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Children around the World LENGTH OF LESSON: Two class periods GRADE LEVEL: 3-5 SUBJECT AREA: World History CREDIT: Kathy Devine, teacher, Viers Mill Ele entary !chool, "oc#ville, Maryland$ OBJECTIVES: !tudents will understand the %ollowin&' ($ The privile&es and responsi)ilities o% childhood vary %ro culture to culture$

MATERIALS: *or this lesson, you will need' Trade )oo#s and re%erence aterials +includin& online sources, a)out children in at least %our cultures outside the -nited !tates Co puter with .nternet access

PROCEDURE: ($ /nce easier to de%ine, the ter familyis now a challen&in& concept in the -nited !tates, where %a ilies ta#e any %or s$ 0iven &lo)ali1ation, the ter familywill undou)tedly need %urther clari%ication as cultures around the world e2perience one another up close$ Tell students that you

want the to research one aspect o% %a ily3the role o% children3in a variety o% cultures outside the -nited !tates$ 4$ With a world ap availa)le as a resource, as# students, 5.% you could loo# at any part o% the world, where would you want to &o to learn a)out the role o% children67 The %our parts o% the world covered in the docu entary People around the Worldare - river towns on the 8ile, - a rain %orest in !outh 9 erica, - a Ti)etan plateau, and - a :an&ladesh rice %ar $ However, you ay %eel %ree to have your students ran&e %urther a%ield or stay closer to ho e in studyin& children in other cultures$ 3$ :e%ore settin& students loose on re%erence aterials, deter ine the thin&s they are particularly interested in learnin& a)out their peers in other parts o% the world so that they can %ocus their research$ Here are so e ;uestions students ay want to concentrate on' - What #ind o% and how uch education do children in the other culture &et6

- .n what #ind o% ho e do the children live6 - What, i% any, hi&h-tech tools do children have6 - What #ind o% wor# are children e2pected to do to help the %a ily6

<$ 0o over with students the trade )oo#s, re%erence )oo#s, and We) sites you have identi%ied %or the to e2plore, dependin& on which culture they are investi&atin&$ 5$ Teach students the rudi ents o% research' - Writin& down the na e o% the source that provides in%or ation - =oo#in& %or %acts and opinions that answer their research ;uestions - Writin& down in one>s own words %acts and opinions %ro the source

?$ =et students who are investi&atin& the sa e culture wor# to&ether, learnin&, %irst, to share re%erence aterials and responsi)ilities and, then, to share %indin&s$ @$ 9s# each &roup to select one student to represent it in a panel discussion on children around the world, %or which you will )e the oderator$ A$ 0o over the )asics o% panel discussions' - The panel is ade up o% e2perts on a preselected topic$

- The discussion consists ostly o% responses )y the e )ers o% the panel to ;uestions and co ents %ro a oderator and %ro other e )ers o% the panel$ - The ;uestions can as# %or %acts or opinions$

B$ 9s# students what they thin# the oderator>s responsi)ilities are$ E2plain the responsi)ilities as %ollows, i% necessary, so that students will understand why you, as oderator, do what you do' - !ettin& up the roo or auditoriu ;uestions and responses to a#e discussion easy and to help the audience hear

- E2plainin& why the panel has )een )rou&ht to&ether - .ntroducin& each e )er o% the panel +There should )e a na e tent, or placard, %or each panelist to sit )ehind$, - Clearly statin& each ;uestion, directin& it to the panel at lar&e or to one individual, then &ivin& other e )ers o% the panel a chance to respond - Callin& on panelists who indicate they have ;uestions %or one another - 8otin& %or the audience what points panelists see disa&ree on to a&ree on and what points they see to

