t o$r brother' An4 then3an4 then& R$thie sai! o$r brother a rea!y ki 4t two fe as' An43an43that big gir sai!& 4Oh& yeah= 9o$4re :$s4 a itt e s%arty iar'4 An4 R$thie sai!& 4Oh& yeah6 We & o$r brother4s a*hi!ing right now fro% ki in4 a fe a& an4 he can ki that big gir 4s brother too' An4 then they ca e! na%es an4 R$thie throwe! a rock& an4 that big gir chase! her& an4 ) co%e ho%e'7

7Oh& %y=7 "a sai! weari y' 7Oh= "y !ear sweet Lor! Jes$s as eep in a %anger= What we goin4 to !o now67 She p$t her forehea! in her han! an! r$bbe! her eyes' 7What we gonna !o now67 A s%e of b$rning potatoes ca%e fro% the roaring sto#e' "a %o#e! a$to%atica y an! t$rne! the%' 7Rosasharn=7 "a ca e!' The gir appeare! aro$n! the c$rtain' 7Co%e watch this here s$pper' Winfie 4& yo$ go o$t an4 yo$ fin4 R$thie an4 bring her back here'7 7Gonna wh$p her& "a67 he aske! hopef$ y' 70o' This here yo$ co$ !n4 !o nothin4 abo$t' Why& ) won!er& !i! she haf4 to !o it6 0o' )t won4t !o no goo! to wh$p her' R$n now& an4 fin! her an4 bring her back'7 Winfie ! ran for the car !oor& an! he %et the three %en tra%ping $p the cat*wa k& an! he stoo! asi!e whi e they ca%e in' "a sai! soft y& 7>a& ) got to ta k to yo$' R$thie to 4 so%e ki!s how To%4s a*hi!in4'7 7What67 7She to 4' Got in a fight an4 to 4'7 7Why& the itt e bitch=7 70o& she !i!n4 know what she was a*!oin4' 0ow ook& >a' ) want yo$ to stay here' )4% goin4 o$t an4 try to fin4 To% an4 te hi%' ) got to te 4i% to be caref$ ' 9o$ stick here& >a& an4 kin!a watch o$t for things' )4 take 4i% so%e !inner'7 7Awright&7 >a agree!' 71on4 yo$ e#en %ention to R$thie what she !one' )4 te her'7 At that %o%ent R$thie ca%e in& with Winfie ! behin! her' The itt e gir was !irtie!' 2er %o$th was sticky& an! her nose sti !rippe! a itt e b oo! fro% her fight' She ooke! sha%e! an! frightene!' Winfie ! tri$%phant y fo owe! her' R$thie ooke! fierce y abo$t& b$t she went to a corner of the car an! p$t her back in the corner' 2er sha%e an! fierceness were b en!e!' 7) to 4 her what yo$ !one&7 Winfie ! sai!' "a was p$tting two chops an! so%e frie! potatoes on a tin p ate' 72$sh& Winfie 4&7 she sai!' 7They ain4t no nee! to h$rt her fee ings no %ore4n what they4re h$rt'7

R$thie4s bo!y h$rt e! across the car' She grabbe! "a aro$n! the %i!! e an! b$rie! her hea! in "a4s sto%ach& an! her strang e! sobs shook her who e bo!y' "a trie! to oosen her& b$t the gr$bby fingers c $ng tight' "a br$she! the hair on the back of her hea! gent y& an! she patte! her sho$ !ers' 72$sh&7 she sai!' 79o$ !i!n4 know'7 R$thie raise! her !irty& tear*staine!& b oo!y face' 7They sto e! %y Cracker Jack=7 she crie!' 7That big son*of*a*bitch of a gir & she be te! %e 37 She went off into har! crying again' 72$sh=7 "a sai!' 71on4t ta k ike that' 2ere' Let go' )4% a*goin4 now'7 7Whyn4t ya wh$p her& "a6 )f she !i!n4t git snotty with her Cracker Jack 4two$ !n4 a happene!' Go on& gi#e her a wh$p'7 79o$ :$s4 %in4 yo$r b$siness& %ister&7 "a sai! fierce y' 79o$4 git a wh$p yo$rse f' 0ow eggo& R$thie'7 Winfie ! retire! to a ro e! %attress& an! he regar!e! the fa%i y cynica y an! !$ y' An! he p$t hi%se f in a goo! position of !efense& for R$thie wo$ ! attack hi% at the first opport$nity& an! he knew it' R$thie went ($iet y& heart*broken y to the other si!e of the car' "a p$t a sheet of newspaper o#er the tin p ate' 7)4% a*goin4 now&7 she sai!' 7Ain4t yo$ gonna eat nothin4 yo$rse f67 <nc e John !e%an!e!' 7Later' When ) co%e back' ) wo$ !n4 want nothin4 now'7 "a wa ke! to the open !oor+ she stea!ie! herse f !own the steep& c eate! cat*wa k' On the strea% si!e of the the tents were pitche! c ose together& their g$y ropes crossing one another& an! the pegs of one at the can#as ine of the ne.t' The ights shone thro$gh the c oth& an! a the chi%neys be che! s%oke' "en an! wo%en stoo! in the !oorways ta king' Chi !ren ran fe#erish y abo$t' "a %o#e! %a:estica y !own the ine of tents' 2ere an! there she was recogni5e! as she went by' 7,#enin4& "is4 Joa!'7 7,#enin4'7 7Takin4 so%epin o$t& "is4 Joa!67 7They4s a frien4' )4% takin4 back so%e brea!'7 She ca%e at ast to the en! of the ine of tents' She stoppe! an! ooke! back' A g ow of ight was on the ca%p& an! the soft o#ertone of a %$ tit$!e of speakers' 0ow an! then a harsher #oice c$t thro$gh' The

s%e of s%oke fi e! the air' So%eone p aye! a har%onica soft y& trying for an effect& one phrase o#er an! o#er' "a steppe! in a%ong the wi ows besi!e the strea%' She %o#e! off the trai an! waite!& si ent y& istening to hear any possib e fo ower' A %an wa ke! !own the trai towar! the ca%p& boosting his s$spen!ers an! b$ttoning his :eans as he went' "a sat #ery sti & an! he passe! on witho$t seeing her' She waite! fi#e %in$tes an! then she stoo! $p an! crept on $p the trai besi!e the strea%' She %o#e! ($iet y& so ($iet y that she co$ ! hear the %$r%$r of the water abo#e her soft steps on the wi ow ea#es' Trai an! strea% sw$ng to the eft an! then to the right again $nti they neare! the highway' )n the gray star ight she co$ ! see the e%bank%ent an! the b ack ro$n! ho e of the c$ #ert where she a ways eft To%4s foo!' She %o#e! forwar! ca$tio$s y& thr$st her package into the ho e& an! took back the e%pty tin p ate which was eft there' She crept back a%ong the wi ows& force! her way into a thicket& an! sat !own to wait' Thro$gh the tang e she co$ ! see the b ack ho e of the c$ #ert' She c aspe! her knees an! sat si ent y' )n a few %o%ents the thicket crept to ife again' The fie ! %ice %o#e! ca$tio$s y o#er the ea#es' A sk$nk pa!!e! hea#i y an! $nse f*conscio$s y !own the trai & carrying a faint eff $#i$% with hi%' An! then a win! stirre! the wi ows !e icate y& as tho$gh it teste! the%& an! a shower of go !en ea#es coaste! !own to the gro$n!' S$!!en y a g$st boi e! in an! racke! the trees& an! a cricking !ownpo$r of ea#es fe ' "a co$ ! fee the% on her hair an! on her sho$ !ers' O#er the sky a p $%p b ack c o$! %o#e!& erasing the stars' The fat !rops of rain scattere! !own& sp ashing o$! y on the fa en ea#es& an! the c o$! %o#e! on an! $n#ei e! the stars again' "a shi#ere!' The win! b ew past an! eft the thicket ($iet& b$t the r$shing of the trees went on !own the strea%' 8ro% back at the ca%p ca%e the thin penetrating tone of a #io in fee ing abo$t for a t$ne' "a hear! a stea thy step a%ong the ea#es far to her eft& an! she grew tense' She re ease! her knees an! straightene! her hea! the better to hear' The %o#e%ent stoppe!& an! after a ong %o%ent began again' A #ine raspe! harsh y on the !ry ea#es' "a saw a !ark fig$re creep into the open an! !raw near to the c$ #ert' The b ack ro$n! ho e was obsc$re! for a %o%ent& an! then the fig$re %o#e! back' She ca e!

soft y& 7To%=7 The fig$re stoo! sti & so sti & so ow to the gro$n! that it %ight ha#e been a st$%p' She ca e! again& 7To%& oh& To%=7 Then the fig$re %o#e!' 7That yo$& "a67 7Right o#er here'7 She stoo! $p an! went to %eet hi%' 79o$ sho$ !n4 of ca%e&7 he sai!' 7) got to see yo$& To%' ) got to ta k to yo$'7 7)t4s near the trai &7 he sai!' 7So%ebo!y %ight co%e by'7 7Ain4t yo$ got a p ace& To%67 79eah3b$t if3we & s4pose so%ebo!y seen yo$ with %e3who e fa%b y4! be in a :a%'7 7) got to& To%'7 7Then co%e a ong' Co%e ($iet'7 2e crosse! the itt e strea%& wa!ing care ess y thro$gh the water& an! "a fo owe! hi%' 2e %o#e! thro$gh the br$sh& o$t into a fie ! on the other si!e of the thicket& an! a ong the p owe! gro$n!' The b ackening ste%s of the cotton were harsh against the gro$n!& an! a few f $ffs of cotton c $ng to the ste%s' A ($arter of a %i e they went a ong the e!ge of the fie !& an! then he t$rne! into the br$sh again' 2e approache! a great %o$n! of wi ! b ackberry b$shes& eane! o#er an! p$ e! a %at of #ines asi!e' 79o$ got to craw in&7 he sai!' "a went !own on her han!s an! knees' She fe t san! $n!er her& an! then the b ack insi!e of the %o$n! no onger to$che! her& an! she fe t To%4s b anket on the gro$n!' 2e arrange! the #ines in p ace again' )t was ight ess in the ca#e' 7Where are yo$& "a67 72ere' Right here' Ta k soft& To%'7 71on4t worry' ) been i#in4 ike a rabbit so%e ti%e'7 She hear! hi% $nwrap his tin p ate' 7>ork chops&7 she sai!' 7An! fry potatoes'7 7Go! Aw%ighty& an4 sti war%'7 "a co$ ! not see hi% at a in the b ackness& b$t she co$ ! hear hi% chewing& tearing at the %eat an! swa owing' 7)t4s a pretty goo! hi!e*o$t&7 he sai!' "a sai! $neasi y& 7To%3R$thie to 4 abo$t yo$'7 She hear! hi% g$ p'

7R$thie6 What for67 7We & it wasn4 her fa$ t' Got in a fight& an4 says her brother4 ick that other gir 4s brother' 9o$ know how they !o' An4 she to 4 that her brother ki e! a %an an4 was hi!in4'7 To% was ch$ck ing' 7With %e ) was a ways gonna get <nc e John after 4e%& b$t he ne#er wo$ ! !o it' That4s :$s4 ki! ta k& "a' That4s awright'7 70o& it ain4t&7 "a sai!' 7The% ki!s4 te it aro$n4 an4 then the fo ks4 hear& an4 they4 te aro$n4& an4 pretty soon& we & they iab e to get %en o$t to ook& :$s4 in case' To%& yo$ got to go away'7 7That4s what ) sai! right a ong' ) was a ways scare! so%ebo!y4! see yo$ p$t st$ff in that c$ #ert& an4 then they4! watch'7 7) know' /$t ) wante! yo$ near' ) was scare! for yo$' ) ain4t seen yo$' Can4t see yo$ now' 2ow4s yo$r face67 7Gettin4 we ($ick'7 7Co%e c ost& To%' Let %e fee it' Co%e c ost'7 2e craw e! near' 2er reaching han! fo$n! his hea! in the b ackness an! her fingers %o#e! !own to his nose& an! then o#er his eft cheek' 79o$ got a ba! scar& To%' An4 yo$r nose is a crooke!'7 7"aybe that4s a goo! thing' 0obo!y wo$ !n4t know %e& %aybe' )f %y prints wasn4t on recor!& )4! be g a!'7 2e went back to his eating' 72$sh&7 she sai!' 7Listen=7 7)t4s the win!& "a' J$s4 the win!'7 The g$st po$re! !own the strea%& an! the trees r$st e! $n!er its passing' She craw e! c ose to his #oice' 7) wanta to$ch ya again& To%' )t4s ike )4% b in4& it4s so !ark' ) wanta re%e%ber& e#en if it4s on4y %y fingers that re%e%ber' 9o$ got to go away& To%'7 79eah= ) knowe! it fro% the start'7 7We %a!e p$rty goo!&7 she sai!' 7) been s($irre in4 %oney away' 2o 4 o$t yo$r han4& To%' ) got se#en !o ars here'7 7) ain4t gonna take ya %oney&7 he sai!' 7)4 get 4 ong a right'7 72o 4 o$t ya han4& To%' ) ain4t gonna s eep none if yo$ got no %oney' "aybe yo$ got to take a b$s& or so%epin' ) want yo$ sho$ ! go a ong ways off& three*fo$r h$n!er! %i es'7 7) ain4t gonna take it'7

