TP For E-Port
TP For E-Port
TP For E-Port
Jasmine Isaac Instructor: Malcolm Campbell English 1103 September 10, 2013 Topic Proposal: Food Regulation: Restricted or Respected Introduction/Overview Every ay I sit in the Cro!n Commons ca"eteria on the campus o" #$CC an !atch numerous stu ents !eave in an out o" lines piling their plates !ith pi%%a, bro!nies, coo&ies, an many other unhealthy 'un& "oo s( only a han "ul o" stu ents stan at the sala bar) *lthough healthy "oo choices are rea ily available every ay in the ca"eteria, eating healthy is not !hat many stu ents choose to o( many stu ents o not !ant to eat healthy an others simply o not &no! ho!) *ccor ing to +ee *belson,s article, F is for America Getting Fat, in the New York Times, -the rate o" obesity is stea ily increasing !ithin the #)S). /he *merican government, since late 2010, has begun ta&ing it upon itsel" to regulate !hat "oo is allo!e to enter an be remove "rom the school systems) *ccor ing to 0ar iner 1arris,s article, A Federal Effort to Push Junk Food out of School, in the New York Times, the 2bama * ministration, in 2010, -began a rive to e3pel 4epsi, 5rench "ries, an Snic&ers bars "rom the nation,s schools in hopes to re uce chil hoo obesity. /he government, in 2011, even too& steps to revamp the 5oo 4yrami , a iagram that outlines the appropriate aily consumption amount o" each "oo group, into a tren y ne! outline calle My4late, in hopes to sprea a!areness about the importance o" eating healthy) /his plate is split into portions, !hich in icate ho! much o" each "oo group
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shoul be consume
aily per meal) /hese e""orts are all attempts ma e by the government to
encourage *mericans to eat healthy) *lthough the government is e3ten ing a helping han to try an control school lunches, is this necessary6 Many *mericans "eel as though government regulation is necessary because the state school boar s are "ailing to a vocate "or 7uality "oo !ithin the schools) 2thers "in the government,s assistance unnecessary because every *merican is a!are !hat the continuous consumption o" unhealthy "oo can o to the human bo y) /hese in ivi uals believe that parents shoul be ta&ing the initiative to e ucate their chil ren on healthy "oo choices) In a "ree country, one shoul be able to choose !hat they eat an not be sub'ecte to "ollo! gui elines "or their meal choices) Eating healthy is a choice, so is it necessary "or the *merican government to regulate "oo !ithin the public school systems6 4rior to !riting my topic proposal, I too& the time to o some preliminary research to un erstan !hat government "oo regulation is an ho! it !or&s) I also consulte several o" my "amily members on their opinions about school lunch, !hether or not it is healthy, an !ho shoul man ate it, the state school boar or the "e eral government) 8esi es 7uestioning my "amily, I also too& the time to tal& !ith my 8iology1110 teacher, Mrs) 8ates, to obtain a better un erstan ing o" "oo , goo an ba , an the e""ects it has on the human bo y an stu ent per"ormance) 0athering all this in"ormation not only e ucate me more on my topic, but also ma e me reali%e that research pro'ects can be interesting an "un) Initial Inquiry Question(s) 9hy oes the government regulate "oo 6 Shoul not states strive to provi e stu ents !ith healthy "oo options "rom the get go6
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:o states serve unhealthy "oo because it,s cheaper6 9hat e""ects oes goo ;ba "oo have on a stu ent,s per"ormance6 :oes unhealthy eating habits in a ulthoo stem "rom unhealthy "oo options in primary an gra e school
I" stu ents can get the re7uire "ruits;veggies in the ca"eteria but turn aroun an ump them in the garbage is My4late even e""ect in elementary through high school6
Shoul colleges re7uire stu ents to "ollo! the My4late program li&e elementary an high schools o6
My Interest in t is Topic My topic interests me because I am curious to un erstan !hy the *merican people "eel the nee to have the government regulate "oo !ithin the school systems) *ll *mericans are a!are that continuous consumption o" unhealthy "oo can result in obesity) 4arents are a!are that an obese chil is more susceptible to heart isease, bloo clots, an iabetes) /hrough my
research I hope to learn an better un erstan the purpose o" government "oo regulation an !hat e""ects oes goo an ba "oo have on a stu ent,s per"ormance in school) I also hope to iscover some type o" research that proves or isproves !hether or not "oo regulation in elementary through high school or parental regulation lea s to goo "oo college) !e"t #teps $o! that I have chosen my topic, it is time to ive into some intense research) *lthough scholarly !eb 'ournals an articles are use"ul, I !ant to get empirical &no!le ge o" my topic through personal intervie!s, up close observations, an surveys "rom my peers) ecision ma&ing in
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2ne o" my main sources "or in"ormation !ill be my 8iology1110 teacher, Mrs) /onya 8ates) 1er "our part lecture series on 8iologically Important Molecules an $utrition over the past "e! !ee&s !as !hat le me to my topic) I !ill contact her sometime ne3t !ee& to sche ule a personal intervie! to obtain a better un erstan ing o" the e""ects that unhealthy "oo s have on the human bo y) I am ma&ing plans to visit a local high school an tal& !ith a "e! o" the ca"eteria sta"", !ho are re7uire to prepare healthy meals accor ing to the governments My4late program) In a ition to tal&ing !ith sta"", I !oul also li&e to observe the high school stu ents uring lunches to see !hether or not they eat or !aste the man atory healthy selections) 5inally, I !ant to ma&e a 7uic& "ive to seven 7uestion survey to give out to several o" my English1103 classmates) /his survey !ill inclu e 7uestions about the government,s "oo regulation purpose an limitations !ithin the school system) /his in"ormation !ill give me insight on ho! stu ents "eel to!ar government regulation o" "oo , an also allo! me to see i" college stu ents, !ho !ere "orce to abi e by the My4late program in elementary school, still eat accor ing to it) *ll this in"ormation !ill enable me to construct an in"ormative yet interesting EI4 pro'ect) I &no! my topic has the potential "or research an e3ploration, an I loo& "or!ar to becoming an e3pert on government "oo regulation proce ures as !ell as healthy "oo choices "or the human bo y)