Strongfirst SFG Level 1 Kettlebell Training Guide: James Breese, Uk Director
Strongfirst SFG Level 1 Kettlebell Training Guide: James Breese, Uk Director
Strongfirst SFG Level 1 Kettlebell Training Guide: James Breese, Uk Director
James Breese
Core Purpose
To achieve life changing results for all of our clients and customers by restoring lost movement, adhering to hardstyle strength principles and having INSANE amounts of FUN.
James Breese
Core Values
1 2 3 4 5 6 Customer care above all else. Fanatical attention to detail. Education. Over-deliver. Simplicity. Accountability.
Our Mission
We are MORE than just products and services we are a vibrant community of men and women dedicated to cultivating supreme fitness. Our Mission is to inspire, educate and transform the lives of each and every individual we come across one person, one community at a time. We believe in Greatness and that anything less is simply NOT ACCEPTABLE. We will connect with, laugh with and uplift the lives of our clients and customers. They will feel a sense of belonging, meet new friends and experience a break from the worries of the outside world. This starts with our promise of delivering outstanding results and an unprecedented service. But with our promise, comes accountability and responsibility. We will ask each and everyone of our members to become as passionate about supreme fitness as we are; regard anything less than our standard with suspicion and evolve into Fitness Connoisseurs. Now we see that as our responsibility to you and our potential for good is even larger. The Fitness industry is looking to Kettlebell Fever to set the new standard. We will lead.
Our Vision
To be the UKs Most Trusted Authority in Health and Fitness and become the company most known for creating a cultural sea of change towards our unique blend of strength, conditioning, flexibility, mobility, nutrition and fun.
James Breese
Strength is the foundation for development of the rest of physical qualities, ~ Professor Leonid Matveev
StrongFirst is a school of strength. We teach men and women how to quickly and safely reach high levels of strengthwithout interfering with their duty, job, or sport. StrongFirst employs several effective modalitieskettlebells, barbells, and bodyweightbut one set of universal training principles. As the motto of the Marine Corps Martial Arts Program goes, One mind, any weapon. StrongFirst sees eye-to-eye with Professor Yuri Verkhoshansky: Theory without practice is as limited as practice without theory. Our methods are scientifically and empirically-based and have a proven record with professional athletes, elite military and law enforcement operators, as well as regular folks who have decided to be weak no more. Our instructor team includes national champions and their coaches, military operators, first responders, law enforcement officers, elite martial artists, performing strongmen, team doctors, and other high-end strength professionals.
James Breese
Weekend-long SFG Level I Certifications offer renowned curricula constantly refined. We no longer use the RKC name but we carry on its spirit, curriculum, and standards.
SFG is our flagship program. Its curriculum was developed by Pavel Tsatsouline, who pioneered kettlebell training in the West and developed the gold-standard RKC program. SFG Kettlebell Instructor Certifications are taught by a highly-experienced cadre personally trained by Pavel, and frequently by Pavel himself. 1 2 3 Learn the kettlebell training system that started it all and became the gold standard. Learn how to teach the system to others. Get certified as anSFG Kettlebell Instructoronce you pass our rigorous testing!
The exercises taught and tested are: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Double Swing Get-Up Double Clean Double Press Double Front Squat Snatch
Just the basics, drilled to perfection. As MSgt Duane Stanton, USAF Pararescue, has put it,The only thing that separates the elite from all the rest is the fact that the elite are better at the basics than everyone else. Learn the skills, test your spirit, and discover the camaraderie rarely found outside the military.
James Breese
James Breese
James Breese
The Kettlebell Fever Team recommend the following products to help you pass and succeed. Thick Handled Cast Iron Kettlebells
When preparing for the SFG it is important to realise that Competition Kettlebells will NOT be used during the weekend and thick handled, classic, cast iron bells are the staple. This makes a huge difference and grip strength is vital. You need to train accordingly. Men are advised to train as a minimum with to 2 x 24kg Cast Iron Kettlebells and 1 x 32kg Kettlebell to prepare for the event. Women are advised to train as a minimum with 2 x 16kg Cast Iron Kettlebells and 1 x 24kg Kettlebell to prepare for the event.