7To%&7 she sai! stern y' 79o$ take this %oney' 9o$ hear %e6 9o$ got no right to ca$se %e pain'7 79o$ ain4t p ayin4 fair&7 he sai!' 7) tho$ght %aybe yo$ co$ ! go to a big city' Los Ange es& %aybe' They wo$ !n4 ne#er ook for yo$ there'7 72%*%&7 he sai!' 7Lookie& "a' ) been a !ay an4 a night hi!in4 a one' G$ess who ) been thinkin4 abo$t6 Casy= 2e ta ke! a ot' <se! ta bother %e' /$t now ) been thinkin4 what he sai!& an4 ) can re%e%ber3a of it' Says one ti%e he went o$t in the wi !erness to fin! his own so$ & an4 he fo$n4 he !i!n4 ha#e no so$ that was his4n' Says he fo$n4 he :$s4 got a itt e piece of a great big so$ ' Says a wi !erness ain4t no goo!& 4ca$se his itt e piece of a so$ wasn4t no goo! 4 ess it was with the rest& an4 was who e' 8$nny how ) re%e%ber' 1i!n4 think ) was e#en istenin4' /$t ) know now a fe a ain4t no goo! a one'7 72e was a goo! %an&7 "a sai!' To% went on& 72e spo$te! o$t so%e Script$re once& an4 it !i!n4 so$n4 ike no he fire Script$re' 2e to 4 it twicet& an4 ) re%e%ber it' Says it4s fro% the >reacher'7 72ow4s it go& To%67 7Goes& 4Two are better than one& beca$se they ha#e a goo! rewar! for their abor' 8or if they fa & the one wi if4 $p his fe ow& b$t woe to hi% that is a one when he fa eth& for he hath not another to he p hi% $p'4 That4s part of her'7 7Go on&7 "a sai!' 7Go on& To%'7 7J$s4 a itt e bit %ore' 4Again& if two ie together& then they ha#e heatb$t how can one be war% a one6 An! if one pre#ai against hi%& two sha withstan! hi%& an! a three*fo ! cor! is not ($ick y broken'47 7An4 that4s Script$re67 7Casy sai! it was' Ca e! it the >reacher'7 72$sh3 isten'7 7On4y the win!& "a' ) know the win!' An4 ) got to thinkin4& "a3%ost of the preachin4 is abo$t the poor we sha ha#e a ways with $s& an4 if yo$ got nothin4& why& :$s4 fo 4 yo$r han!s an4 to he with it& yo$ gonna git ice crea% on go 4 p ates when yo$4re !ea!' An4 then this here >reacher says two get a better rewar! for their work'7

7To%&7 she sai!' 7What yo$ ai%in4 to !o67 2e was ($iet for a ong ti%e' 7) been thinkin4 how it was in that go#4%ent ca%p& how o$r fo ks took care a theirse #es& an4 if they was a fight they fi.e! it theirse f+ an4 they wasn4t no cops wagg in4 their g$ns& b$t they was better or!er than the% cops e#er gi#e' ) been a*won!erin4 why we can4t !o that a o#er' Throw o$t the cops that ain4t o$r peop e' A work together for o$r own thing3a far% o$r own an4'7 7To%&7 "a repeate!& 7what yo$ gonna !o67 7What Casy !one&7 he sai!' 7/$t they ki e! hi%'7 79eah&7 sai! To%' 72e !i!n4 !$ck ($ick eno$gh' 2e wasn4 !oing nothin4 against the aw& "a' ) been thinkin4 a he of a ot& thinkin4 abo$t o$r peop e i#in4 ike pigs& an4 the goo! rich an4 ayin4 fa ow& or %aybe one fe a with a %i ion acres& whi e a h$n!er! tho$san4 goo! far%ers is star#in4' An4 ) been won!erin4 if a o$r fo ks got together an4 ye e!& ike the% fe as ye e!& on y a few of 4e% at the 2ooper ranch37 "a sai!& 7To%& they4 !ri#e yo$& an4 c$t yo$ !own ike they !one to yo$ng 8 oy!'7 7They gonna !ri#e %e anyways' They !ri#in4 a o$r peop e'7 79o$ !on4t ai% to ki nobo!y& To%67 70o' ) been thinkin4& ong as )4% a o$t aw anyways& %aybe ) co$ !3 2e & ) ain4t tho$ght it o$t c ear& "a' 1on4 worry %e now' 1on4 worry %e'7 They sat si ent in the coa *b ack ca#e of #ines' "a sai!& 72ow4% ) gonna know 4bo$t yo$6 They %ight ki ya an4 ) wo$ !n4 know' They %ight h$rt ya' 2ow4% ) gonna know67 To% a$ghe! $neasi y& 7We & %aybe ike Casy says& a fe a ain4t got a so$ of his own& b$t on4y a piece of a big one3an4 then37 7Then what& To%67 7Then it !on4 %atter' Then )4 be a aro$n4 in the !ark' )4 be e#er4where3where#er yo$ ook' Where#er they4s a fight so h$ngry peop e can eat& )4 be there' Where#er they4s a cop beatin4 $p a g$y& )4 be there' )f Casy knowe!& why& )4 be in the way g$ys ye when they4re %a! an43)4 be in the way ki!s a$gh when they4re h$ngry an4 they know s$pper4s rea!y' An4 when o$r fo ks eat the st$ff they raise an4 i#e in the

ho$ses they b$i !3why& )4 be there' See6 Go!& )4% ta kin4 ike Casy' Co%es of thinkin4 abo$t hi% so %$ch' See%s ike ) can see hi% so%eti%es'7 7) !on4 $n4erstan4&7 "a sai!' 7) !on4 rea y know'7 7"e neither&7 sai! To%' 7)t4s :$s4 st$ff ) been thinkin4 abo$t' Get thinkin4 a ot when yo$ ain4t %o#in4 aro$n4' 9o$ got to get back& "a'7 79o$ take the %oney then'7 2e was si ent for a %o%ent' 7Awright&7 he sai!' 7An4& To%& ater3when it4s b owe! o#er& yo$4 co%e back' 9o$4 fin! $s67 7S$re&7 he sai!' 70ow yo$ better go' 2ere& gi%%e yo$r han4'7 2e g$i!e! her towar! the entrance' 2er fingers c $tche! his wrist' 2e swept the #ines asi!e an! fo owe! her o$t' 7Go $p to the fie ! ti yo$ co%e to a syca%ore on the e!ge& an4 then c$t acrost the strea%' Goo!*by'7 7Goo!*by&7 she sai!& an! she wa ke! ($ick y away' 2er eyes were wet an! b$rning& b$t she !i! not cry' 2er footsteps were o$! an! care ess on the ea#es as she went thro$gh the br$sh' An! as she went& o$t of the !i% sky the rain began to fa & big !rops an! few& sp ashing on the !ry ea#es hea#i y' "a stoppe! an! stoo! sti in the !ripping thicket' She t$rne! abo$t3took three steps back towar! the %o$n! of #ines+ an! then she t$rne! ($ick y an! went back towar! the ca%p' She went straight o$t to the c$ #ert an! c i%be! $p on the roa!' The rain ha! passe! now& b$t the sky was o#ercast' /ehin! her on the roa! she hear! footsteps& an! she t$rne! ner#o$s y' The b inking of a !i% f ash ight p aye! on the roa!' "a t$rne! back an! starte! for ho%e' )n a %o%ent a %an ca$ght $p with her' >o ite y& he kept his ight on the gro$n! an! !i! not p ay it in her face' 7,#enin4&7 he sai!' "a sai!& 72ow!y'7 7Looks ike we %ight ha#e a itt e rain'7 7) hope not' Stop the pickin4' We nee! the pickin4'7 7) nee! the pickin4& too' 9o$ i#e at the ca%p there67 79es& sir'7 Their footsteps beat on the roa! together' 7) got twenty acres of cotton' Litt e ate& b$t it4s rea!y now' Tho$ght )4! go !own an! try to get so%e pickers'7

79o$4 get 4e% awright' Season4s near o#er'7 72ope so' "y p ace is on y a %i e $p that way'7 7Si. of $s&7 sai! "a' 7Three %en an4 %e an4 two itt e fe as'7 7)4 p$t o$t a sign' Two %i es3this roa!'7 7We4 be there in the %ornin4'7 7) hope it !on4t rain'7 7"e too&7 sai! "a' 7Twenty acres won4 as4 ong'7 7The ess it asts the g a!!er )4 be' "y cotton4s ate' 1i!n4 get it in ti ate'7 7What yo$ payin4& %ister67 70inety cents'7 7We4 pick' ) hear fe as say ne.4 year it4 be se#enty*fi#e or e#en si.ty'7 7That4s what ) hear'7 7They4 be tro$b e&7 sai! "a' 7S$re' ) know' Litt e fe a ike %e can4t !o anything' The Association sets the rate& an! we got to %in!' )f we !on4t3we ain4t got a far%' Litt e fe a gets crow!e! a the ti%e'7 They ca%e to the ca%p' 7We4 be there&7 "a sai!' 70ot %$ch pickin4 ef4'7 She went to the en! an! c i%be! the c eate! wa k' The ow ight of the antern %a!e g oo%y sha!ows in the car' >a an! <nc e John an! an e !er y %an s($atte! against the car wa ' 72e o&7 "a sai!' 7,#enin4& "r' Wainwright'7 2e raise! a !e icate y chise e! face' 2is eyes were !eep $n!er the ri!ges of his brows' 2is hair was b $e*white an! fine' A patina of si #er bear! co#ere! his :aws an! chin' 7,#enin4& %a4a%&7 he sai!' 7We got pickin4 to%orra&7 "a obser#e!' 7"i e north' Twenty acres'7 7/etter take the tr$ck& ) g$ess&7 >a sai!' 7Get in %ore pickin4'7 Wainwright raise! his hea! eager y' 7S4pose we can pick67 7Why& s$re' ) wa ke! a piece with the fe a' 2e was co%in4 to get pickers'7 7Cotton4s near y gone' >$rty thin& these here secon!s' Gonna be har! to %ake a wage on the secon!s' Got her pretty c ean the f$st ti%e'7 79o$r fo ks co$ ! %aybe ri!e with $s&7 "a sai!' 7Sp it the gas'7 7We 3that4s frien4 y of yo$& %a4a%'7

7Sa#es $s both&7 sai! "a' >a sai!& 7"r' Wainwright3he4s got a worry he co%e to $s abo$t' We was a*ta kin4 her o#er'7 7What4s the %atter67 Wainwright ooke! !own at the f oor' 7O$r Aggie&7 he sai!' 7She4s a big gir 3near si.teen& an4 growe! $p'7 7Aggie4s a pretty gir &7 sai! "a' 7Listen 4i% o$t&7 >a sai!' 7We & her an4 yo$r boy A & they4re a*wa kin4 o$t e#er4 night' An4 Aggie4s a goo! hea thy gir that o$ghta ha#e a h$sban4& e se she %ight git in tro$b e' We ne#er ha! no tro$b e in o$r fa%i y' /$t what with $s bein4 so poor off& now& "is4 Wainwright an4 %e& we got to worryin4' S4pose she got in tro$b e67 "a ro e! !own a %attress an! sat on it' 7They o$t now67 she aske!' 7A ways o$t&7 sai! Wainwright' 7,#er4 night'7 72%' We & A 4s a goo! boy' ?in!a figgers he4s a !$nghi rooster these !ays& b$t he4s a goo! stea!y boy' ) co$ !n4 want for a better boy'7 7Oh& we ain4t co%p ainin4 abo$t A as a fe a= We ike hi%' /$t what scares "is4 Wainwright an4 %e3we & she4s a growe!*$p wo%an*gir ' An4 what if we go away& or yo$ go away& an4 we fin! o$t Aggie4s in tro$b e6 We ain4t ha! no sha%e in o$r fa%i y'7 "a sai! soft y& 7We4 try an4 see that we !on4t p$t no sha%e on yo$'7 2e stoo! $p ($ick y' 7Thank yo$& %a4a%' Aggie4s a growe!*$p wo%an* gir ' She4s a goo! gir 3:es4 as nice an4 goo!' We4 s$re thank yo$& %a4a%& if yo$4 keep sha%e fro% $s' )t ain4t Aggie4s fa$ t' She4s growe! $p'7 7>a4 ta k to A &7 sai! "a' 7Or if >a won4t& ) wi '7 Wainwright sai!& 7Goo! night& then& an4 we s$re thank ya'7 2e went aro$n! the en! of the c$rtain' They co$ ! hear hi% ta king soft y in the other en! of the car& e.p aining the res$ t of his e%bassy' "a istene! a %o%ent& an! then& 79o$ fe as&7 she sai!' 7Co%e o#er an4 set here'7 >a an! <nc e John got hea#i y $p fro% their s($ats' They sat on the %attress besi!e "a' 7Where4s the itt e fe as67

