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Steps of The Lefkoe Belief Process

1. ASK (the client): Identify some pattern currently in your life that you have been trying unsuccessfully to changeeither some undesirable behavior or feeling, or some undesirable circumstances. 2. NOTE (to facilitator): After a pattern has been identified, ASK: Tell me something you currently believe that logically could result in (STATE the essence of the pattern). 3. NOTE: When the client arrives at a possible belief, test it by asking the following two questions.
If the client says, no, to either of the questions, have him look for another belief.

A. ASK: Say the belief out loud. ... Do you really believe that? Some part of you might know that what you believe doesn't make sense and some part of you might be embarrassed about believing it, but do you have a gut sense of believing it anyway? B. ASK: Does it logically account for the undesirable pattern? 4. NOTE: Facilitate the client to discover the events or circumstances that are the source of his
current belief. To assist him to discover them, ask the following questions:

ASK: Where did (STATE the belief) come from? What are your earliest experiences that led you to forming that belief? 5. NOTE: After the source of the belief is identified, ask the following questions to assist the client
to make real for himself that his belief, which he thinks is the truth, is only a truth, something he made up. The questions are designed to facilitate him in creating for himself: that he formed a belief (an interpretation) about a series of events or circumstances; that what he thinks is the truth is merely one of many possible interpretations of what he observed in the world; that he never actually saw or discovered in reality what he believes; that the meaning (the belief) that he thinks is inherent in the earlier events exists only in his mind, not in the events.

A. ASK: Is it real for you that (STATE the essence of the early experiences that led to the belief) is the source of your belief? (The answer should be, yes.) B. ASK: Can you see that when you formed your belief the "evidence" seemed to justify that interpretation, in other words, it was a reasonable conclusion to reach? (The answer should be, yes.) C. ASK: Can you also see that most people at that age probably would have reached the same conclusion that you did? (The answer should be, yes.)

D. NOTE: Have the client come up with five or six other interpretations of the
circumstances or events, until he is clear that what he concluded at the time (his current belief) is merely one of many possible interpretations. Make sure the client sees each one as a valid interpretation.

STATE: Your belief is one logical interpretation for (STATE the essence of the early experiences that led to the belief). ASK: What other reasonable interpretations can you make now about the same events? E. NOTE: After you have four or five interpretations, ASK: Now that you see that there are other possible interpretations of the same events, is the belief you formed at the time the truth or only one interpretation of what you saw? (The answer should be, only one

F. ASK: Didn't it seem at the time you formed the belief (STATE the belief) that you actually saw it in the world, that you discovered it as a fact in the world? (The
answer should be, yes.)

G. ASK: Did you ever really see in the world, with a color, shape and location (STATE the belief)? (The answer usually will be, no.) H. ASK: What exactly did you see? NOTE: The client should relate the events he
described as the source of his belief, in other words, what specific people did and said earlier in his life.

I. ASK: What does it really mean that (STATE the essence of the events he described as the source of the belief)? Is there an inherent meaning? (The answer should be,


ASK: If your belief was never out there in the world to be seen, where

has it been all these years? (The answer should be, in my mind.) K. ASK: Is it real to you now that, instead of actually seeing in the world what you've believed to be the truth, you saw various things happen and heard various people say things, and that the only place (STATE the belief) has ever existed has been as an interpretation in your mind? (The answer should be, yes.) 6. NOTE: Have the client observe that the belief has been eliminated. ASK: Say the belief out loud. ... Is it the truth? (NOTE: The answer should be,
no. The client will not believe it any more. The words will not be experienced as real.)

7. NOTE: Have the client create a new, positive belief to replace the negative belief he
just eliminated. Do NOT create new, self-esteem beliefs.

A. ASK: Has your life been totally consistent with your beliefs, even though those beliefs are not the truth. (The answer should be, yes.)

B. ASK: Can you also see that had you chosen any of the other interpretations you just named at the time you formed your current beliefs, your life would have been consistent with those interpretations? (STATE one of the interpretations created earlier.) (The answer should be, yes.) C. ASK: Is it real for you that any interpretation ultimately will determine how your life turns out? (The answer should be, yes.) D. STATE: If whatever meaning you read into events becomes true just because you say so, create a new, positive meaning. Your statement should be positive, for example, I am ... or Life is .... Dont start with the words I want ... or Life could .... E. NOTE: After the client creates a new meaning, i.e., a new belief, STATE: Look into your life and find events for which this belief could be a valid interpretations. ASK: Describe those events. F. After the client describes the events, ASK: Is it real to you that (STATE the new belief) is a reasonable interpretation of the events you just named? (The answer should be, yes.) G. ASK: Doesnt it seem to you as if you can see in the world, as a fact, that (STATE the new belief)? The answer should be, yes.) 8. NOTE: Have the client create himself as the creator of his beliefswhich manifest as his
behavior and circumstances. Dont do this after each belief is eliminated, only after the last belief of a session.