- Watchin& the ti e and eli inatin& so e planned ;uestions i% necessary - /penin& the %loor to ;uestions %ro - !u the audience e )ers

in& up the discussion and than#in& participants and audience

(C$ 0o on to elicit or state the responsi)ilities o% each %ollows'

e )er on the panel o% child e2perts, as

- :eco in& very %a iliar with the details o% how children are raised and what their responsi)ilities are in a speci%ic culture )y doin& research in pri ary and secondary sources - Dreparin& to respond to the overarchin& topic o% the panel3the role o% children in a &iven culture - Contri)utin& to the discussion )y listenin& actively and indicatin& that he or she has ;uestions or co ents a)out what another e )er has said - 0ivin& copanelists ti e to respondE that is, not onopoli1in& the discussion

(($ Droceed with the panel discussion$ !ee 5Evaluation,7 re&ardin& a post orte stren&ths and wea#nesses o% the participants$

on the

ADAPTATIONS: Fou will need to identi%y pictorial sources to use when as#in& students to descri)e childhood in other cultures$

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: ($ How do the &eo&raphy and seasons o% the re&ions studied a%%ect children>s lives there6 4$ .n &eneral, what do you thin# o% the Go)s the children in the re&ions studied have to do6 De)ate whether or not the way the Go)s are divided a on& the )oys and &irls in the re&ions studied is %air$ 3$ Co pare and contrast your pets to the #ind o% pets children elsewhere in the world have$ <$ Discuss advanta&es and disadvanta&es o% livin& in a really )e happy in either culture6 5$ How would you &o a)out odern versus re ote culture$ Can people

oderni1in& the culture o% the re&ions studied i% the people were

receptive to the idea6 ?$ How do children in other parts o% the world show respect %or their elders6 EVALUATION: With the students who will )e in the audience %or the panel discussion, consider developin& an evaluation chart that they can each use to rate each participant$ Hualities on which participants i&ht )e rated include the %ollowin&' - *a iliarity with details o% the culture under investi&ation - Clear, easy-to-hear spea#in& s#ills - =evel o% participation - Huality o% ;uestions as#ed o% other panelists Fou ay su&&est that students use sy )ols to indicate how a participant per%or s on each easure3perhaps 5I7 %or 5&ood,7 5J7 %or 5poor,7 and 5K7 %or 5e2cellent$7 Collect the evaluation sheets$ "eview the , #eepin& your own evaluations o% each student in ind$ Meet with each participant individually to discuss the stren&ths and wea#nesses$ EXTENSION: Playtime 9s# students to create ori&inal &a es they i&ht play i% they lived in an isolated part o% the world$ Have students use aterials on hand %or props or e;uip ent and teach the &a e to their class ates or to students in another class$ P !li" O#i$i%$ =ead students throu&h the process o% pollin& people o% various a&es to deter ine their %eelin&s and thou&hts a)out children in their cultures$

SUGGESTED READINGS: A i& '%( A'(i"a .%eo a /nye%ula, Co))lehill :oo#s, (BB3 This 8i&erian author>s )oo# o% words and pictures shows us the 9%rican people$

any %aces and worlds o%

A'(i"a )Eye*it$e&& B%%+&, Fvonne 9yo, Dorlin& Kindersley :oo#s, (BB5 :eauti%ul illustrations and )rie% descriptions descri)e li%e in 9%rica$ "ead a)out the social li%e and custo s, history, clothes, yths, edicine, houses, usical instru ents, and %ood o% 9%rica$ -el"%me t% t.e G(ee$ H% &e: a St%(y %' t.e T(%#i"al Rai$'%(e&t Lane Folen, 0$D$ Dutna >s !ons, (BB3 "ead a description o% the tropical rain%orest and the li%e %ound there' ani als, )irds, %ish, %lora and %auna$ =oo# at the )eauti%ul pictures o% this a a1in& world$ B //.i&m )-%(l/ Reli0i%$& &e(ie&, Catherine Hewitt, Tho son =earnin&, (BB5 This )oo# descri)es the history and e2plains the )elie%s and practices o% :uddhis $ B //.a !usan =$ "oth, Dou)leday :oo# %or Foun& "eaders, (BB< This %ol#tale tells the story o% how !iddhartha )eca e the :uddha, the Enli&htened /ne$ E1e(y!%/y C%%+& Ri"e 8orah Dooley, Carolrhoda :oo#s, nc$, (BB( This wonder%ul story tells how rice is coo#ed in any di%%erent ways )y %a ilies %ro cultures$ Try the any di%%erent recipes &iven at the end o% the storyM