>a pointe! to a %attress in the corner' 7R$thie& she :$%pe! Winfie 4 an4 bit 4i%' "a!e 4e% both ay !own' G$ess they4re as eep' Rosasharn& she went to set with a a!y she knows'7 "a sighe!' 7) fo$n4 To%&7 she sai! soft y' 7)3sent 4i% away' 8ar off'7 >a no!!e! s ow y' <nc e John !roppe! his chin on his chest' 7Co$ !n4 !o nothin4 e se&7 >a sai!' 7Think he co$ !& John67 <nc e John ooke! $p' 7) can4t think nothin4 o$t&7 he sai!' 71on4 see% ike )4% har! y awake no %ore'7 7To%4s a goo! boy&7 "a sai!+ an! then she apo ogi5e!& 7) !i!n4 %ean no har% a*sayin4 )4! ta k to A '7 7) know&7 >a sai! ($iet y' 7) ain4t no goo! any %ore' Spen4 a %y ti%e a*thinkin4 how it $se4 ta be' Spen4 a %y ti%e thinkin4 of ho%e& an4 ) ain4t ne#er gonna see it no %ore'7 7This here4s p$rtier3better an4&7 sai! "a' 7) know' ) ne#er e#en see it& thinkin4 how the wi ow4s os4 its ea#es now' So%eti%es figgerin4 to %en! that ho e in the so$th fence' 8$nny= Wo%an takin4 o#er the fa%b y' Wo%an sayin4 we4 !o this here& an4 we4 go there' An4 ) !on4 e#en care'7 7Wo%an can change better4n a %an&7 "a sai! soothing y' 7Wo%an got a her ife in her ar%s' "an got it a in his hea!' 1on4 yo$ %in!' "aybe 3we & %aybe ne.4 year we can get a p ace'7 7We got nothin4& now&7 >a sai!' 7Co%in4 a ong ti%e3no work& no crops' What we gonna !o then6 2ow we gonna git st$ff to eat6 An4 ) te yo$ Rosasharn ain4t so far fro% !$e' Git so ) hate to think' Go !iggin4 back to a o 4 ti%e to keep fro% thinkin4' See%s ike o$r ife4s o#er an4 !one'7 70o& it ain4t&7 "a s%i e!' 7)t ain4t& >a' An4 that4s one %ore thing a wo%an knows' ) notice! that' "an& he i#es in :erks3baby born an4 a %an !ies& an4 that4s a :erk3gets a far% an4 oses his far%& an4 that4s a :erk' Wo%an& it4s a one f ow& ike a strea%& itt e e!!ies& itt e waterfa s& b$t the ri#er& it goes right on' Wo%an ooks at it ike that' We ain4t gonna !ie o$t' >eop e is goin4 on3changin4 a itt e& %aybe& b$t goin4 right on'7 72ow can yo$ te 67 <nc e John !e%an!e!' 7What4s to keep e#er4thing fro% stoppin4+ a the fo ks fro% :$s4 gettin4 tire! an4 ayin4 !own67

"a consi!ere!' She r$bbe! the shiny back of one han! with the other& p$she! the fingers of her right han! between the fingers of her eft' 72ar! to say&7 she sai!' 7,#er4thing we !o3see%s to %e is ai%e! right at goin4 on' See%s that way to %e' ,#en gettin4 h$ngry3e#en bein4 sick+ so%e !ie& b$t the rest is to$gher' J$s4 try to i#e the !ay& :$s4 the !ay'7 <nc e John sai!& 7)f on4y she !i!n4 !ie that ti%e37 7J$s4 i#e the !ay&7 "a sai!' 71on4 worry yase f'7 7They %ight be a goo! year ne.4 year& back ho%e&7 sai! >a' "a sai!& 7Listen=7 There were creeping steps on the cat*wa k& an! then A ca%e in past the c$rtain' 72$ o&7 he sai!' 7) tho$ght yo$4! be s eepin4 by now'7 7A &7 "a sai!' 7We4re a*ta kin4' Co%e set here'7 7S$re3O'?' ) wanta ta k too' )4 hafta be goin4 away pretty soon now'7 79o$ can4t' We nee! yo$ here' Why yo$ got to go away67 7We & %e an4 Aggie Wainwright& we figgers to get %arrie!& an4 )4% gonna git a :ob in a garage& an4 we4 ha#e a rent4 ho$se for a whi e& an=37 2e ooke! $p fierce y' 7We & we are& an4 they ain4t nobo!y can stop $s=7 They were staring at hi%' 7A &7 "a sai! at ast& 7we4re g a!' We4re awf$ g a!&7 79o$ are67 7Why& 4co$rse we are' 9o$4re a growe! %an' 9o$ nee! a wife' /$t !on4 go right now& A '7 7) pro%ise! Aggie&7 he sai!' 7We got to go' We can4t stan4 this no %ore'7 7J$s4 stay ti spring&7 "a begge!' 7J$s4 ti spring' Won4t yo$ stay ti spring6 Who4! !ri#e the tr$ck67 7We 37 "rs' Wainwright p$t her hea! aro$n! the c$rtain' 79o$ hear! yet67 she !e%an!e!' 79eah= J$s4 hear!'7 7Oh& %y= ) wisht3) wisht we ha! a cake' ) wisht we ha!3a cake or so%epin'7 7)4 set on so%e coffee an4 %ake $p so%e pancakes&7 "a sai!' 7We got sir$p'7

7Oh& %y=7 "rs' Wainwright sai!' 7Why3we ' Look& )4 bring so%e s$gar' We4 p$t s$gar in the% pancakes'7 "a broke twigs into the sto#e& an! the coa s fro% the !inner cooking starte! the% b a5ing' R$thie an! Winfie ! ca%e o$t of their be! ike her%it crabs fro% she s' 8or a %o%ent they were caref$ + they watche! to see whether they were sti cri%ina s' When no one notice! the%& they grew bo !' R$thie hoppe! a the way to the !oor an! back on one foot& witho$t to$ching the wa ' "a was po$ring f o$r into a bow when Rose of Sharon c i%be! the cat*wa k' She stea!ie! herse f an! a!#ance! ca$tio$s y' 7What4s the %atter67 she aske!' 7Why& it4s news=7 "a crie!' 7We4re gonna ha#e a itt e party 4co$nt a A an4 Aggie Wainwright is gonna get %arrie!'7 Rose of Sharon stoo! perfect y sti ' She ooke! s ow y at A & who stoo! there f $stere! an! e%barrasse!' "rs' Wainwright sho$te! fro% the other en! of the car& 7)4% p$ttin4 a fresh !ress on Aggie' )4 be right o#er'7 Rose of Sharon t$rne! s ow y' She went back to the wi!e !oor& an! she crept !own the cat*wa k' Once on the gro$n!& she %o#e! s ow y towar! the strea% an! the trai that went besi!e it' She took the way "a ha! gone ear ier3into the wi ows' The win! b ew %ore stea!i y now& an! the b$shes whishe! stea!i y' Rose of Sharon went !own on her knees an! craw e! !eep into the br$sh' The berry #ines c$t her face an! p$ e! at her hair& b$t she !i!n4t %in!' On y when she fe t the b$shes to$ching her a o#er !i! she stop' She stretche! o$t on her back' An! she fe t the weight of the baby insi!e of her' IN THE LIGHTLESS CAR& "a stirre!& an! then she p$she! the b anket back an! got $p' At the open !oor of the car the gray star ight penetrate! a itt e' "a wa ke! to the !oor an! stoo! ooking o$t' The stars were pa ing in the east' The win! b ew soft y o#er the wi ow thickets& an! fro% the itt e strea% ca%e the ($iet ta king of the water' "ost of the ca%p was sti as eep& b$t in front of one tent a itt e fire b$rne!& an! peop e were stan!ing abo$t it& war%ing the%se #es' "a

co$ ! see the% in the ight of the new !ancing fire as they stoo! facing the f a%es& r$bbing their han!s+ an! then they t$rne! their backs an! he ! their han!s behin! the%' 8or a ong %o%ent "a ooke! o$t& an! she he ! her han!s c aspe! in front of her' The $ne#en win! whiske! $p an! passe!& an! a bite of frost was in the air' "a shi#ere! an! r$bbe! her han!s together' She crept back an! f$%b e! for the %atches& besi!e the antern' The sha!e screeche! $p' She ighte! the wick& watche! it b$rn b $e for a %o%ent an! then p$t $p its ye ow& !e icate y c$r#e! ring of ight' She carrie! the antern to the sto#e an! set it !own whi e she broke the britt e !ry wi owy twigs into the fire bo.' )n a %o%ent the fire was roaring $p the chi%ney' Rose of Sharon ro e! hea#i y o#er an! sat $p' 7)4 git right $p&7 she sai!' 7Whyn4t yo$ ay a %in$te ti it war%s67 "a aske!' 70o& )4 git'7 "a fi e! the coffee pot fro% the b$cket an! set it on the sto#e& an! she p$t on the frying pan& !eep with fat& to get hot for the pones' 7What4s o#er yo$67 she sai! soft y' 7)4% a*goin4 o$t&7 Rose of Sharon sai!' 7O$t where67 7Goin4 o$t to pick cotton'7 79o$ can4t&7 "a sai!' 79o$4re too far a ong'7 70o& ) ain4t' An4 )4% a*goin4'7 "a %eas$re! coffee into the water' 7Rosasharn& yo$ wasn4t to the pancakes as4 night'7 The gir !i!n4t answer' 7What yo$ wanta pick cotton for67 Sti no answer' 7)s it 4ca$se of A an4 Aggie67 This ti%e "a ooke! c ose y at her !a$ghter' 7Oh' We & yo$ !on4 nee! to pick'7 7)4% goin4'7 7Awright& b$t !on4 yo$ strain yo$rse f'7 7Git $p& >a= Wake $p& git $p=7 >a b inke! an! yawne!' 7Ain4t s ep4 o$t&7 he %oane!' 7"$sta been on to e e#en o4c ock when we went !own'7 7Co%e on& git $p& a a yo$& an4 wash'7

The inhabitants of the car ca%e s ow y to ife& s($ir%e! $p o$t of the b ankets& writhe! into their c othes' "a s ice! sa t pork into her secon! frying pan' 7Git o$t an4 wash&7 she co%%an!e!' A ight sprang $p in the other en! of the car' An! there ca%e the so$n! of the breaking of twigs fro% the Wainwright en!' 7"is4 Joa!&7 ca%e the ca ' 7We4re gettin4 rea!y' We4 be rea!y'7 A gr$%b e!& 7What we got to be $p so ear y for67 7)t4s on4y twenty acres&7 "a sai!' 7Got to get there' Ain4t %$ch cotton ef4' Got to be there 4fore she4s picke!'7 "a r$she! the% !resse!& r$she! the breakfast into the%' 7Co%e on& !rink yo$r coffee&7 she sai!' 7Got to start'7 7We can4t pick no cotton in the !ark& "a'7 7We can )e there when it gets ight'7 7"aybe it4s wet'7 71i!n4 rain eno$gh' Co%e on now& !rink yo$r coffee' A & soon4s yo$4re thro$gh& better get the engine r$nnin4'7 She ca e!& 79o$ near rea!y& "is4 Wainwright67 7J$s4 eatin4' /e rea!y in a %in$te'7 O$tsi!e& the ca%p ha! co%e to ife' 8ires b$rne! in front of the tents' The sto#epipes fro% the sp$rte! s%oke' A tippe! $p his coffee an! got a %o$thf$ of gro$n!s' 2e went !own the cat*wa k spitting the% o$t' 7We4re awrea!y& "is4 Wainwright&7 "a ca e!' She t$rne! to Rose of Sharon' She sai!& 79o$ got to stay'7 The gir set her :aw' 7)4% a*goin&7 she sai!' 7"a& ) got to go'7 7We & yo$ got no cotton sack' 9o$ can4t p$ no sack'7 7)4 pick into yo$r sack'7 7) wisht yo$ wo$ !n4'7 7)4% a*goin4'7 "a sighe!' 7)4 keep %y eye on yo$' Wisht we co$ ! ha#e a !octor'7 Rose of Sharon %o#e! ner#o$s y abo$t the car' She p$t on a ight coat an! took it off' 7Take a b anket&7 "a sai!' 7Then if yo$ wanta res4& yo$ can keep war%'7 They hear! the tr$ck %otor roar $p behin! the' 7We gonna be first o$t&7 "a sai! e.$ tant y' 7Awright& get yo$r sacks' R$thie& !on4 yo$ forget the% shirts ) fi.e! for yo$ to pick in'7

Wainwrights an! Joa!s c i%be! into the tr$ck in the !ark' The !awn was co%ing& b$t it was s ow an! pa e' 7T$rn ef4&7 "a to ! A ' 7They4 be a sign o$t where we4re goin4'7 They !ro#e a ong the !ark roa!' An! other cars fo owe! the%& an! behin!& in the ca%p& the cars were being starte!& the fa%i ies pi ing in+ an! the cars p$ e! o$t on the highway an! t$rne! eft' A piece of car!boar! was tie! to a %ai bo. on the righthan! si!e of the roa!& an! on it& printe! with b $e crayon& 7Cotton >ickers Wante!'7 A t$rne! into the entrance an! !ro#e o$t to the barnyar!' An! the barnyar! was f$ of cars a rea!y' An e ectric g obe on the en! of the white barn ighte! a gro$p of %en an! wo%en stan!ing near the sca es& their bags ro e! $n!er their ar%s' So%e of the wo%en wore the bags o#er their sho$ !ers an! crosse! in front' 7We ain4t so ear y as we tho$ght&7 sai! A ' 2e p$ e! the tr$ck against a fence an! parke!' The fa%i ies c i%be! !own an! went to :oin the waiting gro$p& an! %ore cars ca%e in fro% the roa! an! parke!& an! %ore fa%i ies :oine! the gro$p' <n!er the ight on the barn en!& the owner signe! the% in' 72aw ey67 he sai!' 72*a*w* *e*y6 2ow %any67 78o$r' Wi 37 7Wi '7 7/enton37 7/enton'7 7A%e ia37 7A%e ia'7 7C aire37 7C aire' Who4s ne.t6 Carpenter6 2ow %any67 7Si.'7 2e wrote the% in the book& with a space eft for the weights' 7Got yo$r bags6 ) got a few' Cost yo$ a !o ar'7 An! the cars po$re! into the yar!' The owner p$ e! his sheep* ine! eather :acket $p aro$n! his throat' 2e ooke! at the !ri#eway apprehensi#e y' 7This twenty isn4t gonna take ong to pick with a these peop e&7 he sai!' Chi !ren were c i%bing into the big cotton trai er& !igging their toes into the chicken*wire si!es' 7Git off there&7 the owner crie!' 7Co%e on

