Lesson Plan 3
Lesson Plan 3
Lesson Plan 3
Secondary Principles ED 360/361 Fall, 2013 Name Lesson Number (Highlight) Samantha Kemperman 1 2 3 4 Highlight ALL the appropriate statements I wrote the lesson after observing my teacher deliver the lesson I planned the lesson after my mentor teacher gave me the topic, materials, and standards I revised a lesson from my teacher or the Internet I observed my teacher teach this lesson during one class, and I taught it during a consecutive class I taught this lesson independently in my field placement I was videotaped teaching this lesson Subject Grade Unit Geometry (Class for students 10th 12th Area of Shapes (Circles, who have failed geometry at Rectangles, Trapezoids, Squares, least once before) Polygons, etc.) Lesson Topic Nets and 3D Shapes using Area and Surface Area Length of Lesson 50 minutes STAGE 1: DESIRED RESULTS Content Standards (GLCEs, HSCEs, Common Core) G1.5.1 Know and use subdivision or circumscription methods to find areas of polygons. G1.5.2 Know, justify, and use formulas for the perimeter and area of a regular n-gon and formulas to find interior and exterior angles of a regular n-gon and their sums. G1.8.1 Solve multistep problems involving surface area and volume of pyramids, prisms, cones, cylinders, hemispheres, and spheres (These standards were used but some were only partly used. We did not use perimeter, volume, surface area of spheres or hemispheres.) - What are nets? - How do we find the area of a net? - How does area of a 2D net relate to surface area of a 3D object?
Essential Question(s)
Understanding Goal(s)
Why does the area of a 2D net equal the surface area of a 3D object? What is surface area?
Kemperman 2 Student Learning Outcome(s) My students will understand how to find the area of nets that have multiple 2D shapes. My students will calculate the area of nets. My students will calculate the surface area of the 3D objects that are made by the nets using formulas given. My students will understand area formulas and surface areas formulas.
STAGE 2: ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE Formative Performance Tasks Formative Other Evidence (observations, questioning) I walked around the classroom while they were doing the activity to make sure they were understanding it and asking questions to deepen their thinking. 1. Why are the areas of the two square sides the same? 2. Why is the area of the net the same as the surface area of your figure?
I first checked the students understanding of nets in general, not related to math. This was just a discussion and people shouted out what they thought. I also did a check of understanding after they found the area of the net and the surface area of the net.
When they found both the area and surface area, I asked them for a rationale of why they were the same. Summative There was not a summative assessment for this lesson because it was an in class activity. STAGE 3: LEARNING PLAN Activity I opened the lesson by asking the students what they thought the word net means. 5 10 minutes I explained to the students the activity and explained what surface area formulas were and how to use them. 10 40 minutes The students now did the activity. The activity was to find the area of a net that was given to them. They had three options: square based pyramid, pentagonal prism, and triangular prism. They could choose two of the previous examples. After finding the area of each of the individual areas of the shapes, the students would cut out the figure, fold it, and glue it to make the 3D object. Then using the dimensions given on the figure and the surface area formulas given, the students found the surface area of the object. 40 50 minutes I asked the class why area and surface area are equal. We discussed it and then explained that they will be learning more about surface area in the coming class periods. Homework (if assigned): There was no homework assigned for this activity. Time 0 5 minutes
Kemperman 3 Materials Student Scissors, glue, markers, notes (If needed), calculator
Whiteboard markers, whiteboard, glue, markers, print outs of 3 nets with dimensions written on them, scissors, formula sheet for own reference, answer keys, calculator Type
Technology Rationale I did not use any technology in my lesson while teaching it because it was an activity and the students do not have one to one iPads so they wouldnt have been able to work on the activity individually. It was an art activity so no technology was needed. Accommodations Learning Styles Gifted and Talented If I were to have gifted and talented students in this class, I was ready to have the students do the activity in a different way. Instead of starting with a net and then making it a 3D object, I was going to have the student start with a 3D object in the classroom of their choosing and then from that they would have to find the dimensions of it. After they found those they would find the surface area of the object and then make a net of it. They would then find the areas of the individual shapes on their net to find the total area. Then they would have to write a rational as to why these two areas were equal.
I wrote down the equations with pictures labeled according to the equation so that was no confusion as to what the letters meant. The students could then just look at their picture and put in the numbers where they needed to in the formula. The letters were also written out as a word so that they didnt have to remember what the letter stood for.
IF you taught this lesson complete the following After the Lesson
Kemperman 4 What worked? I thought I did well with engaging the students in the content. I also think that I did well with connecting the material with previous information that they had learned while also previewing new content. The students seem to enjoy the activity, which was nice to see. They also understood how area and surface area were connected, which was the main point of my lesson. I enjoyed teaching it and I think the students could see that. They responded well to my questions while still staying on task for the most part. What didn't work and why? One thing that didnt seem to work well was when I mentioned to them the surface area formulas; they didnt understand where they came from. Deriving these equations would have been too hard for the students to grasp so I just gave them the formulas for the three objects. They seemed to be confused as to what they meant. I then preceded to tell them each part of the equation and this made it easier to understand because they were all pieces they had seen before. There was one part of the lesson where the students were being disruptive because of the confusion but I brought them back to the task at hand. What will you teach in the next lesson on this topic/skill? Why? I would have taught surface area on the next section because my lesson gives a preview of what surface area is and how it connects with area.