October 27 2013 Spring - 5

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HONEYMOON is the word for it. We talked, we laughed, we loved. Our blue Chevrolet Station Wagon cruised s oothl!

along at sevent! iles "er hour over the long straight desert highwa!. #ee" blue sk! was our scener! as the sides of the road fu$$ed b!. %aising ! head fro his shoulder, & looked into his cal face, that soft lined outh, those dee" blue e!es & had loved and trusted for so an! !ears. 'Hi (rincess.) he said. He alwa!s called e '(rincess.) & loved it. M! back got all tingl!, then tingles s"read around to ! sto ach and down ! legs to ! toes. His li"s "ressed ine, war , soft, gentle. *hat was the beginning of our first 'second hone! oon.) & was +ust beginning to know this an with who & had s"ent so an! !ears. His strength gave e courage when ine was lacking. He hel"ed e return to being able to drive again with his tender words, 'You can do it, (rincess. So eti es & would wake u" in the night with those old feelings of fear +a ing ! thought waves like static on an old radio. 'Hone!, wake u", "lease, & need !ou.) M! ears were ringing and hurting. &t sounded like an orchard full of bu$$ing ,at!dids. He gave u" what to hi is the ost "recious co odit! and o"ened his e!es. He gave e blessings that hel"ed e slee" as he "ra!ed ferventl! to -od for hel". *hen he would hold e close and & would soon feel the cushioned, cloud soft sensations of slee" overco ing an.iet!. *hrough an! onths his loving encourage ent fed ! needs until... /.&t was a sunn! war afternoon. 0all colors ade the can!on alive with enthusias as Wendell and & drove ho e to 1righa Cit! fro 2ogan *e "le. *hat sa e enthusias that was "age 3 bursting inside of e. '& feel like a new "erson,) & told hi , ! voice e.citedl! ha""!. 'How co e4) he asked. '#o !ou reali$e &5ve been off tran6uili$ers for four onths now and & feel like &5ve been resurrected. & feel things & didn5t feel before. & s ell things & didn5t s ell before. & see so an! beautiful things that & was issing. Hone!, & wish & could e."lain how & feel.) M! heart was beating faster than nor al. & felt like cr!ing 7 not those old kind of tears, but tears of +o!. '& know,) he said, his hand covered ine, giving e three s6uee$es that said, '&...love...!ou,) +ust like he5d been doing fro the ti e we dated in high school. '& can tell.) he said gentl!. Our e!es et, tears flooded as the da that had sto""ed the flow for so long burst and ha""iness soaked the white handkerchief he handed e fro his +acket "ocket. /................ You wonder, Easter 0alls, wh! & said it was here that & found new life4 &t was, for al ost dail! after & got ! strength back &5d cli b u" here and +og across this ountain. Each da! & learned so ething new. &ts stee" hills taught e deter ination. &ts rock! "aths taught e to be war!. *hose good si$ed rocks on the "ath over there, how an! ti es &5ve dodged the or +u "ed the & couldn5t tell. One da! & tri""ed on a tin! rock that & didn5t even see. 1efore & thought about being hurt, & +u "ed u" and ran on, onl! then did & reali$e ! knee hurt and blood was tickling ! leg. *hat didn5t atter, the i "ortant thing was that & was u" and running. 8ust like the ti es we tri" over 'rocks) in life5s "ath 7 the ost i "ortant thing is that we get u" and run again. &ts golden ustard weed in

S"ring taught e beaut!. 1ree$es singing in its trees let e learn again to listen. Mag"ies hiding in tight green foliage chattering continuousl! in their enthusias for life hel"ed e discover enthusias . War sunn! afternoons in the shade of its leaf laden trees hel"ed e feel "eace. *hose rugged cragg! "eaks against the dee" blue Su er sk! silhouette, for e, an against eternit!. M! friendl! water fall, !ou taught e of resurrection. M! fingers fluffed ! hair in the coolness of the orning air. & started down the gravel! "ath near the little strea 9let, offs"ring of ! water fall, hearing its gentle, trickling voice a""lauding ! victor!. & ran with eager enthusias toward the clu " of su ac sticks fencing the giant rocks at the to" of the hill, S"ring would co e for the too. *his is the orning of another new da!, and our tenth second hone! oon starts to orrow. 2ove, -rand a Christensen

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