!own' 9o$4 tear that wire oose'7 An! the chi !ren c i%be! s ow y !own& e%barrasse! an! si ent' The gray !awn ca%e' 7)4 ha#e to take a tare for !ew&7 the owner sai!' 7Change it when the s$n co%es o$t' A right& go o$t when yo$ want' Light eno$gh to see'7 The peop e %o#e! ($ick y o$t into the cotton fie ! an! took their rows' They tie! the bags to their waists an! they s appe! their han!s together to war% stiff fingers that ha! to be ni%b e' The !awn co ore! o#er the eastern hi s& an! the wi!e ine %o#e! o#er the rows' An! fro% the highway the cars sti %o#e! in an! parke! in the barnyar! $nti it was f$ & an! they parke! a ong the roa! on both si!es' The win! b ew brisk y across the fie !' 7) !on4t know how yo$ a fo$n! o$t&7 the owner sai!' 7There %$st be a he of a grape#ine' The twenty won4t ast ti noon' What na%e6 2$%e6 2ow %any67 The ine of peop e %o#e! o$t across the fie !& an! the strong stea!y west win! b ew their c othes' Their fingers f ew to the spi ing bo s& an! f ew to the ong sacks growing hea#y behin! the%' >a spoke to the %an in the row to his right' 7/ack ho%e we %ight get rain o$t of a win! ike this' See%s a itt e %ite frosty for rain' 2ow ong yo$ been o$t here67 2e kept his eyes !own on his work as he spoke' 2is neighbor !i!n4t ook $p' 7) been here near y a year'7 7Wo$ ! yo$ say it was gonna rain67 7Can4t te & an4 that ain4t no ins$ t& neither' 8o ks that i#e! here a their ife can4t te ' )f the rain can git in the way of a crop& it4 rain' Tha4s what they say o$t here'7 >a ooke! ($ick y at the western hi s' /ig gray c o$!s were coasting o#er the ri!ge& ri!ing the win! swift y' 7The% ooks ike rain*hea!s&7 he sai!' 2is neighbor sto e a s($inting ook' 7Can4t te &7 he sai!' An! a !own the ine of rows the peop e ooke! back at the c o$!s' An! then they bent ower to their work& an! their han!s f ew to the cotton' They race! at the picking& race! against ti%e an! cotton weight& race! against the rain an! against each other3on y so %$ch cotton to pick& on y so %$ch %oney to be %a!e' They ca%e to the other si!e of the fie ! an! ran to get a new row' An! now they face! into the win!& an! they co$ ! see the high gray c o$!s %o#ing o#er the sky towar! the rising s$n' An! %ore cars parke!

a ong the roa!si!e& an! new pickers ca%e to be checke! in' The ine of peop e %o#e! frantica y across the fie !& weighe! at the en!& %arke! their cotton& checke! the weights into their own books& an! ran for new rows' At e e#en o4c ock the fie ! was picke! an! the work was !one' The wire*si!e! trai ers were hooke! on behin! wire*si!e! tr$cks& an! they %o#e! o$t to the highway an! !ro#e away to the gin' The cotton f $ffe! o$t thro$gh the chicken wire an! itt e c o$!s of cotton b ew thro$gh the air& an! rags of cotton ca$ght an! wa#e! on the wee!s besi!e the roa!' The pickers c $stere! !isconso ate y back to the barnyar! an! stoo! in ine to be pai! off' 72$%e& Ja%es' Twenty*two cents' Ra ph& thirty cents' Joa!& Tho%as& ninety cents' Winfie !& fifteen cents'7 The %oney ay in ro s& si #er an! nicke s an! pennies' An! each %an ooke! in his own book as he was being pai!' 7Wainwright& Agnes& thirty*fo$r cents' Tobin& si.ty*three cents'7 The ine %o#e! past s ow y' The fa%i ies went back to their cars& si ent y' An! they !ro#e s ow y away' Joa!s an! Wainwrights waite! in the tr$ck for the !ri#eway to c ear' An! as they waite!& the first !rops of rain began to fa ' A p$t his han! o$t of the cab to fee the%' Rose of Sharon sat in the %i!! e& an! "a on the o$tsi!e' The gir 4s eyes were $ster ess again' 79o$ sho$ !n4 of ca%e&7 "a sai!' 79o$ !i!n4 pick %ore4n ten*fifteen po$n!s'7 Rose of Sharon ooke! !own at her great b$ ging be y& an! she !i!n4t rep y' She shi#ere! s$!!en y an! he ! her hea! high' "a& watching her c ose y& $nro e! her cotton bag& sprea! it o#er Rose of Sharon4s sho$ !ers& an! !rew her c ose' At ast the way was c ear' A starte! his %otor an! !ro#e o$t into the highway' The big infre($ent !rops of rain ance! !own an! sp ashe! on the roa!& an! as the tr$ck %o#e! a ong& the !rops beca%e s%a er an! c ose' Rain po$n!e! on the cab of the tr$ck so o$! y that it co$ ! be hear! o#er the po$n!ing of the o ! worn %otor' On the tr$ck be! the Wainwrights an! Joa!s sprea! their cotton bags o#er their hea!s an! sho$ !ers' Rose of Sharon shi#ere! #io ent y against "a4s ar%& an! "a crie!& 7Go faster& A ' Rosasharn got a chi ' Gotta get her feet in hot water'7

A spee!e! the po$n!ing %otor& an! when he ca%e to the ca%p& he !ro#e !own c ose to the re! cars' "a was spo$ting or!ers before they were we stoppe!' 7A &7 she co%%an!e!& 7yo$ an4 John an4 >a go into the wi ows an4 c4 ect a the !ea! st$ff yo$ can' We got to keep war%'7 7Won!er if the roof eaks'7 70o& ) !on4 think so' /e nice an4 !ry& b$t we got to ha#e woo!' Got to keep war%' Take R$thie an4 Winfie 4 too' They can get twigs' This here gir ain4t we '7 "a got o$t& an! Rose of Sharon trie! to fo ow& b$t her knees b$ck e! an! she sat !own hea#i y on the r$nning boar!' 8at "rs' Wainwright saw her' 7What4s a %atter6 2er ti%e co%e67 70o& ) !on4 think so&7 sai! "a' 7Got a chi ' "aybe took co 4' Gi%%e a han4& wi yo$67 The two wo%en s$pporte! Rose of Sharon' After a few steps her strength ca%e back3her egs took her weight' 7)4% awright& "a&7 she sai!' 7)t was :$s4 a %in$te there'7 The o !er wo%en kept han!s on her e bows' 78eet in hot water&7 "a sai! wise y' They he pe! her $p the cat*wa k an! into the' 79o$ r$b her&7 "rs' Wainwright sai!' 7)4 get a far4 goin4'7 She $se! the ast of the twigs an! b$i t $p a b a5e in the sto#e' The rain po$re! now& sco$re! at the roof of the car' "a ooke! $p at it' 7Thank Go! we got a tight roof&7 she sai!' 7The% tents eaks& no %atter how goo!' J$s4 p$t on a itt e water& "is4 Wainwright'7 Rose of Sharon ay sti on a %attress' She et the% take off her shoes an! r$b her feet' "rs' Wainwright bent o#er her' 79o$ got pain67 she !e%an!e!' 70o' J$s4 !on4 fee goo!' J$s4 fee ba!'7 7) got pain ki er an4 sa ts&7 "rs' Wainwright sai!' 79o$4re we co%e to 4e% if yo$ want 4e%' >erfec4 y we co%e'7 The gir shi#ere! #io ent y' 7Co#er %e $p& "a' )4% co 4'7 "a bro$ght a the b ankets an! pi e! the% on top of her' The rain roare! !own on the roof' 0ow the woo!*gatherers ret$rne!& their ar%s pi e! high with sticks an! their hats an! coats !ripping' 7Jes$s& she4s wet&7 >a sai!' 7Soaks yo$ in a %in$te'7

"a sai!& 7/etter go back an4 get %ore' /$rns $p awf$ ($ick' /e !ark p$rty soon'7 R$thie an! Winfie ! !rippe! in an! threw their sticks on the pi e' They t$rne! to go again' 79o$ stay&7 "a or!ere!' 7Stan4 $p c ose to the fire an4 get !ry'7 The afternoon was si #er with rain& the roa!s g ittere! with water' 2o$r by ho$r the cotton p ants see%e! to b acken an! shri#e ' >a an! A an! <nc e John %a!e trip after trip into the thickets an! bro$ght back oa!s of !ea! woo!' They pi e! it near the !oor& $nti the heap of it near y reache! the cei ing& an! at ast they stoppe! an! wa ke! towar! the sto#e' Strea%s of water ran fro% their hats to their sho$ !ers' The e!ges of their coats !rippe! an! their shoes s($ishe! as they wa ke!' 7Awright& now& get off the% c othes&7 "a sai!' 7) got so%e nice coffee for yo$ fe as' An4 yo$ got !ry o#erha s to p$t on' 1on4 stan4 there'7 The e#ening ca%e ear y' )n the the fa%i ies h$!! e! together& istening to the po$ring water on the roofs' 29 OVER THE HIGH COAST %o$ntains an! o#er the #a eys the gray c o$!s %arche! in fro% the ocean' The win! b ew fierce y an! si ent y& high in the air& an! it swishe! in the br$sh& an! it roare! in the forests' The c o$!s ca%e in broken y& in p$ffs& in fo !s& in gray crags+ an! they pi e! in together an! sett e! ow o#er the west' An! then the win! stoppe! an! eft the c o$!s !eep an! so i!' The rain began with g$sty showers& pa$ses an! !ownpo$rs+ an! then gra!$a y it sett e! to a sing e te%po& s%a !rops an! a stea!y beat& rain that was gray to see thro$gh& rain that c$t %i!!ay ight to e#ening' An! at first the !ry earth s$cke! the %oist$re !own an! b ackene!' 8or two !ays the earth !rank the rain& $nti the earth was f$ ' Then p$!! es for%e!& an! in the ow p aces itt e akes for%e! in the fie !s' The %$!!y akes rose higher& an! the stea!y rain whippe! the shining water' At ast the %o$ntains were f$ & an! the hi si!es spi e! into the strea%s& b$i t the% to freshets& an! sent the% roaring !own the canyons into the #a eys' The rain beat on stea!i y' An! the strea%s an! the itt e ri#ers e!ge! $p to the bank si!es

an! worke! at wi ows an! tree roots& bent the wi ows !eep in the c$rrent& c$t o$t the roots of cottonwoo!s an! bro$ght !own the trees' The %$!!y water whir e! a ong the bank si!es an! crept $p the banks $nti at ast it spi e! o#er& into the fie !s& into the orchar!s& into the cotton patches where the b ack ste%s stoo!' Le#e fie !s beca%e akes& broa! an! gray& an! the rain whippe! $p the s$rfaces' Then the water po$re! o#er the highways& an! cars %o#e! s ow y& c$tting the water ahea!& an! ea#ing a boi ing %$!!y wake behin!' The earth whispere! $n!er the beat of the rain& an! the strea%s th$n!ere! $n!er the ch$rning freshets' When the first rain starte!& the %igrant peop e h$!! e! in their tents& saying& )t4 soon be o#er& an! asking& 2ow ong4s it ike y to go on6 An! when the p$!! es for%e!& the %en went o$t in the rain with sho#e s an! b$i t itt e !ikes aro$n! the tents' The beating rain worke! at the can#as $nti it penetrate! an! sent strea%s !own' An! then the itt e !ikes washe! o$t an! the water ca%e insi!e& an! the strea%s wet the be!s an! the b ankets' The peop e sat in wet c othes' They set $p an! p$t p anks on the' Then& !ay an! night& they sat on the p anks' /esi!e the tents the o ! cars stoo!& an! water fo$ e! the ignition wires an! water fo$ e! the carb$retors' The itt e gray tents stoo! in akes' An! at ast the peop e ha! to %o#e' Then the cars wo$ !n4t start beca$se the wires were shorte!+ an! if the engines wo$ ! r$n& !eep %$! eng$ fe! the whee s' An! the peop e wa!e! away& carrying their wet b ankets in their ar%s' They sp ashe! a ong& carrying the chi !ren& carrying the #ery o !& in their ar%s' An! if a barn stoo! on high gro$n!& it was fi e! with peop e& shi#ering an! hope ess' Then so%e went to the re ief offices& an! they ca%e sa! y back to their own peop e' They4s r$ es3yo$ got to be here a year before yo$ can git re ief' They say the go#4%ent is gonna he p' They !on4 know when' An! gra!$a y the greatest terror of a ca%e a ong' They ain4t gonna be no kin!a work for three %onths'

