Career Research Guide Worksheet2013 Plan A

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Name: ___Laura M_______

Career Research Guide Worksheet

Make sure you have completed the career exploration and have a good idea of the career that interests you! Your job title (be specific): !ecuti"e Chef (i# a $i#er%) &ob o"er"ie$'What the% do ((ro"ide a para)raph descriptio# of the job* What $ould a t%pical da% o# the job look like+): ,# e!ecuti"e chef is the ma#a)er of the kitche# a#d is respo#sible for e"er%thi#) that is made i# the kitche#* -e' she must be able to spot complicatio#s a#d resol"e them s$iftl% a#d efficie#tl%. co#ser"e a le"el head. a#d dele)ate ma#% kitche# tasks at the same time* /he% must ma#a)e the sous chef a#d chef de partie si#ce both are directl% u#der#eath the e!ecuti"e chef0s chai# of comma#d* /he chef $ill come i# earl% i# the mor#i#) to be)i# setti#) up for their da% checki#) that there is e#ou)h i#)redie#ts to last the da%. checks the produce that is se#t i#. a#d $rites up the dail% me#u for the da%* Worki#) co#ditio#s (-ours %ou ca# e!pect to $ork+ Risk of i#juries+ /ime of da%'time of %ear+ 1#doors'outdoors+ Clothi#) re2uired+ tc3): /he hours that ca# be e!pected i# this career li#e is rou)hl% about 45647 hours* /here is lar)e amou#ts of risk that come from bei#) i#side the kitche# such as the possibilities of third de)ree bur#i#). a#d e"e# fi#)ers bei#) chopped off if the chefs $ere#0t properl% trai#ed* , chef is almost al$a%s $orki#) i#side but o#l% $orks about a# hour i# the kitche# before ha"i#) to )o a#d deal $ith other chefs* 8uri#) $i#ter the busi#ess is "er% slo$ a#d ma% shut do$# duri#) a mo#th or t$o for the $i#ter but duri#) summer the place becomes bloomi#) $ith busi#ess a#d it becomes 2uite a rush* Clothi#) re2uired is the usual chef look $ith black pa#ts. closed toe shoes. a#d a butto# up shirt $ith a# apro# to fi#ish it off*

9alar% ($hat $a)e ca# %ou e!pect to ear#+): 9tarti#) salaries ca# be e!pected from :;<.<<< a %ear to :=<.<<< a#d i#crease o"er the %ears %ou become more e!perie#ced*

>uture outlook ($ill this job be i# dema#d i# the future+ Wh%'$h% #ot+): 1 do#0t e!pect this job $ill become dema#ded i# the future* 1t ma% because people do#0t like to cook a#d e#jo% )oi#) to fa#c% restaura#ts for some #ice meals. but at the same time it ma% #ot because of the prici#) the e#jo%me#t of the food*

Post-Secondary Institute/Training Program #1

/he ,rt 1#stitute of Culi#ar% ,rts

Location and name of program: (Where the school is located* What is the #ame of the pro)ram+ ,lso tell us $h% this school appeals to %ou) This school is located in Vancouver do nto n! it has 1" different chef courses that I ould great li#e to en$oy it% The second reason I ould li#e to attend it is &ecause at the same time I could e'plore my other artistic side such as my acting and singing% (ost: (first %ear ,N8 total cost of pro)ram. i#cludi#) tuitio#. books. a#d supplies) /he first %ear costs : =.<?@ a#d the total is :;@.@@< i#cludi#) the te!t books a#d so forth*

Pre-re)uisites of program: (courses %ou #eed to be taki#) i# hi)h school i# order to )et i#. re2uired G(,) a#% classes that are related to culi#ar%. hi)h school diploma. competiti"e schools $ill co#sider G(, a#d e!tra6curricular acti"ities a#d i#terests. particularl% those associated to the culi#ar% busi#ess*

What are ; related occupatio#s %ou could take if this o#e did#0t $ork out for %ou ($hat $ould %ou do if %ou do#0t e#d up doi#) this career a#d $h%+): 6food taster 6pastr% chef 6restaura#t o$#er

,#d most importa#tl%3 Wh% are %ou i#terested i# this career+ (-o$ lo#) ha"e %ou bee# i#terested i# it+ What led %ou to $a#ti#) this job+ -o$ does it suit'fit %our perso#alit%. i#terests. characteristics. stre#)ths. etc3+):

10ll be totall% ho#est. 1 ha"e al$a%s lo"ed food e"er si#ce 1 $as a child* /he first food 1 e"er made m%self $as a sa#d$ich $he# 1 $as t$o* 1 did#0t reall% reco)#iAed 1 $a#ted to be a chef u#til 1 realiAed 1 lo"ed to cook a#d e!plore #e$ fla"ors a#d tastes* (erso#all% 1 lo"e the challe#)e it bri#)s a#d that $he# the da% is o"er 1 do#0t ha"e to come back the #e!t da% $orr%i#) about it* 1t $ill push m% stress to the limit but at the same time that stress $ill help me $ork harder a#d 1 fi#d that perfect for this job* ,lo#) $ith that 1 lo"e e!plori#) so mi!i#) a#d tr%i#) #e$ fla"ors bri#)s a lot of i#terest to me* 1 hope to tra"el after m% schooli#). to taste a#d e!plore the $orld a#d all of its recipes for me to e#jo%*

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