Common OB Drugs
Common OB Drugs
Common OB Drugs
Drug name Indication Contraindication Dosage and route Adverse effect Nursing responsibilities
Cephalexin Skin and skin structure Hypersensitivity to 500 mg q 12 hr PO Diarrhea, N&V, >Refrigerate suspension
infections due to cephalosporins. abdominal pain, after reconstitution;
CLASSIFICATION: staphylococci and dizziness, skin rash, discard after 14 days.
Cephalosporin, first streptococci. fever, vaginitis. >If total daily dose is more
generation than 4 grams, use
parenteral drugs.
ACTION: >May reduce dosage with
Interferes with the final impaired renal function; or
step in cell wall increase for severe
formation (inhibition of infections.
mucopeptide >The tablets for oral
biosynthesis), resulting in suspension are used to
unstable cell membranes prepare individual 5-mL
that undergo lysis. Also doses.
cell division and growth
are inhibited.
Drug name Indication Contraindication Dosage and route Adverse effect Nursing responsibilities
Oxytocin >stimulates rhythmic Hypersensitivity to drug. 10 units/mL. Nausea & vomiting, >to reconstitute add 1mL
contractions of the Significant cephalopelvic Intravenous infusion cramping, stomach to 1,000 mL of 0.9%
CLASSIFICATION: uterus, increases the disproportion; unfavorable pain, headache and aqueous NaCl or Ringer’s
Oxytocic drug frequency of existing fetal positions or dizziness. lactate.
contractions, and raises presentations that are >Use Y-tubing system,
Action: the tone of uterine undeliverable without with one bottle containing
Acts on smooth muscle musculature. conversion prior to delivery. IV solution and oxytocin,
of the uterus to stimulate and the other containing
contractions; response the IV solution.
depends on the uterine >have Mg Sulfate
threshold of excitability. immediately available to
relax the uterus in case of
titanic uterine contractions.
>clamp off IV oxytocin if
contractions occur more
frequently than every 2
minutes and last longer
than 60-90 seconds with
no period of uterine
relaxation in between.
Drug name Indication Contraindication Dosage and route Adverse effect Nursing responsibilities
Ferrous Sulfate (FeSO4) >Prophylaxis and Hemosiderosis, 200mg/day PO Constipation, gastric >Substitution of one iron
treatment of iron hemochromatosis, peptic irritation, nausea, salt for another without
CLASSIFICATION: deficiency and iron- ulcer, regional enteritis, and abdominal cramps, proper adjustment may
Antianemic, Iron deficiency anemias. ulcerative colitis. Hemolytic anorexia, diarrhea, result in serious over or
>Dietary supplement anemia, pyridoxine- dark colored stools. under dosing.
ACTION: for iron. Optimum responsive anemia, and >Eggs, milk, coffee, or tea
Males: 12-20mg therapeutic responses cirrhosis of the liver. Use in consumed with a meal or 1
Females: 8-15mg are usually noted those with normal iron hr after may significantly
Iron is absorbed from the within 2-4 weeks. balance. inhibit absorption of
duodenum and upper dietary iron.
jejunum by an active >Ingestion of calcium and
mechanism through the iron supplements with
mucosal cells where it food can decrease iron
combines with the absorption by one-third;
protein transferrin. iron absorption is not
decreased if calcium
carbonate is used and
taken between meals.
>Do not crush or chew
sustained-release products.
Drug name Indication Contraindication Dosage and route Adverse effect Nursing responsibilities
Methylergonovine >Management and Pregnancy, toxemia, Injection: 0.2 mg/mL Hypertension >Store tablets below 25 C
maleate prevention of hypertension. Ergot Tablets: 0.2 mg. associated with seizure (77 F) in tight, light-
Rx: Methergine postpartum and hypersensitivity. 0.2 mg 3-4 times per or headache. resistant containers.
postabortal day in the puerperium >If IV, administer slowly
CLASSIFICATION: hemorrhage by for a maximum of 1 over 1 min; check VS for
Oxytocic drug producing firm uterine week. evidence of shock or
contractions and hypertension after IV
ACTION: decreasing bleeding, administration. Have
Synthetic drug related to >During second stage emergency drugs
ergonovine. Acts directly of labor following available.
on the uterine smooth delivery of the anterior >Give only if solution is
muscle to stimulate the shoulder, but only clear and colorless; discard
rate, tone, and amplitude under full obstetric ampules if discolored.
of uterine contractions. supervision. >Store ampules form 2-8
C (36-46 F). Protect from