)n the barns& the peop e sat h$!! e! together+ an! the terror ca%e o#er the%& an! their faces were gray with terror' The chi !ren crie! with h$nger& an! there was no foo!' Then the sickness ca%e& pne$%onia& an! %eas es that went to the eyes an! to the %astoi!s' An! the rain fe stea!i y& an! the water f owe! o#er the highways& for the c$ #erts co$ ! not carry the water' Then fro% the tents& fro% the crow!e! barns& gro$ps of so!!en %en went o$t& their c othes s opping rags& their shoes %$!!y p$ p' They sp ashe! o$t thro$gh the water& to the towns& to the co$ntry stores& to the re ief offices& to beg for foo!& to cringe an! beg for foo!& to beg for re ief& to try to stea & to ie' An! $n!er the begging& an! $n!er the cringing& a hope ess anger began to s%o !er' An! in the itt e towns pity for the so!!en %en change! to anger& an! anger at the h$ngry peop e change! to fear of the%' Then sheriffs swore in !ep$ties in !ro#es& an! or!ers were r$she! for rif es& for tear gas& for a%%$nition' Then the h$ngry %en crow!e! the a eys behin! the stores to beg for brea!& to beg for rotting #egetab es& to stea when they co$ !' 8rantic %en po$n!e! on the !oors of the !octors+ an! the !octors were b$sy' An! sa! %en eft wor! at co$ntry stores for the coroner to sen! a car' The coroners were not too b$sy' The coroners4 wagons backe! $p thro$gh the %$! an! took o$t the !ea!' An! the rain pattere! re ent ess y !own& an! the strea%s broke their banks an! sprea! o$t o#er the co$ntry' 2$!! e! $n!er she!s& ying in wet hay& the h$nger an! the fear bre! anger' Then boys went o$t& not to beg& b$t to stea + an! %en went o$t weak y& to try to stea ' The sheriffs swore in new !ep$ties an! or!ere! new rif es+ an! the co%fortab e peop e in tight ho$ses fe t pity at first an! then !istaste& an! fina y hatre! for the %igrant peop e' )n the wet hay of eaking barns babies were born to wo%en who pante! with pne$%onia' An! o ! peop e c$r e! $p in corners an! !ie! that way& so that the coroners co$ ! not straighten the%' At night& the frantic %en wa ke! bo ! y to hen roosts an! carrie! off the s($awking

chickens' )f they were shot at& they !i! not r$n& b$t sp ashe! s$ en y away+ an! if they were hit& they sank tire! y in the %$!' The rain stoppe!' On the fie !s the water stoo!& ref ecting the gray sky& an! the an! whispere! with %o#ing water' An! the %en ca%e o$t of the barns& o$t of the she!s' They s($atte! on their ha%s an! ooke! o$t o#er the f oo!e! an!' An! they were si ent' An! so%eti%es they ta ke! #ery ($iet y' 0o work ti spring' 0o work' An! if no work3no %oney& no foo!' 8e a ha! a tea% of horses& ha! to $se 4e% to p ow an4 c$ ti#ate an4 %ow& wo$ !n4 think a t$rnin4 4e% o$t to star#e when they wasn4t workin4' The%4s horses3we4re %en' The wo%en watche! the %en& watche! to see whether the break ha! co%e at ast' The wo%en stoo! si ent y an! watche!' An! where a n$%ber of %en gathere! together& the fear went fro% their faces& an! anger took its p ace' An! the wo%en sighe! with re ief& for they knew it was a right3the break ha! not co%e+ an! the break wo$ ! ne#er co%e as ong as fear co$ ! t$rn to wrath' Tiny points of grass ca%e thro$gh the earth& an! in a few !ays the hi s were pa e green with the beginning year' 3 IN THE "O&CAR CA!P the water stoo! in p$!! es& an! the rain sp ashe! in the %$!' Gra!$a y the itt e strea% crept $p the bank towar! the ow f at where the stoo!' On the secon! !ay of the rain A took the tarpa$ in !own fro% the %i!! e of the car' 2e carrie! it o$t an! sprea! it on the nose of the tr$ck& an! he ca%e back into the car an! sat !own on his %attress' 0ow& witho$t the separation& the two fa%i ies in the car were one' The %en sat together& an! their spirits were !a%p' "a kept a itt e fire going in the sto#e& kept a few twigs b$rning& an! she conser#e! her woo!' The rain po$re! !own on the near y f at roof of the' On the thir! !ay the Wainwrights grew rest ess' 7"aybe we better go 4 ong&7 "rs' Wainwright sai!'

An! "a trie! to keep the%' 7Where4! yo$ go an4 be s$re of a tight roof67 7) !$nno& b$t ) got a fee in4 we o$ghta go a ong'7 They arg$e! together& an! "a watche! A ' R$thie an! Winfie ! trie! to p ay for a whi e& an! then they too re apse! into s$ en inacti#ity& an! the rain !r$%%e! !own on the roof' On the thir! !ay the so$n! of the strea% co$ ! be hear! abo#e the !r$%%ing rain' >a an! <nc e John stoo! in the open !oor an! ooke! o$t on the rising strea%' At both en!s of the ca%p the water ran near to the highway& b$t at the ca%p it oope! away so that the highway e%bank%ent s$rro$n!e! the ca%p at the back an! the strea% c ose! it in on the front' An! >a sai!& 72ow4s it ook to yo$& John6 See%s to %e if that crick co%es $p& she4 f oo! $s'7 <nc e John opene! his %o$th an! r$bbe! his brist ing chin' 79eah&7 he sai!' 7"ight at that'7 Rose of Sharon was !own with a hea#y co !& her face f $she! an! her eyes shining with fe#er' "a sat besi!e her with a c$p of hot %i k' 72ere&7 she sai!' 7Take this here' Got bacon grease in it for strength' 2ere& !rink it=7 Rose of Sharon shook her hea! weak y' 7) ain4t h$ngry'7 >a !rew a c$r#e! ine in the air with his finger' 7)f we was a to get o$r sho#e s an4 throw $p a bank& ) bet we co$ ! keep her o$t' On4y ha#e to go fro% $p there !own to there'7 79eah&7 <nc e John agree!' 7"ight' 1$nno if the% other fe as4! wanta' They %aybe r$ther %o#e so%ewheres e se'7 7/$t these here cars is !ry&7 >a insiste!' 7Co$ !n4 fin! no !ry p ace as goo! as this' 9o$ wait'7 8ro% the pi e of br$sh in the car he picke! a twig' 2e ran !own the cat*wa k& sp ashe! thro$gh the %$! to the strea% an! he set his twig $pright on the e!ge of the swir ing water' )n a %o%ent he was back in the car' 7Jes$s& ya get wet thro$gh&7 he sai!' /oth %en kept their eyes on the itt e twig on the water4s e!ge' They saw the water %o#e s ow y $p aro$n! it an! creep $p the bank' >a s($atte! !own in the !oorway' 7Co%in4 $p fast&7 he sai!' 7) think we o$ghta go ta k to the other fe as' See if they4 he p !itch $p' Got to git o$ta here if they won4t'7 >a ooke! !own the ong car to the Wainwright

en!' A was with the%& sitting besi!e Aggie' >a wa ke! into their precinct' 7Water4s risin4&7 he sai!' 72ow abo$t if we throwe! $p a bank6 We co$ ! !o her if e#er4bo!y he pe!'7 Wainwright sai!& 7We was :es4 ta kin4' See%s ike we o$ghta be gettin4 o$ta here'7 >a sai!& 79o$ been aro$n4' 9o$ know what chancet we got a gettin4 a !ry p ace to stay'7 7) know' /$t :es4 the sa%e37 A sai!& 7>a& if they go& )4% a*goin4 too'7 >a ooke! start e!' 79o$ can4t& A ' The tr$ck3We ain4t fit to !ri#e that tr$ck'7 7) !on4 care' "e an4 Aggie got to stick together'7 70ow yo$ wait&7 >a sai!' 7Co%e on o#er here'7 Wainwright an! A got to their feet an! approache! the !oor' 7See67 >a sai!& pointing' 7J$s4 a bank fro% there an4 !own to there'7 2e ooke! at his stick' The water swir e! abo$t it now& an! crept $p the bank' 7/e a ot a work& an4 then she %ight co%e o#er anyways&7 Wainwright proteste!' 7We & we ain4t !oin4 nothin4& %ight4s we be workin4' We ain4t gonna fin! $s no nice p ace to i#e ike this' Co%e on& now' Le4s go ta k to the other fe as' We can !o her if e#er4bo!y he ps'7 A sai!& 7)f Aggie goes& )4% a*goin4 too'7 >a sai!& 7Look& A & if the% fe as won4t !ig& then we4 a hafta go' Co%e on& e4s go ta k to 4e%'7 They h$nche! their sho$ !ers an! ran !own the cat*wa k to the ne.t car an! $p the wa k into its open !oor' "a was at the sto#e& fee!ing a few sticks to the feeb e f a%e' R$thie crow!e! c ose besi!e her' 7)4% h$ngry&7 R$thie whine!' 70o& yo$ ain4t&7 "a sai!' 79o$ ha! goo! %$sh'7 7Wisht ) ha! a bo. a Cracker Jack' There ain4t nothin4 to !o' Ain4t no f$n'7 7They4 be f$n&7 "a sai!' 79o$ :$s4 wait' /e f$n p$rty soon' Git a ho$se an4 a p ace& p$rty soon'7 7Wisht we ha! a !og&7 R$thie sai!' 7We4 ha#e a !og+ ha#e a cat& too'7 79e a cat67

71on4t bother %e&7 "a begge!' 71on4t go p ag$in4 %e now& R$thie' Rosasharn4s sick' J$s4 yo$ be a goo! gir a itt e whi e' They4 be f$n'7 R$thie wan!ere!& co%p aining& away' 8ro% the %attress where Rose of Sharon ay co#ere! $p there ca%e a ($ick sharp cry& c$t off in the %i!! e' "a whir e! an! went to her' Rose of Sharon was ho !ing her breath an! her eyes were fi e! with terror' 7What is it67 "a crie!' The gir e! her breath an! ca$ght it again' S$!!en y "a p$t her han! $n!er the co#ers' Then she stoo! $p' 7"is4 Wainwright&7 she ca e!' 7Oh& "is4 Wainwright=7 The fat itt e wo%an ca%e !own the car' 7Want %e67 7Look=7 "a pointe! at Rose of Sharon4s face' 2er teeth were c a%pe! on her ower ip an! her forehea! was wet with perspiration& an! the shining terror was in her eyes' 7) think it4s co%e&7 "a sai!' 7)t4s ear y'7 The gir hea#e! a great sigh an! re a.e!' She re ease! her ip an! c ose! her eyes' "rs' Wainwright bent o#er her' 71i! it kin!a grab yo$ a o#er3($ick6 Open $p an4 answer %e'7 Rose of Sharon no!!e! weak y' "rs' Wainwright t$rne! to "a' 79ep&7 she sai!' 7)t4s co%e' ,ar y& ya say67 7"aybe the fe#er brang it'7 7We & she o$ghta be $p on her feet' O$ghta be wa kin4 aro$n4'7 7She can4t&7 "a sai!' 7She ain4t got the strength'7 7We & she o$ghta'7 "rs' Wainwright grew ($iet an! stern with efficiency' 7) he4pe! with ots&7 she sai!' 7Co%e on& e4s c ose that !oor& near y' ?eep o$t the !raf4'7 The two wo%en p$she! on the hea#y s i!ing !oor& booste! it a ong $nti on y a foot was open' 7)4 git o$r a%p& too&7 "rs' Wainwright sai!' 2er face was p$rp e with e.cite%ent' 7Aggie&7 she ca e!' 79o$ take care of these here itt e fe as'7 "a no!!e!& 7Tha4s right' R$thie= 9o$ an4 Winfie 4 go !own with Aggie' Go on now'7 7Why67 they !e%an!e!' 74Ca$se yo$ got to' Rosasharn gonna ha#e her baby'7 7) wanta watch& "a' > ease et %e'7 7R$thie= 9o$ git now' 9o$ git ($ick'7 There was no arg$%ent against s$ch a tone' R$thie an! Winfie ! went re $ctant y !own the car' "a

ighte! the antern' "rs' Wainwright bro$ght her Rochester a%p !own an! set it on the f oor& an! its big circ$ ar f a%e ighte! the bright y' R$thie an! Winfie ! stoo! behin! the br$sh pi e an! peere! o#er' 7Gonna ha#e a baby& an4 we4re a*gonna see&7 R$thie sai! soft y' 71on4t yo$ %ake no noise now' "a won4t et $s watch' )f she ooks this*a*way& yo$ scr$nch !own behin4 the br$sh' Then we4 see'7 7There ain4t %any ki!s seen it&7 Winfie ! sai!' 7There ain4t no ki!s seen it&7 R$thie insiste! pro$! y' 7On4y $s'7 1own by the %attress& in the bright ight of the a%p& "a an! "rs' Wainwright he ! conference' Their #oices were raise! a itt e o#er the ho ow beating of the rain' "rs' Wainwright took a paring knife fro% her apron pocket an! s ippe! it $n!er the %attress' 7"aybe it !on4t !o no goo!&7 she sai! apo ogetica y' 7O$r fo ks a ways !one it' 1on4t !o no har%& anyways'7 "a no!!e!' 7We $se! a p ow point' ) g$ess anything sharp4 work& ong as it can c$t birth pains' ) hope it ain4t gonna be a ong one'7 79o$ fee in4 awright now67 Rose of Sharon no!!e! ner#o$s y' 7)s it a*co%in467 7S$re&7 "a sai!' 7Gonna ha#e a nice baby' 9o$ :$s4 got to he p $s' 8ee ike yo$ co$ ! get $p an4 wa k67 7) can try'7 7That4s a goo! gir &7 "rs' Wainwright sai!' 7That is a goo! gir ' We4 he4p yo$& honey' We4 wa k with ya'7 They he pe! her to her feet an! pinne! a b anket o#er her sho$ !ers' Then "a he ! her ar% fro% one si!e& an! "rs' Wainwright fro% the other' They wa ke! her to the br$sh pi e an! t$rne! s ow y an! wa ke! her back& o#er an! o#er+ an! the rain !r$%%e! !eep y on the roof' R$thie an! Winfie ! watche!$s y' 7When4s she goin4 to ha#e it67 he !e%an!e!' 7Sh= 1on4t !raw 4e%' We won4t be et to ook'7 Aggie :oine! the% behin! the br$sh pi e' Aggie4s ean face an! ye ow hair showe! in the a%p ight& an! her nose was ong an! sharp in the sha!ow of her hea! on the wa ' R$thie whispere!& 79o$ e#er saw a baby bore67

