PP Part Ii-2012 Committees PG 12-22
PP Part Ii-2012 Committees PG 12-22
PP Part Ii-2012 Committees PG 12-22
Standing and special committees are to meet as often as necessary to fulfill their purpose. Each Committee Chairman, with the exception of the Nominating and Audit Committees, shall choose the members of his/her committee and clearly explain its goals. Committee Chairmen shall prepare and deliver progress reports as requested by the President. At the Annual Conference, each Chairman shall deliver to his/her successor all correspondence, records, and properties pertaining to the committee and submit an annual report of the committee's activities and accomplishments. Special committees may be created by the President to perform a specific purpose and shall automatically dissolve when that purpose has been fulfilled.
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The Audit Committee shall be chaired by a former Past Treasurer and shall consist of the Chairman and two other members who have formerly served as Treasurers to be appointed by the Executive Board. An audit shall be conducted immediately upon the closing and at the site of the Annual Conference. (It will be helpful to review the previous audit prior to that time.) The Audit Committee shall, within twenty-one (21) days thereafter, transfer the pertinent records to the Incoming Treasurer. AUDIT COMMITTEE - Suggested Guidelines 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Follow a written, organized program aimed toward a thorough examination of the books, stating the name of the organization and the period audited. For the purpose of these guidelines, Books shall include membership files, receipt books, general ledger, checkbook, bank deposits and bank statements. All cash in possession of the Treasurer should be counted, including checks not deposited. As of the audit date, the bank balance should be reconciled with the cash balance indicated on the Treasurer's books. Cash on hand and in the bank must reconcile with the amount shown on the books. The Audit Committee shall receive the last bank statement from the Treasurer to reconcile. Any discrepancies shall be clarified by the Audit Committee. Check association roster with list of membership cards issued. Verify receipts against the list of membership cards issued. Verify that all checks received have been deposited. Verify all cash receipts against bank statements. Verify that disbursements are properly recorded in the ledger and that all disbursements are made as approved. Review checkbook to determine that no checks are signed in advance and that all checks are accounted for. Review paid checks to determine that only authorized signatures appear thereon. Following the Annual Conference, prepare statement of actual income and expenses for the past fiscal year. Prepare a list of outstanding checks. the Audit Committee's findings and conclusions.
16. Submit to the Executive Board at completion of the audit, a written report showing
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The Bylaws Committee shall consist of the Chairman and his/her appointees and is assigned the following duties: 1. Notify the membership of procedures for submitting amendments and of the December 1 deadline. Notification may be through the newsletter. Submit proposed and recommended amendments to the Executive Board for approval at the last Board meeting prior to the June Conference. Copies of proposed amendments, approved by a majority of the Executive Board, shall be provided to the membership prior to the opening of the Annual Conference. Present proposed amendments at the Annual Business Meeting. Provide newly adopted Bylaws to the membership as soon as practical following the Annual Conference, through any available means (such as the organizations website, newsletter, etc.)
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The Conference Committee shall consist of the Chairman and his/her appointees and is assigned the following duties: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Coordinate with the President and Conference Educational Program Committee on Conference Theme. Coordinate with hotel on all matters incident to the Conference. Coordinate with the present Board on plan seating arrangements for head tables at the banquet. Have membership ribbons prepared for distribution at registration according to district: NW-light blue; NE-red; SW-purple; SE-pink. Obtain ribbons for 1st time Conference attendees. (Gold) Officers, Directors, Past Presidents, and Committee Chairmen will be provided with an additional ribbon identifying each as such. Plan and provide refreshments for hospitality room and Presidents social, with expense to be paid from donations or FWG, Inc. Treasury. Obtain door prizes, donations, coordinate drawings, provide and distribute tickets to attendees, draw tickets and award prizes in conjunction with the Conference Educational Program Committee. Prepare an information sheet on Conference events and a list of area restaurants and attractions to be included in the Conference packets. Ask host city members to coordinate a tour of governmental facilities for interested Conference attendees (optional). Make all arrangements incident to exhibits. Engage a photographer to take a group photograph and a photograph of newly elected Executive Board. The group photograph is to be available for purchase prior to the end of the Conference. Coordinate with Conference Educational Program Committee the Annual Conference Brochure. Present ideas to Board of Directors for input and approval prior to production. Coordinate with the Conference hotel to provide an appropriate meeting room for Chapter Presidents, and include notification of the meeting in the Conference events. Compile a comprehensive financial report of all Conference proceedings to be submitted to the Executive Board within 90 days of the end of the Conference. Should the financial report substantiate revenues from the Conference, a check payable to the Organization for the total amount of these proceeds, to include any seed monies received in advance from the Organization, should be delivered together with the Financial Report. Provide Historian with copies of all pertinent information, i.e. name of Conference attendees, copies of Brochure, Program, etc.
