Stakeholder Group Members: P O W E R

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1: SCOPE OF CORPORATE GOVERNANCE 1.8 4 Stakeholders in corporate governance 4.

1 Stakeholders are people, groups or organisations that can influence or be affected by theactions or policies of an organisation. Each stakeholder group has different expectationsabout what it wants, and therefore different claims upon the organisation.4.2 Stakeholders can be classified by their proximity to the organisation. Stakeholder group Members Internal Employees, management, the board Connected Shareholders, customers, suppliers, lenders, tradeunions, competitors External The government, local government, the public,pressure groups, the media4.3 Mendelowclassifies stakeholders on a matrix [below] whose axes are power held andlikelihood of showing an interest in t he organisations activities. These factors will helpdefine the type of relationship the organisation should seek with its stakeholders, and how itshould view their concerns. Level of interest Low HighLow Minimal Effort Keep Informed P o w e r High Keep Satisfied Key Players4.4 Clearly, an organisation must keep its main stakeholder groups happy whether active or passive. Stakeholder group Members Active Those who seek to participate in the organisations activities. This includes managers and some shareholders, but mayalso include other groups such as regulators and pressuregroups Passive Those who do not seek to participate in policy-making, such as most shareholders, local communities and government4.5 Passive stakeholders may still be interested and powerful. If corporate governancearrangements are to develop still further, there may be a need for powerful passiveshareholders to take a more active role. 1 : SCOPE OF CORPORATE GOVERNANCE 1.9 L e c u t e r x a m p e l 3 Classroom discussion Required Who are they main stakeholder groups in a commercial company, and how should they beconsidered with respect to the role and scope of corporate governance? S o l u t i o n Problems with stakeholder theory 4.6 A principle of company law in most jurisdictions remains the fiduciary and legal obligationsthat managers have to maximise shareholder wealth. Therefore, if managers are to fulfilresponsibilities to a wider stakeholder base, it must also be profitable.4.7 Some commentators have tried to reconcile stakeholder and agency theory by arguing thatmanagers are stakeholders, responsible as agents to all other stakeholders. Althoughstakeholders have divergent interests that may be difficult to reconcile, this does not absolvemanagement from at least trying to reconcile their interests. 1 : SCOPE OF CORPORATE GOVERNANCE 1.10 5 Major issues in corporate governance 5.1 The scope of corporate governance is vast and we shall expand on the following key issuesduring this course of study.5.2 Major issues pertaining to corporate governance, that could arise in any exam question, areillustrated below. 6 Chapter summary

You now will understand what corporate governance and the sorts of issues it isconcerned with in the course of normal business activities exactly mean. Agency theory and transaction cost theory in the business environment, and howthese relationships are viewed and managed using corporate governance principles. The importance of stakeholders to a successful business and how to apply corporategovernance principles to their effective management. The array of issues that emanate from the wide and varied scope of corporategovernance. END OF CHAPTER MAJORISSUESFiduciaryduties of directorsDirectorsremunerationand rewardBoardcompositionand balanceReliabilityof financialreportingRisk managementand internalcontrolRights andresponsibilitiesof shareholdersCompulsory-v- voluntarybest practiceCorporate socialresponsibilityBusinessethics You're reading a free preview. Pages 19 to 39 are not shown in this preview. Read the full version 3 : CORPORATE GOVERNANCE PRACTICE AND REPORTING 3.10 5.3 This multi tier approach can take the form of a:(a) Supervisory board with no executive function. It reviews the company's directionand strategy, and is responsible for safeguarding stakeholders' interests.(b) Management or executive board , composed entirely of executivedirectors/managers. It is responsible for the running of the business. The supervisoryboard appoints the management board. L e c u t e r x a m p e l 5 Exam standard question Required What do you consider to be the advantages and disadvantages of operating a multi-tier boardstructure? [8 marks] S o l u t i o n 3 : CORPORATE GOVERNANCE PRACTICE AND REPORTING 3.11 6 Directors' remuneration 6.1 The purpose of directors remuneration is to: (a) Attract and retain individuals of sufficient calibre, and(b) Motivate them to achieve performance levels that are in the shareholders bestinterests as well as their own personal interests.6.2 The Remuneration Committee determines the organisation's general policy on theremuneration of executive directors, which according to Greenbury should involve:(a) A significant proportion of rewards being related to measurable business performanceor enhanced shareholder value.(b) Full transparency of directors' remuneration in the annual accounts.(c) Taking account of the position of the company relative to other similar companies. L e c u t e r x a m p e l 6 Classroom discussion Required Describe what features could be included in a directors' remuneration, and suggest why thesemight be attractive. S o l u t i o n 6.3 In order for the accounts to present an accurate picture of remuneration arrangements, theannual report would need to disclose:(a) Remuneration policy(b) Detailed arrangements for individual directors 3