7S$re&7 sai! Aggie' 7We & when4s she gonna ha#e it67 7Oh& not for a ong& ong ti%e'7 7We & how ong67 7"aybe not 4fore to%orrow %ornin4'7 7Sh$cks=7 sai! R$thie' 7Ain4t no goo! watchin4 now& then' Oh= Look=7 The wa king wo%en ha! stoppe!' Rose of Sharon ha! stiffene!& an! she whine! with pain' They ai! her !own on the %attress an! wipe! her forehea! whi e she gr$nte! an! c enche! her fists' An! "a ta ke! soft y to her' 7,asy&7 "a sai!' 7Gonna be a right3a right' J$s4 grip ya hans4' 0ow then& take yo$r ip inta yo$r teeth' Tha4s goo!3tha4s goo!'7 The pain passe! on' They et her rest awhi e& an! then he pe! her $p again& an! the three wa ke! back an! forth& back an! forth between the pains' >a st$ck his hea! in thro$gh the narrow opening' 2is hat !rippe! with water' 7What ya sh$t the !oor for67 he aske!' An! then he saw the wa king wo%en' "a sai!& 72er ti%e4s co%e'7 7Then3then we co$ !n4 go 4f we wante! to'7 70o'7 7Then we got to b$i 4 that bank'7 79o$ got to'7 >a s oshe! thro$gh the %$! to the strea%' 2is %arking stick was fo$r inches !own' Twenty %en stoo! in the rain' >a crie!& 7We got to b$i ! her' "y gir got her pains'7 The %en gathere! abo$t hi%' 7/aby67 79eah' We can4t go now'7 A ta %an sai!& 7)t ain4t o$r baby' We kin go'7 7S$re&7 >a sai!' 79o$ can go' Go on' 0obo!y4s stoppin4 yo$' They4s on y eight sho#e s'7 2e h$rrie! to the ower part of the bank an! !ro#e his sho#e into the %$!' The sho#e f$ ifte! with a s$cking so$n!' 2e !ro#e it again& an! threw the %$! into the ow p ace on the strea% bank' An! besi!e hi% the other %en range! the%se #es' They heape! the %$! $p in a ong e%bank%ent& an! those who ha! no sho#e s c$t i#e wi ow whips an! wo#e the% in a %at an! kicke! the% into the bank' O#er the %en ca%e a f$ry of work& a f$ry of batt e' When one %an !roppe! the

sho#e & another took it $p' They ha! she! their coats an! hats' Their shirts an! tro$sers c $ng tight y to their bo!ies& their shoes were shape ess b obs of %$!' A shri screa% ca%e fro% the Joa! car' The %en stoppe!& istene! $neasi y& an! then p $nge! to work again' An! the itt e e#ee of earth e.ten!e! $nti it connecte! with the highway e%bank%ent on either en!' They were tire! now& an! the sho#e s %o#e! %ore s ow y' An! the strea% rose s ow y' )t e!ge! abo#e the p ace where the first !irt ha! been thrown' >a a$ghe! in tri$%ph' 7She4! co%e o#er if we ha!n4 a b$i t $p=7 he crie!' The strea% rose s ow y $p the si!e of the new wa & an! tore at the wi ow %at' 72igher=7 >a crie!' 7We got to git her higher=7 The e#ening ca%e& an! the work went on' An! now the %en were beyon! weariness' Their faces were set an! !ea!' They worke! :erki y& ike %achines' When it was !ark the wo%en set anterns in the car !oors& an! kept pots of coffee han!y' An! the wo%en ran one by one to the Joa! car an! we!ge! the%se #es insi!e' The pains were co%ing c ose now& twenty %in$tes apart' An! Rose of Sharon ha! ost her restraint' She screa%e! fierce y $n!er the fierce pains' An! the neighbor wo%en ooke! at her an! patte! her gent y an! went back to their own cars' "a ha! a goo! fire going now& an! a her $tensi s& fi e! with water& sat on the sto#e to heat' ,#ery itt e whi e >a ooke! in the car !oor' 7A right67 he aske!' 79eah= ) think so&7 "a ass$re! hi%' As it grew !ark& so%eone bro$ght o$t a f ash ight to work by' <nc e John p $nge! on& throwing %$! on top of the wa ' 79o$ take it easy&7 >a sai!' 79o$4 ki yase f'7 7) can4t he4p it' ) can4t stan4 that ye in4' )t4s ike3it4s ike when37 7) know&7 >a sai!' 7/$t :$s4 take it easy'7 <nc e John b $bbere!& 7)4 r$n away' /y Go!& ) got to work or )4 r$n away'7 >a t$rne! fro% hi%' 72ow4s she stan4 on the ast %arker67 The %an with the f ash ight threw the bea% on the stick' The rain c$t white y thro$gh the ight' 7Co%in4 $p'7

7She4 co%e $p s ower now&7 >a sai!' 7Got to f oo! p$rty far on the other si!e'7 7She4s co%in4 $p& tho$gh'7 The wo%en fi e! the coffee pots an! set the% o$t again' An! as the night went on& the %en %o#e! s ower an! s ower& an! they ifte! their hea#y feet ike !raft horses' "ore %$! on the e#ee& %ore wi ows inter ace!' The rain fe stea!i y' When the f ash ight t$rne! on faces& the eyes showe! staring& an! the %$sc es on the cheeks were we te! o$t' 8or a ong ti%e the screa%s contin$e! fro% the car& an! at ast they were sti ' >a sai!& 7"a4! ca %e if it was bore'7 2e went on sho#e ing the %$! s$ en y' The strea% e!!ie! an! boi e! against the bank' Then& fro% $p the strea% there ca%e a ripping crash' The bea% of the f ash ight showe! a great cottonwoo! topp ing' The %en stoppe! to watch' The branches of the tree sank into the water an! e!ge! aro$n! with the c$rrent whi e the strea% !$g o$t the itt e roots' S ow y the tree was free!& an! s ow y it e!ge! !own the strea%' The weary %en watche!& their %o$ths hanging open' The tree %o#e! s ow y !own' Then a branch ca$ght on a st$%p& snagge! an! he !' An! #ery s ow y the roots sw$ng aro$n! an! hooke! the%se #es on the new e%bank%ent' The water pi e! $p behin!' The tree %o#e! an! tore the bank' A itt e strea% s ippe! thro$gh' >a threw hi%se f forwar! an! :a%%e! %$! in the break' The water pi e! against the tree' An! then the bank washe! ($ick y !own& washe! aro$n! ank es& aro$n! knees' The %en broke an! ran& an! the c$rrent worke! s%ooth y into the f at& $n!er the cars& $n!er the a$to%obi es' <nc e John saw the water break thro$gh' )n the %$rk he co$ ! see it' <ncontro ab y his weight p$ e! hi% !own' 2e went to his knees& an! the t$gging water swir e! abo$t his chest' >a saw hi% go' 72ey= What4s the %atter67 2e ifte! hi% to his feet' 79o$ sick6 Co%e on& the cars is high'7 <nc e John gathere! his strength' 7) !$nno&7 he sai! apo ogetica y' 7Legs gi#e o$t' J$s4 gi#e o$t'7 >a he pe! hi% a ong towar! the cars' When the !ike swept o#er& A t$rne! an! ran' 2is feet %o#e! hea#i y' The water was abo$t his ca #es when he reache! the tr$ck' 2e f $ng the

tarpa$ in off the nose an! :$%pe! into the car' 2e steppe! on the starter& The engine t$rne! o#er an! o#er& an! there was no bark of the %otor' 2e choke! the engine !eep y' The battery t$rne! the so!!en %otor %ore an! %ore s ow y& an! there was no co$gh' O#er an! o#er& s ower an! s ower' A set the spark high' 2e fe t $n!er the seat for the crank an! :$%pe! o$t' The water was higher than the r$nning boar!' 2e ran to the front en!' Crank case was $n!er water now' 8rantica y he fitte! the crank an! twiste! aro$n! an! aro$n!& an! his c enche! han! on the crank sp ashe! in the s ow y f owing water at each t$rn' At ast his fren5y ga#e o$t' The %otor was f$ of water& the battery fo$ e! by now' On s ight y higher gro$n! two cars were starte! an! their ights on' They f o$n!ere! in the %$! an! !$g their whee s !own $nti fina y the !ri#ers c$t off the %otors an! sat sti & ooking into the hea! ight bea%s' An! the rain whippe! white streaks thro$gh the ights' A went s ow y aro$n! the tr$ck& reache! in& an! t$rne! off the ignition' When >a reache! the cat*wa k& he fo$n! the ower en! f oating' 2e steppe! it !own into the %$!& $n!er water' 7Think ya can %ake it awright& John67 he aske!' 7)4 be awright' J$s4 go on'7 >a ca$tio$s y c i%be! the cat*wa k an! s($ee5e! hi%se f in the narrow opening' The two a%ps were t$rne! ow' "a sat on the %attress besi!e Rose of Sharon& an! "a fanne! her sti face with a piece of car!boar!' "rs' Wainwright poke! !ry br$sh into the sto#e& an! a !ank s%oke e!ge! o$t aro$n! the i!s an! fi e! the car with a s%e of b$rning tiss$e' "a ooke! $p at >a when he entere!& an! then ($ick y !own' 72ow3is she67 >a aske!' "a !i! not ook $p at hi% again' 7Awright& ) think' S eepin4'7 The air was feti! an! c ose with the s%e of the birth' <nc e John c a%bere! in an! he ! hi%se f $pright against the si!e of the car' "rs' Wainwright eft her work an! ca%e to >a' She p$ e! hi% by the e bow towar! the corner of the car' She picke! $p a antern an! he ! it o#er an app e bo. in the corner' On a newspaper ay a b $e shri#e e! itt e %$%%y' 70e#er breathe!&7 sai! "rs' Wainwright soft y' 70e#er was a i#e'7

<nc e John t$rne! an! sh$ff e! tire! y !own the car to the !ark en!' The rain whishe! soft y on the roof now& so soft y that they co$ ! hear <nc e John4s tire! sniff ing fro% the !ark' >a ooke! $p at "rs' Wainwright' 2e took the antern fro% her han! an! p$t it on the f oor' R$thie an! Winfie ! were as eep on their own %attress& their ar%s o#er their eyes to c$t o$t the ight' >a wa ke! s ow y to Rose of Sharon4s %attress' 2e trie! to s($at !own& b$t his egs were too tire!' 2e kne t instea!' "a fanne! her s($are of car!boar! back an! forth' She ooke! at >a for a %o%ent& an! her eyes were wi!e an! staring& ike a s eepwa ker4s eyes' >a sai!& 7We3!one3what we co$ !'7 7) know'7 7We worke! a night' An4 a tree c$t o$t the bank'7 7) know'7 79o$ can hear it $n!er the car'7 7) know' ) hear! it'7 7Think she4s gonna be a right67 7) !$nno'7 7We 3co$ !n4 we3of !i! nothin467 "a4s ips were stiff an! white' 70o' They was on4y one thing to !o3 e#er3an4 we !one it'7 7We worke! ti we !roppe!& an4 a tree3Rain4s ettin4 $p so%e'7 "a ooke! at the cei ing& an! then !own again' >a went on& co%pe e! to ta k' 7) !$nno how high she4 rise' "ight f oo! the car'7 7) know'7 79o$ know e#er4thing'7 She was si ent& an! the car!boar! %o#e! s ow y back an! forth' 71i! we s ip $p67 he p ea!e!' 7)s they anything we co$ ! of !i!67 "a ooke! at hi% strange y' 2er white ips s%i e! in a !rea%ing co%passion' 71on4t take no b a%e' 2$sh= )t4 be awright' They4s changes3a o#er'7 7"aybe the water3%aybe we4 ha#e to go'7 7When it4s ti%e to go3we4 go' We4 !o what we got to !o' 0ow h$sh' 9o$ %ight wake her'7

