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PayPal Booster Professional

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Transform Your PayPal Account Into A Cash Making Machine



In an effort to improve our products we have revamped the PayPal Booster Professional. Now this product is here and it's yours! We pride ourselves on providing methods that work! There are those that assume that a 3 page report lacks value.... In our opinion we would much rather cut out the bones and give you the meat. es! our reports are short but who wants to swim through a bunch of contrived drivel "ust to get to the nuts and bolts of any system or method# I hope this is not how you perceive value. We are here to assist you in turning these methods into cold hard cash. If you ever have any $uestions then please email us! we are here to help. We get thousands of emails every day from people all over the world and we respond to all of them. If you email us we will get back to you "ust give us some time. When you purchase one of our products you get free updates for life. We N%&%' send out or sell information or methods that we ourselves have not tried and tested. Tried! true and tested. ( couple of things we want to touch on. )ur refund policy we feel is very clear. *imply put! +se the system for ,- days if you don't make any money with it we will refund your purchase price. *o to add a little more clarification our refund policy does not apply to the following. /. 0uyer's remorse. 1. Tire kickers 3. *keptical response We honor our refund policy once the criteria are met! meaning. /. ,- days has passed 1. The method has been used 3. No money has been made using the method

When re$uesting a 'efund please confirm that you have met the above criteria. It is our policy that any disputes filed with 2ay2al are to immediately escalated to a claim. The reason for this is pretty simple! we are in business to help you but we also have to take a position to protect ourselves. 0ecause our products are a digital download and an off e0ay product it is not covered under buyer or seller protection. )nce escalated to a claim 2ay2al closes the case in favor of the seller within minutes. 3isputes that have been escalated to a claim have an adverse effect on everyone involved. We have been forced to adopt this policy for one reason! to prevent fraudulent refunds from occurring. 2lease contact us if you have any issues. We are here to help. 2retty straight forward. In the mean time I promise you this in the ne4t ,- days the e4tra bonus updates we will share with you will blow your mind and make you money. *o en"oy the PayPal Booster Professional and as I said before if you have any $uestions or need help to get started then email us we are here to help.

*incerely! 5heorghe 6ena


7irstly! if you have not yet a 2ay2al account you need to register right now. 7or free account! click here.

It's easy to get a 2ay2al account. 7rom the 2ay2al account registration page! select 2ersonal or 0usiness (ccount! then choose the country you live. Ne4t! you have to create a blog on the website 0logger.com.

*o! firstly you have to register at 0logger.com. To register! click here. (fter that! you have to create your blog. 5o to account and click on button 8New 0log8. ou have to type a title and an address available! then click 86reate blog8. )nce created! click on button 8New 2ost8 and you have to choice and type a title for your first post. Now! need to add content. 7or this! click on editing 9T:; mode.

In content of the <I2 package you will find a Notepad file that contains the code 9T:; of my blog. ou have to copy all contents of this file Notepad and paste it into area to your first post. (fter that! switch to editing te4t mode! customise the content as you wish and! finaly! click on button 82ublish8 to finish. ou'll see... it is not hard! it's very easy. Now! it=s time to register you on the website 0ubdee.com for selling digital products via 2ay2al. 7or collection of money in 2ay2al by selling product! you may use 0ubdee.com "ust for a small fee per each sale. IMPORTANT Need you use the recording 0ubdee.com same email address that you registered on 2ay2al. To register on 0ubdee.com! click here.

(fter registration you can log in and now! you must complete 1 steps before start selling your product with 0ubdee.com. (t step /! click on the te4t in red colour 82rofile 9ere8.

In the ne4t page you have to fill that bo4 with your email address on your 2ay2al account and then! you have to login to 2ay2al account and follow all instructions in the picture below! regarding 2ay2al processor and after you finished! click on button 8*ave8.

Ne4t! click on 8:embers (rea8 and now is the time to add the product for sale. *o! click on button 82ost 2roduct8 and then you have to fill all bo4es which appear in the pictures below.

3on't forget to click on button 80rowse8 to select and upload your product. (fter you finished to fill all bo4es! check once again carefully and click the left button down 82ost 2roduct8 then! wait a few moments until uploading of product is completed.

Ne4t step! click on 8:y 2roducts8 and then click on button 85et 9T:; 6ode8.

In the ne4t page! scroll down and select an +'; like as in picture below then copy > paste it in a Notepad file and save this file on your desktop.

Thus! your product was added and your +'; provided by 0ubdee.com ?htt! ""###$%u%&ee$com"getco&e!a'!a($!h!)i&*$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ @ will have to insert it into your button 8)rder Now8. *o! it is much easier to use and

cheaper than other services. 0asically! this website after you set your product will handle all sales process! so you do not need to do than to insert your +'; provided by 0ubdee.com into the order button! on your blog. Therefore! to insert this +'; into your order button! you have to open the te4t editor on 0logger.com! scroll down and click on your button 8)rder Now8 and then click on button 8;ink8 to add or remove a link! on the top of window. 'epeat this step twice. In the ne4t small window! fill the bo4 with your +'; provided by 0ubdee.com ?htt! ""###$%u%&ee$com"getco&e!a'!a($!h!)i&*$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ @ then set the option 8open in new tab8 and click )A to finish. Now! take a look at 0ubdee.com pricing > fees presented in picture below! if you wish.