: CORPORATE GOVERNANCE PRACTICE AND REPORTING 3.12 (c) Performance conditions attached to remuneration packages(d) The duration of contracts with directors, and notice periods and termination paymentsunder such contracts. 7 Governance disclosures 7.1 Annual reports should disclose whether the organisation has complied with governanceregulations and codes.7.2 Governance disclosures should include: 8 Chapter summary The effectiveness of company boards Board membership and the roles of members and committees Non-executive directors Unitary and multi-tier boards Directors' remuneration Governance reporting and disclosuresInformationabout theboard of directorsReports from theRemuneration, Audit & NominationcommitteesDetails of relationswith auditorsincluding reasonsfor change A statement onrelations anddialogue withshareholders A statement that thedirectors havereviewed theeffectiveness of internal controls GOVERNANCEDISCLOSURES A statement thatthe company is agoing concern An operatingand financialreview (OFR)Sustainabilityreporting END OF CHAPTER 4.1 Syllabus Guide Detailed Outcomes Having studied this chapter you will be able to: Define and explain internal management control Explain and explore the importance of internal control and risk management in corporate governance Describe the objectives of internal control systems Identify and assess the importance of elements or components of internal control systems Explore and evaluate the effectiveness of internal control systems Exam Context You may be asked to provide an appropriate internal control framework for an organisation, or to assess a frameworkthat is described in a scenario. Look out in particular for whether the underlying control environment appears to besound. An organisation with a poor control environment featured in one of the pilot paper questions. Qualification Context In this chapter we cover the main elements of internal control. You will have encountered internal controls in your auditing studies; in this chapter we take an overview of the main elements rather than looking at controls in detail.This is a very important chapter; the examiner has stressed how important a sound system of internal control is and howinternal controls need to be judged in the context of overall strategic considerations. Hence at the end of this chapter webriefly consider internal controls in the context of risk management. Business Context For a business to remain successful it must develop and maintain a robust system on internal control. Only then can theboard have reasonable assurance that they are operating efficiently and effectively and are likely to deliver their strategicobjectives.Weak internal controls are often cited the precursor to corporate collapse. This emphasises the importance of feedbackand continuous improvement in control systems, and is something worth looking for in exam scenarios does theorganisation appear capable of making essential improvements? Internal control systems

