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1 Training Plan Template

As described in Section 4.2.1 of the Training Effectiveness Toolkit, a Training Plan will help define the specific activities that will be conducted to carry out the training strategy. Background Scope Organizational Training Needs Training Methods This section describes the training methods that will be utilized. Training leads can use the Applicable Methods column in the table to indicate which methods are applicable for the training program or course. Figure 1 Training Methods Applicable Teaching Methods Method
Case study

Participants practice problem-solving with relevant examples. Participants demonstrate high-level cognitive skills (e.g., evaluation, analysis), and form arguments and counterarguments. Participants apply knowledge on the job, unlock participant potential, increase knowledge sharing and reinforce other training methods. Participants evaluate two or more positions on an issue, practice critical thinking, draw on learner knowledge and expertise, form arguments and defend positions. Some discussions consist of an expert panel, which allows learners to understand discipline nuances and areas of debate, relate knowledge to real world examples and listen to different opinions on a topic. Participants receive and respond to immediate feedback, develop process skills, practice physical or manual skills and evaluate results of own work. Conveys information to supplement reading or self-study, responds to student misconceptions or difficulties, stimulates interest in a new area.

Coaching Discussion

Labs Lecture

Online learning Allows geographically dispersed participants to learn, often at their own pace, through online technologies or delivery methods (e.g., webinars, podcasts, videos). Simulation Demonstrates in person or via technology the application of participant knowledge to different scenarios (laboratory setting or role plays). A clinical setting (real or simulated) would be required for a subject matter expert (SME) to facilitate the exercise and give feedback. Provides hands-on skill building and problem-solving. Participants are divided into small groups and assigned a timed task to complete as a team. The output of these activities will be shared with the larger group and used as input to the next segment of the module.

Small group activities

Training Plan Template

Applicable Teaching Methods Method

Role plays

Provides a simulated experience in the situation being acted out. Gives opportunities for participants to develop solutions to unpredictable situations and conditions.

Course Materials This section describes the course materials that will be used. Training leads can use the Applicable Materials column to indicate which materials will be used for the training program or course. The comments column can be used to include additional information specific to each training or course. Figure 2 Course Materials Applicable Materials Administrative Materials
Accreditation/ certification materials Course description/ agenda



Each credentialing and continuing education body has its own requirements and forms required to request credit for a course

May be two separate documents or one combined document Describes the course content Sets expectations for the course Includes duration, breaks, objectives, prerequisites

Course evaluations

Kirkpatrick Level 1 Reaction Measures participants reaction to various aspects of the training including satisfaction with content, instructors, learning environment and appropriateness of material for learner group Measure the achievement of learning objectives

Course registration forms Invitation or course announcement/ advertisement

Requests participant demographic information Confirms registrant has taken prerequisites or meets other requirements (e.g., rank, education, certification)

Announce the course and requests the presence of the recipient Should include course objectives; target audience (if mandatory, this should be noted); location, date and time of course (may include transportation options and/or a map)

Participant records

Records should be created and maintained in a secure environment Academic records are governed by multiple regulations, laws and accreditation standards Official records may include: Dates of enrollment Courses taken, with the units of credit or time allotted to each subject

Training Plan Template

Applicable Materials

Administrative Materials



Examination results

Pre- and/or postassessment exams Sign In Sheet Applicable Materials Learner Materials Activities and Exercises

Level 2 Learning Pre- and/or Post-Assessment measures knowledge gained during the training Measures the achievement of learning objectives

Participants document training attendance Comments

Description Provide immediate practice opportunity for new skills Allow instructor/facilitator to monitor transfer of learning and adjust pace May include scenarios or real-world examples

Handouts Job Aids Manuals Presentations Visual aids Workbooks

Include pertinent course summaries to be used for reference during and after the course Graphics, flow charts, process flows, checklists to be used for quick reference after the course Support course instruction Provide post-course reference

Used to support verbal presentation Reach visual learners

Flip charts, posters to be used for posting frequently referenced training concepts Provide post-course reference

Applicable Materials

Instructor Materials
Attendee list Contact list



Allows instructor to prepare for and tailor group exercises to the number of participants List of important points of contact (e.g., training team members, computer and technology support, venue managers, dining and hotel information)

Facilitator guides

Provide clear guidance and procedural notes on the event timing, content, delivery style and delivery methods instructors/facilitators should follow Support consistent delivery from session to session and between different instructors Describes equipment and supply needs Background on a specific technical topic, guidance and questions to raise on role playing exercise

Training Plan Template

Applicable Materials

Administrative Materials
Instructor notes



Provides direction to the facilitator regarding: Ideas, points and examples the instructor may use during content delivery Frequently asked questions and appropriate answers How to set up exercises How to de-brief exercises References for the content presented

Training Roles and Responsibilities This section identifies the specific roles and responsibilities required to deliver the training. Figure 3 Training Roles, Responsibilities and Requirements Role
Training Lead




Course Modules and Descriptions The following section should be used to provide an overview of course objectives, content, timeframes and instructors. Figure 4 High Level Course Design Module

Time (Min)

Overview of content & method

Content: Method:


Content: Method: Content: Method:

Training Plan Template

Training Schedule This section can be used to develop a timeline for developing and delivering training. The schedule also includes necessary coordination and logistics tasks. Figure 5 Training Schedule Timeline Time Period Activity

Time Period

Time Period

Evaluation of Training Impact This section describes the process that will be used determine how training has influenced a participant's job performance and how that impact translates into results for the larger targeted group. Figure 6 Evaluation Methods Kirkpatrick Level Level 1 Reaction Description The degree to which participants react favorably to the training. Data Collection Methods

Learning Level 2

To what degree participants acquire the intended knowledge, skills, attitudes, confidence and commitment based on their participation in a training event. To what degree participants apply what they learned during training when they return to duty.

Level 3


Training Plan Template

Kirkpatrick Level Level 4 Results

Description To what degree targeted outcomes occur as a result of the training event and subsequent reinforcement.

Data Collection Methods

Continuous Improvement Process

Course Change Control Procedures

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