FD Lesson
FD Lesson
FD Lesson
or utco!e State!ent:
Students will be introduced to new vocabulary that will explain the character traits of Frederick Douglass. Students should be able to clearly express their stories using the new vocabulary correctly. The students will be assessed by writing a story using the vocabulary words learned in the social studies lesson. The students need to use 7 vocabulary words, but only 5 will be graded to see if they used the correct definitions. f they use 5 words correctly, they will receive !""#.
Specific Lesson utco!e State!ent: Students will clearly be able to explain the character traits of Frederick Douglass. Georgia "erfor!ance Standards:
SS3H2 The student will discuss the lives of $%ericans who expanded people&s rights and freedo%s in a de%ocracy. a. 'aul (evere )independence*, Frederick Douglass (civil rights), Susan +. $nthony )wo%en&s rights*, ,ary ,c-eod +ethune )education*, Franklin D. (oosevelt ).ew Deal and /orld /ar
*, 0leanor (oosevelt )1nited .ations and hu%an rights*, Thurgood ,arshall )civil rights*, -yndon +. 2ohnson )3reat Society and voting rights*, and 45sar 4h6ve7 )workers& rights*.
b. 0xplain social barriers, restrictions, and obstacles that these historical figures had to overco%e and describe how they overca%e the%. CCSS.ELA-Literacy. .3.2 /rite infor%ative8explanatory texts to exa%ine a topic and convey ideas and infor%ation clearly.
#ssential $uestion%s&:
/hat causes so%eone to be called a leader or hero9 /hat words did you learn that describe a revolutionary leader9
'aterials (eeded:
: /riting 2ournals ; one per student : 'encils ; one per student and extra : 'ictures of $%erican -eader Frederick Douglass writing sheet ; one per student
"rocedures List:
!rocedures" )<" ,inutes* #. $otivatio%" The students will atte%pt to co%plete a Frederick Douglass 5/ 4hart, and the teacher will state that it is their personal goal to learn about Frederick Douglass throughout the lesson. The goal is that the students will know and write %ore about hi% at the end of the lesson. Script: 3rd graders, our goal for the Ws chart is to know and write more about him at the end of the lesson. It is okay if in the beginning we do not have much to say about rederick !ouglass because we are about to learn about him. 2. State&e%t o' !ur(ose" Script: Students lets try our best to use our new vocabulary as much as we can in our writing. When using these words, we should use them correctly so that they make sense and enhance our writing. If you have to, make sure you go back and look at the definitions that we wrote together on the promethean whiteboard. 3. Acade&ic La%guage" ntroduce the specific vocabulary students will learn in this lesson. "ocabulary #ist: : $mendment : $nti%Slavery : &scape : 'ights : reedom : Illegal : Slave : (ongress : 'evolutionary #eader ) ). *ody o' the Lesso%" nclude the following co%ponents, depending on the lesson&s se=uence> : +eacher $odeli%g or De&o%stratio%" *(lass say the word +++++.#isten to the word as I read it in a sentence. Sentence: What do you think +++++means,: +eacher ,%(ut o' Co%te%t-,%'or&atio% +o *e !rese%ted" The teacher will write out the selected vocabulary words on the interactive whiteboard and leave space for students to define the%. Students will go through each word and say the% orally. $fter saying the% orally, as a class they will define each word. Script: .efore the teacher reads, she will say: $s I read, be sure to pay close attention to the highlighted words. In the back of your mind, think about what these words mean. : Check 'or .%dersta%di%g" The students will be able to describe pictures of the Frederick Douglass through writing by using the vocabulary words they learned during whole group.
Script: /he teacher will state, *0ow use the vocabulary words we have defined as a class to describe or create a story caption for the pictures provided. 1ou only need to make one story for either one or all of the pictures.
!. /hile defining vocabulary ask the children to use infor%ation in the book to u%dersta%d the words. ?. $fter readings ask the students to a((ly the knowledge they learned about Frederick Douglass to finish the 5/&s 4hart. @. .ow ask the students to create a short story or caption to go with the pictures of Frederick Douglass.
Acco!!odations: Students will have a chance to share and communicate their ideas to a partner. Students will use this as a way to check if their ideas are communicating effectively. +e,teaching: To re-teach this idea, students will define their seven vocabulary words again and in a small group discussion create a caption for the picture using these new vocabulary words.
Assess&e%ts" For%ative> Throughout the lesson, the /ord Splash will give us an idea of the vocabulary words the students are fa%iliar with. Su%%ative> $fter the lesson is co%pleted, the students& writing pieces will assess whether they learned the new vocabulary. They will be graded on spelling and context of word usage. The rubric is below. /u0ric 'or Story 1ith 2oca0ulary 3rading Aocabulary used %akes sense )at least 7 vocabulary words are used*. @ ? !
'eople, 'laces, and 'eople, 'laces and $tte%pt is %ade to ite%s are well na%ed ite%s are usually na%e people, places with vocabulary words properly na%ed, but and ite%s properly, but and the context clearly so%e )?;5* are 5;7B of the words have shows the student&s confusing or do not no context to understanding of the have enough context to de%onstrate the words. de%onstrate the student&s
student&s understanding.
Closure (3-4 &i%utes)" $fter reading, the students will verbally share their writing pieces. Students are allowed to ask =uestions about each others writing piece. $fter a student has shared, they are allowed to have up to two people ask the% about their writing. Students with =uestions will raise their hand. The reader will respond to two of their peers. Acco&&odatio%s" .o acco%%odations see% to be needed for our students at this ti%e because they all see% to be able to co%plete the lesson we have %ade. So%e of the students %ay need re; teaching or extension, which is already included. /e-teachi%g" Students that have difficulty learning the new vocabulary will co%plete concept circles to gain a deeper understanding of the words and their %eanings. 0x. /hat do all of the words in the circle have in co%%on9 .a%e the concept of category on the line. CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
,%clude a &i%i-lesso% 'ro& the readi%g-1riti%g co&(o%e%t i' this is a literacy lesso%. Done above D E5te%sio%s" The students can create a script with a group using the vocabulary words fro% the text and act it out for the class.