4 : INTERNAL CONTROL SYSTEMS 4.2 Overview UK Control frameworks Combined Code Turnbull ReportControl proceduresControl EnvironmentInternal control systemsInternationalControl frameworks COSO COCOGeneral andAdministrative controlsInternal control andRisk management 4 : INTERNAL CONTROL SYSTEMS 4.3 1 Internal control systems 1.1 Control can be described as ensuring what the organisation intends to happen, happens inthe way it's suppose to happen, when it's supposed to happen.1.2 Control arises through a combination:(a) Effective and coherent business planning;(b) Suitable organisational structure; and(c) Clear management direction.1.3 Internal control is any action taken by management to enhance the likelihood thatestablished objectives and goals will be achieved.1.4 The UK Turnbull Report summarises of the main purposes of an internal control system. 2 Internal control frameworks 2.1 Internal control frameworks include:(a) Control environment the overall context of control, in particular the attitude of directors and managers towards control (cultural dimension)(b) Control procedures the detailed controls established and operated TURNBULL REPORT ANDINTERNAL CONTROL Safeguard assets frominappropriate useEnhancing the quality of internaland external reportingEnable response to significant business, operational, financial, compliance and other risksTo help the achievement of planned objectivesEnsure compliance with applicablelaws, regulations, and internalpolicies You're reading a free preview. Pages 46 to 157 are not shown in this preview. Read the full version


14.20 processes may mean that there is a risk that objectives have a lower likelihood of beingachieved. Segregation of duties Duties are divided, or segregated, among different people toreduce the risk of error or fraud. For instance, responsibilities for authorising transactions,recording them, and handling the related asset are divided. A manager authorising creditsales would not be responsible for maintaining accounts receivable records or handlingcash receipts. Similarly, salespeople would not have the ability to modify product price filesor commission rates. 9 Ethical considerations To: The Managing Director From: The Financial Controller Date: XX.XX.XXSubject: Issues arising from the meeting with X Ltd regarding payment of their debtThis report assumes that you have read the enclosed documents prepared by the Sales Director concerning her recent meeting with Y, the Managing Director of X Ltd. In brief, we are being asked tosupply further materials on credit to X Ltd on the understanding that this offers our best chance of beingpaid both for long-outstanding existing debts and the further debts that will arise.Firstly I need to point out that our Sales Director feels that we should accept what has been informallyagreed but she has openly admitted that she has difficulty in taking an objective view of the situation,having done business with Y for many years.However, the agreement that is being proposed leaves me with grave doubts, both on ethical groundsand from the point of view of the business.Our options are: to accept the agreement as proposed; to refuse the payment from Y but supply further materials in any case; to sue for payment or simply write off the debt. Accepting the agreement This option puts us in a position where we are owed (and are at risk of losing) not only our existing debt of A but also a further amount (say B, based on past trading experience).I am not sure what the role of the personal payment is meant to be. It is not a bribe, although it has thattaste about it, since the intention is that it would be repaid. Presumably it is a sign of good faith, but whynot inject the funds directly into the company and pay off some debts now? If Y is not willing to riskloaning the funds to his company, why should we be any more willing to take the risk of supplying further goods?In any case, recovery of our debt depends not only on our support but also that of all or almost all of XLtd's other suppliers. We have no guarantee that this support will be forthcoming. (Indeed, I have justreceived a telephone message from another supplier indicating that they too are worried about X Ltd'sposition, and asking for our view (see below).)If the company is forced into liquidation by other creditors (or if X Ltd cannot complete the next stage of the work) what are we expected to do about the personal payment? I am not sure how the law would viewit. It would put us in a more advantageous position than other creditors, but unfairly so.

14 : QUESTION AND ANSWER BANK 14.21 There are other matters that cause me to have doubts. Why can X Ltd not obtain an advance from their bank against the promise of the next progresspayment? Has this option been attempted? If not, is the bank fully aware of the difficulties of XLtd? Are X Ltd already 'trading wrongfully'

