History of Orthodontics
History of Orthodontics
History of Orthodontics
A Brief Presentation By
Dr. Nilofer & Dr.
Saint Appolonia
Patron Saint Of Dentistry 15th
• Given in 19000
• Only Molars are
• Ligatures of
o.oo36” – 0.006”
used .
• Heavy forces .
• Only tipping
possible .
Pin and Tube Appliance….
• Given in 1910 .
• Teeth other than
the molars also
banded .
• Vertical tube
soldered to band
and pin to wire
• This pin is
repositioned from
time to time .
• Cumbersome
Ribbon Arch
• Given in 1916
• 0.036” * 0.022 “
rectangular gold
wire held firmly with
pins into vertically
rectangular slots
• Better spring
qualities .
• First appliance with
3 axis control of
tooth movement .
• Poor root position
control .
• Rotated
rectangular ribbon
arch wire slot by 90
deg (0.022” *
0.028 “).
• It therefore
became a
horizontal slot .
• First to move the
teeth in all 3
simultaneously .
• In 1916 Dr. and Mrs. Angle decided to make their
permanent home in California where they could avoid
the hardships of the Eastern winters. He felt that he
had given enough of his life to teaching in addition to
which his physician had told him that his life
expectancy was not great. He planned to spend the
remainder of his life in the revision of Malocclusion of
the Teeth and in the development of newer and more
efficient orthodontic mechanisms.
• About a year after they were settled in their new home
in Pasadena, a young man by the name of James
Angle [no relation] called upon them. The young man
had recently completed one of Dewey's courses in San
Francisco and wished to meet the man whose name
he bore and who was known as the father of his
chosen profession. He stayed a year, and finally he too
made his home in California. This was the beginning of
Martin Dewey …
1. Product of Angle sschool Of
2. In 1915 with Dr. Mosby became editor
of International Journal Of Orthodontics
now American Journal of Orthodontics
and Dentofacial Orthopedics.
3. Dewey School Of Orthodontics 1911.
4. Started American Board Of
Orthodontics in1929 {oldest dental
board of speciality & second oldest in
5. Wrote the book “ Practical Orthodontics
Raymond Begg…
• 1889- 1983
• In 1933 developed his
own bracket .
• Begg’s Appliance
consisted of Ribbon Arch
bracket turned upside
down .
• Single stainless steel
arch wire
• Useful for treatment of
extraction cases.
• Introduced auxillary
springs to control root
positions in 1960’s
• And multi loop light wire
• Due to poor finish
combination of twin
edgewise & light wire
technique used .
First using Stainless steel
single strand (0.016”) for
tipping .
Second stage multistrand
(6*0.008” / 4*0.009”) for
general alignment .
Third stage engaging a
Lawrence Andrews ..
• Straightwire Appliance 1970.
• Gave Andrews 6 Keys of Occlusion .
• Extensive measurements of average tip
and torque angles ,in/out dimensions of
each tooth relative to a flat labial arch
wire plane coined Andrews plane .
• Designed individual bracket for each
tooth .so when each preadjusted
bracket positioned correctly on mid
point of each tooth facial axis the
brackets form Straight Wire Appliance.
Milestones And
Development of Functional
• It started in the late 1700’s & early
1800’s .
• Was propagated essentially by
people who didn’t belong to the
world of dentistry .
• Jean Baptist Pierre de Lamarck
• Charles Robert Darwin (1809 -1882)
• Wilhelm Roux (1850 -1924 )
• Julius Wolff (1836-1908)
• John Hunter
• John Hunter published “The Natural History Of
The Human Teeth “ devoting 3 chapters to
malocclusion , Basic theories of Orthodontic
treatment & proposing a classification.
• John Hunter proposed the use of an inclined
silver plane as a jaw bone rest to help correct
dental relations in case of anterior negative
overjet using functional forces generated
muscles .
• L J Catalan he formed the catalans inclined
plane consisting of a metal plate fixed to
mandibular anterior teeth to which were
soldered other little plates inclined towards the
plate to guide eruption of maxillary anterior
teeth anteriorly by muscle action later modified
• The processes of new bone formation on the
pposterior edge of the mandible and
resorption on its anterior edge were later
shown by G Humphry
• Joseph Fox was a student of Hunter
published first English book containing
valuable instructions for correcting
maloccllusions .
• The Natural History Of The Human Teeth
Including a particular Elucidation of the
Changes Which Take Place During The
Second Dentition And To Prevent
Irregularities Of The Teeth 1771 by Joseph
• John Nutting Farrar 1839 -1913
• 1873 C Tomes formulated the
concept of balance between the
forces of perioral musculature and
• Was also the creator of Chin Cap .
• 1890 Walter Harris Coffin anticipated
the Principles of the functional
Orthopedics (The Coffin Plate ).
• 1825 Joseph Sigmond corelated Habit & malocclusion.
• Maury- Hereditary and rickets as cause of
• 1834 William Imrie Assigned thumbsucking a role in
malocclusion . He paid great attention to parents
writing the “The Parents Dental Guide “
• 1836 F Kneisel introduced the term Removable
Appliance .
• 1838 First dental college Chapin Haris , Baltimor
Dental School.
• 1839 Rodrigues Abnormal muscular pressure in
eitiology of dental abnormalities.
• Therefore inclined plane had its own historic evolution
from hunter 1778 TO FOX 1803 AND LASTLY
From Foetal to Birth
• Emerson C Angell expansion bar
using split plate .
