Leadership Team Application Form 2013 - 2014: Volunteer Managers Network
Leadership Team Application Form 2013 - 2014: Volunteer Managers Network
Leadership Team Application Form 2013 - 2014: Volunteer Managers Network
%4plain how -our organi$ation is structured to engage 5olunteers! 6oes 5olunteer management span the organi$ational structure or is it managed at the program le5el3 7s the 5olunteer engagement centrali$ed3 7s managing 5olunteers a part-time or 2ull-time responsi/ilit- o2 -ours3 8ow man- 5olunteers do -ou manage3 8ow man- 5olunteers ser5ed with -our agenc- last -ear3 .hat is -our 5olunteer /udget3 7s this 2or one program or 2or the entire agenc-3
"lease send completed 2orm AN6 resume or curriculum vitae /- 6ecem/er 19: 2013 to Matthew "rice mprice;catholiccharitiesusa<org<