Course Objectives: Course Mapping Programme: B.E. Mechanical Engineering Course: Engineering Physics II

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COURSE MAPPING Programme Course : : B.E.

Mechanical Engineering Engineering Physics II


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. To gain knowledge on the principles and procedure for the design of power transmission components. To design flexible elements. To study and design gears. To understand the standard procedure available for design of transmission systems. To learn and design about brakes and clutches.

On com"le#ion o$ #he Course #he s#u%en# &ill 'e a'le #o: a. election of belt drives and its pulleys. b. !esign of wire rope and its pulley. c. !esign of Transmission "hains and its prockets d. #valuate power rating calculations $spur% helical% bevel and worm gears& e. #fficiency and #stimating si'e of (orm gear pair. f. "onstruction of ray diagram% kinematic layout. g. !esign of gearbox $sliding mesh% constant mesh and multispeed gear boxes& h. !esign of brake and clutches used in automobiles.

"ourse )b*ective + "ourse )utcome ,apping

Course Ou#comes Course O'(ec#i)es a 1. To gain knowledge on the principles and procedure for the design of power transmission components To design flexible elements. x 3. 4. To study and design gears. x To understand the standard procedure available for design of transmission systems. To learn and design about brakes and clutches. x x x b c d e f g h


x x


-ssessment ,apping
ools a lip tests x "ommon .nternal -ssessment$".-& Tests ,odel #xamination -ssignment x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x b c Course Ou#comes d e f g h

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