C% $t 2% ( -ay T.(% 0. A'(i"a )t.(% 0. 3%(ea4 C.i$a4 Ge(ma$y4 I$/ia4 I&(ael4 Italy4 Ja#a$4 Me5i"%4 R &&ia a$/ t.e A(a! *%(l/, Carolrhoda :oo#s, (BA@-BC This is a wonder%ul series o% )oo#s$ .n each one, you learn to read and pronounce the nu )ers %ro one throu&h ten in these di%%erent lan&ua&es as you learn a)out the land and people o% the country$ -EB LIN3S: E5.i!it O' A(ti'a"t& !hows not-so-well-#nown e2a ples o% E&yptian arti%acts$ The pictures, alon& with descriptions, show statues %ro the /ld and 8ew Kin&do s, a loa% o% )read, a odel &ranary and a u y$ http'NNwww$ e phis$eduNe&yptNarti%act$ht l C%l%( T% ( O' E0y#t E2cellent &raphics with descriptions o% so e o% the )etter #nown historical sites associated with ancient E&ypt$ http'NNwww$ e phis$eduNe&yptNe&ypt$ht l R%&etta St%$e This is a deli&ht%ul ;ui1 %or students, studyin& ancient E&ypt, to use as a very si ple sel%-

assess ent tool$ http'NNwww$cle usart$co NarchiveNpharaohNrosettaNrose(C$ht lO;4 Ba&i$ I((i0ati%$ I$ E0y#t Drovides in%o on arti%icial irri&ation and has downloada)le &raphics o% %eeder canal and river )asins$ http'NNwww$li)rary$nwu$eduNclassNhistoryN:B<N:B<)asin$ht l Rai$'%(e&t Fa"t& 9 detailed e2planation o% what the rain%orest is, how its products help hu anity, and how it is in dan&er o% e2tinction$ http'NNrain-tree$co N%acts$ht I$&e"t& Creepy, crawly, dis&ustin&, yuc#y$ Whether the rain%orest or the 8ile, you will %ind insects$ This author &ives detailed lessons, across the curriculu , on how to teach a)out insects$ http'NNwww$ed$uiuc$eduNF=DB<-B5NMini-unitsN0ri%%in$.nsectsN Ti!et H%me Pa0e 0ives the viewer a &reater #nowled&e o% the tenet o% :uddhis , which is the core o% understandin& 5Mustan&$7 http'NNo ni$cc$purdue$eduNPwtvNti)etNWelco e$ht l S.a$0(i6La H%me Pa0e Ti)et and the Hi alayas are ine2trica)ly lin#ed$ The i a&es o% these pea#s, whether aerial or land views, the )io-diversity o% the %lora and %auna o% the area, show the variety o% li%e %ound here$ http'NNalephC$clar#u$eduNPraGsN!han&riQ=a$ht l M &ta$0: A$ E5.i!iti%$ O' Pai$ti$0& A$/ P.%t%0(a#.& !hows the students vivid i a&es o% a world that is %ar re oved %ro theirs$ The te2t o% the article is in%or ative and the &raphics, %ro an e2hi)it in a useu in 8epal, enhance the in%or ation$ http'NNwww$as#asia$or&N&atewayQtoQasiaN&taQ%ra e$ht T.e C.il/(e$7& Lite(at (e -e! G i/e This 0uide can )e used across the curriculu )y )oth parents and educators$ :y studyin& %airy tales, as well as traditonal and odern stories, students can co pare their native literature$ http'NNwww$ucal&ary$caNPd#)rownNinde2$ht l VOCABULAR2: a$"ie$t /% or relatin& to ti es lon& past, especially those )e%ore the %all o% the Western "o an E pire +9$D$ <@?,$ C%$te5t:

