Scom Interview Questions
Scom Interview Questions
Scom Interview Questions
what is AD integration for scom? # AD Integration = We can use AD integration for automatic agent Installation on computers in Domain
what are the jobs running for scom in sql server can we cluster reporting datawarehouse db how gateway works and its functionality? # Gateway = Gateway act as a proxy to to deploy agent and monitor computers in untrusted domain. The Gateway ser er reports bac! to "# or $"#
can we promote gateway server as RMS # We can%t promote gateway ser er as $"#
what are the e tensions of mps in scom? # &xtension of "'%s in #()" are .xml * .mp for unsealed adnd sealed management pac!s respecti ely
can we modify a sealed mp? what are the prerequisites for installing scom agent # 're re+uisite for agent Installation = ports,-./*-.0*-.1*/02.*/0234* scom action account as local admin right on computer to be monitored.
what is Rms server functionality? !ow Rms server will write the monitor objects data to database differance between Report server and Report datawarehouse db how to migrate from mom"# $ % scom "&
and then clic! ;ext. 5& ent ID &+uals 3 5& ent Ae el &+uals Warning 5Insert a new 'arameter and fill in & entDescription555(lic! finish. $oot "anagement #er er The root management ser er ,$"#4 is a speciali?ed type of management ser er in a management group* and it is the first management ser er installed in a management group. )nly one $"# can be acti e per management group at a time. "anagement 'ac!s "anagement pac!s contain an applicationDs health definition as defined by the application de elopers. When imported into )perations "anager* they enable the agent to monitor the health of an application* generate alerts when something of significance goes wrong in the application )perations (onsole The )perations console pro ides a single* unified user interface for interacting with )perations "anager 2770. The )perations console pro ides access to monitoring data* basic management pac! authoring tools* )perations "anager 2770 reports* all the controls and tools necessary for administering )perations "anager 2770 Gateway #er er )perations "anager 2770 re+uires that agents and management ser ers authenticate each other and establish an encrypted communication channel before they exchange information. Eerberos is the default authentication protocol $eporting #er er )perations "anager $eporting #er er is installed into an instance of "icrosoft #FA 277/ $eporting #er ices #'- or later or "icrosoft #FA #er er 277G #'- $eporting #er ices. It is responsible for building and presenting the reports from data +ueried from the $eporting Data Warehouse. Audit (ollection #er ices Audit (ollection #er ices ,A(#4 is a high5performance* secure solution that collects and stores e ents from the #ecurity & ent Aog on monitored computers. & ents are stored in a separate database* the A(# database* in "icrosoft #FA #er er 277/ #'- or later and "icrosoft #FA #er er 277G #'-. A(# collects all e ents written to the #ecurity & ent Aog on computers that the A(# 6orwarder is enabled on. Agentless &xception "onitoring In Windows operating systems* when an application error occurs* the Watson ser ice can capture the error and forward the information about the error to "icrosoft to determine the root cause of the problem. What is $eporting ser er%s role in )ps"gr: 9ow grooming wor!s for DW* what is the grooming inter al: 9ow do you import "anagement pac!: ;ame any . !ind of $ules in )ps "gr: What is "' dependency: Different ersion of #()": What is Gateway ser er and its functionality: