Resume: Nagendra Murthy K N

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Email Id :[email protected] Mobile : +91-9036700358

Seeking for a position as an engineer where I can work with forward thinking using m ski!!s and to e"ce! and grow in sphere of de#e!oping techno!og $

Experience BOB Tech Sol tion!% &anga!ore 'ug (013 )o )i!! *ate
De!i"n#tion :Net$or% S pport En"ineer 'dministering and +aintaining ,etwork -onnecti#it % Internet access$ -onfiguration of )-./I.% Insta!!ation of 'cti#e *irector % Insta!!ation and )rou0!eshooting of ,etwork .rinter$ &ui!ding a S stem according to customers1 needs$ 2ardware +aintenance and configuration$ )rou0!eshooting network pro0!ems and hardware pro0!ems$

S &&#r'
((NA (erti)ie*+,-,,.,-/0,1/(2B3 '0i!it to grasp and wi!!ingness to !earn new concepts% 3uick !earner$ '0i!it to work under pressure 4-omprehensi#e pro0!em so!#ing a0i!ities$ '0i!it to dea! with peop!e dip!omatica!! $

Ac#*e&ic 4ro)ile
M(A 5 //5/6 in Rev# 7n!tit te o) Technolo"' 8 M#n#"e&ent (olle"e9 B#n"#lore9 'ffi!iated to :TU Univer!it'9 &anga!ore - ;<-.$

B(A 5 /.5.6 in A%!h#'# 4U 8 De"ree (olle"e9 B#n"#lore9 'ffi!iated to B#n"#lore9 Univer!it'9 &anga!ore - ;<-<$ Hi"her Secon*#r' 5 /.516 in A%!h#'# 4U 8 De"ree (olle"e% B#n"#lore% 'ffi!iated to &oard of Intermediate 6ducation + ;<</ Secon*#r' 5 .0516 in (#&bri*"e En"li!h Hi"h School9 B#n"#lore % 'ffi!iated to &oard of Secondar 6ducation + ;<<,

Technic#l 4ro)ile
)rained -isco -ertified ,etwork 'ssociate7--,'8 -ourse from Impu!se Internetworks )echno!og &anga!ore$ In depth know!edge of computer assem0!ing% fau!t finding 4 trou0!eshooting$

Technic#l !%ill!
In depth know!edge of computer assem0!ing% fau!t finding 4 trou0!eshooting$ 9now!edge of )-./I.% :*.% ;SI% <=',$ >outing .rotoco!s >I.% 6I?>. 4 ;S.@$

Achieve&ent! &agged priAes in Volley ball, Cricket. .articipated in paper presentations$

4er!on#l Det#il! ,ame @ather1s ,ame Se" *ate of &irth 2o00ies =anguages 9nown Decl#r#tion I here0 dec!are that a!! the detai!s furnished a0o#e are true to the 0est of m know!edge$ .!aceB &',?'=;>6 B B B B B B ,agendra +urth 9 , 9am0a!appa ' , +a!e$ 13-06-1989$ -ricket% -hess% >eading &ooks$ 9annada% 6ng!ish% 4 2indi

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