"rs' Wainwright broke twigs an! poke! the% in the so!!en& s%oking fire' 8ro% o$tsi!e ca%e the so$n! of an angry #oice' 7)4% goin4 in an4 see the son*of*a*bitch %yse f'7 An! then& :$st o$tsi!e the !oor& A 4s #oice& 7Where yo$ think yo$4re goin467 7Goin4 in to see that bastar! Joa!'7 70o& yo$ ain4t' What4s the %atter4th yo$67 7)f he !i!n4t ha#e that foo i!ear abo$t the bank& we4! a got o$t' 0ow o$r car is !ea!'7 79o$ think o$rs is b$rnin4 $p the roa!67 7)4% a*goin4 in'7 A 4s #oice was co !' 79o$4re gonna fight yo$r way in'7 >a got s ow y to his feet an! went to the !oor' 7Awright& A & )4% co%in4 o$t' )t4s awright& A '7 >a s i! !own the cat*wa k' "a hear! hi% say& 7We got sickness' Co%e on !own here'7 The rain scattere! ight y on the roof now& an! a new*risen bree5e b ew it a ong in sweeps' "rs' Wainwright ca%e fro% the sto#e an! ooke! !own at Rose of Sharon' 71awn4s a*co%in4 soon& %a4a%' Whyn4t yo$ git so%e s eep6 )4 set with her'7 70o&7 "a sai!' 7) ain4t tar4!'7 7)n a pig4s eye&7 sai! "rs' Wainwright' 7Co%e on& yo$ ay !own awhi e'7 "a fanne! the air s ow y with her car!boar!' 79o$ been frien4 y&7 she sai!' 7We thank yo$'7 The sto$t wo%an s%i e!' 70o nee! to thank' ,#er4bo!y4s in the sa%e wagon' S4pose we was !own' 9o$4! a gi#e $s a han4'7 79es&7 "a sai!& 7we wo$ !'7 7Or anybo!y'7 7Or anybo!y' <se4 ta be the fa%b y was f$st' )t ain4t so now' )t4s anybo!y' Worse off we get& the %ore we got to !o'7 7We co$ !n4 a sa#e! it'7 7) know&7 sai! "a'

R$thie sighe! !eep y an! took her ar% fro% o#er her eyes' She ooke! b in! y at the a%p for a %o%ent& an! then t$rne! her hea! an! ooke! at "a' 7)s it bore67 she !e%an!e!' 7)s the baby o$t67 "rs' Wainwright picke! $p a sack an! sprea! it o#er the app e bo. in the corner' 7Where4s the baby67 R$thie !e%an!e!' "a wet her ips' 7There ain4t no baby' They ne#er was no baby' We was wrong'7 7Sh$cks=7 R$thie yawne!' 7) wisht it ha! a been a baby'7 "rs' Wainwright sat !own besi!e "a an! took the car!boar! fro% her an! fanne! the air' "a fo !e! her han!s in her ap& an! her tire! eyes ne#er eft the face of Rose of Sharon& s eeping in e.ha$stion' 7Co%e on&7 "rs' Wainwright sai!' 7J$s4 ay !own' 9o$4 be right besi!e her' Why& yo$4! wake $p if she took a !eep breath& e#en'7 7Awright& ) wi '7 "a stretche! o$t on the %attress besi!e the s eeping gir ' An! "rs' Wainwright sat on the f oor an! kept watch' >a an! A an! <nc e John sat in the car !oorway an! watche! the stee y !awn co%e' The rain ha! stoppe!& b$t the sky was !eep an! so i! with c o$!' As the ight ca%e& it was ref ecte! on the water' The %en co$ ! see the c$rrent of the strea%& s ipping swift y !own& bearing b ack branches of trees& boar!s' The water swir e! into the f at where the stoo!' There was no sign of the e%bank%ent eft' On the f at the c$rrent stoppe!' The e!ges of the f oo! were ine! with ye ow foa%' >a eane! o$t the !oor an! p ace! a twig on the cat*wa k& :$st abo#e the water ine' The %en watche! the water s ow y c i%b to it& ift it gent y an! f oat it away' >a p ace! another twig an inch abo#e the water an! sett e! back to watch' 7Think it4 co%e insi!e the car67 A aske!' 7Can4t te ' They4s a he of a ot of water got to co%e !own fro% the hi s yet' Can4t te ' "ight start $p to rain again'7 A sai!& 7) been a*thinkin4' )f she co%e in& e#er4thing4 get soake!'7 79eah'7 7We & she won4t co%e $p %ore4n three*fo$r feet in the car 4ca$se she4 go o#er the highway an4 sprea! o$t first'7 72ow yo$ know67 >a aske!'

7) took a sight on her& off the en! of the car'7 2e he ! his han!' 74/o$t this far $p she4 co%e'7 7Awright&7 >a sai!' 7What abo$t it6 We won4t be here'7 7We got to be here' Tr$ck4s here' Take a week to get the water o$t of her when the f oo! goes !own'7 7We 3what4s yo$r i!ear67 7We can tear o$t the si!e*boar!s of the tr$ck an4 b$i ! a kin!a p atfor% in here to pi e o$r st$ff an4 to set $p on'7 79eah6 2ow4 we cook3how4 we eat67 7We & it4 keep o$r st$ff !ry'7 The ight grew stronger o$tsi!e& a gray %eta ic ight' The secon! itt e stick f oate! away fro% the cat*wa k' >a p ace! another one higher $p' 7S$re c i%bin4&7 he sai!' 7) g$ess we better !o that'7 "a t$rne! rest ess y in her s eep' 2er eyes starte! wi!e open' She crie! sharp y in warning& 7To%= Oh& To%= To%=7 "rs' Wainwright spoke soothing y' The eyes f icke! c ose! again an! "a s($ir%e! $n!er her !rea%' "rs' Wainwright got $p an! wa ke! to the !oorway' 72ey=7 she sai! soft y' 7We ain4t gonna git o$t soon'7 She pointe! to the corner of the car where the app e bo. was' 7That ain4t !oin4 no goo!' J$s4 ca$se tro$b e an! sorra' Co$ !n4 yo$ fe as kin!a3 take it o$t an4 b$ry it67 The %en were si ent' >a sai! at ast& 7G$ess yo$4re right' J$s4 ca$se sorra' 4Gainst the aw to b$ry it'7 7They4s ots a things 4gainst the aw that we can4t he4p !oin4'7 79eah'7 A sai!& 7We o$ghta git the% tr$ck si!es tore off 4fore the water co%es $p %$ch %ore'7 >a t$rne! to <nc e John' 7Wi yo$ take an4 b$ry it whi e A an4 %e git that $%ber in67 <nc e John sai! s$ en y& 7Why !o ) got to !o it6 Why !on4 yo$ fe as6 ) !on4 ike it'7 An! then& 7S$re' )4 !o it' S$re& ) wi ' Co%e on& gi#e it to %e'7 2is #oice began to rise' 7Co%e on= Gi#e it to %e'7 71on4 wake 4e% $p&7 "rs' Wainwright sai!' She bro$ght the app e bo. to the !oorway an! straightene! the sack !ecent y o#er it' 7Sho#e 4s stan!in4 right behin4 yo$&7 >a sai!'

<nc e John took the sho#e in one han!' 2e s ippe! o$t the !oorway into the s ow y %o#ing water& an! it rose near y to his waist before he str$ck botto%' 2e t$rne! an! sett e! the app e bo. $n!er his other ar%' >a sai!& 7Co%e on& A ' Le4s git that $%ber in'7 )n the gray !awn ight <nc e John wa!e! aro$n! the en! of the car& past the Joa! tr$ck+ an! he c i%be! the s ippery bank to the highway' 2e wa ke! !own the highway& past the f at& $nti he ca%e to a p ace where the boi ing strea% ran c ose to the roa!& where the wi ows grew a ong the roa! si!e' 2e p$t his sho#e !own& an! ho !ing the bo. in front of hi%& he e!ge! thro$gh the br$sh $nti he ca%e to the e!ge of the swift strea%' 8or a ti%e he stoo! watching it swir by& ea#ing its ye ow foa% a%ong the wi ow ste%s' 2e he ! the app e bo. against his chest' An! then he eane! o#er an! set the bo. in the strea% an! stea!ie! it with his han!' 2e sai! fierce y& 7Go !own an4 te 4e%' Go !own in the street an4 rot an4 te 4e% that way' That4s the way yo$ can ta k' 1on4 e#en know if yo$ was a boy or a gir ' Ain4t gonna fin! o$t' Go on !own now& an4 ay in the street' "aybe they4 know then'7 2e g$i!e! the bo. gent y o$t into the c$rrent an! et it go' )t sett e! ow in the water& e!ge! si!eways& whir e! aro$n!& an! t$rne! s ow y o#er' The sack f oate! away& an! the bo.& ca$ght in the swift water& f oate! ($ick y away& o$t of sight& behin! the br$sh' <nc e John grabbe! the sho#e an! went rapi! y back to the' 2e s oshe! !own into the water an! wa!e! to the tr$ck& where >a an! A were working& taking !own the one*by*si. p anks' >a ooke! o#er at hi%' 7Get it !one67 79eah'7 7We & ook&7 >a sai!' 7)f yo$4 he4p A & )4 go !own the store an4 get so%e st$ff to eat'7 7Get so%e bacon&7 A sai!' 7) nee! so%e %eat'7 7) wi &7 >a sai!' 2e :$%pe! !own fro% the tr$ck an! <nc e John took his p ace' When they p$she! the p anks into the car !oor& "a awakene! an! sat $p' 7What yo$ !oin467 7Gonna b$i ! $p a p ace to keep o$ta the wet'7 7Why67 "a aske!' 7)t4s !ry in here'7

7Ain4t gonna be' Water4s co%in4 $p'7 "a str$gg e! $p to her feet an! went to the !oor' 7We got to git o$ta here'7 7Can4t&7 A sai!' 7A o$r st$ff4s here' Tr$ck4s here' ,#er4thing we got'7 7Where4s >a67 7Gone to get st$ff for breakfas4'7 "a ooke! !own at the water' )t was on y si. inches !own fro% the f oor by now' She went back to the %attress an! ooke! at Rose of Sharon' The gir stare! back at her' 72ow yo$ fee 67 "a aske!' 7Tar4!' J$s4 tar4! o$t'7 7Gonna get so%e breakfas4 into yo$'7 7) ain4t h$ngry'7 "rs' Wainwright %o#e! besi!e "a' 7She ooks a right' Co%e thro$gh it fine'7 Rose of Sharon4s eyes ($estione! "a& an! "a trie! to a#oi! the ($estion' "rs' Wainwright wa ke! to the sto#e' 7"a67 79eah6 What yo$ want67 7)s3it3a right67 "a ga#e $p the atte%pt' She knee e! !own on the %attress' 79o$ can ha#e %ore&7 she sai!' 7We !one e#er4thing we knowe!'7 Rose of Sharon str$gg e! an! p$she! herse f $p' 7"a=7 79o$ co$ !n4 he4p it'7 The gir ay back again& an! co#ere! her eyes with her ar%s' R$thie crept c ose an! ooke! !own in awe' She whispere! harsh y& 7She sick& "a6 She gonna !ie67 74Co$rse not' She4s gonna be awright' Awright'7 >a ca%e in with his ar% oa! of packages' 72ow is she67 7Awright&7 "a sai!' 7She4s gonna be awright'7 R$thie reporte! to Winfie !' 7She ain4t gonna !ie' "a says so'7 An! Winfie !& picking his teeth with a sp inter in a #ery a!$ t %anner& sai!& 7) knowe! it a the ti%e'7 72ow4! yo$ know67 7) won4t te &7 sai! Winfie !& an! he spat o$t a piece of the sp inter'