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The Nominating/Election Committee shall be chaired by the Immediate Past President, consist of the three most recent Past Presidents who are qualified to serve, plus two members selected by the Executive Board. The Immediate Past President shall chair it. If any of the three past Presidents are unwilling or unable to serve, the Executive Board shall select members necessary to provide a full committee of five (5) members. The Committee is assigned the following duties: 1. Confirm that all nominees for office meet the qualifications in accordance with Bylaws, Article V, Section II. Inform nominees of the duties corresponding to the office to which they aspire. Receive nominees' confirmation. Prepare slate and ballot no later than sixty (60) days prior to the Annual Conference. Obtain list of current, paid members from the Membership Committee. Prepare report containing the total number of ballots mailed and number distributed at Conference. This report is to be given orally to the Conference assembly shortly after the business meeting convenes. Prepare official ballots, which shall bear the association logo and raised seal, for mailing along with the slate of officers to members in good standing forty-five (45) prior to the first day of the Annual Conference. Distribute slate and ballot on the first day of the Annual Conference to new members who joined subsequent to the time the slate and ballots were mailed. Said new members must show proof of membership and sign for receipt of the ballot. New members must turn their ballots in to the Chairman of the Teller's Committee prior to the conclusion of the first day's session. Ballots returned by mail to the Chairman of the Teller's Committee ten (10) days prior to the Annual Conference shall be placed in an envelope and sealed. Ballots turned in by new members at the conclusion of the first day's session shall also be placed in an envelope and sealed. During the Annual Business Meeting, the Tellers Committee shall be excused to count the ballots. While the ballots are being tabulated, Delegates shall remain in their seats without conversation during the election process. Second ballots will be used if re-balloting is necessary.
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The Historical Committee shall consist of the Chairman (Historian) and his/her appointees and is assigned the following duties: 1. 2. 3. 4. Maintain an attractive, up-to-date FWG, Inc. scrapbook and encourage members to submit suitable material. Retain FWG, Inc. historical information. Maintain a chronological historical record of FWG, Inc. Maintain a chronological list of all recipients of the Dr. John E. Miklos Scholarship fund and the amounts awarded. Total of all scholarships awarded should be included in the Association Chronicle and updated each year, in the Membership Director. Prepare an updated Association Chronicle annually and insure its inclusion in the Membership Directory.
The Membership Committee shall be chaired by the Vice President, consist of the Chairman and his/her appointees, and assigned the following duties: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Promote membership growth. Explore new sources for prospective members. Welcome new members at the Annual Conference Opening Reception. Contact absentee members. Submit publicity concerning FWG, Inc. objectives and its activities to District Directors for distribution to their local news media. Inform members of job opportunities through FWG, Inc newsletters. Shall maintain updated membership records and receipts in a timely manner. After receiving the member's dues receipt from the Treasurer, the Vice President shall record the dues payment in the membership files, and prepare a package back to the member which will include: For individuals renewing membership: the current membership card issued and signed by the Vice President as Membership Chairman, and dues receipt. Shall have updated membership directory ready for printing by June 30th of each year and provide and provide for its distribution through New and Renewal Membership packets. Send out FWG, Inc. renewal invoices to the membership in the month of September.
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The Presidents Council's regular meeting will be held the Friday night before Quarterly Executive Board meeting. Council members are encouraged to be present at all Executive Board meetings.
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Qualifications. Applicant must: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Be an active member in good standing whose governmental entity will not financially support his/her attendance. Demonstrate hardship in order to be considered. Have attended at least one annual Conference within the last three years. Promise to actively participate in future fundraisers geared to raise funds for Conference Scholarships for at least a year after award. Accept sharing accommodation with other Conference Accommodation costs might not be covered by the Scholarship. attendants.
Provide his/her own transportation or participate in car pooling with other Conference attendants.
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Applicant must be a member in good standing of FWG, Inc. or a member of the immediate family of an FWG, Inc. member. Sponsored applicants must submit a signed affidavit of sponsorship by the member. Immediate family means spouse or dependent child. Dependent child is defined as son, daughter, stepchild, eligible foster child, or adopted child. It is also defined as the members child, 24 years old or under as of the end of the application calendar year, enrolled as a full-time student at an accredited school. Dependent child is also defined as an unmarried child or a married child who is a member of the applicants parent-member household. If applicant is a dependent child of a FWG member, applicant must provide proof of school enrollment, age and place of residence. Applicant must be a legal citizen of the United States and resident of the State of Florida, is a high school graduate or have obtained a GED. Applicant must have attended an accredited college, university, community college, or vocational institution. Prior recipients are eligible to apply, whether you are planning to be a full or part-time student. Applicants are required to be working in a public/governmental entity and/or enrolled in a curriculum of Public Administration, Political Science, or other government field. Scholarship recipients must maintain a Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.0 (C) or better. Scholarships shall be awarded during the Annual Conference in the amount determined by the Scholarship Committee and approved by the Executive Board. Awards will not be announced prior to the Installation Banquet. Payment of award will be made directly to the successful applicant by July 15 following the Annual Conference. Scholarship recipients must sign a notarized affidavit stating that all funds for educational reimbursement regardless of their source shall not exceed the total cost of tuition, classes, lab fees and required books. Application form must be complete. If a section does not apply, write "not applicable." Incomplete applications will not be considered.
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