A. ASK: Is it real to you that you create your beliefs? (The answer will be, yes.) B. ASK: Is it real to you that your beliefs determine your life? (The answer
will be, yes.)

C. ASK: If you create the beliefs that create your life, what does that make you? (The answer should be, the creator of my life.)
NOTE: Items D. through H. should only be done the first three times you work with a client. After that, merely summarize these items with a statement like: Can you see that who you really are is the creator of the creation, not merely the creation?

D. STATE: Most people, just like you, experience themselves as the sum total of their beliefs, and the behavior and feelings that stem from those beliefs. Notice, however, that even though one of your beliefs, something you said was an aspect of who you are, has just disappeared, your identity has not really changed. Look inside. E. ASK: Are "you" are still here? (The answer should be, yes.) F. STATE: Then, you can't be who you think you are. G. ASK: If you're not the sum total of your beliefs, if you're not what you made up, then who are you?

H. NOTE: No matter what answer you get, ask the following questions.

ASK: How did (STATE the belief) get in your mind? Note: The client
will answer how he created the belief and use the word I or me in his answer. Stop him as soon as either of those two words is used. ASK: Can you see there had to be an I creating the belief,

before there could be a belief. Can you see that who you really are is the interpreter, not the interpretation? (The answer should be, yes.) I. STATE: There are other ways of saying the same thing: you are not your beliefs, you are that which generated the beliefs; you aren't the creation called your life, you are the creator; you were born as the possibility for all possibilities; any possibility you choose would have become the truth for you. 9. NOTE: Make the space of the creator real for them by discussing the three ways of
knowing and asking if they know they are the creator in the third way. Do this step only the first two times you work with a client.

STATE: There are three radically different way to know something: (1) cognitively, by understanding it, (2) experientially, and (3) by creating or distinguishing it. We are familiar with and are accustomed to talking about the first two ways of knowing. We all know that the words we use to describe the experiential realm are different from the experience itself, for example, an understanding of swimming is different from the actual experience of swimming. Before today you might have understood that you were the creator of your life and you even might have experienced that on occasion. At the moment, however, when you got that there had to be a belief creator before there could be a beliefyou created or distinguished yourself as the creator of your life. You didn't merely understand it or

experience it. You created it as true.

ASK: Look inside. Is it real for you right now that you know you are the creator of your life in a profound way that goes beyond understanding or experience? (The
answer should be, yes.)

10. NOTE: Have the client experience the altered state he now is in, the state of the creator.
Do A. below only the first two times you work with a client.

A. ASK: Is it real for you that for most of your life, no matter what you accomplished and how satisfied you were, there was always the sense that something was missing? (The answer should be, yes.) B. ASK: Just for a moment, put aside what you've felt and known up to now and what you expect to feel and know a few minutes from now. Look inside yourself right now, in the space of the creator, as the possibility for all possibilities, as the creator of your lifeis there anything missing, right now? (The answer should be, no.) C. ASK: Whats possible? (The answer will be, anything.) D. ASK: What limitations do you have? (The answer will be, none.) E. ASK: What is your experience of yourself as the creator right now? F. Note: do this step only the first two times you work with client. After the client
answers, STATE: Others have described it as: nothing missing, powerful, serene, calm,

peaceful, whole, complete, satisfied, empowered, no limitations, and unlimited possibilities. 11. Note: do this step only the first three times you work with client. STATE: What the Lefkoe Belief Process does is to facilitate you (1) to totally eliminate the beliefs that you hold as the truth and that constitute your reality, thereby fundamentally changing the creation and, (2) to create an altered state of consciousness in which you experience yourself as the creator of the creation, a state in which there is nothing missing and anything is possible. 12. NOTE: Acknowledge the client in your own words, focusing either on his courage, on his
willingness to tell the truth, on his willingness to look at incidents in his life that might have been difficult or painful to look at, or on his commitment to create himself as the creator of his life.

["Steps of the Lefkoe Belief Process," copyright 1985, revised 1986-2004 Morty Lefkoe] revised June 30, 2004 Note: The things you actually say are introduced by the words STATE and ASK (in CAPS) and are printed in BOLD. Clarification statements are introduced by the word NOTE, which is not in bold and which are in a smaller typeface.

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