"a b$i t the fire $p with the ast twigs an! cooke! the bacon an! %a!e gra#y' >a ha! bro$ght store brea!' "a scow e! when she saw it' 7We got any %oney ef467 70ope&7 sai! >a' 7/$t we was so h$ngry'7 7An4 yo$ got store brea!&7 "a sai! acc$sing y' 7We & we was awf$ h$ngry' Worke! a night ong'7 "a sighe!' 70ow what we gonna !o67 As they ate& the water crept $p an! $p' A g$ pe! his foo! an! he an! >a b$i t the p atfor%' 8i#e feet wi!e& si. feet ong& fo$r feet abo#e the f oor' An! the water crept to the e!ge of the !oorway& see%e! to hesitate a ong ti%e& an! then %o#e! s ow y inwar! o#er the f oor' An! o$tsi!e the rain began again& as it ha! before& big hea#y !rops sp ashing on the water& po$n!ing ho ow y on the roof' A sai!& 7Co%e on now& et4s get the %attresses $p' Let4s p$t the b ankets $p& so they !on4t git wet'7 They pi e! their possessions $p on the p atfor%& an! the water crept o#er the f oor' >a an! "a& A an! <nc e John& each at a corner& ifte! Rose of Sharon4s %attress& with the gir on it& an! p$t it on top of the pi e' An! the gir proteste!& 7) can wa k' )4% awright'7 An! the water crept o#er the f oor& a thin fi % of it' Rose of Sharon whispere! to "a& an! "a p$t her han! $n!er the b anket an! fe t her breast an! no!!e!' )n the other en! of the the Wainwrights were po$n!ing& b$i !ing a p atfor% for the%se #es' The rain thickene!& an! then passe! away' "a ooke! !own at her feet' The water was ha f an inch !eep on the car f oor by now' 79o$& R$thie3Winfie 4=7 she ca e! !istracte! y' 7Co%e get on top of the pi e' 9o$4 get co !'7 She saw the% safe y $p& sitting awkwar! y besi!e Rose of Sharon' "a sai! s$!!en y& 7We got to git o$t'7 7We can4t&7 >a sai!' 7Like A says& a o$r st$ff4s here' We4 p$ off the !oor an4 %ake %ore roo% to set on'7 THE FA!ILY h$!! e! on the p atfor%s& si ent an! fretf$ ' The water was si. inches !eep in the car before the f oo! sprea! e#en y o#er the e%bank%ent an! %o#e! into the cotton fie ! on the other si!e' 1$ring

that !ay an! night the %en s ept so!!en y& si!e by si!e on the !oor' An! "a ay c ose to Rose of Sharon' So%eti%es "a whispere! to her an! so%eti%es sat $p ($iet y& her face broo!ing' <n!er the b anket she hoar!e! the re%ains of the store brea!' The rain ha! beco%e inter%ittent now3 itt e wet s($a s an! ($iet ti%es' On the %orning of the secon! !ay >a sp ashe! thro$gh the ca%p an! ca%e back with ten potatoes in his pockets' "a watche! hi% s$ en y whi e he choppe! o$t part of the inner wa of the car& b$i t a fire& an! scoope! water into a pan' The fa%i y ate the stea%ing boi e! potatoes with their fingers' An! when this ast foo! was gone& they stare! at the gray water+ an! in the night they !i! not ie !own for a ong ti%e' When the %orning ca%e they awakene! ner#o$s y' Rose of Sharon whispere! to "a' "a no!!e! her hea!' 79es&7 she sai!' 7)t4s ti%e for it'7 An! then she t$rne! to the car !oor& where the %en ay' 7We4re a*gettin4 o$ta here&7 she sai! sa#age y& 7gettin4 to higher gro$n4' An4 yo$4re co%in4 or yo$ ain4t co%in4& b$t )4% takin4 Rosasharn an4 the itt e fe as o$ta here'7 7We can4t=7 >a sai! weak y' 7Awright& then' "aybe yo$4 pack Rosasharn to the highway& anyways& an4 then co%e back' )t ain4t rainin4 now& an4 we4re a4goin4'7 7Awright& we4 go&7 >a sai!' A sai!& 7"a& ) ain4t goin4'7 7Why not67 7We 3Aggie3why& her an4 %e37 "a s%i e!' 74Co$rse&7 she sai!' 79o$ stay here& A ' Take care of the st$ff' When the water goes !own3why& we4 co%e back' Co%e ($ick& 4fore it rains again&7 she to ! >a' 7Co%e on& Rosasharn' We4re goin4 to a !ry p ace'7 7) can wa k'7 7"aybe a itt e& on the roa!' Git yo$r back bent& >a'7 >a s ippe! into the water an! stoo! waiting' "a he pe! Rose of Sharon !own fro% the p atfor% an! stea!ie! her across the car' >a took her in his ar%s& he ! her as high as he co$ !& an! p$she! his way caref$ y thro$gh the !eep water& aro$n! the car& an! to the highway' 2e set her

!own on her feet an! he ! onto her' <nc e John carrie! R$thie an! fo owe!' "a s i! !own into the water& an! for a %o%ent her skirts bi owe! o$t aro$n! her' 7Winfie 4& set on %y sho$ !er' A 3we4 co%e back soon4s the water4s !own' A 37 She pa$se!' 7)f3if To% co%es3te hi% we4 be back' Te hi% be caref$ ' Winfie 4= C i%b on %y sho$ !er3there= 0ow& keep yo$r feet sti '7 She staggere! off thro$gh the breast*high water' At the highway e%bank%ent they he pe! her $p an! ifte! Winfie ! fro% her sho$ !er' They stoo! on the highway an! ooke! back o#er the sheet of water& the !ark re! b ocks of the cars& the tr$cks an! a$to%obi es !eep in the s ow y %o#ing water' An! as they stoo!& a itt e %isting rain began to fa ' 7We got to git a ong&7 "a sai!' 7Rosasharn& yo$ fee ike yo$ co$ ! wa k67 7?in!a !i55y&7 the gir sai!' 78ee ike ) been beat'7 >a co%p aine!& 70ow we4re a*goin4& where we goin467 7) !$nno' Co%e on& gi#e yo$r han4 to Rosasharn'7 "a took the gir 4s right ar% to stea!y her& an! >a her eft' 7Goin4 so%ep ace where it4s !ry' Got to' 9o$ fe as ain4t ha! !ry c othes on for two !ays'7 They %o#e! s ow y a ong the highway' They co$ ! hear the r$shing of the water in the strea% besi!e the roa!' R$thie an! Winfie ! %arche! together& sp ashing their feet against the roa!' They went s ow y a ong the roa!' The sky grew !arker an! the rain thickene!' 0o traffic %o#e! a ong the highway' 7We got to h$rry&7 "a sai!' 7)f this here gir gits goo! an4 wet3) !on4t know what4 happen to her'7 79o$ ain4t sai! where*at we4re a*h$rryin4 to&7 >a re%in!e! her sarcastica y' The roa! c$r#e! a ong besi!e the strea%' "a searche! the an! an! the f oo!e! fie !s' 8ar off the roa!& on the eft& on a s ight ro ing hi a rain*b ackene! barn stoo!' 7Look=7 "a sai!' 7Look there= ) bet it4s !ry in that barn' Let4s go there ti the rain stops'7 >a sighe!' 7>rob4 y get r$n o$t by the fe a owns it'7

Ahea!& besi!e the roa!& R$thie saw a spot of re!' She race! to it' A scragg y gerani$% gone wi !& an! there was one rain*beaten b osso% on it' She picke! the f ower' She took a peta caref$ y off an! st$ck it on her nose' Winfie ! ran $p to see' 7Le%%e ha#e one67 he sai!' 70o& sir= )t4s a %ine' ) fo$n4 it'7 She st$ck another re! peta on her forehea!& a itt e bright*re! heart' 7Co%e on& R$thie= Le%%e ha#e one' Co%e on& now'7 2e grabbe! at the f ower in her han! an! %isse! it& an! R$thie bange! hi% in the face with her open han!' 2e stoo! for a %o%ent& s$rprise!& an! then his ips shook an! his eyes we e!' The others ca$ght $p' 70ow what yo$ !one67 "a aske!' 70ow what yo$ !one67 72e trie! to grab %y f 4ar'7 Winfie ! sobbe!& 7)3on4y wante! one3to3stick on %y nose'7 7Gi#e hi% one& R$thie'7 7Lea#e hi% fin! his own' This here4s %ine'7 7R$thie= 9o$ gi#e hi% one'7 R$thie hear! the threat in "a4s tone& an! change! her tactics' 72ere&7 she sai! with e aborate kin!ness' 7)4 stick on one for yo$'7 The o !er peop e wa ke! on' Winfie ! he ! his nose near to her' She wet a peta with her tong$e an! :abbe! it cr$e y on his nose' 79o$ itt e son*of*a* bitch&7 she sai! soft y' Winfie ! fe t for the peta with his fingers& an! presse! it !own on his nose' They wa ke! ($ick y after the others' R$thie fe t how the f$n was gone' 72ere&7 she sai!' 72ere4s so%e %ore' Stick so%e on yo$r forehea!'7 8ro% the right of the roa! there ca%e a sharp swishing' "a crie!& 72$rry $p' They4s a big rain' Le4s go thro$gh the fence here' )t4s shorter' Co%e on& now= /ear on& Rosasharn'7 They ha f !ragge! the gir across the !itch& he pe! her thro$gh the fence' An! then the stor% str$ck the%' Sheets of rain fe on the%' They p owe! thro$gh the %$! an! $p the itt e inc ine' The b ack barn was near y obsc$re! by the rain' )t hisse! an! sp ashe!& an! the growing win! !ro#e it a ong' Rose of Sharon4s feet s ippe! an! she !ragge! between her s$pporters' 7>a= Can yo$ carry her67

>a eane! o#er an! picke! her $p' 7We4re wet thro$gh anyways&7 he sai!' 72$rry $p' Winfie 43R$thie= R$n on ahea!'7 They ca%e panting $p to the rain*soake! barn an! staggere! into the open en!' There was no !oor in this en!' A few r$sty far% too s ay abo$t& a !isk p ow an! a broken c$ ti#ator& an iron whee ' The rain ha%%ere! on the roo% an! c$rtaine! the entrance' >a gent y set Rose of Sharon !own on an oi y bo.' 7Go! Aw%ighty=7 he sai!' "a sai!& 7"aybe they4s hay insi!e' Look& there4s a !oor'7 She sw$ng the !oor on its r$sty hinges' 7They is hay&7 she crie!' 7Co%e on in& yo$'7 )t was !ark insi!e' A itt e ight ca%e in thro$gh the cracks between the boar!s' 7Lay !own& Rosasharn&7 "a sai!' 7Lay !own an4 res4' )4 try to figger so%e way to !ry yo$ off'7 Winfie ! sai!& 7"a=7 an! the rain roaring on the roof !rowne! his #oice' 7M(!7 7What is it6 What yo$ want67 7Look= )n the corner'7 "a ooke!' There were two fig$res in the g oo%+ a %an who ay on his back& an! a boy sitting besi!e hi%& his eyes wi!e& staring at the newco%ers' As she ooke!& the boy got s ow y $p to his feet an! ca%e towar! her' 2is #oice croake!' 79o$ own this here67 70o&7 "a sai!' 7J$s4 co%e in o$ta the wet' We got a sick gir ' 9o$ got a !ry b anket we co$ ! $se an4 get her wet c othes off67 The boy went back to the corner an! bro$ght a !irty co%fort an! he ! it o$t to "a' 7Thank ya&7 she sai!' 7What4s the %atter4th that fe a67 The boy spoke in a croaking %onotone' 78$st he was sick3b$t now he4s star#in4'7 7What67 7Star#in4' Got sick in the cotton' 2e ain4t et for si. !ays'7 "a wa ke! to the corner an! ooke! !own at the %an' 2e was abo$t fifty& his whiskery face ga$nt& an! his open eyes were #ag$e an! staring' The boy stoo! besi!e her' 79o$r pa67 "a aske!' 79eah= Says he wasn4 h$ngry& or he :$s4 et' Gi#e %e the foo!' 0ow he4s too weak' Can4t har! y %o#e'7

The po$n!ing of the rain !ecrease! to a soothing swish on the roof' The ga$nt %an %o#e! his ips' "a kne t besi!e hi% an! p$t her ear c ose' 2is ips %o#e! again' 7S$re&7 "a sai!' 79o$ :$s4 be easy' 2e4 be awright' 9o$ :$s4 wait4 ) get the% wet c o4es off4n %y gir '7 "a went back to the gir ' 70ow s ip 4e% off&7 she sai!' She he ! the co%fort $p to screen her fro% #iew' An! when she was nake!& "a fo !e! the co%fort abo$t her' The boy was at her si!e again e.p aining& 7) !i!n4 know' 2e sai! he et& or he wasn4 h$ngry' Las4 night ) went an4 b$st a win!a an4 sto e! so%e brea!' "a!e 4i% chew 4er !own' /$t he p$ke! it a $p& an4 then he was weaker' Got to ha#e so$p or %i k' 9o$ fo ks got %oney to git %i k67 "a sai!& 72$sh' 1on4 worry' We4 figger so%epin o$t'7 S$!!en y the boy crie!& 72e4s !yin4& ) te yo$= 2e4s star#in4 to !eath& ) te yo$'7 72$sh&7 sai! "a' She ooke! at >a an! <nc e John stan!ing he p ess y ga5ing at the sick %an' She ooke! at Rose of Sharon h$!! e! in the co%fort' "a4s eyes passe! Rose of Sharon4s eyes& an! then ca%e back to the%' An! the two wo%en ooke! !eep into each other' The gir 4s breath ca%e short an! gasping' She sai! 79es'7 "a s%i e!' 7) knowe! yo$ wo$ !' ) knowe!=7 She ooke! !own at her han!s& tight* ocke! in her ap' Rose of Sharon whispere!& 7Wi 3wi yo$ a 3go o$t67 The rain whiske! ight y on the roof' "a eane! forwar! an! with her pa % she br$she! the to$s e! hair back fro% her !a$ghter4s forehea!& an! she kisse! her on the forehea!' "a got $p ($ick y' 7Co%e on& yo$ fe as&7 she ca e!' 79o$ co%e o$t in the too she!'7 R$thie opene! her %o$th to speak' 72$sh&7 "a sai!' 72$sh an! git'7 She her!e! the% thro$gh the !oor& !rew the boy with her+ an! she c ose! the s($eaking !oor' 8or a %in$te Rose of Sharon sat sti in the whispering barn' Then she hoiste! her tire! bo!y $p an! !rew the co%fort abo$t her' She %o#e! s ow y to the corner an! stoo! ooking !own at the waste! face& into the

wi!e& frightene! eyes' Then s ow y she ay !own besi!e hi%' 2e shook his hea! s ow y fro% si!e to si!e' Rose of Sharon oosene! one si!e of the b anket an! bare! her breast' 79o$ got to&7 she sai!' She s($ir%e! c oser an! p$ e! his hea! c ose' 7There=7 she sai!' 7There'7 2er han! %o#e! behin! his hea! an! s$pporte! it' 2er fingers %o#e! gent y in his hair' She ooke! $p an! across the barn& an! her ips ca%e together an! s%i e! %ysterio$s y' THE END

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