Course Objectives: Course Mapping Programme: B.E. Mechanical Engineering Course: Engineering Physics II
Course Objectives: Course Mapping Programme: B.E. Mechanical Engineering Course: Engineering Physics II
Course Objectives: Course Mapping Programme: B.E. Mechanical Engineering Course: Engineering Physics II
On com"le#ion o$ #he Course #he s#u%en# &ill 'e a'le #o: a. election of belt drives and its pulleys. b. !esign of wire rope and its pulley. c. !esign of Transmission "hains and its prockets d. #valuate power rating calculations $spur% helical% bevel and worm gears& e. #fficiency and #stimating si'e of (orm gear pair. f. "onstruction of ray diagram% kinematic layout. g. !esign of gearbox $sliding mesh% constant mesh and multispeed gear boxes& h. !esign of brake and clutches used in automobiles.
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-ssessment ,apping
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