James Breese
Mon Light
Tues Variety
Fri Off
Sat Heavy
Sun Off
Medium Variety
Light, Medium and Heavy days would consist of the following (again directly from Pavels ETK... you really should read it if you havent!) Warm Up Halos, Pumps and Face the Wall Squats with prying and also some Goblet Squats with prying to loosen the hips.
Rite of Passage
Example Light Day 3 x 3 Clean and Press Ladders, 5 - 10 sets of 10 snatches left and right. E.g:1 Clean & Press Right > 1 Clean & Press Left > 1 Pull Up 2 Clean & Press Right > 2 Clean & Press Left > 2 Pull Ups 3 Clean & Press Right > 3 Clean & Press Left > 3 Pull Ups Rest 3 - 5 Minutes. Repeat for a total of 3 times Following the last set Rest sufficient time and do the following. 10 Snatches with Snatch size bell Right, 10 Left. Rest 1 Minute. Repeat x 5 - 10 times depending on fitness level. Please remember... a light day is a light day!! You should feel refreshed and recharged post workout and NOT burnt out!
James Breese
Example Medium Day 5 x 3 Clean and Press Ladders, 5 - 12 minutes of 2 hand heavy swings. E.g: 1 Clean & Press Right > 1 Clean & Press Left > 1 Pull Up 2 Clean & Press Right > 2 Clean & Press Left > 2 Pull Ups 3 Clean & Press Right > 3 Clean & Press Left > 3 Pull Ups Rest 3 - 5 Minutes. Repeat for a total of 5 times Following the last set rest a sufficient amount time and do the following. 5 - 12 minutes of two handed swings with heavy bell (Women 24kg, Men 32kg) sets of 10 reps with taking as much rest as required. Example Heavy Day 4 x 5 Clean and Press Ladders, 5 - 12 minutes of 2 hand swings snatch size bell 20 seconds on 40 seconds off. E.g: 1 Clean & Press Right > 1 Clean & Press Left > 1 Pull Up 2 Clean & Press Right > 2 Clean & Press Left > 2 Pull Ups 3 Clean & Press Right > 3 Clean & Press Left > 3 Pull Ups 4 Clean & Press Right > 4 Clean & Press Left > 4 Pull Ups 5 Clean & Press Right > 5 Clean & Press Left > 5 Pull Ups Rest 3 - 5 Minutes. Repeat for a total of 4 times Following the last set, rest a sufficient amount time and do the following. 5 - 12 minutes of two handed swings with heavy bell (Women 24kg, Men 32kg) sets of 10 reps with taking as much rest as required. Please note, every one will start off at a different point. You have to determine your own strength levels and find out your own, light medium and heavy days. But the goals should remain the same - 5 x 5 Clean and Press ladders with pull ups between each.
James Breese
Variety Days
Variety days serve to practice and refine technique and should not be a ALL OUT CONDITIONING BLAST in this early phase. Strength is a skill. Never forget that and this type of training should compliment your routine for Rite Of Passage. Correctives should also be done prior to your practice session. Here are what my variety days consisted of first two months. Variety Day 1 Turkish Get Up Left > Turkish Get Up Right > 10 Swings Repeat with as much rest as needed for 20 minutes. The foucs should be on the get ups and not the swings. Try to do them as slowly as possible. Use a Snatch Size Bell (24kg Women, 32kg Men) Each week increase the duration of workout by 5 minutes up to a maximum of 45 minutes. N.b. Sometimes I would complete a get up, walk to other end of room and back then get down. Big fan of waiter walks and loaded carries. Variety Day 2 1 Get Up Left > 1 Get Up Right > Repeat x 3 Rest 2 - 3 minutes. 10 Swings with Medium Bell. 5 Squats with Medium bell (24kg Women, 32kg Men) Repeat x 5 - 10. Again. Goal is not to kill yourself working out. Just Practice. Lay foundation for the heavy day.