That is why Contru "a pache, the old la a, has co e here to the ancient villa&e o% Mustan&$ !i%/i1e(&ity )a /i% $%t a1aila!le, The condition o% nature in which a wide variety o% species live in a sin&le area$ C%$te5t: *or the )ene%it o% &enerations a%ter us, we should wor# to aintain )iodiversity$ " lt (e )a /i% $%t a1aila!le, 9 &roup o% people who share a way o% li%e, ideas, custo s, and traditions$ C%$te5t: 9 &roup o% people who share a way o% li%e, ideas, custo s, and traditions$ 0l%!ali8ati%$ )a /i% $%t a1aila!le, The process )y which people all over the world share thin&s and the world see s s allerica$ C%$te5t: :y a#in& it easier to co unicate, the .nternet is leadin& to &lo)ali1ation$ m%/e(at%( )a /i% $%t a1aila!le, The person who directs the activity o% a &roup o% people called to&ether %or a discussion C%$te5t: The success o% presidential de)ates depends on the intelli&ence and discipline o% the oderator, who as#s ;uestions and #eeps trac# o% ti e$ #a$el )a /i% $%t a1aila!le, 9 &roup o% people chosen to do so ethin& such as discuss a topic or Gud&e a co petition$ C%$te5t: Everyone on the panel had the sa e opinions, so the discussion wasn>t too interestin&$ ACADEMIC STANDARDS: G(a/e Le1el: K-4 S !9e"t A(ea: history Sta$/a(/: -nderstands selected attri)utes and historical develop ents o% societies in 9%rica, the 9 ericas, 9sia, and Europe$ Be$".ma(+&: Knows the holidays and cere onies o% di%%erent societies +e$&$, Christ as cele)rations in !candinavia, 0er any, or En&landE Cinco de MayoE the Chinese 8ew FearE the Lapanese tea cere onyE harvest and sprin& %estivals,$ G(a/e Le1el:

3-5 S !9e"t A(ea: history Sta$/a(/: -nderstands %a ily li%e now and in the past, and %a ily li%e in various places lon& a&o$ Be$".ma(+&: Knows the ways that %a ilies lon& a&o e2pressed and trans itted their )elie%s and values throu&h oral tradition, literature, son&s, art, reli&ion, co unity cele)rations, e entos, %ood, and lan&ua&e +e$&$, cele)ration o% national holidays, reli&ious o)servances, and ethnic and national traditionsE visual arts and cra%tsE hy ns, prover)s, and son&s,$ G(a/e Le1el: 3-5 S !9e"t A(ea: history Sta$/a(/: -nderstands selected attri)utes and historical develop ents o% societies$ Be$".ma(+&: Knows the e%%ects &eo&raphy has had on the di%%erent aspects o% societies +e$&$, the develop ent o% ur)an centers, %ood, clothin&, industry, a&riculture, shelter, trade,$ G(a/e Le1el: 3-5 S !9e"t A(ea: &eo&raphy Sta$/a(/: -nderstands the characteristics and uses o% technolo&ies$ aps, &lo)es and other &eo&raphic tools and

Be$".ma(+&: -ses ap &rids +e$&$, latitude and lon&itude or alphanu eric syste , to plot a)solute location$ G(a/e Le1el: 3-5 S !9e"t A(ea: &eo&raphy Sta$/a(/: -nderstands the physical and hu an characteristics o% place$ Be$".ma(+&:

Knows how the characteristics o% places are shaped )y physical and hu an processes +e$&$, e%%ects o% a&riculture in chan&in& land use and ve&etationE e%%ects o% settle ent on the )uildin& o% roadsE relationship o% population distri)ution to land%or s, cli ate, ve&etation or resources,$ G(a/e Le1el: 3-5 S !9e"t A(ea: &eo&raphy Sta$/a(/: -nderstands &lo)al develop ent and environ ental issues$ Be$".ma(+&: Knows hu an-induced chan&es that are ta#in& place in di%%erent re&ions and the possi)le %uture i pacts o% these chan&es +e$&$, develop ent and conservation issues in ter s o% the wetland o% coastal 8ew Lersey,$

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