6ongratulations! your blog is online. ou may now proceed to step 1. We will discuss how to sell the method! which will not be a difficult thing to do! you will not have to ask people to buy the PayPal Booster Professional! you will not have to send mails and post on forums! something which I find boring and slow but if you want to do it! you still can. ou may want to "oin Neo0u4 in order to sell PayPal Booster Professional. There are many advertising websites out here but Neo0u4 is one of the cheapest and most effective. This is how I have made more than BC--- in "ust a matter of a few weeks. 0efore "oining Neo0u4 you need to have few things. ou need to have an %mail I3 preferably with 5mail.com. :ost 2T6 sites would ask you to give 5mail I3. *o if you do not have one create your 5mail Id now. (ll the 2T6 sites pay with two online money transaction sites. They are safe and used by thousand safe people worldwide. If you do not have 2ay2al and 2ayDa ?formerly (lert2ay@ account! then sign up with them. )therwise you cannot "oin any 2T6 site. 7or free 2ayDa account! click here.

5etting started with Neo0u4 is easy! "ust click here. ou'll be at the home page of Neo0u4 and it looks like the below picture.

'egistration with Neo0u4. (t the top of that page you can see the 8'egister8 button. 6lick on that and you'll be in the 8New registration8 page.

Now you'll have to fill in the field in this page. (fter that! click on the continue button. 7ollow the instructions on ne4t page and complete registration. The last step to complete the registration is to go to your email inbo4 and open the mail send by the Neo0u4 and click on the activation link send in that email. This will confirm your account. (nd now you're a verified member of Neo0u4 and you can start making money with them.

)nce your account is ready! "ust click on the button Eadvertise8. *ee the picture below.

ou have three different options to advertise your PayPal Booster Professional method and get as much as B1C- per day like I managed to. 7irst! you have to select how many clicks you want to buy and then the type of e4position on Neo0u4. I suggest you to start slow! you don't have to spend thousands to get people to discover and buy the method! "ust start for a simple 1C-- clicks solution ?it cost only BC@! the cheapest way for sure to sell the product PayPal Booster Professional. Then! when you get more cash! remember that you can advertise even more! (N3 get even more money every day without actually doing anything. Now you may set up the advertisement with the address of the blog you have created. When you are done setting up the advertisement on Neo0u4! "ust rela4! go outside or do something that you haven't been doing for a while because you were so busy working. ;ife is meant to be en"oyed and money to shared. Wait and see magic happening the ne4t time you open your 2ay2al accountFit will blow your mind.


6ongratulation for beginning your first ad campaign on Neo0u4! you will $uickly see the results of this campaign by checking in on your 2ay2al account and be amaDed seeing your main balance growing as each day passes. If your blog is not good enough! you may try to sell your product on other websites. T9% will do the work for you! while you "ust sit and watch T& or have fun somewhere. )nce Neo0u4 brought enough cash in to advertise more! try these 2T6 websites . /@ 6li4*ense 1@ 2ro0u4 3@ TheG0u4 H@ *carlet6licks C@ Word;in4

These 2T6 websites WI;; generate sales no matter what! because the market is interested in products which will generate money for them. ou may also want to try to advertise on 5oogle (dWord! it is very effective. 7or more traffic on your blog! you can try some traffic e4change websites. :anual *urfing Traffic %4change . /@ Traffic*warm 1@ %asy9itsH+ 3@ 9it19it H@ Traffic5 C@ 9it;ink (uto *urfing Traffic %4change . /@ (uto*urf3,C 1@ ibbida(utosurf

3@ (uto9its.dk H@ /-A9its.com C@ Websyndic&1 *teps to follow. G 'egister you on these traffic e4change websitesI G (dd your blog. 6ontent of the blog must be in %nglishI G *urfing. ou can surf timer 1./ to /./ with timer /C seconds or 1- seconds. I recommend the second option! which is possible! so that for each page visited ?surf@ get someone on your blog. *ky is the limit for you and you can sell PayPal Booster Professional product anywhere and replicate what I have done in less than a few weeks. 'emember! once your blog is ready and your ad is on Neo0u4 and these websites! money will literally e4plode in your 2ay2al account.

5))3 ;+6A WIT9 *%;;IN5 T9% PAYPAL BOOSTER PROFESSIONAL (N3 I WI*9 )+ T) 9(&% (* :+69 *+66%** (* I 9(3 WIT9 IT!

5heorghe 6ena

The (uthor

6opyright J 1-/3 K PayPal Booster Professional K (ll rights reserved

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