• October 26 1902 important date as
Dr P Robin read a paper to the French
Stomatologysociety describing a new
tooth straightening device this was
• European Orthodontic society
• History
• The history of the European Orthodontic Society
• 16th May 1907 Foundation of the European Orthodontic Society by 10 Charter members 27th
September 1907 The first meeting of the Society in Berlin at the Grand Hotel de Russie
President: Dr W G Law
The constitution of the Society was agreed
Dr E H Angle was elected an Honorary Member
• 1914-1919 World War I: No meetings 1931 Co-operation in the Second International Orthodontic
Congress 1939-1946 World War II: No meetings 1952 The 28th Congress of the Society
President: Dr J A C Duyzings
Special event: a regatta was held and a model of a Dutch windmill was presented to the winners
from Belgium.
• 1953 The Dutch Society for the Study of Orthodontics gave to the EOS a
magnificent silver model of a windmill, which was to be presented each year to the winner of the
Silver Mill competition. The Silver Mill competition: A light-hearted competition with a national
flavour which is not too serious but is judged fairly
It is a sport or a game for teams of the different countries represented at the annual congress
The secret is only displayed just before the competition starts, it is a surprise.
Each winner is presented with a certificate with the outline in silver of the Silver Mill
The original Silver Mill resides permanently in the European Orthodontic Society's headquarters in
Hallam Street, London, and its base is inscribed with the names of the winners and the sport.
• 1970 Death of Sheldon Friel: Past President and Honorary Member of the EOS
• 1908 LINGUAL ARCH –John V Mershon,first invisible
appliance also gave LABIO LINGUAL APPLIANCE.
• 1908 Viggo Andersen experimented with removable
retention device for his daughter following active
multiband theory and was surprised to achieve further
clinical improvements calling it ACTIVATOR /
Norwegian system.
• In 1912 Newell gave Vestibular screens .
• In 1914 Alfred Korbitz proposed use of vestibular plate
called lip shaper .
• 1930 STAINLESS STEEL invented.
• 1955 Bunocore etched
• 1956 Frantisek Kraus published a book containing
case reports of patients treated with oral screen which
can be considered as variations on Korbitz Vestibular
• Kraus also reintroduced the Activator in
1930’s but without Coffin Spring /or
other auxilliary element .
• Rolf Frankel functional regulator
(skeletal vestibular plate )
• Alfred Paul Rogers 1929 published
article calling muscles “ living
orthodontic appliances” giving the
theory of myofunctional therapy
• R E moyers did an in depth studt of the
role of orofacialmusculature
,swallowing and gave its classification .
• J A Salzmann 1943 published
principles of orthodontics .
• 1952 Wilhelm Balters gave the
Bionator .
• Functional matrix theory M Moss &
his wife L Salentijn bw 1951- 1960
• 1963 W.R Profitt thesis on pressures
exherted by the tongue on
swallowing and speaking showing
how former was stronger than latter .
The Golden Years …
• From 1930’s to World war II to 1960’s
• Journals published newly conceived
- Balter’s bionator
- Bimler’s
Gebissformer(elastic occlusal
modeler )
-Klammt’s activator
derived from Andersen’s .
-Frankl’s functional
• 1930’s Carl Breitner advancment of
jaws by Advancment Plates .
• 1933 Rudolf Hotz “Orthodontists must
not be slave to one method “
• Reider Selmar Olsen from Oslo
University was a young assistant of
Andersen and first to criticise
Norwegian system
• Jurai Bocak treated Class II
malocclusion with activator
• 1936 Curt Scheidt made distinction
between orthodontist and functional
• Arthur Martin Schwarz headed the
criticism of Norwegian system
• Supporters of Norwegian suytem
3. Gustav Korkhaus
4. Erwin Reichanback
5. Leopold Petrick
• meanwhile between 1939
-1940 H Gerlach and H Stockfish were
testing the first open elastic functional
The War & The Post War Years
• 1949 Arne Bjork created the elastic occlusal
• In 1950’s studied facial growth
• At this time the Bionator was given
• In 1952 Joseph Eschler deviced the funk-
tionator . Unfortunatly Echler’swork was not
continued by anyone until 1970 -1980 E Witt &
F G Sanders returned to his work .
• More or less contemporay with the funktionator
was Hans Muhlemann Propulsor.
• 1953 Hugo Stockfish deviced the Kinator .
• 1954 H van Thiel created Activator devoid of
Maxillary part .
• Kraus took up study of Vestibular
Plate & Oral Screens
• He caaled his method Inhibition
• 1960 Rolf Frankl gave his Functional
1950’s -1960’s
• The work in this decade was greatly
influenced by C J Van Der Klaauwwho
insinuated that the cranium is a
complex of separate and relatively
independent functional parts .
• In early 60’s Micheal Chateau perfected
his four piece appliance .
• 1960 George Klammt student of Bimler
modified his teacher’s appliance to
elastic open activator .
• 1960 J Ahlgren studied EMG activity
of masticatory muscles during
mandibular function & after Activator
The Contemporary Period
• 1960 Thomas Rakosi gave the definition of
Cephalometrics .
• 1963 E Grapf discussed alteration of
balanced between the protractor and
retractor muscles caused by Activator.
• 1967 Alexander Petrovick explained his
basic his theories about the different kind of
cartilages involved in Osteogenesis.
• End of 1960 J P Pfeiffer & D Grobety –
Activator + Extraoral Traction .
• 1969 P Stockly & U Teuscher – Activator +
Cervical Traction
• 1969 Jose Dahn published experiences with
• Early 1970 A Cerbera presented his C-modeller