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Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids Questions

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Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids MCQs Questions: Paper 1

Sr. No. 1. Questions

Which of the following acids does not exhibit optical isomerism? [CBSE AIPMT 2012] (A) Lactic acid (B) Tartaric acid (C) Maleic acid (D) -amino acids C !C " and C# $C 2C " can be disting%ished chemicall& b&' [CBSE AIPMT 2012] (A) Tollen(s reagent test (B) )ehling sol%tion test (C) *enedict test (D) +odoform test The correct order of decreasing acid strength of trichloroacetic acid(A), trifl%oroacetic acid -*., acetic acid -C. and formic acid -/. is[CBSE AIPMT 2012] (A) 0 1 * 1 C 1 / (B) 0 1 C 1 * 1 / (C) * 1 0 1 / 1 C (D) * 1 / 1 C 1 0 Which of the following reactions will not res%lt in the formation of carbon-carbon bond? [CBSE AIPMT 2010] (A) 3eimer-Tieman reaction (B) )riedel Crafts ac&lation (C) W%rt4 reaction (D) Canni44aro reaction "ne mole of a s&mmetrical al5ane on o4onol&sis gi6es two moles of an aldeh&de ha6ing molec%lar mass of 22%. The al5ene is: [AIEEE 2010] (A) 7thene (B) 8ropene (C) 1-b%tene (D) 2-b%tene "ne mole of an organic compo%nd (0( with the form%la C! 9" reacts completel& with two moles of + to form : and ;. When (;( is boiled with a<%eo%s al5ali it forms =. = answers the iodoform test. The compo%nd (0( is >>>>>>. [Karnataka CET 2010] (A) 8ropan-1-ol (B) 8ropan-2-ol (C) ethox&ethane (D) methox&ethane

Ans ers
Answer: (C)


Answer: (D)


Answer (C)


Answer: (D)


Answer: (D)


Answer: (D)


Answer: (D)


The +@80C name of is >>>>>>. [Karnataka CET 2010] (A) 2-meth&l-!-bromohexanal (B) 2-meth&l-!-bromob%tanal (C) !-bromo-2-meth&lb%tanal (D) !-bromo-2-meth&lpentanal The correct se<%ence of steps in6ol6ed in the mechanism of Canni44aro(s reaction is >>>>>. [Karnataka CET 2010] (A) n%cleophilic attac5, transfer of and transfer of A

Answer: (A)




(B) electrophilic attac5 b& " , transfer of A and transfer of (C) transfer of , transfer of A and n%cleophilic attac5 (D) transfer of A, n%cleophilic attac5 and transfer of The compo%nd obtained when acetaldeh&de reacts with dil%te Answer: (B) a<%eo%s sodi%m h&droxide exhibits [Karnataka CET 2010] (A) geometrical isomerism (B) optical isomerism (C) both optical and geometrical isomerism (D) neither optical nor geometrical isomerism *en4aldeh&de and acetone can be best disting%ished Answer: (B) %sing[Karnataka CET 2010] (A) h&dra4ine (B) Tollen(s reagent (C) sodi%m h&droxide sol%tion (D) 2, 2-/D8 +n the following se<%ence of reactions, the al5ene affords the Answer: (C) compo%nd (*( [AIEEE 2008] C !C E C C ! , The compo%nd * is (A) C !C"C ! (B) C !C 2C " (C) C !C " (D) C !C 2C"C ! The compo%nd formed as a res%lt of oxidation of eth&l ben4ene Answer: b& FMn"2 is [AIEEE 2007] (A) *en4&l alcohol (B) *en4oic acid (C) 0cetophenone (D) *en4ophenone Which of the following is correct? [CBSE AIPMT 2001] Answer: (A) 0n& aldeh&de gi6es secondar& alcohol on red%ction (B) 3eaction of 6egetable oil with 2G"2 gi6es gl&cerin (C) C2 $" , iodine with Da" gi6es iodoform (D) G%crose on reaction with DaCl gi6e in6ert s%gar 0 mixt%re of ben4aldeh&de and formaldeh&de on heating with Answer: a<%eo%s Da" sol%tion gi6es [IIT JEE 2001] (A) ben4&l alcohol and sodi%m formate (B) sodi%m ben4oate and meth&l alcohol (C) sodi%m ben4oate and sodi%m formate (D) ben4&l alcohol and meth&l alcohol Which of the following has most acidic h&drogen? [IIT JEE Answer: 2000] (A) !- exanone (B) 2, 2- exanedione (C) 2, $- exanedione (D) 2, !- exanedione






Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids MCQs Questions: Paper ! "

Sr. Questions Ans ers No. 0cetone is treated with excess of ethanol in the presence of Answer: (B) h&drochloric acid. The prod%ct obtained is' [CBSE AIPMT 2012]




(D) Clemmensen red%ction of a 5etone is carried o%t in the presence of which of the following? [CBSE AIPMT 2011] (A) 2 and 8t as catal&st (B) Hl&col with F" (C) =n- g with Cl (D) Li0l 2 +dentif& the prod%ct in the reaction

Answer: (C)

Answer: (B)

? [DE !I PMT 2010] (A) 8hC 2C 2C " (B) 8hC"C 2C ! (C) 8hC 2C"C ! (D) 8hC"C"Me Which of the following statements is not correct" [DE !I Answer: (*) PMT 2010] (A) 0ldeh&des and 5etones %ndergo n%cleophilic addition (B) 0ldeh&des and 5etones %ndergo electrophilic s%bstit%tion (C) 0ldeh&des and 5etones contain polar carbon&l gro%p (D) Lower members of aldeh&des and 5etones are sol%ble in water d%e to h&drogen bonding Compo%nd (0( %ndergoes formation of c&anoh&drins which on Answer: (B) h&drol&sis gi6es lactic acid -C !C " C"" .. Therefore, compo%nd (0( is [DE !I PMT 2010] (A) formaldeh&de (B) acetaldeh&de (C) acetone (D) ben4aldeh&de Trichloroacetaldeh&de, CCl! C " reacts with chloroben4ene Answer: (A) in the presence of s%lph%ric acid and prod%ces [CBSE AIPMT 200#]




(D) The compo%nd which forms acetaldeh&de when heated with Answer: (B) dil%te Da" is [Karnataka CET 200#] (A) 1 chloro ethane (B) 1, 1 dichloro ethane (C) 1, 2 dichloro ethane (D) 1, 1, 1 trichloro ethane 0n organic compo%nd : is oxidi4ed b& %sing acidified F2Cr2"?. Answer: (A) The prod%ct obtained reacts with phen&l h&dra4ine b%t does not answer sil6er mirror test. The possible str%ct%re of : is [Karnataka CET 200#] (A) -C !.2C " (B) C !C " (C) C !C 2"

(D) )or ma5ing distinction between 2-pentanone and !pentanone the reagent to be emplo&ed is [$B JEE 200#] (A) F2Cr2"?I 2G"2 (B) =n- gI Cl (C) Ge"2 (D) +odineIDa" +n which of the following reactions new carbon-carbon bond is not formed [$B JEE 200#] (A) Canni44aro reaction (B) W%rth reaction (C) 0ldol condensation (D) )riedel-Crafts reaction 0 strong base can abstract an -h&drogen from [CBSE AIPMT 2008] (A) 0mine (B) 0l5ane (C) 0l5ene (D) Fetone 3ed%ction of aldeh&des and 5etones into h&drocarbons %sing 4inc amalgam and conc. Cl is called [CBSE AIPMT 2007] (A) Cope red%ction (B) /ow red%ction (C) Wolff-Fishner red%ction (D) Clemmensen red%ction The prod%ct formed in 0ldol condensation is [CBSE AIPMT 2007]

Answer: (D)

Answer: (A)

Answer: (D)

Answer: (D)

Answer: (A)

(A) 0 beta-h&drox& aldeh&de or a beta-h&drox& 5etone. (B) an alpha-h&drox& aldeh&de or 5etone. (C) an alpha, beta %nsat%rated ester (D) a beta-h&drox& acid The incorrect +@80C name is [CBSE AIPMT 2001]

Answer: (A)




(D) The appropriate reagent for the transformation' [IIT JEE 2000]

Answer: (B)

(A) =n - g., Cl (B) D 2D 2, " (C) 2, Di (D) Da* 2

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