3 The Necklace Comic Strip and Diction Worksheet
3 The Necklace Comic Strip and Diction Worksheet
3 The Necklace Comic Strip and Diction Worksheet
Instructions: Mme Loisel has just returned home from her encounter with Mme Forestier. She tells her hus and what happened. Show elow in the
les the dialo!ue that occurs etween Mme Loisel and her hus and as she tells him the truth a out the nec"lace.
#f $ou were explainin! the main theme of %&he Nec"lace' to a six,$ear,old child+ what mi!ht $ou sa$? Diction (word choice) changes de ending on the audience! "elow# write the letter o$ the word or words that %est descri%es each t& e o$ diction! -. .rnate /. )lain 0. Slan!1nonstandard 2. )recise+ &echnical
______ 3. Li!htl$ leanin! into the hi!h wind+ he felt a sta of jo$. ______ 4. She fe*erishl$ de*oured her sumptuous repast. ______ 5. Ste*e said+ %# ain6t !ot a cent o6 mone$.' ______ 7. We rode on the train to see the horse show. ______ 8. &he team noticed a 39 percent increase in oth acti*it$ and !rowth. ______ :. &he illuminated s"$line i!nited her memories of her past escapades. ______ ;. - simulation of the pro!ram was acti*ated as scheduled. ______ <. %What it is+ is that # don6t "now if # li"e $o nec"lace+ ' =o said. ______ >. &he mo*ie *ersion of the oo" opens in theaters this =une. II! 'ewrite each o$ the sentences using a di$$erent t& e o$ diction# as directed!
3. &he theme of %&he Nec"lace' teaches readers to appreciate what the$ ha*e instead of alwa$s $earnin! for more. ? slan!+ nonstandard@
4. %WoahA &hat6s li"e a totall$ lin!in6 nec"aceA' exclaimed Monsieur Loisel. ?.rnate+ !randiloBuent@
5. Mme Loisel should ha*e notified Mme Forestier immediatel$ followin! her misplacement of the nec"lace. ? )lain@