James Breese
Workout 1
Heavy Swings
Workout 2
Workout 3 Off
The duration of this workout would be 1 - 2 months depending on time scale and ability levels. I would also say that after the first two weeks you should move from single kettlebells to alternating each workout with double kettlebells just to get used to them. Start off in week 1 with the rest at 1 minute between each sets. Every week decrease by 10 seconds until you get it down to 20 seconds rest between each set. Repeat 3 circuits of each workout. 5 Min Rest between each circuit.
The Workouts
Workout 1 Swing x 10 Left/10 Right Clean and Press x 5 Swing x 10 Left/10 Right Clean and Front Squat x 5 Swing x 10 Left/10 Right Get-up x 1/1 Swing x 10 Left/10 Right Snatch x 10 Left/10 Right Swing Left/10 Right Rest 2 - 5 Minutes. Repeat.
James Breese
Workout 2 Clean and Press x 5 Left/5 Right Get-up x 1 Left/1 Right Clean and Press x 5 Left/5 Right Clean and Front Squat x 5 Left/5 Right Clean and Press x 5 Left/5 Right Swing x 10 Left/10 Right Clean and Press x 5 Left/5 Right Snatch x 10 Left/10 Right Clean and Press x 5 Left/5 Right Rest 2 - 5 Minutes. Repeat. Workout 3 Clean and Front Squat x 5 Left/5 Right Swing 10 Left/10 Right Clean and Front Squat x 5 Left/5 Right Clean and Press x 5 Left/5 Right Clean and Front Squat x 5 Left/5 Right Get-up x 1 Left/1 Right Clean and Front Squat x 5 Left/5 Right Snatch 10 Left/10 Right Clean and Front Squat x 5 Left/5 Right
Heavy Swings
On these days you could do the following; warm up with 6 Turkish Get Ups. 3 Left and 3 Right alternating with snatch size bell. Grab a heavy bell (Men 32kg, Women 24kg). The goal is to comfortably perform the following. 10 minutes of work. 10 Heavy One Handed Swings Right. 10 Left. Repeat on the minute every minute for 10 minutes.
James Breese
This is another workout program design straight from Brett Jones, and I have to say its one I like to go back to time and time again, preparing for the snatch test or not. Its brutally effective and simple! Warm Up on these days with 6 Get Ups. 1 Left and 1 Right alternating using a snatch sized bell. Grab a GymBoss or other relevant timer and set for 15 minutes on 1 minute intervals. With your snatch sized bell perform the following: 5 Snatches Right 5 Snatches Left Rest to the end of the minute and repeat x 15 Once you feel comfortable doing this for 15 minutes, decrease the time to 13 minutes but now do: 6 Snatches Right, 6 Left. Then 12 minutes doing 7 Right/7 Left Then 10 minutes doing 8 Right/8 Left 9 Minutes doing 9 Right/9 Left 7 Minutes doing 10 Right/ 10 Left Personally doing each stage for 2 weeks has proved sufficient in the past for myself and other athletes I have trained to pass the SFG, but it may vary depending on fitness levels and technique ability. Notice, as Brett says, youre preparing for the snatch test plus 2 extra minutes, just to make sure!
James Breese
Workout 1
Workout 2
Workout 3
Heavy Swings
Workouts 1, 2 and 3 are identical to the previous phase except they are now done on consecutive days and should be completed with DOUBLE SNATCH SIZED BELLS ONLY. Take 20 seconds rest between each set. If they feel too light, go the next size up and try them! Repeat 3 circuits of each workout. 5 Min Rest between each circuit. Snatches Again this is now specific to the way you wish to complete the Snatch Test. Please Warm Up with 6 Get Ups (3 Left and Right alternating) The snatch test is what everybody gets most caught up and worried about. Personally, you should be concerned about the other 3000 swings youll be doing the rest of the weekend!
