LS Resume Update 12.13
LS Resume Update 12.13
LS Resume Update 12.13
2529 Rio Grande St. Apt. #93 Austin, Texas 78705 CELL (2 0! 557"#989 E-MAIL lydias$%endel&'(ail.$o( WEBSITE ))).lydias$%endel.$o(
*+,-AT./0 Bachelor of Journalism (1ay 20 2! Relevant Course or! 1ulti(edia 5ournalis( ,ni3ersity o4 Texas at Austin o Reportin' and 0e)s Aritin' 1ulti(edia 5ournalis( -on$entration o 9%oto, Eideo, 6ayout +esi'n, Ae? 1inor in Spanis% 6an'ua'e +esi'n, So$ial 1edia, +ata EisualiDation 7usiness 8oundations -erti4i$ate 7usiness 8oundations -urrent G9A: 2.0 o A$$ountin', 1ar>etin', 7usiness 6a), +ean;s <onor 6ist 8inan$e, 1ana'e(ent, Statisti$s
Ad3ertisin' on t%e .nternet
-reated ori'inal $ontent and (ana'ed produ$tion 4or )ee>ly internal ne)sletter Started series on international ?ran$%es and in$reased international readers%ip 1aintained (ont%ly e(ployee e3ents $alendars -reated and (ana'ed $ontent 4or di'ital si'na'e 6ed pro(otional e44ort 4or e(ployee 3olunteeris( at annual end users $on4eren$e "ational Instruments
+e$e(?er 20 3 Au'ust @
1ulti(edia and Ae? .ntern .n3esti'ated and i(ple(ented Ado?e Site-atalyst and $reated pro$ess do$u(entation -o(piled (ont%ly analyti$s das%?oards to (easure )e? tra44i$ and lead 'eneration 1aintained $o(pany BouTu?e $%annels o 9osted 3ideos and )rote $aptions and annotations o Replied to 3ie)er $o((ents and Cuestions o -o(piled (ont%ly analyti$s reports AnalyDed )e?inar (etri$s to deter(ine patterns in re'istration and attendan$e "e Ba# Media
+e$e(?er 20 3 0o3e(?er 20 "
0e)s .ntern Arote 4eature arti$les 4or +i'ital Si'na'e 1a'aDine and AE0et)or>.$o( *dited, 4or(atted and posted ne)s stories to AE0et)or>.$o(
Assisted )it% $o(pilation o4 $ontent 4or print editions o4 +i'ital Si'na'e 1a'aDine and Rental F Sta'in' Syste(s 1a'aDine 1ana'ed T)itter a$$ount to dri3e tra44i$ to AE0et)or>.$o( SG.66S Microsoft $ffice In%esi&n 'hotosho( )TML CSS *inal Cut 'ro A' St#le Intermediate S(anish CMS +Word(ress, %ot"et"u!e, E!tronWe. Anal#tics +/oo&le Anal#tics, Ado.e SiteCatal#st and IBM 0nica "etInsi&ht-