, which is illegal? To knowingly enter into an agreement thatallows this to continue calls our own integrity into question. Refuse the payment but supply the materials This is a better option because it leaves us with a clear conscience regarding the payment, and does notcompromise Y in any way. The other problems remain, however.We need to be assured:(a) that X Ltd can secure the support of its other creditors(b) that X Ltd really can complete the next stage of the contractIf we are satisfied on point (a), we could encourage X Ltd to enter into negotiations with all of its suppliers.We can let it be known that we will be willing to help if others are: this will put X Ltd in a stronger position.If X Ltd is able to get the level of support needed, this option is the one that I recommend.If both you and Y agree to this I may have an immediate opportunity to help out, since (as I mentioned) Ihave already had an enquiry from an acquaintance working for another supplier who will also, I think, bekeen to salvage something from the situation if at all possible.Confidentiality is an issue at present, so for the time being I have sent a fax explaining that we arecurrently negotiating with X Ltd and that I will be in touch once I know the outcome of our talks. (You willrealise that my own professional integrity could be compromised if I supply information that could beconsidered misleading. I cannot simply ignore the enquiry or be cagey about it since this could itself beconstrued as a 'bad' reference.) Suing for payment or writing off the debt Since we are unlikely to recover our debt this option will simply increase our loss because we will have topay legal costs. X Ltd may be counting on the fact that we know this.One possible virtue of this option is that the threat of liquidation, or liquidation itself, may force Y to cometo an arrangement with all creditors if we are unable to persuade him to try this by other means.Writing off the debt now has the virtue that we do not risk losing a further amount by supplying morematerials. On the down side, it could make us look 'soft' to other customers, and it is possibly undulyharsh not to give X Ltd a chance to recover the situation. It is not in our long-term interests for our customers to go out of business.I cannot recommend either of these options except in the very last resort. Wider issues We need to consider whether this situation has arisen due to problems with credit control on our part. Itcould perhaps be argued that we should have worked more closely with X Ltd to prevent the problemarising in the first place. We should have been aware that X Ltd was taking on a much larger contractthan it has previously been used to dealing with and we should have anticipated problems.Over the next few days I shall be looking into ways in which our credit control systems can be adapted toensure that external matters such as this are taken into account.

14 : QUESTION AND ANSWER BANK 14.22 10 Corporate citizenship REPORT To: DirectorsFrom: ConsultantDate: Dec X4Subject: Corporate citizenship Introduction Companies have choices as to how they manage their businesses. These choices can be many andvaried but the choices that are made can determine whether or not the company is seen as a goodcitizen. Many of the world's companies are setting high standards of behaviour in many aspects of business and in a wider social context. Corporate citizenship The concept of corporate citizenship recognises that there is a connection between the everydayactivities of companies and the well being of society as a whole. In recent years companies have adopteda more comprehensive approach to corporate citizenship in general, and this includes social andenvironmental responsibility.Directors now accept that they are not only responsible to the shareholders the owners of the company but also to a wider selection of other stakeholders which will include employees, customers, investors,business partners, suppliers, the community and the government.It can be argued that corporate citizenship is made up of three key components:(1) the basic values, policies and practices of a company and its business at home and abroad(2) the management of environmental and social issues within the value chain of business partners(3) the voluntary contributions made by a company to community development around the world Social and environmental issues that may affect companies

The types of social and environmental issues that may affect companies can most easily be consideredby taking a look at the various stakeholders in a company and issues that might affect the relationship of the company with those stakeholders. Employees . Issues that may affect employees and the company's treatment of those employeesinclude wage rates, health and safety provisions, accident rates, training opportunities and howchanges such as downsizing and redundancies are handled. Customers . Customers in global, competitive markets are increasingly concerned not only withprice but also value of goods and services. Quality issues are paramount to most companiesincluding how complaints are handled. Increasingly customers are also concerned with thebackground to the goods they have purchased and the conditions under which they weremanufactured. In an age of environmental concerns customers are also concerned with factorssuch as the safe disposal or recycling of products once used. Suppliers . The activities of one company will necessarily have a knock-on effect on other companies with which it deals, in particular suppliers. Companies will be concerned about thelong-term stability of their suppliers, the sustainability of jobs at their suppliers and timely paymentof their suppliers. The community . Concerns here for a company will centre on charitable gifts and donations, thesupport of employees providing charitable gifts or services, investment within the community andthe willingness to listen to community concerns and to enter into meaningful dialogue.

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