James Breese
My personal preference is 20 Left/20 Right 15 Left/15 Right Set the bell down about the 2:15 - 2:30 Min Mark At the 3 minute mark 10 Left/10 Right 5 Left/5 Right Easily completed in 4:30 Minutes. Remember this isnt a showing off contest, you just have to be smart and pass the test. Why try and beat a world record when you So with this in mind, my snatching PRACTICE leading up to certification in the final stages looked like this: 20 Snatches Left 20 Snatches Right 15 Snatches Left 15 Snatches Right Rest 5 - 10 Minutes Repeat 2 -3 times (depending on how you are feeling that day) Notice, how I never once completed the full 100 snatches. I just practiced the early phase of my strategy to get comfortable and know that I could EASILY complete the HARDEST phase. Trust me, when you can easily complete 70 reps in one go, the snatch test will come easily to you. Think smart and again, PRACTICE the snatch test without actually doing the test!
James Breese
Heavy Swings This is to be done the day after your snatch practice and by now with all the other prep you have been doing should now feel fairly easy. Warm Up with 6 Get Ups (3 Left and Right alternating) with Snatch Bell. Grab a Heavy Bell (32kg Men, 24kg Women) Set Timer for 10 Minutes. On the Minute Every Minute, 10 Left/10 Right and repeat for the full ten minutes. Thats it. The main focus should be on your 3 consecutive days. So save yourself for them. Added Extras for the Final Stage If you wish to add the following to supplement your training I recommend the following: 1) After workouts complete 3 Farmer Walks to failure on each hand with a heavy kettlebell 2) After each Get Up in the Warm Up complete a WindMill (If you know how to!) 3) Complete Correctives Prior and After each workout
James Breese
What do I mean by correctives? Well, its not just the fact you have to be strong to pass the course you need the ability to move and move well! So, again, another reason why many people tend to struggle on the course is due to lack of Thoracic Mobility, Hip Mobility and Ankle Mobility. Everybody is different but Id highly recommend adding the following at an early stage to your training:1) 2) 3) 4) Kettlebell Arm Bars The Bretzel 1.0 and 2.0 Pavels Hip Flexor Stretch Ankle Mobility and Stick work around the calf region
Focus on what is right for you and stick to it. For some people this is probably the most important aspect of your training. Talk to Master SFG Mark Reifkind, who does 60 minutes a day of correctives and stretching before he even attempts to workout!!!
James Breese
Final Note Everybody likes to train differently and usually different training plans are required for each different body type. This guide is not designed or tailored to anybody specifically. This was my training plan I created for myself and which I have used time and time again to help other people pass the course, with the odd tweak here and there. I really want you to succeed and pass; this is just to help you find the training plan that is right for you. Now one thing I did not cover is Nutrition. Remember you are what you eat! I wont go into that here, but look at anything written by Dr John Beradi or Precision Nutrition! Thats my best advice. On a final note, If you have any thing else that you would like to ask feel free to contact me on: or Telephone 0844 800 9948 Yours in health, James.
James Breese
Founder, UK Director StrongFirst, UK Director Primal Move, Krav Maga Global Instructor and Fitness Expert. Oh, and Rugby, Cricket, Snowboarding and Family Guy fanatic!
Meet James.
My name is James Breese. I am a UK based Krav Maga and Fitness Trainer and the owner of Kettlebell Fever Ltd. My passion for wellness comes from my own life experience. I originate from Mid-Wales. At school and university, I loved Cricket, Football and Rugby and participated to a high level. After obtaining my degree, my love of sport led me to spend two years as a Snowboarding Guide in Austria. Then I joined the Metropolitan Police, serving the community of Brixton. Despite my enthusiasm for sport and lifting heavy weights, my physically demanding job and busy work schedule frequently resulted in aches and strains. I soon realized the importance of a holistic health and fitness approach and I committed to a wellness program which truly saved my life! In doing so, I found my passion.
I am now in the extremely fortunate position of traveling the world, doing what I love best and working with the some of the biggest names in strength and conditioning and I want to share their secrets with you! Through my very personal process, I am able to motivate people just like you to reach your goals. You can and will look and feel better! I specialize in Kettlebells, Primal Move, Krav Maga, Strength Training, Nutrition and Weight Management, Free Weight Form and Technique, Motivation and Fun, Balance and Coordination and Goal Setting.
James Breese